#' Slicing of SoilProfileCollection Objects
#' A method for "slicing" of SoilProfileCollection objects into constant depth intervals. Now deprecated, see `[dice()]`.
#' @name slice-methods
#' @aliases get.slice slice slice,SoilProfileCollection-method
#' @docType methods
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @param fm A formula: either `integer.vector ~ var1 + var2 + var3` where
#' named variables are sliced according to `integer.vector` OR where all
#' variables are sliced according to `integer.vector`: `integer.vector ~ .`.
#' @param top.down logical, slices are defined from the top-down: `0:10` implies 0-11 depth units.
#' @param Logical, return just the sliced data or a new `SoilProfileCollection` object.
#' @param strict Logical, should the horizonation be strictly checked for self-consistency?
#' @return Either a new `SoilProfileCollection` with data sliced according to `fm`, or a `data.frame`.
#' @section Details: By default, slices are defined from the top-down:
#' \code{0:10} implies 0-11 depth units.
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @seealso \code{\link{slab}}
#' @references D.E. Beaudette, P. Roudier, A.T. O'Geen, Algorithms for
#' quantitative pedology: A toolkit for soil scientists, Computers &
#' Geosciences, Volume 52, March 2013, Pages 258-268,
#' 10.1016/j.cageo.2012.10.020.
#' @keywords methods manip
#' @export
#' @rdname slice
#' @importFrom stringr str_c fixed str_split
#' @examples
#' library(aqp)
#' # simulate some data, IDs are 1:20
#' d <- lapply(1:20, random_profile)
#' d <-'rbind', d)
#' # init SoilProfileCollection object
#' depths(d) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' head(horizons(d))
#' # generate single slice at 10 cm
#' # output is a SoilProfileCollection object
#' s <- dice(d, fm = 10 ~ name + p1 + p2 + p3)
#' # generate single slice at 10 cm, output data.frame
#' s <- dice(d, 10 ~ name + p1 + p2 + p3, SPC = FALSE)
#' # generate integer slices from 0 - 26 cm
#' # note that slices are specified by default as "top-down"
#' # result is a SoilProfileCollection
#' # e.g. the lower depth will always by top + 1
#' s <- dice(d, fm = 0:25 ~ name + p1 + p2 + p3)
#' par(mar=c(0,1,0,1))
#' plotSPC(s)
#' # generate slices from 0 - 11 cm, for all variables
#' s <- dice(d, fm = 0:10 ~ .)
#' print(s)
#' # compute percent missing, for each slice,
#' # if all vars are missing, then NA is returned
#' d$p1[1:10] <- NA
#' s <- dice(d, 10 ~ ., SPC = FALSE, pctMissing = TRUE)
#' head(s)
#' \dontrun{
#' ##
#' ## check sliced data
#' ##
#' # test that mean of 1 cm slices property is equal to the
#' # hz-thickness weighted mean value of that property
#' data(sp1)
#' depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' # get the first profile
#' sp1.sub <- sp1[which(profile_id(sp1) == 'P009'), ]
#' # compute hz-thickness wt. mean
#' hz.wt.mean <- with(
#' horizons(sp1.sub),
#' sum((bottom - top) * prop) / sum(bottom - top)
#' )
#' # hopefully the same value, calculated via slice()
#' s <- dice(sp1.sub, fm = 0:max(sp1.sub) ~ prop)
#' hz.slice.mean <- mean(s$prop, na.rm = TRUE)
#' # they are the same
#' all.equal(hz.slice.mean, hz.wt.mean)
#' }
#' <- function(object, fm, top.down=TRUE,, strict=TRUE){
## Plan:
# 1. message about future deprecation -> dice()
# message('Note: aqp::slice() will be deprecated in aqp version 2.0\n--> Please consider using the more efficient aqp::dice()')
# 2. deprecation -> dice() in aqp 2.0
.Deprecated(new = 'dice', msg = 'slice() has been deprecated, please use the more efficient aqp::dice()')
# 3. masking / removal of slice(), shortly there after
## important: change the default behavior of data.frame and melt
opt.original <- options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# test for logical input
if(! inherits(fm, "formula")) {
stop('must provide a valid formula: ~ var1 + var2 + ...', call.=FALSE)
# extract components of the formula:
formula <- stringr::str_c(deparse(fm, 500), collapse="")
elements <- stringr::str_split(formula, stringr::fixed("~"))[[1]]
formula <- lapply(stringr::str_split(elements, "[+*]"), str_trim)
# TODO: this will have to be changed when we implement no LHS = all slices
if (length(formula) > 2)
stop("please provide a valid formula", call.=FALSE)
# extract parsed formula components
vars <- formula[[2]] # RHS, simple enough
# LHS: could be either single integer or vector of slices
z <- as.numeric(eval(parse(text=formula[[1]])))
# get horizons + depth column names + ID column name
h <- horizons(object)
hd <- horizonDepths(object)
top <- hd[1] ; bottom <- hd[2] # convenience vars
id <- idname(object)
id.order <- profile_id(object) # this is the original ordering of profiles
# check for bogus left/right side problems with the formula
if(any(z < 0) | any(
stop('z-slice must be >= 1', call.=FALSE)
## TODO: this will have to be updated for z-slices defined by data in @site
if(! inherits(z, c('numeric','integer'))) # bogus z-slice
stop('z-slice must be either numeric or integer', call.=FALSE)
# check for '.' --> all variables, minus ID/depths
if(any(vars == '.')) {
nh <- names(h) <- match(c(id, top, bottom), nh)
vars <- nh[]
# check for column names that don't exist
if(any(vars %in% names(h)) == FALSE) # bogus column names in right-hand side
stop('column names in formula do not match any horizon data', call.=FALSE)
## extract all vars by slice_i
# pre-allocate storage as list
hd.slices <- vector(mode='list', length=length(z))
# prepare an index for the list
slice.idx <- seq_along(z)
# convert h into an imutable data.frame for speed
# h <- idata.frame(h)
## TODO: list-based processing faster
# iterate over this index
for(slice.i in slice.idx) {
# extract all vars for current slice
# TODO: this is wasteful as the entire pile of horizons is passed to get.slice in each iteration of the loop
m.i.sub <- get.slice(h, id=id, top=top, bottom=bottom, vars=vars, z=z[slice.i], strict=strict)
# join with original IDs in order to account for NA, or bad horizonation
d <- data.frame(temp_id = id.order)
names(d) <- id
m.i <- merge(d, m.i.sub[!duplicated(m.i.sub[[id]]),], by = id, all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
# add depth range:
# top-down, means that the slice starts from the user-defined depths (default)
if(top.down) {
m.i[[top]] <- z[slice.i] # "top"
m.i[[bottom]] <- z[slice.i] + 1 # "bottom"
