## TODO: large gaps in data result in some strange-looking polygons
## TODO: 'id' isn't a very safe argument for defining profile IDs... (e.g. sp1)
## TODO: iterate over profile IDs instead of groups
## TODO: confidence bands not defined when NA is present
#' @title Lattice Panel Function for Soil Profiles
#' @description Panel function for plotting grouped soil property data, along with upper and
#' lower estimates of uncertainty.
#' This function can be used to replace \code{panel.superpose} when plotting
#' depth function data. When requested, contributing fraction data are printed
#' using colors the same color as corresponding depth function lines unless a
#' single color value is given via \code{cf.col}.
#' This function is not able to apply transformations (typically `log = 10`) applied in the `scales` argument to `xyplot` to upper/lower bounds. These will have to be manually applied. See examples.
#' @aliases panel.depth_function prepanel.depth_function
#' @param x x values (generated by calling lattice function)
#' @param y y values (generated by calling lattice function)
#' @param id vector of id labels, same length as x and y--only required when
#' plotting segments (see Details section)
#' @param upper vector of upper confidence envelope values
#' @param lower vector of lower confidence envelope values
#' @param subscripts paneling indices (generated by calling lattice function)
#' @param groups grouping data (generated by calling lattice function)
#' @param sync.colors optionally sync the fill color within the region bounded
#' by (lower--upper) with the line colors
#' @param cf optionally annotate contributing fraction data at regular depth
#' intervals see \code{\link{slab}}
#' @param cf.col optional color for contributing fraction values, typically
#' used to override the line color
#' @param cf.interval number of depth units to space printed contributing
#' fraction values
#' @param \dots further arguments to lower-level lattice plotting functions,
#' see below
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @seealso \code{\link{sp1}}, \code{\link{slice}}, \code{\link{slab}}
#' @export
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#' library(lattice)
#' data(sp1)
#' # 1. plotting mechanism for step-functions derived from soil profile data
#' xyplot(
#' cbind(top, bottom) ~ prop,
#' data = sp1,
#' id = sp1$id,
#' panel = panel.depth_function,
#' ylim = c(250, -10),
#' scales = list(y = list(tick.number = 10)),
#' xlab = 'Property',
#' ylab = 'Depth (cm)',
#' main = 'panel.depth_function() demo'
#' )
#' # 1.1 include groups argument to leverage lattice styling framework
#' sp1$group <- factor(sp1$group, labels = c('Group 1', 'Group2'))
#' xyplot(
#' cbind(top, bottom) ~ prop,
#' groups = group,
#' data = sp1,
#' id = sp1$id,
#' panel = panel.depth_function,
#' ylim = c(250, -10),
#' scales = list(y = list(tick.number = 10)),
#' xlab = 'Property',
#' ylab = 'Depth (cm)',
#' main = 'panel.depth_function() demo',
#' auto.key = list(
#' columns = 2,
#' points = FALSE,
#' lines = TRUE
#' ),
#' par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(col = c(
#' 'Orange', 'RoyalBlue'
#' )))
#' )
#' # more complex examples, using step functions with grouped data
#' # better looking figures with less customization via tactile package
#' if(requireNamespace('tactile')) {
#' library(data.table)
#' library(lattice)
#' library(tactile)
#' # example data
#' data(sp6)
#' # a single profile
#' x <- sp6[1:5, ]
#' # wide -> long format
#' x.long <- data.table::melt(
#' data.table::data.table(x),
#' id.vars = c('id', 'top', 'bottom'),
#' measure.vars = c('sand', 'silt', 'clay')
#' )
