#' Construct heatmap for non-steady state (NSS) analysis
#' This uses the output of bakR and a differential expression analysis software to construct
#' a dataframe that can be passed to pheatmap::pheatmap(). This heatmap will display the
#' result of a steady-state quasi-independent analysis of NR-seq data.
#' @param bakRFit bakRFit object
#' @param DE_df dataframe of required format with differential expression analysis results. See
#' Further-Analyses vignette for details on what this dataframe should look like
#' @param bakRModel Model fit from which bakR implementation should be used? Options are MLE, Hybrid,
#' or MCMC
#' @param DE_cutoff padj cutoff for calling a gene differentially expressed
#' @param bakR_cutoff padj cutoff for calling a fraction new significantly changed
#' @param Exp_ID Exp_ID of experimental sample whose comparison to the reference sample you want to use.
#' Only one reference vs. experimental sample comparison can be used at a time
#' @param lid Maximum absolute value for standardized score present in output. This is for improving
#' aesthetics of any heatmap generated with the output.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @return returns data frame that can be passed to pheatmap::pheatmap()
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Simulate small dataset
#' sim <- Simulate_bakRData(100, nreps = 2)
#' # Analyze data with bakRFit
#' Fit <- bakRFit(sim$bakRData)
#' # Number of features that made it past filtering
#' NF <- nrow(Fit$Fast_Fit$Effects_df)
#' # Simulate mock differential expression data frame
#' DE_df <- data.frame(XF = as.character(1:NF),
#' L2FC_RNA = stats::rnorm(NF, 0, 2))
#' DE_df$DE_score <- DE_df$L2FC_RNA/0.5
#' DE_df$DE_se <- 0.5
#' DE_df$DE_pval <- 2*stats::dnorm(-abs(DE_df$DE_score))
#' DE_df$DE_padj <- 2*stats::p.adjust(DE_df$DE_pval, method = "BH")
#' # perform NSS analysis
#' NSS_analysis <- DissectMechanism(bakRFit = Fit,
#' DE_df = DE_df,
#' bakRModel = "MLE")
#' }
#' @export
NSSHeat <- function(bakRFit,
bakRModel = c("MLE", "Hybrid", "MCMC"),
DE_cutoff = 0.05,
bakR_cutoff = 0.05,
Exp_ID = 2,
lid = 4){
bakRModel <- match.arg(bakRModel)
# Bind variables locally to resolve devtools::check() Notes
padj <- log2FoldChange <- effect <- se <- Sig <- Sig_bakR <- score_bakR <- NULL
mech <- stat <- DE_score <- Mech_score <- bakR_score <- NULL
### Checks
if(sum(c("XF", "log2FoldChange", "stat", "padj") %in% colnames(DE_df)) < 4){
stop("You are missing necessary columns in DE_df. Columns named XF, log2FoldChange,
stat, and padj must be included. See the Further-Analyses vignette for details")
if(sum(colnames(DE_df) %in% c("XF", "log2FoldChange", "stat", "padj")) > 4){
stop("Looks like you have repeat columns of the same name in DE_df. Make sure column
names are unique and that each column is correctly labeled and try again.")
if(!inherits(bakRFit, "bakRFit")){
stop("Input for bakRFit is not an object of class bakRFit.")
if(bakRModel == "MLE"){
NSS_eff <- bakRFit$Fast_Fit$Effects_df
stop("Your bakRFit is missing the Fast_Fit object, yet bakRModel == MLE.")
NSS_eff$XF <- as.character(NSS_eff$XF)
}else if(bakRModel == "Hybrid"){
NSS_eff <- bakRFit$Hybrid_Fit$Effects_df
stop("Your bakRFit is missing the Hybrid_Fit object, yet bakRModel == Hybrid.
Did you mean to use MLE or MCMC fit?")
NSS_eff$XF <- as.character(NSS_eff$XF)
}else if(bakRModel == "MCMC"){
NSS_eff <- bakRFit$Stan_Fit$Effects_df
stop("Your bakRFit is missing the Stan_Fit object, yet bakRModel == MCMC.
Did you mean to use MLE or Hybrid fit?")
NSS_eff$XF <- as.character(NSS_eff$XF)
if(nrow(NSS_eff) != nrow(DE_df)){
stop("DE_df and the effect size dataframe from bakRFit (Effects_df) have results
for a different number of features. Make sure the same set of genes were anlayzed
with bakR and the differential expression analysis tool.")
