
Defines functions TidyCode TrimSplit Trim RemoveSpaces ReadFile ParseNumber Layout PadVector Normalize SingleString Interleave GetRange GammaDist FlattenList DistinctColors CapWords ChangeNames FindEnvironment

Documented in CapWords ChangeNames DistinctColors FindEnvironment FlattenList GammaDist GetRange Interleave Layout Normalize PadVector ParseNumber ReadFile RemoveSpaces SingleString TidyCode Trim TrimSplit

#' @title Find Environment
#' @description Find the environment of a selected variable.
#' @param x any type of named object
#' @param where select reference environment, Default: NULL
#' @return returns Found environment, Default: R_GlobalEnv.
#' @rdname FindEnvironment
#' @export

FindEnvironment <- function(x, where = NULL ) {
  if(is.null(where)) where <- unique(rev(sys.parents()))
  x <- lapply(where, function (i) {
    if (exists(x, frame=i)) sys.frame(i) else ".GlobalEnv"
  x <- list (called = x[[1]],
             nested = x)
  return (x)

#' @title Change Names
#' @description Change names, colnames or rownames of single items or a list of items
#' @param x list, vector, matrix, dataframe or a list of such items
#' @param names names to insert
#' @param single.items logical, indicating whether or not to use names rather than colnames or rownames, Default: FALSE
#' @param row.names logical, indicating whether or not to use rownames rather than colnames, Default: FALSE
#' @param param Variable name, Default: NULL
#' @param where select parents, Default: NULL
#' @param environment select reference environment, Default: NULL
#' @return returns Named items
#'  # ABC <- c("1","2","3")
#'  # "1" "2" "3"
#'  # ChangeNames(ABC, names = c("A","B","C") , single.items = TRUE)
#'  #  A   B   C 
#'  # "1" "2" "3" 
#' @rdname ChangeNames
#' @export

ChangeNames <- function(x, 
                        single.items = FALSE , 
                        row.names = FALSE , 
                        param = NULL , 
                        where = NULL , 
                        environment = NULL) {
  if(is.null(where)) where <- unique(rev(sys.parents()))
  if (typeof(x) == "list") { 
    # Get parameter name from list
    param <- unlist(lapply(substitute(x)[-1],deparse))
    invisible(lapply(1:length(x), function (i) { 
      ChangeNames(x[[i]], names , single.items , row.names , param = param[i] , where = where) 
  } else {
    # if parameter name is empty get name from x
    if (is.null(param)) param <- deparse(substitute(x))[[1]]
    if (is.null(environment)) environment <- FindEnvironment(param, where)$called

    if (single.items) {
      names(x) <- names
    } else if (row.names) {
      rownames(x) <- names
    } else {
      colnames(x) <- names
    assign(param , x , envir=environment)

#' @title Capitalize Words
#' @description capitalize the first letter in each words in a string
#' @param s string
#' @param strict logical, indicating whether or not string it set to title case , Default: FALSE
#' @return returns capitalized string
#' @examples
#'  CapWords("example eXAMPLE", FALSE)
#'  # [1] "Example EXAMPLE"
#'  CapWords("example eXAMPLE", TRUE)
#'  # [1] "Example Example"
#' @rdname CapWords
#' @export

CapWords <- function(s, strict = FALSE) {
  if (length(s)) {
    cap <- function(s) paste(toupper(substring(s, 1, 1)), {
      s <- substring(s, 2); if(strict) tolower(s) else s
    }, sep = "", collapse = " " )
    sapply(strsplit(s, split = " "), cap, USE.NAMES = !is.null(names(s)))

