#' Identify features (e.g., transcripts) with high quality data
#' This function identifies all features (e.g., transcripts, exons, etc.) for which the mutation rate
#' is below a set threshold in the control (-s4U) sample and which have more reads than a set threshold
#' in all samples. If there is no -s4U sample, then only the read count cutoff is considered. Additional
#' filtering options are only relevant if working with short RNA-seq read data. This includes filtering out
#' features with extremely low empirical U-content (i.e., the average number of Us in sequencing reads from
#' that feature) and those with very few reads having at least 3 Us in them.
#' @param obj Object of class bakRData
#' @param high_p highest mutation rate accepted in control samples
#' @param totcut Numeric; Any transcripts with less than this number of sequencing reads in any replicate of all experimental conditions are filtered out
#' @param totcut_all Numeric; Any transcripts with less than this number of sequencing reads in any sample are filtered out
#' @param Ucut Must have a fraction of reads with 2 or less Us less than this cutoff in all samples
#' @param AvgU Must have an average number of Us greater than this
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @return vector of gene names that passed reliability filter
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Load cB
#' data("cB_small")
#' # Load metadf
#' data("metadf")
#' # Create bakRData
#' bakRData <- bakRData(cB_small, metadf)
#' # Find reliable features
#' features_to_keep <- reliableFeatures(obj = bakRData)
#' }
#' @export
reliableFeatures <- reliableFeatures <- function(obj,
high_p = 0.2,
totcut = 50,
totcut_all = 10,
Ucut = 0.25,
AvgU = 4){
# Bind variables locally to resolve devtools::check() Notes
XF <- TC <- n <- totTC <- nT <- n2U <- nmore <- totcounts <- NULL
tot_mut <- f2U <- avgU <- counts <- type <- totTs <- Exp_ID <- NULL
`.` <- list
cBdt <-$cB)
metadf <- obj$metadf
nsamps <- length(unique(cBdt$sample))
samp_list <- unique(cBdt$sample)
c_list <- rownames(metadf[metadf$tl == 0,])
s4U_list <- samp_list[!(samp_list %in% c_list)]
type_list <- ifelse(metadf[samp_list, "tl"] == 0, 0, 1)
# Create mut and reps dictionary
ID_dict <- data.frame(sample = rownames(metadf),
type = type_list,
Exp_ID = metadf$Exp_ID)
cBdt <- dplyr::inner_join(cBdt, ID_dict, by = "sample") %>%
cBdt <- data.table::setDT(cBdt)
cBdt <- cBdt[!grepl("__", XF)]
cBdt <- cBdt[, `:=`(totTC = TC * n * abs(type - 1))]
cBdt <- cBdt[, .(tot_mut = sum(totTC), totcounts = sum(n), totTs = sum(n*nT),
avgU = sum(nT * n)/sum(n), n2U = sum(n[nT <=2]),
nmore = sum(n[nT > 2])), keyby = .(sample,XF,Exp_ID)]
cBdt <- cBdt[, `:=`(f2U = n2U/(nmore + n2U))]
### read count filtering
cBreps <- setDT( dplyr::as_tibble(cBdt) %>%
dplyr::select(Exp_ID, sample) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::group_by(Exp_ID) %>%
dplyr::count() )
cBr <- cBdt[(totcounts >= totcut)]
cBr <- cBr[, .(counts = .N), keyby = .(XF, Exp_ID)]
cBr <- cBr[cBreps, on = .(Exp_ID), nomatch = NULL]
cBr <- cBr[counts == n]
features_r <- unique(cBr$XF)
### Additional filtering
cBdt <- cBdt[(totcounts >= totcut_all) & (tot_mut/totTs < high_p) &
(f2U < Ucut) & (avgU > AvgU)]
cBdt <- cBdt[, .(counts = .N), keyby = .(XF)]
cBdt <- dplyr::as_tibble(cBdt)
cBdt <- cBdt[cBdt$counts == nsamps,]
features_all <- unique(unlist(cBdt$XF))
y <- intersect(features_r, features_all)
#' Curate data in bakRData object for statistical modeling
#' \code{cBprocess} creates the data structures necessary to analyze nucleotide recoding RNA-seq data with any of the
#' statistical model implementations in \code{bakRFit}. The input to \code{cBprocess} must be an object of class
#' `bakRData`.
#' The 1st step executed by \code{cBprocess} is to find the names of features which are deemed "reliable". A reliable feature is one with
#' sufficient read coverage in every single sample (i.e., > totcut_all reads in all samples), sufficient read coverage in at all replicates
#' of at least one experimental condition (i.e., > totcut reads in all replicates for one or more experimental conditions) and limited mutation content in all -s4U
#' control samples (i.e., < high_p mutation rate in all samples lacking s4U feeds). In addition, if analyzing short read sequencing data, two additional
#' definitons of reliable features become pertinent: the fraction of reads that can have 2 or less Us in each sample (Ucut) and the
#' minimum average number of Us for a feature's reads in each sample (AvgU). This is done with a call to \code{reliableFeatures}.