# otherwise, the slice starts at the bottom (why would someone do this?)
else {
m.i[[top]] <- z[slice.i] - 1 # "top"
m.i[[bottom]] <- z[slice.i] # "bottom"
# save to the list
hd.slices[[slice.i]] <- m.i
# convert list into DF
hd.slices <- data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(hd.slices))
# re-order by id, then top
# keep only data we care about
# note that we have a new column in there used to store pct not NA
hd.slices <- hd.slices[order(match(hd.slices[[id]], id.order), hd.slices[[top]]), c(id, top, bottom, vars, '.pctMissing')]
# if we just want the data:
## otherwise return an SPC, be sure to copy over the spatial data
# init new SPC
# if all horizon attr are requested then a warning will be issued
# `hzID` is not a unique horizon ID, using `hzID_`
suppressWarnings(depths(hd.slices) <- as.formula(paste(id, '~', top, '+', bottom)))
# reset auto-generated horizon ID so that we know it is now the slice ID
idx <- match(hzidname(hd.slices), horizonNames(hd.slices))
horizonNames(hd.slices)[idx] <- 'sliceID'
hzidname(hd.slices) <- 'sliceID'
# # copy spatial data
# hd.slices@sp <- object@sp
# safely copy site data via JOIN
site(hd.slices) <- site(object)
# copy over any diagnostic features/restrictions
hd.slices@diagnostic <- object@diagnostic
hd.slices@restrictions <- object@restrictions
# copy over metadata
hd.slices <- .transfer.metadata.aqp(object, hd.slices)
## un-set horizon designation and texture class metadata if they aren't in the sliced data
hn <- horizonNames(hd.slices)
# hz designation
# this will be TRUE if hzdesgnname(object) is unset ('')
if(! hzdesgnname(object) %in% hn) {
hzdesgnname(hd.slices) <- ''
# texture class
# this will be TRUE if hztexclname(object) is unset ('')
if(! hztexclname(object) %in% hn) {
hztexclname(hd.slices) <- ''
# reset options:
# done
setGeneric("slice", function(object, fm, top.down = TRUE, = FALSE, strict = TRUE)
#' @export
#' @rdname slice
setMethod(f = 'slice', signature(object = 'SoilProfileCollection'),
# this function is run on the horizon data, once for each depth slice
#' @param h Horizon data.frame
#' @param id Profile ID
#' @param top Top Depth Column Name
#' @param bottom Bottom Depth Column Name
#' @param vars Variables of Interest
#' @param z Slice Depth (index).
#' @param include Either `'top'` or `'bottom'`. Boundary to include in slice. Default: `'top'`
#' @param strict Check for logic errors? Default: `TRUE`
#' @export
#' @rdname slice
get.slice <- function(h, id, top, bottom, vars, z, include='top', strict=TRUE) {
## TODO: this is likely very slow
# 1. get indices to rows matchings current depth slice (z)
# this is the default method
if(include == 'top')
idx <- which(z >= h[[top]] & z < h[[bottom]])
# not sure why someone would use this approach, but include it anyways
if(include == 'bottom')
idx <- which(z > h[[top]] & z <= h[[bottom]])
## TODO: split -> list -> process -> combine
# 2. extract data.frame along slice, and named vars + id
h <- h[idx, c(id, vars)]
# 2.5 compute fraction missing
# if there is only 1 variable, don't try to compute this value
# if all data are missing NA is returned
h$.pctMissing <- apply(as.matrix(h[, vars]), 1, function(i, n=length(vars)) length(which( / n)
# 3. QA/QC
# how many unique IDs?
l.ids <- length(unique(h[[id]]))
# how many rows in the result?
n.res <- nrow(h)
# more rows than IDs --> bad horizonation
if(l.ids != n.res) {
if(strict == TRUE) {
# get offending IDs <- table(h[[id]])
bad.ids <- paste(names([which( > 1)], collapse=', ')
stop(paste('bad horizonation in IDs:', bad.ids), call.=FALSE)
# looser interp of the data... issue warning and return multuple rows/ID
# join(..., match='first') will correct the problem
warning('Bad horizonation detected, first matching horizon selected. Use strict=TRUE to enforce QA/QC.')
# done: return subset of original data + pct not NA
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