
Defines functions data_spam data_Golf data_Germany data_Patent data_MunichRent save_data

## Function to save data in .rda format with
## minimum storing size.
save_data <- function(..., file, envir = parent.frame())
  dir.create(tdir <- tempfile())
  bf <- basename(file)
  compress <- c("gzip", "bzip2", "xz")
  size <- NULL
  for(j in compress) {
    tf <- file.path(tdir, paste(j, bf, sep = "-"))
    save(..., file = tf, compress = j, envir = envir)
    size <- c(size, file.info(tf)$size)

  print(data.frame("compress" = compress, "size" = size))

  compress <- compress[which.min(size)]
  save(..., file = file, compress = compress, envir = envir)

## Munich rent index.
data_MunichRent <- function(dir = NULL)
    dir <- "~/svn/bayesr/pkg/bamlss/data"
  dir <- path.expand(dir)

  dpath <- "http://www.stat.uni-muenchen.de/~kneib/regressionsbuch/download/mietspiegel99.raw"
  dat <- read.table(dpath, header = TRUE)
  rent99 <- list()
  rent99$rent <- dat$miete
  rent99$rentsqm <- dat$mieteqm
  rent99$area <- dat$flaeche
  rent99$yearc <- dat$bjahr
  rent99$bath <- as.factor(dat$bad)
  levels(rent99$bath) <- c("standard", "premium")
  rent99$kitchen <- as.factor(dat$kueche)
  levels(rent99$kitchen) <- c("standard", "premium")
  rent99$district <- dat$bezv
  rent99$location <- as.factor(dat$lage)
  levels(rent99$location) <- c("average", "good", "top")
  rent99$cheating <- as.factor(dat$zh)
  levels(rent99$cheating) <- c("no", "yes")
  rent99 <- as.data.frame(rent99)
  rent99 <- rent99[order(rent99$district), ]

  nenv <- new.env()
  assign("rent99", rent99, envir = nenv)
  save_data(rent99, file = file.path(dir, "rent99.rda"), envir = nenv)

  dpath <- "http://www.stat.uni-muenchen.de/~kneib/regressionsbuch/download/muenchen.bnd"
  MunichBnd <- BayesX::read.bnd(dpath)
  nm <- names(MunichBnd)
  MunichBnd <- MunichBnd[nm[order(as.integer(nm))]]
  attr(MunichBnd, "asp") <- 1.1

  assign("MunichBnd", MunichBnd, envir = nenv)
  save_data(MunichBnd, file = file.path(dir, "MunichBnd.rda"), envir = nenv)


## Patent opposition data.
data_Patent <- function(dir = NULL)
    dir <- "~/svn/bayesr/pkg/bamlss/data"
  dir <- path.expand(dir)

  dpath <- "http://www.stat.uni-muenchen.de/~kneib/regressionsbuch/download/patentdata.raw"
  dat <- read.table(dpath, header = TRUE)
  patent <- list()
  patent$opposition <- factor(dat$opp, levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("no", "yes"))
  patent$biopharm <- factor(dat$biopharm, levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("no", "yes"))
  patent$USA2 <- factor(dat$ustwin, levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("no", "yes"))
  patent$holder <- factor(dat$patus, levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("EU", "USA"))
  patent$GSGB <- factor(dat$patgsgr, levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("no", "yes"))
  patent$year <- as.integer(dat$year)
  patent$ncitations <- as.integer(dat$ncit)
  patent$ncountry <- as.integer(dat$ncountry)
  patent$nclaims <- as.integer(dat$nclaims)
  patent <- as.data.frame(patent)

  nenv <- new.env()
  assign("patent", patent, envir = nenv)
  save_data(patent, file = file.path(dir, "patent.rda"), envir = nenv)