#' The 2nd step is to extract only reliableFeatures from the cB dataframe in the `bakRData` object. During this process, a numerical
#' ID is given to each reliableFeature, with the numerical ID corresponding to their order when arranged using \code{dplyr::arrange}.
#' The 3rd step is to prepare a dataframe where each row corresponds to a set of n identical reads (that is they come from the same sample
#' and have the same number of mutations and Us). Part of this process involves assigning an arbitrary numerical ID to each replicate in each
#' experimental condition. The numerical ID will correspond to the order the sample appears in metadf. The outcome of this step is multiple
#' dataframes with variable information content. These include a dataframe with information about read counts in each sample, one which logs
#' the U-contents of each feature, one which is compatible with \code{fast_analysis} and thus groups reads by their number of mutations as
#' well as their number of Us, and one which is compatible with \code{TL_stan} with StanFit == TRUE and thus groups ready by only their number
#' of mutations. At the end of this step, two other smaller data structures are created, one which is an average count matrix (a count matrix
#' where the ith row and jth column corresponds to the average number of reads mappin to feature i in experimental condition j, averaged over
#' all replicates) and the other which is a sample lookup table that relates the numerical experimental and replicate IDs to the original
#' sample name.
#' @param obj An object of class bakRData
#' @param high_p Numeric; Any transcripts with a mutation rate (number of mutations / number of Ts in reads) higher than this in any no s4U control
#' samples are filtered out
#' @param totcut Numeric; Any transcripts with less than this number of sequencing reads in any replicate of all experimental conditions are filtered out
#' @param totcut_all Numeric; Any transcripts with less than this number of sequencing reads in any sample are filtered out
#' @param Ucut Numeric; All transcripts must have a fraction of reads with 2 or less Us less than this cutoff in all samples
#' @param AvgU Numeric; All transcripts must have an average number of Us greater than this cutoff in all samples
#' @param Stan Boolean; if TRUE, then data_list that can be passed to 'Stan' is curated
#' @param Fast Boolean; if TRUE, then dataframe that can be passed to fast_analysis() is curated
#' @param FOI Features of interest; character vector containing names of features to analyze. If \code{FOI} is non-null and \code{concat} is TRUE, then
#' all minimally reliable FOIs will be combined with reliable features passing all set filters (\code{high_p}, \code{totcut}, \code{totcut_all},
#' \code{Ucut}, and \code{AvgU}). If \code{concat} is FALSE, only the minimally reliable FOIs will be kept. A minimally reliable FOI is one that passes
#' filtering with minimally stringent parameters.
#' @param concat Boolean; If TRUE, FOI is concatenated with output of reliableFeatures
#' @return returns list of objects that can be passed to \code{TL_stan} and/or \code{fast_analysis}. Those objects are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Stan_data; list that can be passed to \code{TL_stan} with Hybrid_Fit = FALSE. Consists of metadata as well as data that
#' 'Stan' will analyze. Data to be analyzed consists of equal length vectors. The contents of Stan_data are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item NE; Number of datapoints for 'Stan' to analyze (NE = Number of Elements)
#' \item NF; Number of features in dataset
#' \item TP; Numerical indicator of s4U feed (0 = no s4U feed, 1 = s4U fed)
#' \item FE; Numerical indicator of feature
#' \item num_mut; Number of U-to-C mutations observed in a particular set of reads
#' \item MT; Numerical indicator of experimental condition (Exp_ID from metadf)
#' \item nMT; Number of experimental conditions
#' \item R; Numerical indicator of replicate
#' \item nrep; Number of replicates (analysis requires same number of replicates of all conditions)
#' \item num_obs; Number of reads with identical data (number of mutations, feature of origin, and sample of origin)
#' \item tl; Vector of label times for each experimental condition
#' \item U_cont; Log2-fold-difference in U-content for a feature in a sample relative to average U-content for that sample
#' \item Avg_Reads; Standardized log10(average read counts) for a particular feature in a particular condition, averaged over
#' replicates
#' \item Avg_Reads_natural; Unstandardized average read counts for a particular feature in a particular condition, averaged over
#' replicates. Used for \code{plotMA}
#' \item sdf; Dataframe that maps numerical feature ID to original feature name. Also has read depth information
#' \item sample_lookup; Lookup table relating MT and R to the original sample name
#' }
#' \item Fast_df; A data frame that can be passed to \code{fast_analysis}. The contents of Fast_df are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item sample; Original sample name
#' \item XF; Original feature name
#' \item TC; Number of T to C mutations
#' \item nT; Number of Ts in read
#' \item n; Number of identical observations
#' \item fnum; Numerical indicator of feature
#' \item type; Numerical indicator of s4U feed (0 = no s4U feed, 1 = s4U fed)
#' \item mut; Numerical indicator of experimental condition (Exp_ID from metadf)
#' \item reps; Numerical indicator of replicate
#' }
#' \item Count_Matrix; A matrix with read count information. Each column represents a sample and each row represents a feature.
#' Each entry is the raw number of read counts mapping to a particular feature in a particular sample. Column names are the corresponding
#' sample names and row names are the corresponding feature names.
