#' Create a new gganimintproto object
#' gganimintproto is inspired by the proto package, but it has some important
#' differences. Notably, it cleanly supports cross-package inheritance, and has
#' faster performance.
#' @section Calling gganimintproto methods:
#' gganimintproto methods can take an optional \code{self} argument: if it is present,
#' it is a regular method; if it's absent, it's a "static" method (i.e. it
#' doesn't use any fields).
#' Imagine you have a gganimintproto object \code{Adder}, which has a
#' method \code{addx = function(self, n) n + self$x}. Then, to call this
#' function, you would use \code{Adder$addx(10)} -- the \code{self} is passed
#' in automatically by the wrapper function. \code{self} be located anywhere
#' in the function signature, although customarily it comes first.
#' @section Calling methods in a parent:
#' To explicitly call a methods in a parent, use
#' \code{gganimintproto_parent(Parent, self)}.
#' @param _class Class name to assign to the object. This is stored as the class
#' attribute of the object. If \code{NULL} (the default), no class name will
#' be added to the object.
#' @param _inherit gganimintproto object to inherit from. If \code{NULL}, don't inherit
#' from any object.
#' @param parent,self Access parent class \code{parent} of object \code{self}.
#' @param ... A list of members in the gganimintproto object.
#' @export
gganimintproto <- function(`_class` = NULL, `_inherit` = NULL, ...) {
e <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
members <- list(...)
if (length(members) != sum(nzchar(names(members)))) {
stop("All members of a gganimintproto object must be named.")
# R <3.1.2 will error when list2env() is given an empty list, so we need to
# check length.
if (length(members) > 0) {
list2env(members, envir = e)
if (!is.null(`_inherit`)) {
if (!is.gganimintproto(`_inherit`)) {
stop("`_inherit` must be a gganimintproto object.")
e$super <- `_inherit`
class(e) <- c(`_class`, class(`_inherit`))
} else {
class(e) <- c(`_class`, "gganimintproto")
#' Is an object a gganimintproto object?
#' @param x An object to test.
#' @export
is.gganimintproto <- function(x) inherits(x, "gganimintproto")
fetch_gganimintproto <- function(x, name) {
res <- NULL
val <- .subset2(x, name)
# The is.null check is an optimization for a common case; exists() also
# catches the case where the value exists but has a NULL value.
if (!is.null(val) || exists(name, envir = x, inherits = FALSE)) {
res <- val
} else {
# If not found here, recurse into super environments
super <- .subset2(x, "super")
if (is.gganimintproto(super))
res <- fetch_gganimintproto(super, name)
#' @export
#' @rdname gganimintproto
gganimintproto_parent <- function(parent, self) {
structure(list(parent = parent, self = self), class = "gganimintproto_parent")
#' @export
`$.gganimintproto` <- function(x, name) {
res <- fetch_gganimintproto(x, name)
if (!is.function(res)) {
make_proto_method(x, res)
#' @export
`$.gganimintproto_parent` <- function(x, name) {
res <- fetch_gganimintproto(.subset2(x, "parent"), name)
if (!is.function(res)) {
make_proto_method(.subset2(x, "self"), res)
make_proto_method <- function(self, f) {
args <- formals(f)
# is.null is a fast path for a common case; the %in% check is slower but also
# catches the case where there's a `self = NULL` argument.
has_self <- !is.null(args[["self"]]) || "self" %in% names(args)
if (has_self) {
fun <- function(...) f(..., self = self)
} else {
fun <- function(...) f(...)
class(fun) <- "gganimintproto_method"
#' @export
`[[.gganimintproto` <- `$.gganimintproto`
#' Convert a gganimintproto object to a list
#' This will not include the object's \code{super} member.
#' @param x A gganimintproto object to convert to a list.
#' @param inherit If \code{TRUE} (the default), flatten all inherited items into
#' the returned list. If \code{FALSE}, do not include any inherited items.