#' # (optional) convert back to data.frame
#' x.long <-
#' # three variables sharing a common axis
#' # factor levels set by melt()
#' xyplot(
#' cbind(top, bottom) ~ value | id,
#' groups = variable,
#' data = x.long,
#' id = x.long$id,
#' ylim = c(200, -5), xlim = c(10, 60),
#' scales = list(alternating = 1, y = list(tick.number = 10)),
#' par.settings = tactile.theme(superpose.line = list(lwd = 2)),
#' xlab = 'Sand, Silt, Clay (%)',
#' ylab = 'Depth (cm)',
#' panel = panel.depth_function,
#' auto.key = list(columns = 3, lines = TRUE, points = FALSE),
#' asp = 1.5
#' )
#' # all profiles
#' x <- sp6
#' # wide -> long format
#' x.long <- data.table::melt(
#' data.table::data.table(x),
#' id.vars = c('id', 'top', 'bottom'),
#' measure.vars = c('sand', 'silt', 'clay')
#' )
#' # (optional) convert back to data.frame
#' x.long <-
#' # three variables sharing a common axis
#' # factor levels set by melt()
#' xyplot(
#' cbind(top, bottom) ~ value | id,
#' groups = variable,
#' data = x.long,
#' id = x.long$id,
#' ylim = c(200, -5), xlim = c(0, 70),
#' scales = list(alternating = 1, y = list(tick.number = 10)),
#' par.settings = tactile.theme(superpose.line = list(lwd = 2)),
#' xlab = 'Sand, Silt, Clay (%)',
#' ylab = 'Depth (cm)',
#' panel = panel.depth_function,
#' auto.key = list(columns = 3, lines = TRUE, points = FALSE),
#' as.table = TRUE
#' )
#' xyplot(
#' cbind(top, bottom) ~ value,
#' groups = variable,
#' data = x.long,
#' id = x.long$id,
#' ylim = c(200, -5), xlim = c(0, 70),
#' scales = list(alternating = 1, y = list(tick.number = 10)),
#' par.settings = tactile.theme(superpose.line = list(lwd = 2)),
#' xlab = 'Sand, Silt, Clay (%)',
#' ylab = 'Depth (cm)',
#' panel = panel.depth_function,
#' auto.key = list(columns = 3, lines = TRUE, points = FALSE),
#' as.table = TRUE
#' )
#' xyplot(
#' cbind(top, bottom) ~ value | variable,
#' groups = variable,
#' data = x.long,
#' id = x.long$id,
#' ylim = c(200, -5), xlim = c(0, 70),
#' scales = list(alternating = 1, y = list(tick.number = 10)),
#' par.settings = tactile.theme(superpose.line = list(lwd = 2)),
#' xlab = 'Sand, Silt, Clay (%)',
#' ylab = 'Depth (cm)',
#' panel = panel.depth_function,
#' auto.key = list(columns = 3, lines = TRUE, points = FALSE),
#' as.table = TRUE
#' )
#' xyplot(
#' cbind(top, bottom) ~ value | variable,
#' data = x.long,
#' id = x.long$id,
#' ylim = c(200, -5), xlim = c(0, 70),
#' scales = list(alternating = 1, y = list(tick.number = 10)),
#' par.settings = tactile.theme(superpose.line = list(lwd = 2)),
#' xlab = 'Sand, Silt, Clay (%)',
#' ylab = 'Depth (cm)',
#' panel = panel.depth_function,
#' auto.key = list(columns = 3, lines = TRUE, points = FALSE),
#' as.table = TRUE
#' )
#' }
panel.depth_function <- function(x, y, id, upper=NA, lower=NA, subscripts=NULL, groups=NULL, sync.colors=FALSE, cf=NA, cf.col=NA, cf.interval=20, ...) {
# add grid
panel.grid(h=-1, v=-1, lty=3, col=1)
# load current line style
superpose.line <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")
# when the length of 'y' is > 'x', we are plotting a step function
if(length(y) > length(x)) {
# sanity check
if(missing(id)) {
stop('must provide a profile id')
# re-make a nice data.frame, assuming that we have 'groups' defined
if(!missing(groups)) {
d <- data.frame(
prop = x,
bnd = y,
upper = upper[subscripts],
lower = lower[subscripts],
groups = groups[subscripts],
id = id[subscripts]
} else {
# 'groups' is missing, add a fake 'groups' column
d <- data.frame(
prop = x,
bnd = y,
upper = upper[subscripts],
lower = lower[subscripts],
groups = factor(1),
id = id[subscripts]
# iterate over IDs creating step functions, by group
by(d, d$id, .make.segments, ...)
