
## ************************************************************************
## (c) Xiaobei Zhao
## Thu Jan 09 07:52:27 EST 2014 -0500 (Week 01)
## Reference: 
## ************************************************************************

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## print and log
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

##' Cat without space but with a newline at the end by default
##' @title Cat without space but with a newline at the end
##' @param ... see \code{cat}
##' @param file see \code{cat}
##' @param sep see \code{cat}
##' @param fill see \code{cat}
##' @param labels see \code{cat}
##' @param append see \code{cat}
##' @return see \code{cat}
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
cat0 <- function(...,file="",sep="",fill=FALSE,labels=NULL,append=FALSE)

##' Print the name and the content of an R object
##' @title Print the name and the content of an R object
##' @param x ANY, an R object.
##' @param prefix the prefix to print.
##' @param envir the \code{environment} to use.
##' @return NULL
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' ## print an object
##' x1 <- 1:6
##' printme(x1)
##' ## print with a prefix
##' foo <- function(x,envir=sys.frame(sys.parent(0))){
##'   printme(x,match.call(),envir=envir)
##'   invisible()
##' }
##' foo(1:6)
##' @seealso \code{\link{logme}}
printme <- function(x=NULL,prefix=NULL,envir=sys.frame(sys.parent(0)))
    prefix <- prefix[[1]]
  if (!missing(x)){
    .xname <- atos(x,envir=envir)
    prefix <- NULL
  } else{
    prefix <- as.character(prefix)
    if (is.null(prefix)){
      cat(sprintf("\n## "))
    } else {
      cat(sprintf("\n## %s | ",prefix))
    if (!missing(x)){
  cat(sprintf(" ##\n"))
  if (!missing(x)){
    if (!is.character(x)) {
    } else {
      if (length(x)!=1){
      } else {
        if (sprintf('"%s"',x)!=.xname){

##' Print a message with a time stamp
##' @title Print a message with a time stamp
##' @param x ANY, an R object.
##' @return NULL
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' stampme('Hello World!')
stampme <- function(x){
  printme(x,prefix=format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S %Z"),envir=sys.frame(sys.parent(0)))

##' Log the name and the content of an R object given levels of logger
##' @title Log the name and the content of an R object
##' @param x ANY, an R object.
##' @param prefix the prefix to log.
##' @param logger logging level, one of: NULL, 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'
##' @param envir the \code{environment} to use.
##' @return NULL 
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' ## log an object
##' x1 <- 1:6
##' logme(x1)
##' ## log according to logger levels
##' bar <- function(x,envir=sys.frame(sys.parent(0))){
##'   for (.logger in get_loglevel()) {
##'     if (is.null(.logger)) .prefix <- 'NULL' else .prefix <- .logger
##'     logme(x,prefix=.prefix,logger=.logger,envir=envir)
##'   }
##' }
##' options(logger='DEBUG')
##' bar(1:6) # print logs of level NULL, INFO and DEBUG
##' options(logger='ERROR')
##' bar(1:6) # print logs of level NULL, INFO, DEBUG, WARNING and ERROR
##' @seealso \code{\link{printme}}
logme <- function(x=NULL,prefix=NULL,logger=NULL,envir=sys.frame(sys.parent(0)))
  logger <- as.loglevel(logger)
  if (as.numeric(logger) <= as.numeric(options()$logger)) {

##' Generate a diagnostic message from its arguments, with timestamp
##' @title Generate a diagnostic message from its arguments,
##' with timestamp
##' @param ... see \code{message}
##' @param domain see \code{message}
##' @param appendLF see \code{message}
##' @return NULL
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' stampmsg(LETTERS)
stampmsg <- function(..., domain=NULL, appendLF=TRUE){
  .prefix <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S %Z")
  message(.prefix, " | ", ..., domain=domain, appendLF=appendLF)

##' Log a `save`
##' @title Log a `save`
##' @param x ANY, an R object.
##' @param logger see \code{\link{logme}}
##' @param envir the \code{environment} to use.
##' @return NULL
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' inFpath <- "mydir/mypath"
##' logsave(inFpath)
logsave <- function(x,logger=NULL,envir=sys.frame(sys.parent(0))){
  logger <- as.loglevel(logger)
  if (as.numeric(logger) <= as.numeric(options()$logger)) {
    message(sprintf("\nFile saved: \n%s=\"%s\"\n",atos(x,envir=envir),x))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## i/o
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

