#' p-values for fixed effects of mixed-model via lme4::lmer()
#' @description Estimates mixed models with \pkg{lme4} and calculates p-values
#' for all fixed effects. The default method \code{"KR"} (= Kenward-Roger) as
#' well as \code{method="S"} (Satterthwaite) support LMMs and estimate the
#' model with \code{\link[lmerTest]{lmer}} and then pass it to the
#' \code{\link[lmerTest]{lmerTest}} \code{anova} method (or
#' \code{\link[car]{Anova}}). The other methods (\code{"LRT"} =
#' likelihood-ratio tests and \code{"PB"} = parametric bootstrap) support both
#' LMMs (estimated via \code{\link[lme4]{lmer}}) and GLMMs (i.e., with
#' \code{family} argument which invokes estimation via
#' \code{\link[lme4]{glmer}}) and estimate a full model and restricted models
#' in which the parameters corresponding to one effect (i.e., model term) are
#' withhold (i.e., fixed to 0). Per default tests are based on Type 3 sums of
#' squares. \code{print}, \code{nice}, \code{anova}, and \code{summary}
#' methods for the returned object of class \code{"mixed"} are available.
#' \code{summary} invokes the default \pkg{lme4} summary method and shows
#' parameters instead of effects.
#' \code{lmer_alt} is simply a wrapper for mixed that only returns the
#' \code{"lmerModLmerTest"} or \code{"merMod"} object and correctly uses the
#' \code{||} notation for removing correlations among factors. This function
#' otherwise behaves like \code{g/lmer} (as for \code{mixed}, it calls
#' \code{glmer} as soon as a \code{family} argument is present). Use
#' \code{\link{afex_options}}\code{("lmer_function")} to set which function
#' for estimation should be used. This option determines the class of the
#' returned object (i.e., \code{"lmerModLmerTest"} or \code{"merMod"}).
#' @param formula a formula describing the full mixed-model to be fitted. As
#' this formula is passed to \code{lmer}, it needs at least one random term.
#' @param data \code{data.frame} containing the data. Should have all the
#' variables present in \code{fixed}, \code{random}, and \code{dv} as columns.
#' @param type type of test on which effects are based. Default is to use type 3
#' tests, taken from \code{\link{afex_options}}.
#' @param method character vector indicating which methods for obtaining
#' p-values should be used: \code{"S"} corresponds to the Satterthwaite
#' approximation for degrees of freedom (via \code{\link[lmerTest]{lmerTest}},
#' only LMMs), \code{"KR"} corresponds to the Kenward-Roger approximation for
#' degrees of freedom (only LMMs), \code{"PB"} calculates p-values based on
#' parametric bootstrap, \code{"LRT"} calculates p-values via the likelihood
#' ratio tests implemented in the \code{anova} method for \code{merMod}
#' objects (only recommended for models with many [i.e., > 50] levels for the
#' random factors). The default (currently \code{"S"}) is taken from
#' \code{\link{afex_options}}. For historical compatibility \code{"nested-KR"}
#' is also supported which was the default KR-method in previous versions.
#' @param per_parameter \code{character} vector specifying for which variable
#' tests should be run for each parameter (instead for the overall effect).
#' Can be useful e.g., for testing ordered factors. Uses \code{\link{grep}}
#' for selecting parameters among the fixed effects so regular expressions
#' (\code{\link{regex}}) are possible. See Examples.
#' @param args_test \code{list} of arguments passed to the function calculating
#' the p-values. See Details.
#' @param test_intercept logical. Whether or not the intercept should also be
#' fitted and tested for significance. Default is \code{FALSE}. Only relevant
#' if \code{type = 3}.
#' @param check_contrasts \code{logical}. Should contrasts be checked and (if
#' necessary) changed to \code{"contr.sum"}? See Details. The default
#' (\code{"TRUE"}) is taken from \code{\link{afex_options}}.
#' @param expand_re logical. Should random effects terms be expanded (i.e.,
#' factors transformed into numerical variables) before fitting with
#' \code{(g)lmer}? Allows to use "||" notation with factors.
#' @param all_fit logical. Should \code{\link[lme4]{allFit}} be used to fit each
#' model with each available optimization algorithm and the results that
#' provided the best fit in each case be used? Warning: This can dramatically
#' increase the optimization time. Adds two new attributes to the returned
#' object designating which algorithm was selected and the log-likelihoods for
#' each algorithm. Note that only warnings from the initial fit are emitted
#' during fitting. The warnings of the chosen models are emitted when printing
#' the returned object.
#' @param set_data_arg \code{logical}. Should the data argument in the slot
#' \code{call} of the \code{merMod} object returned from \code{lmer} be set to
#' the passed data argument? If \code{FALSE} (currently the default) the name
#' will be \code{data}. \code{TRUE} may be helpful when fitted objects are
#' used afterwards (e.g., compared using \code{anova} or when using the
#' \code{effects} package, see examples). \pkg{emmeans} functions appear to
#' work better with \code{FALSE}. Default is given by
#' afex_options("set_data_arg").
#' @param progress if \code{TRUE}, shows progress with a text progress bar and
#' other status messages during estimation. The default is to set \code{TRUE}
#' for interactive usage and \code{FALSE} for non-interactive usage.
#' @param cl A vector identifying a cluster; used for distributing the
#' estimation of the different models using several cores (if seveal models
#' are calculated). See examples. If \code{ckeck_contrasts = TRUE}, mixed sets
#' the current contrasts (\code{getOption("contrasts")}) at the nodes. Note
#' this does \emph{not} distribute calculation of p-values (e.g., when using
#' \code{method = "PB"}) across the cluster. Use \code{args_test} for this.
#' @param return the default is to return an object of class \code{"mixed"}.
#' \code{return = "merMod"} will skip the calculation of all submodels and
#' p-values and simply return the full model estimated with \code{lmer} (note
#' that somewhat unintuiviely, the returned object can either be of class
#' \code{"lmerModLmerTest"} or of class \code{"merMod"}, depending on the
#' value of \code{\link{afex_options}}\code{("lmer_function")}). Can be useful
#' in combination with \code{expand_re = TRUE} which allows to use "||" with
#' factors. \code{return = "data"} will not fit any models but just return the
#' data that would have been used for estimating the model (note that the data
#' is also part of the returned object).
