
Defines functions extract.trajectories.le extract.trajectories.ge .extract.trajectories extract.trajectories.eq get.trajectory.indices cohorts UNcountries as.environment.bayesPop.prediction litem get.pop.all.countries get.pop.observed.all.countries get.pop.from.expression.all.countries .solve.observed.expression.for.country .solve.expression.for.country mac.expression mac.expression5 mac.expression1 age.index05 age.index01 drop.age age.func1 age.func .do.age.func .remove.all.spaces .remove.trailing.spaces gmean1 gmean .do.gmean gmedian1 gmedian .do.gmedian .add.dropped.dims.and.perm.after.aaply pop.apply period.ratio1 period.ratio .do.period.ratio period.diff1 period.diff mid.period1 mid.period .do.mid.period pop.combine get.pop.observed.from.expression.multiple.age.all.countries get.pop.observed.from.expression.all.countries collect.all.countries.observed get.pop.observed.from.expression.multiple.age get.pop.observed.from.expression .get.compatible.pop.matrix.end.years .get.compatible.pop.matrix.middle.years get.pop.trajectories.from.expression.multiple.age get.pop.trajectories.from.expression .extract.trajectories.from.expression.byage get.pop.exba.all .extract.trajectories.from.expression get.pop.ex.all get.pop.exba get.pop.ex .parse.pop.expression .get.trajectories get.pop get.countries.table.bayesPop.prediction get.quantiles.to.keep get.pop.observed.periods get.observed.year.index get.prediction.year.index get.pop.prediction.periods .get.year.index get.age.labels get.popVE.trajectories.and.quantiles get.survival get.ax get.ex get.qx .get.lt.col .mx.replace.na.for.old.ages get.mx mx.aggregate mid.period3d get.migration get.pop.traj.quantiles get.pop.traj.quantiles.byage is.saved.pi get.pop.trajectories.multiple.age get.pop.trajectories pop.trajectories .load.traj.file .get.pop.quantiles get.pop.observed.multiple.countries get.pop.observed get.pop.observed.with.age print.summary.bayesPop.prediction summary.bayesPop.prediction .get.prediction.object get.pop.aggregation available.pop.aggregations has.pop.aggregation pop.cleanup.cache .remove.cache.file .save.cache .load.cache .cleanup.pop.before.save get.pop.prediction pop.output.directory has.pop.prediction lt.age.index lt.ages lt.age.length ages.fert age.length.fert age.index.fert ages.all age.length.all age.index.all get.expression.indicators

Documented in cohorts extract.trajectories.eq extract.trajectories.ge extract.trajectories.le get.age.labels get.countries.table.bayesPop.prediction get.pop get.pop.aggregation get.pop.ex get.pop.exba get.pop.prediction get.pop.trajectories get.pop.trajectories.multiple.age get.pop.traj.quantiles get.prediction.year.index get.trajectory.indices has.pop.prediction is.saved.pi mac.expression mac.expression1 mac.expression5 pop.cleanup.cache pop.trajectories print.summary.bayesPop.prediction summary.bayesPop.prediction

get.expression.indicators <- function() {
		return(list(D='deaths', B='births', S='survival', F='fertility', Q='qx', M='mx', 
		            G='migration', R='pasfr', E='ex', A='ax'))

age.index.all <- function(...) 

age.length.all <- function(annual = FALSE, observed = FALSE){
    if(annual) {
        if(observed) return(101) 
    if(observed) return(21) 

ages.all <- function(annual = FALSE, observed = FALSE) {
    l <- age.length.all(annual, observed)
        return(seq(0, length = l))
    return(seq(0, by = 5, length = l))

age.index.fert <- function(annual = FALSE) {
    if(annual) return(11:55)

age.length.fert <- function(...)

ages.fert <- function(...)

lt.age.length <- function(annual = FALSE, ...) {
    l <- age.length.all(annual = annual, ...)
    if(!annual) l <- l + 1

lt.ages <- function(annual = FALSE, observed = FALSE) {
    l <- lt.age.length(annual, observed)
        return(seq(0, length = l))
    return(c(0, 1, seq(5, by = 5, length = l-2)))

lt.age.index <- function(...) 

has.pop.prediction <- function(sim.dir) {
	if(file.exists(file.path(sim.dir, 'predictions', 'prediction.rda'))) return(TRUE)

pop.output.directory <- function(pop.pred) return(file.path(pop.pred$base.directory, pop.pred$output.directory))

get.pop.prediction <- function(sim.dir, aggregation=NULL, write.to.cache=TRUE) {
	# Returns an object of class bayesPop.prediction
	if(!is.null(aggregation)) return(get.pop.aggregation(sim.dir, name=aggregation))
	output.dir <- file.path(sim.dir, 'predictions')
	pop.pred <- .get.prediction.object(output.dir, 'predictions')
	pop.pred$base.directory <- normalizePath(sim.dir)
	pop.pred$cache <- .load.cache(output.dir)
	pop.pred$write.to.cache <- write.to.cache
	pop.pred$is.aggregation <- FALSE
	if(is.null(pop.pred$annual)) pop.pred$annual <- FALSE
.cleanup.pop.before.save <- function(pop.pred, remove.cache=FALSE) {
	# remove items that do not have to be saved because they are added using get.pop.prediction
	names.to.remove <- c('output.directory', 'base.directory', 'write.to.cache', 'is.aggregation', 
							if(remove.cache) 'cache' else NULL)
	names.to.remove <- names.to.remove[names.to.remove %in% names(pop.pred)]
	if(length(names.to.remove) > 0) {
		pred <- pop.pred[-which(names(pop.pred) %in% names.to.remove)] # this removes the class attribute
		class(pred) <- class(pop.pred)
.load.cache <- function(sim.dir) {
	if(!file.exists(file.path(sim.dir, 'cache.rda'))) return(new.env())
	cache <- local({load(file.path(sim.dir, 'cache.rda'))

.save.cache <- function(pop.pred) {
	if(is.null(pop.pred$cache) || (!is.null(pop.pred$write.to.cache) && !pop.pred$write.to.cache)) return()
	cache <- pop.pred$cache
	save(cache, file=file.path(pop.output.directory(pop.pred), 'cache.rda'))

.remove.cache.file <- function(dir) {
	file.name <-file.path(dir, 'cache.rda')
	if(file.exists(file.name)) unlink(file.name)

pop.cleanup.cache <- function(pop.pred) {
	if(!is.null(pop.pred$write.to.cache) && !pop.pred$write.to.cache) {
			warning('No cache manipulation allowed for this prediction object.')
		rm(list=ls(pop.pred$cache), envir=pop.pred$cache)

has.pop.aggregation <- function(sim.dir=NULL, pop.pred=NULL, return.dirs=FALSE) {
	if(is.null(sim.dir)) sim.dir <- pop.pred$base.directory
	dirs <- list.files(sim.dir, pattern='^aggregations_', full.names=FALSE)
	if(return.dirs) return(dirs)
	return (length(dirs) > 0)

available.pop.aggregations <- function(pop.pred){
	dirs <- has.pop.aggregation(pop.pred=pop.pred, return.dirs=TRUE)
	if(length(dirs)<=0) return(c())
	return(substr(dirs, 14, nchar(dirs)))

get.pop.aggregation <- function(sim.dir=NULL, pop.pred=NULL, name=NULL, write.to.cache=TRUE) {
	# Returns an object of class bayesPop.prediction created by aggregation
	if(is.null(sim.dir)) sim.dir <- pop.pred$base.directory
	dirs <- has.pop.aggregation(sim.dir=sim.dir, return.dirs=TRUE)
	if(length(dirs) == 0) {
		warning('No aggregation available in', sim.dir)
	output.dir <- file.path(sim.dir, dirs)
	names <- substr(dirs, 14, nchar(dirs))
	if(length(names) == 1){
		if(!is.null(name) && name != names) 
			warning('Mismatch in aggregation names. Available aggregation is called ', names)
		pop.aggr <- .get.prediction.object(output.dir, paste('aggregations', names, sep='_'))
	} else {
		idx <- which(names == name)
		if (length(idx) == 0) idx <- menu(names, title='Available aggregations:')	
		pop.aggr <- .get.prediction.object(output.dir[idx], paste('aggregations', names[idx], sep='_'))
	pop.aggr$base.directory <- normalizePath(sim.dir)
	pop.aggr$is.aggregation <- TRUE
	pop.aggr$cache <- .load.cache(pop.output.directory(pop.aggr))
	pop.aggr$write.to.cache <- write.to.cache
	if(is.null(pop.aggr$annual)) pop.aggr$annual <- FALSE


.get.prediction.object <- function(directory, name=directory) {
	pred.file <- file.path(directory, 'prediction.rda')
	if(!file.exists(pred.file)) {
		warning('File ', pred.file, ' does not exist.')
	bayesPop.prediction$output.directory <- name
	# convert inputs to environment
		bayesPop.prediction$inputs <- list2env(bayesPop.prediction$inputs)

summary.bayesPop.prediction <- function(object, country=NULL, sex=c('both', 'male', 'female'), compact=TRUE, ...) {
	if(!is.null(country)) country <- get.country.object(country, country.table=object$countries)
	sex <- match.arg(sex)
	if (sex == 'male') {
		object$quantiles <- object$quantilesM
		object$traj.mean.sd <- object$traj.mean.sdM
	} else {
		if (sex == 'female') {
			object$quantiles <- object$quantilesF
			object$traj.mean.sd <- object$traj.mean.sdF
		} else sex <- 'both'
	res <- bayesTFR:::get.prediction.summary.data(object, 
				unchanged.pars=c('nr.traj', 'estim.years'), 
				country=country, compact=compact)
	res$nr.countries <- nrow(object$countries)
	res$sex <- sex
	class(res) <- 'summary.bayesPop.prediction'

print.summary.bayesPop.prediction <- function(x, digits = 5, ...) {
	cat('\nProjections:', length(x$projection.years), '(', x$projection.years[1], '-', 
					x$projection.years[length(x$projection.years)], ')')
	cat('\nInitial time point:', x$estim.years[length(x$estim.years)])
	cat('\nObserved time points:', length(x$estim.years), '(', x$estim.years[1], '-', 
					x$estim.years[length(x$estim.years)], ')')
	cat('\nTrajectories:', x$nr.traj)
	cat('\nNumber of countries:', x$nr.countries)
	if(!is.null(x$country.name)) {
		cat('\n\nCountry:', x$country.name, '\n')
		cat('\nProjected Population')
		if (x$sex != 'both') cat(' for', x$sex)
		print(x$projections, digits=digits, ...)