DE_df <- DE_df %>%
dplyr::mutate(Sig = ifelse(padj < DE_cutoff, ifelse(log2FoldChange < 0, "Down", "Up"), "NS"))
DE_reso <- DE_df[DE_df$padj < DE_cutoff & !$padj),]
DE_XF <- DE_reso$XF
NSS_eff_DE <- NSS_eff %>%
dplyr::mutate(Sig_bakR = ifelse(padj < bakR_cutoff, ifelse(effect < 0, "Down", "Up"), "NS"),
score_bakR = effect/se)
NSS_eff_DE <- NSS_eff_DE[, c("pval", "padj", "score_bakR", "XF", "Sig_bakR")]
colnames(NSS_eff_DE) <- c("bakR_pval", "bakR_padj", "score_bakR", "XF", "Sig_bakR")
NSS_eff_DE <- NSS_eff_DE[NSS_eff_DE$XF %in% DE_XF,]
test <- dplyr::right_join(NSS_eff_DE, DE_reso, by = "XF")
## Assess mechanism of differential expression
test <- test %>%
dplyr::mutate(mech = ifelse( Sig == "NS", "NS", ifelse(, "ksyn",
ifelse(Sig == "Down", ifelse(Sig_bakR == "Up", "kdeg", "ksyn" ),
ifelse(Sig == "Up", ifelse(Sig_bakR == "Down", "kdeg", "ksyn"), "ksyn") ) ) ))
## Calculate mechanism score
test_stat <- test %>%
dplyr::mutate(score_bakR = ifelse(, 0, score_bakR)) %>% dplyr::rowwise() %>%
dplyr::mutate(mech_stat = ifelse(mech == "ksyn", ifelse( sign(score_bakR) == sign(stat), mean( c(abs(score_bakR), abs(stat)) ), abs(stat)/(abs(score_bakR) + 2) ) ,
ifelse(mech == "kdeg", -mean( c(abs(score_bakR), abs(stat)) ) , 0) ))
heatmap_df <- dplyr::tibble(DE_score = test_stat$stat,
Mech_score = test_stat$mech_stat,
XF = test_stat$XF,
bakR_score = test_stat$score_bakR)
sd_DE <- stats::sd(heatmap_df$DE_score)
sd_bakR <- stats::sd(heatmap_df$bakR_score)
sd_mech <- stats::sd(heatmap_df$Mech_score)
## Standardize columns
heatmap_df <- heatmap_df %>%
dplyr::mutate(DE_score = DE_score/sd_DE,
Mech_score = Mech_score/sd_mech,
bakR_score = bakR_score/sd_bakR)
## Scale all columns equally
max_DE <- max(heatmap_df$DE_score)
min_DE <- min(heatmap_df$DE_score)
max_bakR <- max(heatmap_df$bakR_score)
min_bakR <- min(heatmap_df$bakR_score)
max_mech <- max(heatmap_df$Mech_score)
min_mech <- min(heatmap_df$Mech_score)
abs_max_DE <- max(c(abs(c(max_DE, min_DE))))
abs_max_bakR <- max(c(abs(c(max_bakR, min_bakR))))
abs_max_mech <- max(c(abs(c(max_mech, min_mech))))
# Changed to leave mechanism score completely unperturbed
heatmap_df <- heatmap_df %>%
#dplyr::mutate(Mech_score = ifelse(Mech_score < 0, Mech_score*(lid/-min_mech), Mech_score*(lid/max_mech))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(DE_score = DE_score*(abs_max_mech/abs_max_DE)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(bakR_score = bakR_score*(abs_max_mech/abs_max_bakR))
heatmap_df <-
row.names(heatmap_df) <- heatmap_df$XF
heatmap_df <- heatmap_df[,c("bakR_score", "DE_score", "Mech_score")]
heatmap_df <- heatmap_df[order(heatmap_df$Mech_score),]
#' Construct heatmap for non-steady state (NSS) analysis with improved mechanism score
#' This uses the output of bakR and a differential expression analysis software to construct
#' a dataframe that can be passed to pheatmap::pheatmap(). This heatmap will display the
#' result of a steady-state quasi-independent analysis of NR-seq data.
#' Unlike NSSHeat, DissectMechanism uses a mechanism scoring function that is not discontinuous
#' as the "degradation driven" vs. "synthesis driven" boundary. Instead, the score
#' approaches 0 as the function approaches the boundary from either side.