##' A wrapper of write.table with customized parameters and parsing
##' @title A wrapper of write.table
##' @param outFpath file, see \code{write.table}
##' @param x see \code{write.table}
##' @param append see \code{write.table}
##' @param sep see \code{write.table}
##' @param quote see \code{write.table}
##' @param row.names see \code{write.table}
##' @param col.names see \code{write.table}
##' @param logger see \code{\link{logme}}
##' @param ... further arguments passed to `write.table`. See \code{write.table}
##' @return NULL
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
write.data.table <- function(

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## os
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

##' Is the OS Windows
##' @title Is the OS Windows
##' @return logical
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
is.windows <- function(){as.character(Sys.info()['sysname'])=='Windows'}

##' Is the OS Linux
##' @title Is the OS Linux
##' @return logical 
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
is.linux <- function(){as.character(Sys.info()['sysname'])=='Linux'}

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## connection
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

##' Is a connection
##' @title Is a connection
##' @param x R object
##' @return logical
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' is.connection(textConnection(LETTERS))
is.connection <- function(x){
  'connection' %in% class(x)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## file/dir
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

##' Is it a file
##' @title Is it a file
##' @param x character, a file name.
##' @return logical
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
is.file <- function(x){
  ret <- FALSE
  if (file.exists(x)){
    if (! file.info(x)$isdir){
      ret <- TRUE

##' Is it a directory
##' @title Is it a directory
##' @param x character, a directory name.
##' @return logical
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
is.dir <- function(x){
  ret <- FALSE
  if (file.exists(x)){
    if (file.info(x)$isdir){
      ret <- TRUE

##' Does the directory exist
##' @title Does the directory exist
##' @param x character, a directory name.
##' @return logical
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
dir.exists <- function(x){
  file.exists(x) & is.dir(x)

##' Return a valid mode given digits
##' @title Return a valid mode given digits
##' @param mode character, the mode of the path, see \code{dir.create}.
##' @param digits numeric, either 3 or 4.
##' @return mode
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' valid.mode("777",4)
##' valid.mode("0777",3)
valid.mode <- function(mode,digits=4){
  if (!digits %in% c(3:4)){
    stop('valid.mode | digits must be either 3 or 4.')
  if (!nchar(mode) %in% c(3:4)){
    stop('valid.mode | nchar(mode) must be either 3 or 4.')
  if (digits==4){
      mode <- paste("0",mode,sep='')
  if (digits==3){
      mode <- substr(mode,2,4)

##' Make a directory recursively
##' @title Make a directory recursively
##' @param x character, a directory name.
##' @param mode the mode of the path, see \code{dir.create}
##' @return NULL
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' if (character_to_logical(
##'   raw_input("Would you like to create a directory for testing
##'   at current working directory?",c('yes','no')))){
##'   ## make.dir('testdir','751') # uncomment it to let R create the directory
##' }
##' }
make.dir <- function(x,mode){
  if (missing(mode)){
    mode <- '0777'
    if (is.linux()){
      mode <- valid.mode(mode,3)
    } else {
      mode <- valid.mode(mode,4)
    if (is.file(x)){
      stop(sprintf('make.dir | cannot create directory (%s): it is a file. ',x))
    if (!dir.exists(x)){
      if (is.linux()){
        system(sprintf('mkdir -p -m %s %s',mode,x))
      } else {
        dir.create(x,mode=mode,recursive=TRUE) ## NG: mode problem via recursive

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## data.frame
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

##' Concatenate data.frame into a string
##' @title Concatenate data.frame into a string
##' @param x data.frame or matrix
##' @param sep character, a delimiter
##' @param ... further arguments passed to `format`. See \code{format}
##' @return data.frame
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
dfconcat <- function(x,sep=" ",...){
  .x <- apply(x,2,format,...)
    .x <- matrix(.x,ncol=length(.x))
  ret <- paste(apply(.x,1,paste,sep='',collapse=sep),sep='',collapse='\n')

