newpainters: The Discretized Painter's Data of de Piles

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The original painters data contain the subjective assessment, on a 0 to 20 integer scale, of 54 classical painters. The newpainters data discretizes the subjective assessment by quartiles with thresholds 25%, 50%, 75%. The painters were assessed on four characteristics: composition, drawing, colour and expression. The data is due to the Eighteenth century art critic, de Piles.




A table containing 5 variables ("Composition", "Drawing", "Colour", "Expression", and "School") and 54 observations.


A. J. Weekes (1986).“A Genstat Primer”. Edward Arnold.

M. Davenport and G. Studdert-Kennedy (1972). “The statistical analysis of aesthetic judgement: an exploration.” Applied Statistics, vol. 21, pp. 324–333.

I. T. Jolliffe (1986) “Principal Component Analysis.” Springer.


Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002) “Modern Applied Statistics with S,” Fourth edition. Springer.

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