
Defines functions check_asym check_type check_dist check_df check_form check_scl check_loc arma_check no_negative_check positive_check my_sum1 my_sum is.model complete repeat_value inv_dif dif extract_ts extract_estimate

#                  Misc functions in varstan
#' point estimate of univariate parameters
#' get the point estimate of univariate parameters in a STAN model
#' The function returns a vector with the fitted parameters
#' @usage  extract_estimate(model,fit)
#' @param fit  a stanfit object
#' @param model a varma, Sarima or garch model
#' @param par the desired parameter
#' @param robust a boolean for obtain the robust estimation
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @author  Asael Alonzo Matamoros
#' @return  a vector with all the elected parameters
extract_estimate = function(model,fit,par,robust = FALSE,...){
  post = data.frame(rstan::extract(fit,par, permuted = TRUE))
  if(robust) pe = apply(post,2,stats::median)
  else pe = apply(post,2,mean)
  return( as.numeric(pe) )
#' Extract estimate time series parameters from a stanfit object
#' @param object varstan object
#' @param par a string with the desired parameter
#' @param robust a boolean value for robust estimate
#' @param lag the max lags desired
#' @author Asael Alonzo Matamoros
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @return An univariate time series as a numeric vector
extract_ts = function(object,par,lag = 1,robust=FALSE){
  if (!is.varstan(object))
    stop("The current object is not a varstan object")

  post = data.frame(extract_stan(object,pars = par, permuted = TRUE))
  n = ncol(post)
  n1 =n-lag+1
  post = post[,n1:n]
  if(robust) pe = apply(as.data.frame(post),2,stats::median)
  else pe = apply(post,2,mean)

#' Extract the initial values of a difference time series
#' @param ts An univariate time series
#' @param d the number of differences
#' @param D the number of seasonal differences
#' @param period the time series period
#' @author Asael Alonzo Matamoros
#' @return A list with the differences time series, the initials values
#' for inverse differences.
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @noRd
dif = function(ts,d = 0,D = 0,period = 1){

  y_diff = ts;init  = NULL;inits = NULL

  if(d > 0){
    for(i in 1:d){
      init = c(utils::tail(y_diff,n = 1),init)
      y_diff = diff(y_diff)
  if(D > 0){
    for(i in 1:D){
      inits = c(utils::tail(y_diff,n = period),inits)
      y_diff = diff(y_diff,lag = period)
  if (D > 1) inits  = matrix(inits,nrow = D,ncol = period,byrow = TRUE)
  m = list(y = y_diff,init = init,inits = inits)
#' Inverse difference time series to forecast values
#' @param ts An univariate time series
#' @param init the initial values for normal difference
#' @param inits the initial values for seasonal difference
#' @author Asael Alonzo Matamoros
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @importFrom stats diffinv
#' @return A vector with the inverse difference time series
#' @noRd
inv_dif = function(ts,init,inits){
  y = ts; n = length(ts);d = 0;D = 0; period = 0

  if(!is.null(init)) d = length(init)
  if(!is.null(inits)) {
      D = 1
      period = length(inits)
      D = nrow(inits)
      period = ncol(inits)

  if(D > 0){
    if(D == 1) for(i in 1:D) y = utils::tail(stats::diffinv(y,lag = period,xi = inits),n = n)
    else for(i in 1:D) y = utils::tail(stats::diffinv(y,lag = period,xi = inits[i,]),n = n)
  if(d > 0){
    for(i in 1:d) y = utils::tail(stats::diffinv(y,xi = init[i]),n = n)
#' Replicate Elements of Vector
#' replicate a value d times if the value is different than x0
#' @usage  repeat_value(x,d,x0)
#' @param x is a vector with the hyper-parameter coefficients
#' @param d an integer with the vector dimension
#' @param x0 a real value to replace in a non positive value
#' @author  Asael Alonzo Matamoros
#' @return  a vector with repeated values
#' @noRd
repeat_value = function(x,d,x0){
  if(length(x) == 1 && x != x0){
    y = rep(x,d)
    y = x
#' Complete vector
#' Completes the prior vector hiper parameters to their default value
#' @usage  complete(x,d,x0)
#' @param x is a vector with the hyper-parameter coefficients
#' @param d an integer with the vector dimension
#' @param x0 a real with the preliminary value for the hyper-parameter
#' @author  Asael Alonzo Matamoros
#' @return  a vector with the hyper-parameter value
#' @noRd
complete = function(x,d,x0){
  if(d > 0){
    n =length(x)
    y = 1:d
    if(n < d){
      for(i in 1:d){
        if(i <= n) y[i] = x[i]
        else y[i] = x0
      for(i in 1:d)
        y[i] = x[i];
#' Checks if is a model object
#' @param object a  model object
#' @noRd
is.model = function(object){
  y = FALSE
  if(is(object,"Sarima")) y = TRUE
  if(is(object,"arima"))  y = TRUE
  if(is(object,"garch"))  y = TRUE
  if(is(object,"varma"))  y = TRUE
  if(is(object,"Bekk"))   y = TRUE
  if(is(object,"DWR"))    y = TRUE
  if(is(object,"naive"))  y = TRUE
  if(is(object,"SVM"))    y = TRUE
  if(is(object,"ssm"))    y = TRUE
  if(is(object,"LocalLevel")) y = TRUE
  if(is(object,"Holt"))   y = TRUE
  if(is(object,"Hw"))     y = TRUE
  return (y)
#' A function with all the desired indicators in summary function
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @param robust a boolean value for robust indicators
#' @param conf the confidence level
#' @importFrom stats quantile mad qnorm sd
#' @noRd
my_sum = function(x,robust = FALSE,conf){
    sum = c(stats::quantile(x,0.5),
    qq = stats::qnorm(c(1-conf,conf))
    sum = c(mean(x),
  return( round(sum,4) )
#' Alternative function with all the desired indicators in summary function
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @param robust a boolean value for robust indicators
#' @param conf the confidence level
#' @importFrom stats quantile mad qnorm sd
#' @noRd
my_sum1 = function(x,robust = FALSE,conf){
    sum = c(stats::quantile(x,0.5),
    qq = stats::qnorm(c(1-conf,conf))
    sum = c(mean(x),
  return( round(sum,4) )

