
Defines functions AnnualClim.Cal

Documented in AnnualClim.Cal

#' @title Antecedental accumulation calculator for the annual max VI time series
#' @description
#' Takes the Annual Max VI Time Series, the VI.index and tables of every possible accumulation
#' period and offset period for preciptation and Temperature (optional).  A OLS is calculated
#' \code{\link[stats]{lm}} for every combination of VI ~ rainfall. If temperature is provided
#' The formula is (VI ~ rainfall + temperature).  By defualt, this function preferences those results where
#' slope>0 (increase in rainfall causes an increase in vegetation), returning the rainfall accumulation
#' that has the highest R-squared and a positive slope. If no combinations produce a positive slope then the
#' one with the highest Rsquared is returned.
#' TO DO: non peramtric and other variables
#' @author Arden Burrell, arden.burrell@unsw.edu.au
#' @inheritParams TSSRESTREND
#' @param Breakpoint
#'        Used when calcualting rf.bf and rf.af for ts with breakpoints in the VPR.  See \code{\link{CHOW}}
#' @return \bold{summary}
#'        a Matrix containing "slope", "intercept", "p.value", "R^2.Value", "Break.Height", "Slope.Change"
#'        of the \code{\link[stats]{lm}} of VI ~ rainfall. If Breakpoint, summary covers both rf.b4 and rf.af.
#' @return \bold{acu.RF}
#'        (aka. annual.precip)The optimal accumulated rainfall for anu.VI. Mut be a object of class 'ts'
#'        and of equal length to anu.VI. It is caculated from the ACP.table by finding the acp and osp
#'        that has the largest R^2 value. \code{\link[stats]{lm}}(anu.VI ~ rainfall)
#' @return \bold{acu.TM}
#'        (aka, annual.temp) The optimal accumulated rainfall for anu.T<. Mut be a object of class 'ts'
#'        and of equal length to anu.VI. It is caculated from the ACT.table by finding the tacp and tosp
#'         that has the largest R^2 value. \code{\link[stats]{lm}}(anu.VI ~ rainfall+temperature)
#' @return \bold{rf.b4}
#'        The optimal acumulated rainfall before the Breakpoint
#' @return \bold{rf.af}
#'        The Optimally accumulated rainfall after the Breakpoint
#' @return \bold{tm.b4}
#'        The optimal acumulated temperature before the Breakpoint
#' @return \bold{tm.af}
#'        The Optimally accumulated temperature after the Breakpoint
#' @return \bold{osp}
#'        The offest period for the annual max time series rainfall
#' @return \bold{acp}
#'        The accumulation period for the annual max time series rainfall
#' @return \bold{tosp}
#'        The offest period for the annual max time series temperature
#' @return \bold{tacp}
#'        The accumulation period for the annual max time series temperature

#' @export
#' @examples
#' ARC <- AnnualClim.Cal(stdRESTREND$max.NDVI, stdRESTREND$index, stdRESTRENDrfTab)
#' print(ARC)
#' \dontrun{
#' #Test the complete time series for breakpoints
#' VPRBFdem <- VPR.BFAST(segVPRCTSR$cts.NDVI, segVPRCTSR$cts.precip)
#' bp<-as.numeric(VPRBFdem$bkps)
#' #test the significance of the breakpoints
#' reschow <- CHOW(segVPR$max.NDVI, segVPR$acum.RF, segVPR$index, bp)
#' brkp <- as.integer(reschow$bp.summary["yr.index"])
#' ARCseg <-AnnualClim.Cal(segVPR$max.NDVI, segVPR$index, segVPRrfTab, Breakpoint = brkp)
#' print(ARCseg)
#' }
AnnualClim.Cal <- function(
  anu.VI, VI.index, ACP.table, ACT.table = NULL, Breakpoint = FALSE, allow.negative=FALSE, allowneg.retest=FALSE) {
  # ==============================================================================================
  # ========== Sanity check the input data ==========
  if (class(anu.VI) != "ts")
    stop("anu.VI Not a time series object")
  if (length(VI.index) != length(anu.VI))
    stop("acu.VI and VI.index are not of the same length")

  # ==============================================================================================
  # =========== Organise the data and key variables ==========
  # +++++ Work out the start and end dates +++++
  yst <- start(anu.VI)[1]
  mst <- start(anu.VI)[2]

  # ==============================================================================================
  # ========== Linear regression function ==========
  # Define a Function to perform linear regression and get out values
  #   This script uses OLS many time. This function allows the usee of
  #   apply to spped up the process
  linreg <- function(VI.in, ACP.N, ACT.N = NULL, simple=TRUE){
    # +++++ Simple tells function which values to return, if Simple = TRUE,
    #   only the slope and the R^2 values are returned, if FALSE, all the details