# normal plot -- not a step function
else {
# if we have an upper and lower bound defined, plot them
if(!missing(upper) & !missing(lower)) {
# working with grouped data and paneled data
if(!missing(groups) & !missing(subscripts)) {
d <- data.frame(
yhat = x,
top = y,
upper = upper[subscripts],
lower = lower[subscripts],
groups = groups[subscripts]
# levels in the groups, for color matching
ll <- levels(d$groups)
n_groups <- length(ll)
# no grouping, add a fake group for compatibility
if(missing(groups)) {
fake.groups <- factor(1)
d <- data.frame(
yhat = x,
top = y,
upper = upper[subscripts],
lower = lower[subscripts],
groups = fake.groups
# levels in the groups, for color matching
ll <- levels(d$groups)
n_groups <- length(ll)
# optionally sync region + main line colors
if(sync.colors) {
region.col <- rep(superpose.line$col, length.out = n_groups)
} else {
region.col <- rep(grey(0.7), length.out = n_groups)
# add conf. intervals / aggregation uncertainty
by(d, d$groups, function(d_i) {
# lookup color
m <- match(as.character(d_i$group[1]), ll)
# cannot have NA in values that define polygon boundaries
d_i <- d_i[which(!$upper) & !$lower)), ]
# make polygon
x.coords <- c(d_i$lower, rev(d_i$upper))
y.coords <- c(d_i$top, rev(d_i$top))
poly.col <- region.col[m]
# note: using tactile interfers with alpha
panel.polygon(x = x.coords, y = y.coords, col = poly.col, border = NA, ...)
# no upper/lower polygon boundaries defined
else {
if(missing(groups)) {
fake.groups <- factor(1)
d <- data.frame(yhat=x, top=y, groups=fake.groups)
} else {
d <- data.frame(yhat=x, top=y, groups=groups[subscripts])
# levels in the groups, for color matching
ll <- levels(d$groups)
n_groups <- length(ll)
# setup style parameters for main lines
# repeat enough times for the current number of groups
line.col <- rep(superpose.line$col, length.out=n_groups)
line.lty <- rep(superpose.line$lty, length.out=n_groups)
line.lwd <- rep(superpose.line$lwd, length.out=n_groups)
# add main lines
by(d, d$groups, function(d_i){
# lookup color
m <- match(unique(d_i$group), ll)
# add line
panel.lines(d_i$yhat, d_i$top, lwd=line.lwd[m], col=line.col[m], lty=line.lty[m])
# annotate with contributing fraction
if(!missing(cf)) {
# add CF data to panel's worth of data
d$cf <- cf[subscripts]
# annotate with contributing fraction by group
by(d, d$groups, function(d_i){
# lookup linestyle by group
m <- match(unique(d_i$group), ll)
# if there is no user-specified CF color, then use the same as line style
if( {
cf.col <- line.col[m]
# make a function for linear interpolation of CF values based on depth <- approxfun(d_i$top, d_i$cf, method='linear')
# generate annotated depths: 5 cm to 95th percentile of max depth
y.q95 <- quantile(d_i$top, probs=c(0.95), na.rm=TRUE)
a.seq <- seq(from=2, to=y.q95, by=cf.interval)
# offset CF sequence according to group index
a.seq <- a.seq + ((m-1) * cf.interval/4)
# interpolate CF at annotated depths
a.CF <-
a.text <- paste(round(a.CF * 100), '%')
# remove any NAs in CF sequence and text <- which(!
a.seq <- a.seq[]
a.text <- a.text[]
# add to right-hand side of the panel
unit <- gpar <- NULL
x = grid::unit(0.99, 'npc'),
y = grid::unit(a.seq, 'native'),
just = 'right',
gp = grid::gpar(font = 3, cex = 0.8, col = cf.col)
# internally used function, for panel.depth_function() step-function mode
.make.segments <- function(df) {
# group data
ll <- levels(df$groups)
n_groups = length(ll)
# get the current group index
m <- match(unique(df$group), ll)
# load current line style
superpose.line <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")
# repeat enough times for the current number of groups
line.col <- rep(superpose.line$col, length.out = n_groups)
line.lty <- rep(superpose.line$lty, length.out = n_groups)
line.lwd <- rep(superpose.line$lwd, length.out = n_groups)
for(i in m) { <- df[df$groups == ll[i], ]
# get the number of depth slices
n_hz <- length($prop) / 2
# need at least 2 horizons
if(n_hz > 1) {
.top <-$bnd[1:n_hz]
.bottom <-$bnd[(n_hz+1):length($prop)]
.prop <-$prop[1:n_hz]
# vertical segments
panel.segments(x0 = .prop, y0 = .top, x1 = .prop, y1 = .bottom,
lwd=line.lwd[i], col=line.col[i], lty=line.lty[i])
# horizontal segments
panel.segments(x0 = .prop[-n_hz], y0 = .bottom[-n_hz], x1 = .prop[-1], y1 = .top[-1],
lwd=line.lwd[i], col=line.col[i], lty=line.lty[i])
else {
message(paste('only 1 horizon, skipping!', df$groups[1]))
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