#' @title Compare two or more apsim output objects
#' @name compare_apsim
#' @rdname compare_apsim
#' @description Function which allows for a simple comparison between APSIM output objects
#' @param ... data frames with APSIM output or observed data.
#' @param variable specific variable to compare. By default all common ones are compared.
#' @param index index for merging objects. Default is \sQuote{Date}
#' @param by factor for splitting the comparison, such as a treatment effect.
#' @param labels labels for plotting and identification of objects.
#' @param cRSS compute (weighted) combined residual sum of squares using some or all variables
#' @param weights optional weights for computing the (weighted) combined sum of squares
#' @param verbose whether to print indexes to console (default is FALSE).
#' @note \sQuote{Con Corr} is the concordance correlation coefficient (;
#' \sQuote{ME} is the model efficiency (
#' @export
#' @return object of class \sQuote{out_mrg}, which can be used for further plotting
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Directory with files
#' extd.dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "apsimx")
#' ## Comparing observed and simulated for Wheat
#' data(obsWheat)
#' sim.opt <- read.csv(file.path(extd.dir, "wheat-sim-opt.csv"))
#' sim.opt$Date <- as.Date(sim.opt$Date)
#' cap <- compare_apsim(obsWheat, sim.opt, labels = c("obs", "sim"))
#' plot(cap)
#' plot(cap, plot.type = "diff")
#' plot(cap, plot.type = "resid")
#' plot(cap, plot.type = "ts")
#' plot(cap, variable = "AboveGround")
#' plot(cap, variable = "AboveGround", plot.type = "diff")
#' plot(cap, variable = "AboveGround", plot.type = "ts")
#' ## Selecting a variable
#' cap <- compare_apsim(obsWheat, sim.opt, variable = "AboveGround",
#' labels = c("obs", "sim"))
#' ## Using id
#' plot(cap, variable = "AboveGround", id = 0.05)
#' }
compare_apsim <- function(...,
index = "Date",
verbose = FALSE){
outs <- list(...)
n.outs <- length(outs)
if(n.outs < 2) stop("you should provide at least two data frames")
out1 <-[[1]])
o.nms <- NULL
o.nms <- labels
if(length(labels) != n.outs)
stop(" 'labels' lenght should be the same as the number of 'output' objects", call. = FALSE)
if(!inherits(out1, "data.frame")) stop("object should be of class 'data.frame' ", call. = FALSE)
if(length(variable) > 1)
stop("Only one variable can be selected", call. = FALSE)
## Process out1
nms1 <- names(out1)
if(!all(index %in% nms1))
stop("index not found in first data.frame")
if(!all(index %in% names(outs[[2]])))
stop("index not found in second data.frame")
nms1.i <- intersect(nms1, names(outs[[2]])) ## Variables in common
if(all(c("report", "Date") %in% nms1) && length(index) == 1){
stop("'report' and 'Date' found in first data frame but index length is equal to 1.
Maybe index should be c('report', 'Date')?", call. = FALSE)
if(all(c("outfile", "Date") %in% nms1) && length(index) == 1){
stop("'outfile' and 'Date' found in first data frame but index length is equal to 1.
Maybe index should be c('outfile', 'Date')?", call. = FALSE)
if(all(c("SimulationName", "Date") %in% nms1) && length(index) == 1){
stop("'SimulationName' and 'Date' found in first data frame but index length is equal to 1.
