# Load/unload C-lib.
.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg)
#library.dynam(chname="VCA", package=pkg, lib.loc=lib)
# create VCA message environment
msgEnv <<- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.onUnload <- function(lib)
#library.dynam.unload(chname="VCA", libpath=lib)
# TODO: Add comment
# Author: schueta6
# TODO: Add comment
# Author: schueta6
#'Fit Linear Mixed Model by ANOVA or REML
#'Function serves as interface to functions \code{\link{anovaMM}} and \code{\link{remlMM}}
#'for fitting a linear mixed model (LMM) either by ANOVA or REML. All arguments applicable
#'to either one of these functions can be specified (see \code{\link{anovaMM}} or \code{\link{remlMM}} for details).
#'Besides offering a convenient interface to both functions for fitting a LMM, this function also provides all elements
#'required for standard task of fitted models, e.g. prediction, testing general linear hypotheses via R-package \code{multcomp},
#'etc. (see examples).
#'@param form (formula) specifiying the linear mixed model, random effects need to be identified by enclosing
#'them in round brackets, i.e. ~a/(b) will model factor 'a' as fixed and 'b' as random
#'@param Data (data.frame) containing all variables referenced in 'form', note that variables can only be of type
#'"numeric", "factor" or "character". The latter will be automatically converted to "factor"
#'@param method (character) either "anova" to use ANOVA Type-I estimation of variance components or "reml" to use
#'restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimation of variance component
#'@param scale (logical) TRUE = scale values of the response aiming to avoid numerical problems
#'when numbers are either very small or very large, FALSE = use original scale
#'@param VarVC (logical) TRUE = variance-covariance matrix of variance components will be computed, FALSE = it will not
#'be computed
#'@param ... additional arguments to be passed to function \code{\link{anovaMM}} or function \code{\link{remlMM}}.
#'@author Andre Schuetzenmeister \email{}
#'@seealso \code{\link{fitVCA}}, \code{\link{anovaMM}}, \code{\link{remlMM}}
#'# assuming 'day' as fixed, 'run' as random
#'# Note: default method is "anova"
#'fitLMM(y~day/(run), dataEP05A2_2)
#'# explicitly request "reml"
#'fitLMM(y~day/(run), dataEP05A2_2, method="reml")
#'# assuming both as random leads to same results as
#'# calling anovaVCA (ANOVA is the default)
#'fitLMM(y~(day)/(run), dataEP05A2_2)
#'anovaVCA(y~day/run, dataEP05A2_2)
#'# now using REML-estimation
#'fitLMM(y~(day)/(run), dataEP05A2_2, "reml")
#'remlVCA(y~day/run, dataEP05A2_2)
#'# use different approaches to estimating the covariance of
#'# variance components (covariance parameters)
#'# create unbalanced data
#'dat.ub <- dataEP05A2_2[-c(11,12,23,32,40,41,42),]
#'m1.ub <- fitLMM(y~day/(run), dat.ub, VarVC.method="scm")
#'# VarVC.method="gb" is an approximation not relying on quadratic forms
#'m2.ub <- fitLMM(y~day/(run), dat.ub, VarVC.method="gb")
#'# REML-estimated variance components usually differ from ANOVA-estimates
#'# and so do the variance-covariance matrices
#'m3.ub <- fitLMM(y~day/(run), dat.ub, "reml", VarVC=TRUE)
#'V1.ub <- round(vcovVC(m1.ub), 12)
#'V2.ub <- round(vcovVC(m2.ub), 12)
#'V3.ub <- round(vcovVC(m3.ub), 12)
#'# fit a larger random model
#'fitMM1 <- fitLMM(y~((lot)+(device))/(day)/(run), VCAdata1[VCAdata1$sample==1,])
#'# now use function tailored for random models
#'fitRM1 <- anovaVCA(y~(lot+device)/day/run, VCAdata1[VCAdata1$sample==1,])
#'# there are only 3 lots, take 'lot' as fixed
#'fitMM2 <- fitLMM(y~(lot+(device))/(day)/(run), VCAdata1[VCAdata1$sample==2,])
#'# use REML on this (balanced) data
#'fitMM2.2 <- fitLMM(y~(lot+(device))/(day)/(run), VCAdata1[VCAdata1$sample==2,], "reml")
#'# the following model definition is equivalent to the one above,
#'# since a single random term in an interaction makes the interaction
#'# random (see the 3rd reference for details on this topic)
#'fitMM3 <- fitLMM(y~(lot+(device))/day/run, VCAdata1[VCAdata1$sample==2,])
#'# fit same model for each sample using by-processing
#'lst <- fitLMM(y~(lot+(device))/day/run, VCAdata1, by="sample")
#'# fit mixed model originally from 'nlme' package
#'fit.lme <- lme(distance~Sex*I(age-11), random=~I(age-11)|Subject, Orthodont)
#'# re-organize data
#'Ortho <- Orthodont
#'Ortho$age2 <- Ortho$age - 11
#'Ortho$Subject <- factor(as.character(Ortho$Subject))
#'fit.anovaMM1 <- fitLMM(distance~Sex*age2+(Subject)*age2, Ortho)
#'# use simplified formula avoiding unnecessary terms
#'fit.anovaMM2 <- fitLMM(distance~Sex+Sex:age2+(Subject)+(Subject):age2, Ortho)
#'# and exclude intercept
#'fit.anovaMM3 <- fitLMM(distance~Sex+Sex:age2+(Subject)+(Subject):age2-1, Ortho)
#'# compare results
#'# are there a sex-specific differences?
#'cmat <- getL(fit.anovaMM3, c("SexMale-SexFemale", "SexMale:age2-SexFemale:age2"))
#'test.fixef(fit.anovaMM3, L=cmat)
#'# fit LMM with fixed lot and device effects and test for lot-differences
#'fitS5 <- fitLMM(y~(lot+device)/(day)/(run), subset(VCAdata1, sample==5), "reml")
#'# apply Tukey-HSD test to screen for lot differences
#'res.tuk <- glht(fitS5, linfct=mcp(lot="Tukey"))
#'# compact letter display
#'res.tuk.cld <- cld(res.tuk, col=paste0("gray", c(90,60,75)))
fitLMM <- function( form, Data, method=c("anova", "reml"), scale=TRUE, VarVC=TRUE, ...)
call <-
method <- match.arg(tolower(method[1]), choices=c("anova", "reml"))
Args <- list(...)
Args$form <- form
Args$Data <- Data
Args$Fun <- "anovaMM"
Args$Fun <- "remlMM"
Args$VarVC <- VarVC
fit <-"Scale", Args)
fit <-"anovaMM", Args)
Args$VarVC <- VarVC
fit <-"remlMM", Args)
wasVCA <- FALSE # record that result was VCA-object
if(is(fit, "VCA")) # if by-processing was not used
fit <- list(fit)
wasVCA <- TRUE
for(i in 1:length(fit)) # over each list-element
fit[[i]] <- reScale(fit[[i]], VarVC=VarVC) # first re-scale
fit[[i]]$call <- call # prevent non-informative object-name, e.g. "form"
fe <- fixef(fit[[i]])
X <- getMat(fit[[i]], "X")
fit[[i]]$fitted.values <- as.numeric(as.matrix(X) %*% fe[,"Estimate", drop=F])
fixed <- fit[[i]]$fixed[!grepl(":", fit[[i]]$fixed)] # no interactions
fixed <- sapply(fit[[i]]$data[,fixed,drop=F], class)
fixed <- names(fixed[which(fixed != "numeric")])
fit[[i]]$xlevels <- lapply(fixed, function(x) as.character(unique(fit[[i]]$data[,x])))
names(fit[[i]]$xlevels) <- fixed
attr(fit[[i]]$Type, "") <- "fitLMM" # only LMM fitted by 'fitLMM' can be handled in standard ways
fit <- fit[[1]]
#'Predictions from a Model Fitted by \code{fitLMM}
#'Model returns fitted values in case \code{newdata} is NULL or evaluates
#'the fitted model employing user-specified data \code{newdata}. The default is that
#'fitted values incorporate fixed effects and random effects, leaving out the (conditional)
#'residuals only. If the interest lies in constraining predictions to the fixed effects only
#'set \code{re=NA} or incorporate just part of the random variability specifying distinct random
#'effects (see \code{re}.
#'@param object (VCA) object fitted via function \code{\link{fitLMM}}
#'@param newdata (data.frame) with all variables required for the specified prediction,
#'i.e. the default settings require all variables of the original model,
#'in case of \code{re=NA}, only variables corresponding to fixed effects are
#'@param re (character) if NULL (default) all random effects will be included,
#'to restrict predictions to the fixed effects use \code{re=NA}, for
#'a subset of random effects included in predictions use any valid
#'random effects specification, i.e. \code{object$random}
#'@param (logical) if new levels (no part of the original fitted model) in newdata
#'are allowed. If FALSE (default), such new values in newdata will trigger
#'an error; if TRUE, then the prediction will use the unconditional (population-level)
#'values for data with previously unobserved levels (or NAs).
#'@param ... additional arguments passdo or from other methods
#'@return (numeric) vector of prediction results
#'@method predict VCA
#'@author Andre Schuetzenmeister \email{}
#'# fit LMM with fixed lot and device effects and test for lot-differences
#'datS5 <- subset(VCAdata1, sample==5)
#'fitS5 <- fitLMM(y~(lot+device)/(day)/(run), datS5, "anova")
#'# fitted values including fixed and random effects
#'pred0 <- predict(fitS5)
#'# sanity check:
#'all(round(pred0 + resid(fitS5) - datS5$y, 12) == 0)
#'# restrict to fixed effects
#'predict(fitS5, re=NA)
#'# restrict to fixed effects and dayly random effects
#'# see required names
#'predict(fitS5, re="lot:device:day")
#'# check against original 'lmer'-predictions
#'# use version from VCA-package (ordinary data.frame)
#'data(Orthodont, package="VCA")
#'Ortho <- Orthodont
#'Ortho$age2 <- Ortho$age-11
#'# use exactly the same data, same ordering
#'Ortho <- orderData(Ortho, distance ~ Sex * age2 + (Subject) * age2)
#'fit.fitLMM <- fitLMM(distance ~ Sex * age2 + (Subject) * age2, Ortho, "reml")
#'fit.lmer <- lmer(distance ~ Sex + age2 + Sex:age2 + (age2 | Subject), Ortho)
#'# check fitted value first (fixed + random effects)
#'# restrict to fixed part only
#'predict(fit.lmer, re.form=NA)
#'predict(fit.fitLMM, re=NA)
#'# user-specified 'newdata'
#'newdata <- Ortho[45:54,]
#'newdata$age2 <- newdata$age2 + 5
#'# include fixed and random effects
#'predict(fit.lmer, newdata)
#'predict(fit.fitLMM, newdata)
#'# generate new data
#'newdata <- Ortho[45:54,]
#'newdata$age2 <- newdata$age2 + 5
#'# predict on newdata using fixed and random effects
#'predict(fit.lmer, newdata)
#'predict(fit.fitLMM, newdata)
#'# restrict prediction to random Subject effects
#'predict(fit.lmer, newdata, re.form=~(1|Subject))
#'predict(fit.fitLMM, newdata, re="Subject")
#'# restrict prediction to random per-Subject slope
#'predict(fit.lmer, newdata, re.form=~(age2-1|Subject))
#'predict(fit.fitLMM, newdata, re="age2:Subject")
predict.VCA <- function(object, newdata=NULL, re=NULL,, ...)