#' @title Distinct Colors
#' @description create vector containing Hex color codes
#' @param range number of colors as sequence
#' @param random logical, indicating whether or not to provide random colors, Default: FALSE
#' @examples
#'  DistinctColors(1:3)
#'  # [1] "#FFFF00" "#1CE6FF" "#FF34FF"
#'  set.seed(1)
#'  DistinctColors(1:3, TRUE)
#'  # [1] "#575329" "#CB7E98" "#D86A78"
#' @rdname DistinctColors
#' @export
DistinctColors <- function(range, random = FALSE) {
  colors <- c("#FFFF00", "#1CE6FF", "#FF34FF", "#FF4A46", "#008941",
              "#006FA6", "#A30059", "#FFDBE5", "#7A4900", "#0000A6", "#63FFAC",
              "#B79762", "#004D43", "#8FB0FF", "#997D87", "#5A0007", "#809693",
              "#1B4400", "#4FC601", "#3B5DFF", "#4A3B53", "#FF2F80",
              "#61615A", "#BA0900", "#6B7900", "#00C2A0", "#FFAA92", "#FF90C9",
              "#B903AA", "#D16100", "#DDEFFF", "#000035", "#7B4F4B", "#A1C299",
              "#300018", "#0AA6D8", "#013349", "#00846F", "#372101", "#FFB500",
              "#C2FFED", "#A079BF", "#CC0744", "#C0B9B2", "#C2FF99", "#001E09",
              "#00489C", "#6F0062", "#0CBD66", "#EEC3FF", "#456D75", "#B77B68",
              "#7A87A1", "#788D66", "#885578", "#FAD09F", "#FF8A9A", "#D157A0",
              "#BEC459", "#456648", "#0086ED", "#886F4C", "#34362D", "#B4A8BD",
              "#00A6AA", "#452C2C", "#636375", "#A3C8C9", "#FF913F", "#938A81",
              "#575329", "#00FECF", "#B05B6F", "#8CD0FF", "#3B9700", "#04F757",
              "#C8A1A1", "#1E6E00", "#7900D7", "#A77500", "#6367A9", "#A05837",
              "#6B002C", "#772600", "#D790FF", "#9B9700", "#549E79", "#FFF69F",
              "#201625", "#72418F", "#BC23FF", "#99ADC0", "#3A2465", "#922329",
              "#5B4534", "#FDE8DC", "#404E55", "#0089A3", "#CB7E98", "#A4E804",
              "#324E72", "#6A3A4C", "#83AB58", "#001C1E", "#D1F7CE", "#004B28",
              "#C8D0F6", "#A3A489", "#806C66", "#222800", "#BF5650", "#E83000",
              "#66796D", "#DA007C", "#FF1A59", "#8ADBB4", "#1E0200", "#5B4E51",
              "#C895C5", "#320033", "#FF6832", "#66E1D3", "#CFCDAC", "#D0AC94",
              "#7ED379", "#012C58", "#7A7BFF", "#D68E01", "#353339", "#78AFA1",
              "#FEB2C6", "#75797C", "#837393", "#943A4D", "#B5F4FF", "#D2DCD5",
              "#9556BD", "#6A714A", "#001325", "#02525F", "#0AA3F7", "#E98176",
              "#DBD5DD", "#5EBCD1", "#3D4F44", "#7E6405", "#02684E", "#962B75",
              "#8D8546", "#9695C5", "#E773CE", "#D86A78", "#3E89BE", "#CA834E",
              "#518A87", "#5B113C", "#55813B", "#E704C4", "#00005F", "#A97399",
              "#4B8160", "#59738A", "#FF5DA7", "#F7C9BF", "#643127", "#513A01",
              "#6B94AA", "#51A058", "#A45B02", "#1D1702", "#E20027", "#E7AB63",
              "#4C6001", "#9C6966", "#64547B", "#97979E", "#006A66", "#391406",
              "#F4D749", "#0045D2", "#006C31", "#DDB6D0", "#7C6571", "#9FB2A4",
              "#00D891", "#15A08A", "#BC65E9", "#FFFFFE", "#C6DC99", "#203B3C",
              "#671190", "#6B3A64", "#F5E1FF", "#FFA0F2", "#CCAA35", "#374527",
              "#8BB400", "#797868", "#C6005A", "#3B000A", "#C86240", "#29607C",
              "#402334", "#7D5A44", "#CCB87C", "#B88183", "#AA5199", "#B5D6C3",
              "#A38469", "#9F94F0", "#A74571", "#B894A6", "#71BB8C", "#00B433",
              "#789EC9", "#6D80BA", "#953F00", "#5EFF03", "#E4FFFC", "#1BE177",
              "#BCB1E5", "#76912F", "#003109", "#0060CD", "#D20096", "#895563",
              "#29201D", "#5B3213", "#A76F42", "#89412E", "#1A3A2A", "#494B5A",
              "#A88C85", "#F4ABAA", "#A3F3AB", "#00C6C8", "#EA8B66", "#958A9F",
              "#BDC9D2", "#9FA064", "#BE4700", "#658188", "#83A485", "#453C23",
              "#47675D", "#3A3F00", "#061203", "#DFFB71", "#868E7E", "#98D058",
              "#6C8F7D", "#D7BFC2", "#3C3E6E", "#D83D66", "#2F5D9B", "#6C5E46",
              "#D25B88", "#5B656C", "#00B57F", "#545C46", "#866097", "#365D25",
              "#252F99", "#00CCFF", "#674E60", "#FC009C", "#92896B")
  val <- if (random & length(range) > length(colors)) {
    sample(colors, length(range), replace = TRUE)
  } else if (random) {
    sample(colors, length(range))
  } else {
  val <- val[!is.na(val)]
  return (val)

