
# @RdocClass GcContentNormalization
# @title "The GcContentNormalization class"
# \description{
#  @classhierarchy
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
#   \item{dataSet}{A @see "CnChipEffectSet".}
#   \item{...}{Additional arguments passed to the constructor of
#     @see "ChipEffectTransform".}
#   \item{targetFunction}{A @function. The target function to which all arrays
#     should be normalized to.}
#   \item{subsetToFit}{The units from which the normalization curve should
#     be estimated.  If @NULL, all are considered.}
# }
# \section{Fields and Methods}{
#  @allmethods "public"
# }
# \section{Requirements}{
#   This class requires an Aroma unit GC-content (UGC) file.
# }
# @author "HB"
setConstructorS3("GcContentNormalization", function(dataSet=NULL, ..., targetFunction=NULL, subsetToFit=NULL) {
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Validate arguments
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Argument 'dataSet':
  if (!is.null(dataSet)) {
    dataSet <- Arguments$getInstanceOf(dataSet, "CnChipEffectSet")

    if (dataSet$combineAlleles != TRUE) {
      throw("Currently only total copy-number chip effects can be normalized, i.e. 'combineAlleles' must be TRUE")

#    if (dataSet$mergeStrands != TRUE) {
#      throw("Currently only non-strands specific copy-number chip effects can be normalized, i.e. 'mergeStrands' must be TRUE")
#    }

  if (!is.null(targetFunction)) {
    if (!is.function(targetFunction)) {
      throw("Argument 'targetFunction' is not a function: ", class(targetFunction)[1])

  extend(ChipEffectTransform(dataSet, ...), "GcContentNormalization",
    .subsetToFit = subsetToFit,
    .targetFunction = targetFunction

setMethodS3("getParameters", "GcContentNormalization", function(this, ...) {
  # Get parameters from super class
  params <- NextMethod("getParameters")

  # Get parameters of this class
  params2 <- list(
    subsetToFit = this$.subsetToFit,
    .targetFunction = this$.targetFunction

  # Append the two sets
  params <- c(params, params2)

}, protected=TRUE)

setMethodS3("getCdf", "GcContentNormalization", function(this, ...) {
  inputDataSet <- getInputDataSet(this)

setMethodS3("getOutputDataSet00", "GcContentNormalization", function(this, ...) {
  res <- NextMethod("getOutputDataSet")

  # Carry over parameters too.  AD HOC for now. /HB 2007-01-07
  if (inherits(res, "SnpChipEffectSet")) {
    ces <- getInputDataSet(this)
    res$mergeStrands <- ces$mergeStrands
    if (inherits(res, "CnChipEffectSet")) {
      res$combineAlleles <- ces$combineAlleles

  # Let the set update itself

}, protected=TRUE)

setMethodS3("getGcContent", "GcContentNormalization", function(this, units=NULL, force=FALSE, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Validate arguments
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Argument 'verbose':
  verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
  if (verbose) {

  # Argument 'units':
  cdf <- getCdf(this)
  units <- Arguments$getIndices(units, max=nbrOfUnits)

  verbose && enter(verbose, "Retrieving GC content")
  chipType <- getChipType(cdf)
  chipType <- gsub(",monocell", "", chipType)
  verbose && cat(verbose, "Chip type: ", chipType)
  verbose && cat(verbose, "Units:")
  verbose && str(verbose, units)

  gcContents <- NULL
  # Try 1: Use an unit GC content (UGC) file
    ugc <- AromaUgcFile$byChipType(chipType)
    gcContents <- ugc[units,1,drop=TRUE]
  }, error = function(ex) {

  # Try 2: Use a TSV file (deprecated; kept for backward compatibility)
  if (is.null(gcContents)) {
      chipTypeS <- gsub(",.*", "", chipType)
      tsv <- AffymetrixTsvFile$byChipType(chipTypeS)
      gcContents <- getGc(tsv, units=units)
    }, error = function(ex) {

  if (is.null(gcContents)) {
    throw("Failed to retrieve GC content information. No GC-content annotation file found: ", chipType)

  verbose && cat(verbose, "GC contents:")
  verbose && str(verbose, gcContents)
  verbose && exit(verbose)

}, protected=TRUE)

setMethodS3("getSubsetToFit", "GcContentNormalization", function(this, force=FALSE, ...) {
  # Cached?
  units <- this$.units
  if (!is.null(units) && !force)

