
Defines functions k_fold_cv

Documented in k_fold_cv

##performs out-of-sample error estimation for a BART model
k_fold_cv = function(X, y, k_folds = 5, folds_vec = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...){
	#we cannot afford the time sink of serialization during the grid search, so shut it off manually
	args = list(...)
	args$serialize = FALSE

	if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")){
		stop("The training data X must be a data frame.")
	if (!(class(y) %in% c("numeric", "integer", "factor"))){
		stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
    if (!is.null(folds_vec) & !inherits(folds_vec, "integer")){
	  stop("folds_vec must be an a vector of integers specifying the indexes of each folds.")  
	y_levels = levels(y)
	if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")){ #if y is numeric, then it's a regression problem
		pred_type = "regression"
	} else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2){ #if y is a factor and and binary, then it's a classification problem
		pred_type = "classification"
	n = nrow(X)
	Xpreprocess = pre_process_training_data(X)$data
	p = ncol(Xpreprocess)
	#set up k folds
    if (is.null(folds_vec)){ ##if folds were not pre-set:
	  	if (k_folds == Inf){ #leave-one-out
	  		k_folds = n
	  	if (k_folds <= 1 || k_folds > n){
	  		stop("The number of folds must be at least 2 and less than or equal to n, use \"Inf\" for leave one out")
	  	temp = rnorm(n)
	  	folds_vec = cut(temp, breaks = quantile(temp, seq(0, 1, length.out = k_folds + 1)), 
  	                include.lowest= T, labels = F)
    } else {
    	k_folds = length(unique(folds_vec)) ##otherwise we know the folds, so just get k

	if (pred_type == "regression"){
		L1_err = 0
		L2_err = 0
		yhat_cv = numeric(n) ##store cv
	} else {
    phat_cv = numeric(n)
    yhat_cv = factor(n, levels = y_levels)
		confusion_matrix = matrix(0, nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
		rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels), "use errors")
		colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted", y_levels), "model errors")

	Xy = data.frame(Xpreprocess, y) ##set up data
	for (k in 1 : k_folds){
    train_idx = which(folds_vec != k)
    test_idx = setdiff(1 : n, train_idx)
		test_data_k = Xy[test_idx, ]
		training_data_k = Xy[train_idx, ]

   		#build bart object
		bart_machine_cv = do.call(build_bart_machine, c(list(
							X = training_data_k[, 1 : p, drop = FALSE], 
							y = training_data_k[, (p + 1)], 
							run_in_sample = FALSE, 
							verbose = verbose), args))
		predict_obj = bart_predict_for_test_data(bart_machine_cv, test_data_k[, 1 : p, drop = FALSE], test_data_k[, (p + 1)])
		#tabulate errors
		if (pred_type == "regression"){
			L1_err = L1_err + predict_obj$L1_err
			L2_err = L2_err + predict_obj$L2_err
      		yhat_cv[test_idx] = predict_obj$y_hat
		} else {
	        phat_cv[test_idx] = predict_obj$p_hat
	        yhat_cv[test_idx] = predict_obj$y_hat
			tab = table(factor(test_data_k$y, levels = y_levels), factor(predict_obj$y_hat, levels = y_levels))
			confusion_matrix[1 : 2, 1 : 2] = confusion_matrix[1 : 2, 1 : 2] + tab
	if (pred_type == "regression"){
		list(y_hat = yhat_cv, L1_err = L1_err, L2_err = L2_err, rmse = sqrt(L2_err / n), PseudoRsq = 1 - L2_err / sum((y - mean(y))^2), folds = folds_vec)
	} else {		
		#calculate the rest of the confusion matrix and return it plus the errors
		confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2, 1] / (confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2, 1]), 3)
		confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1, 2] / (confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2, 2]), 3)
		confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1, 2] / (confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1, 2]), 3)
		confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2, 1] / (confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2, 2]), 3)
		confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1]) / sum(confusion_matrix[1 : 2, 1 : 2]), 3)
		list(y_hat = yhat_cv, phat = phat_cv, confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix, misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3, 3], folds = folds_vec)

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bartMachine documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:59 p.m.