archBootTest <- function(fit, h = 2, B = 499, CA = TRUE, ET = TRUE, MARCH = TRUE,
dist = "norm", skT.param = c(0, 1, 0, 5)){
currentTime <- Sys.time()
if("VARfit" %in% class(fit)){
inputType <- "VARfit"
} else if("varest" %in% class(fit)){
inputType <- "varest"
if(inputType == "VARfit"){
K <- fit$K
p <- fit$p
N <- fit$N
Nresi <- N - p
const <- fit$const
trend <- fit$trend
exogen <- fit$exogen
resi <- fit$resid
Z <- fit$Z
coef <- fit$coef
} else if(inputType == "varest"){
K <- fit$K
p <- fit$p
N <- fit$totobs
Nresi <- N - p
NnonLagVar <- ncol(fit$datamat) - K * (p + 1)
if(fit$type == "const") {const <- TRUE; trend <- FALSE}
if(fit$type == "trend") {const <- FALSE; trend <- TRUE}
if(fit$type == "both") {const <- TRUE; trend <- TRUE}
if(fit$type == "none") {const <- FALSE; trend <- FALSE}
exogen <- NULL
if(fit$type != "none") exogen <- as.matrix(fit$datamat[ , -(1:((p + 1) * K + const + trend))])
if(fit$type != "none") Z <- cbind(Z,
as.matrix(fit$datamat[ , K * (p + 1) + 1:(const + trend)]))
if(!is.null(exogen)) Z <- cbind(Z,
Z <- cbind(Z,
as.matrix(fit$datamat[ , K + 1:(p * K)]))
resi <- matrix(nrow = N - p, ncol = K)
for(i in 1:K){
resi[ , i] <- fit$varresult[[i]]$residuals
coef <- matrix(nrow = ncol(fit$datamat) - K, ncol = K)
for(i in 1:K){
if(NnonLagVar > 0) coef[1:NnonLagVar , i] <- fit$varresult[[i]]$coefficients[-(1:(K * p))]
coef[-(1:NnonLagVar) , i] <- fit$varresult[[i]]$coefficients[1:(K * p)]
} else stop("wrong 'fit' argument class")
# Standardizes the residuals:
Su <- chol(crossprod(resi)/ Nresi)
W <- resi %*% solve(Su)
# computes r2 and LMi from auxiliary regression:
CA_LMi <- R2i <- numeric(K)
for (i2 in 1:K) {
ei <- W[, i2]^2
ei <- embed(ei, (h + 1))
epsl <- ei[, -1]
ey <- ei[, 1]
err <- qr.resid(qr(cbind(1, epsl)), ey)
Zv <- crossprod(err)
Z0 <- crossprod(ey - mean(ey))
R2i[i2] <- 1 - Zv/Z0
CA_LMi[i2] <- R2i[i2] * Nresi
CA_LM <- pchisq(q = max(CA_LMi), df = h, lower.tail = TRUE)
# runs the MARCH test:
MARCH_LM <- computeMARCH(W, h)
MARCH_PV <- pchisq(q = MARCH_LM, df = K^2 * (K + 1)^2 * h / 4, lower.tail = FALSE)
# runs the ET test:
ET_LM <- as.numeric(computeET_LM(W, h))
ET_PV <- pchisq(q = ET_LM, df = K * h, lower.tail = FALSE)
# sets up the function 'drawWj' to draw random errors:
drawWj <- dist
} else if(dist == "norm"){
drawWj <- .rnormMatrix
} else if(dist == "skT") {
drawWj <- .rmstMatrix
} else(stop("'dist' must be \"norm\", \"skT\", or a function"))
CA_LMijStar <- PijStar <- matrix(nrow = B, ncol = K)
MARCH_LMStar <- ET_LMStar <- numeric(B)
Yhat <- Z %*% coef
percDone <- 10
### start bootstrap:
for(b in 1:B) {
# checks that the supplied error function works as intended:
if(b == 1 && is.function(dist)){
Wj0 <- try(drawWj()) # simulates the matrix of (standardized) error terms
if(inherits(Wj0, "try-error")) stop("the supplied function in 'dist' failed")
if(is.matrix(Wj0) ||{
if(length(Wj0) != Nresi * K) stop("the supplied function in 'dist' doesn't return the correct number of elements")
if(ncol(Wj0) != K){
drawWj <- function() matrix(dist(), ncol = K)
Wj0 <- matrix(Wj0, ncol = K)
warning("the supplied function in 'dist' returned the wrong dimensions, but was cast into the correct dimensions automatically")
} else if(is.vector(Wj0)){
if(length(Wj0) != Nresi * K) stop("the supplied function in 'dist' doesn't return the correct number of elements")
drawWj <- function() matrix(dist(), ncol = K)
Wj0 <- matrix(Wj0, ncol = K)
} else stop("the supplied function in 'dist' must return a matrix, data.frame or vector of correct size.")