#' @param sig_symbols Character. What should be the symbols designating
#' significance? When entering an vector with \code{length(sig.symbol) < 4}
#' only those elements of the default (\code{c(" +", " *", " **", " ***")})
#' will be replaced. \code{sig_symbols = ""} will display the stars but not
#' the \code{+}, \code{sig_symbols = rep("", 4)} will display no symbols. The
#' default is given by \code{afex_options("sig_symbols")}.
#' @param ... further arguments (such as \code{weights}, \code{family}, or
#' \code{control}) passed to
#' \code{\link[lme4]{lmer}}/\code{\link[lme4]{glmer}}. Note that additional
#' data (e.g., \code{weights}) need to be passed fully and not only
#' by name (e.g., \code{weights = df$weights} and not \code{weights =
#' weights}).
#' @return An object of class \code{"mixed"} (i.e., a list) with the following
#' elements:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{anova_table} a data.frame containing the statistics returned
#' from \code{\link[pbkrtest]{KRmodcomp}}. The \code{stat} column in this
#' data.frame gives the value of the test statistic, an F-value for
#' \code{method = "KR"} and a chi-square value for the other two methods.
#' \item \code{full_model} the \code{"lmerModLmerTest"} or \code{"merMod"}
#' object returned from estimating the full model. Use
#' \code{\link{afex_options}}\code{("lmer_function")} for setting which
#' function for estimation should be used. The possible options are
#' \code{"lmerTest"} (the default returning an object of class
#' \code{"lmerModLmerTest"}) and \code{"lme4"} returning an object of class
#' (\code{"merMod"}). Note that in case a \code{family} argument is present
#' an object of class \code{"glmerMod"} is always returned.
#' \item \code{restricted_models} a list of \code{"g/lmerMod"} (or
#' \code{"lmerModLmerTest"}) objects from estimating the restricted models
#' (i.e., each model lacks the corresponding effect)
#' \item \code{tests} a list of objects returned by the function for
#' obtaining the p-values.
#' \item \code{data} The data used for estimation (i.e., after excluding
#' missing rows and applying expand_re if requested).
#' \item \code{call} The matched call.
#' }
#' It also has the following attributes, \code{"type"} and \code{"method"}. And
#' the attributes \code{"all_fit_selected"} and \code{"all_fit_logLik"} if
#' \code{all_fit=TRUE}.
#' Two similar methods exist for objects of class \code{"mixed"}: \code{print}
#' and \code{anova}. They print a nice version of the \code{anova_table} element
#' of the returned object (which is also invisibly returned). This methods omit
#' some columns and nicely round the other columns. The following columns are
#' always printed:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{Effect} name of effect
#' \item \code{p.value} estimated p-value for the effect
#' }
#' For LMMs with \code{method="KR"} or \code{method="S"} the following further
#' columns are returned (note: the Kenward-Roger correction does two separate
#' things: (1) it computes an effective number for the denominator df; (2) it
#' scales the statistic by a calculated amount, see also
#' \url{}):
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{F} computed F statistic
#' \item \code{ndf} numerator degrees of freedom (number of parameters used
#' for the effect)
#' \item \code{ddf} denominator degrees of freedom (effective residual
#' degrees of freedom for testing the effect), computed from the
#' Kenward-Roger correction using \code{pbkrtest::KRmodcomp}
#' \item \code{F.scaling} scaling of F-statistic computing from Kenward-Roger
#' approximation (only printed if \code{method="nested-KR"})
#' }
#' For models with \code{method="LRT"} the following further columns are
#' returned:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{df.large} degrees of freedom (i.e., estimated paramaters) for
#' full model (i.e., model containing the corresponding effect)
#' \item \code{df.small} degrees of freedom (i.e., estimated paramaters) for
#' restricted model (i.e., model without the corresponding effect)
#' \item \code{chisq} 2 times the difference in likelihood (obtained with
#' \code{logLik}) between full and restricted model
#' \item \code{df} difference in degrees of freedom between full and
#' restricted model (p-value is based on these df).
#' }
#' For models with \code{method="PB"} the following further column is returned:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{stat} 2 times the difference in likelihood (obtained with
#' \code{logLik}) between full and restricted model (i.e., a chi-square
#' value).
#' }
#' Note that \code{anova} can also be called with additional mixed and/or
#' \code{merMod} objects. In this casethe full models are passed on to
#' \code{anova.merMod} (with \code{refit=FALSE}, which differs from the default
#' of \code{anova.merMod}) which produces the known LRT tables.
#' The \code{summary} method for objects of class \code{mixed} simply calls
#' \code{\link[lme4]{summary.merMod}} on the full model.
#' If \code{return = "merMod"} (or when invoking \code{lmer_alt}), an object of
#' class \code{"lmerModLmerTest"} or of class \code{"merMod"} (depending on the
#' value of \code{\link{afex_options}}\code{("lmer_function")}), as returned
#' from \code{g/lmer}, is returned. The default behavior is to return an object
#' of class \code{"lmerModLmerTest"} estimated via \code{\link[lmerTest]{lmer}}.
#'@details For an introduction to mixed-modeling for experimental designs see
#' our chapter
#' (\href{}{Singmann
#' & Kellen, in press}) or Barr, Levy, Scheepers, & Tily (2013). Arguments for
#' using the Kenward-Roger approximation for obtaining p-values are given by
#' Judd, Westfall, and Kenny (2012). Further introductions to mixed-modeling
#' for experimental designs are given by Baayen and colleagues (Baayen, 2008;
#' Baayen, Davidson & Bates, 2008; Baayen & Milin, 2010). Specific
#' recommendations on which random effects structure to specify for
#' confirmatory tests can be found in Barr and colleagues (2013) and Barr
#' (2013), but also see Bates et al. (2015).
#' \subsection{p-value Calculations}{
#' When \code{method = "KR"} (implemented via
#' \code{\link[pbkrtest]{KRmodcomp}}), the Kenward-Roger approximation for
#' degrees-of-freedom is calculated using \code{\link[lmerTest]{lmerTest}} (if
#' \code{test_intercept=FALSE}) or \code{\link[car]{Anova}} (if
#' \code{test_intercept=TRUE}), which is only applicable to linear-mixed models
#' (LMMs). The test statistic in the output is an F-value (\code{F}). A similar
#' method that requires less RAM is \code{method = "S"} which calculates the
#' Satterthwaite approximation for degrees-of-freedom via
#' \code{\link[lmerTest]{lmerTest}} and is also only applicable to LMMs.