##' Chunk data.frame into parts
##' @title Chunk data.frame into parts
##' @param x data.frame or matrix
##' @param n numeric, the number of chunks
##' @param balance.size logical, see \code{vchunk}
##' @param balance.order logical, see \code{vchunk}
##' @return a list of data.frame
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' dfchunk(iris,n=5)
##' dfchunk(iris[1:20,],n=3)
##' dfchunk(iris[1:20,],n=3,balance.order=TRUE)
dfchunk <- function(x,n,balance.size=TRUE,balance.order=FALSE){
  x <- as.data.frame(x)
  v_rows <- vchunk(seq(nrow(x)),n,balance.size=balance.size,balance.order=balance.order)
  ret <- sapply(v_rows,function(e){x[e,]}, simplify=FALSE)

##' Sort data.frame given levels of one column 
##' @title Sort data.frame given levels of one column 
##' @param x data.frame
##' @param which.col column index or name
##' @param levels character see \code{base::factor}
##' @return data.frame
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' data(CO2)
##' dfsort(CO2,"Treatment",c("nonchilled","chilled"))
##' dfsort(CO2,3,c("chilled","nonchilled"))
dfsort <- function(x,which.col,levels){
  .order <- order(factor(as.character(x[,which.col]),levels=levels))

##' Split data.frame given one leveled column 
##' @title Split data.frame given one leveled column 
##' @param x data.frame
##' @param which.col column index or name
##' @param levels character see \code{base::factor}
##' @return named list
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' x <- read.table(textConnection("
##' chr1  0   100
##' chr2  100 200
##' chr10 200 300
##' "),col.names=c('chr','start','end'))
##' ## compare the results by base::split and dfsplit
##' split(x,f=x[,'chr'])
##' ## $chr1
##' ##    chr start end
##' ## 1 chr1     0 100
##' ## $chr10
##' ##     chr start end
##' ## 3 chr10   200 300
##' ## $chr2
##' ##    chr start end
##' ## 2 chr2   100 200
##' dfsplit(x,'chr',c('chr1','chr2','chr10'))
##' ## $chr1
##' ##    chr start end
##' ## 1 chr1     0 100
##' ## $chr2
##' ##    chr start end
##' ## 2 chr2   100 200
##' ## $chr10
##' ##     chr start end
##' ## 3 chr10   200 300
dfsplit <- function(x,which.col,levels){
  x <- as.data.frame(x)
  .x <- split(x,f=x[,which.col])
  .order <- order(factor(as.character(names(.x)),levels=levels))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## data.table
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## vector
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

##' Chunk a vector into parts given the number of chunks
##' or the max size of a chunk
##' @title Chunk a vector into parts
##' @param x vector to chunk
##' @param n numeric, the number of chunks
##' @param max.size numeric, the maximal size of a chunk
##' @param balance.size logical, as equal as possible. Whether return balanced chunks.
##' @param balance.order logical, whether to balance the elements.
##' Force balance.size to be TRUE.
##' given their original orders.
##' @return list
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' vchunk(1:7,7)
##' vchunk(1:19,n=3)
##' vchunk(1:19,max.size=9) # size-balanced
##' vchunk(1:19,max.size=9,balance.size=FALSE) # size/order-unbalanced
##' vchunk(1:19,max.size=9,balance.size=FALSE,balance.order=TRUE) # order-balanced
##' vchunk(1:19,max.size=9,balance.order=TRUE) # size/order-balanced
vchunk <- function(x,n=NULL,max.size=NULL,balance.size=TRUE,balance.order=FALSE){
  ## section a vector into groups no larger than max.size
  ## @param balance.size as equal as possible
  ## [2014-08-06] replace aeap with balance.size and made it more balanced.
  if (!is.null(n)){
    max.size <- ceiling(length(x)/n) 
  if (balance.size){
    n <- ceiling(length(x)/max.size)
    size <- ceiling(length(x)/n)
  } else {
    size <- max.size
    n <- ceiling(length(x)/size)

  if (!balance.size) {
    .chunk <- ceiling(seq_along(x)/size)
    if (balance.order) {
      .chunk <- .chunk[order(unlist(lapply(split(.chunk,.chunk),order)))]
  } else{
    .mod <- ceiling(seq_along(x)%%n)
    .chunk <- .mod
    .chunk[.chunk==0] <- n
    if (!balance.order) {
      .chunk <- sort(.chunk)
  ret <- split(x, .chunk)