if(is.null(re)) # all random effects per default
re <- object$random
if(is.null(re)) # VCA-model
if(object$EstMethod == "REML")
re <- object$VCnames
re <- object$VCnames[-length(object$VCnames)]
if(![1]) && !all(re %in% object$random))
stop("You can only specify random effects in 're' which are available in 'object$random'!")
user.nd <- FALSE # indicate that no user-defined newdata was specified (default)
if(![1]) && !is.null(newdata)) # all variables found in 're' in 'newdata'?
re.trms <- unique(unlist(strsplit(object$random, ":")))
cnd <- colnames(newdata)
if(any(!re.trms %in% cnd))
stop(paste0("Variable(s): ", paste(re.trms[which(!re.trms %in% cnd)], collapse=", "), " are missing in 'newdata'!"))
if(is.null(attr(object$Type, "")))
warning("Predictions can only be made on models fitted by function 'fitLMM' or 'fitVCA'!")
trms <- object$fixed.terms
### fixed part first
X <- getMat(object, "X") # get design matrix of fixed effects
newdata <- object$data
user.nd <- TRUE # indicate user-defined newdata
Terms <- delete.response(trms)
mf <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, xlev=object$xlevels)
cntr <- as.list(rep("contr.SAS", length(object$xlevels))) # use SAS-type contrasts, i.e. last level will be constrained
names(cntr) <- names(object$xlevels)
X <- model.matrix(Terms, mf, contrasts.arg=cntr)
asgn <- attr(X, "assign")
asgn0 <- object$fe.assign
tdiff <- table(asgn0) - table(asgn) # missing columns in X?
if(any(tdiff == 0))
X0 <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(X), ncol=length(asgn0)) # pre-allocate matrix of right dimension
ind <- match(asgn, asgn0) # add all-zero columns to match vector of fixed effects
for(i in unique(ind))
tmp <- which(ind == i)
if(length(tmp) > 1)
ind[tmp] <- ind[tmp] + 0:(length(tmp)-1)
X0[,ind] <- X
X <- X0
fe <- fixef(object, quiet=TRUE)
preds <- as.numeric(as.matrix(X) %*% fe[,"Estimate", drop=F])
### add random part to predictions
#Z <- getMat(object, "Z")
ref <- ranef(object, quiet=TRUE) # at this point all random effects would be used
# generate names for random effects from 'newdata' accounting for user-specified 'newdata'
#fac <- na.omit(names(object$terms.classes[re])) # only these will get names like VarnameVarlevel
rtrms <- re
#renam <- NULL
Z <- matrix(nrow=nrow(newdata), ncol=0)
for(i in 1:length(rtrms)) # over all random terms
tmpZ <- getMM(as.formula(paste0("~", rtrms[i], "-1")), newdata) # model.matrix wo intercept
Z <- cbind(Z, tmpZ) # build complete Z-matrix corresponding to newdata
ref <- ref[colnames(Z),,drop=F] # align random effects to column-order of Z
preds <- preds + as.numeric(Z %*% ref)
names(preds) <- rownames(newdata)
#'Fit Variance Component Model by ANOVA or REML
#'Function serves as interface to functions \code{\link{anovaVCA}} and \code{\link{remlVCA}}
#'for fitting a variance component models (random models) either by ANOVA or REML. All arguments applicable
#'to either one of these functions can be specified (see \code{\link{anovaVCA}} or \code{\link{remlVCA}} for details).
#'@param form (formula) specifiying the variance component model (see \code{\link{anovaVCA}} and/or \code{\link{remlVCA}})
#'@param Data (data.frame) containing all variables referenced in 'form'
#'@param method (character) either "anova" to use ANOVA Type-I estimation of variance components or "reml" to use
#'restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimation of variance component
#'@param scale (logical) TRUE = scale values of the response aiming to avoid numerical problems
#'when numbers are either very small or very large, FALSE = use original scale
#'@param VarVC (logical) TRUE = variance-covariance matrix of variance components will be computed, FALSE = it will not
#'be computed
#'@param ... additional arguments to be passed to function \code{\link{anovaVCA}} or function \code{\link{remlVCA}}.
#'@author Andre Schuetzenmeister \email{}
#'@seealso \code{\link{fitLMM}}, \code{\link{anovaVCA}}, \code{\link{remlVCA}}
#'#load data (CLSI EP05-A2 Within-Lab Precision Experiment)
#'# perform ANOVA-estimation of variance components
#'res.anova <- fitVCA(y~day/run, dataEP05A2_2, "anova")
#'# perform REML-estimation of variance components
#'res.reml <- fitVCA(y~day/run, dataEP05A2_2, "reml")
#'# compare scaling vs. not scaling the response
#'fit0 <- fitVCA(y~day/run, dataEP05A2_2, "anova", scale=TRUE)
#'fit1 <- fitVCA(y~day/run, dataEP05A2_2, "anova", scale=FALSE)
fitVCA <- function(form, Data, method=c("anova", "reml"), scale=TRUE, VarVC=TRUE, ...)
call <-
method <- match.arg(tolower(method[1]), choices=c("anova", "reml"))
fit <- Scale("anovaVCA", form=form, Data=Data, ...)
fit <- Scale(remlVCA, form=form, Data=Data, VarVC=VarVC, ...)
fit <- anovaVCA(form=form, Data=Data, ...)
fit <- remlVCA(form=form, Data=Data, VarVC=VarVC, ...)
wasVCA <- FALSE # record that result was VCA-object
if(is(fit, "VCA")) # if by-processing was not used
fit <- list(fit)
wasVCA <- TRUE
for(i in 1:length(fit)) # over each list-element
fit[[i]] <- reScale(fit[[i]], VarVC=VarVC) # first re-scale
fit[[i]]$call <- call # prevent non-informative object-name, e.g. "form" <- fit[[i]] # fixing an error that first occurred testing with R-4.2.1
fe <- fixef([[i]])
X <- getMat(fit[[i]], "X")
fit[[i]]$fitted.values <- as.numeric(as.matrix(X) %*% fe[,"Estimate", drop=F])
fixed <- fit[[i]]$fixed[!grepl(":", fit[[i]]$fixed)] # no interactions
fit[[i]]$xlevels <- lapply(fixed, function(x) as.character(unique(fit[[i]]$data[,x])))
names(fit[[i]]$xlevels) <- fixed
attr(fit[[i]]$Type, "") <- "fitVCA" # only LMM fitted by 'fitLMM' can be handled in standard ways
fit <- fit[[1]]
#'Re-Scale results of 'VCA' or 'VCAinference'
#'Function adjusts variance components (VC) and standard deviations (SD) and their respective
#'confidence intervals of 'VCAinference' objects, and the 'VCAobj' sub-element. For 'VCA' objects
#'the VC and SD values are adjusted as well as the fixed and random effects and the covariance-matrix
#'of fixed effects.
#'@param obj (object) either of class 'VCA' or 'VCAinference'
#'@param VarVC (logical) TRUE = variance-covariance matrix of the fitted model 'obj'
#'will be computed and automatically re-scaled, FALSE = variance-covariance
#'matrix will not be computed and re-scaled. This might cause wrong results
#'in downstream analyses which require this matrix on the correct scale! Only
#'use this option if computation time really matters!
#'@return (object) either of class 'VCA' or 'VCAinference', where results have been
#'transformed back to the original scale of the response variable
#'@author Andre Schuetzenmeister \email{}
#'@seealso \code{\link{Scale}}
#'# reference values
#'fit0 <- anovaVCA(y~day/run, dataEP05A2_3, MME=TRUE)
#'inf0 <- VCAinference(fit0, VarVC=TRUE)
#'fit1 <- Scale("anovaVCA", y~day/run, dataEP05A2_3, MME=TRUE)
#'inf1 <- VCAinference(fit1, VarVC=TRUE)
#'inf1 <- reScale(inf1)
#'# compare to reference
#'print(inf0, what="VC")
#'print(inf1, what="VC")
#'print(inf0, what="SD")
#'print(inf1, what="SD")
#'print(inf0, what="CV")
#'print(inf1, what="CV")
#'# now use REML-based estimation
#'fit0 <- remlVCA(y~day/run, dataEP05A2_3)
#'inf0 <- VCAinference(fit0)
#'fit1 <- Scale("remlVCA", y~day/run, dataEP05A2_3, MME=TRUE)
#'inf1 <- VCAinference(fit1)
#'inf1 <- reScale(inf1)
#'# compare to reference
#'print(inf0, what="VC")
#'print(inf1, what="VC")
#'print(inf0, what="SD")
#'print(inf1, what="SD")
#'print(inf0, what="CV")
#'print(inf1, what="CV")
reScale <- function(obj, VarVC=TRUE)
if(is.list(obj) && !is(obj, "VCA") && !is(obj, "VCAinference"))
if(!all(sapply(obj, class) %in% c("VCA", "VCAinference")))
stop("Only lists of 'VCA' or 'VCAinference' objects are accepted!")
obj.len <- length(obj)
res <- lapply(obj, FUN=reScale)
names(res) <- names(obj)
if(obj.len == 1) # mapply returns a list of length 2 in case that length(obj) was equal to 1
res <- res[1]
if(!is.null(obj$rescaled)) # re-scaling has already been done on this object
stopifnot(class(obj) %in% c("VCA", "VCAinference"))
if(is(obj, "VCAinference"))
VCAobj <- obj$VCAobj
VCAobj <- obj
scale <- VCAobj$scale
if(VarVC || VCAobj$EstMethod == "ANOVA") # estimate covariance-matrix of VCs before any re-scaling takes place
VCAobj <- solveMME(VCAobj)
VCAobj$VarCov <- vcovVC(VCAobj)
VCAobj$[,"VC"] <- VCAobj$[,"VC"] * scale^2
VCAobj$[,"SD"] <- VCAobj$[,"SD"] * scale
if("Var(VC)" %in% colnames(VCAobj$
VCAobj$[,"Var(VC)"] <- VCAobj$[,"Var(VC)"] * scale^4
if(VCAobj$EstMethod == "ANOVA")
VCAobj$[,"SS"] <- VCAobj$[,"SS"] * scale^2
VCAobj$[,"MS"] <- VCAobj$[,"MS"] * scale^2
VCAobj$Mean <- VCAobj$Mean * scale
VCAobj$Matrices$y <- VCAobj$Matrices$y * scale
VCAobj$data[,VCAobj$response] <- VCAobj$data[,VCAobj$response] * scale # re-scale response variable in the data-element
VCAobj$FixedEffects <- try(VCAobj$FixedEffects * scale, silent=TRUE)
VCAobj$RandomEffects <- try(VCAobj$RandomEffects * scale, silent=TRUE)
VCAobj$VarFixed <- try(VCAobj$VarFixed * scale^2, silent=TRUE)
VCAobj$VarCov <- try(VCAobj$VarCov * scale^4, silent=TRUE)
if(is(obj, "VCAinference"))
obj$VCAobj <- VCAobj
# variance components
obj$ConfInt$VC$OneSided$LCL <- obj$ConfInt$VC$OneSided$LCL * scale^2
obj$ConfInt$VC$OneSided$UCL <- obj$ConfInt$VC$OneSided$UCL * scale^2
obj$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided$LCL <- obj$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided$LCL * scale^2
obj$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided$UCL <- obj$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided$UCL * scale^2
# SD
obj$ConfInt$SD$OneSided$LCL <- obj$ConfInt$SD$OneSided$LCL * scale
obj$ConfInt$SD$OneSided$UCL <- obj$ConfInt$SD$OneSided$UCL * scale
obj$ConfInt$SD$TwoSided$LCL <- obj$ConfInt$SD$TwoSided$LCL * scale
obj$ConfInt$SD$TwoSided$UCL <- obj$ConfInt$SD$TwoSided$UCL * scale
obj <- VCAobj
obj$rescaled <- TRUE # record that re-scaling was performed
#'Solve System of Linear Equations using Inverse of Cholesky-Root
#'Function solves a system of linear equations, respectively, inverts a matrix
#'by means of the inverse Cholesky-root.