get.pop.observed.with.age <- function(pop.pred, country, sex=c('both', 'male', 'female'), age='all', data=NULL, annual = FALSE) {
	# Results are not sorted in the same order as values in "country". The caller should take care of it. 
	sex <- match.arg(sex)
	if(is.null(data)) data <- pop.pred$inputs$pop.matrix
	if(sex == 'both') {
		data <- data[['male']][,colnames(data[['male']]),drop=FALSE] + data[['female']][,colnames(data[['male']]),drop=FALSE]
	} else data <- data[[sex]]
	country.idx <- grep(paste('^', country, '_', sep='', collapse='|'), rownames(data), value=FALSE)
	data <- data[country.idx,, drop=FALSE]
	if(is.null(pop.pred$proj.years.pop)) {
		coln <- as.integer(colnames(data))
		if(coln[1] %% 5 != 0 && !annual) # column names should be the end of 5-year interval (not the middle)
			colnames(data) <- as.integer(colnames(data)) + 2
	max.age <- as.integer(round(nrow(data)/length(country),0))
	age.idx <- if(age[1]=='all') 1:max.age else age
	age.idx <- age.idx[age.idx <= max.age]
	return(list(data=data, age.idx=age.idx, max.age=max.age))

get.pop.observed <- function(pop.pred, country, sex=c('both', 'male', 'female'), age='all', sum.over.ages=TRUE) {
	data.age <- get.pop.observed.with.age(pop.pred, country, sex, age)
	data <- data.age$data
	if(nrow(data) == 0) {
		d <- rep(NA, ncol(data))
		names(d) <- names(data)
	age.idx <- data.age$age.idx
	if(sum.over.ages) return(colSums(data[age.idx,,drop=FALSE]))

get.pop.observed.multiple.countries <- function(pop.pred, countries, sex=c('both', 'male', 'female'), age='all', sum.over.ages=TRUE) {
	# the function assumes that population data are sorted be age
	data.age <- get.pop.observed.with.age(pop.pred, countries, sex, age)
	data <- data.age$data
	age.idx <- data.age$age.idx
	ncountries <- length(countries)
	max.age <- data.age$max.age
	cindex <- lapply(countries, function(x) grep(paste0("^", x, "_"), rownames(data), value=FALSE)[1:max.age])
	names(cindex) <- countries
	sum.over.countries <- function(country.idx) return(colSums(data[country.idx,][age.idx,]))
	if(sum.over.ages) return(list(data=t(sapply(cindex, sum.over.countries)), age.idx=age.idx))
	res <- array(NA, c(ncountries, length(age.idx), ncol(data)), dimnames=list(countries, age.idx, colnames(data)))
	countries.char <- names(cindex)
	for(i in 1:ncountries) res[i,,] <- as.matrix(data[cindex[[countries.char[i]]],])
	return(list(data=res, age.idx=age.idx))

.get.pop.quantiles <- function(pop.pred, what='', adjust=FALSE, allow.negative.adj = TRUE) {
	quant <- pop.pred[[paste0('quantiles', what)]]
	if(!adjust) return(quant)
	return(adjust.quantiles(quant, what, wpp.year=pop.pred$wpp.year, annual = pop.pred$annual, 
	                        env=pop.pred$adjust.env, allow.negatives = allow.negative.adj))

.load.traj.file <- function(dir, country, e) {
	traj.file <- file.path(dir, paste('totpop_country', country, '.rda', sep=''))
	if (!file.exists(traj.file)) return(0)
	load(traj.file, envir=e)

pop.trajectories <- function(pop.pred, country, sex=c('both', 'male', 'female'), age='all', ...) {
	country.object <- get.country.object(country, country.table=pop.pred$countries)
	res <- get.pop.trajectories(pop.pred, country.object$code, sex=sex, age=age, ...)

get.pop.trajectories <- function(pop.pred, country, sex=c('both', 'male', 'female'), age='all',
 									nr.traj=NULL, typical.trajectory=FALSE, adjust=FALSE, allow.negative.adj = TRUE) {
	quant <- hch <- age.idx <- traj <- traj.idx <-  NULL
	load.traj <- is.null(nr.traj) || nr.traj > 0 || typical.trajectory || adjust
	e <- new.env()
	if (!.load.traj.file(pop.output.directory(pop.pred), country, e))
		return(list(trajectories=traj, index=traj.idx, quantiles=quant, age.idx=age.idx, half.child=hch))
	if(adjust) {
		if(is.null(pop.pred$adjust.env)) pop.pred$adjust.env <- new.env()
		adjust.trajectories(country, e, pop.pred, pop.pred$adjust.env, allow.negatives = allow.negative.adj)
	sex <- match.arg(sex)
	max.age <- dim(e$totpf)[1] # should be 27 or 131 if annual = TRUE
	age.idx <- if(age[1]=='all') 1:max.age else age
	annual <- pop.pred$annual
	max.age.allowed <- age.length.all(annual)
	if(max(age.idx) > max.age.allowed || min(age.idx) < 1) {
	    if(annual) stop(paste('Age index must be between 0 and ', max.age.allowed - 1, '.')) 
	    stop(paste('Age index must be between 1 and ', max.age.allowed, '(age 130+).'))
	if(sex == 'both' && all((1:max.age) %in% age.idx)) { # for both sexes and all ages
		if(load.traj) traj <- e$totp
		quant <- .get.pop.quantiles(pop.pred, adjust=adjust, allow.negative.adj = allow.negative.adj)
		hch <- e$totp.hch
	} else {
	    if(sex == 'both') {
	        if(load.traj) traj <- colSums(e$totpm[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE]) + colSums(e$totpf[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE])
	        hch <- colSums(e$totpm.hch[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE]) + colSums(e$totpf.hch[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE])
	    } else {
	        if(sex=='male') {
	            if(load.traj) traj <- colSums(e$totpm[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE])
	            hch <- colSums(e$totpm.hch[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE])
	            if (length(age.idx) == max.age) quant <- .get.pop.quantiles(pop.pred, what='M', adjust=adjust, allow.negative.adj = allow.negative.adj)
	            else {if (length(age.idx) == 1) quant <- .get.pop.quantiles(pop.pred, what='Mage', adjust=adjust, allow.negative.adj = allow.negative.adj)[,age.idx,,]}
	        } else { # female
	            if(load.traj) traj <- colSums(e$totpf[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE])
	            hch <- colSums(e$totpf.hch[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE])
	            if (length(age.idx) == max.age) quant <- .get.pop.quantiles(pop.pred, what='F', adjust=adjust, allow.negative.adj = allow.negative.adj)
	            else {if (length(age.idx) == 1) quant <- .get.pop.quantiles(pop.pred, what='Fage', adjust=adjust, allow.negative.adj = allow.negative.adj)[,age.idx,,]}
	if(load.traj) {
		if(typical.trajectory) {
			traj.idx <- bayesTFR:::get.typical.trajectory.index(traj)
		} else {
			thintraj <- bayesTFR:::get.thinning.index(nr.traj, dim(traj)[2])
			if (thintraj$nr.points > 0) 
		 		traj.idx <- thintraj$index
	 	rownames(traj) <- litem('proj.years.pop', pop.pred, pop.pred$proj.years+2)
	return(list(trajectories=traj, index=traj.idx, quantiles=quant, age.idx=age.idx, half.child=hch))

get.pop.trajectories.multiple.age <- function(pop.pred, country, sex=c('both', 'male', 'female'), 
												age='all', nr.traj=NULL, proportion=FALSE, typical.trajectory=FALSE,
												adjust=FALSE, ...) {
	# Like get.pop.trajectories() but it doesn't sum up over ages.
	# Called when creating pop pyramid and pop.byage.*. Doesn't handle potential support ratio.
	age.idx <- traj.idx <- traj <- quant <- hch <- NULL
	e <- new.env()
	if (.load.traj.file(pop.output.directory(pop.pred), country, e)) {
		sex <- match.arg(sex)
		max.age <- dim(e$totpm)[1] # should be 27
		age.idx <- if(age[1]=='all') 1:max.age else age
		if(sex == 'both') {
			traj <- e$totpm[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE] + e$totpf[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE]
			hch <- e$totpm.hch[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE] + e$totpf.hch[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE]
		} else {
			if(sex=='male') {
				traj <- e$totpm[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE] 
				quant <- .get.pop.quantiles(pop.pred, what='Mage', adjust=adjust, ...)[,age.idx,,]
				hch <- e$totpm.hch[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE]
			} else {
				traj <- e$totpf[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE]
				quant <- .get.pop.quantiles(pop.pred, what='Fage', adjust=adjust, ...)[,age.idx,,]
				hch <- e$totpf.hch[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE]
			if(proportion) {
				totpop <- (apply(e$totpm[,,,drop=FALSE], c(2,3), sum) + apply(e$totpf[,,,drop=FALSE], c(2,3), sum))
				for(iage in 1:dim(traj)[1])
					traj[iage,,] <- traj[iage,,]/totpop
			traj.idx <- bayesTFR:::get.typical.trajectory.index(traj)
		else {
			thintraj <- bayesTFR:::get.thinning.index(nr.traj, dim(traj)[3])
			if (thintraj$nr.points > 0)
				traj.idx <- thintraj$index
	 	dimnames(traj)[[2]] <- litem('proj.years.pop', pop.pred, pop.pred$proj.years+2) # pop.pred$proj.years
	return(list(trajectories=traj, index=traj.idx, age.idx=age.idx, quantiles=quant, half.child=hch))

is.saved.pi <- function(pop.pred, pi, warning=TRUE) {
	if(length(pi) == 0) return(NULL)
	is.valid.pi <- rep(NA, length(pi))
	quantile.values <- as.numeric(dimnames(pop.pred$quantiles)[[2]])
	for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
		al <- (1+pi[i]/100)/2		
		is.valid.pi[i] <- any(round(quantile.values,6)==round(al,6))
		if(!is.valid.pi[i] && warning)
			warning(pi[i], '% interval not available.')

get.pop.traj.quantiles.byage <- function(quantile.array, pop.pred, country.index, country.code, year.index,
									trajectories=NULL, pi=80, q=NULL, ...) {
	# quantile.array should be 4d-array (country x age x quantiles x time)
	al <- if(!is.null(q)) q else c((1-pi/100)/2, (1+pi/100)/2)
	found <- FALSE
	if(!is.null(quantile.array)) {
		quantile.values <- as.numeric(dimnames(quantile.array)[[3]])
		cqp <- NULL
		if (any(alidx)) { # pre-saved quantiles
			cqp <- quantile.array[country.index,,alidx,year.index]
			if(length(al) > 1) {
				alidx2 <- round(quantile.values,6)==round(al[2],6)
				cqp <- rbind(cqp, quantile.array[country.index, ,alidx2,year.index])
			found <- TRUE
	if(!found) { # non-standard quantiles
		if(is.null(trajectories)) {
			warning('Quantiles not found')
		cqp <- apply(trajectories[,year.index,,drop=FALSE], 1, 
						quantile, al, na.rm = TRUE)

get.pop.traj.quantiles <- function(quantile.array, pop.pred, country.index=NULL, country.code=NULL, 
									trajectories=NULL, pi=80, q=NULL, reload=TRUE, ...) {
	# quantile.array should be 3d-array (country x quantiles x time). 
	# If country.index is NULL or there is just one country in the prediciton object, 
    # the country dimension can be omitted 
	al <- if(!is.null(q)) q else c((1-pi/100)/2, (1+pi/100)/2)
	found <- FALSE
	if(!is.null(quantile.array)) {
		if((is.null(country.index) || nrow(pop.pred$countries) == 1) && length(dim(quantile.array))<3) {
			quantile.array <- abind(quantile.array, along=0)
			country.index <- 1
		quantile.values <- as.numeric(dimnames(quantile.array)[[2]])
		cqp <- NULL
		if (any(alidx)) { # pre-saved quantiles
			cqp <- quantile.array[country.index, alidx,]
			if(length(al) > 1) {
				alidx2 <- round(quantile.values,6)==round(al[2],6)
				cqp <- rbind(cqp, quantile.array[country.index, alidx2,])
			found <- TRUE
	if(!found) { # non-standard quantiles
		if(is.null(trajectories) && !reload) {
			warning('Quantiles not found')
		do.reload <- FALSE
		if (is.null(trajectories)) {
			if(pop.pred$nr.traj > 0) do.reload <- TRUE
		} else { 
			if (dim(trajectories)[2] < 2000 && pop.pred$nr.traj > dim(trajectories)[2] && reload) do.reload <- TRUE
		if(do.reload) {
			#load 2000 trajectories maximum for computing quantiles
			traj.reload <- get.pop.trajectories(pop.pred, country.code, nr.traj=2000, ...)
			trajectories <- traj.reload$trajectories
		if (!is.null(trajectories)) {
			if(is.null(dim(trajectories))) trajectories <- abind(trajectories, along=2) # only one trajectory
			cqp <- apply(trajectories, 1, 
						quantile, al, na.rm = TRUE)
		} else {
			warning('Quantiles not found')

get.migration <- function(pop.pred, country, sex, is.observed=FALSE, VEenv=NULL) {
    par1 <- paste0('mig',tolower(sex))
    par2 <- paste0(tolower(sex), 'mig')
    res <- NULL	
    if(!is.null(VEenv)) {
        for(par in c(par1, par2)) {
            if(!is.null(VEenv[[par]])) {
                res <- VEenv[[par]]
    if(is.null(res)) {
        par3 <- paste0('MIG',tolower(sex))
        inputs <- if(is.observed) pop.pred$inputs$observed else pop.pred$inputs
        res <- .get.par.from.inputs(par3, inputs, country)
        if(!is.observed) {
            #add present year 
            obs <- .get.par.from.inputs(par3, pop.pred$inputs$observed, country)
            res <- cbind(obs[,ncol(obs)], res)
            colnames(res) <- pop.pred$proj.years
        res <- abind(res, along=3)

mid.period3d <- function(dat)
    (dat[,-1, ,drop = FALSE] + dat[,-dim(dat)[2],, drop = FALSE])/2.

