## simulate via multivariate normal distribution
# n: number of simulations (typically horizons)
# parameters: list of parameters
# data.frame with Munsell [hue, value, chroma]
.simulateColorFromMV <- function(n, parameters) {
# sanity check, need this for rmvnorm()
if(!requireNamespace('mvtnorm')) {
stop('package `mvtnorm` is required for multivariate simulation', call. = FALSE)
## TODO: consider pre-estimated mean vector + covariance matrix
# extract parameters
.hvc <- parameters[['hvc']]
# convert Munsell -> CIELAB
.lab <- munsell2rgb(the_hue = .hvc$hue, the_value = .hvc$value, the_chroma = .hvc$chroma, returnLAB = TRUE)
# removing missing values which interfere with mean and covariance
.lab <- na.omit(.lab)
## TODO: stop if nrow(.lab) < 3
if(nrow(.lab) < 3) {
# multivariate simulation
# assuming approx. joint normal distribution over L, A, B coordinates
s <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(
n = n,
mean = colMeans(.lab),
sigma = cov(.lab),
## TODO: consider returning CIELAB coordinates
# .cols <- convertColor(s, from = 'Lab', to = 'sRGB', from.ref.white = 'D65', to.ref.white = 'D65')
# previewColors(rgb(.cols, maxColorValue = 1), method = 'MDS')
# this is slow
# CIELAB -> Munsell hue, value, chroma
m <- col2Munsell(s, space = 'CIELAB')
## TODO: consider including only hues in reference set
# flatten to standard notation
m <- sprintf('%s %s/%s', m$hue, m$value, m$chroma)
## simulate color via sampling with replacement and estimated proportions
# n: number of simulations (typically horizons)
# parameters: output from aqp::aggregateColor()
.simulateColorFromProportions <- function(n, parameters) {
x <- parameters[['']]
res <- lapply(x, function(i) {
sample(i[['munsell']], size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = i[['weight']])
## simulate color from an RV color in Munsell notation, dE00 threshold, and vector of possible Munsell hues
# n: number of simulations (typically horizons)
# parameters: list of parameters
.simulateColorFromDE00 <- function(n, parameters) {
# load Munsell LUT
# safe for CRAN check
munsell <- NULL
load(system.file("data/munsell.rda", package = "aqp")[1])
# extract parameters
thresh <- parameters[['thresh']]
m <- parameters[['m']]
hues <- parameters[['hues']]
## borrowed / adapted from contrastChart()
# extract just requested hues
x <- munsell[which(munsell$hue %in% hues), ]
# convert into hex notation for plotting
x$color <- munsell2rgb(x$hue, x$value, x$chroma)
x$munsell <- sprintf("%s %s/%s", x$hue, x$value, x$chroma)
# re-level hues according to color contrast guidance
hh <- unique(x$hue)
ll <- hh[order(huePosition(hh))]
x$hue <- factor(x$hue, levels=ll)
# setup query color table
m <- data.frame(
queryColor = m,
parseMunsell(m, convertColors = FALSE),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
m$value <- as.integer(m$value)
m$chroma <- as.integer(m$chroma)
# compute all pair-wise contrast classes and dE00
cc <- colorContrast(x$munsell, rep(m$queryColor, times = nrow(x)))
# join for plotting
z <- merge(x, cc, by.x = 'munsell', by.y = 'm1', all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
# dE00 threshold
idx <- which(z$dE00 < thresh)
# catch cases where the threshold is too low ... and ?
if(length(idx) == 0) {
message('Threshold too low.')