#'This function is intended to reduce the computational time in function
#'\code{\link{solveMME}} which computes the inverse of the square variance-
#'covariance Matrix of observations. It is considerably faster than function
#'\code{\link{solve}} (see example).
#'Whenever an error occurs, which is the case for non positive definite matrices
#''X', function \code{\link{MPinv}} is called automatically yielding a generalized
#'inverse (Moore-Penrose inverse) of 'X'.
#'@param X (matrix, Matrix) object to be inverted
#'@param quiet (logical) TRUE = will suppress any warning, which will be issued otherwise
#'@return (matrix, Matrix) corresponding to the inverse of X
#'@author Andre Schuetzenmeister \email{}
#'# following complex (nonsense) model takes pretty long to fit
#'system.time(res.sw <- anovaVCA(y~(sample+lot+device)/day/run, VCAdata1))
#'# solve mixed model equations (not automatically done to be more efficient)
#'system.time(res.sw <- solveMME(res.sw))
#'# extract covariance matrix of observations V
#'V1 <- getMat(res.sw, "V")
#'V2 <- as.matrix(V1)
#'system.time(V2i <- solve(V2))
#'system.time(V1i <- VCA:::Solve(V1))
#'V1i <- as.matrix(V1i)
#'dimnames(V1i) <- NULL
#'dimnames(V2i) <- NULL
#'all.equal(V1i, V2i)
Solve <- function(X, quiet=FALSE)
stopifnot(ncol(X) == nrow(X))
clsMatrix <- inherits(X, "Matrix")
cls <- class(X)
X <- as.matrix(X)
Xi <- try(chol2inv(chol(X)), silent=TRUE)
if(inherits(Xi, "try-error")) # use Moore-Penrose inverse instead in case of an error
{ # using the Cholesky-decomposition approach
warning("\tMatrix inversion via 'chol2inv' failed!\n\tUse generalized (Moore-Penrose) inverse (MPinv)!", sep="\n")
Xi <- MPinv(X)
Xi <- as(Xi, "dgCMatrix") # Solve used here for inverting V-matrix
#'Solve Mixed Model Equations
#'Function solves the Mixed Model Equations (MME) to estimate fixed and random effects.
#'This function is for internal use only, thus, not exported.
#'@param obj ... (VCA) object
#'@return (VCA) object, which has additional elements "RandomEffects" corresponding to the column vector
#'of estimated random effects, "FixedEffects" being the column vector of estimated fixed effects.
#'Element "Matrices" has additional elements referring to the elements of the MMEs and element
#'"VarFixed" corresponds to the variance-covariance matrix of fixed effects.
#'@author Andre Schuetzenmeister \email{}
#'fit <- anovaVCA(y~day/run, dataEP05A2_1, NegVC=TRUE)
#'fit <- solveMME(fit)
solveMME <- function(obj)
stopifnot(class(obj) == "VCA")
mats <- obj$Matrices
V <- mats[["V"]]
if(is.null(V)) # will be the case for ANOVA-type fitted models
obj <- getV(obj)
mats <- obj$Matrices
V <- mats[["V"]]
Z <- mats$Zre
R <- mats$R
G <- mats$G
X <- Matrix(mats$X)
y <- mats$y
Vi <- Solve(V, quiet=TRUE)
Vi <- mats$Vi
K <- Solve(t(X) %*% Vi %*% X, quiet=TRUE) # variance-covariance matrix of fixed effects
T <- K %*% t(X) %*% Vi
fixed <- T %*% y
mats$Vi <- Vi
mats$T <- T
rownames(fixed) <- colnames(X)
colnames(fixed) <- "Estimate"
re <- obj$RandomEffects
re <- NULL
re <- G %*% t(Z) %*% Vi %*% (y - X %*% fixed)
rownames(re) <- colnames(Z)
colnames(re) <- "Estimate"
obj$RandomEffects <- re
obj$FixedEffects <- fixed
obj$Matrices <- mats
obj$VarFixed <- K
#'Extract Fixed Effects from 'VCA' Object
#'For conveniently using objects of class 'VCA' with other packages expecting this
#'function, e.g. the 'multcomp' package for general linear hypotheses for parametric
#'models (currently not fully implemented).
#'@param object (VCA) object where fixed effects shall be extracted
#'@param quiet (logical) TRUE = will suppress any warning, which will be issued otherwise
#'@param ... additional parameters
#'@method coef VCA
#'fit1 <- anovaMM(y~day/(run), dataEP05A2_1)
#'fit2 <- anovaVCA(y~day/run, dataEP05A2_1)
coef.VCA <- function(object, quiet=FALSE, ...)
Call <-
obj <- object
stopifnot(class(obj) == "VCA")
fe <- fixef(obj)
if(is.null(fe)) # solve mixed model equations first
obj <- solveMME(obj)
fe <- fixef(obj)
nam <- as.character(as.list(Call)$object)
if(length(nam) == 1 && nam %in% names(as.list(.GlobalEnv)))
expr <- paste(nam, "<<- obj") # update object missing MME results
message("Some required information missing! Usually solving mixed model equations has to be done as a prerequisite!")
fe <- fe[,"Estimate", drop=F]
nam <- rownames(fe)
fe <- c(fe)
names(fe) <- nam
#'Calculate Variance-Covariance Matrix of Fixed Effects for an 'VCA' Object
#'Return the variance-covariance matrix of fixed effects for a linear mixed model
#'applicable for objects of class 'VCA'.
#'Actually this function only extracts this matrix or, if not available, calls function
#'\code{\link{vcovFixed}} which performs calculations. It exists for compatibility reasons,
#'i.e. for coneniently using objects of class 'VCA' with other packages expecting this
#'function, e.g. the 'multcomp' package for general linear hypotheses for parametric
#'@param object (VCA) object for which the variance-covariance matrix of
#'fixed effects shall be calculated
#'@param quiet (logical) TRUE = will suppress any warning, which will be issued otherwise
#'@param ... additional parameters
#'@return (matrix) corresponding to the variance-covariance matrix of fixed effects
#'@method vcov VCA
#'fit1 <- anovaMM(y~day/(run), dataEP05A2_1)
#'fit2 <- anovaVCA(y~day/run, dataEP05A2_1)
vcov.VCA <- function(object, quiet=FALSE, ...)
obj <- object
stopifnot(class(obj) == "VCA")
if(!obj$intercept && length(obj$fixed) == 0)
warning("There is no variance-convariance matrix of fixed effects for this object!")
return(vcovFixed(obj, quiet=quiet))
#'Degrees of Freedom for Testing Linear Contrasts of Fixed Effects and Least Square Means
#'There are three methods implemented, which are all available in SAS PROC MIXED, namely
#'"contain", "residual", and "satterthwaite" approximations. See the documentation of SAS
#'PROC MIXED for details on this topic.
#'The implementation of the Satterthwaite approximation was inspired by the code of function
#''calcSatterth' of R-package 'lmerTest'.
#'@param obj (VCA) object
#'@param L (numeric) vector specifying the linear combination of the fixed effect or
#' LS Means
#'@param ddfm (character) string specifying the method used for computing the denominator
#' degrees of freedom for tests of fixed effects or LS Means. Available methods are
#' "contain", "residual", and "satterthwaite".
#'@param tol (numeric) value specifying the numeric tolerance for testing equality to zero
#'@param method.grad (character) string specifying the method to be used for approximating the gradient
#' of the variance-covariance matrix of fixed effects at the estimated covariance parameter
#' estimates (see function 'grad' (numDeriv) for details)
#'@param opt (logical) TRUE = tries to optimize computation time by avoiding unnecessary computations
#' for balanced datasets (see \code{\link{test.fixef}}).
#'@param items (list) of pre-computed values
#'@return (numeric) vector with the specified type of degrees of freedom
#'@author Andre Schuetzenmeister \email{}
#'@seealso \code{\link{test.fixef}}
getDDFM <- function(obj, L, ddfm=c("contain", "residual", "satterthwaite"), tol=1e-12, method.grad="simple", opt=TRUE, items=NULL)
stopifnot(class(obj) == "VCA")
ddfm <- match.arg(ddfm)
if(ddfm == "residual")
return(obj$Nobs - rankMatrix(getMat(obj, "X"))) # as described in documentation of SAS PROC MIXED
else if(ddfm == "contain")
cn <- colnames(L) # fe or LS Means names
cn <- cn[which(L[1,] != 0)]
if(length(cn) == 1 && cn == "int") # handle intercept fixed effect
return(min(obj$[obj$random, "DF"]))
fe <- obj$fixed
tmp <- sapply(fe, function(x) gregexpr(x, cn)) # can names of fixed terms be found in column names of L?
if(is(tmp, "list")) { # there was only a single non-zero column in L --> list returned
fe <- sapply(tmp, function(x) x != -1)
} else { # mulitple non-zero columns in L
fe <- apply(tmp, 2, function(y) any(y==1))
fe <- fe[which(fe)]
fe <- names(fe)
rn <- obj$random
rn <- sapply(rn, function(x) all(sapply(fe, grepl, x)))
DF <- min(obj$[names(rn), "DF"])
tmpZ <- getMat(obj, "Z")
return(obj$Nobs - rankMatrix(cbind(as.matrix(getMat(obj, "X")), as.matrix(tmpZ))))
return(obj$Nobs - rankMatrix(as.matrix(getMat(obj, "X"))))
return(obj$Nobs - rankMatrix(cbind(as.matrix(getMat(obj, "X")), as.matrix(getMat(obj, "Z"))))) # no random term including the fixed effects term --> residual DFs
else if(ddfm == "satterthwaite")
stopifnot(class(obj) == "VCA")
L <- matrix(L, nrow=1)
if(obj$balanced == "balanced" && opt && obj$EstMethod != "REML" && FALSE)
r <- items$r
SVD <- items$SVD
nu.m <- NULL # see SAS-help for SAS PROC MIXED -> model /ddfm=sat
A <- obj$VarCov # same names as in SAS Help of PROC MIXED, Model statement, option "ddfm=sat"
A <- vcovVC(obj)
VCs <- obj$[-1, "VC"] # all variance components but total
for( m in 1:length(SVD$values) )
g <- grad(function(x) L %*% DfSattHelper(obj, x) %*% t(L), VCs, method = method.grad)
nu.m <- c(nu.m, 2 * (SVD$values[m])^2/(t(g) %*% A %*% g))
E <- sum( (nu.m/(nu.m-2)) * as.numeric(nu.m>2))
DF <- 2*E*as.numeric(E>r)/(E-r)
#'Calculate Variance-Covariance Matrix of Variance Components of 'VCA' objects
#'This function computes the variance-covariance matrix of variance components (VC) either
#'applying the approach given in the \eqn{1^{st}}{1st} reference ('method="scm"') or using
#'the approximation given in the \eqn{2^{nd}}{2nd} reference ('method="gb"').