Maybe index should be c('SimulationName', 'Date')?", call. = FALSE)
if(length(index) == 1){
if(length(nms1.i) < 2)
stop("No names in common between the data.frames")
if(length(nms1.i) < 3)
stop("No names in common between the data.frames")
## The line below drops irrelevant columns and brings index to the first column
##out1 <- subset(out1, select = c(index, nms1.i[-which(nms1 %in% index)]))
out1 <- subset(out1, select = c(index, setdiff(nms1.i, index)))
### Drop character or factor variables which are not in index
which.var.not.numeric <- sapply(subset(out1, select = setdiff(nms1.i, index)), is.numeric)
### Remove non-numeric variables and throw warning if verbose
out1 <- out1[, -c(which(which.var.not.numeric == 0) + length(index))]
if(verbose) warning("Removed non-numeric non-index variables from first data.frame")
new.nms1 <- paste0(names(out1), ".1") ## This simply adds a 1
if(length(index) == 1){ <- gsub(paste0(index, ".1"), index, new.nms1) ## Rename Date.1 to Date
}else{ <- gsub(paste0(index[1], ".1"), index[1], new.nms1) ## Rename report.1 to report <- gsub(paste0(index[2], ".1"), index[2], ## Rename Date.1 to Date
out.mrg <- stats::setNames(out1,
for(i in 2:n.outs){
## This selects only those columns present in the first object
out.i <- subset(outs[[i]],
select = c(index, nms1.i[-which(nms1.i %in% index)]))
nms.i <- names(out.i)
new.nms.i <- paste0(nms.i, ".", i)
if(length(index) == 1){
names(out.i) <- gsub(paste0(index, ".", i), index, new.nms.i)
names.out.i <- gsub(paste0(index[1], ".", i), index[1], new.nms.i)
names(out.i) <- gsub(paste0(index[2], ".", i), index[2], names.out.i)
out.mrg <- merge(out.mrg, out.i, by = index)
if(nrow(out.mrg) < 1){
stop("No data in common between data frames")
if(length(index) == 1){
ans.out.length <- ifelse(missing(variable), length(nms1.i) - 1, 1)
ans.out.length <- ifelse(missing(variable), length(nms1.i) - 2, 1)
ans <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, ans.out.length), vs = NA, labels = NA, bias = NA,
intercept = NA, slope = NA, rss = NA, rmse = NA, r2 = NA, concorr = NA,
mod.eff = NA)
k <- 1
## Calculate statistics for all variables
resid.matrix <- NULL
crss <- NA
var.sel <- setdiff(nms1.i, index) ## All variables except index
gvar.sel <- paste0(var.sel, collapse = "|")
idx.out.mrg <- grep(gvar.sel, names(out.mrg))
out.mrg.s <- out.mrg[, idx.out.mrg]
## Compute Bias matrix
for(i in var.sel){
if(verbose) cat("Variable: ", i, "\n")
tmp <- out.mrg.s[, grep(i, names(out.mrg.s))]
if(ncol(tmp) < 2) stop("merged selected variables should be at least of length 2", call. = FALSE)
if(ncol(tmp) > 2){
### This means that the variable matched more than one target in the dataframes
### I need an exact match
wvm1 <- which(paste0(i, ".1") == names(out.mrg.s))
wvm2 <- which(paste0(i, ".2") == names(out.mrg.s))
tmp <- out.mrg.s[, c(wvm1, wvm2)]
ans$variable[k] <- i
for(j in 2:ncol(tmp)){
if(verbose) cat(names(tmp)[j - 1], " vs. ", names(tmp)[j], "\n")
ans$vs[k] <- c(paste(names(tmp)[j - 1], "vs.", names(tmp)[j]))
if(verbose) cat("labels:", labels[j - 1], " vs. ", labels[j], "\n")
ans$labels[k] <- paste(labels[j - 1], " vs. ", labels[j])
fm0 <- lm(tmp[, j] ~ tmp[, j - 1], na.action = "na.exclude")
### Store residuals
resid.matrix <- cbind(resid.matrix, stats::residuals(fm0, type = "pearson"))
if(verbose) cat(" \t Bias: ", sum(tmp[, j - 1] - tmp[, j]), "\n")
ans$bias[k] <- sum(tmp[, j - 1] - tmp[, j])
if(verbose) cat(" \t Intercept: ", coef(fm0)[1], "\n")
ans$intercept[k] <- coef(fm0)[1]
if(verbose) cat(" \t Slope: ", coef(fm0)[2], "\n")
ans$slope[k] <- coef(fm0)[2]
if(verbose) cat(" \t RSS: ", deviance(fm0), "\n")
ans$rss[k] <- deviance(fm0)