#' \code{method = "KR"} or \code{method = "S"} provide the best control for
#' Type 1 errors for LMMs (Luke, 2017).
#' \code{method = "PB"} calculates p-values using parametric bootstrap using
#' \code{\link[pbkrtest]{PBmodcomp}}. This can be used for linear and also
#' generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) by specifying a
#' \code{\link[stats]{family}} argument to \code{mixed}. Note that you should
#' specify further arguments to \code{PBmodcomp} via \code{args_test},
#' especially \code{nsim} (the number of simulations to form the reference
#' distribution) or \code{cl} (for using multiple cores). For other arguments
#' see \code{\link[pbkrtest]{PBmodcomp}}. Note that \code{REML} (argument to
#' \code{[g]lmer}) will be set to \code{FALSE} if method is \code{PB}.
#' \code{method = "LRT"} calculates p-values via likelihood ratio tests
#' implemented in the \code{anova} method for \code{"merMod"} objects. This is
#' the method recommended by Barr et al. (2013; which did not test the other
#' methods implemented here). Using likelihood ratio tests is only recommended
#' for models with many levels for the random effects (> 50), but can be pretty
#' helpful in case the other methods fail (due to memory and/or time
#' limitations). The
#' \href{}{lme4 faq} also
#' recommends the other methods over likelihood ratio tests. }
#' \subsection{Implementation Details}{
#' For methods \code{"KR"} and \code{"S"} type 3 and 2 tests are implemented as
#' in \code{\link[car]{Anova}}.
#' For all other methods, type 3 tests are obtained by comparing a model in
#' which only the tested effect is excluded with the full model (containing all
#' effects). For method \code{"nested-KR"} (which was the default in previous
#' versions) this corresponds to the (type 3) Wald tests given by
#' \code{car::Anova} for \code{"lmerMod"} models. The submodels in which the
#' tested effect is excluded are obtained by manually creating a model matrix
#' which is then fitted in \code{"lme4"}.
#' Type 2 tests are truly sequential. They are obtained by comparing a model in
#' which the tested effect and all higher oder effect (e.g., all three-way
#' interactions for testing a two-way interaction) are excluded with a model in
#' which only effects up to the order of the tested effect are present and all
#' higher order effects absent. In other words, there are multiple full models,
#' one for each order of effects. Consequently, the results for lower order
#' effects are identical of whether or not higher order effects are part of the
#' model or not. This latter feature is not consistent with classical ANOVA
#' type 2 tests but a consequence of the sequential tests (and
#' \href{}{I
#' didn't find a better way} of implementing the Type 2 tests). This
#' \strong{does not} correspond to the (type 2) Wald test reported by
#' \code{car::Anova}.
#' If \code{check_contrasts = TRUE}, contrasts will be set to
#' \code{"contr.sum"} for all factors in the formula if default contrasts are
#' not equal to \code{"contr.sum"} or \code{attrib(factor, "contrasts") !=
#' "contr.sum"}. Furthermore, the current contrasts (obtained via
#' \code{getOption("contrasts")}) will be set at the cluster nodes if \code{cl}
#' is not \code{NULL}. }
#' \subsection{Expand Random Effects}{ \code{expand_re = TRUE} allows to expand
#' the random effects structure before passing it to \code{lmer}. This allows
#' to disable estimation of correlation among random effects for random effects
#' term containing factors using the \code{||} notation which may aid in
#' achieving model convergence (see Bates et al., 2015). This is achieved by
#' first creating a model matrix for each random effects term individually,
#' rename and append the so created columns to the data that will be fitted,
#' replace the actual random effects term with the so created variables
#' (concatenated with +), and then fit the model. The variables are renamed by
#' prepending all variables with rei (where i is the number of the random
#' effects term) and replacing ":" with "_by_".
#' \code{lmer_alt} is simply a wrapper for \code{mixed} that is intended to
#' behave like \code{lmer} (or \code{glmer} if a \code{family} argument is
#' present), but also allows the use of \code{||} with factors (by always using
#' \code{expand_re = TRUE}). This means that \code{lmer_alt} per default does
#' not enforce a specific contrast on factors and only returns the
#' \code{"lmerModLmerTest"} or \code{"merMod"} object without calculating any
#' additional models or p-values (this is achieved by setting \code{return =
#' "merMod"}). Note that it most likely differs from \code{g/lmer} in how it
#' handles missing values so it is recommended to only pass data without
#' missing values to it!
#' One consequence of using \code{expand_re = TRUE} is that the data that is
#' fitted will not be the same as the passed data.frame which can lead to
#' problems with e.g., the \code{predict} method. However, the actual data used
#' for fitting is also returned as part of the \code{mixed} object so can be
#' used from there. Note that the \code{set_data_arg} can be used to change
#' whether the \code{data} argument in the call to \code{g/lmer} is set to
#' \code{data} (the default) or the name of the data argument passed by the
#' user. }
#' @note When \code{method = "KR"}, obtaining p-values is known to crash due too
#' insufficient memory or other computational limitations (especially with
#' complex random effects structures). In these cases, the other methods
#' should be used. The RAM demand is a problem especially on 32 bit Windows
#' which only supports up to 2 or 3GB RAM (see
#' \href{}{R Windows
#' FAQ}). Then it is probably a good idea to use methods "S", "LRT", or "PB".
#' \code{"mixed"} will throw a message if numerical variables are not centered
#' on 0, as main effects (of other variables then the numeric one) can be hard
#' to interpret if numerical variables appear in interactions. See Dalal &
#' Zickar (2012).
#' Per default \code{mixed} uses \code{\link[lmerTest]{lmer}}, this can be
#' changed to \code{\link[lme4]{lmer}} by calling:
#' \code{afex_options(lmer_function = "lme4")}
#' Formulas longer than 500 characters will most likely fail due to the use of
#' \code{\link{deparse}}.
#' Please report bugs or unexpected behavior by opening a guthub issue:
#' \url{}
#' @author Henrik Singmann with contributions from
#' \href{}{Ben Bolker and Joshua
#' Wiley}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{aov_ez}} and \code{\link{aov_car}} for convenience
#' functions to analyze experimental desIgns with classical ANOVA or ANCOVA
#' wrapping \code{\link[car]{Anova}}.