#'This function is called on a 'VCA' object, which can be the sole argument. In this case the value
#'assigned to element 'VarVC.method' of the 'VCA' object will be used.
#'@param obj (VCA) object
#'@param method (character) string, optionally specifying whether to use the algorithm given in the
#'1st reference ("scm") or in the 2nd refernce ("gb"). If not not supplied, the
#'option is used coming with the 'VCA' object.
#'@param quiet (logical) TRUE = will suppress any warning, which will be issued otherwise
#'@return (matrix) corresponding to variance-covariance matrix of variance components
#'@author Andre Schuetzenmeister \email{},
#'Florian Dufey \email{}
#'Searle, S.R, Casella, G., McCulloch, C.E. (1992), Variance Components, Wiley New York
#'Giesbrecht, F.G. and Burns, J.C. (1985), Two-Stage Analysis Based on a Mixed Model: Large-Sample
#'Asymptotic Theory and Small-Sample Simulation Results, Biometrics 41, p. 477-486
#'dat1 <- realData[realData$PID==1,]
#'fit <- anovaVCA(y~lot/calibration/day/run, dat1)
#'vcovVC(fit, "scm") # Searle-Casella-McCulloch method (1st reference)
#'vcovVC(fit, "gb") # Giesbrecht and Burns method (2nd reference)
vcovVC <- function(obj, method=NULL, quiet=FALSE)
Call <-
stopifnot(class(obj) == "VCA")
method <- match.arg(method, c("scm", "gb"))
method <- obj$VarVC.method
VCvar <- obj$VarCov
if(obj$EstMethod == "REML")
# if(!quiet)
# warning("When fitting a model via REML, set 'VarVC=TRUE' for computing the variance-covariance matrix of variance components!")
# return(NULL)
if(method == "scm" && !quiet)
warning("For models fitted by REML only the Giesbrecht & Burns method is applicable!")
Z <- obj$Matrices$Z
if(method == "scm")
VCvar <-obj$Matrices$VCvar
rownames(VCvar) <- colnames(VCvar) <- obj$VCnames
obj <- solveMME(obj)
nam <- as.character(as.list(Call)$obj)
if(length(nam) == 1 && nam %in% names(as.list(.GlobalEnv)))
expr <- paste(nam, "<<- obj") # update object missing MME results
message("Some required information missing! Usually solving mixed model equations has to be done as a prerequisite!")
VCvar <- getGB(obj) # apply Giesbrecht & Burns approximation
attr(VCvar, "method") <- method # which method was used
#'Standard Printing Method for Objects of Class 'VCA'
#'Function prints 'VCA' objects as returned e.g. by function \code{\link{anovaVCA}}.
#'@param x (VCA) object of class 'VCA' as returned by function 'anovaVCA'.
#'@param digits (integer) number of digits numeric values are rounded to before printing.
#'@param ... additional arguments to be passed to or from methods.
#'@method print VCA
print.VCA <- function(x, digits=6L, ...)
EstMeth <- x$EstMethod
Mean <- x$Mean
Nobs <- x$Nobs
Nrm <- x$Nrm
balanced <- x$balanced
NegVCmsg <- ifelse(is.null(x$NegVCmsg), "", x$NegVCmsg)
if(x$Type == "Linear Model")
if(!"skipHeading" %in% names(list(...)))
cat("\n\nAnalysis of Variance Table:\n---------------------------\n\n")
tmp <- x$
tmp$DF <- round(tmp$DF)
printCoefmat(tmp, digits=digits, dig.tst=digits, has.Pvalue=TRUE, P.values=5,
na.print="", zap.ind=3, tst.ind=4, cs.ind=NULL)
if(x$EstMethod == "ANOVA")
MM <- x$Type == "Mixed Model"
if(!"skipHeading" %in% names(list(...)) && !MM)
cat("\n\nResult Variance Component Analysis:\n-----------------------------------\n\n")
if(!"skipHeading" %in% names(list(...))&& MM)
cat("\n\nANOVA-Type Estimation of Mixed Model:\n--------------------------------------\n\n")
fe <- fixef(x)[,"Estimate", drop=FALSE]
nam <- rownames(fe)
fe <- c(fe)
names(fe) <- nam
rn <- rownames(x$
cn <- colnames(x$
# if(!MM)
NegVCind <- which(x$VCoriginal < 0) + 1 # "VCoriginal" does not contain total variance --> +1
mat <- matrix(x$, nrow=length(rn), dimnames=list(rn, cn))
mat <- apply(mat, 1:2, round, digits=digits)
mat <- cbind(Name=rn, mat)
if("CV" %in% colnames(mat))
colnames(mat)[which(colnames(mat) == "CV")] <- "CV[%]"
rownames(mat) <- 1:nrow(mat)
if(NegVCmsg != "")
mat[NegVCind, c("VC", "%Total", "SD", "CV[%]")] <- paste(mat[NegVCind, "VC"], "*", sep="")
mat <- apply(mat, 1:2, function(x) ifelse(x==NaN, NA, x))
cat("\t[Fixed Effects]\n\n")
print(round(fe, digits))
cat("\n\n\t[Variance Components]\n\n")
print(mat, na.print="", quote=FALSE, digits=digits)
MM <- x$Type == "Mixed Model"
if(!"skipHeading" %in% names(list(...)) && !MM)
cat("\n\nResult Variance Component Analysis:\n-----------------------------------\n\n")
if(!"skipHeading" %in% names(list(...))&& MM)
cat("\n\nREML-Estimation of Mixed Model:\n-------------------------------\n\n")
fe <- fixef(x)[,"Estimate", drop=FALSE]
nam <- rownames(fe)
fe <- c(fe)
names(fe) <- nam
rn <- rownames(x$
cn <- colnames(x$
mat <- as.matrix(x$
mat <- apply(mat, 1:2, round, digits=digits)
mat <- cbind(Name=rn, mat)
rownames(mat) <- 1:nrow(mat)
cat("\t[Fixed Effects]\n\n")
print(round(fe, digits))
cat("\n\n\t[Variance Components]\n\n")
print(mat, na.print="", quote=FALSE, digits=digits)
cat("\nMean:", round(Mean, digits),
paste("(N = ",Nobs, ifelse(is.null(Nrm), "", paste(", ", Nrm, " observations removed due to missing data", sep="")), ")", sep=""),
"\n\nExperimental Design:", balanced," | Method:", x$EstMethod)
if(NegVCmsg != "" && x$Type != "Linear Model") # there were VCs set to zero
cat(" |", NegVCmsg, "| adapted MS used for total DF")
#'Inferential Statistics for VCA-Results
#'Function \code{VCAinference} constructs one- and two-sided confidence intervals, and performs Chi-Squared tests for total
#'and error variance against claimed values for 'VCA' objects.
#'This function computes confidence intervals (CI) for variance components (VC), standard deviations (SD)
#'and coefficients of variation (CV). VCs 'total' and 'error' can be tested against claimed values specifying parameters
#''total.claim' and 'error.claim'. One can also specify claim-values in terms of SD or CV (see \code{claim.type}).\cr
#'Confidence intervals for VCs are constructed either following the same rules as in SAS 9.2 PROC MIXED with option 'method=type1'
#'(ci.method="sas") or using Satterthwaite methodology throughout (ci.method="satterthwaite"). In the former approach
#'for VC total and error, which are constrained to be \eqn{>= 0}, CIs are based on the Chi-Squared distribution. Degrees of freedom
#'(DF) for total variance are approximated using the Satterthwaite approximation (which is not available in either SAS procedure).
#'For all other VCs, the CI is \eqn{[sigma^2-QNorm(alpha/2)*SE(sigma^2); sigma^2+QNorm(1-alpha/2)*SE(sigma^2)]}, where QNorm(x) indicates the x-quantile of
#'the standard normal distribution. The second method approximates DFs for all VCs using the Satterthwaite approximation and CIs are
#'based on the corresponding Chi-Squared distribution for all VCs (see examples).
#'Note that in the computation of the covariance-matrix of the VCs, the estimated VCs will be used. If these are requested to be set to 0
#'(\code{NegVC=FALSE} in \code{\link{anovaVCA}}), the result might not be conformable with theory given in the first reference.
#'The validity of this implementation was checked against SAS 9.2 PROC MIXED (method=type1), where VCs are not constrained to be >= 0.
#'The sampling variances for VCs are obtained assuming normality throughout based on \eqn{Var(\sigma^{2} = C^{-1} * Var(m_{SS} * (C^{-1})^{T}))}{Var(sigma^2) = Ci * Var(SS) * Ci'},
#'where \eqn{C^{-1}}{Ci} is the inverse of the coefficient matrix equating observed Sum of Squares (SS)
#'to their expected values, and \eqn{(C^{-1})^{T}}{Ci'} indicating the transpose of \eqn{C^{-1}}{Ci} (see Searle et al. 1992, pg. 176).
#'An input \code{VCA}-object can be in one of three states:\cr
#'State (1) corresponds to the situation, where all VC > 0.\cr
#'State (2) corresponds to the situation, where at least one VC < 0.\cr
#'State (3) corresponds to situations, where negative VC estimates occured but were set to 0, i.e. \code{NegVC=FALSE} - the Default.\cr
#'State (2) occurs when parameter \code{NegVC} was set to TRUE in \code{\link{anovaVCA}}, state (3) represents the default-setting in
#'function \code{\link{anovaVCA}}. If a \code{VCA}-object is in state (1), parameter \code{excludeNeg} has no effect (there are no negative VCs),
#'only parameter \code{constrainCI} is evaluated. For \code{VCA}-objects in state(2), \code{constrainCI} has no effect, because constraining
#'CIs for unconstrained VCs makes no sense. State (3) forces parameter \code{constrainCI} to be set to TRUE and one can only choose whether to
#'exclude CIs of negative VC estimates or not. Whenever VCs have to be constrained, it is straight forward to apply constraining also to any
#'CI. Note that situations outlined above only occur when parameter \code{VarVC} is set to TRUE, which causes estimation of the covariance-matrix
#'of variance components. The default is only to compute and report CIs for total and error variance, which cannot become negative.
#'@param obj (object) of class 'VCA' or, alternatively, a list of 'VCA' objects, where all other arguments can be
#' specified as vectors, where the i-th vector element applies to the i-th element of 'obj' (see examples)
#'@param alpha (numeric) value specifying the significance level for \eqn{100*(1-alpha)}\% confidence intervals.
#'@param total.claim (numeric) value specifying the claim-value for the Chi-Squared test for the total variance (SD or CV, see \code{claim.type}).
#'@param error.claim (numeric) value specifying the claim-value for the Chi-Squared test for the error variance (SD or CV, see \code{claim.type}).