} else Wj0 <- drawWj() # simulates the matrix of (standardized) error terms
# Creates the bootstrap VAR series and computes its residuals from its
# regression on the designmatrix Z
Yj <- Yhat + Wj0 %*% Su
Uj <- qr.resid(qr(Z), Yj)
# standerdizes the residuals:
Suj <- chol(crossprod(Uj)/ Nresi)
Wj <- Uj %*% solve(Suj)
# computes LMi from auxiliary regression:
for (k in 1:K) {
ei <- Wj[, k]^2
ei <- embed(ei, (h + 1))
epsl <- ei[, -1]
ey <- ei[, 1]
err <- qr.resid(qr(cbind(1, epsl)), ey)
Zv <- crossprod(err)
Z0 <- crossprod(ey - mean(ey))
Rv2 <- 1 - Zv/Z0
CA_LMijStar[b, k] <- Nresi * Rv2
PijStar[b, k] <- pchisq(q = CA_LMijStar[b, k], df = h, lower.tail = FALSE)
# runs the MARCH test:
if(MARCH) MARCH_LMStar[b] <- computeMARCH(Wj, h)
# runs the ET test:
if(ET) ET_LMStar[b] <- computeET_LM(Wj, h)
# prints infromation about the progress:
if(b == 1) startTime2ndB <- Sys.time()
if(b == 2){
timeEst <- difftime(Sys.time(), startTime2ndB)
timeEst <- round(difftime(startTime2ndB + timeEst * B, startTime2ndB), 1)
cat("\nEstimated time to complete the", B, "bootstrap simulations:", format(timeEst), "\n")
cat("Running Bootstrap: ")
if(b > 2){
if ((b / B) >= (percDone / 100)) {cat(percDone, "% ", sep = ""); percDone = percDone + 10}
### end bootstrap
CA_uniBootPV <- numeric(K)
for(k in 1:K){
CA_uniBootPV[k] <- (sum(CA_LMijStar[, k] >= CA_LMi[k]) + 1) / (B + 1)
LMjStar <- 1 - apply(PijStar, MARGIN = 1, FUN = min)
CA_bootPV <- (sum(LMjStar >= CA_LM) + 1) / (B + 1)
if(MARCH) MARCH_bootPV <- (sum(MARCH_LMStar >= MARCH_LM) + 1) / (B + 1)
if(ET) ET_bootPV <- (sum(ET_LMStar >= ET_LM) + 1) / (B + 1)
returnValue <- list(fit = fit,
inputType = inputType,
h = h,
B = B,
K = K,
CA = CA,
ET = ET,
dist = dist,
standardizedResi = W)
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- CA_LM
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "CA_LM"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- CA_bootPV
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "CA_bootPV"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- CA_LMi
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "CA_LMi"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- CA_LMijStar
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "CA_LMijStar"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- CA_uniBootPV
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "CA_uniBootPV"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- MARCH_LM
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "MARCH_LM"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- MARCH_PV
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "MARCH_PV"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- MARCH_bootPV
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "MARCH_bootPV"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- MARCH_LMStar
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "MARCH_LMStar"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- ET_LM
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "ET_LM"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- ET_PV
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "ET_PV"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- ET_bootPV
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "ET_bootPV"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- ET_LMStar
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "ET_LMStar"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- paste("Test run at", currentTime, "by user",[["user"]])
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "description"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- difftime(Sys.time(), currentTime, units = "secs")