if(verbose) cat(" \t RMSE: ", sigma(fm0), "\n")
ans$rmse[k] <- sigma(fm0)
if(verbose) cat(" \t R^2: ", summary(fm0)$r.squared, "\n")
ans$r2[k] <- summary(fm0)$r.squared
if(verbose) cat(" \t Corr: ", cor(tmp[, j - 1], tmp[, j]), "\n")
ans$corr[k] <- cor(tmp[, j - 1], tmp[, j])
if(verbose) cat(" \t Con. Corr: ", con_cor(tmp[, j - 1], tmp[, j]), "\n")
ans$concorr[k] <- con_cor(tmp[, j - 1], tmp[, j])
if(verbose) cat(" \t ME: ", mod_eff(tmp[, j - 1], tmp[, j]), "\n")
ans$mod.eff[k] <- mod_eff(tmp[, j - 1], tmp[, j])
k <- k + 1
#### Compute cRSS (combined Residual Sum of Squares) ----
sndout1 <- grep(".1", names(out.mrg), fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
sndout2 <- grep(".2", names(out.mrg), fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
dout1 <- subset(out.mrg, select = sndout1)
dout2 <- subset(out.mrg, select = sndout2)
diffs <- as.matrix(dout1) - as.matrix(dout2)
if(missing(weights)) weights <- rep(1, ncol(diffs))
crss <- sum(weights * colSums(diffs^2, na.rm = TRUE))
### Need to assign names to residual matrix
## browser()
colnames(resid.matrix) <- var.sel
## Just select the appropriate variable
idx.out.mrg <- grep(variable, names(out.mrg))
out.mrg.s <- out.mrg[, idx.out.mrg]
if(verbose) cat("Variable:", variable, "\n")
ans$variable[k] <- i
tmp <- out.mrg.s
for(j in 2:ncol(tmp)){
if(verbose) cat(names(tmp)[j - 1], " vs. ", names(tmp)[j], "\n")
ans$vs[k] <- c(paste(names(tmp)[j - 1], "vs.", names(tmp)[j]))
if(verbose) cat("labels", labels[j - 1], " vs. ", labels[j], "\n")
ans$labels[k] <- paste(labels[j - 1], " vs. ", labels[j])
fm0 <- lm(tmp[, j - 1] ~ tmp[, j])
### Store residuals
resid.matrix <- cbind(resid.matrix, stats::residuals(fm0, type = "pearson"))
if(verbose) cat(" \t Bias: ", sum(tmp[, j - 1] - tmp[, j]), "\n")
ans$bias[k] <- sum(tmp[, j - 1] - tmp[, j])
if(verbose) cat(" \t Intercept: ", coef(fm0)[1], "\n")
ans$intercept[k] <- coef(fm0)[1]
if(verbose) cat(" \t Slope: ", coef(fm0)[2], "\n")
ans$slope[k] <- coef(fm0)[2]
if(verbose) cat(" \t RSS: ", deviance(fm0), "\n")
ans$rss[k] <- deviance(fm0)
if(verbose) cat(" \t RMSE: ", sigma(fm0), "\n")
ans$rmse[k] <- sigma(fm0)
if(verbose) cat(" \t R^2: ", summary(fm0)$r.squared, "\n")
ans$r2[k] <- summary(fm0)$r.squared
if(verbose) cat(" \t Corr: ", cor(tmp[,j - 1], tmp[, j]), "\n")
ans$corr[k] <- cor(tmp[, j - 1], tmp[, j])
if(verbose) cat(" \t Con. Corr: ", con_cor(tmp[, j - 1], tmp[, j]), "\n")
ans$concorr[k] <- con_cor(tmp[, j - 1], tmp[, j])
if(verbose) cat(" \t ME: ", mod_eff(tmp[, j-1], tmp[, j]), "\n")
ans$mod.eff[k] <- mod_eff(tmp[, j - 1], tmp[, j])
clnm <- gsub(".1", "", grep(variable, names(out.mrg), value = TRUE)[1], fixed = TRUE)
colnames(resid.matrix) <- clnm
attr(out.mrg, "out.names") <- o.nms
attr(out.mrg, "length.outs") <- n.outs
attr(out.mrg, "index") <- index
out.mrg <- structure(list(out.mrg = out.mrg, index.table = ans, cRSS = crss, resid.matrix = resid.matrix),
class = "out_mrg")
#' print method for out_mrg
#' @rdname compare_apsim
#' @description print method for \sQuote{out_mrg}
#' @param x object of class \sQuote{out_mrg}
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to print
#' @param digits digits to print (default is 2)
#' @export
#' @return it prints the index.table data.frame
print.out_mrg <- function(x, ..., digits = 2){
print(x$index.table, digits = digits)
#' The by and facet arguments are only available for plot.type vs and ts for now
#' Plotting function for observed and simulated data
#' @rdname compare_apsim
#' @description plotting function for compare_apsim, it requires ggplot2
#' @param x object of class \sQuote{out_mrg}
#' @param ... data frames with APSIM output or observed data.