## Map of Germany.
data_Germany <- function(dir = NULL)
    dir <- "~/svn/bayesr/pkg/bamlss/data"
  dir <- path.expand(dir)
  dir.create(tf <- tempfile())

  zf <- file.path(tf, "germany.zip"))
  unzip(zf, exdir = gsub("\\.zip$", "", zf))

  g <- sf::st_read(file.path(tf, "germany", "DEU_adm3.shp"))
  g <- sf::as_Spatial(g)

  rn <- as.character(d$NAME_3)
  Encoding(rn) <- "latin1"
  GermanyBnd <- BayesX::sp2bnd(g, regionNames = rn)
  d <- slot(g, "data")
  d <- data.frame("name" = as.character(d$NAME_3), "id" = as.character(d$ID_3),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  Encoding(d$name) <- "latin1"
  i <- which(!(d$id %in% names(GermanyBnd)))
  not <- d[i, ]
  j <- which(!(names(GermanyBnd) %in% d$id))
  ng <- names(GermanyBnd)
  ng[ng == ng[j]] <- not$id
  names(GermanyBnd) <- ng
  ng <- data.frame("id" = names(GermanyBnd), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  ok <- merge(d, ng, by = "id")
  ng2 <- NULL; ng <- unlist(ng)
  for(j in 1:nrow(ok)) {
    ng2 <- c(ng2, unique(ok$name[ok$id == ng[j]]))

  names(GermanyBnd) <- ng2
  attr(GermanyBnd, "asp") <- 1.6


## Used golf cars.
data_Golf <- function(dir = NULL)
    dir <- "~/SVN/bayesr/pkg/bamlss/data"
  dir <- path.expand(dir)

  dpath <- "https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/document/download/062cadfda1c4c295f9460b49c7f5799e.raw/golffull.raw"
  d <- read.table(dpath, header = TRUE)
  Golf <- d[, c("price", "age", "kilometer", "TIA")]
  names(Golf) <- tolower(names(Golf))
  Golf$abs <- factor(d$extras1, levels = 0:1, labels = c("no", "yes"))
  Golf$sunroof <- factor(d$extras2, levels = 0:1, labels = c("no", "yes"))

  nenv <- new.env()
  assign("Golf", Golf, envir = nenv)
  save_data(Golf, file = file.path(dir, "Golf.rda"), envir = nenv)


data_spam <- function(...)
  dpath <- "ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/pub/machine-learning-databases/spambase/spambase.zip"
  dir.create(tdir <- tempfile())
  owd <- getwd()
  on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE)
  download.file(dpath, zf <- basename(dpath))
  unzip(zf, exdir = gsub("\\.zip$", "", zf))
  data <- read.table(file.path("spambase", "spambase.data"), sep = ",", header = FALSE)
  dnames <- readLines(file.path("spambase", "spambase.names"))
  i <- grep("continuous.", dnames, fixed = TRUE)[1L]
  dnames <- dnames[i:length(dnames)]
  dnames <- gsub("continuous.", "", dnames, fixed = TRUE)
  dnames <- gsub(" ", "", dnames, fixed = TRUE)
  dnames <- gsub(":", "", dnames, fixed = TRUE)
  dnames <- gsub("word_freq_", "", dnames, fixed = TRUE)
  dnames <- gsub("char_freq_", "ch", dnames, fixed = TRUE)
  dnames <- gsub("capital_run_length_", "cap_", dnames, fixed = TRUE)
  for(j in seq_along(dnames)) {
      dnames[j] <- paste0("n", dnames[j])
    chars <- c(";", "!", "[", "(", "$", "#")
    rchars <- c("_scolon", "_qmark", "_sbracket", "_bracket", "_dollar", "_hash")
    for(ch in seq_along(chars))
      dnames <- gsub(chars[ch], rchars[ch], dnames, fixed = TRUE)
  dnames <- gsub("all", "nall", dnames)
  dnames <- gsub("3d", "n3d", dnames)
  dnames <- c(dnames, "spam")
  names(data) <- dnames
  data$spam <- factor(data$spam, levels = c(1, 0), labels = c("yes", "no"))
  id <- read.table("https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/ElemStatLearn/datasets/spam.traintest")
  data$set <- factor(unlist(id), levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("train", "test"))

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bamlss documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:41 a.m.