#' see the following for the data sets from Maxwell and Delaney (2004) used
#' and more examples: \code{\link{md_15.1}}, \code{\link{md_16.1}}, and
#' \code{\link{md_16.4}}.
#' @references Baayen, R. H. (2008). \emph{Analyzing linguistic data: a
#' practical introduction to statistics using R}. Cambridge, UK; New York:
#' Cambridge University Press.
#' Baayen, R. H., Davidson, D. J., & Bates, D. M. (2008). Mixed-effects
#' modeling with crossed random effects for subjects and items. \emph{Journal
#' of Memory and Language}, 59(4), 390-412. \doi{10.1016/j.jml.2007.12.005}
#' Baayen, R. H., & Milin, P. (2010). Analyzing Reaction Times.
#' \emph{International Journal of Psychological Research}, 3(2), 12-28.
#' Barr, D. J. (2013). Random effects structure for testing interactions in
#' linear mixed-effects models. \emph{Frontiers in Quantitative Psychology and
#' Measurement}, 328. \doi{10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00328}
#' Barr, D. J., Levy, R., Scheepers, C., & Tily, H. J. (2013). Random effects
#' structure for confirmatory hypothesis testing: Keep it maximal.
#' \emph{Journal of Memory and Language}, 68(3), 255-278.
#' \doi{10.1016/j.jml.2012.11.001}
#' Bates, D., Kliegl, R., Vasishth, S., & Baayen, H. (2015).
#' \emph{Parsimonious Mixed Models}. arXiv:1506.04967 [stat]. Retrieved from
#' \url{}
#' Dalal, D. K., & Zickar, M. J. (2012). Some Common Myths About Centering
#' Predictor Variables in Moderated Multiple Regression and Polynomial
#' Regression. \emph{Organizational Research Methods}, 15(3), 339-362.
#' \doi{10.1177/1094428111430540}
#' Judd, C. M., Westfall, J., & Kenny, D. A. (2012). Treating stimuli as a
#' random factor in social psychology: A new and comprehensive solution to a
#' pervasive but largely ignored problem. \emph{Journal of Personality and
#' Social Psychology}, 103(1), 54-69. \doi{10.1037/a0028347}
#' Luke, S. (2017). Evaluating significance in linear mixed-effects models in
#' R. \emph{Behavior Research Methods}.
#' \doi{10.3758/s13428-016-0809-y}
#' Maxwell, S. E., & Delaney, H. D. (2004). \emph{Designing experiments and
#' analyzing data: a model-comparisons perspective.} Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence
#' Erlbaum Associates.
## @import pbkrtest
#' @importFrom lme4 glmer nobars getME isREML
#' @importFrom parallel clusterCall clusterExport clusterEvalQ clusterApplyLB
#' @importFrom stats logLik terms as.formula contrasts<- model.matrix model.frame anova
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @example examples/examples.mixed.R
#' @export
mixed <- function(formula,
type = afex_options("type"),
method = afex_options("method_mixed"),
per_parameter = NULL,
args_test = list(),
test_intercept = FALSE,
check_contrasts = afex_options("check_contrasts"),
expand_re = FALSE,
all_fit = FALSE,
set_data_arg = afex_options("set_data_arg"),
progress = interactive(),
cl = NULL,
return = "mixed",
sig_symbols = afex_options("sig_symbols"),
...) {
dots <- list(...)
data <- # adding droplevels() here seems to lead to problems
# with factors that have contrasts associated with it.
### deprercate old argument names:
if("per.parameter" %in% names(dots)) {
warn_deprecated_arg("per.parameter", "per_parameter")
per_parameter <- dots$per.parameter
if("args.test" %in% names(dots)) {
warn_deprecated_arg("args.test", "args_test")
args_test <- dots$args.test
if("test.intercept" %in% names(dots)) {
warn_deprecated_arg("test.intercept", "test_intercept")
test_intercept <- dots$test.intercept
if("check.contrasts" %in% names(dots)) {
warn_deprecated_arg("check.contrasts", "check_contrasts")
check_contrasts <- dots$check.contrasts
if("" %in% names(dots)) {
warn_deprecated_arg("", "set_data_arg")
set_data_arg <- dots$
if("sig.symbols" %in% names(dots)) { #(!missing(sig.symbols)) {
warn_deprecated_arg("sig.symbols", "sig_symbols")
sig_symbols <- dots$sig.symbols
## real function begins: <- all.vars(as.formula(formula))
data <- check_contrasts(
data = data,
factors =,
check_contrasts = check_contrasts,
type = type,
warn = FALSE
method <- match.arg(method, c("KR", "S", "PB", "LRT", "nested-KR", "F"),
### Part I: prepare fitting (i.e., obtain model info, check model, ...)
mc <-
formula.f <- as.formula(formula)
if (!inherits(formula, "formula"))
message("Formula (the first argument) converted to formula.")
dv <- as.character(formula.f)[[2]]
all.terms <- attr(terms(formula.f), "term.labels")
effect.order <- attr(terms(formula.f), "order")
effect.order <- effect.order[!grepl("\\|", all.terms)]
max.effect.order <- max(effect.order)
random <- paste0(paste0("(", all.terms[grepl("\\|", all.terms)], ")"),
collapse = " + ")
rh2 <- nobars(formula.f)
rh2[[2]] <- NULL
m.matrix <- model.matrix(rh2, data = data)
fixed.effects <- attr(terms(rh2, data = data), "term.labels")
mapping <- attr(m.matrix, "assign")
fixed.vars <- all.vars(rh2)
# check for missing values in variables used:
if (nrow(model.matrix(nobars(formula.f), data = data)) != nrow(data)) {
data <- model.frame(
paste0([-1], collapse = "+"))),
data = data)
m.matrix <- model.matrix(rh2, data = data)
warning(paste0("Due to missing values, reduced number of observations to ",
nrow(data)), call. = FALSE)
if(set_data_arg) {
warning("Due to missing values, set_data_arg set to FALSE.",
call. = FALSE)
set_data_arg <- FALSE
# check if numerical variables are centered
c.ns <- fixed.vars[vapply(data[, fixed.vars, drop = FALSE], is.numeric, TRUE)]
if (length(c.ns) > 0) {
non.null <- c.ns[!abs(vapply(data[, c.ns, drop = FALSE], mean, 0)) <
.Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5]
if (length(non.null) > 0)
message(paste0("Numerical variables NOT centered on 0: ",
paste0(non.null, collapse = ", "),
"\nIf in interactions, interpretation of lower order",
" (e.g., main) effects difficult."))