#' }
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Load cB
#' data("cB_small")
#' # Load metadf
#' data("metadf")
#' # Create bakRData
#' bakRData <- bakRData(cB_small, metadf)
#' # Preprocess data
#' data_for_bakR <- cBprocess(obj = bakRData)
#' }
#' @export
cBprocess <- function(obj,
high_p = 0.2,
totcut = 50,
totcut_all = 10,
Ucut = 0.25,
AvgU = 4,
Stan = TRUE,
Fast = TRUE,
FOI = c(),
concat = TRUE){
# Bind variables locally to resolve devtools::check() Notes
tl <- ctl <- Exp_ID <- r_id <- XF <- n <- fnum <- TC <- nT <- reps <- NULL
mut <- feature_avg_Us <- tot_avg_Us <- U_factor <- type <- Ucont <- NULL
`.` <- list
## Check obj
if(!inherits(obj, "bakRData")){
stop("obj must be of class bakRData")
## Check high_p
stop("high_p must be numeric")
}else if( (high_p < 0) | (high_p > 1) ){
stop("high_p must be between 0 and 1")
}else if (high_p < 0.01){
warning("high_p is abnormally low (< 0.01); many features will by pure chance have a higher mutation rate than this in a -s4U control and thus get filtered out")
## Check totcut
stop("totcut must be numeric")
}else if( totcut < 0 ){
stop("totcut must be greater than 0")
}else if(totcut > 5000){
warning("totcut is abnormally high (> 5000); many features will not have this much coverage in every sample and thus get filtered out.")
## Check Ucut
stop("Ucut must be numeric")
}else if( Ucut < 0 ){
stop("Ucut must be greater than 0")
}else if(Ucut > 0.5 ){
warning("Ucut is abnormally high; you are allowing > 50% of reads to have 2 or less Us.")
## Check AvgU
stop("AvgU must be numeric")
}else if(AvgU < 0){
stop("AvgU must be greater than or equal to 0")
}else if (AvgU > 50){
warning("AvgU is abnormally high; you are requiring an average number of Us greater than 50")
}else if(AvgU < 4){
warning("AvgU is abnormally low; you are allowing an average of less than 4 Us per read, which may model convergence issues.")
## Check Stan
stop("Stan must be logical (TRUE or FALSE)")
## Check Fast_prep
stop("Fast must be logical (TRUE or FALSE")
## Check FOI
if(typeof(obj$cB$XF) != typeof(FOI)){
warning("FOI should be the same data type as cB$XF in the bakRData object; if it is not none of the feature of interest will be found
in the cB.")
if(concat == FALSE){
stop("concat cannot be FALSE if FOI is null; this would cause no features to make it past filtering")
## Check concat
stop("concat must be logical (TRUE or FALSE)")
## Create vectors that map sample to important characteristics:
# samp_list = vector of sample names
# c_list = vector of -s4U control sample names
# s4U_list = vector of samples that are treated with s4U
# type_list = 1 if sample i in samp_list is s4U treated; 0 if not
# mut_list = numerical ID for each experimental condition as in metadf
# 1 = reference
# > 1 = experimental conditions
# rep_list = vector of replicate IDs
cB <- dplyr::as_tibble(obj$cB)
metadf <-$metadf)
samp_list <- unique(cB$sample)
c_list <- rownames(metadf[metadf$tl == 0,])
s4U_list <- samp_list[!(samp_list %in% c_list)]
type_list <- ifelse(metadf[samp_list, "tl"] == 0, 0, 1)
mut_list <- metadf[samp_list, "Exp_ID"]
# If number of -s4U controls > +s4U controls, wrap R_ID for -s4Us
# So if there are 3 -s4U replicates and 2 + s4U, -s4U R_ID should be: 1, 2, 1
# Let R_raw but R_ID for -s4U calculated as with +s4U samples (so 1, 2, 3 in above example)
# Then R_ID = ((R_raw - 1) %% nreps_+s4U) + 1, where nreps_+s4U is number of replicates in +s4U sample
rep_list <- metadf[samp_list,] %>% dplyr::mutate(ctl = ifelse(tl == 0, 0, 1)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(ctl, Exp_ID) %>% dplyr::mutate(r_id = 1:length(tl)) %>% dplyr::ungroup()
### Calculate -s4U adjusted r_id
# 1) Determine number of +s4U replicates in each sample
nrep_s4U <- rep_list %>% dplyr::filter(ctl == 1) %>%
dplyr::group_by(Exp_ID) %>%
dplyr::summarise(nreps = max(r_id)) %>% dplyr::ungroup()
nrep_s4U <- nrep_s4U$nreps
# 2) Adjust -s4U replicate ID accordingly
rep_list <- rep_list %>%
dplyr::group_by(ctl, Exp_ID) %>%
dplyr::mutate(r_id = ifelse(ctl == 0, ((r_id - 1) %% nrep_s4U[Exp_ID]) + 1, r_id)) %>%
rep_list <- rep_list$r_id
# Create mut and reps dictionary
ID_dict <- data.frame(sample = rownames(metadf),
reps = rep_list,
mut = mut_list,
type = type_list)
# Add replicate ID and s4U treatment status to metadf
metadf <- metadf[samp_list, ] %>% dplyr::mutate(ctl = ifelse(tl == 0, 0, 1)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(ctl, Exp_ID) %>% dplyr::mutate(r_id = 1:length(tl)) %>% dplyr::ungroup()
names(type_list) <- samp_list
names(mut_list) <- samp_list
names(rep_list) <- samp_list
# Make vector of number of replicates of each condition
nreps <- rep(0, times = max(mut_list))
for(i in 1:max(mut_list)){
nreps[i] <- max(rep_list[mut_list == i & type_list == 1])
# Get reliable features:
message("Finding reliable Features")
reliables <- bakR::reliableFeatures(obj, high_p = high_p, totcut = totcut, totcut_all = totcut_all,
Ucut = Ucut, AvgU = AvgU)
keep <- reliables
if(concat == TRUE){
# FOI still need to pass filtering to make sure bakRFit doesn't break
min_reliables <- bakR::reliableFeatures(obj, high_p = 1, totcut = 1, totcut_all = 1, Ucut = Ucut, AvgU = AvgU)
keep <- unique(c(intersect(FOI, min_reliables), reliables))
min_reliables <- bakR::reliableFeatures(obj, high_p = 1, totcut = 1, totcut_all = 1, Ucut = Ucut, AvgU = AvgU)
keep <- intersect(FOI, min_reliables)
if((length(keep) == 0) | (is.null(keep))){
stop("No features made it past filtering.Try increasing the read count or -s4U background mutation rate cutoffs.")