#' @param plot.type either \sQuote{vs}, \sQuote{diff}, \sQuote{ts} - for time series or \sQuote{density}
#' @param pairs pair of objects to compare, defaults to 1 and 2 but others are possible
#' @param cumulative whether to plot cumulative values (default FALSE)
#' @param variable variable to plot
#' @param id identification. Useful for finding extreme values. If this values is equal to
#' 1 and no id.label is provided all observations are labeled by the row number. If it is
#' less than one points are labeled if their probability is equal or less than the id value.
#' For example, a value of 0.05 will label values that have a probability of 0.05 (or less)
#' under a normal distribution.
#' @param id.label optional label for the id
#' @param by variable in \sQuote{index} used for plotting
#' @param facet whether to facet or use color for the by variable (default is FALSE, meaning \sQuote{color})
#' @param span argument passed to \sQuote{geom_smooth}
#' @param dodge.width optional argument to control the \sQuote{dodge} for the \sQuote{id.label}
#' @return it produces a plot
#' @export
plot.out_mrg <- function(x, ..., plot.type = c("vs", "diff", "resid", "ts", "density"),
pairs = c(1, 2),
cumulative = FALSE, ## Might not make sense for these type of graphs...
facet = FALSE,
span = 0.75,
dodge.width = NULL){
if(!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)){
warning("ggplot2 is required for this plotting function")
x.resid <- x$resid.matrix
colnames(x.resid) <- paste0("resid.", colnames(x.resid))
x <- x$out.mrg
o.nms <- attr(x, "out.names")
if(max(pairs) > attr(x, "length.outs")) stop("pairs index larger than length of outs")
index <- attr(x, "index") ## This is normally 'Date'
x <-
if(!missing(by) && length(index) == 1)
stop("'by' is only available when index length is equal to 2.")
vnms <- setdiff(names(x), index)[1]
variable <- gsub(".1", "", vnms, fixed = TRUE)
variable <- gsub(".1", "", grep(variable, names(x), value = TRUE)[1], fixed = TRUE)
if( || length(variable) == 0) stop("variable not found")
### If I'm guaranteed to have a variable then I need to subset residuals
x.resid <- x.resid[, grep(variable, colnames(x.resid), value = TRUE), drop = FALSE]
plot.type <- match.arg(plot.type)
if(cumulative && plot.type != "ts")
stop("cumulative is only available for plot.type = 'ts' ")
### id and label ----
### If id and label are missing
if(missing(id) && missing(id.label)){
id.lbs <- rep("", nrow(x))
if(is.null(dodge.width)) dodge.width <- 0
if(missing(id) && !missing(id.label))
stop("'id' should be specified if 'id.label' is not missing", call. = FALSE)
### I should be able to add the label to all plots and not need the
### duplication
prs0 <- paste0(variable, ".", pairs)
prs <- paste0(prs0, collapse = "|")
tmp <- x[, grep(prs, names(x))]
## Add residuals
tmpr <- cbind(tmp, x.resid)
dodge.width <- diff(range(tmp[[prs0[1]]])) * (1/10)
if(missing(id.label) && id == 1){
id.lbs <- seq_len(nrow(tmp))
if(missing(id.label) && id < 1){
### Probability of residuals under the normal distribution
p.vls <- stats::pnorm(-abs(x.resid))
w.pvls <- !c(p.vls <= id)
id.lbs <- seq_len(nrow(tmp))
id.lbs[w.pvls] <- ""
if(!missing(id.label) && id == 1){
if(length(id.label) != nrow(tmp))
stop("length of id.label whould be equal to the number of observations", call. = FALSE)
id.lbs <- id.label
if(!missing(id.label) && id < 1){
if(length(id.label) != nrow(tmp))
stop("length of id.label should be equal to the number of observations", call. = FALSE)
id.lbs <- id.label
p.vls <- stats::pnorm(-abs(x.resid))
w.pvls <- !c(p.vls <= id)
id.lbs[w.pvls] <- ""
#### plot.type = "vs" ----
if(plot.type == "vs" && !cumulative && (length(index) == 1 || missing(by))){
tmp <- x[, grep(variable, names(x))]
prs <- paste0(variable, ".", pairs)