if (expand_re) {
expand_re_out <- expand_re_fun(all.terms = all.terms, data = data)
data <- expand_re_out$data
random <- expand_re_out$random
if (return == "data") return(data)
### Part II: obtain the lmer fits
## Part IIa: prepare formulas
mf <- mc[!names(mc) %in% c("type", "method", "args.test", "args_test",
"progress", "check.contrasts", "check_contrasts",
"per.parameter", "per_parameter", "cl",
"test.intercept", "test_intercept","expand_re",
"return", "all_fit", "sig_symbols", "sig.symbols",
mf[["formula"]] <-
as.formula(paste0(dv,deparse(rh2, width.cutoff = 500L),"+",random))
if ("family" %in% names(mf)) {
mf[[1]] <-"glmer")
use_reml <- FALSE
} else {
if (afex_options("lmer_function") == "lmerTest")
mf[[1]] <- quote(lmerTest::lmer)
else if (afex_options("lmer_function") == "lme4") {
if (!(return %in% c("merMod")) && method %in% c("KR", "S"))
stop('afex_options("lmer_function") needs to be "lmerTest" for method="',
method, '"', call. = FALSE)
mf[[1]] <- quote(lme4::lmer)
else stop("value of afex_options('lmer_function') not supported.",
call. = FALSE)
use_reml <- TRUE
mf[["data"]] <-"data")
if ((method[1] %in% c("PB", "LRT")) & !("family" %in% names(mf))) {
if ((!"REML" %in% names(mf)) || mf[["REML"]]) {
message("REML argument to lmer() set to FALSE for method = 'PB' or 'LRT'")
mf[["REML"]] <- FALSE
use_reml <- FALSE
if (return == "merMod") {
out <- eval(mf)
if(set_data_arg) out@call[["data"]] <- mc[["data"]]
if ("family" %in% names(mf)) {
if (!(method[1] %in% c("LRT", "PB")))
stop("GLMMs can only be estimated with 'LRT' or 'PB'.", call. = FALSE)
## do not calculate nested models for these methods:
if (method[1] %in% c("KR", "S")) {
if (progress) cat("Fitting one lmer() model. ")
full_model <- eval(mf)
if (all_fit) {
all_fits <- suppressWarnings(lme4::allFit(full_model, data = data, verbose = FALSE))
all_fits <- c(default = full_model, all_fits)
tmp_ll <-
function(x) tryCatch(logLik(x), error = function(e) NA), 0)
full_model <- all_fits[[which.max(tmp_ll)]]
full_model@optinfo$logLik_other <- tmp_ll
fits <- NULL
tests <- NULL
anova_tab_addition <- NULL
if (progress) cat("[DONE]\nCalculating p-values. ")
if (method[1] == "KR") {
#lmerTest_method <- if(method[1] == "KR") "Kenward-Roger" else "Satterthwaite"
if (test_intercept) {
anova_out <- car::Anova(full_model, type = type, test.statistic = "F")
anova_table <-
anova_table <- anova_table[, c("Df", "Df.res", "F", "Pr(>F)")]
colnames(anova_table) <- c("num Df", "den Df", "F", "Pr(>F)")
} else {
anova_out <- lmerTest_anova(full_model, ddf = "Kenward-Roger", type = type)
anova_table <-
get <- c("NumDF", "DenDF", "F.value", "F value", "Pr(>F)")
anova_table <- anova_table[, match(get, colnames(anova_table), nomatch = 0L)]
colnames(anova_table) <- c("num Df", "den Df", "F", "Pr(>F)")
} else if (method[1] == "S") {
if (test_intercept)
warning("Cannot test intercept with Satterthwaite approximation.")
anova_out <- lmerTest_anova(full_model, ddf = "Satterthwaite", type = type)
anova_table <-
if (!("Pr(>F)" %in% colnames(anova_table))) {
colnames(anova_table)[c(1,4)] <- c("NumDF", "F.value")
anova_table$DenDF <- NA_real_
anova_table$`Pr(>F)` <- NA_real_
get <- c("NumDF", "DenDF", "F.value", "F value", "Pr(>F)")
anova_table <- anova_table[, match(get, colnames(anova_table), nomatch = 0L)]
colnames(anova_table) <- c("num Df", "den Df", "F", "Pr(>F)")
if (progress) cat("[DONE]\n")
if(set_data_arg) full_model@call[["data"]] <- mc[["data"]]
} else { ## do calculate nested models for the methods below
## prepare (g)lmer formulas:
if (type == 3 | type == "III") {
if (attr(terms(rh2, data = data), "intercept") == 1)
fixed.effects <- c("(Intercept)", fixed.effects)
# The next part alters the mapping of parameters to effects/variables if
# per_parameter is not NULL (this does the complete magic).
if (!is.null(per_parameter)) { <- c()
for (parameter in per_parameter) { <- c(, grep(parameter, fixed.effects))
} <- fixed.effects[sort(unique(]
if ("(Intercept)" %in% <-[-1]
fixed.all <- dimnames(m.matrix)[[2]]
#tf2 <-[2]
for (tf2 in {
tf <- which(fixed.effects == tf2)
fixed.lower <- fixed.effects[seq_len(tf-1)]
fixed.upper <-
if (tf < length(fixed.effects))
fixed.effects[(tf+1):length(fixed.effects)] else NULL
fixed.effects <-
c(fixed.lower, fixed.all[which(mapping == (tf-1))], fixed.upper) <- which(mapping == (tf-1))
map.lower <- mapping[seq_len([1]-1)]
map.upper <-
if (max( < length(mapping))
length(mapping)] else NULL
mapping <- c(map.lower, seq_along( +
map.upper + length(
# make formulas
formulas <- vector("list", length(fixed.effects) + 1)
formulas[[1]] <- mf[["formula"]]
for (i in seq_along(fixed.effects)) {
tmp.columns <- paste0(deparse(-which(mapping == (i-1))), collapse = "")
formulas[[i+1]] <-
as.formula(paste0(dv, "~ 0 + m.matrix[,", tmp.columns, "] +", random))
names(formulas) <- c("full_model", fixed.effects)
if (!test_intercept && fixed.effects[1] == "(Intercept)") {
fixed.effects <- fixed.effects[-1]
formulas[["(Intercept)"]] <- NULL
} else if (type == 2 | type == "II") {
if (!is.null(per_parameter))
stop("per_parameter argument only implemented for Type 3 tests.")