#' In addition, DissectMechanism now defines a null model for the purpose of p value calculation using
#' the mechanism score. Under the null hypothesis, the mechanism score is the product of two
#' normal distributions with unit variance, one which has a non-zero mean. Simulation is used
#' to estimate the integral of this distribution, and the number of draws (which determines the
#' precision of the p value estimate) is determined by the \code{sims} parameter.
#' DissectMechanism also provides "meta-analysis p values", which can be interpreted as the p-value that
#' a particular RNA feature is observing differential expression or differential kinetics (or both).
#' This meta_pval is estimated using Fisher's method for meta analysis.
#' @param bakRFit bakRFit object
#' @param DE_df dataframe of required format with differential expression analysis results. See
#' Further-Analyses vignette for details on what this dataframe should look like
#' @param bakRModel Model fit from which bakR implementation should be used? Options are MLE, Hybrid,
#' or MCMC
#' @param DE_cutoff padj cutoff for calling a gene differentially expressed
#' @param bakR_cutoff padj cutoff for calling a fraction new significantly changed. As discussed in the mechanistic
#' dissection vignette, it is best to keep this more conservative (higher padj) than is typical. Thus, default is 0.3 rather
#' than the more standard (though admittedly arbitrary) 0.05.
#' @param Exp_ID Exp_ID of experimental sample whose comparison to the reference sample you want to use.
#' Only one reference vs. experimental sample comparison can be used at a time
#' @param sims Number of simulation draws from null distribution for mechanism p value calculation
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @return returns list of data frames: heatmap_df and NSS_stats.
#' The heatmap_dfdata frame can be passed to pheatmap::pheatmap().
#' The NSS_stats data frame contains all of the information passed to NSS_stats as well
#' as the raw mechanism scores. It also has p values calculated from the mechanism z scores.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Simulate small dataset
#' sim <- Simulate_bakRData(100, nreps = 2)
#' # Analyze data with bakRFit
#' Fit <- bakRFit(sim$bakRData)
#' # Number of features that made it past filtering
#' NF <- nrow(Fit$Fast_Fit$Effects_df)
#' # Simulate mock differential expression data frame
#' DE_df <- data.frame(XF = as.character(1:NF),
#' L2FC_RNA = stats::rnorm(NF, 0, 2))
#' DE_df$DE_score <- DE_df$L2FC_RNA/0.5
#' DE_df$DE_se <- 0.5
#' DE_df$DE_pval <- 2*stats::dnorm(-abs(DE_df$DE_score))
#' DE_df$DE_padj <- 2*stats::p.adjust(DE_df$DE_pval, method = "BH")
#' # perform NSS analysis
#' NSS_analysis <- DissectMechanism(bakRFit = Fit,
#' DE_df = DE_df,
#' bakRModel = "MLE")
#' }
#' @export
DissectMechanism <- function(bakRFit,
bakRModel = c("MLE", "Hybrid", "MCMC"),
DE_cutoff = 0.05,
bakR_cutoff = 0.3,
Exp_ID = 2,
sims = 10000000){
bakRModel <- match.arg(bakRModel)
# Bind variables locally to resolve devtools::check() Notes
DE_padj <- DE_pval <- L2FC_RNA <- effect <- se <- Sig <- Sig_bakR <- score_bakR <- NULL
mech <- stat <- DE_score <- DE_se <- Mech_score <- bakR_score <- ksyn_pval <- NULL
mech_stat <- mech_pval <- L2FC_kdeg <- L2FC_ksyn <- bakR_se <- ksyn_score <- NULL
### Checks
stop("DE_cutoff is not numeric!")
}else if(DE_cutoff <= 0){
stop("DE_cutoff is <= 0, nothing will pass this differential expression filter!")
stop("bakR_cutoff is not numeric")
}else if(bakR_cutoff <= 0){
stop("bakR_cutoff is <= 0, nothing will pass this differential fraction new filter!")
if(sum(c("XF", "L2FC_RNA", "DE_score", "DE_se", "DE_pval", "DE_padj") %in% colnames(DE_df)) < 6){
stop("You are missing necessary columns in DE_df. Columns named XF, L2FC_RNA,
DE_score, DE_se, DE_pval, and DE_padj must be included.
