
Defines functions action_refresh droplet_refresh action_wait is_complete print.action action actions as.url.action as.action.action as.action.list as.action action_url

Documented in action actions action_wait

action_url <- function(action = NULL) {
  url("actions", action)

as.action <- function(x) UseMethod("as.action")
#' @export
as.action.list <- function(x) list_to_object(x, "action", name = NULL)
#' @export
as.action.action <- function(x) x

#' @export
as.url.action <- function(x, ...) action_url(x$id)

#' List actions across all droplets.
#' "Actions are records of events that have occurred on the resources in your
#' account. These can be things like rebooting a Droplet, or transferring an
#' image to a new region."
#' "An action object is created every time one of these actions is initiated.
#' The action object contains information about the current status of the
#' action, start and complete timestamps, and the associated resource type and
#' ID."
#' "Every action that creates an action object is available through this
#' endpoint. Completed actions are not removed from this list and are always
#' available for querying."
#' @export
#' @inheritParams droplets
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' actions()
#' }
actions <- function(..., page = 1, per_page = 25) {
    action_url(), query = list(page = page, per_page = per_page), ...))

#' Retrieve an existing action by action id
#' @export
#' @param actionid (integer) Optional. An action id.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed down to low-level API function
#'   (\code{do_*})
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' d <- droplet_create()
#' droplet_actions(d)[[1]]$id %>% action()
#' }
action <- function(actionid, ...) {
  as.action(do_GET(action_url(actionid), ...))

#' @export
print.action <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("<action> ", x$type, " (", x$id, ")\n", sep = "")
  cat("  Status: ", x$status, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("  Resource: ", x$resource_type, " ", x$resource_id, "\n", sep = "")

is_complete <- function(x) {

#' @export
#' @rdname actions
#' @param x Input object
action_wait <- function(x) {
  if (is_complete(x)) return(droplet(x$resource_id))

  wait_time <- getOption("do.wait_time", 1)
  if (wait_time < 1) wait_time <- 1
  cat("Waiting for ", x$type, " ", sep = "")
  while (!is_complete(x)) {
    x <- action_refresh(x)


droplet_refresh <- function(x) {
  ip <- "likely"
  while (grepl("likely", ip)) {
    x <- droplet(x$id)
    ip <- droplet_ip_safe(x)

action_refresh <- function(action) {
  action <- as.action(action)

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analogsea documentation built on April 20, 2023, 1:34 a.m.