## data interfaces to cSPADE
## ceeboo 2007, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2020
.as_integer <- function(x) {
## preserve factor
if (typeof(x) != "integer") {
## must be atomic
x <- factor(x)
l <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(levels(x)))
## implicit coercion
if (!any( && all(l == levels(x)))
x <- l[as.integer(x)]
read_baskets <- function(con, sep = "[ \t]+", info = NULL, iteminfo = NULL,
encoding = "unknown") {
x <- readLines(con, encoding = encoding)
x <- sub("^[ \t]+", "", x)
x <- strsplit(x, split = sep)
if (!is.null(info)) {
i <- info
info <- lapply(seq(length(info)), function(k) sapply(x, "[", k))
names(info) <- i
x <- lapply(x, "[", -seq(length(info)))
# fixme: warning
x <- lapply(x, unique)
x <- as(x, "transactions")
if (!is.null(info)) {
if (!is.null(info[['sequenceID']])) {
info[['sequenceID']] <- .as_integer(info[['sequenceID']])
if (is.integer(info[['sequenceID']]))
if (any(info[['sequenceID']] < 1L))
warning("sequenceID not positive")
if (!is.null(info[['eventID']])) {
info[['eventID']] <- .as_integer(info[['eventID']])
if (is.factor(info[['eventID']]))
warning("'eventID' is a factor")
if (any(info[['eventID']] < 1L))
warning("eventID not positive")
if (!is.null(info[['sequenceID']]))
if (any(order(info[['sequenceID']], info[['eventID']]) !=
warning("'sequenceID' and/or 'eventID not ordered")
if (TRUE) {
i <- sapply(info, is.character)
info[i] <- lapply(info[i], type.convert, = FALSE)
transactionInfo(x) <- data.frame(info, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (!is.null(iteminfo)) {
if (!
stop("'iteminfo' not a data frame")
labels <- itemLabels(x)
if (!all(labels %in% rownames(iteminfo)))
stop("the row names of 'iteminfo' do not match the item labels")
iteminfo <- iteminfo[labels,, drop = FALSE]
if ("labels" %in% names(iteminfo))
iteminfo[['labels']] <- as.character(iteminfo[['labels']])
iteminfo <- cbind(x@itemInfo, iteminfo)
itemInfo(x) <- iteminfo
## currently internal only
read_spade <-
function(con = "", decode = FALSE, labels = NULL, transactions = NULL,
class = NULL) {
if (con == "")
con <- stdin()
if (is.character(con)) {
con <- file(con, "r")
if (!inherits(con, "connection"))
stop("'con' must be a character string or connection.")
n <- readLines(con, 1)
if (!length(n))
stop("the number of lines is zero")
n <- as.integer(strsplit(n, " ")[[1]][5])
x <- readLines(con)
# control not implemented (see the -t option)
if (FALSE) {
k <- grep("^PRUNE", x)
if (length(k))
x <- x[-k]
if (!length(x))
return(new("sequences", info = list(nsequences = n)))
x <- strsplit(x, split = " -- ")
