
#'Function to optimize the selection of a spatial weighting matrix and select
#'the best subset of eigenvectors (MEM, Moran's Eigenvector Maps)
#'\code{listw.select} computes MEM variables (i.e., eigenvectors of a doubly
#'centered spatial weighting matrix) for various definitions of spatial
#'weighting matrices (SWM) and optimizes the selection of the SWM and of a
#'subset of MEM variables. The optimization is done by maximizing the adjusted
#'R-squared (R2) or by minimizing the residual spatial autocorrelation. The
#'function controls the type I error rate by accounting for the number of tests
#'performed. This function combine calls to the functions \code{scores.listw} and
#'\code{mem.select}. The list of candidate SWMs
#'can easily be generated using \code{\link{listw.candidates}}. 
#'@details While the selection of the SWM is the most critical step of the
#'  spatial eigenvector-based methods (Dray et al. 2006), Bauman et al. (2018)
#'  showed that optimizing the choice of the SWM led to inflated type I error
#'  rates if an explicit control of the number of SWMs tested was not applied.
#'  The function \code{listw.select} therefore applies a Sidak correction (Sidak
#'  1967) for multiple tests to the p-value of the global test of each SWM
#'  (i.e., the model integrating the whole set of spatial predictors). The Sidak
#'  correction is computed as: \eqn{P_corrected = 1 - (1 - P)^n}, where \eqn{n}
#'  is the number of tests performed, \eqn{P} is the observed p-value, and
#'  \eqn{P_corrected} is the new p-value after the correction. The p-value is
#'  first computed using \code{nperm} permutations and then corrected according to 
#'  the total number of SWMs tested (if \code{p.adjust = TRUE}). Although the 
#'  function can be run without this correction, using the default value is strongly 
#'  recommended to avoid inflated type I error rates (Bauman et al. 2018).
#'  As a consequence of the p-value correction, the significance threshold decreases 
#'  as the number of SWMs increases, hence leading to a trade-off between the gain of 
#'  accuracy and the power loss. 
#'  The optimization criterion of the SWM performed by \code{listw.select} is
#'  either based on the maximization of the significant adjusted R2 of all the generated
#'  spatial eigenvectors (also referred to as spatial predictors or MEM
#'  variables) (\code{method = "global"}), or is based on an optimized subset of
#'  eigenvectors (\code{method = "FWD"} and \code{"MIR"}). 
#'  If the objective is only to optimize the selection of the SWM, without the 
#'  intervention of the selection of a subset of predictors within each SWM 
#'  (\code{method = "global"}), then the best SWM is the one maximizing the significant adjusted 
#'  global R2, that is, the R2 of the model of \code{x} against the whole set of
#'  generated MEM variables which must be significant for the global test (\code{method = "global"}). 
#'  The optimization of the SWM depends on the choosen \code{method}. See 
#'  \code{\link{mem.select}} for a description of the situations in which 
#'  \code{method = "FWD"}, \code{"MIR"}, and \code{"global"} should be preferred.
#'  If a subset of MEM variables is needed, then the optimization of the subset
#'  of spatial predictors guides the optimization of the selection of SWM 
#'  (\code{method = "FWD"} or \code{"MIR"}).
#'  If \code{method = "FWD"}, \code{listw.select} performs the forward
#'  selection on the significant SWMs and selects among these the SWM for which
#'  the forward-selected subset of spatial eigenvectors yields the highest
#'  adjusted R2. If \code{method = "MIR"}, \code{listw.select} performs the MIR
#'  selection on all the significant candidate SWMs, and selects the best SWM as
#'  the one with the smallest number of MIR-selected spatial eigenvectors. If
#'  two or more SWMs present the same smallest number of predictors, then the
#'  selection is made among them on the basis of the residual Moran's I. 
#'  If \code{MEM.autocor = "all"}, the optimization criteria described above are 
#'  applied on the sum of the adjusted R2 or number of selected spatial eigenvectors, 
#'  for \code{method = "FWD"} and \code{"MIR"}, respectively.
#'  If no subset of MEM variable is required, then the optimization of the SWM is
#'  based on the maximization of the adjusted R2 of all the generated MEM variables
#'  (\code{method = "global"}).
#'  If \code{MEM.autocor = "all"}, n-1 MEM variables are generated. In this case, if 
#'  \code{method = "global"} or \code{method = "FWD"}, the adjusted R2 is computed 
#'  separately on the MEM associated to positive and negative eigenvalues (hereafter 
#'  positive and negative MEM variables, respectively), and the SWM yielding the 
#'  highest sum of the the two significant R2 values is selected. If \code{method = "MIR"}, the
#'  MIR selection is performed separately on the positive and negative MEM variables,
#'  and the SWM is selected based on the sum of the number of positive and
#'  negative spatial predictors.