#' @param ... Further arguments to pass to \code{as.list.environment}.
#' @export
as.list.gganimintproto <- function(x, inherit = TRUE, ...) {
res <- list()
if (inherit) {
if (!is.null(x$super)) {
res <- as.list(x$super)
current <- as.list.environment(x, ...)
res[names(current)] <- current
res$super <- NULL
#' Print a gganimintproto object
#' If a gganimintproto object has a \code{$print} method, this will call that method.
#' Otherwise, it will print out the members of the object, and optionally, the
#' members of the inherited objects.
#' @param x A gganimintproto object to print.
#' @param flat If \code{TRUE} (the default), show a flattened list of all local
#' and inherited members. If \code{FALSE}, show the inheritance hierarchy.
#' @param ... If the gganimintproto object has a \code{print} method, further arguments
#' will be passed to it. Otherwise, these arguments are unused.
#' @export
print.gganimintproto <- function(x, ..., flat = TRUE) {
if (is.function(x$print)) {
} else {
cat(format(x, flat = flat), "\n", sep = "")
#' Format a gganimintproto object
#' @inheritParams print.gganimintproto
#' @export
format.gganimintproto <- function(x, ..., flat = TRUE) {
classes_str <- function(obj) {
classes <- setdiff(class(obj), "gganimintproto")
if (length(classes) == 0)
paste0(": Class ", paste(classes, collapse = ', '))
# Get a flat list if requested
if (flat) {
objs <- as.list(x, inherit = TRUE)
} else {
objs <- x
str <- paste0(
"<gganimintproto object", classes_str(x), ">\n",
indent(object_summaries(objs, flat = flat), 4)
if (flat && !is.null(x$super)) {
str <- paste0(
str, "\n",
paste0("super: ", " <gganimintproto object", classes_str(x$super), ">"),
# Return a summary string of the items of a list or environment
# x must be a list or environment
object_summaries <- function(x, exclude = NULL, flat = TRUE) {
if (length(x) == 0)
if (is.list(x))
obj_names <- sort(names(x))
else if (is.environment(x))
obj_names <- ls(x, all.names = TRUE)
obj_names <- setdiff(obj_names, exclude)
values <- vapply(obj_names, function(name) {
obj <- x[[name]]
if (is.function(obj)) "function"
else if (is.gganimintproto(obj)) format(obj, flat = flat)
else if (is.environment(obj)) "environment"
else if (is.null(obj)) "NULL"
else if (is.atomic(obj)) trim(paste(as.character(obj), collapse = " "))
else paste(class(obj), collapse = ", ")
}, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
paste0(obj_names, ": ", values, sep = "", collapse = "\n")
# Given a string, indent every line by some number of spaces.
# The exception is to not add spaces after a trailing \n.
indent <- function(str, indent = 0) {
paste0("\\1", paste(rep(" ", indent), collapse = "")),
perl = TRUE
# Trim a string to n characters; if it's longer than n, add " ..." to the end
trim <- function(str, n = 60) {
if (nchar(str) > n) paste(substr(str, 1, 56), "...")
else str
#' @export
print.gganimintproto_method <- function(x, ...) {
cat(format(x), sep = "")
#' @export
format.gganimintproto_method <- function(x, ...) {
# Given a function, return a string from srcref if present. If not present,
# paste the deparsed lines of code together.
format_fun <- function(fn) {
srcref <- attr(fn, "srcref", exact = TRUE)
if (is.null(srcref))
return(paste(format(fn), collapse = "\n"))
paste(as.character(srcref), collapse = "\n")
x <- unclass(x)
"<gganimintproto method>",
"\n <Wrapper function>\n ", format_fun(x),
"\n\n <Inner function (f)>\n ", format_fun(environment(x)$f)
# proto2 TODO: better way of getting formals for self$draw
gganimintproto_formals <- function(x) formals(environment(x)$f)
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