mx.aggregate <- function(mx, pop, abridged = TRUE) {
    # Aggregate mx over sexes
    # mx and pop are lists with elements for male and female
    abr.deaths <- abr.pop <- list()
    for(s in c("male", "female")) {
        if(length(dim(pop[[s]]))<3) pop[[s]] <- abind(pop[[s]], along=3)
        # abridged average population split to 0-1 and 1-4
        abr.pop[[s]] <- mx[[s]]
        abr.pop[[s]][] <- NA
        apop <- mid.period3d(pop[[s]])
            apop <- split.pop05(apop)
        if(dim(apop)[2] > dim(abr.pop[[s]])[2]) # remove time periods from apop to align with mx
            apop <- apop[,-(1:(dim(apop)[2] - dim(abr.pop[[s]])[2])),,drop = FALSE]
        itime <- (dim(abr.pop[[s]])[2] - dim(apop)[2] + 1):dim(abr.pop[[s]])[2]
        abr.pop[[s]][,itime,] <- pmax(apop, 1e-4)
        # abridged deaths
        abr.deaths[[s]] <- abr.pop[[s]] * mx[[s]]
    # combine to mx
    denom <- abr.pop$male + abr.pop$female
    aggr.mx <- (abr.deaths$male + abr.deaths$female)/denom
    #aggr.mx[is.na(aggr.mx) & denom == 0] <- 1 # it is NA where pop is zero; set the mx to 1

get.mx <- function(mxm, sex, age05=c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), abridged = TRUE, pop = NULL) {
    if(sex == "T")  # mx for both sexes
        mxm <- mx.aggregate(mxm, pop, abridged = abridged)
    if(length(dim(mxm))<3) mxm <- abind(mxm, along=3)
    if(age05[3]) {
        res1 <- LifeTableMxCol(mxm[,, 1], colname='mx', sex=sex, age05=age05, abridged = abridged)
        if(is.null(dim(res1))) res1 <- abind(res1, along=2)
        res <- array(0, dim=c(dim(res1)[1], dim(res1)[2], dim(mxm)[3]))
        res[,,1] <- res1
        if(dim(mxm)[3]> 1) { 
            for (itraj in 2:dim(mxm)[3]) {
                res[,, itraj] <- LifeTableMxCol(mxm[,, itraj], colname='mx', sex=sex, age05=age05, abridged = abridged)
        dimnames(res)[[2]] <- dimnames(mxm)[[2]]
    if(abridged) {
        if(!age05[2]) mxm <- mxm[-2,,,drop=FALSE]
        if(!age05[1]) mxm <- mxm[-1,,,drop=FALSE]
	return (mxm)

.mx.replace.na.for.old.ages <- function(mx) {
    # replace NA at old ages with 1
    mask <- is.na(mx)
    mask[1:17,,] <- mask[1:17,,] & FALSE
    mx[mask] <- 1

.get.lt.col <- function(ltcol, mxm, sex, age05=c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), 
                        abridged = TRUE, replace.na = TRUE, pop = NULL) {
    if(sex == "T") mxm <- mx.aggregate(mxm, pop, abridged = abridged) # aggregate over sexes
    if(length(dim(mxm))<3) mxm <- abind(mxm, along=3)
    if(abridged && replace.na && any(is.na(mxm)) && any(!is.na(mxm)))
        mxm <- .mx.replace.na.for.old.ages(mxm)
    val1 <- LifeTableMxCol(mxm[,, 1], colname=ltcol, sex=sex, age05=age05, abridged = abridged)
    if(is.null(dim(val1))) val1 <- abind(val1, along=2)
    val <- array(0, dim=c(dim(val1)[1], dim(val1)[2], dim(mxm)[3]))
    val[,,1] <- val1
    dimnames(val)[[2]] <- dimnames(mxm)[[2]]
    if(dim(mxm)[3] <= 1) return(val)
    for (itraj in 2:dim(mxm)[3]) {
        val[,, itraj] <- LifeTableMxCol(mxm[,, itraj], colname=ltcol, sex=sex, age05=age05, abridged = abridged)
    return (val)

get.qx <- function(...) {
    return(.get.lt.col('qx', ...))

get.ex <- function(...) {
    return(.get.lt.col('ex', ...))

get.ax <- function(...) {
    return(.get.lt.col('ax', ...))

get.survival <- function(mxm, sex, age05=c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), abridged = TRUE,
                         replace.na = TRUE, pop = NULL) {
    if(sex == "T") mxm <- mx.aggregate(mxm, pop, abridged = abridged) # aggregate over sexes
	if(length(dim(mxm))<3) mxm <- abind(mxm, along=3)
	# sx21 <- dim(mxm)[1] < 27
	# for (itraj in 1:dim(mxm)[3]) {
		# LLm <- LifeTableMxCol(mxm[,, itraj, drop=FALSE], colname='Lx', sex=sex, age05=age05)
		# if(itraj == 1) {
			# if(is.null(dim(LLm))) LLm <- abind(LLm, along=2)
			# sx <- array(0, dim=c(dim(LLm)[1], dim(LLm)[2], dim(mxm)[3]), dimnames=vector("list", 3))
			# sr <- rep(0, dim(LLm)[1])
		# }
		# sx[,, itraj] <- apply(LLm, 2, function(x, sr) { if(!any(is.na(x))) {
															# res.sr <- if(sx21) .C("get_sx21_21", as.numeric(x), sx=sr)
																		# else .C("get_sx27", as.numeric(x), sx=sr)
															# return(res.sr$sx)
														# } 
														# return(rep(NA, length(x)))
													# }, sr)
	# }
	if(replace.na && any(is.na(mxm)) && any(!is.na(mxm)))
	    mxm <- .mx.replace.na.for.old.ages(mxm)
	sx1 <- LifeTableMxCol(mxm[,, 1], colname='sx', sex=sex, age05=age05, abridged = abridged)
	if(is.null(dim(sx1))) sx1 <- abind(sx1, along=2)
	sx <- array(0, dim=c(dim(sx1)[1], dim(sx1)[2], dim(mxm)[3]),
	            dimnames = c(dimnames(sx1)[1], dimnames(mxm)[2:3]))
	sx[,,1] <- sx1
	if(dim(mxm)[3] <= 1) return(sx) # one trajectory
	for (itraj in 2:dim(mxm)[3]) 
		sx[,, itraj] <- LifeTableMxCol(mxm[,, itraj], colname='sx', sex=sex, age05=age05, abridged = abridged)
	return (sx)

get.popVE.trajectories.and.quantiles <- function(pop.pred, country, 
									event=c('births', 'deaths', 'survival', 'fertility', 'qx', 'mx', 'migration', 'pasfr', 'ex', 'ax'), 
									sex=c('both', 'male', 'female'), age='all', sum.over.ages=TRUE,
 									nr.traj=NULL, q=NULL, typical.trajectory=FALSE, is.observed=FALSE,
									allow.higher.ages = FALSE, ...) {
 	# get trajectories and quantiles for vital events and other indicators
 	input.indicators <- c('migration')
 	#input.indicators <- c()
 	life.table.indicators <- c('survival', 'qx', 'mx', 'ex', 'ax')
 	quant <- hch <- age.idx <- traj <- traj.idx <-  NULL
 	event <- match.arg(event)
 	sex <- match.arg(sex)
 	time.labels <- colnames(pop.pred$inputs$pop.matrix$male)
 	#if (!is.element(event, input.indicators)) {
		traj.file <- file.path(pop.output.directory(pop.pred), paste('vital_events_country', country, '.rda', sep=''))
		if (!file.exists(traj.file) && !is.element(event, input.indicators)) 
			return(list(trajectories=traj, index=traj.idx, quantiles=quant, age.idx=age.idx, half.child=hch, event=event))
		myenv <- new.env()
		if (file.exists(traj.file)) load(traj.file, envir=myenv)
		if(is.observed) myenv <- myenv$observed
	max.age.index.allowed <- age.length.all(pop.pred$annual)
	min.age.index.allowed <- 1
	if(is.observed) {
		nperiods <- length(get.pop.observed.periods(pop.pred))
		if(!allow.higher.ages) max.age.index.allowed <- age.length.all(pop.pred$annual, observed = TRUE)
	age.normal <- TRUE
	subtract.max.age <- 0
	if(is.element(event, life.table.indicators)) {
	    if(!pop.pred$annual) min.age.index.allowed <- -1
		mx <- list(male=myenv$mxm, female=myenv$mxf, male.hch=myenv$mxm.hch, female.hch=myenv$mxf.hch)
		mx$both <- list(male = mx$male, female = mx$female)
		mx$both.hch <- list(male = mx$male.hch, female = mx$female.hch)
		for(s in c("male", "female", "both")) {
		    if(sex == s) {
		        sex.names <- s
		        if(!is.observed) sex.names <- c(sex.names, paste0(s, ".hch"))
		poplist <- NULL
		if(sex=='both') {
		    if(!is.observed) {
		        pop <- list(male = get.pop.trajectories.multiple.age(pop.pred, country, sex = "male"),
		                    female = get.pop.trajectories.multiple.age(pop.pred, country, sex = "female"))
		        poplist <- list(both = list(male = pop$male$trajectories, female = pop$female$trajectories),
		                        both.hch = list(male = pop$male$half.child, female = pop$female$half.child))
		    } else {
		        poplist <- list(both = list(male = get.pop.observed(pop.pred, country, sex = "male", sum.over.ages=FALSE), 
		                                    female = get.pop.observed(pop.pred, country, sex = "female", sum.over.ages=FALSE)
		sexarg <- list(male = "M", female = "F", male.hch = "M", female.hch = "F", both = "T", both.hch =  "T")
		alltraj <- list(male=NULL, female=NULL, both = NULL, male.hch=NULL, female.hch=NULL, both.hch = NULL)
		age05 <- c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)
		if(! pop.pred$annual) {
		    if(age[1]!='all' && (any(age < 1))) {
			    age05 <- rep(TRUE, 3)
			    age.normal <- FALSE
			    subtract.max.age <- 2
		    abridged <- TRUE
	    } else abridged <- FALSE
		for(sn in sex.names) {
			if(!is.null(mx[[sn]])) {
				if(is.observed) {
				    if(sn == "both") {
				        dimnames(mx[[sn]]$female)[[2]] <- dimnames(mx[[sn]]$male)[[2]] <- time.labels[(length(time.labels)-dim(mx[[sn]]$male)[2]+1):length(time.labels)]
				    } else dimnames(mx[[sn]])[[2]] <- time.labels[(length(time.labels)-dim(mx[[sn]])[2]+1):length(time.labels)]
				alltraj[[sn]] <- do.call(paste0('get.', event), 
									list(mx[[sn]], sex=sexarg[[sn]], age05=age05, pop = poplist[[sn]], abridged = abridged))
	} else { # no life table events
		if (is.element(event, input.indicators)) { # migration
 			alltraj <- list(male=NULL, female=NULL, male.hch=NULL, female.hch=NULL)
 			sex.index <- 1:2
			if(sex=='male') sex.index <- sex.index[1]
			if(sex=='female') sex.index <- sex.index[2]
			for(is in sex.index) {
				alltraj[[names(alltraj)[is]]] <- do.call(paste0('get.', event), 
									list(pop.pred, country, sex=c("M","F","M","F")[is], is.observed=is.observed, VEenv=myenv))
		} else
		    alltraj <- switch(event,
		                      births = list(male=myenv$btm, female=myenv$btf, male.hch=myenv$btm.hch, female.hch=myenv$btf.hch),
		                      deaths = list(male=myenv$deathsm, female=myenv$deathsf, male.hch=myenv$deathsm.hch, female.hch=myenv$deathsf.hch),
		                      fertility = list(female=myenv$asfert, female.hch=myenv$asfert.hch),
		                      pasfr = list(female=myenv$pasfert, female.hch=myenv$pasfert.hch)
	has.hch <- !is.observed && (!is.null(alltraj$male.hch) || !is.null(alltraj$female.hch) || !is.null(alltraj$both.hch))
	max.age <- NULL
	for(s in c("male", "female", "both")) {# max.age should be 7, 21, 27, 28 (28 only if zero is explicitely included in 'age', so never when age=='all')
        if(is.null(alltraj[[s]])) next
        max.age <- dim(alltraj[[s]])[1] - subtract.max.age
        trajdimnames <- dimnames(alltraj[[s]])
	if(is.null(max.age)) # no trajectories available
	    return(list(trajectories=traj, index=traj.idx, quantiles=quant, age.idx=age.idx, half.child=hch, event=event))
	max.age.shift <- 0 # shift for fertility indicators
	age.obs.length <- age.length.all(pop.pred$annual, observed = TRUE)
	first.fert.idx <- age.index.fert(pop.pred$annual)[1]
	if(max.age < age.obs.length) max.age.shift <- first.fert.idx - 1
	age.idx <- age.idx.raw  <- if(age[1]=='all') 1:max.age else age[age <= (max.age + max.age.shift)] 
	quantiles <- if(is.null(q)) get.quantiles.to.keep() else q