#' @title Flatten List
#' @description flatten a nested list into a single list
#' @param li list to flatten
#' @param rm.duplicated logical, indicating whether or not to remove duplicated lists, Default: TRUE
#' @param unname.li logical, indicating whether or not to unname lists, Default: TRUE
#' @param rm.empty logical, indicating whether or not to remove empty lists, Default: TRUE
#' @rdname FlattenList
#' @examples
#' li <- list(LETTERS[1:3],
#'            list(letters[1:3],
#'                 list(LETTERS[4:6])),
#'            DEF = letters[4:6],
#'            LETTERS[1:3],
#'            list() # Emtpy list
#' )
#' print(li)
#' # [[1]]
#' # [1] "A" "B" "C"
#' #
#' # [[2]]
#' # [[2]][[1]]
#' # [1] "a" "b" "c"
#' #
#' # [[2]][[2]]
#' # [[2]][[2]][[1]]
#' # [1] "D" "E" "F"
#' #
#' #
#' #
#' # $DEF
#' # [1] "d" "e" "f"
#' #
#' # [[4]]
#' # [1] "A" "B" "C"
#' #
#' # [[5]]
#' # list()
#' FlattenList(li)
#' # [[1]]
#' # [1] "A" "B" "C"
#' #
#' # [[2]]
#' # [1] "a" "b" "c"
#' #
#' # [[3]]
#' # [1] "D" "E" "F"
#' #
#' # [[4]]
#' # [1] "d" "e" "f"
#' @export

FlattenList <- function(li, rm.duplicated = TRUE, unname.li = TRUE, rm.empty = TRUE) {
  # process argument
  f <- function (l) if( class(l) == 'list') sapply(l, f) else enquote(l)
  # evaluate argument
  fi <- lapply(lapply(unlist(f(li)), eval),unlist)
  if (rm.duplicated) fi <- fi[!duplicated(fi)]
  if (unname.li) fi <- unname(fi)
  if (rm.empty) fi[lengths(fi) > 0L]

#' @title Gamma Distribution
#' @description compute gamma distribution (shape and rate) from mode and standard deviation
#' @param mode mode from data
#' @param sd standard deviation from data
#' @examples
#'  GammaDist(1,0.5)
#'  # $shape
#'  # [1] 5.828427
#'  # $rate
#'  # [1] 4.828427
#' @rdname GammaDist
#' @export

GammaDist <- function(mode, sd) {
  if (mode <= 0) stop("mode must be > 0")
  if (sd <= 0) stop("sd must be > 0")
  rate = (mode + sqrt(mode ^ 2 + 4 * sd ^ 2)) / (2 * sd ^ 2)
  shape = 1 + mode * rate
  return (list(shape = shape, rate = rate))