##' Concatenate vector into a string
##' @title Concatenate vector into a string
##' @param x vector
##' @param sep character, a delimiter
##' @param capsule logical, weather to capsule with `c()'
##' @param quote logical, weather to surround elements by double quotes.
##' @return vector
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' cat(vconcat(head(letters),capsule=TRUE,quote=TRUE),'\n')
##' ## c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f")
##' cat(vconcat(head(letters),sep='-'),'\n')
##' ## a-b-c-d-e-f
vconcat <- function(x,sep=", ",capsule=FALSE,quote=FALSE){
  if (! is.vector(x)){
    stop('x must be a vector')
  .flag <- is.character(x)
  if (quote & !.flag){
    warning('Surround non-character elements by double quotes. Try quote=FALSE.')
  .x <- as.character(x)
  if (quote){
    .collapse <- sprintf('"%s"',sep)
  } else {
    .collapse <- sep
  ret <- paste(.x,sep='',collapse=.collapse)
  if (quote){
    ret <- paste('"',ret,'"',sep='')    
  if (capsule){
    ret <- sprintf('c(%s)',ret)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## string
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

##' Replicate and concatenate a string
##' @title Replicate and concatenate a string
##' @param x See \code{rep}
##' @param ... See \code{rep}
##' @return character
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' srep("*",5)
srep <- function(x,...){
  ret <- rep(x,...)

##' Chunk a string into parts
##' @title Chunk a string into parts
##' @param x character, a string to chunk.
##' @param size numeric, the size of a chunk.
##' @param brk character to link broken words.
##' @param indent.width1 numeric, indent of the first line
##' @param indent.width numeric, indent of the other lines
##' @param concat logical, whether to concatenate by a `newline`
##' @return character
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' x <- 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'
##' cat(schunk(x,15),'\n')
##' cat(schunk(x,15,indent.width1=4),'\n') # indent all lines
##' cat(schunk(x,15,indent.width=4),'\n')  # indent lines other than the first
##' x <- 'The word, honorificabilitudinita, occurs in Shakespeare\'s
##' play Love\'s Labour\'s Lost, and means "with honorablenesses".'
##' cat(schunk(x,30),'\n')
##' ## The word, honorificabilitudini-
##' ## ta, occurs in Shakespeare's
##' ## play Love's Labour's Lost, and
##' ##  means "with honorablenesses".
schunk <- function(x,size,brk='-',indent.width1=0,indent.width=indent.width1,concat=TRUE)
  tmp <- strsplit(x,sprintf("(?<=.{%s})",size), perl = TRUE)[[1]]
  for (i in seq_along(tmp)){
    if (i != length(tmp)){
      if (length(grep('[a-zA-Z]$',tmp[i])) & length(grep('^[a-zA-Z]',tmp[i+1]))){
        tmp[i] <- paste(tmp[i],brk,sep='')
  tmp[1] <- paste(srep(" ",indent.width1),tmp[1],sep='')
  tmp[-1] <- paste(srep(" ",indent.width),tmp[-1],sep='')
  if (concat){
    tmp <- paste(tmp,sep='',collapse='\n')

##' Determine if a character string "starts with" specified characters. A modified version of gdata::startsWith.
##' @title Determine if a character string "starts with" specified characters
##' @param x character, a string.
##' @param char character to match.
##' @param ignore.case logical, whether case is ignored
##' @return logical
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' startswith('Hello World','hello',ignore.case=TRUE)
startswith <- 
  if (ignore.case) {
    x <- toupper(x)
    char <- toupper(char)
  substr(x, start = 1, stop = nchar(char)) == char