#' @param x Vector, matrix, or dataframe of the response variable(s)
#' @param candidates A list of SWMs of the class \code{listw};
#'  \code{candidates} can be created by \code{listw.candidates}
#' @param MEM.autocor Sign of the spatial eigenvectors to generate; \code{"positive"},
#'   \code{"negative"}, or \code{"all"}, for positively, negatively autocorrelated
#'   eigenvectors, or both, respectively; default is \code{"positive"}
#' @param method Criterion to select the best subset of MEM variables. Either
#'   \code{forward} (default option), \code{"MIR"} (for univariate \code{x}
#'   only), or \code{"global"} (see \code{Details})
#' @param MEM.all A logical indicating if the complete set of MEM variables for the best model
#'   should be returned
#' @param nperm Number of permutations to perform the tests in the selection 
#' procedure; Default is 999
#' @param nperm.global Number of permutations to perform the tests in the global test;
#'  Default is 9999
#' @param alpha Significance threshold value for the tests; Default is 0.05
#' @param p.adjust A logical indicating wheter the p-value of the global test performed on each SWM
#'  should be corrected for multiple tests (TRUE) or not (FALSE); default is
#'  \code{TRUE}
#' @param verbose If 'TRUE' more diagnostics are printed. The default setting is
#'   FALSE
#'@return \code{listw.select} returns a list that contains:
#'  \describe{ \item{candidates}{A data.frame that summarizes the results on all SWMs}
#'  \item{best.id}{The index and name of the best SWM} \item{best}{The results 
#'  for the best SWM as returned by \code{mem.select}} }
#'@author Bauman David (\email{dbauman@@ulb.ac.be} or
#'  \email{davbauman@@gmail.com}) and Stéphane Dray
#'@seealso \code{\link{listw.candidates}}, \code{\link{mem.select}},
#'  \code{\link{scores.listw}}
#'@references Bauman D., Fortin M-J, Drouet T. and Dray S. (2018) Optimizing
#'  the choice of a spatial weighting matrix in eigenvector-based methods.
#'  Ecology
#'  Blanchet G., Legendre P. and Borcard D. (2008) Forward selection of
#'  explanatory variables. Ecology, 89(9), 2623--2632
#'  Dray S., Legendre P. and Peres-Neto P. R. (2006) Spatial modeling: a
#'  comprehensive framework for principal coordinate analysis of neighbor
#'  matrices (PCNM). Ecological Modelling, 196, 483--493
#'  Sidak Z. (1967) Rectangular confidence regions for the means of multivariate
#'  normal distributions. Journal of the American Statistical Association,
#'  62(318), 626--633
#'@keywords spatial
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if(require(spdep)) {
#' ### Create a grid of 15 x 15:
#' grid <- expand.grid(x = seq(1, 15, 1), y = seq(1, 15, 1))
#' ### Generate a response variable Y structured at broad scale by linear combination of
#' ### the first three MEM variables to which a normal noise is added:
#' nb <- cell2nb(nrow = 15, ncol = 15, "queen")
#' lw <- nb2listw(nb, style = "B")
#' MEM <- scores.listw(lw, MEM.autocor = "positive")
#' # Degree of spatial autocorrelation:
#' intensity <- 0.8
#' Y_space <- scale(MEM[, 1] + MEM[, 2] + MEM[, 3]) * intensity
#' Y_noise <- scale(rnorm(n = nrow(MEM), mean = 0, sd = 1)) * (1 - intensity)
#' Y <- Y_space + Y_noise
#' ### Y is sampled in 100 randomly-chosen sites of the grid:
#' idx.sample <- sample(c(1:nrow(grid)), 100, replace = FALSE)
#' xy <- grid[idx.sample, ]
#' Y_sampled <- Y[idx.sample]
#' ### The function listw.candidates is used to build the spatial weighting matrices that
#' ### we want to test and compare (with the listw.select function). We test a Gabriel's graph,
#' ### a minimum spanning tree, and a distance-based connectivity defined by a threshold
#' ### distance corresponding to the smallest distance keeping all sites connected (i.e.,
#' ### the defaut value of d2; see help of function listw.candidates).
#' ### These connectivity matrices are then either not weighted (binary weighting), or
#' ### weighted by the linearly decreasing function (see help of the function listw.candidates):
#' candidates <- listw.candidates(coord = xy, nb = c("gab", "mst"), weights = c("binary", "flin"))
#' ### Number of candidate W matrices generated:
#' nbw <- length(candidates)
#' ### Significance threshold value after p-value correction (Sidak correction):
#' 1 - (1 - 0.05)^(1/nbw)
#' ### Optimization of the selection of the SWM among the candidates generated above,
#' ### using the corrected significance threshold calculated above for the global tests:
#' W_sel <- listw.select(Y_sampled, candidates, MEM.autocor = "positive", method = "FWD",
#'                     p.adjust = TRUE, nperm = 299)
#' ### Some characteristics of the best spatial model:
#' # Best SWM:
#' W_sel$best.id
#' # Selected subset of spatial predictor within the best SWM:
#' W_sel$best$MEM.select
#' nrow(W_sel$best$summary)
#' # Corrected p-value of the global test of the best SWM:
#' W_sel$best$global.test$Pvalue
#' # Adjusted R2 of the subset of spatial predictors selected within the chosen SWM:
#' max(W_sel$best$summary$R2Adj)
#' # p-values of all the tested W matrices:
#' W_sel$candidates$Pvalue
#' # Adjusted R2 of the subset of spatial predictors selected for all the significant
#' # W matrices:
#' W_sel$candidates$R2Adj.select
#' # See Appendix S3 of Bauman et al. 2018 for more extensive examples and illustrations.