#' @title Get Range
#' @description simple function to extract columns from data frame
#' @param var variable of interest (e.g., V)
#' @param range range of variables with same stem name (e.g., V1, V2, ..., V8) , Default: 1:8
#' @param df data to extract from
#' @examples
#' data <- as.data.frame(matrix(1:80,ncol=8))
#' GetRange("V", c(1,4), data)
#' #    V1 V4
#' # 1   1 31
#' # 2   2 32
#' # 3   3 33
#' # 4   4 34
#' # 5   5 35
#' # 6   6 36
#' # 7   7 37
#' # 8   8 38
#' # 9   9 39
#' # 10 10 40
#' @rdname GetRange
#' @export

GetRange <- function(var, range = 1:8, df) {
  return (df[paste0(var, range)])

#' @title Interleave
#' @description mix vectors by alternating between them
#' @param a first vector
#' @param b second vector
#' @return mixed vector
#' @examples
#'  a <- 1:3
#'  b <- LETTERS[1:3]
#'  Interleave(a,b)
#'  # [1] "1" "A" "2" "B" "3" "C"
#' @rdname Interleave
#' @export

Interleave <- function(a,b) {
  c(a,b)[ order( c( seq_along(a),
                    seq_along(b) ) ) ]

#' @title Single String
#' @description determine whether input is a single string
#' @param x string
#' @return true or false
#' @rdname SingleString
#' @examples
#' A <- "This is a single string"
#' SingleString(A)
#' # [1] TRUE
#' is.character(A)
#' # [1] TRUE
#' B <- c("This is a vector" , "containing two strings")
#' SingleString(B)
#' # [1] FALSE
#' is.character(B)
#' # [1] TRUE
#' @export

SingleString <- function(x) {
  is.character(x) & length(x) == 1

#' @title Normalize
#' @description simple function to normalize data
#' @param x numeric vector to normalize
#' @examples
#' Normalize(1:10)
#' # [1] 0.0182 0.0364 0.0545 0.0727 0.0909
#' # 0.1091 0.1273 0.1455 0.1636 0.1818
#' @rdname Normalize
#' @export

Normalize <- function(x) {
  return( x / sum(x) )

#' @title Pad Vector
#' @description Pad a numeric vector according to the highest value
#' @param v numeric vector to pad
#' @examples
#'  PadVector(1:10)
#'  # [1] "01" "02" "03" "04" "05" "06" "07" "08" "09" "10"
#' @rdname PadVector
#' @export

PadVector <- function(v) {
  gsub("\\s", "0", format(v, width=max(nchar(v))))

#' @title Layout 
#' @description collection of layout sizes
#' @param x type of layout, Default: 'a4'
#' @param layout.inverse logical, indicating whether or not to inverse layout (e.g., landscape) , Default: FALSE
#' @return width and height of select medium
#' @examples
#'  Layout()
#'  # [1]  8.3 11.7
#' @rdname Layout
#' @export

Layout <- function(x = "a4", layout.inverse = FALSE) {
  x <- Trim(tolower(x))
  x <- switch (x,
               "pt" = c(10,7.5),
               "pw" = c(13.33,7.5),
               "apa" = c(5.1338582677, 7.2515748),
               "4a0" = c(66.2,93.6),
               "2a0" = c(46.8,66.2),
               "a0" = c(33.1,46.8),
               "a1" = c(23.4,33.1),
               "a2" = c(16.5,23.4),
               "a3" = c(11.7,16.5),
               "a5" = c(5.8,8.3),
               "a6" = c(4.1,5.8),
               "a7" = c(2.9,4.1),
               "a8" = c(2,2.9),
               "a9" = c(1.5,2),
               "a10" = c(1,1.5),
               "a4" = c(8.3,11.7)
  if (layout.inverse) x <- rev(x)
  return (x)