#'@param claim.type (character) one of "VC", "SD", "CV" specifying how claim-values have to be interpreted:\cr
#' "VC" (Default) = claim-value(s) specified in terms of variance(s),\cr
#' "SD" = claim-values specified in terms of standard deviations (SD),\cr
#' "CV" = claim-values specified in terms of coefficient(s) of variation (CV)
#' and are specified as percentages.\cr
#' If set to "SD" or "CV", claim-values will be converted to variances before applying the Chi-Squared test (see examples).
#'@param VarVC (logical) TRUE = the covariance matrix of the estimated VCs will be computed (see \code{\link{vcovVC}}), where diagonal
#' elements correspond to the variances of the individual VCs. This matrix is required for estimation of CIs for
#' intermediate VCs if '"sas"'.
#' FALSE (Default) = computing covariance matrix of VCs is omitted, as well as CIs for intermediate VCs.
#'@param excludeNeg (logical) TRUE = confidence intervals of negative variance estimates will not be reported. \cr
#' FALSE = confidence intervals for all VCs will be reported including those with negative VCs.\cr
#' See the details section for a thorough explanation.
#'@param constrainCI (logical) TRUE = CI-limits for all variance components are constrained to be >= 0.\cr
#' FALSE = unconstrained CIs with potentially negative CI-limits will be reported.\cr
#' which will preserve the original width of CIs.
#' See the details section for a thorough explanation.
#'@param ci.method (character) string or abbreviation specifying which approach to use for computing confidence intervals of variance components (VC).
#' "sas" (default) uses Chi-Squared based CIs for total and error and normal approximation for all other VCs (Wald-limits, option "NOBOUND"
#' in SAS PROC MIXED); "satterthwaite" will approximate DFs for each VC using the Satterthwaite approach (see \code{\link{SattDF}} for models
#' fitted by ANOVA) and all Cis are based on the Chi-Squared distribution. This approach is conservative but avoids negative values for the lower bounds.
#'@param quiet (logical) TRUE = will suppress any warning, which will be issued otherwise
#'@note Original CIs will always be available independent of parameter-settings of \code{excludeNeg} and
#' \code{constrainCI}. Original CIs are stored in attribute "CIoriginal" of the returned 'VCAinference'-object, e.g.
#' 'attr(obj$ConfInt$SD$OneSided, "CIoriginal")' or 'attr(obj$ConfInt$CV$TwoSided, "CIoriginal")'.
#'@return (VCAinference) object, a list with elements: \cr
#'\item{ChiSqTest}{(data.frame) with results of the Chi-Squared test}
#'\item{ConfInt}{(list) with elements \code{VC}, \code{SD}, \code{CV}, all lists themselves containing (data.frame) objects \code{OneSided} and \code{TwoSided}}
#'\item{VCAobj}{(VCA) object specified as input, if \code{VarVC=TRUE}, the '' element will have an extra column "Var(VC)" storing variances of VC-estimates"}
#'@author Andre Schuetzenmeister \email{}
#'Searle, S.R, Casella, G., McCulloch, C.E. (1992), Variance Components., Wiley New York
#'Burdick, R., Graybill, F. (1992), Confidence Intervals on Variance Components. Marcel Dekker, Inc.
#'Satterthwaite, F.E. (1946), An Approximate Distribution of Estimates of Variance Components.,
#'Biometrics Bulletin 2, 110-114
#'@seealso \code{\link{print.VCAinference}}, \code{\link{anovaVCA}}
#'# load data (CLSI EP05-A2 Within-Lab Precision Experiment)
#'# perform (V)variance (C)component (A)nalysis (also compute A-matrices)
#'res <- anovaVCA(y~day/run, dataEP05A2_1)
#'# get confidence intervals for total and error (VC, SD, CV)
#'# additionally request CIs for all other VCs; default is to constrain
#'# CI-limits to be >= 0
#'# first solve MME
#'res <- solveMME(res)
#'VCAinference(res, VarVC=TRUE)
#'# now using Satterthwaite methodology for CIs
#'VCAinference(res, VarVC=TRUE, ci.method="satt")
#'# request unconstrained CIs
#'VCAinference(res, VarVC=TRUE, constrainCI=FALSE)
#'# additionally request Chi-Squared Tests of total and error, default
#'# is that claim values are specified as variances (claim.type="VC")
#'VCAinference(res, total.claim=4.5, error.claim=3.5)
#'# perform Chi-Squared Tests, where claim-values are given as SD,
#'# compare p-values to former example
#'VCAinference(res, total.claim=sqrt(4.5), error.claim=sqrt(3.5), claim.type="SD")
#'# now using Satterthwaite methodology for CIs
#'VCAinference(res, total.claim=sqrt(4.5), error.claim=sqrt(3.5),
#'claim.type="SD", ci.method="satt")
#'# now add random error to example data forcing the ANOVA-estimate of the
#'# day-variance to be negative
#'tmpData <- dataEP05A2_1
#'tmpData$y <- tmpData$y + rnorm(80,,3)
#'res2 <- anovaVCA(y~day/run, tmpData)
#'# call 'VCAinference' with default settings
#'# extract components of the returned 'VCAinference' object
#'inf <- VCAinference(res2, total.claim=12)
#'inf$ConfInt$VC$OneSided # one-sided CIs for variance components
#'inf$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided # two-sided CI for variance components
#'# request CIs for all VCs, default is to exclude CIs of negative VCs (excludeNeg=TRUE)
#'# solve MMEs first (or set MME=TRUE when calling anovaVCA)
#'res2 <- solveMME(res2)
#'VCAinference(res2, VarVC=TRUE)
#'# request CIs for all VCs, including those for negative VCs, note that all CI-limits
#'# are constrained to be >= 0
#'VCAinference(res2, VarVC=TRUE, excludeNeg=FALSE)
#'# request unconstrained CIs for all VCs, including those for negative VCS
#'# one has to re-fit the model allowing the VCs to be negative
#'res3 <- anovaVCA(y~day/run, tmpData, NegVC=TRUE, MME=TRUE)
#'VCAinference(res3, VarVC=TRUE, excludeNeg=FALSE, constrainCI=FALSE)
#'### use the numerical example from the CLSI EP05-A2 guideline (p.25)
#'res.ex <- anovaVCA(result~day/run, Glucose)
#'### also perform Chi-Squared tests
#'### Note: in guideline claimed SD-values are used, here, claimed variances are used
#'VCAinference(res.ex, total.claim=3.4^2, error.claim=2.5^2)
#'# load another example dataset and extract the "sample_1" subset
#'sample1 <- VCAdata1[which(VCAdata1$sample==1),]
#'# generate an additional factor variable and random errors according to its levels
#'sample1$device <- gl(3,28,252)
#'sample1$y <- sample1$y + rep(rep(rnorm(3,,.25), c(28,28,28)),3)
#'# fit a crossed-nested design with main factors 'lot' and 'device'
#'# and nested factors 'day' and 'run' nested below, also request A-matrices
#'res1 <- anovaVCA(y~(lot+device)/day/run, sample1)
#'# get confidence intervals, covariance-matrix of VCs, ...,
#'# explicitly request the covariance-matrix of variance components
#'# solve MMEs first
#'res1 <- solveMME(res1)
#'inf1 <- VCAinference(res1, VarVC=TRUE, constrainCI=FALSE)
#'# print numerical values with more digits
#'print(inf1, digit=12)
#'# print only parts of the 'VCAinference' object (see \code{\link{print.VCAinference}})
#'print(inf1, digit=12, what=c("VCA", "VC"))
#'# extract complete covariance matrix of variance components
#'# (main diagonal is part of standard output -> "Var(VC"))
#'VarCovVC <- vcovVC(inf1$VCAobj)
#'round(VarCovVC, 12)
#'# use by-processing and specific argument-values for each level of the by-variable
#'fit.all <- anovaVCA(y~(device+lot)/day/run, VCAdata1, by="sample", NegVC=TRUE)
#'inf.all <- VCAinference(fit.all, total.claim=c(.1,.75,.8,1,.5,.5,2.5,20,.1,1))
#'print.VCAinference(inf.all, what="VC")
VCAinference <- function(obj, alpha=.05, total.claim=NA, error.claim=NA, claim.type="VC",
VarVC=FALSE, excludeNeg=TRUE, constrainCI=TRUE, ci.method="sas",
Call <-
if(is.list(obj) && !is(obj, "VCA"))
if(!all(sapply(obj, class) == "VCA"))
stop("Only lists of 'VCA' object are accepted!")
obj.len <- length(obj)
if(!"msgEnv" %in% ls(.GlobalEnv))
msgEnv <<- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
assign("", TRUE, envir=msgEnv) # indicate that a list-type object was passed intially
res <- mapply( FUN=VCAinference, obj=obj, alpha=alpha,
total.claim=total.claim, error.claim=error.claim,
claim.type=claim.type, VarVC=VarVC, excludeNeg=excludeNeg,
constrainCI=constrainCI, ci.method=ci.method,
names(res) <- names(obj)
if(obj.len == 1) # mapply returns a list of length 2 in case that length(obj) was equal to 1
res <- res[1]
rm("", envir=msgEnv)
stopifnot(class(obj) == "VCA")
ci.method <- match.arg(ci.method, c("sas", "satterthwaite"))
MM <- obj$Type == "Mixed Model" # only exists for mixed models
VCs <- obj$Matrices$VCall
VCs <- obj$[-1,"VC"] # for random models directly from ANOVA-table
claim.type <- match.arg(claim.type, c("VC", "SD", "CV"))
Mean <- obj$Mean
Nvc <- nrow(obj)
EstMethod <- obj$EstMethod
if( all(obj$[,"VC"] > 0) )
VCstate <- 1
else if( any(obj$[,"VC"] < 0) )
VCstate <- 2
if(obj$NegVCmsg != "")
VCstate <- 3 # negative VCs set to zero
VCstate <- 1 # zero-VC estimated as such
# add column with DF and Var(VC) in case of REML estimation
if(obj$EstMethod == "REML" && !"DF"%in%colnames(obj$ {
VCvar <- obj$VarCov <- getGB(obj) # apply Giesbrecht & Burns approximation optimized for MKL
varVC <- diag(VCvar)
varVC <- c(sum(VCvar), varVC) # variance of total is sum of all elements of the variance-covariance matrix
seVC <- sqrt(varVC)
Wald <- obj$[,"VC"]/seVC # Wald-statistic
DF <- 2*Wald^2
obj$ <- cbind(DF=DF, obj$
obj$ <- cbind(obj$, "Var(VC)"=c(sum(VCvar), diag(VCvar)))
if( !is.null(obj$Matrices) && VarVC && obj$EstMethod == "ANOVA")
if(is.null(obj$VarCov)) # solve mixed model equations first
VCvar <- vcovVC(obj, method=obj$VarVC.method) # get variance-covariance matrix of VCs (p.176); do not pass total VC
NegVCmsg <- obj$NegVCmsg
VCoriginal <- obj$VCoriginal
Nobs <- obj$Nobs
Nrm <- obj$Nrm
balanced <- obj$balanced
class(obj) <- "VCA"
obj$NegVCmsg <- NegVCmsg
obj$VCoriginal <- VCoriginal
obj$VarCov <- VCvar # store variance-covariance matrix of variance components
obj$Mean <- Mean
obj$Nobs <- Nobs
obj$Nrm <- Nrm
obj$balanced <- balanced
nam0 <- deparse(Call$obj)
nam1 <- sub("\\[.*", "", nam0)
if(length(nam1) == 1 && nam1 %in% names(as.list(.GlobalEnv))) # obj is not function call
expr <- paste(nam0, "<<- obj") # update object missing MME results
else # warning only if not called on list of VCA-objects
if( !"" %in% names(as.list(msgEnv)) && !quiet )
message("Mixed model equations solved locally. Results could not be assigned to object!")