#' }
#' }
#'@export listw.select
#'@importFrom stats na.omit

"listw.select" <- function(x, 
    MEM.autocor = c("positive", "negative", "all"), 
    method = c("FWD", "MIR", "global"),
    MEM.all = FALSE, nperm = 999, nperm.global = 9999, 
    alpha = 0.05, p.adjust = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
    method <- match.arg(method)
    MEM.autocor <- match.arg(MEM.autocor)
    ntest <- ifelse(p.adjust, length(candidates), 1)
    res.tmp <- lapply(candidates, mem.select, x = x, MEM.autocor = MEM.autocor, 
        method = method, MEM.all = MEM.all, nperm = nperm, nperm.global = nperm.global, alpha = alpha, ntest = ntest, verbose = verbose)
    res <- data.frame(row.names = names(candidates))
    .getstat <- function(list.res, MEM.autocor, method){
        ## get the statistic of the global test
        df <- data.frame(row.names = names(list.res))
        prefix <- ifelse(method == "MIR", "I", "R2Adj")
        if (MEM.autocor == "all")
            suffix <- c(".pos", ".neg") 
            suffix <- NULL
        if (MEM.autocor == "all") {
            df[,1] <- sapply(list.res, function(x) x$global.test$positive$obs)
            df[,2] <- sapply(list.res, function(x) x$global.test$negative$obs)
        } else {
            df[,1] <- sapply(list.res, function(x) x$global.test$obs)
        names(df) <- paste(prefix, suffix, sep = "")
    .getpvalue <- function(list.res, MEM.autocor){
        ## get the pvalue of the global test
        df <- data.frame(row.names = names(list.res))
        if (MEM.autocor == "all")
            suffix <- c(".pos", ".neg") 
            suffix <- NULL
        if (MEM.autocor == "all") {
            df[,1] <- sapply(list.res, function(x) x$global.test$positive$pvalue)
            df[,2] <- sapply(list.res, function(x) x$global.test$negative$pvalue)
        } else {
            df[,1] <- sapply(list.res, function(x) x$global.test$pvalue)
        names(df) <- paste("Pvalue", suffix, sep = "")
    .getinfoselect <- function(list.res, method){
        ## get the information of the best subset of MEM
        df <- data.frame(row.names = names(list.res))
        df[,1] <- sapply(list.res, function(x) ifelse(is.null(x$MEM.select), NA, ncol(x$MEM.select)))
        names(df) <- c("N.var")
        if (method == "MIR") {
            df[,2] <- sapply(list.res, function(x) ifelse(is.null(x$summary), NA, x$summary[nrow(x$summary), "Iresid"]))
            names(df) <- c("N.var", "I.select")
        } else if (method == "FWD") {
            df[,2] <- sapply(list.res, function(x) ifelse(is.null(x$summary), NA, x$summary[nrow(x$summary), "AdjR2Cum"]))
            names(df) <- c("N.var", "R2Adj.select")
    res <- cbind(res, .getstat(res.tmp, MEM.autocor = MEM.autocor, method = method))
    res <- cbind(res, .getpvalue(res.tmp,  MEM.autocor = MEM.autocor))
    res <- cbind(res, .getinfoselect(res.tmp, method = method))
    ## Select the best model among candidates
    if (length(res$N.var) > sum(is.na(res$N.var))) {
        if (method == "FWD") {
            best <- which.max(res$R2Adj.select) 
        } else if (method == "global") {
            R2 <- ifelse(res$Pvalue < alpha, res$R2Adj, NA)
            if (MEM.autocor == "all") 
                R2 <- ifelse(res$Pvalue.pos < alpha, res$R2Adj.pos, 0) + ifelse(res$Pvalue.neg < alpha, res$R2Adj.neg, 0)
            best <- which.max(R2)
        } else if (method == "MIR") {
            best <- which(res$N.var == min(na.omit(res$N.var)))
            if (length(best) > 1)
                ## if different models have the same number of variables
                ## minimizes residual autocorrelation
                best <- best[which.min(abs(res$I.select[best]))] 
        best.id <- best
        names(best.id) <- names(res.tmp)[best]
        return(list(candidates = res, best.id = best.id, best = res.tmp[[best]]))   
    } else {
        return(list(candidates = res))

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