message("Filtering out unwanted or unreliable features")
# Map each reliable feature to a numerical feature ID (fnum)
ranked_features_df <- cB %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::filter(XF %in% keep) %>%
dplyr::group_by(XF) %>%
dplyr::summarize(n = sum(n)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(XF) %>%
dplyr::mutate(fnum = 1:length(XF)) %>%
dplyr::select(XF, fnum)
message("Processing data...")
# Make data frame with read count information
Counts_df <- cB %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::filter(XF %in% keep) %>%
dplyr::group_by(XF, sample) %>%
dplyr::summarise(n = sum(n)) %>%
dplyr::right_join(ranked_features_df, by = 'XF') %>% dplyr::ungroup()
# Make count matrix that is DESeq2 compatible
Cnt_mat <- matrix(0, ncol = length(samp_list), nrow = length(unique(Counts_df$XF)))
for(s in seq_along(samp_list)){
Cnt_mat[,s] <- Counts_df$n[Counts_df$sample == samp_list[s]]
rownames(Cnt_mat) <- Counts_df$XF[Counts_df$sample == samp_list[1]]
colnames(Cnt_mat) <- samp_list
# Empirical U-content calculations
# = average number of Us in sequencing reads originating from each feature
cB <- data.table::setDT(cB[cB$XF %in% ranked_features_df$XF, ])
sdf_U <- cB[, .(n = sum(n)), by = .(sample, XF, TC, nT)]
cB <- dplyr::as_tibble(cB)
slist = samp_list
tlist = type_list
mlist = mut_list
rlist = rep_list
colnames(sdf_U) <- c("sample", "XF", "TC", "nT", "n")
sdf_U <- dplyr::as_tibble(sdf_U) %>%
dplyr::right_join(ranked_features_df, by = 'XF') %>%
kp = keep
## Add sample characteristic details to U-content data frame
df_U <- sdf_U %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::filter(sample %in% slist)
df_U <- dplyr::left_join(df_U, ID_dict, by = "sample")
sample_lookup <- df_U[df_U$type == 1, c("sample", "mut", "reps")] %>% dplyr::distinct()
## Calculate global average U-content so that feature-specific difference
## from average can be calculated
# df_global_U <- df_U[df_U$type == 1, ] %>% dplyr::group_by(reps, mut) %>%
# dplyr::summarise(tot_avg_Us = sum(nT*n)/sum(n)) %>% dplyr::ungroup()
# df_feature_U <- df_U[df_U$type == 1, ] %>% dplyr::group_by(reps, mut, fnum) %>%
# dplyr::summarise(feature_avg_Us = sum(nT*n)/sum(n)) %>% dplyr::ungroup()
# df_U_tot <- dplyr::left_join(df_global_U, df_feature_U, by = c("mut", "reps"))
# # U_factor is log-fold difference in feature specific U-content from global average
# # Used in Stan model to properly adjust population average Poisson mutation rates
# df_U_tot <- df_U_tot %>% dplyr::mutate(U_factor = log(feature_avg_Us/tot_avg_Us)) %>%
# dplyr::select(mut, reps, fnum, U_factor)
df_U_tot <- df_U[df_U$type == 1, ] %>% dplyr::group_by(reps, mut) %>%
dplyr::summarise(tot_avg_Us = sum(nT*n)/sum(n)) %>% dplyr::ungroup()
# Filter out unreliable features and assign feature ID to each feature
sdf <- cB %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::group_by(sample, XF, TC) %>%
dplyr::summarise(Ucont = sum(nT*n)/sum(n),
n = sum(n)) %>%
dplyr::right_join(ranked_features_df, by = 'XF') %>% dplyr::ungroup()
### Curate data for 'Stan' models
d = sdf
## Add sample characteristic info to data frame
df <- d %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::filter(sample %in% slist)
df <- dplyr::left_join(df, ID_dict, by = "sample")
## Remove any unnecessary columns
df <- df %>%
dplyr::group_by(fnum) %>%
dplyr::arrange(type, .by_group = TRUE)
# Add U-content information
df <- dplyr::left_join(df, df_U_tot, by = c("mut", "reps")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(U_factor = log(Ucont/tot_avg_Us))
df <- df[order(df$fnum, df$mut, df$reps), ]
# Feature ID
FE = df$fnum
# Number of data points
NE <- dim(df)[1]
# Number of features analyzed
NF <- length(kp)
# s4U ID (1 = s4U treated, 0 = not)
TP <- df$type
# Experimental condition ID
MT <- df$mut
# Number of experimental conditions
nMT <- length(unique(MT))
# Replicate ID
R <- df$reps
# Number of mutations
num_mut <- df$TC