#' @title Parse Numbers
#' @description simple function to extract numbers from string/vector
#' @param x string or vector
#' @param digits logical, indicating whether or not to extract decimals, Default: FALSE
#' @examples
#'  ParseNumber("String1WithNumbers2")
#'  # [1] 1 2
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[stats]{na.omit}}
#' @rdname ParseNumber
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats na.omit

ParseNumber <- function(x , digits = FALSE) {

  if (digits) {
    x <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(x, split = " "), function(x) {
      x <- gsub("[^\\.0-9A-Za-z///' ]", "" , x , ignore.case = TRUE)
      grep("\\d+", x, value = TRUE)
  } else {
    x <- TrimSplit(x, "\\D+") 
  x <- suppressWarnings(c(stats::na.omit(as.numeric(x))))
  if (!length(x)) x <- 0

#' @title Read File
#' @description opens connection to a file
#' @param file name of file, Default: NULL
#' @param path path to file, Default: 'models/'
#' @param package choose package to open from, Default: 'bfw'
#' @param type Type of file (i.e., text or data), Default: 'string'
#' @param sep symbol to separate data (e.g., comma-delimited), Default: ','
#' @param data.format define what data format is being used, Default: 'csv'
#' @param custom logical, indicating whether or not to use custom file, , Default: FALSE
#' @examples
#' # Print JAGS model for bernoulli trials
#' cat(ReadFile("stats_bernoulli"))
#' # model {
#' #   for (i in 1:n){
#' #     x[i] ~ dbern(theta)
#' #   }
#' #   theta ~ dunif(0,1)
#' # }
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[utils]{read.csv}}
#' @rdname ReadFile
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils read.csv

ReadFile <- function(file = NULL ,
                     path = "models/" ,
                     package = "bfw" ,
                     type="string" ,
                     sep = "," ,
                     data.format = "txt" ,
                     custom = FALSE) {
  type <- RemoveSpaces(tolower(type))
  if (is.null(file)) stop("Please specify a file. Quitting.")
  if (!custom) file <- system.file(paste0("extdata/",path),
  if (file == "") {
    file <- NULL
  } else {
    if (type == "string") file <- paste(readLines(file,warn=FALSE),
    if (type == "data") file <- utils::read.csv(file ,
                                                head = TRUE ,
                                                sep = sep)
  return (file)

#' @title Remove Empty
#' @description Remove empty elements in vector
#' @param x vector to eliminate NA and blanks
#' @examples
#'  RemoveEmpty( c("",NA,"","Remains") )
#'  # [1] "Remains"
#' @rdname RemoveEmpty
#' @export

RemoveEmpty <- function (x) {
  x <- Trim(x[!is.na(x)])
  x <- x[!x == ""]

#' @title Remove Spaces
#' @description simple function to remove whitespace
#' @param x string
#' @examples
#'  RemoveSpaces("  No More S p a c e s")
#'  # [1] "NoMoreSpaces"
#' @rdname RemoveSpaces
#' @export

RemoveSpaces <- function(x) gsub("[[:space:]]", "", x)

#' @title File Name
#' @description simple function to construct a file name for data
#' @param project name of project, Default: 'Project'
#' @param subset define subset of data, Default: NULL
#' @param type type of data, Default: NULL
#' @param name save name, Default: NULL
#' @param unix logical, indicating whether or not to append unix timestamp, Default: TRUE
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @examples
#'  FileName()
#'  # [1] "Project-Name-1528834963"
#'  FileName(project = "Project" ,
#'          subset = "subset" ,
#'          type = "longitudinal" ,
#'          name = "cheese",
#'          unix = FALSE)
#'  # [1] "Projectsubset-longitudinal-cheese"
#' @rdname FileName
#' @export

FileName <- function ( project = "Project" ,
                       subset = NULL ,
                       type = NULL ,
                       name = NULL,
                       unix = TRUE ,
                       ...) {
  save.name <- paste0(project, subset)
  if(length(type)) save.name <- paste(save.name, type, sep="-")
  unix <- if (unix) paste0("-" , as.integer(Sys.time()) )
  if (length(name)) name <- paste0("-" , name)
  save.name <- RemoveSpaces(CapWords(paste0(save.name, name, unix)))
  return (save.name)

