
Defines functions adaptiveGMRF

Documented in adaptiveGMRF

#' This function estimates the effects of functional MR Images (fMRI), with the 
#' method of efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation. The Metropolis
#' Hastings (MH) algorithm is used for the non-approximate case and the Gibbs 
#' sampler for the approximate case. 
#' @name adaptiveGMRF
#' @aliases adaptiveGMRF
#' @title Adaptive GMRF Model (Real Data)
#' @usage adaptiveGMRF(data, hrf, approximate = FALSE, K = 500, 
#' a = 0.001, b = 0.001, c = 0.001, d = 0.001, nu = 1, filter = NULL, block = 1, burnin = 1, thin = 1)
#' @param data fMRI-data, needs to be an array of dimension \code{(dx x dy x T)}.
#' @param hrf haemodynamic response function, needs to be a vector of length \code{T}. 
#' @param approximate logical, if \code{TRUE} then the approximate case is choosen. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param K scalar, length of the MCMC path, hence iteration steps.
#' @param a scalar, shape hyperparameter of the inverse-gamma distribution of the variance parameter (\eqn{\sigma_i^2}).
#' @param b scalar, scale hyperparameter of the inverse gamma distribution of the variance parameter (\eqn{\sigma_i^2}).
#' @param c scalar, shape hyperparameter of the inverse gamma distribution of the precision parameter (\eqn{\tau}).
#' @param d scalar, scale hyperparameter of the inverse gamma distribution of the precision parameter (\eqn{\tau}).
#' @param filter scalar, a value between 0 and 1 defining to which extent the fMRI-data should be filtered.
#'               The corresponding formular is \code{max(fmri)*filter}.
#' @param nu scalar, shape and scale hyperparameter of the gamma distribution of the interaction weights (\eqn{w_{ij}}).
#' @param block scalar, when \code{approximate==TRUE} then a block of weights is updated at a time.
#' @param burnin scalar, defining the first iteration steps which should be omitted from MCMC path.
#' @param thin scalar, only every \code{thin} step of MCMC path is saved to output.
#' @author Maximilian Hughes
#' @note This function is solely for one covariate and real data sets.
#' @examples
#' # See example function for simulated data (one covariate).       

adaptiveGMRF <- function(data, hrf, approximate=FALSE, K=500, 
                         a=0.001, b=0.001, c=0.001, d=0.001, nu=1, filter=NULL, block=1, burnin=1, thin=1){
  #if (any(is.na(data)))
  #      stop("\nNAs in fMRI data.\n")
  if(dim(data)[1]<=1 || dim(data)[2]<=1 || dim(data)[3]<=1)
    stop("FMRI data needs to be an array of dimension (dx x dy x T).")

  if (any(is.na(hrf)))
    stop("\nNAs in hr function.\n")
  Z <- as.matrix(hrf)
    stop("Haemodynamic response function needs to be of same length T (time) as
           simulated fMRI data.")

  if(a <= 0 || b <= 0 || c <= 0 || d <= 0)
    stop("Scale and shape parameters of the inverse gamma distributions need to be > 0.")
    stop("Scale and shape parameter nu needs to be set to 1.")
  ## get real fmri data
  fmri <- data
  dx <- dim(fmri)[1]
  dy <- dim(fmri)[2]
  T.real <- dim(fmri)[3]
  # filter y
    ymax <- max(fmri)
    yNA <- array(0, dim=c(dx,dy,T.real))
    for(i in 1:dx){
      for(j in 1:dy){
        for(t in 1:T.real){
          if(fmri[i,j,t] < ymax*filter)
            yNA[i,j,t] <- NA
  # need to go through all t
  ymask <- array(0, dim=c(dx,dy))
  for(t in 1:T.real){
    ymask <- ymask + yNA[,,t]
  I <- sum(!is.na(ymask))
  # use filter for fmri data
  y <- c()
  for(i in 1:dx){
    for(j in 1:dy){
        y <- c(y, fmri[i,j,])
  # blt-function
  bltfun <- function(T){
    t <- 1:T
    bltmat <- matrix(nrow = T, ncol = 5)
    bltmat[,1] <- rep(1, times = T)
    bltmat[,2] <- t
    bltmat[,3] <- sin(pi*t/16) 
    bltmat[,4] <- cos(pi*t/25)
    bltmat[,5] <- cos(pi*t/40)
  U <- bltfun(T.real) # note: U is only for one pixel
  ## build K, as sparse matrix
  # get coordinates
  coord <- c()
  for(i in 1:dx){
    for(j in 1:dy){
        coord <- cbind(coord, c(i, j))
  }   #plot(as.matrix(coord)[1,], as.matrix(coord)[2,])
  nei <- c()
  for(i in 1:(I-1)){
    for(j in (i+1):I){
        nei <- cbind(nei, c(i, j))
  }   #plot(as.matrix(nei)[1,], as.matrix(nei)[2,])

