
Template errors correctly upon creation

Invalid template - templates must start with an ellipsis (i.e. ...) passed to either group_count, group_desc, or group_shift. For example, group_count(...)
Invalid template - templates must start with an ellipsis (i.e. ...) passed to either group_count, group_desc, or group_shift. For example, group_count(...)
Functions called within `add_layer` must be part of `Tplyr`

Template errors correctly upon execution

Template bad does not exist
Arguments must be passed to `add_params` in a list.
Arguments must be passed to `add_params` in a list.
Arguments pass in `add_params` must be named
Invalid template - templates must be created using `new_layer_template()`
In use_template() the following parameters provided to add_params are invalid: test
In use_template() the following parameters provided to add_params are missing: sort_col

Templates print appropriately

Template name: test1
Template parameters: None
Template code:
group_count(...) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x%)", n, pct))

Template name: test2
Template parameters: sort_meth, sort_col
Template code:
group_count(...) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x%)", n, pct)) %>% set_order_count_method({
}) %>% set_ordering_cols({

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Tplyr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:37 a.m.