	if(event %in% c('births', 'fertility', 'pasfr')) {
		if(age[1] != 'all') {
			age.idx <- age.idx - max.age.shift # translate age index into mother's child-bearing age index
			if(length(age.idx)==0 || max(age.idx) > max.age || min(age.idx) < 1){
			    if(pop.pred$annual) stop('Age index for ', event, ' must be between ', max.age.shift, ' and ', max.age + max.age.shift - 1, '.')
			    allowed.ages <- ages.fert(pop.pred$annual)
			    stop('Age index for ', event, ' must be between ', max.age.shift + 1, ' (age ', allowed.ages[1], '-', allowed.ages[1]+4, ') and ', 
				     max.age + max.age.shift, ' (age ', allowed.ages[length(allowed.ages)], '-', allowed.ages[length(allowed.ages)]+4, ').')
		} else age.idx.raw <- age.idx + max.age.shift
	if(length(age.idx)==0 || max(age.idx) > max.age.index.allowed || (min(age.idx) < min.age.index.allowed)) {
	    age.ranges <- c(min.age.index.allowed, max.age.index.allowed, max.age)
	    if(pop.pred$annual) age.ranges <- age.ranges - 1 # age argument is assumed to be already shifted for 1-year age groups, i.e. starting with 1 instead of allowed 0
		stop('Age index must be between ', age.ranges[1], ' (first age category) and ', min(age.ranges[3], age.ranges[2]),  
						' (open-ended age category).')
	if(!age.normal) {
		age.idx.raw <- age.idx
		age.idx <- age.idx+2
	#if(!is.observed) stop('')
	hch <- NULL
	if(event  %in% c('fertility', 'pasfr')) sex <- 'female'
	if(sex == 'both' && !is.element(event, life.table.indicators)) { # summing over sexes
		if(sum.over.ages) {
			traj <- colSums(alltraj$male[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE]) + colSums(alltraj$female[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE])
			if(has.hch) hch <- colSums(alltraj$male.hch[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE]) + colSums(alltraj$female.hch[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE])
		} else {
			traj <- alltraj$male[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE] + alltraj$female[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE]
			if(has.hch) hch <- alltraj$male.hch[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE] + alltraj$female.hch[age.idx,,,drop=FALSE]
	} else { # one sex
		if(sum.over.ages) {
			traj <- colSums(alltraj[[sex]][age.idx,,,drop=FALSE])
			if(has.hch) hch <- colSums(alltraj[[paste(sex,'hch', sep='.')]][age.idx,,,drop=FALSE])
		} else {
			traj <- alltraj[[sex]][age.idx,,,drop=FALSE]
			if(has.hch) hch <- alltraj[[paste(sex,'hch', sep='.')]][age.idx,,,drop=FALSE]
	if(is.observed) {
		if(length(dim(traj)) < 3) # age dimension is missing
			traj <- abind(traj, NULL, along=0)
		 if(dim(traj)[[2]] < nperiods) {		
			traj <- abind(array(NA, dim=c(dim(traj)[[1]], nperiods-dim(traj)[[2]], dim(traj)[[3]]), 
						dimnames=list(NULL, colnames(pop.pred$inputs$pop.matrix$male)[1:(nperiods-dim(traj)[[2]])], NULL)),
						traj, along=2)
	quant <- NULL
	if(!is.observed) {
		if(sum.over.ages) { # quantiles are 2-d arrays
			quant <- apply(traj, 1, quantile, quantiles, na.rm = TRUE)
			dimnames(quant) <- list(quantiles, trajdimnames[[2]])
			traj.for.thinning <- traj
			year.dim <- 1
		} else { # quantiles are 3-d arrays: age x quantiles x period
			quant <- aperm(apply(traj, c(1,2), quantile, quantiles, na.rm = TRUE), c(2,1,3))
			dimnames(quant) <- list(#pop.pred$ages[age.idx.raw], 
								trajdimnames[[1]][age.idx], quantiles, trajdimnames[[2]])
			traj.for.thinning <- traj[1,,]
			if(is.vector(traj.for.thinning)) # in case of one trajectory
				traj.for.thinning <- abind(traj.for.thinning, NULL, along=2)
			year.dim <- 2
	if((is.null(nr.traj) || nr.traj > 0) && !is.observed) {
		if(typical.trajectory) {
			traj.idx <- bayesTFR:::get.typical.trajectory.index(traj.for.thinning)
			if(!sum.over.ages && length(age.idx) > 1) {
				for(i in 2:length(age.idx))
					traj.idx <- rbind(traj.idx, bayesTFR:::get.typical.trajectory.index(traj[i,,]))
		} else {
			thintraj <- bayesTFR:::get.thinning.index(nr.traj, dim(traj.for.thinning)[2])
			if (thintraj$nr.points > 0) 
		 		traj.idx <- thintraj$index
		dimnames(traj)[[year.dim]] <- trajdimnames[[2]]
	} else if(!is.observed) traj <- NULL
	return(list(trajectories=traj, index=traj.idx, quantiles=quant, 
				age.idx=age.idx, age.idx.raw=age.idx.raw, half.child=hch, event=event))

get.age.labels <- function(ages, collapsed=FALSE, age.is.index=FALSE, last.open=FALSE, single.year = FALSE) {
	all.age <- ages.all(annual = single.year, observed = FALSE)
	ages.idx <- if(age.is.index) ages else which(is.element(all.age, ages))
	if(is.element(0, ages.idx) && !single.year) { # age 1-4 is included
		all.age <- c(-1, all.age)
		idx14 <- which(is.element(ages.idx,0))
		ages.idx[idx14] <- 1
		idx01 <- which(is.element(ages.idx,-1))
		ages.idx[-c(idx14,idx01)] <- ages.idx[-c(idx14,idx01)] + 1	
	if(is.element(-1, ages.idx) && !single.year) { # age 0-1 is included
		all.age <- c(-2, all.age)
		idx01 <- which(is.element(ages.idx,-1))
		ages.idx[idx01] <- 1
		ages.idx[-idx01] <- ages.idx[-idx01] + 1
	ages.idx.shift <- ages.idx+1
	if(collapsed) {
		ages.idx.dif <- which(!is.element(ages.idx, ages.idx.shift))
		ages.idx.shift <- ages.idx.shift[!is.element(ages.idx.shift, ages.idx)]
		ages.idx <- ages.idx[ages.idx.dif]
	lages <- all.age[ages.idx]
	uages <- all.age[ages.idx.shift]
	l <- length(lages)
	from <- all.age[ages.idx[1:(l-1)]]
	to <- all.age[ages.idx.shift[1:(l-1)]]-1
	if(!single.year) {
	    which.01 <- which(from < -1)
	    which.14 <- which(from < 0 & from > -2)
	    if(length(which.01)>0) { # includes age 0-1
		    from[which.01] <- 0
		    to[which.01][!is.na(to[which.01])] <- 1
	    if(length(which.14)>0) { # includes age 1-4
		    from[which.14] <- 1
		    to[which.14][!is.na(to[which.14])] <- 4
	result <- if(l==1 && is.na(to)) paste0(from, '+') # open-ended
			  else ifelse(from == to, from, paste0(from, '-', to))
	if (l > 1) result <- c(result, if(is.na(all.age[ages.idx.shift[l]]) || last.open) paste0(all.age[ages.idx[l]], '+')
			else ifelse(all.age[ages.idx[l]] == all.age[ages.idx.shift[l]]-1, all.age[ages.idx[l]], 
			            paste0(all.age[ages.idx[l]], '-', all.age[ages.idx.shift[l]]-1)))