# Number of identical observations
num_obs <- df$n
## Calculate Avg. Read Counts
Avg_Counts <- df %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% dplyr::group_by(fnum, mut, reps) %>%
dplyr::summarise(Avg_Reads = sum(n)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(fnum, mut) %>%
dplyr::summarise(Avg_Reads = mean(Avg_Reads)) %>%
tls <-rep(0, times = nMT)
# Calculate average read counts on log10 and natural scales
# log10 scale read counts used in 'Stan' model
# natural scale read counts used in plotting function (plotMA())
Avg_Counts <- Avg_Counts[order(Avg_Counts$mut, Avg_Counts$fnum),]
Avg_Reads <- matrix(log10(Avg_Counts$Avg_Reads), ncol = nMT, nrow = NF)
Avg_Reads_natural <- matrix(Avg_Counts$Avg_Reads, ncol = nMT, nrow = NF)
# standardize
Avg_Reads <- scale(Avg_Reads)
# s4U label time in each experimental condition
for(m in 1:nMT){
tls[m] <- unique(metadf$tl[(metadf$Exp_ID == m) & (metadf$tl != 0)])
# Add tl info to fast_df
tl_df <- data.frame(tl = tls,
mut = 1:length(tls))
df_U <- dplyr::left_join(df_U, tl_df, by = "mut")
# data passed to 'Stan' model (MCMC implementation)
data_list <- list(
NE = NE,
NF = NF,
TP = TP,
FE = FE,
num_mut = num_mut,
MT = MT,
nMT = nMT,
R = R,
nrep_vect = nreps,
nrep = max(nreps),
num_obs = num_obs,
tl = tls,
U_cont = df$U_factor,
Avg_Reads = Avg_Reads,
Avg_Reads_natural = Avg_Reads_natural,
sdf = sdf,
sample_lookup = sample_lookup
if(Stan & Fast){
out <- list(data_list, df_U, Cnt_mat)
names(out) <- c("Stan_data", "Fast_df", "Count_Matrix")
}else if(!Stan){
out <- list(df_U, Cnt_mat)
names(out) <- c("Fast_df", "Count_Matrix")
out <- list(data_list, Cnt_mat)
names(out) <- c("Stan_data", "Count_Matrix")
#' Curate data in bakRFnData object for statistical modeling
#' \code{fn_process} creates the data structures necessary to analyze nucleotide recoding RNA-seq data with the
#' MLE and Hybrid implementations in \code{bakRFit}. The input to \code{fn_process} must be an object of class
#' `bakRFnData`.
#' \code{fn_process} first filters out features with less than totcut reads in any sample. It then
#' creates the necessary data structures for analysis with \code{bakRFit} and some of the visualization
#' functions (namely \code{plotMA}).
#' The 1st step executed by \code{fn_process} is to find the names of features which are deemed "reliable". A reliable feature is one with
#' sufficient read coverage in every single sample (i.e., > totcut_all reads in all samples) and sufficient read coverage in at all replicates
#' of at least one experimental condition (i.e., > totcut reads in all replicates for one or more experimental conditions). This is done with a call to \code{reliableFeatures}.
#' The 2nd step is to extract only reliableFeatures from the fns dataframe in the `bakRFnData` object. During this process, a numerical
#' ID is given to each reliableFeature, with the numerical ID corresponding to their order when arranged using \code{dplyr::arrange}.
#' The 3rd step is to prepare data structures that can be passed to \code{fast_analysis} and \code{TL_stan} (usually accessed via the
#' \code{bakRFit} helper function).
#' @param obj An object of class bakRFnData
#' @param totcut Numeric; Any transcripts with less than this number of sequencing reads in any replicate of all experimental conditions are filtered out
#' @param totcut_all Numeric; Any transcripts with less than this number of sequencing reads in any sample are filtered out
#' @param FOI Features of interest; character vector containing names of features to analyze. If \code{FOI} is non-null and \code{concat} is TRUE, then
#' all minimally reliable FOIs will be combined with reliable features passing all set filters (\code{totcut} and \code{totcut_all}).
#' If \code{concat} is FALSE, only the minimally reliable FOIs will be kept. A minimally reliable FOI is one that passes
#' filtering with minimally stringent parameters.
