
Defines functions adjust.to.dataset sumMFbycountry .sum.by.country.and.age .sum.by.country .reduce.to.countries.and.ages .reduce.to.countries tpop.sex tpopM tpopF tpop if.not.exists.load .get.wpp adjust.quantiles adjust.trajectories

adjust.trajectories <- function(country, env, quant.env, adj.env=NULL, allow.negatives = TRUE) {
	if(is.null(adj.env)) adj.env <- new.env()
	wpp.year <- quant.env$wpp.year
	annual <- quant.env$annual
	if(is.null(annual)) annual <- FALSE
	datasets <- list(totp='', totp.hch='', totpf='Fage', totpm='Mage', totpm.hch='Mage', totpf.hch='Fage')
	country.char <- as.character(country)
	for(traj.name in names(datasets)) {
		adj.name <- datasets[[traj.name]]
		dif.name <- paste0('AdjDpop', adj.name)
		if(is.null(adj.env[[dif.name]])) {
			#print(c(dif.name, adj.name))
			q <- quant.env[[paste0('quantiles', adj.name)]]
			adjust.quantiles(q, adj.name, wpp.year=wpp.year, env=adj.env, annual = annual)
		dif <- if(length(dim(adj.env[[dif.name]]))>2) adj.env[[dif.name]][country.char,,] else adj.env[[dif.name]][country.char,,drop=FALSE]
		res <- env[[traj.name]]		
		if(length(dim(res))>2) { # includes age
		    age.idx <- age.index.all(annual = annual, observed = TRUE)
			res21 <- aaply(res[age.idx,,], 3, '-', dif)
            if(!allow.negatives) res21 <- pmax(0, res21)
			res21 <- aperm(res21, c(2,3,1))
			res[age.idx,,] <- res21
		} else {
			res <- aaply(res, 2, '-', dif)
			if(!allow.negatives) res <- pmax(0, res)
			res <- aperm(res, c(2,1))
		if(is.list(res)) stop('')
		#if(traj.name == 'totpf') stop('')
		env[[traj.name]] <- res

adjust.quantiles <- function(q, what, wpp.year, annual = FALSE, env=NULL, allow.negatives = TRUE) {
	dif <- NULL
	if(!is.null(env)) {
		if(!is.null(env[[paste0('AdjQpop', what)]])) return(env[[paste0('AdjQpop', what)]])
		if(!is.null(env[[paste0('AdjDpop', what)]])) dif <- env[[paste0('AdjDpop', what)]]
	age.idx <- age.index.all(annual = annual, observed = TRUE)
	age.idx.all <- age.index.all(annual = annual, observed = FALSE)
	age.idx.old <- age.idx.all[age.idx.all > max(age.idx)]
	if(is.null(dif)) {
		if(is.null(env)) env <- new.env()
		countries <- dimnames(q)[[1]]
		ages <- NULL
		if(length(dim(q))>3) { # includes age dimension
			ages <- dimnames(q)[[2]]
			ages <- ages[as.numeric(ages)<=100]
		wpp <- .get.wpp(env, what, countries, ages, wpp.year=wpp.year, annual = annual)
		if(length(dim(q))>3) { # includes age dimension
			years <- as.numeric(dimnames(q)[[4]])
			if(!annual && (years[1] %% 5) != 0) years <- years+2 
			med.raw <- q[,,'0.5',as.character(years)%in%dimnames(wpp)[[3]]]
			if(length(dim(med.raw))>2) { # multiple countries
				med <- med.raw[,age.idx,] # collapse to 21 age categories
				med[,age.idx.old[1]-1,] <- med.raw[,age.idx.old[1]-1,] + apply(med.raw[,age.idx.old,], c(1,3), sum) 
			} else { #1 country
				med <- med.raw[age.idx,]
				med[age.idx.old[1]-1,] <- med.raw[age.idx.old[1]-1,] + apply(med.raw[age.idx.old,], 2, sum) 
				med <- abind(med, along=0) # add dimension
			dif <- abind(matrix(0, nrow=dim(med)[1], ncol=length(age.idx)), med-wpp, along=3)		
		} else {
			years <- as.numeric(dimnames(q)[[3]])
			if(!annual && (years[1] %% 5) != 0) years <- years+2 
			med <- q[,'0.5',as.character(years)%in%colnames(wpp)]
			dif <- as.matrix(cbind(0, med-wpp))
	} else countries <- dimnames(dif)
	if(length(dim(q))>3) {
		if(dim(q)[1]==1){ # one country - the generic aaply fails because of some dimension dropping 
			res21 <- aaply(q[,age.idx,,], 2, '-', dif[1,,], .drop=FALSE)
			res21 <- aperm(res21, c(2,1,3))
		} else {
			res21 <- aaply(q[,age.idx,,], 3, '-', dif, .drop=FALSE)
			res21 <- aperm(res21, c(2,3,1,4))
		res <- q
		res[,age.idx,,] <- res21
	} else { # no age dimension
		res <- aaply(q, 2, '-', dif, .drop=FALSE)
		res <- aperm(res, c(2,1,3))
	if(is.null(dimnames(dif)[[1]])) dimnames(dif)[[1]] <- countries
	if(is.null(dimnames(res)[[1]])) dimnames(res)[[1]] <- countries
	if(!allow.negatives) res <- pmax(0, res)
	env[[paste0('AdjDpop', what)]] <- dif
	env[[paste0('AdjQpop', what)]] <- res