  NEI <- dim(nei)[2]
  K.i <- c(1:I, nei[1,], nei[2,])
  K.j <- c(1:I, nei[2,], nei[1,])
  tauk.sq2K <- array(0, dim=c(length(K.i), NEI))
  w <- rep(0.32, NEI)
  for(i in 1:NEI){
    tauk.sq2K[nei[1, i], i] <- w[i]
    tauk.sq2K[nei[2, i], i] <- w[i]
    tauk.sq2K[I+i,i] <- -w[i]
    tauk.sq2K[I+NEI+i,i] <- -w[i]
  }   #image(as(tauk.sq2K, "sparseMatrix"))

  tauk.sq <- rep(1, NEI)
  K.sparse <- sparseMatrix(K.i, K.j, x=as.vector(tauk.sq2K%*%tauk.sq), dims=c(I,I))

  ## starting values
  alpha <- array(0, dim = c(I, dim(U)[2]))
  beta <- numeric(I)
  w.new <- numeric(block)
  diff <- NEI - floor(NEI/block)*block
  sigma.sq <- rep(1, I)
  count <- 0
  acc.count <- 0
  ## Prepare mean e and precision Q for Rue/Held Algorithm
  tZZ <- t(Z)%*%Z
  sigtZZ <- kronecker(as(diag(sigma.sq, I), "sparseMatrix"), tZZ)
  sigtZy <- kronecker(as(diag(sigma.sq, I), "sparseMatrix"), t(Z))%*%y
                                             # only y as alpha=0 and
                                             # only one covariate
  ## save output of MCMC
  #alpha.out <- 
  beta.out <- w.out <- tauk.out <- sigma.out <- c()

  for(k in 1:K){  

    ## Step 1: Draw the blocks alpha_k from the Gaussian full    
    ##         conditionals k = 1,...,m.
    for(i in 1:I){
      Sigma.alpha <- 1/sigma.sq[i]*t(U)%*%U
      Sigma.alpha <- solve(Sigma.alpha)
      mu.alpha <- Sigma.alpha%*%(1/sigma.sq[i]*t(U)%*%(y[1:T.real+(i-1)*T.real] -
      alpha[i,] <- rmvnorm(1, mu.alpha, Sigma.alpha)
    ## Step 2: Draw the blocks beta_k from the (multivariate) Gaussian full
    ##         conditionals
    # update Q
    Q <- sigtZZ + K.sparse
    # update e
    e <- sigtZy
    ## Rue/Held Algorithm, sampling beta ~ N(b, Q):
    # Step 1
    L <- chol(Q)  #as.matrix()
    # Step 2
    s <- solve(L,e)
    # Step 3
    mu.beta <- solve(t(L), s)
    # Step 4
    z <- rnorm(I)
    # Step 5
    v <- solve(t(L), z)
    # Step 6
    beta <- mu.beta+v

    ## Step 3: Draw the weights w_ij via MH steps or Gibbs-Sampling in the
    ##         approximate case

      f.full <- nu/2
      for(i in 1:NEI){
        g.full <- nu/2+((beta[K.i[I+i]] - beta[K.j[I+i]])^2)/(2*tauk.sq[i])
        w[i] <- rgamma(1, shape=f.full, rate=g.full)
        # update tauk.sq2K
        tauk.sq2K[nei[1, i], i] <- w[i]
        tauk.sq2K[nei[2, i], i] <- w[i]
        tauk.sq2K[I+i,i] <- -w[i]
        tauk.sq2K[I+NEI+i,i] <- -w[i]
      K.old <- K.sparse
      f.full <- nu/2
      for(i in 1:NEI){
        # draw a block of weights at a time
          count <- count + 1

          for(j in (1+i-block):i){
            g.full <- nu/2 + ((beta[K.i[I+j]] - beta[K.j[I+j]])^2)/(2*tauk.sq[j])
            w.new[j] <- rgamma(1, shape=f.full, rate=g.full)
                                        # update tauk.sq2K
            tauk.sq2K[nei[1,j],j] <- w.new[j]
            tauk.sq2K[nei[2,j],j] <- w.new[j]
            tauk.sq2K[I+j,j] <- -w.new[j]
            tauk.sq2K[I+NEI+j,j] <- -w.new[j]
          # update K.sparse with w.new and call it K.new 
          K.new <- sparseMatrix(K.i, K.j, x=as.vector(tauk.sq2K%*%(1/tauk.sq)),

          eigen.new <- sum(log(diag(chol(K.new[K.i[I+1-block+i]:(I-1),
          eigen.old <- sum(log(diag(chol(K.old[K.i[I+1-block+i]:(I-1),
          # avoid deviding by 0 and avoid having infinity in numerator and denominator!
          # (better set acc.rate to zero in infinity case?)
          if(eigen.old==0||(eigen.old==Inf & eigen.new==Inf)){
            acc.rate <- 1
            acc.rate <- sqrt(exp(eigen.new-eigen.old))

