
Defines functions revision_diff revision_content page_content random_page invalid_revs

Documented in page_content random_page revision_content revision_diff

#Checks for invalid revision IDs, warns if they're found.
invalid_revs <- function(parsed_response){
    warning("This request contained ",length(parsed_response$query$badrevids)," invalid revisionID(s)", call. = FALSE)

#'@title Retrieve the page content of a random MediaWiki page
#'wiki_page retrieves the DOM of a particular MediaWiki page,
#'as a HTML blob inside a JSON object.
#'@param language The language code of the project you wish to query,
#'if appropriate.
#'@param project The project you wish to query ("wikiquote"), if appropriate.
#'Should be provided in conjunction with \code{language}.
#'@param domain as an alternative to a \code{language} and \code{project} combination,
#'you can also provide a domain ("rationalwiki.org") to the URL constructor, allowing
#'for the querying of non-Wikimedia MediaWiki instances.
#'@param  namespaces The namespaces to consider pages from. By default, pages from any namespace are
#'considered; alternately, a numeric vector of accepted namespaces (which are described
#'\href{https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Namespace#Built-in_namespaces}{here}) can be
#'provided, and only pages within those namespaces will be considered.
#'@param as_wikitext whether to retrieve the wikimarkup (TRUE) or the HTML (FALSE).
#'Set to FALSE by default.
#'@param limit the number of pages to return. 1 by default.
#'@param clean_response whether to do some basic sanitising of the resulting data structure.
#'Set to FALSE by default.
#'@param ... further arguments to pass to httr's GET.
#'@seealso \code{\link{page_content}} for retrieving the content of a specific page,
#'\code{\link{revision_diff}} for retrieving 'diffs' between revisions,
#'\code{\link{revision_content}} for retrieving the text of specified revisions.
#'#A page from Wikipedia
#'wp_content <- random_page("en","wikipedia")
#'#A page from the mainspace on Wikipedia
#'wp_article_content <- random_page("en","wikipedia", namespaces = 0)
random_page <- function(language = NULL, project = NULL, domain = NULL,
                        namespaces = NULL, as_wikitext = FALSE, limit = 1,
                        clean_response = FALSE, ...){
  url <- url_gen(language, project, domain)
  query_param <- list(
    action  = "query",
    list    = "random",
    rnlimit = limit
    query_param$rnnamespace <- paste(namespaces, collapse = "|")
  pages <- query(url, NULL, FALSE, query_param = query_param)$query$random
  return(lapply(pages, function(page, language, project, domain, page_name, as_wikitext,
                         clean_response, ...){
    content <- page_content(language = language, project = project, domain = domain,
                            page_name = page$title, as_wikitext = as_wikitext,
                            clean_response = clean_response, ...)
    content$parse$text <- content$parse$text[[1]]
  }, language = language, project = project, domain = domain, as_wikitext = as_wikitext,
  clean_response = clean_response, ...))

#'@title Retrieves MediaWiki page content
#'wiki_page retrieves the DOM of a particular MediaWiki page,
#'as a HTML blob inside a JSON object.
#'@param language The language code of the project you wish to query,
#'if appropriate.
#'@param project The project you wish to query ("wikiquote"), if appropriate.
#'Should be provided in conjunction with \code{language}.
#'@param domain as an alternative to a \code{language} and \code{project} combination,
#'you can also provide a domain ("rationalwiki.org") to the URL constructor, allowing
#'for the querying of non-Wikimedia MediaWiki instances.
#'@param page_name The title of the page you want to retrieve
#'@param page_id the pageID of the page you want to retrieve. Set to NULL by default,
#'and an alternative to page_name; if both are provided, page_id will be used.
#'@param as_wikitext whether to retrieve the wikimarkup (TRUE) or the HTML (FALSE).
#'Set to FALSE by default.
#'@param clean_response whether to do some basic sanitising of the resulting data structure.
#'Set to FALSE by default.
#'@param ... further arguments to pass to httr's GET.
#'@seealso \code{\link{revision_diff}} for retrieving 'diffs' between revisions,
#'\code{\link{revision_content}} for retrieving the text of specified revisions.
#'#Content from a Wikimedia project
#'wp_content <- page_content("en","wikipedia", page_name = "Aaron Halfaker")
#'#Content by ID
#'wp_content <- page_content("en", "wikipedia", page_id = 12)
#'#Content from a non-Wikimedia project
#'rw_content <- page_content(domain = "rationalwiki.org", page_name = "New Age")
page_content <- function(language = NULL, project = NULL, domain = NULL,
                         page_name, page_id = NULL, as_wikitext = FALSE, clean_response = FALSE, ...){
  #Format and construct URL.
    properties <- "wikitext|revid"
  } else {
    properties <- "text|revid"
  properties <- paste(properties, collapse = "|")
  url <- url_gen(language, project, domain)
  query_param <- list(
    action = "parse",
    prop   = properties
    query_param$pageid <- handle_limits(page_id, 1)
  } else {
    query_param$page <- handle_limits(page_name, 1)
  content <- query(url, "pcontent", clean_response, query_param = query_param, ...)