# NOTE 1) position 1 contains the support count.
# 2) the following K positions contain the
# support counts of a partition (see the
# -c option).
# 3) the following positions represent pairs
# of SID FRQ identifying the containing data
# sequences and their support counts (see
# the -y option).
c <- strsplit(sapply(x, "[", 2), split = " ")
if (!is.null(transactions)) {
k <- lapply(c, function(x, i)
## see NOTE 3)
as.integer(matrix(x[i], nrow = 2L)[1L, ]),
## see NOTE 1) + 2)
-seq_len(max(1L, length(levels(class))) + 1L)
k <- as(k, "tidLists")
s <- transactionInfo(k)[['labels']]
t <- transactionInfo(transactions)[['sequenceID']]
k@transactionInfo <- data.frame(sequenceID =
if (is.factor(t))
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
transactions <- k
rm(k, s, t)
c <- lapply(seq_len(length(levels(class)) + 1L), function(k)
as.integer(sapply(c, "[", k)))
# split into a list of lists (sequences) each
# containing a vector of character (itemsets)
x <- lapply(strsplit(sapply(x, "[", 1), split = " -> "), strsplit, " ")
if (decode)
x <- lapply(x, lapply, as.integer)
if (!length(x))
stop("the number of sequences parsed is zero")
x <- as(x, "sequences")
names(c) <- c("support", levels(class))
c <- mapply("/", c, c(n, if (!is.null(class)) table(class)),
x@quality <- data.frame(c, check.names = FALSE)
x@info <- list(nsequences = n)
k <- which(size(x) == 1)
if (length(k) == length(x@elements)) {
i <- x@data[,k]@i + 1L
k[i] <- k
quality(x@elements) <- x@quality[k,, drop = FALSE]
} else
stop("the data is incomplete")
if (!is.null(labels)) {
k <- as.integer(as.character(x@elements@items@itemInfo[['labels']]))
itemLabels(x@elements@items) <- as.character(labels[k])
if (!is.null(transactions)) {
transactions@itemInfo <- data.frame(labels =
labels(x), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
x@tidLists <- transactions
## write data in text format for later
## processing by bin/makebin
write_cspade <- function(x, con) {
if (!inherits(x, "transactions"))
stop("'x' not of class transactions")
r <- .Call(R_asList_ngCMatrix, x@data, NULL)
r <- sapply(r, paste, collapse = " ")
sid <- .as_integer(transactionInfo(x)[['sequenceID']])
if (is.integer(sid))
if (any(sid < 1L))
stop("'sequenceID' not positive")
eid <- .as_integer(transactionInfo(x)[['eventID']])
if (is.factor(eid))
warning("'eventID' is a factor")
if (any(eid < 1L))
stop("'eventID' not positive")
if (any(order(sid, eid) != seq_along(sid)))
stop("'sequenceID' and/or 'eventID' not ordered")
r <- rbind(as.character(as.integer(sid)),
as.character(size(x)), r)
r <- apply(r, 2, paste, collapse = " ")
writeLines(r, con)
## Write class(ification) file (see option -c)
## NOTE the offsets must be the same as in the
## asc file
write_class <- function(x, con) {
if (!is.factor(x))
stop("'x' not a factor")
s <- .as_integer(names(x))
if (!length(s))
s <- seq_along(x)
names(x) <- NULL
if (any( |
stop("'x' invalid")
writeBin(con = con,
object = c(
length(levels(x)), # number of classes
s, # SID
as.integer(x) - 1L # CLASS
## write data directly in binary format for
## later processing by bin/exttpose
makebin <- function(x, file) {
if (!inherits(x, "transactions"))
stop("'x' not of class transactions")
sid <- .as_integer(transactionInfo(x)[['sequenceID']])
eid <- .as_integer(transactionInfo(x)[['eventID']])
if (is.factor(eid))
warning("'eventID' is a factor")
x <- as(x, "ngCMatrix")
attr(x, "sid") <- sid
attr(x, "eid") <- eid
.Call(R_makebin, x, file)
## cSPADE wrapper
## note that we assume 1MB = 2^10 x 2^10 = 4^10 for the
## computation of the number of database partitions.
cspade <-
function(data, parameter = NULL, control = NULL, tmpdir = tempdir()) {
## workaround
if (.Platform$OS == "windows" &&
.Platform$GUI == "Rgui")
system2 <- function(command, args = character(), stdout = "", ...) {
if (is.character(stdout) && nzchar(stdout)) {
args <- c(args, ">", stdout)
stdout <- NULL
args <- c("/c", shQuote(command), args)
command <- Sys.getenv("COMSPEC")
## bail out
if (!nzchar(command))
stop("environment variable 'COMSPEC' not set")
base::system2(command, args = args, stdout = stdout, ...)
if (!inherits(data, "transactions"))
stop("'data' not of class transactions")
if (!all(c("sequenceID", "eventID") %in% names(transactionInfo(data))))
stop("transactionInfo: missing 'sequenceID' and/or 'eventID'")
## optional
class <- transactionInfo(data)[['classID']]
if (!is.null(class)) {
names(class) <- transactionInfo(data)[['sequenceID']]
class <- class[!duplicated(names(class))]
class <- factor(class)
if (!all(dim(data)))
parameter <- as(parameter, "SPparameter")
control <- as(control , "SPcontrol")
## disable
if (length(parameter@maxwin)) {
parameter@maxwin <- integer()
warning("'maxwin' disabled")
if (control@verbose) {
t1 <- proc.time()
cat("\nparameter specification:\n")
cat(.formatSP(parameter), sep = "\n")
cat("\nalgorithmic control:\n")
cat(.formatSP(control), sep = "\n")
cat("\npreprocessing ...")
exe <- "bin"
if (.Platform$r_arch != "")
exe <- file.path(exe, .Platform$r_arch)
exe <- system.file(exe, package = "arulesSequences")
file <- tempfile(pattern = "cspade", tmpdir)
if (FALSE)
warning("cleanup disabled: ", file)
on.exit(unlink(paste(file, "*", sep = ".")))