#' @param concat Boolean; If TRUE, FOI is concatenated with output of reliableFeatures
#' @param Chase Boolean; if TRUE, pulse-chase analysis strategy is implemented
#' @return returns list of objects that can be passed to \code{TL_stan} and/or \code{fast_analysis}. Those objects are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Stan_data; list that can be passed to \code{TL_stan} with Hybrid_Fit = TRUE. Consists of metadata as well as data that
#' `Stan` will analyze. Data to be analyzed consists of equal length vectors. The contents of Stan_data are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item NE; Number of datapoints for 'Stan' to analyze (NE = Number of Elements)
#' \item NF; Number of features in dataset
#' \item TP; Numerical indicator of s4U feed (0 = no s4U feed, 1 = s4U fed)
#' \item FE; Numerical indicator of feature
#' \item num_mut; Number of U-to-C mutations observed in a particular set of reads
#' \item MT; Numerical indicator of experimental condition (Exp_ID from metadf)
#' \item nMT; Number of experimental conditions
#' \item R; Numerical indicator of replicate
#' \item nrep; Number of replicates (maximum across experimental conditions)
#' \item nrep_vect; Vector of number of replicates in each experimental condition
#' \item tl; Vector of label times for each experimental condition
#' \item Avg_Reads; Standardized log10(average read counts) for a particular feature in a particular condition, averaged over
#' replicates
#' \item sdf; Dataframe that maps numerical feature ID to original feature name. Also has read depth information
#' \item sample_lookup; Lookup table relating MT and R to the original sample name
#' }
#' \item Fn_est; A data frame containing fraction new estimates for +s4U samples:
#' \itemize{
#' \item sample; Original sample name
#' \item XF; Original feature name
#' \item fn; Fraction new estimate
#' \item n; Number of reads
#' \item Feature_ID; Numerical ID for each feature
#' \item Replicate; Numerical ID for each replicate
#' \item Exp_ID; Numerical ID for each experimental condition
#' \item tl; s4U label time
#' \item logit_fn; logit of fraction new estimate
#' \item kdeg; degradation rate constant estimate
#' \item log_kdeg; log of degradation rate constant estimate
#' \item logit_fn_se; Uncertainty of logit(fraction new) estimate
#' \item log_kd_se; Uncertainty of log(kdeg) estimate
#' }
#' \item Count_Matrix; A matrix with read count information. Each column represents a sample and each row represents a feature.
#' Each entry is the raw number of read counts mapping to a particular feature in a particular sample. Column names are the corresponding
#' sample names and row names are the corresponding feature names.
#' \item Ctl_data; Identical content to Fn_est but for any -s4U data (and thus with fn estimates set to 0). Will be \code{NULL} if no -s4U
#' data is present
#' }
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Load cB
#' data("cB_small")
#' # Load metadf
#' data("metadf")
#' # Create bakRData
#' bakRData <- bakRData(cB_small, metadf)
#' # Preprocess data
#' data_for_bakR <- cBprocess(obj = bakRData)
#' }
#' @export
fn_process <- function(obj, totcut = 50, totcut_all = 10, Chase = FALSE, FOI = c(), concat = TRUE){
## Check obj
if(!inherits(obj, "bakRFnData")){
stop("obj must be of class bakRFnData")
## Check totcut
stop("totcut must be numeric")
}else if( totcut < 0 ){
stop("totcut must be greater than 0")
}else if(totcut > 5000){
warning("totcut is abnormally high (> 5000); many features will not have this much coverage in every sample and thus get filtered out.")
## Check FOI
if(typeof(obj$fns$XF) != typeof(FOI)){
warning("FOI should be the same data type as fns$XF in the bakRFnData object; if it is not none of the feature of interest will be found
in the fn data frame.")