  # Identify all SNP & CN units
  cdf <- getCdf(this)
  types <- getUnitTypes(cdf, ...)
  units <- which(types == 2 | types == 5)

  # Keep only those for which we have GC contents information
  gcContents <- getGcContent(this, units=units, ...)

  keep <- is.finite(gcContents)
  units <- units[keep]

  # Fit to a subset of the units?
  subsetToFit <- this$.subsetToFit
  if (!is.null(subsetToFit)) {
    # A fraction subset?
    if (length(subsetToFit) == 1 && 0 < subsetToFit && subsetToFit < 1) {
      keep <- seq(from=1, to=length(units), length=subsetToFit*length(units))
    } else {
      keep <- which(units %in% subsetToFit)

    # Make sure to keep data points at the tails too
    keep <- c(keep, which.min(gcContents), which.max(gcContents))
    keep <- unique(keep)

    # Now filter
    units <- units[keep]
    # Not needed anymore
    keep <- NULL

  # Sort units
  units <- sort(units)

  # Assert correctness
  units <- Arguments$getIndices(units, max=nbrOfUnits(cdf))

  # Cache
  this$.units <- units

}, private=TRUE)

setMethodS3("getTargetFunction", "GcContentNormalization", function(this, ..., force=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Validate arguments
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Argument 'verbose':
  verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
  if (verbose) {

  fcn <- this$.targetFunction
  if (is.null(fcn) || force) {
    verbose && enter(verbose, "Estimating target prediction function")

    # Get the GC-content annotation data
    gcContents <- getGcContent(this, verbose=less(verbose))

    # Get target set
    ces <- getInputDataSet(this)
    verbose && enter(verbose, "Get average signal across arrays")
    ceR <- getAverageFile(ces, force=force, verbose=less(verbose))
    verbose && exit(verbose)

    # Garbage collect
    gc <- gc()
    verbose && print(verbose, gc)

    # Get units to fit
    units <- getSubsetToFit(this)

    # Get target log2 signals for SNPs
    data <- getDataFlat(ceR, units=units, fields="theta", verbose=less(verbose))
    units <- data[,"unit"]
    verbose && cat(verbose, "Units:")
    verbose && str(verbose, units)

    yR <- data[,"theta"]
    # Not needed anymore
    data <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
    yR <- log2(yR)
    verbose && cat(verbose, "Signals:")
    verbose && str(verbose, yR)

    # Get GC contents for these units
    gcContents <- gcContents[units]
    verbose && cat(verbose, "GC content:")
    verbose && str(verbose, gcContents)

    # Fit lowess function
    verbose && enter(verbose, "Fitting target prediction function")
    ok <- (is.finite(gcContents) & is.finite(yR))
    fit <- lowess(gcContents[ok], yR[ok])
    class(fit) <- "lowess"

    # Remove as many promises as possible
    # Not needed anymore
    fcn <- ces <- ceR <- units <- gc <- yR <- ok <- NULL

    # Create target prediction function
    fcn <- function(x, ...) {
      predict(fit, x, ...);  # Dispatched predict.lowess().
    verbose && exit(verbose)

    # Garbage collect
    gc <- gc()
    verbose && print(verbose, gc)

    verbose && exit(verbose)

    this$.targetFunction <- fcn

}, private=TRUE)

# @RdocMethod process
# @title "Normalizes the data set"
# \description{
#  @get "title".
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
#   \item{...}{Not used.}
#   \item{force}{If @TRUE, data already normalized is re-normalized,
#       otherwise not.}
#   \item{verbose}{See @see "R.utils::Verbose".}
# }
# \value{
#  Returns a @double @vector.
# }
# \seealso{
#   @seeclass
# }
setMethodS3("process", "GcContentNormalization", function(this, ..., force=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Validate arguments
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Argument 'verbose':
  verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
  if (verbose) {

  verbose && enter(verbose, "Normalizing set for PCR fragment-length effects")

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Already done?
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (!force && isDone(this)) {
    verbose && cat(verbose, "Already normalized")
    verbose && exit(verbose)
    outputSet <- getOutputDataSet(this)

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Setup
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Get input data set
  ces <- getInputDataSet(this)