#'@title Retrieves MediaWiki revisions
#'Retrieves the content of a provided list of revisions from whichever MediaWiki instance you're
#'querying. Returns as wikimarkup.
#'@param language The language code of the project you wish to query,
#'if appropriate.
#'@param project The project you wish to query ("wikiquote"), if appropriate.
#'Should be provided in conjunction with \code{language}.
#'@param domain as an alternative to a \code{language} and \code{project} combination,
#'you can also provide a domain ("rationalwiki.org") to the URL constructor, allowing
#'for the querying of non-Wikimedia MediaWiki instances.
#'@param revisions The revision IDs of each desired revision.
#'@param properties Properties you're trying to retrieve about that revision, should you want to;
#'options include "ids" (the revision ID of the revision...which is pointless),
#'"flags" (whether the revision was 'minor' or not), "timestamp" (the timestamp of the revision),
#'"user" (the username of the person who made that revision), "userid"
#'(the userID of the person who made the revision),
#'"size" (the size, in uncompressed bytes, of the revision), "sha1" (the SHA-1 hash of
#'the revision text), "contentmodel" (the content model of the page, usually "wikitext"),
#'"comment" (the revision summary associated with the revision), "parsedcomment" (the same,
#'but parsed, generating HTML from any wikitext in that comment), "tags" (any tags associated
#'with the revision) and "flagged" (the revision's status under Flagged Revisions).
#'@param clean_response whether to do some basic sanitising of the resulting data structure.
#'@param ... further arguments to pass to httr's GET.
#'\code{\link{revision_diff}} for diffs between revisions,
#'and \code{\link{page_content}} for the content a specific page currently has.
#'#Revision content from a Wikimedia project
#'wp_content <- revision_content("en","wikipedia", revisions = 552373187)
#'#Revision content from a non-Wikimedia project
#'rw_content <- revision_content(domain = "rationalwiki.org", revisions = 88616)
revision_content <- function(language = NULL, project = NULL, domain = NULL,
                             revisions, properties = c("content","ids","flags","timestamp",
                             clean_response = FALSE, ...){
  #Format, construct URL.
  properties <- match.arg(arg = properties, several.ok = TRUE)
  properties <- paste(properties, collapse = "|")
  revisions <- handle_limits(revisions, 50)
  url <- url_gen(language, project, domain)
  query_param <- list(
    rvcontentformat = "text/x-wiki",
    action = "query",
    prop   = "revisions",
    rvprop = properties,
    revids = revisions
  content <- query(url, "rcontent", clean_response, query_param = query_param, ...)
  #Check for invalid RevIDs

#'@title Generates a "diff" between a pair of revisions
#'revision_diff generates a diff between two revisions in a MediaWiki page.
#'This is provided as an XML-parsable blob inside the returned JSON object.
#'@param language The language code of the project you wish to query,
#'if appropriate.
#'@param project The project you wish to query ("wikiquote"), if appropriate.
#'Should be provided in conjunction with \code{language}.
#'@param domain as an alternative to a \code{language} and \code{project} combination,
#'you can also provide a domain ("rationalwiki.org") to the URL constructor, allowing
#'for the querying of non-Wikimedia MediaWiki instances.
#'@param revisions The revision IDs of each "start" revision.
#'@param properties Properties you're trying to retrieve about that revision, should you want to;
#'options include "ids" (the revision ID of the revision...which is pointless),
#'"flags" (whether the revision was 'minor' or not), "timestamp","user" (the username of the person
#'who made that revision), "userid" (the userID of the person who made the revision),
#'"size" (the size, in uncompressed bytes, of the revision), "sha1" (the SHA-1 hash of
#'the revision text), "contentmodel" (the content model of the page, usually "wikitext"),
#'"comment" (the revision summary associated with the revision), "parsedcomment" (the same,
#'but parsed, generating HTML from any wikitext in that comment), "tags" (any tags associated
#'with the revision) and "flagged" (the revision's status under Flagged Revisions).
#'@param direction The direction you want the diff to go in from the revisionID you have provided.
#'Options are "prev" (compare to the previous revision on that page), "next" (compare to the next
#'revision on that page) and "cur" (compare to the current, extant version of the page).
#'@param clean_response whether to do some basic sanitising of the resulting data structure.
#'@param ... further arguments to pass to httr's GET.
#'@section Warnings:
#'MediaWiki's API is deliberately designed to restrict users' ability to make computing-intense requests
#'- such as diff computation. As a result, the API only allows requests for one uncached diff in
#'each request. If you ask for multiple diffs, some uncached and some cached, you will be provided
#' with the cached diffs, one of the uncached diffs, and a warning.
#'If you're going to be asking for a lot of diffs, some of which may not be cached, it may be more
#'sensible to retrieve the revisions themselves using \code{\link{revision_content}} and compute the
#'diffs yourself.
#'@seealso \code{\link{page_content}} for retrieving the current content of a specific page, and
#'\code{\link{revision_content}} for retrieving the text of specific revisions.
#'#Wikimedia diff
#'wp_diff <- revision_diff("en","wikipedia", revisions = 552373187, direction = "next")
#'#Non-Wikimedia diff
#'rw_diff <- revision_diff(domain = "rationalwiki.org", revisions = 88616, direction = "next")
revision_diff <- function(language = NULL, project = NULL, domain = NULL,
                          revisions, properties = c("ids","flags","timestamp","user","userid","size",
                          direction, clean_response = FALSE, ...){
  #Check and construct URL
  direction <- match.arg(direction, c("prev","next","cur"))
  properties <- match.arg(properties, several.ok = TRUE)
  properties <- paste(properties, collapse = "|")
  revisions <- handle_limits(revisions, 50)
  url <- url_gen(language, project, domain)
  query_param <- list(
    action   = "query",
    prop     = "revisions",
    rvprop   = properties, 
    rvdiffto = direction,
    rvcontentformat = "text/css",
    revids   = revisions
  #Retrieve the content, check for invalid RevIDs and uncached diffs,
  content <- query(url, "rdiff", clean_response, query_param = query_param, ...)
  if(sum(grepl(x = names(unlist(content)), pattern = "diff.notcached"))){
    warning("This request contained uncached diffs; these will not be returned", call. = FALSE)

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WikipediR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:01 p.m.