.get.year.index <- function(year, years, annual = FALSE) {
    if(annual) return(if(year %in% years) which(years == year) else NA)
	lyears <- length(years)
	res <- as.integer(cut(year, labels=1:lyears, breaks=c(years-3, years[lyears]+2)))
	#breaks <- c(years-3, years[lyears]+2)
	#h <- try(hist(year, breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE)$count, silent=TRUE)
	#return(if(inherits(h, "try-error")) NULL else which(h > 0)[1])
get.pop.prediction.periods <- function(pop.pred, end.time.only=FALSE) {
    if(pop.pred$annual) return(pop.pred$proj.years)
	if(end.time.only) return(litem('proj.years.pop', pop.pred, pop.pred$proj.years+2))
	return(sapply(lapply(pop.pred$proj.years, '+', c(-3, 2)), paste, collapse='-'))
get.prediction.year.index <- function(pop.pred, year) {
	years <- pop.pred$proj.years
	return(.get.year.index(year, years, annual = pop.pred$annual))

get.observed.year.index <- function(pop.pred, year) 
	return(.get.year.index(year, as.integer(colnames(pop.pred$inputs$pop.matrix$male)), annual = pop.pred$annual))

get.pop.observed.periods <- function(pop.pred, end.time.only=FALSE) {
	years <- as.integer(colnames(pop.pred$inputs$pop.matrix$male))
	if(pop.pred$annual) return(years)
	if(is.null(pop.pred$proj.years.pop)) { # assuring compatibility before version 5.0-1 where years are the middle time points
		if(end.time.only) return(years + 2)
	} else {
		if(end.time.only) return(years)
		years <- years - 2
	return(sapply(lapply(years, '+', c(-3, 2)), paste, collapse='-'))

get.predORobs.year.index <- function (pred, year) 
    projection.index <- get.prediction.year.index(pred, year)
    projection <- TRUE
    if (is.null(projection.index) || is.na(projection.index)) {
        projection <- FALSE
        projection.index <- get.observed.year.index(pred, year)
    return(c(index = projection.index, is.projection = projection))

get.quantiles.to.keep <- function() {

get.countries.table.bayesPop.prediction <- function(object, ...) 
get.pop <- function(object, pop.pred, aggregation=NULL, observed=FALSE, ...) {
	split.object <- strsplit(object, '_', fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
	what <- substr(split.object[1],1,1)
	# Is it a vital event
	has.ve <- is.element(what, names(get.expression.indicators()))
	split.object[1] <- sub(what, '', split.object[1], fixed=TRUE)
	# Parse country
	country.string <- regmatches(split.object[1], 
						regexpr('^[[:alnum:]]*\\[|^[[:alnum:]]*\\{?|^XXX\\[|^XXX\\{?', split.object[1])) 
	country.code.char <- gsub('\\[|\\{', '', country.string)
	if(nchar(country.code.char) == 0) stop('No country specified.')
	if(country.code.char != 'XXX') {
		e <- new.env()
		data('iso3166', package='bayesTFR', envir=e)
		charcodename <- if(nchar(country.code.char)==2) 'charcode' else 'charcode3'
		country.code.iso <- e$iso3166[e$iso3166[,charcodename] == country.code.char,'uncode']
			country.code <- country.code.iso
		else {
			country.code <- as.integer(country.code.char)
			if(is.na(country.code)) stop('Unknown country ', country.code.char)
	} else {
		if(!observed) stop('Country must be specified. No XXX allowed.')
		country.code <- country.code.char
	# remove country code from the string
	split.object[1] <- sub(paste(country.code.char, sep=''), '', split.object[1], fixed=TRUE)
	if(nchar(split.object[1])<=0) split.object <- split.object[-1]
	# Parse sex
	sex <- 'both'
	if(length(split.object) > 0) {
		for(sx in c('F', 'M')) {
			sx.idx <- grep(sx, split.object)
			if(length(sx.idx) > 0) {
				sex <- list(F='female', M='male')[[sx]]
				split.object[sx.idx] <- sub(sx, '', split.object[sx.idx])
	# Parse age
	sum.over.ages <- TRUE
	age <- 'all'
	age.part.idx <- grep("\\[|\\{", split.object)
	if(length(age.part.idx) > 0) {
		if(length(age.part.idx) > 1) stop('Only one age vector is allowed.')
		age <- eval(parse(text=gsub('\\[|\\]|\\{|\\}', '', split.object[age.part.idx])))
		if(is.null(age)) age <- 'all' else if(pop.pred$annual) age <- age + 1
		if(grepl("{", split.object, fixed=TRUE)) sum.over.ages <- FALSE
	# find country (search aggregations if not found, or if it is an aggregation search base prediction object)
	if(country.code != 'XXX') {
		country.object <- get.country.object(country.code, country.table=pop.pred$countries)
		if(is.null(country.object$code)) {
			if(pop.pred$is.aggregation) {
				base.pred <- get.pop.prediction(sim.dir=pop.pred$base.directory)
				country.object <- get.country.object(country.code, country.table=base.pred$countries)
				if(is.null(country.object$code)) stop('Invalid country code used.')
				pop.pred <- base.pred
			} else {
				av.aggrs <- available.pop.aggregations(pop.pred)
				indep.idx <- which(is.element('country', av.aggrs))
				if(length(indep.idx) > 0)  # put country-type aggregation first
					av.aggrs <- c('country', av.aggrs[-indep.idx])
				if(is.null(aggregation)) aggregation <- av.aggrs
				for(aggr in aggregation) {
					if(!is.element(aggr, av.aggrs)) {warning('Aggregation', aggr, 'not available.'); next}
					aggr.obj <- get.pop.aggregation(pop.pred=pop.pred, name=aggr)
					country.object <- get.country.object(country.code, country.table=aggr.obj$countries)
					if(!is.null(country.object$code)) {pop.pred <- aggr.obj; break}
				if(is.null(country.object$code)) stop('Invalid country code used.')
	if(observed) {
		if(country.code != 'XXX') {
			if(!has.ve) {
				traj <- get.pop.observed.with.age(pop.pred, country=country.object$code, sex=sex, age=age)
				d <- traj$data[traj$age.idx,,drop = FALSE]
			} else {
				traj <- get.popVE.trajectories.and.quantiles(pop.pred, country.object$code, 
											event=get.expression.indicators()[[what]], sex=sex, age=age, 
											sum.over.ages=FALSE, is.observed=TRUE, ...)
				traj$age.idx <- traj$age.idx.raw
				d <- traj$trajectories
		    if(is.null(d)) return(NULL)
			if(sum.over.ages) {
				if(!is.null(nrow(d)) && nrow(d) == 0) # country not found in the observed data
					d <- rep(NA, ncol(d))
				else d <- colSums(d)
				data <- as.matrix(d) # adds trajectory dimension if missing
				dim(data) <- c(1, dim(data)) # adding age dimension
				dimnames(data) <- list(NULL, colnames(traj$data), NULL)
			} else {# only if it was not summed up, because then the as.matrix command adds a dimension
				data <- if(is.null(dim(d)) || !is.array(d)) as.matrix(d) else d
				#data <- as.matrix(d)
				#if(age[1]=='all') { # extend to 27 age categories
				#	if(dim(data)[1] < 27) data <- rbind(data, matrix(0, nrow=27-nrow(data), ncol=ncol(data)))
				#	traj$age.idx <- c(traj$age.idx, (nrow(d)+1):27)
				if(length(dim(data)) < 3) {
					dim(data) <- c(dim(data), 1)
					dimnames(data)[2:length(dim(d))] <- dimnames(d)[2:length(dim(d))]
			dimnam <- dimnames(data)
			dim(data) <- c(1, dim(data)) # adding country dimension
			dimnames(data)[2:length(dim(data))] <- dimnam
		} else { # multiple countries
		    if(has.ve) stop("XXX is only allowed for population.")
			traj <- get.pop.observed.multiple.countries(pop.pred, countries=pop.pred$countries$code, sex=sex, 
														age=age, sum.over.ages=sum.over.ages)
			data <- traj$data
			if(!sum.over.ages) {
				if(age[1]=='all') { # extend to 27 age categories
				    lages <- age.length.all(pop.pred$annual)
					traj$age.idx <- c(traj$age.idx, (dim(data)[[2]]+1):lages)
					data <- abind(data, array(0, c(dim(data)[[1]], lages-dim(data)[[2]], dim(data)[[3]])), along=2)
				dim(data) <- c(dim(data), 1) # adding trajectory dimension
				dimnames(data)[[3]] <- dimnames(traj$data)[[3]]
			} else {
				dim(data) <- c(dim(data)[[1]], 1, dim(data)[[2]], 1) # adding age and trajectory dimension
				dimnames(data)[[3]] <- dimnames(traj$data)[[2]]
			if(!is.null(dimnames(traj$data[[1]]))) dimnames(data)[[1]] <- dimnames(traj$data)[[1]]
	} else { # projections
		if(what == 'P')
			traj <- .get.trajectories(sum.over.ages=sum.over.ages, pop.pred, country=country.object$code, sex=sex, age=age, ...)
		else {
				traj <- get.popVE.trajectories.and.quantiles(pop.pred, country.object$code, 
											event=get.expression.indicators()[[what]], sex=sex, age=age, 
											sum.over.ages=sum.over.ages, ...)
				time.dim <- if(sum.over.ages) 1 else 2
				if(dim(traj$trajectories)[time.dim] < length(pop.pred$proj.years)) { # add current year
					traj$trajectories <- abind(array(NA, dim=dim(traj$trajectories)[-time.dim]), traj$trajectories, along=time.dim)
					dimnames(traj$trajectories)[[time.dim]] <- pop.pred$proj.years
				traj$age.idx <- traj$age.idx.raw
			} else stop('Indicator ', what, 'not implemented.')
		data <- traj$trajectories
		dim(data) <- c(1,dim(data)) # adding country  dimension
		if(sum.over.ages) {
			dim(data) <- c(1,dim(data)) # adding age dimension
			dimnames(data) <- list(NULL, NULL, dimnames(traj$trajectories)[[1]], NULL)
		} else dimnames(data) <- list(NULL, dimnames(traj$trajectories)[[1]], dimnames(traj$trajectories)[[2]], NULL)
	if(length(traj$age.idx) == dim(data)[[2]]) dimnames(data)[[2]] <- traj$age.idx
	    #dimnames(data)[[2]] <- if(pop.pred$annual) traj$age.idx - 1 else traj$age.idx

.get.trajectories <- function(sum.over.ages=TRUE, ...){
	traj <- if(sum.over.ages) get.pop.trajectories(...) else get.pop.trajectories.multiple.age(...)

.parse.pop.expression <- function(expression, args='...') {
	# Add spaces around binary operators so that expression components can be identified
	#expression <- gsub('(\\*|\\/|\\+|\\-|\\^|\\%\\%|\\%\\/\\%)', ' \\1 ', expression)
	expression <- gsub('(\\*|\\/|\\+|\\^|\\%\\%|\\%\\/\\%)', ' \\1 ', expression) # removed minus 
	indicators <- c('P', names(get.expression.indicators()))
	indOR <- paste(indicators, collapse='|')
	# Replace expression components by 'get.pop' calls
	return (gsub(paste('((', indOR, ')[[:graph:]]*[[:alnum:]]|(', indOR, ')[[:graph:]]*\\]|(', indOR, ')[[:graph:]]*\\})', sep=''),
			paste("get.pop('\\1', pop.pred,", args, ")"), expression))

get.pop.ex <- function(expression, pop.pred, observed = FALSE, as.dt = FALSE, ...) {
	# Return trajectories or observed values for an expression (defined by time)
    if(grepl("XXX", expression, fixed = TRUE))
        return(get.pop.ex.all(expression, pop.pred, observed = observed, as.dt = as.dt, ...))
		return(get.pop.observed.from.expression(expression, pop.pred, as.dt = as.dt, ...))
	result <- get.pop.trajectories.from.expression(expression, pop.pred, ...)
	res <- result$trajectories[,result$index]
	    trajectory <- NULL
	    res <- data.table::data.table(result$trajectories[,result$index, drop = FALSE], keep.rownames = TRUE)
	    res <- data.table::melt(res, id.vars = "rn", value.name = "indicator", variable.name = "trajectory",
	                  variable.factor = FALSE)
	    res[, trajectory := as.integer(gsub("V", "", trajectory))]
	    data.table::setnames(res, "rn", "year")

get.pop.exba <- function(expression, pop.pred, observed = FALSE, as.dt = FALSE, ...) {
	# Return trajectories or observed values for an expression (defined by age, i.e. includes {})
    if(grepl("XXX", expression, fixed = TRUE))
        return(get.pop.exba.all(expression, pop.pred, observed = observed, as.dt = as.dt, ...))
		return(get.pop.observed.from.expression.multiple.age(expression, pop.pred, as.dt = as.dt, ...))
	result <- get.pop.trajectories.from.expression.multiple.age(expression, pop.pred, ...)
	res <- result$trajectories[,,result$index]
	    age <- NULL
	    res <- data.table::as.data.table(result$trajectories[,,result$index, drop = FALSE], keep.rownames = TRUE, sorted = FALSE)
	    colnames(res) <- c("age", "year", "trajectory", "indicator")
        res <- res[, `:=`(age = ages.all(pop.pred$annual, observed = observed)[as.integer(age)], 
                          year = as.integer(year))]
        data.table::setcolorder(res, "year", "age")

get.pop.ex.all <- function(expression, pop.pred, observed=FALSE, as.dt = TRUE, parallel = FALSE, ...){
    # Return trajectories or observed values for an expression for all countries
        return(get.pop.observed.from.expression.all.countries(expression, pop.pred, as.dt = as.dt, ...))