#' @title Trim
#' @description remove excess whitespace from string
#' @param s string
#' @param multi logical, indicating whether or not to remove excess whitespace between characters, Default: TRUE
#' @examples
#'  Trim("             Trimmed      string")
#'  # [1] "Trimmed string"
#'  Trim("             Trimmed      string", FALSE)
#'  # [1] "Trimmed      string"
#' @rdname Trim
#' @export

Trim <- function(s, multi = TRUE) {
  if (multi) {
    gsub("(?<=[\\s])\\s*|^\\s+|\\s+$", "", s, perl=TRUE)
  } else {
    gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", s)

#' @title Trim Split
#' @description Extends strsplit by trimming and unlisting string
#' @param x string
#' @param sep symbol to separate data (e.g., comma-delimited), Default: ','
#' @param fixed logical, if TRUE match split exactly, otherwise use regular expressions. Has priority over perl, Default: FALSE
#' @param perl logical, indicating whether or not to use Perl-compatible regexps, Default: FALSE
#' @param useBytes logical, if TRUE the matching is done byte-by-byte rather than character-by-character, Default: FALSE
#' @param rm.empty logical. indicating whether or not to remove empty elements, Default: TRUE
#' @details \link[base]{strsplit}
#' @examples
#'  TrimSplit("Data 1,     Data2, Data3")
#'  # [1] "Data 1" "Data2"  "Data3"
#' @rdname TrimSplit
#' @export

TrimSplit <- function(x,
                      sep = ",",
                      fixed = FALSE,
                      perl = FALSE,
                      useBytes = FALSE,
                      rm.empty = TRUE) {
  # Split string by seperator
  x <- strsplit(as.character(x), sep , fixed, perl, useBytes)
  # Unlist and trim vector elements
  x <- Trim(unlist(x))
  # If selected remove empty elements
  if (rm.empty) x <- RemoveEmpty(x)
  if (identical(x, character(0))) x <- NULL
  return (x)

#' @title Pattern Matching and Replacement From Vectors
#' @description extending gsub by matching pattern and replacement from two vectors
#' @param pattern vector containing words to match
#' @param replacement vector containing words to replace existing words.
#' @param string string to replace from
#' @return modified string with replaced values
#' @examples
#'  pattern <- c("A","B","C")
#'  replacement <- 1:3
#'  string <- "A went to B went to C"
#'  VectorSub(pattern,replacement,string)
#'  # [1] "1 went to 2 went to 3"
#' @rdname VectorSub
#' @export

VectorSub <- function ( pattern , replacement , string ) {
  modified.string <- string
  lapply(1:length(pattern) , function (i) {
    modified.string <<- gsub(pattern[i] ,
                             replacement[i] ,
  if (is.na(modified.string)) NULL else modified.string

#' @title Tidy Code
#' @description Small function that clears up messy code
#' @param tidy.code Messy code that needs cleaning
#' @param jags logical, if TRUE run code as JAGS model, Default: TRUE
#' @return (Somewhat) tidy code
#' @examples
#' messy <- "code <- function( x ) {
#' print (x ) }"
#' cat(messy)
#' code <- function( x ) {
#' print (x ) }
#' cat ( TidyCode(messy, jags = FALSE) )
#' code <- function(x) {
#'    print(x)
#' }
#' @rdname TidyCode
#' @export

TidyCode <- function(tidy.code,
                     jags = TRUE) {
  # if the code is a jags model replace model with placeholder
  if (jags) {
    tidy.code <- gsub("data[[:space:]]+\\{", "if (TidyJagsData) {" , tidy.code)
    tidy.code <- gsub("data\\{", "if (TidyJagsData) {" , tidy.code)
    tidy.code <- gsub("model[[:space:]]+\\{", "if (TidyJagsModel) {" , tidy.code)
    tidy.code <- gsub("model\\{", "if (TidyJagsModel) {" , tidy.code)