} else {
VCvar <- obj$VarCov
obj$ <- cbind(obj$, "Var(VC)"=c(sum(VCvar), diag(VCvar)))
if(! && nrow(obj$ == 1) # if error is the only VC no total variance exists (or is equal)
total.claim <- NA
if(nrow(obj$ == 1)
Nvc <- 1
Cind <- which(rownames(obj$ %in% c("total", "error"))
if( ( || total.claim <= 0 ) && !quiet)
warning("Parameter 'total.claim' is not correctly specified! Chi-Squared test for total precision is omitted!")
warning("Parameter 'total.claim' is not correctly specified! Chi-Squared test for total precision is omitted!")
if( ( || error.claim <= 0) && !quiet)
warning("Parameter 'error.claim' is not correctly specified! Chi-Squared test for error precision (repeatability) is omitted!")
warning("Parameter 'error.claim' is not correctly specified! Chi-Squared test for error precision (repeatability) is omitted!")
nam <- rownames(obj$
Nvc <- length(nam) # number of variance components including total variance
# Chi-Squared tests
CStest <- data.frame(Name=nam, "Claim"=rep(NA,Nvc))
CStest$"ChiSq value" <- rep(NA, Nvc)
CStest$"Pr (>ChiSq)" <- rep(NA, Nvc)
if(claim.type == "SD")
total.claim <- total.claim^2 # now the Chi-Squared Test for variances can be used
if(claim.type =="CV")
total.claim <- (total.claim * Mean/100)^2 # re-caluculate variance from CV
CStest$"Claim"[1] <- total.claim
CStest$"ChiSq value"[1] <- obj$[1, "VC"]*obj$[1, "DF"]/total.claim
CStest$"Pr (>ChiSq)"[1] <- pchisq(q=CStest$"ChiSq value"[1], df=obj$[1, "DF"], lower.tail=TRUE)
if(claim.type == "SD")
CStest$"Claim"[1] <- sqrt(total.claim)
if(claim.type == "CV")
CStest$"Claim"[1] <- sqrt(total.claim)*100/Mean
if(claim.type == "SD")
error.claim <- error.claim^2 # now the Chi-Squared Test for variances can be used
if(claim.type =="CV")
error.claim <- (error.claim * Mean/100)^2 # re-caluculate variance from CV
CStest$"Claim"[Nvc] <- error.claim
CStest$"ChiSq value"[Nvc] <- obj$[Nvc, "VC"]*obj$[Nvc, "DF"]/error.claim
CStest$"Pr (>ChiSq)"[Nvc] <- pchisq(q=CStest$"ChiSq value"[Nvc], df=obj$[Nvc, "DF"], lower.tail=TRUE)
if(claim.type == "SD")
CStest$"Claim"[Nvc] <- sqrt(error.claim)
if(claim.type == "CV")
CStest$"Claim"[Nvc] <- sqrt(error.claim)*100/Mean
rownames(CStest) <- CStest$Name
# CIs on VCs, SDs and CVs
indCS <- which( rownames(obj$ %in% c("total", "error")) # Chi-Squred dist VCs
indN <- which(!rownames(obj$ %in% c("total", "error")) # Normal dist VCs
### two-sided CIs ###
CI_VC <- data.frame(Name=nam)
CI_VC$LCL <- numeric(nrow(obj$
CI_VC$UCL <- numeric(nrow(obj$
# Chi-Squared CIs
lower.qchisq <- qchisq(p=1-alpha/2, df=obj$[indCS, "DF"])
upper.qchisq <- qchisq(p=alpha/2, df=obj$[indCS, "DF"])
CI_VC$LCL[indCS] <- obj$[indCS, "VC"]*obj$[indCS, "DF"]/lower.qchisq
CI_VC$UCL[indCS] <- obj$[indCS, "VC"]*obj$[indCS, "DF"]/upper.qchisq
# CIs based on Normal-Distribution (ci.method="sas") or Chi-Squared (ci.method="satterthwaite")
if(ci.method == "sas" && "Var(VC)" %in% colnames(obj$ # variance-covariance matrix of VCs required
CI_VC$LCL[indN] <- obj$[indN, "VC"]+qnorm(alpha/2)*sqrt(obj$[indN, "Var(VC)"])
CI_VC$UCL[indN] <- obj$[indN, "VC"]+qnorm(1-alpha/2)*sqrt(obj$[indN, "Var(VC)"])
else if(ci.method == "satterthwaite")
if(obj$EstMethod == "ANOVA")
rind <- obj$Matrices$rf.ind # indices of random terms in the original ANOVA-table <- if(obj$Type == "Random Model") # original ANOVA table
obj$[-1,] # remove row for total
MS <-[rind, "MS"]
Ci <- getMat(obj, "Ci.MS")[rind, rind]
DF <-[rind, "DF"]
sDF <- SattDF(MS, Ci, DF, type="individual") # satterthwaite DFs
ind <- 1:(length(sDF)-1) # without row for error
DFs <- c(obj$[1,"DF"], sDF) # total DF
else # fitted by REML, only Satterthwaite DF exist
DFs <- obj$[,"DF"]
sDF <- DFs[-1]
ind <- 1:(length(sDF)-1)
CI_VC$DF <- DFs # add Satterthwaite DFs
CI_VC <- CI_VC[,c(1,4,2,3)]
lower.qchisq <- qchisq(p=1-alpha/2, df=sDF[ind])
upper.qchisq <- qchisq(p=alpha/2, df=sDF[ind])
CI_VC$LCL[ind+1] <- obj$[ind+1, "VC"]*sDF[ind]/lower.qchisq # lower limit all but total and error
CI_VC$UCL[ind+1] <- obj$[ind+1, "VC"]*sDF[ind]/upper.qchisq # upper limit - " -
CI_VC$LCL[indN] <- NA
CI_VC$UCL[indN] <- NA
rownames(CI_VC) <- CI_VC$Name
attr(CI_VC, "CIoriginal") <- CI_VC # keep original CI limits as attribute
if(VCstate == 1) # excludeNeg not evaluated, since all VCs positive
if( constrainCI && any(CI_VC$LCL < 0, na.rm=TRUE)) # any negative CI-limits?
LCLind <- which(CI_VC$LCL < 0)
UCLind <- which(CI_VC$UCL < 0) # keep info about constrained LCLs
attr(CI_VC, "LCLconstrained") <- LCLind
CI_VC$LCL[LCLind] <- 0 # set negative LCL to 0
if(length(UCLind) > 0) # set negative UCL to 0
CI_VC$UCL[UCLind] <- 0
attr(CI_VC, "UCLconstrained") <- UCLind # keep info about constrained UCLs
if(VCstate == 2) # constrainCI not evaluated since negative VCs explicitly allowed
if( excludeNeg ) # CIs for negative VC are excluded
NegInd <- which(obj$[,"VC"] < 0)
CI_VC$LCL[NegInd] <- NA # there has to be at least one LCL < 0
CI_VC$UCL[NegInd] <- NA
if(VCstate == 3)
if( excludeNeg )
NegInd <- which(obj$VCoriginal < 0)+1 # which VCs were set to 0, i.e. were originally < 0
CI_VC$LCL[NegInd] <- NA # there has to be at least one LCL < 0
CI_VC$UCL[NegInd] <- NA
if(any(CI_VC$LCL < 0, na.rm=TRUE)) # constrainCI implicitly set to 0, since negative VCs set to zero automatically results in constraining CIs
LCLind <- which(CI_VC$LCL < 0)
UCLind <- which(CI_VC$UCL < 0) # keep info about constrained LCLs
attr(CI_VC, "LCLconstrained") <- LCLind
CI_VC$LCL[LCLind] <- 0 # set negative LCL to 0
if(length(UCLind) > 0) # set negative UCL to 0
CI_VC$UCL[UCLind] <- 0
attr(CI_VC, "UCLconstrained") <- UCLind # keep info about constrained UCLs
# test whether point-estimates within CI or not
CIwarning <- FALSE
CIout <- NULL
CIind <- which(obj$[,"VC"] < CI_VC$LCL | obj$[,"VC"] > CI_VC$UCL)
if(length(CIind) > 0)
CI_VC$LCL[CIind] <- CI_VC$UCL[CIind] <- NA # set them NA
CIwarning <- TRUE
CIout <- c(CIout, rownames(obj$[CIind])
# SD and CV computed from VC NOTE: sqrt o.k.??????????
CI_SD <- data.frame(Name=nam)
CI_SD$DF <- DFs # add Satterthwaite DFs if available
Sign <- sign(CI_VC$LCL)
CI_SD$LCL <- sqrt(abs(CI_VC$LCL))*Sign
Sign <- sign(CI_VC$UCL)
CI_SD$UCL <- sqrt(abs(CI_VC$UCL))*Sign
rownames(CI_SD) <- CI_SD$Name
CI_SD[which($[,"SD"])),2:ncol(CI_SD)] <- NA
CI_CV <- data.frame(Name=nam)
CI_CV$DF <- DFs # add Satterthwaite DFs if available
CI_CV$LCL <- CI_SD$LCL * 100/Mean
CI_CV$UCL <- CI_SD$UCL * 100/Mean
rownames(CI_CV) <- CI_CV$Name
CI_two_sided <- list(CI_VC=CI_VC, CI_SD=CI_SD, CI_CV=CI_CV)
# one-sided CIs
CI_VC <- data.frame(Name=nam)
CI_VC$DF <- DFs # add Satterthwaite DFs if available
CI_VC$LCL <- numeric(nrow(obj$
CI_VC$UCL <- numeric(nrow(obj$
# CIs based on Chi-Squared
upper.qchisq <- qchisq(p=alpha, df=obj$[indCS, "DF"])
lower.qchisq <- qchisq(p=1-alpha, df=obj$[indCS, "DF"])
CI_VC$LCL[indCS] <- obj$[indCS, "VC"]*obj$[indCS, "DF"]/lower.qchisq
CI_VC$UCL[indCS] <- obj$[indCS, "VC"]*obj$[indCS, "DF"]/upper.qchisq
rownames(CI_VC) <- CI_VC$Name
# CIs based on Normal Distribution or Chi-Squared
if(ci.method == "sas" && "Var(VC)" %in% colnames(obj$
CI_VC$UCL[indN] <- obj$[indN, "VC"]+qnorm(1-alpha)*sqrt(obj$[indN, "Var(VC)"])
CI_VC$LCL[indN] <- obj$[indN, "VC"]+qnorm( alpha)*sqrt(obj$[indN, "Var(VC)"])
else if(ci.method == "satterthwaite")
lower.qchisq <- qchisq(p=1-alpha, df=sDF[ind])
upper.qchisq <- qchisq(p=alpha, df=sDF[ind])
CI_VC$LCL[ind+1] <- obj$[ind+1, "VC"]*sDF[ind]/lower.qchisq
CI_VC$UCL[ind+1] <- obj$[ind+1, "VC"]*sDF[ind]/upper.qchisq
CI_VC$UCL[indN] <- NA
CI_VC$LCL[indN] <- NA
attr(CI_VC, "CIoriginal") <- CI_VC # keep original CI limits as attribute
if(VCstate == 1) # excludeNeg not evaluated, since all VCs positive
if( constrainCI && any(CI_VC$LCL < 0, na.rm=TRUE)) # any negative CI-limits?