    countries.idx <- seq_along(pop.pred$countries$code)
    ncores <- 0
        ncores <- getOption("cl.cores", detectCores(logical = FALSE))
    if(ncores > 1) {
        # This can take lots of time. Run it in parallel
        cat('Evaluating expression for all countries in parallel on', ncores, 'cores.\n',
            'Use options(cl.cores = {number_of_cores}) to change the number of cores used.\n')
        cl <- create.pop.cluster(ncores)
        clusterExport(cl, c("pop.pred", "expression"), envir=environment())
        result <- parLapplyLB(cl, countries.idx, function(i) .extract.trajectories.from.expression(i, pop.pred, expression, as.dt = as.dt, ...))
    } else { # sequential run
        result <- list()
        for(icntry in countries.idx){
            result[[icntry]] <- .extract.trajectories.from.expression(icntry, pop.pred, expression, as.dt = as.dt, ...)
    if(as.dt) {
        trajectory <- NULL
        resdt <- data.table::rbindlist(result)
        resdt <- data.table::melt(resdt, id.vars = c("country_code", "rn"), value.name = "indicator", variable.name = "trajectory",
                    variable.factor = FALSE)
        data.table::setnames(resdt, "rn", "year")
        resdt[, `:=`(year = as.integer(year), trajectory = as.integer(gsub("V", "", trajectory)))]
    } else resdt <- drop(do.call("abind", c(result, list(along = 0))))

.extract.trajectories.from.expression <- function(icntry, pop.pred, expression, as.dt = TRUE, ...){
    cntry <- pop.pred$countries$code[icntry]
    expr <- gsub('XXX', as.character(cntry), expression, fixed=TRUE)
    thisres <- get.pop.trajectories.from.expression(expr, pop.pred, ...)
    res <- thisres$trajectories[, thisres$index, drop = FALSE]
        res <- data.table::data.table(res, keep.rownames = TRUE)[, `:=`(country_code = cntry)]

get.pop.exba.all <- function(expression, pop.pred, observed=FALSE, as.dt = TRUE, parallel = FALSE, ...){
    # Return trajectories or observed values for an expression (defined by age, i.e. includes {}) for all countries
        return(get.pop.observed.from.expression.multiple.age.all.countries(expression, pop.pred, as.dt = as.dt))
    countries.idx <- seq_along(pop.pred$countries$code)
    ncores <- 0
        ncores <- getOption("cl.cores", detectCores(logical = FALSE))
    if(ncores > 1) {
        # This can take lots of time. Run it in parallel
        cat('Evaluating expression for all countries in parallel on', ncores, 'cores.\n',
            'Use options(cl.cores = {number_of_cores}) to change the number of cores used.\n')
        cl <- create.pop.cluster(ncores)
        clusterExport(cl, c("pop.pred", "expression"), envir=environment())
        result <- parLapplyLB(cl, countries.idx, function(i) .extract.trajectories.from.expression.byage(i, pop.pred, expression, as.dt = as.dt, ...))
    } else { # sequential run
        result <- list()
        for(icntry in countries.idx){
            result[[icntry]] <- .extract.trajectories.from.expression.byage(icntry, pop.pred, expression, as.dt = as.dt, ...)
    if(as.dt) {
        age <- NULL
        resdt <- data.table::rbindlist(result)
        colnames(resdt)[1:3] <- c("age", "year", "trajectory")
        resdt[, `:=`(age = ages.all(pop.pred$annual, observed = observed)[as.integer(age)], year = as.integer(year))]
        data.table::setcolorder(resdt, c("country_code", "year"))
    } else resdt <- drop(do.call("abind", c(result, list(along = 0))))

.extract.trajectories.from.expression.byage <- function(icntry, pop.pred, expression, as.dt = TRUE, ...){
    cntry <- pop.pred$countries$code[icntry]
    expr <- gsub('XXX', as.character(cntry), expression, fixed=TRUE)
    thisres <- get.pop.trajectories.from.expression.multiple.age(expr, pop.pred, ...)
    res <- thisres$trajectories[, , thisres$index, drop = FALSE]
        res <- data.table::as.data.table(res, keep.rownames = TRUE, 
                                        sorted = FALSE, value.name = "indicator")[, `:=`(country_code = cntry)]
get.pop.trajectories.from.expression <- function(expression, pop.pred, nr.traj=NULL, typical.trajectory=FALSE, 
													adj.to.file=NULL, adj.country=NULL, allow.negative.adj = TRUE, ...) {
	result <- eval(parse(text=.parse.pop.expression(expression, args='...')))
	odim <- length(dim(result))
	ntraj <- dim(result)[odim]
	traj.idx <- NULL
	if(odim == 4 && dim(result)[[1]] == 1) 
		result <- adrop(result, drop=1) # remove country dimension
	if(length(dim(result)) == 3 && dim(result)[[1]] == 1) 
		result <- adrop(result, drop=1) # remove age dimension
	if(ntraj > 1) {
		if(typical.trajectory) {
			traj.idx <- bayesTFR:::get.typical.trajectory.index(result)
		} else {
			thintraj <- bayesTFR:::get.thinning.index(nr.traj, dim(result)[2])
			if (thintraj$nr.points > 0) 
		 		traj.idx <- thintraj$index
	} else  {# only 1 trajectory
		traj.idx <- 1
		if(is.null(dim(result)) || (l==2 && dim(result)[2]==1)) along <- 2
		else along <- if(odim > l) l+1 else l 
		result <- abind(result, NULL, along=along)
	if(all(is.na(result[1,]))) { # first time period is NA probably due to using "mid.period"; replace with observed values
	    observed <- get.pop.observed.from.expression(expression, pop.pred, allow.higher.ages = TRUE, ...)
	    result[1,] <- observed[length(observed)]
		result <- adjust.to.dataset(adj.country, result, adj.file=adj.to.file, use='trajectories',
		                            allow.negatives = allow.negative.adj)
	return(list(trajectories=result, index=traj.idx))

get.pop.trajectories.from.expression.multiple.age <- function(expression, pop.pred, nr.traj=NULL, typical.trajectory=FALSE, ...) {
	result <- eval(parse(text=.parse.pop.expression(expression, args='...')))
	odim <- length(dim(result))
	ntraj <- dim(result)[odim]
	traj.idx <- NULL
	country.dropped <- FALSE
	if(odim == 4 && dim(result)[[1]] == 1) {
		result <- adrop(result, drop=1) # remove country dimension
		country.dropped <- TRUE
	if(ntraj > 1) {
		if(typical.trajectory) {
			traj.idx <- bayesTFR:::get.typical.trajectory.index(result[,1,])
		} else {
			thintraj <- bayesTFR:::get.thinning.index(nr.traj, dim(result)[3])
			if (thintraj$nr.points > 0) 
		 		traj.idx <- thintraj$index
	} else  {# only 1 trajectory
		traj.idx <- 1
		if(is.null(dim(result))) along <- 3
		else {
			along <- if(odim > l && !country.dropped) l+1 else l 
		result <- abind(result, NULL, along=along)
	if(all(is.na(result[,1,]))) { # first time period is NA probably due to using "mid.period"; replace with observed values
	    observed <- get.pop.observed.from.expression.multiple.age(expression, pop.pred, allow.higher.ages = TRUE, ...)
	    result[1:nrow(observed),1,] <- observed[,ncol(observed)]
	return(list(trajectories=result, index=traj.idx))

.get.compatible.pop.matrix.middle.years <- function(pop.pred) {
	years <- colnames(pop.pred$inputs$pop.matrix[['male']])
	if(pop.pred$annual) return(years)
	return(if(is.null(pop.pred$proj.years.pop)) years else as.character(as.integer(years)-2))

.get.compatible.pop.matrix.end.years <- function(pop.pred) {
	years <- colnames(pop.pred$inputs$pop.matrix[['male']])
	if(pop.pred$annual) return(years)
	return(if(is.null(pop.pred$proj.years.pop)) as.character(as.integer(years)+2) else years)

get.pop.observed.from.expression <- function(expression, pop.pred, as.vector=TRUE, as.dt = FALSE, ...) {
	result <- eval(parse(text=.parse.pop.expression(expression, args='observed=TRUE, ...')))
	if(as.vector && !is.null(result)) {
		result <- drop(result)
		if(is.null(names(result))) {
			l <- length(result)
			end <- ncol(pop.pred$inputs$pop.matrix[['male']])		
			names(result) <- .get.compatible.pop.matrix.middle.years(pop.pred)[(end-l+1):end]
	if(as.dt) {
	    result <- data.table::as.data.table(result, keep.rownames = TRUE, sorted = FALSE)
	    colnames(result) <- c("year", "indicator")   

get.pop.observed.from.expression.multiple.age <- function(expression, pop.pred, as.dt = FALSE, ...) {
	result <- adrop(eval(parse(text=.parse.pop.expression(expression, args='observed=TRUE, ...'))), drop=c(1,4)) # remove country and trajectory dimension
	years <- .get.compatible.pop.matrix.end.years(pop.pred)
	if(is.null(dimnames(result)[[2]]) || !all(dimnames(result)[[2]] %in% years)){
	    end.time <- ncol(pop.pred$inputs$pop.matrix[['male']])
	    years <- .get.compatible.pop.matrix.middle.years(pop.pred)
	    dimnames(result)[[2]] <- years[(end.time-dim(result)[2]+1):end.time]
	if(as.dt) {
	    age <- NULL
	    result <- data.table::as.data.table(result, keep.rownames = TRUE, sorted = FALSE)
	    result <- data.table::melt(result, id.vars = "rn", value.name = "indicator", 
	                               variable.name = "year", variable.factor = FALSE)
	    data.table::setnames(result, "rn", "age")
	    result[, `:=`(age = ages.all(pop.pred$annual, observed = TRUE)[as.integer(age)], year = as.integer(year))]
	    data.table::setcolorder(result, "year")