  # Extract blocks from code
  tidy.code <- TrimSplit(tidy.code,"\\\n")

  # Wrap comments prior to parsing
  invisible(lapply(grep("\\#",tidy.code), function (i) {
    if (substring(tidy.code[[i]], 1, 1) == "#") {
      tidy.code[i] <<- sprintf("invisible(\"StartPreParse%sEndPreParse\")" , tidy.code[i])
    } else {
      tidy.code[i] <<- sprintf("%s\ninvisible(\"StartInlinePreParse%sEndPreParse\")" , 
                               gsub('\\#.*', '', tidy.code[[i]]),
                               gsub('.*\\#', '#', tidy.code[[i]]) )

  # Parse code
  tidy.code <- base::parse(text = tidy.code, keep.source = FALSE)

  # Collapse parsed function into a vector
  tidy.code <- sapply(tidy.code, function(e) { 
    paste(base::deparse(e, getOption("width")), collapse = "\n")

  # remove spaces between commas
  tidy.code <- gsub("\\s*\\,\\s*", "," , tidy.code)

  # Revert comments (remove invisibility)
  tidy.code <- gsub("invisible\\(\\\"StartPreParse" , "" , tidy.code)
  tidy.code <- gsub("EndPreParse\\\")" , "" , tidy.code)
  # Revert inline comments (remove invisibility)
  tidy.code <- gsub("\n[[:space:]]+invisible\\(\\\"StartInlinePreParse" , " " , tidy.code)

  # If jags replace placeholder
  if (jags) {
    tidy.code <- gsub("if \\(TidyJagsData\\)", "data" , tidy.code)
    tidy.code <- gsub("if \\(TidyJagsModel\\)", "model" , tidy.code)

  # Collapse to string
  tidy.code <- paste0(tidy.code, collapse="\n")
  return (tidy.code)

#' @title ETA
#' @description Print estimated time for arrival (ETA)
#' @param start.time start time (preset variable with Sys.time())
#' @param i incremental steps towards total
#' @param total total number of steps
#' @param results message to display, Default: NULL
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[utils]{flush.console}}
#' @rdname ETA
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils flush.console

ETA <- function (start.time, i , total, results = NULL) {
  eta <- Sys.time() + ( (total - i) * ((Sys.time() - start.time) / i) )
  eta.message <- sprintf("Progress: %.02f%% (%s/%s). ETA: %s ", 
                         (i * 100) / total,
                         format(eta,"%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M:%S"))
  if (length(results)) eta.message <- paste0("Results: ", results , ". " ,eta.message)
  cat("\r" , eta.message , sep="")
  if (i == total) cat("\n")

#' @title Remove Garbage
#' @description Remove variable(s) and remove garbage from memory
#' @param v variables to remove
#' @rdname RemoveGarbage
#' @export

RemoveGarbage <- function (v) {
  v <- TrimSplit(v)
   rm( list = v, envir=sys.frame(-1) ) 
  # Garbage Collection
  invisible(base::gc(verbose = FALSE, full = TRUE))

#' @title Multi Grep
#' @description Use multiple patterns from vector to find element in another vector, with option to remove certain patterns
#' @param find vector to find
#' @param from vector to find from
#' @param remove variables to remove, Default: NULL
#' @param value logical, if TRUE returns value, Default: TRUE
#' @rdname MultiGrep
#' @export

MultiGrep <- function (find, from , remove = NULL , value = TRUE) {
  find <- TrimSplit(find)
  remove <- TrimSplit(remove)
  found <- grep(paste(sprintf("(?=.*%s)",find), collapse=""), 
                from, perl = TRUE , value=value)
  if (length(remove)) {
    remove.find <- if (value) found else from[found]
    remove <- unique(unlist(lapply(remove, function (x) {
      grep(paste(sprintf("(?=.*\\b%s\\b)",x), collapse=""), 
           remove.find, perl = TRUE)
    found <- found[-remove]

  return (found)

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bfw documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:19 p.m.