#' @name contrastChart
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @title Color Contrast Chart
#' @description Compare one or more pages from a simulated Munsell book of soil colors to a reference color.
#' @param m Munsell representation of a single color for comparison e.g. '10YR 4/3'
#' @param hues vector of one or more Munsell hue pages to display
#' @param ccAbbreviate length of abbreviated contrast classes, use 0 to suppress labels
#' @param style 'hue' or 'CC', see details
#' @param gridLines logical, add grid lines to the color contrast chart
#' @param de00.cex character scaling applied to dE00 annotation
#' @param cc.cex character scaling applied to contrast class annotation
#' @param thresh threshold (<) applied to pair-wise comparisons and resulting color chips
#' @param returnData logical, return lattice figure + data used to generate the figure
#' @details
#' A simulated Munsell color book page or pages are used to demonstrate color contrast between all chips and the reference color \code{m} (highlighted in red). NCSS color contrast class and CIE delta-E00 values are printed below all other color chips. Munsell color chips for chroma 5 and 7 are omitted, but axis labels are retained as a reminder of this fact.
#' Setting \code{style='hue'} emphasizes the contrast classes and CIE delta-E00 of chips adjacent to \code{m}. Setting \code{style='CC'} emphasizes adjacent chips according to respective contrast class via lattice panels.
#' Two-way panels are used when multiple hues are provided and \code{style='CC'}. The default output can be greatly enhanced via:
#' \code{
#' latticeExtra::useOuterStrips(...,
#' strip = strip.custom(bg=grey(0.85)),
#' strip.left = strip.custom(bg=grey(0.85))
#' )
#' }
#' @keywords hplots manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # keep examples from using more than 2 cores
#' data.table::setDTthreads(Sys.getenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT", unset = 2))
#' # single hue page
#' contrastChart(m = '10YR 3/3', hues = '10YR')
#' # multiple hue pages
#' contrastChart(m = '10YR 3/3', hues = c('10YR', '2.5Y'))
#' # contrast class, single hue
#' contrastChart(m = '10YR 3/3', hues = '10YR', style='CC')
#' # contrast class, multiple hues
#' # consider latticeExtra::useOuterStrips()
#' contrastChart(m = '10YR 5/6', hues = c('10YR', '2.5Y'), style='CC')
contrastChart <- function(m, hues, ccAbbreviate = 1, style = 'hue', gridLines = FALSE, de00.cex = 0.6, cc.cex = 0.6, thresh = NULL, returnData = FALSE) {
# load Munsell LUT
# safe for CRAN check
munsell <- NULL
load(system.file("data/munsell.rda", package = "aqp")[1])
# plotting details
y.offset.CC <- 0.08
y.offset.dE00 <- 0.25
# safety checks on arguments
# check style
if(! style %in% c('hue', 'CC', 'dE00')) {
stop("style must be one of: 'hue', 'CC'", call. = FALSE)
# multiHue required when length(hues) > 1
if(length(hues) > 1 & style == 'hue') {
style <- 'multiHue'
# move dE00 up if CC is disabled via 0-length abbreviation
if(ccAbbreviate == 0) {
y.offset.dE00 <- y.offset.dE00 - 0.1
# 2. disable CC label when style = CC
if(style == 'CC') {
# hack to disable CC label
ccAbbreviate <- 0
# move dE00 up
y.offset.dE00 <- y.offset.dE00 - 0.1
# multiple hues
if(length(hues) > 1) {
style <- 'multiCC'
# extract just requested hues
# along with standard value/chroma pairs found on a typical color book page
chroma.subset <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8)