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "time"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <-
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "call"
class(returnValue) <- c("archBootTest", class(returnValue))
.checkArgs.archBootTest <- function(){
# this function checks the arguments in the parent function 'archBootTest'
archBootTestEnv <- parent.frame()
# list of error messages:
errs <- list()
if(!any(c("VARfit", "varest") %in% class(archBootTestEnv$fit))){
stop("'fit' must be an object of class 'VARfit', as returned by VARfit(),
or an object of class 'varest', as returned by VAR() in package 'vars'")
# checks 'h':
errs <- append(errs, "'h' must be a positive integer")
} else if(archBootTestEnv$h %% 1 != 0 || archBootTestEnv$h < 1){
errs <- append(errs, "'h' must be a positive integer")
# checks 'B':
errs <- append(errs, "'B' must be a positive integer")
} else if(archBootTestEnv$B %% 1 != 0 || archBootTestEnv$B < 1){
errs <- append(errs, "'B' must be a positive integer")
# checks 'dist':
# checks 'dist':
if(!is.function(archBootTestEnv$dist) && archBootTestEnv$dist %in% c("norm", "skT"))
errs <- append(errs, "'dist' must be \"norm\", \"skT\", or a function")
# checks 'skT.param':
if(length(archBootTestEnv$skT.param) != 4){
errs <- append(errs, "'skT.param' must be a numeric vector of length four")
} else if(!is.numeric(archBootTestEnv$skT.param)){
errs <- append(errs, "'skT.param' must be numeric")
# possibly prints the errors and stops the function:
if(length(errs) > 0){
msg <- "\nInput errors in 'archBootTest()':"
for(i in 1:length(errs)) msg <- paste0(msg, "\n", i, ". ", errs[[i]])
print.archBootTest <- function(x, ...){
cat("\nTest for ARCH errors in VAR models:\n\n")
cat("h:", x$h)
cat("\nB:", x$B)
cat("\nError distribution:", x$dist,"\n\n")
} else{
cat("\nUser supplied error distribution function.\n\n")
mat <- matrix(nrow = ifelse(x$CA, 1, 0) + ifelse(x$ET, 1, 0) + ifelse(x$MARCH, 1, 0), ncol = 4)
row <- 1
rownames_text <- NULL
mat[row , 1] <- x$CA_LM
mat[row , 4] <- x$CA_bootPV
row <- row + 1
rownames_text <- c(rownames_text, "CA")
mat[row , 1] <- x$ET_LM
mat[row , 2] <- x$K * x$h
mat[row , 3] <- x$ET_PV
mat[row , 4] <- x$ET_bootPV
row <- row + 1
rownames_text <- c(rownames_text, "ET")
mat[row , 1] <- x$MARCH_LM
mat[row , 2] <- x$K^2 * (x$K + 1)^2 * x$h / 4
mat[row , 3] <- x$MARCH_PV
mat[row , 4] <- x$MARCH_bootPV
rownames_text <- c(rownames_text, "MARCH")
rownames(mat) <- rownames_text
colnames(mat) <- c("LM", "df", "Asy.PV", "Boot.PV")
cat("-------------------- Multivariate tests: ---------------------\n")
printCoefmat(mat, P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE)
mat <- matrix(nrow = x$fit$K, ncol = 4)
mat[ , 1] <- x$CA_LMi
mat[ , 2] <- x$h
mat[ , 3] <- pchisq(x$CA_LMi, df = x$h, lower.tail = FALSE)
mat[ , 4] <- x$CA_uniBootPV
rownames(mat) <- colnames(x$fit$y)
colnames(mat) <- c("LMi", "df", "Asy.PV", "Boot.PV")
cat("---------- Catani and Ahlgren equation by equation: ----------\n")
printCoefmat(mat, P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE)
cat("\nTest time (secs):", x$time, "\n")
.rnormMatrix <- function(){
archBootTestEnv <- parent.frame()
matrix(rnorm(archBootTestEnv$Nresi * archBootTestEnv$K), ncol = archBootTestEnv$K)
.rmstMatrix <- function(){
archBootTestEnv <- parent.frame()
matrix(sn::rmst(n = archBootTestEnv$Nresi * archBootTestEnv$K,
xi = archBootTestEnv$skT.param[1],
Omega = archBootTestEnv$skT.param[2],
alpha = archBootTestEnv$skT.param[3],
nu = archBootTestEnv$skT.param[4]),
ncol = archBootTestEnv$K)
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