LCLind <- which(CI_VC$LCL < 0)
UCLind <- which(CI_VC$UCL < 0) # keep info about constrained LCLs
CI_VC$LCL[LCLind] <- 0
attr(CI_VC, "LCLconstrained") <- LCLind
if(length(UCLind) > 0) # set negative UCL to 0
CI_VC$UCL[UCLind] <- 0
attr(CI_VC, "UCLconstrained") <- UCLind # keep info about constrained UCLs
if(VCstate == 2) # constrainCI not evaluated since negative VCs explicitly allowed
if( excludeNeg ) # CIs for negative VC are excluded
NegInd <- which(obj$[,"VC"] < 0)
CI_VC$UCL[NegInd] <- NA # there has to be at least one UCL < 0
CI_VC$LCL[NegInd] <- NA # there has to be at least one UCL < 0
if(VCstate == 3)
if( excludeNeg )
NegInd <- which(obj$VCoriginal < 0) + 1 # which VCs were set to 0, i.e. were originally < 0
CI_VC$UCL[NegInd] <- NA # there has to be at least one UCL < 0
CI_VC$LCL[NegInd] <- NA
if(any(CI_VC$LCL < 0, na.rm=TRUE))
LCLind <- which(CI_VC$LCL < 0) # keep info about constrained LCLs
CI_VC$LCL[LCLind] <- 0 # set negative LCL to 0
attr(CI_VC, "LCLconstrained") <- LCLind
# if(any(CI_VC$UCL < 0, na.rm=TRUE))
# {
# UCLind <- which(CI_VC$UCL < 0) # keep info about constrained UCLs
# attr(CI_VC, "UCLconstrained") <- UCLind
# CI_VC$UCL[UCLind] <- 0 # set negative UCL to 0
# }
# test whether point-estimates within CI or not
CIindLCL <- which(obj$[,"VC"] < CI_VC$LCL)
CIindUCL <- which(obj$[,"VC"] > CI_VC$UCL)
if(length(CIindLCL) > 0)
CI_VC$LCL[CIindLCL] <- NA # set LCL to NA
CIwarning <- TRUE
CIout <- c(CIout, rownames(obj$[CIindLCL])
if(length(CIindUCL) > 0)
CI_VC$UCL[CIindUCL] <- NA # set LCL to NA
CIwarning <- TRUE
CIout <- c(CIout, rownames(obj$[CIindUCL])
if(CIwarning && !quiet)
warning("Point estimate(s) of VC(s) ", paste(paste("'", unique(CIout), "'", sep=""), sep=", ")," found outside of confidence interval, CI was set to 'NA'!")
# SD and CV computed from VC
CI_SD <- data.frame(Name=nam)
CI_SD$DF <- DFs # add Satterthwaite DFs if available
SignLCL <- sign(CI_VC$LCL)
CI_SD$LCL <- sqrt(abs(CI_VC$LCL)) * SignLCL
SignUCL <- sign(CI_VC$UCL)
CI_SD$UCL <- sqrt(abs(CI_VC$UCL)) * SignUCL
rownames(CI_SD) <- CI_SD$Name
CI_SD[which($[,"SD"])),2:ncol(CI_SD)] <- NA
CI_CV <- data.frame(Name=nam)
CI_CV$DF <- DFs # add Satterthwaite DFs if available
CI_CV$LCL <- CI_SD$LCL * 100/Mean
CI_CV$UCL <- CI_SD$UCL * 100/Mean
rownames(CI_CV) <- CI_CV$Name
CI_one_sided <- list(CI_VC=CI_VC, CI_SD=CI_SD, CI_CV=CI_CV)
CIs <- list(VC=list(OneSided=CI_one_sided$CI_VC, TwoSided=CI_two_sided$CI_VC),
SD=list(OneSided=CI_one_sided$CI_SD, TwoSided=CI_two_sided$CI_SD),
CV=list(OneSided=CI_one_sided$CI_CV, TwoSided=CI_two_sided$CI_CV))
result <- list(ChiSqTest=CStest, ConfInt=CIs, VCAobj=obj, alpha=alpha)
class(result) <- "VCAinference"
attr(result, "EstMethod") <- EstMethod
attr(result, "excludeNeg") <- excludeNeg
attr(result, "constrainCI") <- constrainCI
attr(result, "claim.type") <- claim.type
attr(result, "ci.method") <- ci.method
#'Standard Print Method for Objects of Class 'VCAinference'
#'Prints the list-type 'VCAinference'-object as tabulated output.
#'Formats the list-type objects of class 'VCAinference' for a more comprehensive
#'presentation of results, which are easier to grasp. The default is to show the complete
#'object (VCA ANOVA-table, VC-, SD-, and CV-CIs). Using parameter 'what' allows to
#'restrict the printed output to certain parts. Print-function invisibly returns a matrix
#'or a list of matrices, depending on the values of 'what', i.e. it can be used as for
#'packing the inference-information in one or multiple matrix-objects and extracting it/them.
#'@param x (VCAinference) object
#'@param digits (integer) number of decimal digits.
#'@param what (character) one of "all", "VC", "SD", "CV", "VCA" specifying which part of the 'VCA'-object is to be printed.
#'@param ... additional arguments to be passed to or from methods.
#'@return invisibly returns sub-elements of 'x' specified via 'what'
#'@author Andre Schuetzenmeister \email{}
#'@method print VCAinference
#'@seealso \code{\link{VCAinference}}, \code{\link{anovaVCA}}
#'# load data (CLSI EP05-A2 Within-Lab Precision Experiment)
#'# perform ANOVA-estimation of variance components for a nested design
#'res <- anovaVCA(y~day/run, Data=dataEP05A2_1)
#'inf <- VCAinference(res)
#'# show certain parts and extract them invisibly
#'CVmat <- print(inf, what="CV")
#'# show numerical values with more digits
#'print(inf, digit=12)
print.VCAinference <- function(x, digits=4L, what=c("all", "VC", "SD", "CV", "VCA"), ...)
if(is.list(x) && !is(x, "VCAinference"))
if(!all(sapply(x, class) == "VCAinference"))
stop("Only lists of 'VCAinference' objects can printed!")
nam <- names(x)
lst <- list()
for(i in 1:length(x))
lst[[i]] <- print(x[[i]], digits=digits, what=what)
return() # leave function now
stopifnot(class(x) == "VCAinference")
claim.type <- attr(x, "claim.type")
VCAobj <- x$VCAobj
ret <- list()
what <- match.arg(tolower(what), tolower(c("all", "VC", "SD", "CV", "VCA")), several.ok=TRUE)
# MM <- !is.null(attr(x$VCAobj, "FixedEffects"))
if(VCAobj$Type == "Mixed Model")
cat("\n\n\nInference from Mixed Model Fit\n------------------------------\n\n")
else if(VCAobj$Type == "Linear Model")
cat("\n\n\nInference from Linear Model Fit:\n--------------------------------\n\n")
cat("\n\n\nInference from (V)ariance (C)omponent (A)nalysis\n------------------------------------------------\n\n")
if( any( c("all", "vca") %in% what) )
if(VCAobj$Type == "Linear Model")
cat("> ANOVA Table:\n--------------\n\n")
cat("> VCA Result:\n-------------\n\n")
print(VCAobj, digits=digits, skipHeading=TRUE)
if( any( c("all", "vc") %in% what) )
cat("> VC:\n-----\n")
VC <-$[,"VC", drop=FALSE])
colnames(VC) <- "Estimate"
if(any(!$ChiSqTest[,"Claim"])) && claim.type == "VC")
VC$Claim <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(VC)))
VC$"ChiSq" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(VC)))
VC$"Pr(>ChiSq)" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(VC)))
VC[as.character(x$ChiSqTest[,"Name"]), c("Claim", "ChiSq", "Pr(>ChiSq)")] <- x$ChiSqTest[,-1]
VC$DF <- x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided$DF
VC$"CI LCL" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(VC)))
VC$"CI UCL" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(VC)))
VC[as.character(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided[,"Name"]), c("CI LCL", "CI UCL")] <- x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided[,c("LCL", "UCL")]
VC$"One-Sided LCL" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(VC)))
VC$"One-Sided UCL" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(VC)))
VC[as.character(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided[,"Name"]), c("One-Sided LCL", "One-Sided UCL")] <-x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided[,c("LCL", "UCL")]
VC <- as.matrix(VC)
VC <- apply(VC, 1:2, round, digits)
if(!is.null(attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "LCLconstrained")))
VC[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "LCLconstrained"), "CI LCL"] <- paste(VC[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "LCLconstrained"), "CI LCL"], "*", sep="")
if(!is.null(attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "UCLconstrained")))
VC[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "UCLconstrained"), "CI UCL"] <- paste(VC[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "UCLconstrained"), "CI UCL"], "*", sep="")
if(!is.null(attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "LCLconstrained")))
VC[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "LCLconstrained"), "One-Sided LCL"] <- paste(VC[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "LCLconstrained"), "One-Sided LCL"], "*", sep="")
if(!is.null(attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "UCLconstrained")))
VC[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "UCLconstrained"), "One-Sided UCL"] <- paste(VC[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "UCLconstrained"), "One-Sided UCL"], "*", sep="")
print(noquote(VC), na.print="")
ret$VC <- VC
if( any( c("all", "sd") %in% what) )
cat("\n> SD:\n-----\n")
SD <-$[,"SD", drop=FALSE]))
colnames(SD) <- "Estimate"
if(any(!$ChiSqTest[,"Claim"])) && claim.type == "SD")
SD$Claim <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(SD)))
SD$"ChiSq" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(SD)))
SD$"Pr(>ChiSq)" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(SD)))
SD[as.character(x$ChiSqTest[,"Name"]), c("Claim", "ChiSq", "Pr(>ChiSq)")] <- x$ChiSqTest[,-1]
SD$DF <- x$ConfInt$SD$TwoSided$DF
SD$"CI LCL" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(SD)))
SD$"CI UCL" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(SD)))
SD[as.character(x$ConfInt$SD$TwoSided[,"Name"]), c("CI LCL", "CI UCL")] <-x$ConfInt$SD$TwoSided[,c("LCL", "UCL")]
SD$"One-Sided LCL" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(SD)))
SD$"One-Sided UCL" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(SD)))
SD[as.character(x$ConfInt$SD$OneSided[,"Name"]), c("One-Sided LCL", "One-Sided UCL")] <-x$ConfInt$SD$OneSided[,c("LCL", "UCL")]
SD <- as.matrix(SD)
SD <- apply(SD, 1:2, round, digits)
if(!is.null(attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "LCLconstrained"))) # Note: attribute "LCLconstrained" exists only for VC since SD and CV computed from VC
SD[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "LCLconstrained"), "CI LCL"] <- paste(SD[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "LCLconstrained"), "CI LCL"], "*", sep="")
if(!is.null(attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "UCLconstrained"))) # see above
SD[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "UCLconstrained"), "CI UCL"] <- paste(SD[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "UCLconstrained"), "CI UCL"], "*", sep="")
if(!is.null(attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "LCLconstrained"))) # see above