    # +++++ Sanity check the data +++++
    if (sd(ACP.table[n, ]) == 0) {
      #if a combination of acp and osp leads to SD=0 rainfall, this will catch it
      # All values are bad. Matches the number of columns ss
      if (is.null(ACT.N)) {
        return(c(0, -1))
        } else {
      # +++++ Check if temperature needs to be considered +++++
      if (is.null(ACT.N)) {# No Temperature data
        # perform the regression between VI and precipitation
        fit <- lm(VI.in ~ ACP.N)
        R.Rval <- summary(fit)$r.square
        R.slpe <- as.numeric(coef(fit)[2])

        if (simple) {
          #To speed up looping over all the pixels (simple = TRUE)
          return(c(R.Rval, R.slpe))
        #  +++++ Pull of the rest of the key values +++++
        R.pval <- glance(fit)$p.value
        R.intr <- as.numeric(coef(fit)[1])
        R.Tcoef <- NA
        # pass a true value for the tempurature sig test
        t.sig <- TRUE

      }else{# Temperature data
        # +++++ regression with precip and temperature +++++
        fit <- lm(VI.in ~ ACP.N + ACT.N)
        R.Rval <- summary(fit)$r.square
        R.slpe <- as.numeric(coef(fit)[2])

        if (simple) {
          #To speed up looping over all the pixels
          return(c(R.Rval, R.slpe))
        #  +++++ Pull of the rest of the key values +++++
        R.pval <- glance(fit)$p.value
        R.intr <- as.numeric(coef(fit)[1])
        R.slpe <- as.numeric(coef(fit)[2]) #precip Coefficent
        R.Tcoef <- as.numeric(coef(fit)[3]) #Temperatur coefficent
        # +++++ test to see if temperature should be left in tegression +++++
        t.sig <- (coef(summary(fit))["ACT.N","Pr(>|t|)"] < 0.05)


      R.BH <- NaN
      R.SC <- NaN
      R.SCT <- NaN
      # +++++ Return the results +++++
        lm.sum = c(R.slpe, R.Tcoef, R.intr, R.pval, R.Rval, R.BH, R.SC, R.SCT), temp.sig = t.sig)

  # ==============================================================================================
  # ========== Max Value exporter ==========
  #   Function find the max value in a table of simple results and then calls the
  #   linreg function to export a non simple result. If a breakpoint is present,
  #   code to look at for the optimal climate accumulation is repeated multiple
  #   times. THis function exists to reduce duplication.

  exporter <- function(res.mat, anu.VI, precip.m, temp.m=NULL){
    # +++++ find the line with the max R^2 in res.mat +++++
    max.line <- which.max(res.mat[, "R^2.Value"])
    # Get that lines name
    fulname <- rownames(res.mat)[max.line]
    # ===== call the linreg function And get the long form of the data =====
    if (is.null(temp.m)) {# No temperature data
      # +++++ perform the regression +++++
      sum.res <- linreg(anu.VI, precip.m[fulname, ], simple = FALSE)
      suma <- sum.res$lm.sum
      # Setup for below the else
      precip.nm <- fulname
      # Empty variables to make the array the correct size
      anu.ATM <- NULL
      t.osp <- NA
      t.acp <- NA
    }else{# Temperature data
      # namesplit the precip part
      part.nm <- strsplit(fulname, "\\:")[[1]]
      precip.nm <- part.nm[1]
      temp.nm <- part.nm[2]
      # +++++ perform the regression +++++
      sum.res <- linreg(anu.VI, precip.m[precip.nm, ], temp.m[part.nm[2],], simple = FALSE)
      suma <- sum.res$lm.sum
      # create a timeseries for the temp
      anu.ATM <- ts(anu.ACUT[temp.nm, ], start = c(yst, mst), frequency = 1)
      #get the ops and acp for temperature
      t.nmsplit <- strsplit(temp.nm, "\\-")[[1]]
      t.osp <- as.numeric(t.nmsplit[1])
      t.acp <- as.numeric(t.nmsplit[2])
    # create a timeseries for the precip
    anu.ARF <- ts(anu.ACUP[precip.nm, ], start = c(yst, mst), frequency = 1)
    # get the osp and acp (precip and temperature)
    nmsplit <- strsplit(precip.nm, "\\-")[[1]]
    osp <- as.numeric(nmsplit[1])
    acp <- as.numeric(nmsplit[2])
    # Return the results
      summary = suma, annual.precip = anu.ARF, annual.temp = anu.ATM,
      osp = osp, acp = acp,  tosp = t.osp, tacp = t.acp, tsig = sum.res$temp.sig))

  # ==============================================================================================
  # ========== Calculate the opimial climate accumulation  ==========

  while (TRUE) {
    # While loop to handles what happens if temp is not a significant variable
    #On the second loop temperature will be excluded and the analysis run again