#                  Check functions

#' Positive values in vector
#' checks for positive values in a vector (x_i > 0) useful for
#' checking scale parameters
#' @usage  positive_check(x,x0)
#' @param x is a vector with the hyper-parameter coefficients
#' @param x0 a real value to replace in a non positive value
#' @author  Asael Alonzo Matamoros
#' @return  a vector with the checked values
#' @noRd
positive_check = function(x,x0 = 1){
  y = x
  d = length(x)
  for(i in 1:d){
    if(x[i] > 0){
      y[i] = x[i]
      if(x[i]< 0) message("Value lower than 0, the default value",x0,"will be used \n")
      y[i] = x0
#' No negative values in vector
#' checks for no negative values in a vector (x_i >= 0 ) useful for checking
#' lags in models
#' @usage  no_negative_check(x,x0)
#' @param x is a vector with the hyper-parameter coefficients
#' @param x0 a real value to replace in a non positive value
#' @author  Asael Alonzo Matamoros
#' @return  a vector with the checked values
#' @noRd
no_negative_check = function(x,x0 = 0){
  y = x
  d = length(x)
  for(i in 1:d){
    if(x[i] >= 0){
      y[i] = x[i]
      if(x[i]< 0) message("Value lower than 0, the default value",x0,"will be used \n")
      y[i] = x0
#' Check the arma coefficients
#' checks for values in between -1 and 1 in a real vector
#' @usage  arma_check(x)
#' @param x is a vector with the hyper-parameter coefficients
#' @author  Asael Alonzo Matamoros
#' @return  a vector with the checked values
#' @noRd
arma_check = function(x){
  y = x
  d = length(x)
  for(i in 1:d){
    if(x[i] <= -1 || x[i] >= 1 ){
      message( "Value not in range, 0 will be used")
      y[i] = 0
#' Check if the value is in the domain of a location parameter
#' @param x a location parameter
#' @noRd
check_loc <- function(x) {
#' Check if the value is in the domain of a scale parameter
#' @param x an scale parameter
#' @noRd
check_scl <- function(x) {
  if(x > 0 ){
#' Check if the value is in the domain of a form parameter
#' @param x a form parameter
#' @noRd
check_form <- function(x) {
  if(x > 0 ){
#' Check if the value is in the domain of a degree freedom parameter
#' @param x a degree freedom parameter
#' @noRd
check_df <- function(x) {
  if(x >= 1 ){
#' Check if the value is in the domain of a scale parameter
#' @param  x the distribution
#' @param  par the parameter
#' @noRd
check_dist <- function(x,par) {
  y = FALSE
    if(identical(x,"normal"))  y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"beta"))    y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"uniform")) y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"normal"))  y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"student")) y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"cauchy"))  y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"gamma"))   y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"beta"))    y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"uniform")) y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"normal"))  y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"student")) y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"cauchy"))  y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"gamma"))   y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"beta"))    y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"uniform")) y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"normal"))  y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"student")) y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"cauchy"))  y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"gamma"))   y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"beta"))    y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"uniform")) y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"normal"))  y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"student")) y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"cauchy"))  y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"gamma"))   y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"beta"))    y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"uniform")) y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"normal"))      y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"student"))     y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"cauchy"))      y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"gamma"))       y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"inv_chi_square"))  y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"inv_gamma"))       y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"normal"))      y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"gamma"))       y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"Jeffrey"))     y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"inv_gamma"))   y = TRUE
#' Check if the value is a type of parameter
#' @param x a parameter
#' @noRd
check_type <- function(x) {
  y = FALSE
    if(identical(x,"sma"))    y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"ma"))     y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"ar"))     y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"sar"))    y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"arch"))   y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"garch"))  y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"mgarch")) y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"mu0"))    y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"breg"))   y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"breg"))   y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"sigma0")) y = TRUE
    if(identical(x,"dfv"))    y = TRUE
#' Check asymmetric in garch models
#' @param x a character
#' @noRd
check_asym = function(x){
  y = 0
    if(identical(x,"exponential")) y = 2
    if(identical(x,"EXPONENTIAL")) y = 2
    if(identical(x,"Exponential")) y = 2
    if(identical(x,"exp")) y = 2
    if(identical(x,"Exp")) y = 2
    if(identical(x,"EXP")) y = 2
    if(identical(x,"logit")) y = 1
    if(identical(x,"Logit")) y = 1
    if(identical(x,"LOGIT")) y = 1
    if(identical(x,"logistic")) y = 1
    if(identical(x,"Logistic")) y = 1
    if(identical(x,"LOGISTIC")) y = 1

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bayesforecast documentation built on June 17, 2021, 5:14 p.m.