full_model.formulas <- vector("list", max.effect.order)
submodel.formulas <- vector("list", length(fixed.effects))
full_model.formulas[[length(full_model.formulas)]] <- mf[["formula"]]
for (c in seq_len(max.effect.order)) {
if (c == max.effect.order) next
tmp.columns <-
paste0(deparse(-which(mapping %in% which(effect.order > c))),
collapse = "")
full_model.formulas[[c]] <-
as.formula(paste0(dv, "~ 0 + m.matrix[,", tmp.columns, "] +", random))
for (c in seq_along(fixed.effects)) {
order.c <- effect.order[c]
tmp.columns <-
paste0(deparse(-which(mapping == (c) | mapping %in%
if (order.c == max.effect.order) -1 else
which(effect.order > order.c))),
collapse = "")
submodel.formulas[[c]] <- as.formula(
paste0(dv, "~ 0 + m.matrix[,", tmp.columns, "] +", random))
formulas <- c(full_model.formulas, submodel.formulas)
} else stop('Only type 3 and type 2 tests implemented.')
## Part IIb: fit models
# single core
if (is.null(cl)) {
if (progress)
cat(paste0("Fitting ", length(formulas), " (g)lmer() models:\n["))
fits <- vector("list", length(formulas))
if (all_fit) all_fits <- vector("list", length(formulas))
for (i in seq_along(formulas)) {
mf[["formula"]] <- formulas[[i]]
fits[[i]] <- eval(mf)
if (all_fit) {
all_fits[[i]] <- suppressWarnings(
lme4::allFit(fits[[i]], data = data, verbose = FALSE))
all_fits[[i]] <- c(default = fits[[i]], all_fits[[i]])
tmp_ll <- vapply(all_fits[[i]],
function(x) tryCatch(logLik(x),
error = function(e) NA), 0)
fits[[i]] <- all_fits[[i]][[which.max(tmp_ll)]]
fits[[i]]@optinfo$logLik_other <- tmp_ll
if (progress) cat(".")
if (progress) cat("]\n")
} else { # multicore <- function(formula,, progress, all_fit, data) {[[2]] <- formula
res <- eval(
if (all_fit) {
all_fits <- suppressWarnings(lme4::allFit(res, data = data, verbose = FALSE))
all_fits <- c(default = res, all_fits)
tmp_ll <- vapply(all_fits,
function(x) tryCatch(logLik(x),
error = function(e) NA), 0)
res <- all_fits[[which.max(tmp_ll)]]
res@optinfo$logLik_other <- tmp_ll
if (progress) cat(".")
if (progress)
cat(paste0("Fitting ", length(formulas), " (g)lmer() models.\n"))
junk <- clusterCall(cl = cl,
package = "afex",
character.only = TRUE)
if (check_contrasts) {
curr.contrasts <- getOption("contrasts")
clusterExport(cl = cl, "curr.contrasts", envir = sys.nframe())
junk <- clusterEvalQ(cl = cl, options(contrasts=curr.contrasts))
if (progress) junk <- clusterEvalQ(cl = cl, cat("["))
fits <- clusterApplyLB(cl = cl,
x = formulas,, = mf,
progress = progress,
data = data)
if (progress) junk <- clusterEvalQ(cl = cl, cat("]"))
### Part IIb: likelihood checks and refitting (refitting is DISABLED for the time being!)
check_likelihood <- function(fits) {
if (type == 3 | type == "III") {
logLik_full <- as.numeric(logLik(fits[[1]]))
logLik_restricted <- as.numeric(vapply(fits[2:length(fits)], logLik, 0))
if(any(logLik_restricted > logLik_full))
return(fixed.effects[logLik_restricted > logLik_full])
} else if (type == 2 | type == "II") {
logLik_full <- as.numeric(vapply(fits[1:max.effect.order],logLik, 0))
logLik_restricted <-
as.numeric(vapply(fits[(max.effect.order+1):length(fits)], logLik, 0))
warn_logLik <- c()
for (c in seq_along(fixed.effects)) {
order.c <- effect.order[c]
if(logLik_restricted[[c]] > logLik_full[[order.c]])
warn_logLik <- c(warn_logLik, fixed.effects[c])
if(length(warn_logLik)>0) return(warn_logLik)
# check for smaller likelihood of nested model and refit if test fails:
if (FALSE) {
if(!isTRUE(check_likelihood(fits))) {
if (progress) cat("refitting...")
refits <- lapply(fits, all_fit, verbose=FALSE, data = data)
str(fits[[1]], 2)
sapply(refits, function(x)
sapply(x, function(y)
tryCatch(as.numeric(logLik(y)), error = function(e) as.numeric(NA))))
fits <- lapply(refits, function(x) {
tmp_llk <- vapply(x, function(y)
tryCatch(logLik(y), error = function(e) as.numeric(NA)), 0)
# check again and warn
if(!isREML(fits[[1]]) & !isTRUE(check_likelihood(fits))) {
"Following nested model(s) provide better fit than full model:",
paste(check_likelihood(fits), collapse = ", "),
"\n Results cannot be trusted.",
"Try all_fit=TRUE or reduce random effect structure!"))
for (i in seq_along(fits)) {
fits[[i]]@call[["data"]] <- mc[["data"]]
## prepare for p-values:
if (type == 3 | type == "III") {
full_model <- fits[[1]]
fits <- fits[-1]
} else if (type == 2 | type == "II") {
full_model <- fits[1:max.effect.order]
fits <- fits[(max.effect.order+1):length(fits)]
names(fits) <- fixed.effects
### Part III: obtain p-values
## obtain p-values:
if (method[1] == "nested-KR") {
if (progress)
cat(paste0("Obtaining ", length(fixed.effects), " p-values:\n["))
tests <- vector("list", length(fixed.effects))
for (c in seq_along(fixed.effects)) {
if (type == 3 | type == "III")
tests[[c]] <- pbkrtest::KRmodcomp(full_model, fits[[c]])
else if (type == 2 | type == "II") {
order.c <- effect.order[c]
tests[[c]] <- pbkrtest::KRmodcomp(full_model[[order.c]], fits[[c]])
if (progress) cat(".")