return(rep(m, times = n))
} else {
# apply filter
z <- z[idx, ]
## TODO: think about alternatives:
# * ? --> perform conversion without RV, then re-add just before sampling
# * z <- z[z$munsell != m$queryColor, ]
## convert distances -> similarities, interpret as sampling weights
# standard conversion
# too fast of a drop off between RV and simulated values
s <- 1 / (1 + (z$dE00))
# linear re-mapping of dE00 -> similarity
# simulated values too close to RV
# s <- 1 - (z$dE00 / max(z$dE00))
## diagnostics for dE00 -> probability
# plot(s, z$dE00, type = 'n', las = 1)
# points(s, z$dE00, col = z$color, pch = 15)
# text(s, 0, z$munsell, cex = 0.5, srt = 90)
# sample with replacement
# according to ?sample, there is no need to convert weights -> probabilities
# using translated dE00 as prior probabilities
res <- sample(z$munsell, replace = TRUE, size = n, prob = s)
#' @title Simulate Soil Colors
#' @description Simulate plausible soil colors based on several possible parameterization of a "range in characteristics" (RIC). Soil color RIC can be specified by a list of parameters:
#' * soil color proportions, as output from [aggregateColor()] -- `method = 'proportions'`
#' * most likely Munsell color, CIE2000 threshold, and vector of acceptable hues -- `method = 'dE00'`
#' * `data.frame` of Munsell hue, value, and chroma representing observed soil colors -- `method = 'mvnorm'`
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @param method simulation method, see details
#' @param n number of simulated colors per group
#' @param parameters a `list`, format depends on `method`:
#' * `proportions`: output from [aggregateColor()]
#' * `dE00`: formatted as `list(m = '7.5YR 3/3', thresh = 5, hues = c('7.5YR'))`
#' * `mvnorm`: formatted as `list(hvc = x)`
#' Where `m` is a single representative Munsell chip, `thresh` is a threshold specified in CIE2000 color contrast (dE00), `hues` is a vector of allowed Munsell hues, and `x` is a `data.frame` representing columns of Munsell hue, value, and chroma having at least 3 rows.
#' @param SPC `SoilProfileCollection`, attempt to modify `SPC` with simulated colors
#' @return a `list`, unless `SPC` is specified, then a `SoilProfileCollection` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # restrict examples to 2 cores
#' data.table::setDTthreads(Sys.getenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT", unset = 2))
#' # m: representative or most likely color
#' # thresh: dE00 threshold
#' # hues: allowed Munsell hues
#' p <- list(
#' 'A' = list(m = '7.5YR 3/3', thresh = 5, hues = c('7.5YR')),
#' 'BA' = list(m = '7.5YR 4/4', thresh = 8, hues = c('7.5YR')),
#' 'Bt1' = list(m = '7.5YR 4/4', thresh = 8, hues = c('5YR', '7.5YR')),
#' 'Bt2' = list(m = '5YR 4/5', thresh = 8, hues = c('5YR', '7.5YR')),
#' 'Bt3' = list(m = '10YR 4/6', thresh = 10, hues = c('10YR', '7.5YR')),
#' 'Cr' = list(m = '2.5G 6/2', thresh = 15, hues = c('2.5G', '2.5GY', '2.5BG'))
#' )
#' # simulate
#' (cols <- simulateColor(method = 'dE00', n = 10, parameters = p))
#' # preview
#' previewColors(parseMunsell(unlist(cols)), method = 'MDS')
#' # another example, this time using a larger dE00 threshold
#' p <- list(
#' 'A' = list(m = '7.5YR 3/3', thresh = 20, hues = c('10YR', '7.5YR', '5YR'))
#' )
#' # simulate
#' set.seed(54654)
#' cols <- simulateColor(method = 'dE00', n = 200, parameters = p)
#' # flatten
#' cols <- unlist(cols)
#' # tabulate, sort: most frequent color should be 7.5YR 3/3
#' sort(table(cols), decreasing = TRUE)
#' # review colors
#' previewColors(parseMunsell(cols))
#' # what does a dE00 threshold look like on 3 pages of hue?
#' contrastChart('7.5YR 3/3', hues = c('10YR', '7.5YR', '5YR'), thresh = 20)
simulateColor <- function(method = c('dE00', 'proportions', 'mvnorm'), n, parameters, SPC = NULL) {
# safely select method
method <- match.arg(method)
# if parameters is a single-depth list, add one more level
if(!inherits(parameters[[1]], 'list')) {
parameters <- list(parameters)
## TODO: basic error checking, depends on method
# select method
res <- switch(
'dE00' = {
# manual iteration over parameters
lapply(parameters, function(i) {
.simulateColorFromDE00(n = n, parameters = i)
# automatic iteration over output from aggregateColor()
'proportions' = {
.simulateColorFromProportions(n = n, parameters = parameters)
# manual iteration over parameters
'mvnorm' = {
lapply(parameters, function(i) {
.simulateColorFromMV(n = n, parameters = i)
# result is a list
if(is.null(SPC)) {
} else {
## TODO: make this more efficient
# result is a modified SPC
# basic error checking: number of horizons
# copy colors in horizon-order, profile order doesn't matter
l <- list()
for(i in 1:length(SPC)) {
SPC.i <- SPC[i, ]
## TODO: hard-coded soil color column
horizons(SPC.i)$soil_color <- parseMunsell(sapply(res, '[[', i))
l[[i]] <- SPC.i
# flatten and done
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