# Define helper functions:
logit <- function(x) log(x/(1-x))
inv_logit <- function(x) exp(x)/(1+exp(x))
# Bind to NULL
tl <- ctl <- Exp_ID <- r_id <- XF <- n <- npass <- NULL
Feature_ID <- fn <- var <- global_mean <- global_var <- alpha_p <- beta_p <- NULL
se <- count <- counts <- NULL
metadf <- obj$metadf
fns <- obj$fns
message("Mapping sample name to sample characteristics")
samp_list <- unique(fns$sample)
c_list <- rownames(metadf[metadf$tl == 0,])
s4U_list <- samp_list[!(samp_list %in% c_list)]
type_list <- ifelse(metadf[samp_list, "tl"] == 0, 0, 1)
mut_list <- metadf[samp_list, "Exp_ID"]
# If number of -s4U controls > +s4U controls, wrap R_ID for -s4Us
# So if there are 3 -s4U replicates and 2 + s4U, -s4U R_ID should be: 1, 2, 1
# Let R_raw but R_ID for -s4U calculated as with +s4U samples (so 1, 2, 3 in above example)
# Then R_ID = ((R_raw - 1) %% nreps_+s4U) + 1, where nreps_+s4U is number of replicates in +s4U sample
rep_list <- metadf[samp_list,] %>% dplyr::mutate(ctl = ifelse(tl == 0, 0, 1)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(ctl, Exp_ID) %>% dplyr::mutate(r_id = 1:length(tl)) %>% dplyr::ungroup()
### Calculate -s4U adjusted r_id
# 1) Determine number of +s4U replicates in each sample
nrep_s4U <- rep_list %>% dplyr::filter(ctl == 1) %>%
dplyr::group_by(Exp_ID) %>%
dplyr::summarise(nreps = max(r_id)) %>% dplyr::ungroup()
nrep_s4U <- nrep_s4U$nreps
# 2) Adjust -s4U replicate ID accordingly
rep_list <- rep_list %>%
dplyr::group_by(ctl, Exp_ID) %>%
dplyr::mutate(r_id = ifelse(ctl == 0, ((r_id - 1) %% nrep_s4U[Exp_ID]) + 1, r_id)) %>%
rep_list <- rep_list$r_id
# Create mut and reps dictionary
ID_dict <- data.frame(sample = rownames(metadf),
Replicate = rep_list,
Exp_ID = mut_list,
Type = type_list)
# Add replicate ID and s4U treatment status to metadf
metadf <- metadf[samp_list, ] %>% dplyr::mutate(ctl = ifelse(tl == 0, 0, 1)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(ctl, Exp_ID) %>% dplyr::mutate(r_id = 1:length(tl)) %>% dplyr::ungroup()
names(type_list) <- samp_list
names(mut_list) <- samp_list
names(rep_list) <- samp_list
# Make vector of number of replicates of each condition
nreps <- rep(0, times = max(mut_list))
for(i in 1:max(mut_list)){
nreps[i] <- max(rep_list[mut_list == i & type_list == 1])
# Find features with above the threshold in all samples
nsamps <- nrow(metadf)
message("Filtering out low coverage features")
# Read count filter (all samples)
keep_all <- fns %>%
dplyr::group_by(XF) %>%
dplyr::summarise(npass = sum(n >= totcut_all)) %>%
dplyr::filter(npass == nsamps) %>%
# Read count (per experimental condition)
fns_ids <- dplyr::inner_join(fns, ID_dict, by = "sample")
rep_counts <- fns_ids %>%
dplyr::select(sample, Exp_ID) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::mutate(count = 1) %>%
dplyr::group_by(Exp_ID) %>%
dplyr::summarise(counts = sum(count))
fns_ids <- dplyr::inner_join(fns_ids, rep_counts, by = "Exp_ID")
keep_exp <- fns_ids %>%
dplyr::group_by(XF, Exp_ID) %>%
dplyr::summarise(npass = sum(n >= totcut),
counts = unique(counts)) %>%
dplyr::filter(npass == counts) %>%
# Final keep
keep <- data.frame(XF = intersect(keep_exp$XF, keep_all$XF))
keep <- keep$XF
# FOI can only be kept if it has at least 1 read in all samples
min_keep <- fns %>%
dplyr::group_by(XF) %>%
dplyr::summarise(npass = sum(n >= 1)) %>%
dplyr::filter(npass == nsamps) %>%
keep <- unique(c(intersect(FOI, min_keep$XF), keep$XF))
# FOI can only be kept if it has at least 1 read in all samples
min_keep <- fns %>%
dplyr::group_by(XF) %>%
dplyr::summarise(npass = sum(n >= 1)) %>%
dplyr::filter(npass == nsamps) %>%
keep <- intersect(FOI, min_keep$XF)
fns <- fns[fns$XF %in% keep,]
# Map each reliable feature to a numerical feature ID (fnum)
ranked_features_df <- fns %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::select(XF) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::arrange(XF) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Feature_ID = 1:length(XF)) %>%
dplyr::select(XF, Feature_ID)
message("Processing data...")
