
.mcmc.function <- function( data, initial.value, c.prior, iter,
                            burning, thin,studyTheta, parts = 3,
                            model, ... ){

  if (model == "3pno"){

    mcmclist <- .mcmc.3pnob.shiny(data, initial.value , c.prior, iter,
                                  burning, thin,studyTheta, parts, ... )

  if (model == "2pno"){

    c.prior <- NULL

    mcmclist <- .mcmc.2pnob.shiny(data, initial.value,
                                  iter, burning, thin,
                                  studyTheta,parts, ...)




.csvf <- function(x){

  if(x == ".csv2"){".csv"} else {x}


.dataWrite <- function(data, type, name){

  #if( type == ".xls" ){ WriteXLS( data, ExcelFileName = name ) }

  if(type == ".csv" ){

    write.csv(data, name, row.names = FALSE)


  if( type == ".txt"){

    write.table(data, name,row.names = FALSE)


  if( type == ".csv2"){

    write.csv2(data, name,row.names = FALSE)



.whole <- function(x){

  ent <- x - trunc(x)

  if( ent == 0 && x >= 0){ return(TRUE) } else {



.readData <- function(data, type, header, dataTest){

 if (dataTest){

  table <- data


    if(type == ".xlsx"){

      file.rename(data, paste(data, ".xlsx", sep = ""))

      table <- read_excel(paste(data, ".xlsx", sep = ""), 1)


    if(type == ".xls"){

      file.rename(data, paste(data, ".xls", sep = ""))

      table <- read_excel(paste(data, ".xls", sep = ""), 1)


    if(type == ".csv" ){

      table <- read.csv(data, header)


    if(type == ".csv2" ){

      table <- read.csv2(data, header)


    if(type == ".txt"){

      table <- read.table(data, header)





.prob.pno <- function(mcmclist, prob) {

  diag <- mcmclist$diagnostic$diag

  con <- paste0(100 * prob, "%") %in% names(diag)

  # Select mean from diag =====================================================

  if (con[1] && con[2]) {

    # Get mean from diag ----------------------------------

    diagMean <- diag[, c("Parameter", "Chain", paste0(100 * prob, "%"),

  } else {

    # Compute mean ----------------------------------------

    diag <- .diag.mcmcobj(mcmclist$mcmcobj,
                          mcmclist$information$parts, prob)

    diagMean <- diag[, c("Parameter", "Chain", paste0(100 * prob, "%"),


  # List by parameter -------------------------------------

  diaglist <- split(diagMean, diag$Parameter)

  I <- nrow(diaglist$theta)

  J <- nrow(diaglist$a)

  a <- matrix(diaglist$a$Mean, nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE)

  bm <- matrix(diaglist$b$Mean, nrow = I, ncol = J, byrow = TRUE)

  mij <- vector("list", 3)

  for (i in 1:3) {

    theta <- matrix(diaglist$theta[, c(paste0(100 * prob, "%"), "Mean")[i]],
                    nrow = I, ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE)

    mij[[i]] <- (theta %*% a) - bm


  # Probability for 2pnob and 3pnob ===========================================

  if ("mcmc.2pnob" %in% class(mcmclist)) {

    pij <- lapply(mij, pnorm)


  if ("mcmc.3pnob" %in% class(mcmclist)) {

    cm <- matrix(diaglist$c$Mean, nrow = I, ncol = J, byrow = TRUE)

    pij <- lapply(mij, function(x, ...) {
      return(cm + (1 - cm) * pnorm(x, ...))


  names(pij) <- c(paste0(100 * prob, "%"), "Mean")



.diag.mcmcobj <- function(mcmcobj, parts, ...) {

  list <- lapply(mcmcobj, function(x) {
    return(.diag.matrix(x, parts, ...))

  rf <- sapply(mcmcobj, ncol)

  ri <- c(1, rf)

  for (i in 1:length(mcmcobj)) {

    list[[i]][, 1] <- names(mcmcobj)[i]

    rownames(list[[i]]) <- sum(ri[1:i]):sum(rf[1:i])


  f <- rep(names(mcmcobj), rf)

  diag <- unsplit(list, f)



.diag.matrix <- function(mcmcmatrix, parts, ...) {

  J <- ncol(mcmcmatrix)

  mat <- apply(mcmcmatrix, 2, function(x) {
    return(.diag(x, parts, ...))

  mat <-

  new <- cbind(rep(NA, J), 1:J)

  matfin <-, mat))

  names(matfin) <- c("Parameter", "Chain", names(mat))



.diag <- function(mcmc, parts,
                  probs = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.975), ...){

  mean <- mean(mcmc, na.rm = TRUE)

  sd <- sd(mcmc, na.rm = TRUE)

  quan <- quantile(mcmc, probs, na.rm = TRUE)

  mcmclist <- .mcmc.divide(mcmc, parts)

  gelman <- coda::gelman.diag(mcmclist, ...)

  diag <- c(unlist(gelman), mean, sd, quan)

  names(diag) <- c("Rhat", "Upper", "Mean", "Sd", names(quan))



.mcmc.divide <- function(mcmc, parts) {

  mcmc <- as.matrix(mcmc)

  n <- parts

  I <- nrow(mcmc)

  t <- trunc(I/n)

  li <- rep(NA, n)

  n.chain <- vector("list", n)

  for (i in 1:n) {

    li[i] <- I - (i * t) + 1


  li <- sort(li)

  ls <- c(li[2:n] - 1, I)

  for (j in 1:n) {

    n.chain[[j]] <- coda::as.mcmc(mcmc[li[j]:ls[j], ])




.texToNumber <- function(x, table, parameter, ...){

    a <- unlist(strsplit(x, ","))
    a <- a[!]
    a <- strsplit(a, ":")
    a <- a[!]

    a <- lapply(a, function(x, ...){
                                    x <- as.numeric(x)
                                    x <- x[!]
                                    if(length(x) >= 2 &&
                                       max(x) <= table[parameter]){
                                      y <- seq(min(x), max(x))}else{y <- x}

    if(length(a) > 0 && !is.null(a) && !{

      b <- unlist(a)
      b <- b[b > 0]
      b <- b[!]
      b <- b[!is.null(b)]
      b <- trunc(b)

      if(length(b) > 0 && !is.null(b) && !{
        c <- b} else {
          c <- 1:table[parameter]

    } else {c <- 1:table[parameter]}



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