collect.all.countries.observed <- function(expression, pop.pred, time.index = NULL, as.dt = FALSE, ...) {
    years <- .get.compatible.pop.matrix.middle.years(pop.pred)
    years.pop <- .get.compatible.pop.matrix.end.years(pop.pred)
    set.year.dimnames <- FALSE
    result <- list()
    for(icntry in seq_along(pop.pred$countries$code)){
        cntry <- pop.pred$countries$code[icntry]
        expr <- gsub('XXX', as.character(cntry), expression, fixed=TRUE)
        thisres <- get.pop.observed.from.expression(expr, pop.pred, as.vector=FALSE, ...)
        if(icntry == 1){
            if(is.null(dimnames(thisres)[[3]]) || !all(dimnames(thisres)[[3]] %in% years.pop)){
                end.time <- ncol(pop.pred$inputs$pop.matrix[['male']])
                years.to.use <- years[(end.time-dim(thisres)[3]+1):end.time]
                set.year.dimnames <- TRUE
            } else years.to.use <- years.pop[1:dim(thisres)[3]]
            if(is.null(time.index)) time.index <- seq_along(years.to.use)
        if(set.year.dimnames) dimnames(thisres)[[3]] <- years.to.use
        result[[icntry]] <- thisres[1, , years.to.use[time.index],]
            result[[icntry]] <- data.table::as.data.table(result[[icntry]], keep.rownames = TRUE, sorted = FALSE)[, `:=`(country_code = cntry)]

get.pop.observed.from.expression.all.countries <- function(expression, pop.pred, time.index = NULL, as.dt = FALSE, ...) {
    result <- collect.all.countries.observed(expression, pop.pred, time.index = time.index, as.dt = as.dt, ...)
        resdt <- data.table::rbindlist(result)
        data.table::setnames(resdt, c("V1", "V2"), c("year", "indicator"))
        resdt[, year := as.integer(year)]
        data.table::setcolorder(resdt, "country_code")
    } else {
        resdt <- do.call("abind", c(result, list(along = 0)))
        dimnames(resdt)[[1]] <- pop.pred$countries$code

get.pop.observed.from.expression.multiple.age.all.countries <- function(expression, pop.pred, 
                                                                        time.index = NULL, as.dt = FALSE, ...) {
    result <- collect.all.countries.observed(expression, pop.pred, time.index = time.index, as.dt = as.dt, ...)
        rn <- NULL
        resdt <- data.table::rbindlist(result)
        resdt <- data.table::melt(resdt, id.vars = c("country_code", "rn"), value.name = "indicator", variable.name = "year",
                      variable.factor = FALSE)
        resdt[, `:=`(age = ages.all(pop.pred$annual, observed = TRUE)[as.integer(rn)],
                     year = as.integer(year))][, rn := NULL]
        data.table::setcolorder(resdt, c("country_code", "year", "age"))
    } else {
        resdt <- do.call("abind", c(result, list(along = 0)))
        dimnames(resdt)[[1]] <- pop.pred$countries$code

pop.combine <- function(data1, data2, fun, ..., split.along=c('age', 'traj', 'country')) {
	if(length(dim(data1))==length(dim(data2)) && all(dim(data1)==dim(data2))) 
		return(do.call(.remove.trailing.spaces(fun), list(data1, data2)))
	split.along <- match.arg(split.along)
	if(dim(data1)[3] != dim(data2)[3])
		stop('Mismatch in time dimension.', dim(data1)[3], ' vs. ', dim(data2)[3])
	all.splits.mrg <- c(2,4,1) 
	all.splits <- c('age', 'traj', 'country')
	margin <- all.splits.mrg[which(split.along == all.splits)]
	for(imar in 1:length(all.splits.mrg)) {
		if(split.along != all.splits[imar] && dim(data1)[all.splits.mrg[imar]] != dim(data2)[all.splits.mrg[imar]])
			stop('Mismatch in ', all.splits[imar], ' dimension.', 
				dim(data1)[all.splits.mrg[imar]], ' vs. ', dim(data2)[all.splits.mrg[imar]])
	data <- data2
	unchanged <- data1
	dropd <- c()
	if(split.along != 'country' && dim(data)[1]==1) dropd <- c(dropd, 1)
	if(dim(data)[margin]==1) dropd <- c(dropd, margin)
	data <- adrop(data, drop=dropd)
	return(pop.apply(unchanged, fun, split.along=split.along, data, ...))

.do.mid.period <- function(data, annual = FALSE) {
    periods <- as.integer(dimnames(data)[[3]])
    if(!annual && periods[1] %% 5 != 0) return(data) # only apply if the time is not the middle of 5-year periods
    newdata <- data[,,-dim(data)[3],, drop = FALSE] + (data[,,-1,, drop = FALSE] - data[,,-dim(data)[3],, drop = FALSE])/2.
    data[] <- NA
    data[,,-1,] <- newdata
    # adjust period names
    if(!annual) dimnames(data)[[3]] <- periods - 2

mid.period <- function(data) return(.do.mid.period(data))
mid.period1 <- function(data) return(.do.mid.period(data, annual = TRUE))

period.diff <- function(data) {
    newdata <- data[,,-1,, drop = FALSE] - data[,,-dim(data)[3],, drop = FALSE]
    data[] <- NA
    data[,,-1,] <- newdata

period.diff1 <- function(data) return(period.diff(data))

.do.period.ratio <- function(data, annual = FALSE) {
    newdata <- data[,,-1,, drop = FALSE] / data[,,-dim(data)[3],, drop = FALSE]
    data[] <- NA
    data[,,-1,] <- newdata
    # adjust period names
    periods <- as.integer(dimnames(data)[[3]])
    if(!annual && periods[1] %% 5 == 0)
        dimnames(data)[[3]] <- periods - 2

period.ratio <- function(data) {

period.ratio1 <- function(data) {
    return(.do.period.ratio(data, annual = TRUE))

pop.apply <- function(data, fun, ..., split.along=c('None', 'age', 'traj', 'country')) {
	if(is.character(fun)) fun <- .remove.trailing.spaces(fun) 
	split.along <- match.arg(split.along)
	if(split.along == 'None') {
		res <- aaply(data, c(1,3,4), fun, ..., .drop=FALSE)
		# add age dimension
		dim(res) <- c(dim(data)[1], 1, dim(data)[3:4])
	} else {
		margin <- c(2,4,1)[which(split.along == c('age', 'traj', 'country'))]
		res <- aaply(data, margin, fun, ..., .drop=FALSE)
		res <- .add.dropped.dims.and.perm.after.aaply(data, res, margin)
	for(i in c(1,3,4)) if(!is.null(dimnames(data)[[i]])) dimnames(res)[[i]] <- dimnames(data)[[i]]

.add.dropped.dims.and.perm.after.aaply <- function(data1, data2, margin) {
	if(length(dim(data2)) < length(dim(data1))) { # this is because sometimes aaply does drop a dimension
			# aaply puts the sliced dimension in front, so we have to find which dimensions were dropped
		i <- j <- 1
		ddim <- dim(data1)[-margin]
		rdim <- c()
		while(i <= length(ddim) && length(rdim) < length(ddim)) { 
			if(ddim[i]==1 && (j > length(dim(data2))-1 || dim(data2)[-1][j] > 1)) {
				rdim <- c(rdim, 1)
			} else {
				rdim <- c(rdim, dim(data2)[-1][j])
				j <- j+1
			i <- i+1
		dim(data2) <- c(dim(data2)[1], rdim)
	if(margin != 1) {# must be rearanged because aaply sometimes puts the sliced dimension in front
		which.not.equal <- which(dim(data1)!=dim(data2))
		if(length(which.not.equal)>1 || (length(which.not.equal)==1 && which.not.equal==1)) {
			pos <- rep(NA, length(dim(data2)))
			pos[margin] <- 1
			pos[is.na(pos)] <- seq(2,length(dim(data2)))
			data2 <- aperm(data2, pos)

.do.gmedian <- function(f, cats=NULL, single = FALSE) {
	if(all(is.na(f))) return(NA)
	# group median
    by <- if(single) 1 else 5
	if(is.null(cats)) cats <- seq(0, by=by, length=length(f)+1)
	nhalf <- sum(f)/2.
	cumsumf <- cumsum(f)
	medcat <- findInterval(nhalf, cumsumf) + 1
	med <- cats[medcat] + ((nhalf-cumsumf[medcat-1])/f[medcat])*(cats[medcat+1]-cats[medcat])

gmedian <- function(f, cats=NULL) {
    return(.do.gmedian(f, cats = cats, single = FALSE))

gmedian1 <- function(f, cats=NULL) {
    return(.do.gmedian(f, cats = cats, single = TRUE))

.do.gmean <- function(f, cats, single = FALSE) {
	if(all(is.na(f))) return(NA)
	# group mean
    by <- if(single) 1 else 5
	if(is.null(cats)) cats <- seq(0, by=by, length=length(f)+1)
	l <- min(length(cats), length(f)+1)
	mid.points <- cats[1:(l-1)] + (cats[2:l] - cats[1:(l-1)])/2.
	counts <- f*mid.points

gmean <- function(f, cats=NULL) {
    return(.do.gmean(f, cats = cats, single = FALSE))

gmean1 <- function(f, cats=NULL) {
    return(.do.gmean(f, cats = cats, single = TRUE))

.remove.trailing.spaces <- function(x) return(gsub("^[[:blank:]]|[[:blank:]]$", '', x))
.remove.all.spaces <- function(x) return(gsub("[[:blank:]]", '', x))

.do.age.func <- function(data, fun, mid.ages) {
    if(is.character(fun)) fun <- .remove.trailing.spaces(fun) 
    age <- as.integer(dimnames(data)[[2]])
    all.ages <- aperm(array(mid.ages, c(length(mid.ages), dim(data)[[1]],dim(data)[[3]],dim(data)[[4]])), 
                      c(2,1,3,4)) # to assure elementwise operations
    return(do.call(fun, list(data, all.ages[,age,,,drop=FALSE])))

age.func <- function(data, fun="*") {
	# data is expected to be 4-d array where the second dimension is age
	# It applies the given function to data and the corresponding age (middle of the age category)
    return(.do.age.func(data, fun, mid.ages = ages.all(annual = FALSE) + 2.5))

age.func1 <- function(data, fun="*") {
    # like age.func but for single-year age groups
    return(.do.age.func(data, fun, mid.ages = ages.all(annual = TRUE) + 0.5))

drop.age <- function(data) {
	dim(data) <- dim(data)[-2]

age.index01 <- function(end) return (c(-1,0,2:end))
age.index05 <- function(end) return (1:end)

mac.expression1 <- function(country) {
    factors <- ages.fert(annual = TRUE) + 0.5
    return(paste0("(", paste0(factors, "*R", country, "[", age.index.fert(annual = TRUE)-1, "]", collapse=" + "), ")/100"))

mac.expression5 <- function(country) mac.expression(country)

mac.expression <- function(country) {
	factors <- ages.fert(annual = FALSE) + 2.5
	return(paste0("(", paste0(factors, "*R", country, "[", age.index.fert(annual = FALSE), "]", collapse=" + "), ")/100"))

.solve.expression.for.country <- function(icountry, pop.pred, expression, adjust=FALSE, ...) {
    country <- pop.pred$countries$code[icountry]
    expr <- gsub('XXX', as.character(country), expression, fixed=TRUE)
    trajectories <- get.pop.trajectories.from.expression(expr, pop.pred, adjust=adjust, ...)
    return(get.pop.traj.quantiles(NULL, pop.pred, icountry, country, 
                                  trajectories=trajectories$trajectories,	q=get.quantiles.to.keep()))