    # ========== Subset the precip and temperature datasets ==========
    # Subset the complete ACP.table using the indexs of the an mav values and get dims
    anu.ACUP <- ACP.table[, VI.index]
    # Add a subset of the temp data if its present
    if (!is.null(ACT.table)) {
      anu.ACUT <- ACT.table[, VI.index]
    # ========== Get the dimensions of the data for indexing ==========
    len <- dim(anu.ACUP)[2]
    if (is.null(ACT.table)) {
      lines <- dim(ACP.table)[1]
      # Add the temperature table, This should allow for variable size tables
      lines <- dim(ACP.table)[1]*dim(ACT.table)[1]

    # ========== Create a blank matrix to hold lm() results ==========
    m <- matrix(nrow = (lines), ncol = 2)
    colnames(m) <- c("R^2.Value", "slope")

    if (is.null(ACT.table)) {# No Temp data
      #Get the names of the rows and colunms
      rownames(m) <- rownames(ACP.table)
    }else{# Temp data
      #Get the names of the rows
      rn.names <- NULL
      for (rnm in rownames(ACP.table)) {
        rnms <- cbind(rnm, rownames(ACT.table))
        rmx <- paste(rnms[,1] , rnms[,2], sep = ":")
        rn.names <- c(rn.names, rmx)}
      # Set the row names
      rownames(m) <- rn.names

    # ===== Duplicate the matrix if there is a breakpoint =====
    if (class(Breakpoint) != "logical") {
      p <- m
    # ===== For loops to call the linreg function  =====
    for (n in 1:dim(ACP.table)[1]) {
      # loop over every combination of rainfall and vegetation
      if (is.null(ACT.table)) { #no Temperature data
        # Stack the results in the empty matryx m
        # if there is a breakpoint do the same on the other side
        if (class(Breakpoint) != "logical") { #means breakpoint is a number (not logical)
          #perform the regressions on either side of the breakpoint. m before and p after
          m[n, ] <- linreg(anu.VI[1:Breakpoint],  anu.ACUP[n, 1:Breakpoint])
          p[n, ] <- linreg(anu.VI[(Breakpoint + 1):len], anu.ACUP[n, (Breakpoint + 1):len])
        } else {
          # perform the linear regressions
          m[n, ] <- linreg(anu.VI, anu.ACUP[n, ])
      } else {# Temperature data
        for (nx in 1:dim(ACT.table)[1]) {
          # Get the row name of the correct line
          rn.loop <- paste(rownames(ACP.table)[n], rownames(ACT.table)[nx], sep = ":")
          # Stack the results in the empyt matryx m
          if (class(Breakpoint) != "logical") {# Breakpoint
          # Means breakpoint is a number (not logical)
            m[rn.loop, ] <- linreg(
              anu.VI[1:Breakpoint], anu.ACUP[n, 1:Breakpoint],
              anu.ACUT[nx, 1:Breakpoint]
            p[rn.loop, ] <- linreg(
              anu.VI[(Breakpoint + 1):len], anu.ACUP[n,
              (Breakpoint + 1):len], anu.ACUT[nx,
              (Breakpoint + 1):len]
          } else {# No Breakpoint
            m[rn.loop, ] <- linreg(anu.VI, anu.ACUP[n, ], anu.ACUT[nx,])

    # ========== Find and return the Max R^2 =========
    # +++++ Check and see if negative should be considered +++++
    # depending on the breakpoints and the allow.negative state do things
    if (!Breakpoint) {
      # ====================================
      # ==========  No Breakpoint ==========
      # ====================================
      if (allow.negative) { # all values are considered
        if (is.null(ACT.table)) { # no temperature data
          results <- exporter(m, anu.VI, anu.ACUP)
          tsig <- results$tsig
          results$tsig = NULL
        } else {# considereing temperature
          results <- exporter(m, anu.VI, anu.ACUP, anu.ACUT)
          # pull out the significance then remove it
          tsig <- results$tsig
          results$tsig = NULL
        if (tsig) {
        } else {# Temperature doesnt help, sending the script around again
          ACT.table = NULL
          allow.negative = allowneg.retest
      } else {# allow.negative=FALSE
        # +++++ Remove the negative slopes +++++
        mx <- matrix(m[m[, "slope"] > 0,], ncol = 2)
        colnames(mx) <- c("R^2.Value", "slope")
        rownames(mx) <- rownames(m[m[, "slope"] > 0,])

        # +++++ Test the number of positive slopes +++++
        # if the number is <= 2, use the negative slopes and raise a warning
        if (dim(mx)[1] <= 2) {
          if (is.null(ACT.table)) { # no temperature data
            warning("Insufficent positve slopes exist. Returing most significant negative slope")
            results <- exporter(m, anu.VI, anu.ACUP)
            #upll out the significance then remove it
            tsig <- results$tsig
            results$tsig = NULL
          } else {# Temperature data
              results <- exporter(m, anu.VI, anu.ACUP, anu.ACUT)
              # pull out the significance then remove it
              tsig <- results$tsig
              results$tsig = NULL

