



N <- 500
M <- 100
test <- snp_fake(N, M)
G <- test$genotypes
G[] <- sample(as.raw(0:3), size = length(G), replace = TRUE)


test_that("Same ld scores as with snp_cor()", {

  replicate(10, {

    # random parameters
    ind.row <- sample(N, N / 2)
    ind.col <- sample(M, M / 2)
    size <- sample(20:40, 1)

    corr <- snp_cor(G, ind.row, ind.col, size = size, fill.diag = TRUE)
    ld <- snp_ld_scores(G, ind.row, ind.col, size = size)
    expect_length(ld, length(ind.col))
    expect_equal(ld, Matrix::colSums(corr^2))



test_that("Information on position is used in snp_ld_scores()", {

  ld2 <- snp_ld_scores(G, size = 5)
  expect_length(ld2, ncol(G))
  expect_true(all(ld2 > 1))
  ld3 <- snp_ld_scores(G, size = 5, ncores = 2)
  expect_equal(ld3, ld2)

  ld4 <- snp_ld_scores(G, size = 5e3, infos.pos = 1e6 * cols_along(G))
  expect_equal(ld4, ld2)

  ld5 <- snp_ld_scores(G, size = 5e-3, infos.pos = cols_along(G))
  expect_equal(ld5, ld2)

  ld6 <- snp_ld_scores(G, size = 0.5)
  expect_equal(ld6, rep(1, ncol(G)))


test_that("bed_ld_scores() works like snp_ld_scores()", {

  bedfile <- snp_writeBed(test, tempfile(fileext = ".bed"))
  obj_bed <- bed(bedfile)
  expect_error(bed_ld_scores(obj.bed = G),
               "'obj.bed' is not of class 'bed'.", fixed = TRUE)
    snp_ld_scores(Gna = G, size = 20),
    bed_ld_scores(obj.bed = obj_bed, size = 20)


test_that("sp_colSumsSq_sym() works", {

  replicate(100, {

    N <- 300
    spmat <- Matrix::rsparsematrix(N, N, 0.1, symmetric = TRUE)
    expect_equal(bigsnpr:::sp_colSumsSq_sym(spmat@p, spmat@i, spmat@x),



test_that("can compute LD scores directly from an SFBM", {

  bigsnp <- snp_attachExtdata()
  G <- bigsnp$genotypes
  ind <- sample(ncol(G), 2000)

  corr0 <- snp_cor(G, size = 100, ncores = 2)
  corr <- corr0[ind, ind]
  ld1 <- bigsnpr:::sp_colSumsSq_sym(corr@p, corr@i, corr@x)

  ld2 <- bigsnpr:::ld_scores_sfbm(as_SFBM(corr0), ind_sub = ind - 1L, ncores = 1)
  expect_equal(ld2, ld1)

  ld3 <- bigsnpr:::ld_scores_sfbm(as_SFBM(corr0, compact = TRUE),
                                  ind_sub = ind - 1L, ncores = 1)
  expect_equal(ld3, ld1)


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bigsnpr documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:18 a.m.