.get.wpp <- function(env, what, countries=NULL, ages=NULL, annual = FALSE, ...) {
	switch(which(c('', 'M', 'F', 'Mage', 'Fage') == what), 
				tpop(countries, prediction.only=TRUE, e=env, ...),
				tpopM(countries, prediction.only=TRUE, e=env, ...),
				tpopF(countries, prediction.only=TRUE, e=env, ...),
				tpopM(countries, prediction.only=TRUE, sum.over.ages=FALSE, ages=ages, e=env, annual = annual, ...),
				tpopF(countries, prediction.only=TRUE, sum.over.ages=FALSE, ages=ages, e=env, annual = annual, ...)

if.not.exists.load <- function(name, env, wpp.year=2012) {
	if(!exists(name, where=env, inherits=FALSE)) {
		do.call('data', list(name, package=paste0('wpp', wpp.year), envir=env))
	    env[[name]] <- as.data.table(env[[name]])

tpop <- function(countries, prediction.only=FALSE, e=NULL, ...) {
	# Create a dataset of total population
	if(is.null(e)) e <- new.env()
	if(!prediction.only) {
		if.not.exists.load('popM', e, ...)
		if.not.exists.load('popF', e, ...)
		tpop.obs <- sumMFbycountry('popM', 'popF', e)
	#projection stored separately from observations
	if.not.exists.load('popMprojMed', e, ...)
	if.not.exists.load('popFprojMed', e, ...)
	tpopp <- sumMFbycountry('popMprojMed', 'popFprojMed', e)
	if(!prediction.only) tpopp <- merge(tpop.obs, tpopp, by='country_code')
	return(.reduce.to.countries(tpopp, countries))

tpopF <- function(...) return(tpop.sex('F', ...))
tpopM <- function(...) return(tpop.sex('M', ...))

tpop.sex <- function(sex, countries, sum.over.ages=TRUE, ages=NULL, prediction.only=FALSE, e=NULL, annual = FALSE, ...) {
	# Create a dataset of total population by sex
	if(is.null(e)) e <- new.env()
	if(!prediction.only) {
		dataset <- paste0('pop', sex)
		if.not.exists.load(dataset, e, ...)
		#do.call('data', list(dataset, package='wpp2012', envir=e))
		pop.obs <- if(sum.over.ages) .sum.by.country(dataset) else .sum.by.country.and.age(dataset)
	dataset <- paste0('pop', sex, 'projMed')
	if.not.exists.load(dataset, e, ...)
	popp <- if(sum.over.ages) .sum.by.country(e[[dataset]]) else .sum.by.country.and.age(e[[dataset]])
	if(!prediction.only)  popp <- merge(pop.obs, popp, by='country_code')
	if(sum.over.ages) return(.reduce.to.countries(popp, countries))
	.reduce.to.countries.and.ages(popp, countries, ages, annual = annual)