See the mechanistic dissection vignette for more details.")
if(sum(colnames(DE_df) %in% c("XF", "L2FC_RNA", "DE_score","DE_se", "DE_pval", "DE_padj")) > 6){
stop("Looks like you have repeat columns of the same name in DE_df. Make sure column
names are unique and that each column is correctly labeled and try again.")
if(!(inherits(bakRFit, "bakRFit") | inherits(bakRFit, "bakRFnFit"))){
stop("Input for bakRFit is not an object of class bakRFit or bakRFnFit.")
stop("sims must be numeric!")
}else if(sims <= 100){
stop("sims must be strictly greater than 100.")
}else if(sims < 1000){
warning("sims is less than 1000. The max precision of the mechanistic p-value
is roughly 1/sims, meaning that a sims this low will severely limit
your ability to interpret any mechanistic p-value as highly significant.")
stop("Exp_ID must be numeric")
if(bakRModel == "MLE"){
NSS_eff <- bakRFit$Fast_Fit$Effects_df
stop("Your bakRFit is missing the Fast_Fit object, yet bakRModel == MLE.")
NSS_eff$XF <- as.character(NSS_eff$XF)
}else if(bakRModel == "Hybrid"){
NSS_eff <- bakRFit$Hybrid_Fit$Effects_df
stop("Your bakRFit is missing the Hybrid_Fit object, yet bakRModel == Hybrid.
Did you mean to use MLE or MCMC fit?")
NSS_eff$XF <- as.character(NSS_eff$XF)
}else if(bakRModel == "MCMC"){
NSS_eff <- bakRFit$Stan_Fit$Effects_df
stop("Your bakRFit is missing the Stan_Fit object, yet bakRModel == MCMC.
Did you mean to use MLE or Hybrid fit?")
NSS_eff$XF <- as.character(NSS_eff$XF)
if(!(Exp_ID %in% NSS_eff$Exp_ID)){
stop("Exp_ID is not one of the Exp_IDs in your bakRFit object!")
NSS_eff <- NSS_eff[NSS_eff$Exp_ID == Exp_ID,]
if(nrow(NSS_eff) != nrow(DE_df)){
stop("DE_df and the effect size dataframe from bakRFit (Effects_df) have results
for a different number of features. Make sure the same set of genes were anlayzed
with bakR and the differential expression analysis tool.")
message("Combining bakR and DE analyses")
NSS_eff_DE <- NSS_eff %>%
dplyr::mutate(score_bakR = effect/se)
NSS_eff_DE <- NSS_eff_DE[, c("XF", "score_bakR", "L2FC_kdeg", "se", "pval", "padj")]
NSS_eff_DE$se <- NSS_eff_DE$se*log2(exp(1))
colnames(NSS_eff_DE) <- c( "XF", "bakR_score", "L2FC_kdeg", "bakR_se", "bakR_pval", "bakR_padj")
XF_both <- intersect(NSS_eff_DE$XF, DE_df$XF)
NSS_eff_DE <- NSS_eff_DE[NSS_eff_DE$XF %in% XF_both,]
DE_df <- DE_df[DE_df$XF %in% XF_both,]
test <- dplyr::right_join(NSS_eff_DE, DE_df, by = "XF")
## Calculate zf and zde
if(sum(NSS_eff_DE$bakR_padj < bakR_cutoff) > 0){
zfn <- min(abs(NSS_eff_DE$bakR_score[NSS_eff_DE$bakR_padj < bakR_cutoff]))
zfn <- max(abs(NSS_eff_DE$bakR_score))
test_stat <- test %>%
dplyr::mutate(mech_stat = ifelse(DE_score > 0,
(bakR_score + zfn)*(DE_score),
(bakR_score - zfn)*(DE_score)))
## Null is product of two independent normal distributions, both with unit variance and one with
## non-zero mean.
message("Calculating mechanism p-value. This could take several minutes...")