          # accept
            acc.count <- acc.count + 1
            w[(1+i-block):i] <- w.new[(1+i-block):i]
            w[(1+i-block):i] <- w[(1+i-block):i]

          # update tauk.sq2K
          for(j in (1+i-block):i){
            tauk.sq2K[nei[1, j], j] <- w[j]
            tauk.sq2K[nei[2, j], j] <- w[j]
            tauk.sq2K[I+j,j] <- -w[j]
            tauk.sq2K[I+NEI+j,j] <- -w[j]
        # handle the weights which are left over
        if(i==NEI & NEI%%block!=0){
          count <- count + 1
          for(j in (1+i-diff):i){
            g.full <- nu/2 + ((beta[K.i[I+j]] - beta[K.j[I+j]])^2)/(2*tauk.sq[j])
            w.new[j] <- rgamma(1, shape=f.full, rate=g.full)
            # update tauk.sq2K
            tauk.sq2K[nei[1,j],j] <- w.new[j]
            tauk.sq2K[nei[2,j],j] <- w.new[j]
            tauk.sq2K[I+j,j] <- -w.new[j]
            tauk.sq2K[I+NEI+j,j] <- -w.new[j]
          # update K.sparse with w.new and call it K.new 
          K.new <- sparseMatrix(K.i, K.j, x=as.vector(tauk.sq2K%*%(1/tauk.sq)),
          eigen.new <- sum(log(diag(chol(K.new[K.i[I+1-block+i]:(I-1),
          eigen.old <- sum(log(diag(chol(K.old[K.i[I+1-block+i]:(I-1),

          # avoid deviding by 0 and avoid having infinity in numerator and denominator!
          # (better set acc.rate to zero in infinity case?)
          if(eigen.old==0||(eigen.old==Inf & eigen.new==Inf)){
            acc.rate <- 1
            acc.rate <- sqrt(exp(eigen.new-eigen.old))
          # accept
            acc.count <- acc.count + 1
            w[(1+i-diff):i] <- w.new[(1+i-diff):i]
            w[(1+i-diff):i] <- w[(1+i-diff):i]
          # update tauk.sq2K
          for(j in (1+i-diff):i){
            tauk.sq2K[nei[1,j],j] <- w[j]
            tauk.sq2K[nei[2,j],j] <- w[j]
            tauk.sq2K[I+j,j] <- -w[j]
            tauk.sq2K[I+NEI+j,j] <- -w[j]

    ## Step 4: Draw the variance parameters sigma^2 and the hyperparameters from its
    ##         corresponding inverse gamma full conditionals.

    # sigma^2
    a.full <- a + 0.5*T.real
    for(i in 1:I){
      b.full <- b + 0.5*sum((y[1:T.real+(i-1)*T.real] - (U%*%alpha[i,]+Z%*%beta[i]))^2)
      sigma.sq[i] <- rinvgamma(1, a.full, b.full)

    # update sigtZZ
    sigtZZ <- kronecker(as(diag(1/sigma.sq, I), "sparseMatrix"), tZZ)
    # update sigtZy
    y.full <- array(0, dim = c(T.real, I))
    for(i in 1:I){
      y.full[,i] <- y[1:T.real+(i-1)*T.real]-U%*%alpha[i,]
    y.full <- as.vector(y.full)
    sigtZy <- kronecker(as(diag(1/sigma.sq, I), "sparseMatrix"), t(Z))%*%y.full 

    # tau^2
    c.full <- c + 0.5*(I-1)
    d.full <- d + 0.5*t(beta)%*%K.sparse%*%beta
    tauk.sq <- rinvgamma(NEI, c.full, d.full[1,1])
    tauk.sq <- rep(median(tauk.sq), NEI)
    # update K.sparse
    K.sparse <- sparseMatrix(K.i, K.j, x=as.vector(tauk.sq2K%*%(1/tauk.sq)),
                             dims=c(I, I))

    message(c(k, apply(alpha, 2, median), median(beta), median(w), median(sigma.sq),

    ## start saving MCMC output after burnin
    if(k >= burnin){
      ## save only every thin iteration of MCMC output
        #alpha.out <- cbind(alpha.out, as.vector(alpha))
        beta.out <- cbind(beta.out, as.vector(beta))
        w.out <- cbind(w.out, w)
        tauk.out <- c(tauk.out, median(tauk.sq))
        sigma.out <- cbind(sigma.out, sigma.sq)

  result <- list("dx"=dx, "dy"=dy, "I"=I, "iter"=K, "coord"=coord, "nei"=nei,
              "NEI"=NEI, "count"=count, "acc.count"=acc.count, 
              "mask"=ymask,  #"alpha.out"=alpha.out,
              "beta.out"=beta.out, "w.out"=w.out, "sigma.out"=sigma.out,

  class(result) <- "adaptsmoFMRI"

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