## preprocess
opt <- ""
nop <- ceiling((dim(data)[1] + 2 * length(data@data@i))
* .Machine$sizeof.long / 4^10 / 5)
if (length(control@memsize)) {
opt <- paste("-m", control@memsize)
nop <- ceiling(nop * 32 / control@memsize)
if (length(control@numpart)) {
if (control@numpart < nop)
warning("'numpart' less than recommended")
nop <- control@numpart
## workaround
out <- paste(file, "stdout", sep = ".")
## deprecated
if (FALSE) {
asc <- paste(file, "asc", sep = ".")
write_cspade(data, con = asc)
if (system2(file.path(exe, "makebin"), args = c(
asc, paste(file, "data", sep = "."))) ||
system2(file.path(exe, "getconf"), args = c(
"-i", file, "-o", file), stdout = out)
) stop("system2 invocation failed")
file.append("summary.out", out)
} else
makebin(data, file)
tmt <- formals(system2)$timeout
if (length(control@timeout))
tmt <- control@timeout
if (s <- system2(file.path(exe, "exttpose"), args = c(
"-i", file, "-o", file, "-p", nop, opt, "-l -x -s",
parameter@support), stdout = out, timeout = tmt)
) stop("system2 invocation of 'exttpose' failed: ", s)
file.append("summary.out", out)
if (!is.null(class))
write_class(class, paste(file, "class", sep = "."))
## options
if (length(parameter@maxsize))
opt <- paste(opt, "-Z", parameter@maxsize, collapse = "")
if (length(parameter@maxlen))
opt <- paste(opt, "-z", parameter@maxlen, collapse = "")
if (length(parameter@mingap))
opt <- paste(opt, "-l", parameter@mingap, collapse = "")
if (length(parameter@maxgap))
opt <- paste(opt, "-u", parameter@maxgap, collapse = "")
if (length(parameter@maxwin))
opt <- paste(opt, "-w", parameter@maxwin, collapse = "")
if (!length(control@bfstype) || !control@bfstype)
opt <- paste(opt, "-r", collapse = "")
if (control@tidLists)
opt <- paste(opt, "-y", collapse = "")
if (!is.null(class))
opt <- paste(opt, "-c", collapse = "")
if (control@verbose) {
t2 <- proc.time()
du <- sum( = dirname(file),
pattern = basename(file), full.names = TRUE))$size)
cat(paste("", nop, "partition(s),",
round(du / 4^10, digits = 2), "MB"))
cat(paste(" [",format((t2-t1)[3], digits =2, format = "f"),
"s]", sep = ""))
cat("\nmining transactions ...")
out <- paste(file, "out", sep = ".")
## workaround
tmp <- paste(file, "tpose", sep = ".")
if (nop > 1L)
tmp <- paste(tmp, "P0", sep = ".")
if (!file.exists(tmp))
n <- readBin(paste(file, "conf", sep = "."), "integer")
cat(file = out,
sprintf("MINSUPPORT %s out of %s sequences\n",
ceiling(parameter@support * n), n)
if (s <- system2(file.path(exe, "spade"), args = c(
"-i", file, "-s", parameter@support, opt, "-e", nop, "-o"),
stdout = out, timeout = tmt)
) stop("system2 invocation of 'spade' failed: ", s)
if (control@verbose) {
t3 <- proc.time()
du <-$size
cat(paste("", round(du / 4^10, digits = 2), "MB"))
cat(paste(" [",format((t3-t2)[3], digits =2, format = "f"),
"s]", sep = ""))
cat("\nreading sequences ...")
out <- read_spade(con = out, labels = itemLabels(data),
transactions =
if (control@tidLists)
class = class
out@info <- c(
data =$data,
ntransactions = length(data),
support = parameter@support
if (control@verbose) {
t4 <- proc.time()
cat(paste(" [",format((t4-t3)[3], digits =2, format = "f"),
"s]", sep = ""))
cat("\n\ntotal elapsed time: ", (t4-t1)[3], "s\n", sep ="")
if (!control@summary)
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