gp1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = tmp, ggplot2::aes(x = eval(parse(text = eval(prs[1]))),
y = eval(parse(text = eval(prs[2]))))) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::xlab(paste(o.nms[pairs[1]], prs[1])) +
ggplot2::ylab(paste(o.nms[pairs[2]], prs[2])) +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(method = "lm", ...) +
ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = "orange") +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = id.lbs),
position = ggplot2::position_dodge2(dodge.width))
if(plot.type == "vs" && !cumulative && length(index) == 2 && !missing(by)){
tmp <- x[, c(by, grep(variable, names(x), value = TRUE))]
prs <- paste0(variable, ".", pairs)
gp1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = tmp, ggplot2::aes(x = eval(parse(text = eval(prs[1]))),
y = eval(parse(text = eval(prs[2]))),
color = eval(parse(text = eval(by))))) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::xlab(paste(o.nms[pairs[1]], prs[1])) +
ggplot2::ylab(paste(o.nms[pairs[2]], prs[2])) +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(method = "lm", ...) +
ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = "orange") +
ggplot2::guides(color=ggplot2::guide_legend(title=by)) +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = id.lbs),
position = ggplot2::position_dodge2(dodge.width))
tmp <- x[, c(by, grep(variable, names(x), value = TRUE))]
prs <- paste0(variable, ".", pairs)
gp1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = tmp, ggplot2::aes(x = eval(parse(text = eval(prs[1]))),
y = eval(parse(text = eval(prs[2]))))) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~eval(parse(text = eval(by)))) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::xlab(paste(o.nms[pairs[1]], prs[1])) +
ggplot2::ylab(paste(o.nms[pairs[2]], prs[2])) +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(method = "lm", ...) +
ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = "orange") +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = id.lbs),
position = ggplot2::position_dodge2(dodge.width))
#### plot.type = "diff" ----
if(plot.type == "diff" && !cumulative){
prs0 <- paste0(variable, ".", pairs)
prs <- paste0(prs0, collapse = "|")
tmp <- x[, grep(prs, names(x))]
## x Variable is prs[1]
## y Variable is prs[2] - prs[1]
dff <- tmp[,prs0[2]] - tmp[,prs0[1]]
gp1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = tmp, ggplot2::aes(x = eval(parse(text = eval(prs0[1]))),
y = dff)) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::xlab(paste(o.nms[pairs[1]], prs0[1])) +
ggplot2::ylab(paste("Difference", prs0[2], "-", prs0[1])) +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(method = "lm", ...) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "orange") +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = id.lbs),
position = ggplot2::position_dodge2(dodge.width))
#### plot.type = "resid" ----
if(plot.type == "resid" && !cumulative){
if(is.null(dodge.width)) dodge.width <- 0 <- grep("resid", names(tmpr), value = TRUE)
gp1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = tmpr, ggplot2::aes(x = eval(parse(text = eval(prs0[1]))),
y = eval(parse(text = eval( +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::xlab(paste(o.nms[pairs[1]], prs0[1])) +
ggplot2::ylab(paste("Pearson ", +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(method = "lm", ...) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "orange") +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = id.lbs),
position = ggplot2::position_dodge2(dodge.width))
if(plot.type == "ts" && !cumulative && (length(index) == 1 || missing(by))){
prs0 <- paste0(variable, ".", pairs)
prs <- paste0(prs0, collapse = "|")
tmp <- x[, grep(prs, names(x))]
if(length(index) == 1){
tmp[[index]] <- x[[index]] ## Put it back in - kinda dumb