# Make count matrix that is DESeq2 compatible
Cnt_mat <- matrix(0, ncol = length(samp_list), nrow = length(unique(keep)))
# Order by XF to make sure XFs together in fns
fns <- fns[order(fns$XF),]
for(s in seq_along(samp_list)){
Cnt_mat[,s] <- fns$n[fns$sample == samp_list[s]]
rownames(Cnt_mat) <- fns$XF[fns$sample == samp_list[1]]
colnames(Cnt_mat) <- samp_list
# Add feature_ID and sample characteristics
fns <- dplyr::inner_join(fns, ranked_features_df, by = "XF")
fns <- dplyr::inner_join(fns, ID_dict, by = "sample")
# Add label time
tl_df <- metadf[metadf$tl > 0,c("tl", "Exp_ID", "r_id")]
colnames(tl_df) <- c("tl", "Exp_ID", "Replicate")
fns <- dplyr::inner_join(fns, tl_df, by = c("Exp_ID", "Replicate"))
# Remove -s4U data from fns
if(sum(fns$Type == 0) > 1){
fn_ctl_data <- fns[fns$Type == 0, colnames(fns) != "Type"]
fn_ctl_data$tl <- 0
ctl_absent <- FALSE
ctl_absent <- TRUE
fns <- fns[fns$Type == 1,]
fns <- fns[,colnames(fns) != "Type"]
# Convert fn to various reparameterizations of interest
fns$logit_fn <- logit(fns$fn)
fns$kdeg <- -log(1 - fns$fn)/fns$tl
fns$log_kdeg <- log(fns$kdeg)
### Estimate uncertainty
if("se" %in% colnames(fns)){
## Estimate logit uncertainty
lfn_calc2 <- function(EX, VX){
totvar <- (((1/EX) + 1/(1 - EX))^2)*VX
## Estimate log(kdeg) uncertainty
lkdeg_calc2 <- function(EX, VX){
totvar <- (( 1/(log(1-EX)*(1-EX)) )^2)*VX
## Estimate uncertainties
fns <- fns %>%
dplyr::mutate(logit_fn_se = sqrt(lfn_calc2(fn, se^2)),
log_kd_se = sqrt(lkdeg_calc2(fn, se^2)))
## Procedure:
# 1) Estimate beta distribution prior empirically
# 2) Determine beta posterior
# 3) Use beta sd as uncertainty
## Estimate beta prior
fn_means <- fns %>%
dplyr::group_by(sample) %>%
dplyr::summarise(global_mean = mean(fn),
global_var = stats::var(fn))
priors <- fn_means %>%
dplyr::mutate(alpha_p = global_mean*(((global_mean*(1-global_mean))/global_var) - 1),
beta_p = alpha_p*(1 - global_mean)/global_mean)
## Add priors
fns <- dplyr::inner_join(fns, priors, by = "sample")
## Estimate logit uncertainty
lfn_calc <- function(alpha, beta){
EX <- alpha/(alpha + beta)
VX <- (alpha*beta)/(((alpha + beta)^2)*(alpha + beta + 1))
totvar <- (((1/EX) + 1/(1 - EX))^2)*VX
## Estimate log(kdeg) uncertainty
lkdeg_calc <- function(alpha, beta){
EX <- alpha/(alpha + beta)
VX <- (alpha*beta)/(((alpha + beta)^2)*(alpha + beta + 1))
totvar <- (( 1/(log(1-EX)*(1-EX)) )^2)*VX
fns <- fns %>%
dplyr::mutate(logit_fn_se = sqrt(lfn_calc(alpha_p + n*fn, n + beta_p)),
log_kd_se = sqrt(lkdeg_calc(alpha_p + n*fn, n + beta_p)))
fns <- fns[,!(colnames(fns) %in% c("alpha_p", "beta_p", "global_mean", "global_var"))]
### Average standardized reads
# Dataset characteristics
nMT <- max(metadf$Exp_ID)
NF <- max(fns$Feature_ID)
## Calculate Avg. Read Counts
Avg_Counts <- fns %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::group_by(Feature_ID, Exp_ID) %>%
dplyr::summarise(Avg_Reads = mean(n), .dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE) %>%
# Calculate average read counts on log10 and natural scales
# log10 scale read counts used in 'Stan' model
# natural scale read counts used in plotting function (plotMA())
Avg_Counts <- Avg_Counts[order(Avg_Counts$Exp_ID, Avg_Counts$Feature_ID),]
Avg_Reads <- matrix(log10(Avg_Counts$Avg_Reads), ncol = nMT, nrow = NF)
Avg_Reads_natural <- matrix(Avg_Counts$Avg_Reads, ncol = nMT, nrow = NF)
# standardize
Avg_Reads <- scale(Avg_Reads)
### Generate input necessary for Hybrid model
# s4U label time in each experimental condition
tls <- rep(0, times = nMT)
for(m in 1:nMT){
tls[m] <- unique(metadf$tl[(metadf$Exp_ID == m) & (metadf$tl != 0)])
# Add tl info to fast_df
tl_df <- data.frame(tl = tls,
mut = 1:length(tls))
# Sample lookup
colnames(ID_dict) <- c("sample", "Replicate", "Exp_ID", "Type")
sample_lookup <- ID_dict[ID_dict$Type == 1, c("sample", "Exp_ID", "Replicate")] %>% dplyr::distinct()
# Feature number lookup
sdf <- ranked_features_df
colnames(sdf) <- c("XF", "fnum")
data_list <- list(
NE = nrow(fns),
NF = max(fns$Feature_ID),
MT = fns$Exp_ID,
FE = fns$Feature_ID,
tl = tl_df$tl,
logit_fn_rep = fns$logit_fn,
fn_se = fns$logit_fn_se,
Avg_Reads = Avg_Reads,
Avg_Reads_natural = Avg_Reads_natural,
nMT = max(fns$Exp_ID),
R = fns$Replicate,
nrep = max(fns$Replicate),
sample_lookup = sample_lookup,
sdf = sdf,
mutrates = data.frame(),
nrep_vect = nreps,
Chase = as.integer(Chase)
out <- list(Stan_data = data_list, Count_Matrix = Cnt_mat,
Fn_est = dplyr::as_tibble(fns),
Ctl_data = NULL)
out <- list(Stan_data = data_list, Count_Matrix = Cnt_mat,
Fn_est = dplyr::as_tibble(fns),
Ctl_data = dplyr::as_tibble(fn_ctl_data))
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