##' Determine if a character string "ends with" specified characters
##' @title Determine if a character string "ends with" specified characters
##' @param x character, a string
##' @param char character to match
##' @param ignore.case logical, whether case is ignored
##' @return logical
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' endswith('Hello World','world',ignore.case=TRUE)
endswith <- 
  function(x,char,ignore.case = FALSE)
  if (ignore.case) {
    x <- toupper(x)
    char <- toupper(char)
  substr(x, start = nchar(x)-nchar(char)+1, stop = nchar(x)) == char

##' Split a string at the first `split'
##' @title Split a string at the first `split'
##' @param x character, a string to split.
##' @param split, see \code{strsplit}
##' @param ..., see \code{strsplit}
##' @return list
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' strsplit.first('inFpath="a=1.b=2.c=TRUE"',split="=")
strsplit.first <- function(x,split,...){
  tmp.split <- "__TMPTMPTMP__"
  x <- sub(split,tmp.split,x) #sub (not gsub) to only split at the first occurence

##' Strip a string with given characters at the beginning (left end)
##' @title Strip a string with given characters at the beginning (left end)
##' @param x character, a string.
##' @param char character to trim.
##' @return character
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
lstrip <- function(x,char=" "){
  ## Strip leading space
  sub(sprintf("^[%s]+",char), "", x)

##' Strip a string with given chars at the (right) end
##' @title Strip a string with given chars at the (right) end
##' @param x character, a string.
##' @param char character to trim.
##' @return character
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
rstrip <- function(x,char=" "){
  ## Strip trailing space
  sub(sprintf("[%s]+$",char), "", x)

##' Strip a string with given chars at both ends
##' @title Strip a string with given chars at both ends
##' @param x character, a string.
##' @param char character to trim.
##' @return character
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
strip <- function(x,char=" "){
  gsub(sprintf("(^[%s]+)|([%s]+$)",char,char), "", x)

##' Convert a character string to logical. 
##' @title Convert a character string to logical. 
##' @param x character
##' @param ignore.case logical, whether case is ignored
##' @return logical. TRUE for "y","yes","t","true" and "1";
##' FALSE for "n","no","f","false" and "0".
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' character_to_logical("yes")
##' try(character_to_logical("hi"))
character_to_logical <- function(x,ignore.case=TRUE)
  if (ignore.case){
    x <- tolower(x)
  if (x %in% c("y","yes","t","true","1")){
    ret <- TRUE
  } else if (x %in% c("n","no","f","false","0")){
    ret <- FALSE
  } else {
    stop(sprintf("character_to_logical | Invalid value (%s)",x))

##' Input from the terminal (in interactive use),
##' confined by \code{choice} if provided.
##' @title Input from the terminal (in interactive use)
##' @param msg character, a message to input
##' @param choice character, choices to confine the input
##' @param strip logical, whether to strip trailing spaces of the input
##' @return character
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' raw_input("Please enter user name: ")
##' raw_input("Please confirm",choice=c("yes","no"))
##' }
raw_input <- function(msg="",choice,strip=TRUE)
  msg <- strip(msg)
  msg <- rstrip(msg,':')
  if (missing(choice)){
    msg <- sprintf('%s: ',msg)
  .choice <- paste(choice,sep='',collapse='/')
  prompt <- sprintf("%s (%s): ",msg,.choice)
  .retry <- TRUE
  while (.retry){
    ret <- readline(prompt)
    if (ret %in% choice){
      .retry <- FALSE

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## string formatting
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