if (progress) cat("]\n")
names(tests) <- fixed.effects
anova_table <- data.frame(
function(x) unlist(x[["test"]][1,]),
rownames(anova_table) <- fixed.effects
colnames(anova_table) <-
c("F", "num Df", "den Df", "F.scaling", "Pr(>F)")
anova_table <-
anova_table[, c("num Df", "den Df", "F.scaling", "F", "Pr(>F)")]
anova_tab_addition <- NULL
} else if (method[1] == "PB") {
if (progress)
cat(paste0("Obtaining ", length(fixed.effects), " p-values:\n["))
tests <- vector("list", length(fixed.effects))
for (c in seq_along(fixed.effects)) {
if (type == 3 | type == "III")
tests[[c]] <-,
args = c(largeModel = full_model,
smallModel = fits[[c]],
else if (type == 2 | type == "II") {
order.c <- effect.order[c]
tests[[c]] <-,
args = c(largeModel = full_model[[order.c]],
smallModel = fits[[c]], args_test))
if (progress) cat(".")
if (progress) cat("]\n")
names(tests) <- fixed.effects
anova_table <-
function(x) unlist(x[["test"]][2,]),
anova_table <- anova_table[,-2]
LRT <- vapply(tests,
function(x) unlist(x[["test"]][1,]),
row.names(LRT) <- paste0(row.names(LRT), ".LRT")
anova_table <- cbind(anova_table, t(LRT))
rownames(anova_table) <- fixed.effects
anova_table <-
anova_table[, c("stat", "df.LRT", "p.value.LRT", "p.value")]
colnames(anova_table) <- c("Chisq", "Chi Df", "Pr(>Chisq)", "Pr(>PB)")
anova_tab_addition <- NULL
} else if (method[1] == "LRT") {
tests <- vector("list", length(fixed.effects))
for (c in seq_along(fixed.effects)) {
if (type == 3 | type == "III")
tests[[c]] <- anova(full_model, fits[[c]])
else if (type == 2 | type == "II") {
order.c <- effect.order[c]
tmpModel <- full_model[[order.c]]
tests[[c]] <- anova(tmpModel, fits[[c]])
names(tests) <- fixed.effects
chisq <- vapply(tests, function(x) x[["Chisq"]][2], 0)
if (packageVersion("lme4") <= "1.1.21") {
df.large <- vapply(tests, function(x) x[["Df"]][2], 0)
df.small <- vapply(tests, function(x) x[["Df"]][1], 0)
df <- vapply(tests, function(x) x[["Chi Df"]][2], 0)
} else {
df.large <- vapply(tests, function(x) x[["npar"]][2], 0)
df.small <- vapply(tests, function(x) x[["npar"]][1], 0)
df <- vapply(tests, function(x) x[["Df"]][2], 0)
p.value <- vapply(tests, function(x) x[["Pr(>Chisq)"]][2], 0)
anova_table <- data.frame(Df = df.small,
Chisq = chisq,
"Chi Df" = df,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
rownames(anova_table) <- fixed.effects
if (type == 3 | type == "III")
anova_tab_addition <- paste0("Df full model: ", df.large[1])
else anova_tab_addition <- paste0("Df full model(s): ", paste(df.large, collapse = ", "))
} else stop('Only methods "KR", "PB", "LRT", or "nested-KR" currently implemented.')
### Part IV: prepare output
class(anova_table) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
attr(anova_table, "heading") <- c(
paste0("Mixed Model Anova Table (Type ", type , " tests, ", method,
paste0("Model: ", deparse(formula.f)),
paste0("Data: " , deparse(mc[["data"]])),
attr(anova_table, "sig_symbols") <- sig_symbols
list.out <- list(
anova_table = anova_table,
full_model = full_model,
restricted_models = fits,
tests = tests,
data = data,
call = mc) #, type = type, method = method[[1]]
class(list.out) <- "mixed"
attr(list.out, "type") <- type
attr(list.out, "method") <- method
if (all_fit) {
attr(list.out, "all_fit_selected") <-
rapply(c(full_model = list.out$full_model, list.out$restricted_models),
function(x) x@optinfo$optimizer, how = "unlist")
attr(list.out, "all_fit_logLik") <-
rapply(c(full_model = list.out$full_model, list.out$restricted_models),
function(x) x@optinfo$logLik_other, how = "replace"))
## expand random effects sructure
expand_re_fun <- function(all.terms, data) {
random_parts <- paste0(all.terms[grepl("\\|", all.terms)])
which_random_double_bars <- grepl("\\|\\|", random_parts)
random_units <- sub("^.+\\|\\s+", "", random_parts)
tmp_random <- lapply(sub("\\|.+$", "", random_parts),
function(x) as.formula(paste0("~", x)))
tmp_model.matrix <- vector("list", length(random_parts))
re_contains_intercept <- rep(FALSE, length(random_parts))
new_random <- vector("character", length(random_parts))
for (i in seq_along(random_parts)) {
tmp_model.matrix[[i]] <- model.matrix(tmp_random[[i]], data = data)
if (ncol(tmp_model.matrix[[i]]) == 0)
stop("Invalid random effects term, e.g., (0|id)")
if (colnames(tmp_model.matrix[[i]])[1] == "(Intercept)") {
tmp_model.matrix[[i]] <- tmp_model.matrix[[i]][,-1, drop = FALSE]
re_contains_intercept[i] <- TRUE
if (ncol(tmp_model.matrix[[i]]) > 0) {
colnames(tmp_model.matrix[[i]]) <-
paste0("re", i, ".",
gsub(":", "_by_", colnames(tmp_model.matrix[[i]])))
colnames(tmp_model.matrix[[i]]) <- make.names(colnames(tmp_model.matrix[[i]]))
new_random[i] <-
paste0("(", as.numeric(re_contains_intercept[i]), "+",
paste0(colnames(tmp_model.matrix[[i]]), collapse = "+"),
if (which_random_double_bars[i]) "||" else "|",
random_units[i], ")")
} else {
new_random[i] <- paste0("(",
if (which_random_double_bars[i]) "||" else "|",
random_units[i], ")")
data <- cbind(data,, tmp_model.matrix)))
random <- paste0(new_random, collapse = "+")
return(list(data = data,
random = random))
get_mixed_warnings <- function(x) {
full_model_name <- names(x)[[2]]
ntry <- function(x) tryCatch(x, error = function(e) NULL)
if (is.list(x$full)) {
warnings1 <- c(full = lapply(x[[2]], function(y) y@optinfo$warnings),