if(index[2] == 'Date'){
tmp[[index[2]]] <- x[[index[2]]] ## Put it back in - kinda dumb
stop("I have not implemented this yet", call. = FALSE)
gp1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = tmp, ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[index[1]]],
y = eval(parse(text = eval(prs0[1]))),
color = paste(o.nms[pairs[1]], prs0[1]))) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(span = span, ...) +
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(y = eval(parse(text = eval(prs0[2]))),
color = paste(o.nms[pairs[2]], prs0[2]))) +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(ggplot2::aes(y = eval(parse(text = eval(prs0[2]))),
color = paste(o.nms[pairs[2]], prs0[2])),
span = span, ...) +
ggplot2::xlab(index) +
ggplot2::ylab(variable) +
ggplot2::guides(color=ggplot2::guide_legend(title="")) +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = id.lbs),
position = ggplot2::position_dodge2(dodge.width))
#### plot.type = "ts" ----
if(plot.type == "ts" && !cumulative && length(index) == 2 && !missing(by)){
prs0 <- paste0(variable, ".", pairs)
prs <- paste0(prs0, collapse = "|")
tmp <- x[, c(index, grep(prs, names(x), value = TRUE))]
gp1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = tmp, ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[index[2]]],
y = eval(parse(text = eval(prs0[1]))),
color = paste(o.nms[pairs[1]], prs0[1]))) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~eval(parse(text = eval(by)))) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(span = span, ...) +
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(y = eval(parse(text = eval(prs0[2]))),
color = paste(o.nms[pairs[2]], prs0[2]))) +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(ggplot2::aes(y = eval(parse(text = eval(prs0[2]))),
color = paste(o.nms[pairs[2]], prs0[2])),
span = span, ...) +
ggplot2::xlab(index[2]) +
ggplot2::ylab(variable) +
ggplot2::guides(color=ggplot2::guide_legend(title="")) +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = id.lbs),
position = ggplot2::position_dodge2(dodge.width))
stop("Set 'facet' to TRUE for this type of graph", call. = FALSE)
if(plot.type == "ts" && cumulative){
if(length(index) != 1)
stop("I have only implemented this when 'index' length is equal to 1")
prs0 <- paste0(variable, ".", pairs)
prs <- paste0(prs0, collapse = "|")
tmp <- x[, grep(prs, names(x))]
tmp[[index]] <- x[[index]]
tmp$cum_var1 <- cumsum(tmp[, prs0[1]])
tmp$cum_var2 <- cumsum(tmp[, prs0[2]])
gp1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = tmp, ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[index]],
y = .data[["cum_var1"]],
color = paste(o.nms[pairs[1]], prs0[1]))) +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y = .data[["cum_var2"]],
color = paste(o.nms[pairs[2]], prs0[2]))) +
ggplot2::xlab(index) +
ggplot2::ylab(paste("Cumulative ", variable)) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = id.lbs),
position = ggplot2::position_dodge2(dodge.width))
if(plot.type == "density"){
prs0 <- paste0(variable, ".", pairs)
prs <- paste0(prs0, collapse = "|")
tmp <- x[, grep(prs, names(x))]
gp1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = tmp, ggplot2::aes(x = eval(parse(text = eval(prs0[1]))),
color = paste(o.nms[pairs[1]], prs0[1]))) +
ggplot2::geom_density() +
ggplot2::geom_density(ggplot2::aes(x = eval(parse(text = eval(prs0[2]))),
color = paste(o.nms[pairs[2]], prs0[2]))) +
ggplot2::xlab(variable) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank())
## Model efficiency
mod_eff <- function(x, y){
sse <- sum((x - y)^2)
ssx <- sum((x - mean(x))^2)
ans <- 1 - sse / ssx
## Concordance correlation
con_cor <- function(x, y){
num <- 2 * cor(x, y) * sd(x) * sd(y)
den <- var(x) + var(y) + (mean(x) - mean(y))^2
ans <- num/den
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