              # +++++ TEST THE SIG OF TEMPERATURE +++++
              if (tsig) {
              } else {# Temperature doesnt help, sending the script around again
                ACT.table = NULL
                allow.negative = allowneg.retest
        } else {# Positive slopes (more than 2)
          if (is.null(ACT.table)) {# no temperature data
            results <- exporter(m[m[, "slope"] >= 0,], anu.VI, anu.ACUP[m[, "slope"] >= 0,])
            #upll out the significance then remove it
            tsig <- results$tsig
            results$tsig = NULL
            results <- exporter(mx, anu.VI, anu.ACUP, anu.ACUT)
            # pull out the significance then remove it
            tsig <- results$tsig
            results$tsig = NULL
            # +++++ TEST THE SIG OF TEMPERATURE +++++
            if (tsig) {
            } else {# Temperature doesnt help, sending the script around again
              ACT.table = NULL
              allow.negative = allowneg.retest
    } else {
      # ======================================
      # ========== has a breakpoint ==========
      # ======================================
      if (allow.negative) {# all values are considered
        if (is.null(ACT.table)) {# no temperature data
          results.b4 <- exporter(m, anu.VI[1:Breakpoint], anu.ACUP[, 1:Breakpoint])
          results.af <- exporter(p, anu.VI[(Breakpoint + 1):len], anu.ACUP[, (Breakpoint + 1):len])
        }else {# considereing temperature
          results.b4 <- exporter(
            m, anu.VI[1:Breakpoint], anu.ACUP[, 1:Breakpoint],
            anu.ACUT[, 1:Breakpoint]
          results.af <- exporter(
            p, anu.VI[(Breakpoint + 1):len], anu.ACUP[, (Breakpoint + 1):len],
            anu.ACUT[, (Breakpoint + 1):len]
      }else {# only condidering positive slopes
        mx <- matrix(m[m[, "slope"] > 0,], ncol = 2)
        colnames(mx) <- c("R^2.Value", "slope")
        rownames(mx) <- rownames(m[m[, "slope"] > 0,])

        px <- matrix(p[p[, "slope"] > 0,], ncol = 2)
        colnames(px) <- c("R^2.Value", "slope")
        rownames(px) <- rownames(p[p[, "slope"] > 0,])

        if ((dim(mx)[1] <= 2) || (dim(px)[1] <= 2)) {
          if (is.null(ACT.table)) {# no temperature data
            warning("<2 positve slopes exist before or after the bp. Returing most significant negative slope")
            results.b4 <- exporter(m, anu.VI[1:Breakpoint], anu.ACUP[, 1:Breakpoint])
            results.af <- exporter(p, anu.VI[(Breakpoint + 1):len], anu.ACUP[, (Breakpoint + 1):len])
          }else {# considereing temperature
          ACT.table = NULL
          allow.negative = allowneg.retest
        } else {# More than two positive slopes
          if (is.null(ACT.table)){ #No temperature
            results.b4 <- exporter(mx, anu.VI[1:Breakpoint], anu.ACUP[, 1:Breakpoint])
            results.af <- exporter(px, anu.VI[(Breakpoint + 1):len], anu.ACUP[, (Breakpoint + 1):len])
          } else {#
            results.b4 <- exporter(
              mx, anu.VI[1:Breakpoint], anu.ACUP[, 1:Breakpoint],
              anu.ACUT[, 1:Breakpoint]
            results.af <- exporter(
              px, anu.VI[(Breakpoint + 1):len], anu.ACUP[, (Breakpoint + 1):len],
              anu.ACUT[, (Breakpoint + 1):len]
      # remove the temperature variables
      tsig.b4 = results.b4$tsig
      tsig.af = results.af$tsig
      results.b4$tsig = NULL
      results.af$tsig = NULL
      # Test and see if temperature was a significant component
      if (!tsig.b4 && !tsig.af) {
        ACT.table = NULL
        allow.negative = allowneg.retest
         #Bind the summary together
         summ <- rbind(results.b4$summary, results.af$summary)
          summary = summ, rf.b4 = results.b4$annual.precip, rf.af = results.af$annual.precip,
          tm.b4 = results.b4$annual.temp, tm.af = results.af$annual.temp, osp.b4 = results.b4$osp,
          acp.b4 = results.b4$acp, tosp.b4 = results.b4$tosp, tacp.b4 = results.b4$tacp,
          osp.af = results.af$osp, acp.af = results.af$acp, tosp.af = results.af$tosp,
          tacp.af = results.af$tacp))

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TSS.RESTREND documentation built on Aug. 3, 2020, 1:07 a.m.