lapply(x[[3]], function(y) y@optinfo$warnings))
warnings2 <-
c(full = lapply(x[[2]], function(y) ntry(y@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages)),
lapply(x[[3]], function(y) ntry(y@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages)))
} else {
warnings1 <- c(full = list(x[[full_model_name]]@optinfo$warnings),
lapply(x[[3]], function(y) y@optinfo$warnings))
warnings2 <-
c(full = list(ntry(x[[full_model_name]]@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages)),
lapply(x[[3]], function(y) ntry(y@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages)))
warnings <- mapply(function(x, y) c(unlist(x), y),
warnings1, warnings2, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
warn <- vapply(warnings, function(y) !length(y)==0, NA)
for (i in names(warn)[warn])
warning("lme4 reported (at least) the following warnings for '", i,
"':\n * ", paste(warnings[[i]], collapse = "\n * "),
call. = FALSE)
check_likelihood <- function(object) {
full_model_name <- names(object)[[2]]
restricted_models_name <- names(object)[[3]]
if (is.null(attr(object, "type"))) {
attr(object, "type") <- object$type
if (attr(object, "type") == 3 | attr(object, "type") == "III") {
logLik_full <- as.numeric(logLik(object[[full_model_name]]))
logLik_restricted <-
as.numeric(vapply(object[[restricted_models_name]], logLik, 0))
if(any(logLik_restricted > logLik_full))
return(rownames(object$anova_table)[logLik_restricted > logLik_full])
} else if (attr(object, "type") == 2 | attr(object, "type") == "II") {
#' @rdname mixed
#' @export
lmer_alt <- function(formula, data, check_contrasts = FALSE, ...) {
mc <-
#assign(all.vars(mc[["data"]]), data)
mc[[1]] <-"mixed")
mc[["return"]] <- "merMod"
mc[["expand_re"]] <- TRUE
mc[["progress"]] <- FALSE
mc[["check_contrasts"]] <- check_contrasts
#' @method print mixed
#' @export
print.mixed <- function(x, ...) {
full_model_name <- names(x)[[2]]
try(if(!isREML(x[[full_model_name]]) && !isTRUE(check_likelihood(x)))
warning(paste("Following nested model(s) provide better fit than full model:",
paste(check_likelihood(x), collapse = ", "),
"\n Results cannot be trusted. Try all_fit=TRUE!"),
call. = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
tmp <- nice.mixed(x, ...)
#anova.mixed <-
#' @method summary mixed
#' @export
summary.mixed <- function(object, ...) {
if ("full_model" %in% names(object))
summary(object =
if (length(object[["full_model"]]) == 1)
object[["full_model"]] else
object[["full_model"]][[length(object[["full_model"]])]], ...)
else if("full.model" %in% names(object))
summary(object = if (length(object[["full.model"]]) == 1)
object[["full.model"]] else
object[["full.model"]][[length(object[["full.model"]])]], ...)
#' @method anova mixed
#' @export
anova.mixed <- function(object,
sig_symbols = attr(object$anova_table, "sig_symbols"),
refit = FALSE) {
mCall <- = TRUE)
full_model_name <- names(object)[[2]]
dots <- list(...)
modp <- (as.logical(vapply(dots, is, NA, "merMod")) |
as.logical(vapply(dots, is, NA, "lm")) |
as.logical(vapply(dots, is, NA, "mixed"))
if (any(modp)) {
model.names <- c(deparse(mCall[["object"]]),
vapply(which(modp), function(x) deparse(mCall[[x+2]]), ""))
for (i in which(as.logical(vapply(dots, is, NA, "mixed"))))
dots[[i]] <- dots[[i]][[full_model_name]]
anova_table <-,
args = c(object = object[[full_model_name]],
model.names = list(model.names),
refit = refit))
} else {
try(if(!isREML(object[[full_model_name]]) &&
paste("Following nested model(s) provide better fit than full model:",
paste(check_likelihood(object), collapse = ", "),
"\n Results cannot be trusted. Try all_fit=TRUE!"),
call. = FALSE), silent=TRUE)
anova_table <- object$anova_table
attr(anova_table, "sig_symbols") <-
if (!is.null(sig_symbols)) sig_symbols else
## support for emmeans for mixed objects:
## @importFrom emmeans recover_data emm_basis
## @method recover_data mixed
## @export
recover_data.mixed <- function(object, ...) {
full_model_name <- names(object)[[2]]
if (inherits(object[[full_model_name]], "merMod") |
is_lmerTest_class(object[[full_model_name]])) {
obj_use <- object[[full_model_name]]
} else if (inherits(object[[full_model_name]][[1]], "merMod") |
is_lmerTest_class(object[[full_model_name]][[1]])) {
message("emmeans are based on full model which includes all effects.")
obj_use <- object[[full_model_name]][[length(object[[full_model_name]])]]
} else {
stop("Cannot find 'merMod' object in ", full_model_name, " slot.")
# if (is_lmerTest_class(obj_use)) {
# class(obj_use) <- "lmerMod"
# }
emmeans::recover_data(obj_use, ...)
## @method lsm_basis mixed
## @export
emm_basis.mixed <- function(object, trms, xlev, grid, ...) {
full_model_name <- names(object)[[2]]
if (inherits(object[[full_model_name]], "merMod") |
is_lmerTest_class(object[[full_model_name]])) {
obj_use <- object[[full_model_name]]
} else if (inherits(object[[full_model_name]][[1]], "merMod") |
is_lmerTest_class(object[[full_model_name]][[1]])) {
obj_use <- object[[full_model_name]][[length(object[[full_model_name]])]]
} else {
stop("Cannot find 'merMod' object in ", full_model_name, " slot.")
# if (is_lmerTest_class(obj_use)) {
# class(obj_use) <- "lmerMod"
# }
emmeans::emm_basis(obj_use, trms, xlev, grid, ...)
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