SD[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "LCLconstrained"), "One-Sided LCL"] <- paste(SD[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "LCLconstrained"), "One-Sided LCL"], "*", sep="")
if(!is.null(attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "UCLconstrained"))) # see above
SD[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "UCLconstrained"), "One-Sided UCL"] <- paste(SD[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "UCLconstrained"), "One-Sided UCL"], "*", sep="")
print(noquote(SD), na.print="")
ret$SD <- SD
if( any( c("all", "cv") %in% what) )
cat("\n> CV[%]:\n--------\n")
CV <-$[,"CV[%]", drop=FALSE])
colnames(CV) <- "Estimate"
if(any(!$ChiSqTest[,"Claim"])) && claim.type == "CV")
CV$Claim <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(CV)))
CV$"ChiSq" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(CV)))
CV$"Pr(>ChiSq)" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(CV)))
CV[as.character(x$ChiSqTest[,"Name"]), c("Claim", "ChiSq", "Pr(>ChiSq)")] <- x$ChiSqTest[,-1]
CV$DF <- x$ConfInt$CV$TwoSided$DF
CV$"CI LCL" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(CV)))
CV$"CI UCL" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(CV)))
CV[as.character(x$ConfInt$CV$TwoSided[,"Name"]), c("CI LCL", "CI UCL")] <-x$ConfInt$CV$TwoSided[,c("LCL", "UCL")]
CV$"One-Sided LCL" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(CV)))
CV$"One-Sided UCL" <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(CV)))
CV[as.character(x$ConfInt$CV$OneSided[,"Name"]), c("One-Sided LCL","One-Sided UCL")] <-x$ConfInt$CV$OneSided[,c("LCL", "UCL")]
CV <- as.matrix(CV)
CV <- apply(CV, 1:2, round, digits)
if(!is.null(attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "LCLconstrained"))) # Note: attribute "LCLconstrained" exists only for VC since SD and CV computed from VC
CV[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "LCLconstrained"), "CI LCL"] <- paste(CV[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "LCLconstrained"), "CI LCL"], "*", sep="")
if(!is.null(attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "UCLconstrained"))) # see above
CV[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "UCLconstrained"), "CI UCL"] <- paste(CV[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "UCLconstrained"), "CI UCL"], "*", sep="")
if(!is.null(attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "LCLconstrained"))) # see above
CV[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "LCLconstrained"), "One-Sided LCL"] <- paste(CV[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "LCLconstrained"), "One-Sided LCL"], "*", sep="")
if(!is.null(attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "UCLconstrained"))) # see above
CV[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "UCLconstrained"), "One-Sided UCL"] <- paste(CV[attr(x$ConfInt$VC$OneSided, "UCLconstrained"), "One-Sided UCL"], "*", sep="")
print(noquote(CV), na.print="")
ret$CV <- CV
ci.method <- attr(x, "ci.method")
if( any(c("all", "vc", "sd", "cv") %in% what) )
cat( paste("\n\n", 100*(1-x$alpha), "% Confidence Level ", ifelse(attr(x, "excludeNeg") && any(VCAobj$[,"VC"] <= 0), "| CIs for negative VCs excluded ", ""),
ifelse(!is.null(attr(x$ConfInt$VC$TwoSided, "LCLconstrained")), "| * CI-limits constrained to be >= 0", ""),
ifelse(ci.method=="sas", "\nSAS PROC MIXED method used for computing CIs", "\nSatterthwaite methodology used for computing CIs"), sep=""), "\n\n")
if(length(ret) > 1) # extracting parts of the 'VCAinference' object
else if(length(ret) == 1)
#'Extract Residuals of a 'VCA' Object
#'Function extracts marginal or conditional residuals from a 'VCA' object,
#'representing a linear mixed model.
#'There are two types of residuals which can be extraced from a 'VCA' object.
#'Marginal residuals correspond to \eqn{e_m = y - \hat{y}}{e_m = y - y_hat}, where \eqn{\hat{y} = Xb}{y_hat = Xb} with \eqn{X}
#'being the design matrix of fixed effects and \eqn{b} being the column vector of fixed
#'effects parameter estimates. Conditional residuals are defined as \eqn{e_c = y - Xb - Zg},
#'where \eqn{Z} corresponds to the designs matrix of random effects \eqn{g}.
#'Whenever 'obj' is a pure-error model, e.g. 'y~1' both options will return the same values
#'\eqn{y - Xb} and \eqn{b} corresponds to the intercept.
#'Each type of residuals can be standardized, studentized, or transformed to pearson-type residuals.
#'The former corresponds to a transformation of residuals to have mean 0 and variance equal to 1 (\eqn{(r - \bar{r})/\sigma_{r}}{[r - mean(r)]/sd(r)]}).
#'Studentized residuals emerge from dividing raw residuals by the square-root of diagonal elements of the corresponding
#'variance-covariance matrix. For conditional residuals, this is \eqn{Var(c) = P = RQR}, with \eqn{Q = V^{-1}(I - H)}{Q = V"(I - H)},
#'\eqn{H = XT} being the hat-matrix, and \eqn{T = (X^{T}V^{-1}X)^{-1}X^{T}V^{-1}}{T = (X'V"X)"X'V"}. For marginal residuals, this matrix
#'is \eqn{Var(m) = O = V - Q}. Here, >\eqn{^{T}}{'}< denotes the matrix transpose operator,
#'and >\eqn{^{-1}}{"}< the regular matrix inverse. Pearson-type residuals are computed in the same manner as studentized, only
#'the variance-covariance matrices differ. For marginal residuals this is equal to \eqn{Var(y) = V}, for conditional residuals
#'this is \eqn{Var(c) = R} (see \code{\link{getV}} for details).
#'@param object (VCA) object
#'@param type (character) string specifying the type of residuals to be returned,
#'valid options are "marginal" and "conditional" or abbreviations
#'@param mode (character) string or abbreviation specifying the specific transformation
#'applied to a certain type of residuals. There are "raw" (untransformed),
#'"standardized", "studentized" and "pearson" (see details) residuals.
#'@param quiet (logical) TRUE = will suppress any warning, which will be issued otherwise
#'@param ... additional parameters
#'@author Andre Schuetzenmeister \email{}
#'@method residuals VCA
#'Hilden-Minton, J. A. (1995). Multilevel diagnostics for mixed and hierarchical linear
#'models. Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles.
#'Nobre, J. S. & Singer, J. M. (2007). Residual analysis for linear mixed models. Biometrical
#'Journal, 49, 863-875.
#'Schuetzenmeister, A. and Piepho, H.P. (2012). Residual analysis of linear mixed models using a simulation approach.
#'Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 1405-1416
#'datS1 <- VCAdata1[VCAdata1$sample==1,]
#'fit1 <- anovaVCA(y~(lot+device)/(day)/(run), datS1)
#'# default is conditional (raw) residuals
#'resid(fit1, "m")
#'# get standardized version
#'resid(fit1, mode="stand") # conditional residuals (default)
#'resid(fit1, "marg", "stand") # marginal residuals
#'# get studentized version, taking their
#'# covariances into account
#'resid(fit1, mode="stud") # conditional residuals (default)
#'resid(fit1, "marg", "stud") # marginal residuals
#'@aliases resid
#'@seealso \code{\link{ranef}}, \code{\link{anovaVCA}}, \code{\link{anovaMM}}
residuals.VCA <- function(object, type=c("conditional", "marginal"), mode=c("raw", "student", "standard", "pearson"), quiet=FALSE, ...)
Call <-
obj <- object
if(is.list(obj) && !is(obj, "VCA"))
if(!all(sapply(obj, class) == "VCA"))
stop("Only lists of 'VCA' object are accepted!")
obj.len <- length(obj)
if(!"msgEnv" %in% ls(.GlobalEnv))
msgEnv <<- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
assign("", TRUE, envir=msgEnv) # indicate that a list-type object was passed intially
res <- mapply( FUN=residuals.VCA, object=obj,
type=type[1], mode=mode[1], SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
names(res) <- names(obj)
if(obj.len == 1) # mapply returns a list of length 2 in case that length(obj) was equal to 1
res <- res[1]
rm("", envir=msgEnv)
stopifnot(class(obj) == "VCA")
type <- match.arg(type)
mode <- match.arg(mode)
if(!is.null(obj$scale) && is.null(obj$rescaled))
warning("The fitted model has not been re-scaled yet! Results are likely to differ from correct results!")
obj <- solveMME(obj)
nam0 <- deparse(Call$object)
nam1 <- sub("\\[.*", "", nam0)
if(length(nam1) == 1 && nam1 %in% names(as.list(.GlobalEnv)))
expr <- paste(nam0, "<<- obj") # update object missing MME results
if( !"" %in% names(as.list(msgEnv)) && !quiet)
message("Some required information missing! Usually solving mixed model equations has to be done as a prerequisite!")
Xb <- getMat(obj, "X") %*% obj$FixedEffects
y <- getMat(obj, "y")
if(as.character(obj$terms)[3] == "1") # pure error model
type <- "marginal"
if(!is.null(obj$scale) && mode != "raw")
scale <- obj$scale
scale <- 1
if(type == "marginal") # marginal residuals
res <- y - Xb
V <- getMat(obj, "V")
if(mode == "student")
X <- getMat(obj, "X")
Vi <- getMat(obj, "Vi")
#Q <- X %*% MPinv(t(X) %*% Vi %*% X) %*% t(X)
K <- obj$VarFixed / scale^2
Q <- X %*% K %*% t(X)
res <- res/sqrt(diag(V-Q)) # apply studentization
else if(mode == "pearson")
res <- res/sqrt(diag(V)) # Pearson-type residuals
else # conditional residuals
Z <- getMat(obj, "Z")
if(obj$EstMethod == "REML") # re-order Z to align with random effects
Z <- Z[,unlist(obj$ColOrderZ)]
Zg <- Z %*% ranef(obj) # order according to column-order of Z
res <- y - Xb - Zg
R <- getMat(obj, "R")
if(mode == "student")
mats <- obj$Matrices
Q <- mats$Q
X <- mats$X
T <- mats$T
Vi <- mats$Vi
mats$H <- H <- X %*% T
mats$Q <- Q <- Vi %*% (diag(nrow(H))-H)
nam0 <- deparse(Call$object)
nam1 <- sub("\\[.*", "", nam0)
if(length(nam1) == 1 && nam1 %in% names(as.list(.GlobalEnv))) # write back to object in the calling env
obj$Matrices <- mats
expr <- paste(nam0, "<<- obj")
P <- R %*% Q %*% R
res <- res / sqrt(diag(P)) # apply studentization
else if(mode == "pearson")
res <- res/sqrt(diag(R)) # Pearson-type residuals
res <- c(res[,1])
res <- res / sd(res) # apply standardization
names(res) <- rownames(obj$data)
attr(res, "type") <- type
attr(res, "mode") <- mode
res <- res/scale
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