  # Get SNP (& CN) units
  cdf <- getCdf(ces)
#  subsetToUpdate <- indexOf(cdf, "SNP_")
  types <- getUnitTypes(cdf, ...)
  subsetToUpdate <- which(types == 2 | types == 5)

  verbose && enter(verbose, "Identifying the subset used to fit normalization function")
  # Get subset to fit
  subsetToFit <- getSubsetToFit(this, verbose=less(verbose))
  verbose && str(verbose, subsetToFit)
  verbose && exit(verbose)

  # Get (and create) the output path
  path <- getPath(this)

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Normalize each array
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  gcContents <- NULL
  targetFcn <- NULL
  map <- NULL
  nbrOfArrays <- length(ces)
  res <- vector("list", nbrOfArrays)
  for (kk in seq_len(nbrOfArrays)) {
    ce <- ces[[kk]]
    verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Array #%d of %d ('%s')",
                                            kk, nbrOfArrays, getName(ce)))

    filename <- getFilename(ce)
    pathname <- filePath(path, filename)
    if (isFile(pathname)) {
      verbose && cat(verbose, "Already normalized. Skipping.")
      ceN <- fromFile(ce, pathname)

      # Carry over parameters too.  AD HOC for now. /HB 2007-01-07
      if (inherits(ce, "SnpChipEffectFile")) {
        ceN$mergeStrands <- ce$mergeStrands
        if (inherits(ce, "CnChipEffectFile")) {
          ceN$combineAlleles <- ce$combineAlleles

      # CDF inheritance
      setCdf(ceN, cdf)

      res[[kk]] <- ceN
      verbose && exit(verbose)

    # Get unit-to-cell (for optimized reading)?
    if (is.null(map)) {
      # Only loaded if really needed.
      verbose && enter(verbose, "Retrieving unit-to-cell map for all arrays")
      map <- getUnitGroupCellMap(ce, units=subsetToUpdate, verbose=less(verbose))
      verbose && str(verbose, map)
      verbose && exit(verbose)

    if (is.null(gcContents)) {
      # Get PCR fragment lengths for the subset to be fitted
      gcContents <- getGcContent(this, units=map[,"unit"], verbose=less(verbose, 1))

      # Get the index in the data vector of subset to be fitted.
      # Note: match() only returns first match, which is why we do
      # it this way.
      subset <- match(map[,"unit"], subsetToFit)
      subset <- subset[!is.na(subset)]
      subset <- match(subsetToFit[subset], map[,"unit"])

    if (is.null(targetFcn)) {
      # Only loaded if really needed.
      # Retrieve/calculate the target function
      targetFcn <- getTargetFunction(this, verbose=less(verbose))

    # Get target log2 signals for all SNPs to be updated
    verbose && enter(verbose, "Getting signals")
    data <- getDataFlat(ce, units=map, fields="theta", verbose=less(verbose))
    verbose && exit(verbose)

    # Extract the values to fit the normalization function
    verbose && enter(verbose, "Normalizing log2 signals")
    y <- log2(data[,"theta"])
    y <- .normalizeFragmentLength(y, fragmentLengths=gcContents,
                             targetFcn=targetFcn, subsetToFit=subset, ...)
    y <- 2^y
    verbose && exit(verbose)

    # Create CEL file to store results, if missing
    verbose && enter(verbose, "Creating CEL file for results, if missing")
    ceN <- createFrom(ce, filename=pathname, path=NULL, verbose=less(verbose))
    verbose && exit(verbose)

    # Carry over parameters too.  AD HOC for now. /HB 2007-01-07
    if (inherits(ce, "SnpChipEffectFile")) {
      ceN$mergeStrands <- ce$mergeStrands
      if (inherits(ce, "CnChipEffectFile")) {
        ceN$combineAlleles <- ce$combineAlleles

    # CDF inheritance
    setCdf(ceN, cdf)

    verbose && enter(verbose, "Storing normalized signals")
    data[,"theta"] <- y
    # Not needed anymore
    y <- NULL
    updateDataFlat(ceN, data=data, verbose=less(verbose))
    # Not needed anymore
    data <- NULL

    ## Create checksum file
    ceNZ <- getChecksumFile(ceN)

    verbose && exit(verbose)

    # Garbage collect
    gc <- gc()
    verbose && print(verbose, gc)

    res[[kk]] <- ceN

    verbose && exit(verbose)
  } # for (kk in ...)

  # Create the output set (ad hoc for now so that we keep parameter too)
  outputSet <- clone(ces)
  outputSet$files <- res

  # Update the output data set
  this$outputSet <- outputSet

  verbose && exit(verbose)


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