# Simulate from null for empirical p-value calc
null_x <- stats::rnorm(sims, mean = zfn)
null_y <- stats::rnorm(sims)
null_xy <- abs(null_x*null_y)
# Calculate p value and multiple-test adjust
# One trick to increase p-value precision is to compare test stat to the absolute
# value of draws from the null model.
# Any instances of 0 pvalue are set to half of what the p value would be if
# there were a single null model draw more extreme than the test stat.
# order nulls
null_xy <- null_xy[order(null_xy)]
# Rewrite with purrr
mc_pval <- function(stat){
pval <- 1 - (findInterval(stat, null_xy)/sims)
pval <- ifelse(pval == 0, 0.5/sims, pval)
test_stat$mech_pval <- purrr::map_dbl(.x = abs(test_stat$mech_stat), .f = mc_pval)
test_stat$mech_padj <- stats::p.adjust(test_stat$mech_pval, method= "BH")
if(sum(test_stat$mech_padj < 0.05) == 0 & sum(test_stat$DE_padj < 0.05) > 0){
warning("All multiple test adjusted mechanism p values are >= 0.05, despite there being
instances of differential expression that pass this statistical threshold. This
could be a result of low confidence assignment of kinetic mechanism (i.e.,
to ambiguity in whether the differential expression is transcriptionally or
post-transcriptionally driven); however, this could also be due to the precision
of the mechanism score p value being too low. You might consider increasing the
sims parameter, though this comes at the cost of slower computation.")
## Calculate meta analysis p value (p value that either expression or fraction new has changed)
test_stat <- test_stat %>%
dplyr::mutate(DE_pval = ifelse(, 1, DE_pval),
DE_padj = ifelse(, 1, DE_padj))
test_stat$meta_pval <- stats::pchisq(-2*(log(test_stat$bakR_pval) + log(test_stat$DE_pval)),
df = 4,
lower.tail = FALSE)
test_stat$meta_padj <- stats::p.adjust(test_stat$meta_pval, method = "BH")
message("Assessing differential synthesis")
### Calculate L2FC(ksyn) and stats
test_stat <- test_stat %>%
dplyr::mutate(L2FC_ksyn = L2FC_RNA + L2FC_kdeg,
ksyn_score = L2FC_ksyn/(sqrt(DE_se^2 + bakR_se^2))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(ksyn_pval = 2*stats::pnorm(-abs(ksyn_score))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(ksyn_padj = stats::p.adjust(ksyn_pval, method = "BH"))
### Calculate fraction of L2FC(RNA) attributable to degradation
test_stat <- test_stat %>%
dplyr::mutate(f_deg = ifelse(sign(-L2FC_kdeg) != sign(L2FC_RNA),
ifelse(abs(L2FC_kdeg) > abs(L2FC_RNA),
message("Constructing Heatmap_df")
heatmap_df <- dplyr::tibble(DE_score = test_stat$DE_score[test_stat$DE_padj < DE_cutoff],
Mech_score = test_stat$mech_stat[test_stat$DE_padj < DE_cutoff],
XF = test_stat$XF[test_stat$DE_padj < DE_cutoff],
bakR_score = test_stat$bakR_score[test_stat$DE_padj < DE_cutoff])
# Log scale mechanism score because it is a bit crazier than others
heatmap_df <- heatmap_df %>%
dplyr::mutate(Mech_score = log(abs(Mech_score) + 1)*sign(Mech_score))
sd_DE <- stats::sd(heatmap_df$DE_score)
sd_bakR <- stats::sd(heatmap_df$bakR_score)
sd_mech <- stats::sd(heatmap_df$Mech_score)
## Standardize columns
heatmap_df <- heatmap_df %>%
dplyr::mutate(DE_score = DE_score/sd_DE,
Mech_score = Mech_score/sd_mech,
bakR_score = bakR_score/sd_bakR)
## Scale all columns equally
abs_max_DE <- max(abs(heatmap_df$DE_score))
abs_max_bakR <- max(abs(heatmap_df$bakR_score))
abs_max_mech <- max(abs(heatmap_df$Mech_score))
# Changed to leave mechanism score completely unperturbed
heatmap_df <- heatmap_df %>%
#dplyr::mutate(Mech_score = ifelse(Mech_score < 0, Mech_score*(lid/-min_mech), Mech_score*(lid/max_mech))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(DE_score = DE_score*(abs_max_mech/abs_max_DE)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(bakR_score = bakR_score*(abs_max_mech/abs_max_bakR))
# Instead, Let me preserve the shape intelligently
heatmap_df <-
row.names(heatmap_df) <- heatmap_df$XF
heatmap_df <- heatmap_df[,c("bakR_score", "DE_score", "Mech_score")]
heatmap_df <- heatmap_df[order(heatmap_df$Mech_score),]
# Compile output
nss_list <- list(Heatmap_df = heatmap_df,
Mechanism_df = test_stat)
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