.solve.observed.expression.for.country <- function(icountry, pop.pred, expression) {
    country <- pop.pred$countries$code[icountry]
    expr <- gsub('XXX', as.character(country), expression, fixed=TRUE)
    return(get.pop.observed.from.expression(expr, pop.pred))

get.pop.from.expression.all.countries <- function(expression, pop.pred, quantiles = NULL, 
                                                  time.index, observed = FALSE, 
                                                  adjust=FALSE, adj.to.file=NULL, 
                                                  allow.negative.adj = TRUE) {
    # get quantiles from expression for all countries
	compressed.expr <- gsub("[[:blank:]]*", "", expression) # remove spaces
	if(observed) compressed.expr <- paste0(compressed.expr, "_observed")
	if(!is.null(adj.to.file)) {
		adjust <- FALSE
		adjdata <- read.table(adj.to.file, header=TRUE, check.names=FALSE)
	.adjust.to.dataset.if.needed <- function(dat, cidx) {
		if(is.null(adj.to.file)) return(dat)
		res <- dat
		for(i in 1:nrow(dat)) {
			cntry <- pop.pred$countries$code[cidx[i]]
			tmp <- adjust.to.dataset(country=cntry, q=dat[rownames(dat)==cntry,], adj.dataset=adjdata, 
			                         years=get.pop.prediction.periods(pop.pred, end.time.only=TRUE)[time.index], use="write",
			                         allow.negatives = allow.negative.adj)
			if(length(tmp)==0) next # no adjustment
			res[i,] <- tmp
	#if(adjust) compressed.expr <- paste0(compressed.expr, '_adjusted')
	if(!is.null(pop.pred$cache) && !is.null(pop.pred$cache[[compressed.expr]])) {
		data <- pop.pred$cache[[compressed.expr]][,,time.index, drop = FALSE]
		    data <- data[,as.character(quantiles),, drop=FALSE]
		if(dim(data)[3] == 1) data <- adrop(data, 3)
		.all.is.na <- function(x) return(all(is.na(x)))
		countries.idx <- which(apply(data, 1, .all.is.na))
		if(length(countries.idx) <= 0) return(.adjust.to.dataset.if.needed(data, 1:nrow(pop.pred$countries)))
	} else {
		countries.idx <- 1:nrow(pop.pred$countries)
		data <- matrix(NA, nrow=dim(pop.pred$quantiles)[1], ncol=if(observed) 1 else length(quantiles))
		rownames(data) <- dimnames(pop.pred$quantiles)[[1]]
		if(!observed) {
		    colnames(data) <- quantiles
		    pop.pred$cache[[compressed.expr]] <- array(NA, dim(pop.pred$quantilesM), dimnames=dimnames(pop.pred$quantilesM))
		} else pop.pred$cache[[compressed.expr]] <- array(NA, 
		                                                  c(dim(pop.pred$quantilesM)[1], 1, dim(pop.pred$inputs$pop.matrix$male)[2]),
		                                                  dimnames=list(dimnames(pop.pred$quantilesM)[[1]], NULL, dimnames(pop.pred$inputs$pop.matrix$male)[[2]]))
	ncores <- getOption("cl.cores", detectCores(logical = FALSE))
	if(ncores > 1 && length(countries.idx)>10) {
		# This can take lots of time. Run it in parallel
		cat('Evaluating expression for all countries in parallel on', ncores, 'cores.\n')
		cl <- create.pop.cluster(ncores)
		clusterExport(cl, c("pop.pred", "expression"), envir=environment())
		    quant.list <- parLapplyLB(cl, countries.idx, function(i) .solve.expression.for.country(i, pop.pred, expression, adjust=adjust, allow.negative.adj = allow.negative.adj))
		    quant.list <- parLapplyLB(cl, countries.idx, function(i) .solve.observed.expression.for.country(i, pop.pred, expression))
		for(icountry in countries.idx) {
			pop.pred$cache[[compressed.expr]][icountry,,] <- quant.list[[icountry]]
			data[icountry,] <- if(observed) quant.list[[icountry]][time.index] else quant.list[[icountry]][paste0(quantiles*100, '%'), time.index]
	} else { # run sequentially
		if(length(countries.idx)>10) cat('Evaluating expression for all countries sequentially. Please be patient.\n')
		for(icountry in countries.idx) {
		    if(!observed) {
			    quant <- .solve.expression.for.country(icountry, pop.pred, expression, adjust=adjust, allow.negative.adj = allow.negative.adj)
			    data[icountry,] <- quant[paste0(quantiles*100, '%'), time.index]
		    } else {
		        quant <- .solve.observed.expression.for.country(icountry, pop.pred, expression)
		        quant <- abind(quant, along = 2)
		        data[icountry,] <- quant[time.index]
			pop.pred$cache[[compressed.expr]][icountry,,] <- quant
	res <- if(!observed) .adjust.to.dataset.if.needed(data, countries.idx) else data

get.pop.observed.all.countries <- function(pop.pred, time.index, sex='both', age='all') {
	data <- get.pop.observed.multiple.countries(pop.pred, countries=pop.pred$countries$code, sex=sex, 
														age=age, sum.over.ages=TRUE)$data

get.pop.all.countries <- function(pop.pred, quantiles, projection.index, sex='both', age='all') {
	data <- NULL
	if(sex == 'both') {
		if(age[1]=='all') data <- pop.pred$quantiles[,as.character(quantiles), projection.index]
	} else {
		if(sex=='male') {
			if (age[1]=='all') data <- pop.pred$quantilesM[,as.character(quantiles), projection.index]
			else {if (length(age) == 1) data <- pop.pred$quantilesMage[,age,as.character(quantiles), projection.index]}
		} else {#female
			if (age[1]=='all') data <- pop.pred$quantilesF[,as.character(quantiles), projection.index]
			else {if (length(age) == 1) data <- pop.pred$quantilesFage[,age,as.character(quantiles), projection.index]}
	if(is.null(data)) { # create expression
		expr <- 'PXXX'
		if(sex=='male') expr <- paste(expr, 'M', sep='_')
		if(sex=='female') expr <- paste(expr, 'F', sep='_')
		if (age[1]!='all') expr <- paste0(expr, '[c(', gsub(" ", "", toString(age)), ')]')
		data <- get.pop.from.expression.all.countries(expr, pop.pred, quantiles, projection.index)

litem <- function(i, x, default=NULL) { 
	# return element i of the list x if it exists otherwise default
	j <- match(i, names(x)) # this is suppose to be faster than i %in% names(x)
	if (is.na(j)) return(default) 

as.environment.bayesPop.prediction <- function(x){
	epred <- list2env(x)
	class(epred) <- c(class(x), class(epred))

UNcountries <- function()
cohorts <- function(pop.pred, country=NULL, expression=NULL, pi=c(80, 95)) {
	.get.quantiles.from.cohort.data <- function(trajs) {
		res <- apply(trajs, 1, median)
		res <- rbind(res, apply(trajs, 1, quantile, quants))
		rownames(res) <- c("median", quants.char)
	if(is.null(country) && is.null(expression))
		stop("Either country or expression must be given.")
	if(!is.null(country)) {
		country.object <- get.country.object(country, country.table=pop.pred$countries)
		expression <- paste0("P", country.object$code, "{}")
	alldata <- get.pop.trajectories.from.expression.multiple.age(expression, pop.pred)$trajectories # should be 3d array
	quants <- sort(c((1-pi/100)/2, (1+pi/100)/2))
	quants.char <- as.character(quants)
	result <- list()
	age.index <- as.integer(dimnames(alldata)[[1]])
	nage <- dim(alldata)[1]
	years <- dimnames(alldata)[[2]]
	last.observed.cohort <- pop.pred$proj.years.pop[1]-age.index[1]*5
	from.cohorts <- seq(last.observed.cohort, length=nage-1, by=-5)
	observed.cohorts <- paste(from.cohorts, '-', from.cohorts+5, sep="")
	for(cohort in length(observed.cohorts):1) {
		cohort.traj <- apply(alldata[cohort:nage,,,drop=FALSE], 3, 'diag')
		result[[observed.cohorts[cohort]]] <- .get.quantiles.from.cohort.data(cohort.traj)
		colnames(result[[observed.cohorts[cohort]]]) <- years[1:ncol(result[[observed.cohorts[cohort]]])]
	nyears <- length(pop.pred$proj.years.pop)
	from.cohorts <- seq(last.observed.cohort + 5, length=nyears-2, by=5)
	projected.cohorts <- paste(from.cohorts, '-', from.cohorts+5, sep="")	
	for(cohort in 1:length(projected.cohorts)) {
		cohort.traj <- apply(alldata[,(cohort+1):nyears,,drop=FALSE], 3, 'diag')
		result[[projected.cohorts[cohort]]] <- .get.quantiles.from.cohort.data(cohort.traj)
		colnames(result[[projected.cohorts[cohort]]]) <- years[(cohort+1):(cohort+ncol(result[[projected.cohorts[cohort]]]))]
	result[["last.observed"]] <- last.observed.cohort

get.trajectory.indices <- function(pop.pred, country, what=c("TFR", "e0M", "e0F", "migM", "migF")) {
	# provides indices to the trajectories of TFR, e0 and migration
	country.object <- get.country.object(country, country.table=pop.pred$countries)
	e <- new.env()
	if (!.load.traj.file(pop.output.directory(pop.pred), country.object$code, e))
		return (NULL)
	par <- list(TFR="TFRpred", e0M="e0Mpred", e0F="e0Fpred", migM="migMpred", migF="migFpred")

extract.trajectories.eq <- function(pop.pred, country=NULL, expression=NULL, quant=0.5, values=NULL, nr.traj=1, ...) {
	# Return trajectories close to the given quantile, or close to the given values, including their index
	if(!is.null(country)) {
		country.object <- get.country.object(country, country.table=pop.pred$countries)
		trajectories <- get.pop.trajectories(pop.pred, country.object$code, ...)$trajectories
	} else {
		trajectories <- get.pop.trajectories.from.expression(expression, pop.pred, ...)$trajectories
	if(is.null(trajectories)) return(NULL)
		values <- apply(trajectories[2:nrow(trajectories),], 1, quantile, quant, na.rm=TRUE)
	sumerrors <- apply(abs(trajectories[2:nrow(trajectories),] - values), 2, sum)
	sorterrors.idx <- order(sumerrors)
    return(list(trajectories=trajectories[,sorterrors.idx[1:nr.traj]], index=sorterrors.idx[1:nr.traj]))

.extract.trajectories <- function(fun, pop.pred, country=NULL, expression=NULL, quant=0.5, 
									values=NULL, all=TRUE, ...) {
	if(!is.null(country)) {
		country.object <- get.country.object(country, country.table=pop.pred$countries)
		trajectories <- get.pop.trajectories(pop.pred, country.object$code, ...)$trajectories
	} else {
		trajectories <- get.pop.trajectories.from.expression(expression, pop.pred, ...)$trajectories
	if(is.null(trajectories)) return(NULL)
		values <- apply(trajectories[2:nrow(trajectories),], 1, quantile, quant, na.rm=TRUE)
	all.any <- if(all) 'all' else 'any'
	residx <- which(apply(do.call(fun, list(trajectories[2:nrow(trajectories),], values)), 2, all.any))
    return(list(trajectories=trajectories[,residx], index=residx))										

extract.trajectories.ge <- function(pop.pred, country=NULL, expression=NULL, quant=0.5, 
									values=NULL, all=TRUE, ...) {
	# Return trajectories greater than the given quantile, or greater than the given values
	return(.extract.trajectories('>=', pop.pred, country, expression, quant, values, all, ...))

extract.trajectories.le <- function(pop.pred, country=NULL, expression=NULL, quant=0.5, 
									values=NULL, all=TRUE, ...) {
	# Return trajectories greater than the given quantile, or greater than the given values
	return(.extract.trajectories('<=', pop.pred, country, expression, quant, values, all, ...))

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