.reduce.to.countries <- function(dataset, countries){
    tpop <- as.data.frame(dataset)
	tpop <- tpop[,-which(colnames(dataset)=='country_code')]
	rownames(tpop) <- dataset$country_code

.reduce.to.countries.and.ages <- function(dataset, countries, ages, annual = FALSE){
	dataset <- as.data.frame(dataset[dataset$country_code %in% as.integer(countries),])
	    by <- 1
	} else {
	    by <- 5
	nage <- length(unique(dataset$age))
	if(is.null(ages)) ages <- as.character(seq(0,100, by=by))
	age.vector <- as.character(dataset$age[1:nage])
	if(!annual) {
	    age.vector <- unlist(strsplit(gsub('\\+', '-130', age.vector), '-'))
	    age.vector <- age.vector[seq(1,length(age.vector), by=2)]
	} else age.vector <- gsub('\\+', '', age.vector)
	colidx <- (1:ncol(dataset))[-which(colnames(dataset) %in% c('country_code', 'age'))]
	res <- array(NA, c(length(countries), length(ages), ncol(dataset)-2))
	for(i in 1:length(countries)) {
		idx <- which(dataset$country_code==countries[i])
		if(length(idx) == 0) next
		tmp <- dataset[idx,colidx]
		rownames(tmp) <- age.vector
		res[i,,] <- as.matrix(tmp[ages,])
	dimnames(res)<- list(countries, ages, colnames(dataset)[colidx])

.sum.by.country <- function(dataset) {
	year.cols <- grep('^[0-9]{4}', colnames(dataset), value = TRUE)
	dataset[, c("country_code", year.cols), with = FALSE][, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE), by = "country_code"]

.sum.by.country.and.age <- function(dataset) {
	year.cols <- grep('^[0-9]{4}', colnames(dataset), value = TRUE)
	dataset[, c("country_code", "age", year.cols), with = FALSE][, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE), by = c("country_code", "age")]

sumMFbycountry <- function(datasetM, datasetF, e) {
	tpopM <- .sum.by.country(e[[datasetM]])
	tpopF <- .sum.by.country(e[[datasetF]])
	tpopM[, 2:ncol(tpopM)] <- tpopM[,2:ncol(tpopM)] + tpopF[,2:ncol(tpopF)]

adjust.to.dataset <- function(country, q, adj.dataset=NULL, adj.file=NULL, years=NULL, 
                              use=c('write', 'trajectories'), allow.negatives = TRUE) {
	if(is.null(adj.dataset)) {
		adj.dataset <- read.table(adj.file, header=TRUE, check.names=FALSE)
	colidx <- if(is.null(years)) (1:ncol(adj.dataset))[-which(colnames(adj.dataset)%in%c('country_code', 'country', 'name'))] else as.character(years)
	idx1 <- which(adj.dataset$country_code == country)
	if(use=='write') {
		med <- q['0.5']
		dif <- med - adj.dataset[idx1,colidx]
		if(!allow.negatives) dif <- pmin(q, dif)
	if(use=='trajectories') {
		med <- apply(q, 1, 'median', na.rm = TRUE)[colnames(adj.dataset[,colidx])]
		dif <- as.matrix(med - adj.dataset[idx1,colidx])
		res <- aaply(q[colnames(adj.dataset[,colidx]),], 2, '-', dif)
		if(!allow.negatives) res <- pmax(res, 0)
		res <- aperm(res, c(2,1))
		if(! rownames(q)[1] %in% rownames(res))
			res <- rbind(q[1,], res) # add current year
		rownames(res) <- rownames(q)

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