##' String formatting given an environment
##' @title String formatting given an environment
##' @param x character, a string to format.
##' @param envir the \code{environment} to use. 
##' @return character
##' @seealso \code{\link{sprintf}}
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' a="fox";b="dog";
##' x <- 'The quick brown %(a)s jumps over the lazy %(b)s? 
##' Or the quick brown %(b)s jumps over the lazy %(a)s?'
##' ## format given the global environment
##' lprintf(x)
##' ## [1] "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog?
##' ## Or the quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox?"
##' ## format given a local environment
##' myenv <- new.env()
##' local(
##'   {a="coyote";b="dog";},
##'   envir=myenv
##' )
##' lprintf(x,myenv)
##' ## [1] "The quick brown coyote jumps over the lazy dog?
##' ## Or the quick brown dog jumps over the lazy coyote?"
lprintf <- function(x,envir=sys.frame(sys.parent(1))){
  if(is.numeric(envir) | is.integer(envir)){
    envir <- sys.frame(sys.parent(envir))
  .fmt <- function(x,envir,match,value,conversion='s'){
    replacement <- get(value,envir=envir)
    replacement <- switch(
      's'=as.character(replacement), # only for %s
      stop('lprintf | only "%%s" inplemented')
      stop(sprintf("lprintf | !length(%s)",value))
      stop(sprintf("lprintf | is.na(%s)",value))
    ## logme(match,'lprintf','DEBUG')
    ## logme(value,'lprintf','DEBUG')
    ## logme(replacement,'lprintf','DEBUG')
      stop(sprintf("lprintf | Invalid value: %s",value))
  ## match
  .p <- '\\%\\(([^()]+)\\)([a-z])'
  .m <- .str_match_all(x,.p)[[1]] #stringr::str_match_all
  for (i in seq(nrow(.m))){
    x <- .fmt(x,envir,.m[i,1],.m[i,2],.m[i,3])

##' Convert an R object to a string
##' @title Convert an R object to a string
##' @param x an R object.
##' @param envir the \code{environment} to use.
##' @return character
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
atos <- function(x,envir=sys.frame(sys.parent(0))){

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## packages
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

##' Get the executable file path of a package 
##' @title Get the executable file path of a package 
##' @param pkg character, the name of a package
##' @param name character, the name of the executable file
##' @param dir character, the directory in the package hierarchy
##' @param mustWork See \code{system.file}
##' @return character, the executable file path
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' try(get_executable('Xmisc','Xmisc-argumentparser.R'))
##' }
get_executable <- function(

##' Get the extdata file path of a package 
##' @title Get the extdata file path of a package 
##' @param pkg character, the name of a package
##' @param name character, the name of the extdata file
##' @param dir character, the directory in the package hierarchy
##' @param mustWork See \code{system.file}
##' @return character, the extdata file path
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' try(get_extdata('datasets','morley.tab','data'))
##' }
get_extdata <- function(  

##' Check if a package is loaded
##' @title Check if a package is loaded
##' @param x package, see \code{library} or \code{require}.
##' @param envir the \code{environment} to use.
##' @param character.only see \code{library} or \code{require}.
##' @return logical
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @seealso \code{\link{check.packages}}
##' @examples
##' is.package.loaded(Xmisc)
##' is.package.loaded("Xmisc")
##' x <- "Xmisc"
##' is.package.loaded(x) #FALSE
##' is.package.loaded(x,character.only=TRUE) #TRUE
is.package.loaded <-
  if (!character.only){
    x <- atos(x,envir=envir)
    x <- strip(x,'\'|"')
  sprintf("package:%s",x) %in% search() 

##' Check if a package can be loaded. If TRUE, load it as long as it has not yet been loaded.
##' @title Check if a package can be loaded
##' @param x package, see \code{library} or \code{require}.
##' @param envir the \code{environment} to use.
##' @param character.only see \code{library} or \code{require}.
##' @return logical, whether a package can be loaded.
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @seealso \code{\link{is.package.loaded}}
##' @examples
##' check.packages("Xmisc")
##' check.packages(Xmisc)
##' x <- "Xmisc"
##' check.packages(x,character.only=TRUE)
check.packages <-
  if (is.package.loaded(x,envir=envir)){
  ## x %in% rownames(installed.packages()) ## slow!
  if (!character.only){
    x <- atos(x,envir=envir)
    x <- strip(x,'\'|"')
  ret <-

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## function
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

##' Funciton with attributes (name, package)
##' @title Funciton with attributes
##' @param x function
##' @param name character, the function name
##' @param package character, where the function is from
##' @return named funciton
##' @author Xiaobei Zhao
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' func(lm,'lm','stats')
##' }
func <- function(x,name,package){
  ret <- x
  attr(ret,'name') <- name
  attr(ret,'package') <- package

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Xmisc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:23 a.m.