x <- munsell[which(munsell$value %in% 2:8 & munsell$chroma %in% chroma.subset & munsell$hue %in% hues), ]
# convert into hex notation for plotting
x$color <- munsell2rgb(x$hue, x$value, x$chroma)
x$munsell <- sprintf("%s %s/%s", x$hue, x$value, x$chroma)
# re-level hues according to color contrast guidance
hh <- unique(x$hue)
ll <- hh[order(huePosition(hh))]
x$hue <- factor(x$hue, levels=ll)
# setup query color table
m <- data.frame(
queryColor = m,
parseMunsell(m, convertColors = FALSE),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
m$value <- as.integer(m$value)
m$chroma <- as.integer(m$chroma)
# compute all pair-wise contrast classes and dE00
cc <- colorContrast(x$munsell, rep(m$queryColor, times = nrow(x)))
# join for plotting
z <- merge(x, cc, by.x='munsell', by.y='m1', all.x=TRUE, sort=FALSE)
# dE00 thresholding
if( ! is.null(thresh) ) {
z <- z[which(z$dE00 < thresh), ]
# convert chroma into a factor, in this way we can skip chroma 5/7
# note that the full levels of chroma have to be set
z$chroma <- factor(z$chroma, levels = chroma.subset)
# alternative modes
fm <- switch(style,
'hue' = as.formula('value ~ chroma'),
'multiHue' = as.formula('value ~ chroma | hue'),
'CC' = as.formula('value ~ chroma | cc'),
'multiCC' = as.formula('value ~ chroma | cc + hue')
# custom x-axis labeling based on factors vs. integers <- c(seq_along(chroma.subset), 4.5, 5.5)
chroma.subset.labels <- as.character(c(chroma.subset, 5, 7))
# make plot
pp <- lattice::xyplot(fm, data = z,
main = sprintf('Color Contrast Chart: %s', m$queryColor),
asp = 1.2, xlab='Chroma', ylab='Value',
xlim = c(0.75, 6.25),
ylim = c(1.75, 8.25),
scales = list(
alternating = 1, tick.number = 8, relation = 'free', y = list(
rot = 0
x = list(
at =,
labels = chroma.subset.labels
as.table = TRUE, strip = strip.custom(bg='grey'),
subscripts = TRUE,
panel = function(xx, yy, subscripts, ...) {
# note: source `xx` and `yy` aren't actually used for anything
# -> chroma factor levels reset when full levels aren't present
# prep data for this panel
d <- z[subscripts, ]
d$cc <- as.character(d$cc)
d$dE00 <- format(d$dE00, digits = 2)
# extract from d vs. function arguments
xx <- as.integer(d$chroma)
yy <- d$value
# remove query color contrast and dE00
idx <- which(d$munsell == m$queryColor)
d$cc[idx] <- ''
d$dE00[idx] <- ''
# grid system
if(gridLines) {
panel.abline(h = 2:8, v=1:8, col=grey(0.85), lty=1)
# offsets, may require additional tinkering
bd.side <- 0.3
bd.bottom <- 0.2 <- 0.4
bd.annot <- 0.05
# color chips
# border encodes query chip
chip.border <- rep('black', times=nrow(d))
chip.lwd <- rep(1, times=nrow(d))
# update border colors and thickness for the query color
border.idx <- which(d$hue == m$hue & d$value == m$value & d$chroma == m$chroma)
chip.border[border.idx] <- 'red'
chip.lwd[border.idx] <- 3
xleft = xx - bd.side,
ybottom = yy - bd.bottom,
xright = xx + bd.side,
ytop = yy +,
col = d$color,
border = chip.border,
lwd = chip.lwd
# optionally annotate contrast class and abbreviate
if(ccAbbreviate >= 1) {
x = xx,
y = yy - (bd.bottom + y.offset.CC),
as.character(abbreviate(d$cc, minlength = ccAbbreviate)),
cex = cc.cex,
font = 4
# annotate dE00
x = xx,
y = yy - (bd.bottom + y.offset.dE00),
cex = de00.cex
# return list containing figure and data
# figure is first so that it is printed to the graphics device
if(returnData) {
return(list(fig = pp, data = z))
} else {
# just the figure
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