
# Compute estimates of a binomial proportion or their differences using pooled samples #
# Brad Biggerstaff
# Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases
# National Center for Infectious Diseases
# Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
# P.O. Box 2087, Fort Collins, CO  80522-2087
# (970) 221-6473 ... BBiggerstaff@cdc.gov
# In all of these functions:
#    m:  a vector of pool sizes
#    n:  a vector of the corresponding number of pools of sizes m
#    x:  a vector of the corresponding number of the n pools of size m that are positive
#    p:  the proportion
# Options include:
#   pt.est: specify the point estimate to compute, including the MLE ("mle"), 
#           bias-corrected MLE ("bc-mle") [default], and MIR ("mir"). 
#       ci: specify the confidence interval to compute, including the score ("score"), s
#           kewness-corrected ("skew-score") [default], score ("score"), bias- and skewness-corrected 
#           score ("bc-skew-score"), likelihood ratio test ("lrt"), wald ("wald"), and MIR ("mir")
#    alpha: 1-confidence level [default = 0.05]
#      tol: the tolerance for convergence to use in the algorithms 
# Various confidence intervals are given, as noted by *.ci in the function name
# References:
#	Walter SD, Hildreth SW, Beaty BJ: Estimation of infection rates in population of 
#   organisms using pools of variable size. Am J Epidemiol 1980, 112(1):124-128.
# Hepworth G: Estimation of proportions by group testing. PhD Dissertation. 
#   Melbourne, Australia: The University of Melbourne; 1999.
# Biggerstaff BJ:  Confidence interval for the difference of proportions estmimated
#   from pooled samples.  JABES 2008, 13(4):478-496.
# Hepworth G, Biggerstaff BJ:  Bias correction in estimating proportions 
#   by pooled testing.  JABES 2017, to appear.
# Toy examples
# ------------
#> x1 <- c(1,0,0,0,0)
#> m1 <- c(10,4,1,25,50)
#> n1 <- c(5,1,1,30,20)
#> x2 <- c(2,0,1,0,0)
#> m2 <- c(10,4,1,25,50)
#> n2 <- c(5,1,1,30,20)
#> pooledBin(x1,m1,n1)
#PointEst    Lower    Upper 
#  0.0005   0.0000   0.0027 
#> pooledBin(x1,m1,n1,scale=1000)
# PointEst  Lower  Upper Scale
#   0.5497 0.0319 2.6524  1000
#> summary(pooledBin(x1,m1,n1),scale=1000)
#Estimation of Binomial Proportion for Pooled Data
# PointEst  Lower  Upper Scale
#   0.5497 0.0319 2.6524  1000
#Point estimator: Firth's Correction 
#CI method: Skew-Corrected Score (Gart) 
#Number of individuals: 1805 
#Number of pools: 57 
#Number of positive pools: 1 
#> pooledBin(x2,m2,n2,pt.method="mle",ci.method="lrt")
#PointEst    Lower    Upper 
#  0.0017   0.0004   0.0043 
#> pooledBinDiff(x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
#PointEst    Lower    Upper 
# -0.0011  -0.0040   0.0014 
#> summary(pooledBinDiff(x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n1), scale=1000)
#Estimation of Difference of Binomial Proportions for Pooled Data
# PointEst   Lower  Upper Scale
#  -1.1036 -3.9916 1.3646  1000
#Point estimator: Firth's Correction 
#CI method: Skew-Corrected Score (Gart) 
#             PointEst  Lower  Upper Scale Individuals Pools Positive Pools
#Population 1   0.5497 0.0319 2.6524  1000        1805    57              1
#Population 2   1.6533 0.4425 4.4240  1000        1805    57              3
#> pooledBinDiff(x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,pt.method="mle", ci.method="lrt")
#PointEst    Lower    Upper 
# -0.0011  -0.0039   0.0012 

# General functions to use to access the various methods

"pooledBin" <- 
		 pt.method = c("firth","gart","bc-mle","mle","mir"),
		 ci.method = c("skew-score","bc-skew-score","score","lrt","wald","mir"),
		 scale=1, alpha=0.05, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5)
	call <- match.call()
	pt.method <- match.arg(pt.method)
	ci.method <- match.arg(ci.method)
	if(ci.method=="mir" | pt.method=="mir"){
		ci.method <- "mir"
		pt.method <- "mir"
	if(pt.method == "gart") pt.method <- "bc-mle" # backward compatability
	    "firth" = {p <- pooledbinom.firth(x,m,n,tol)},
			"mle" = { p <- pooledbinom.mle(x,m,n,tol)},
			"bc-mle" ={ p <- pooledbinom.cmle(x,m,n,tol)},
			"mir" = {p <- pooledbinom.mir(x,m,n)}
	if(p < 0 & pt.method=="bc-mle"){
		pt.method <- "mle"
		warning("Bias-correction results in negative point estimate; using MLE\n")
		p <- pooledbinom.mle(x,m,n,tol)
			"skew-score" = { ci.p <- pooledbinom.cscore.ci(x,m,n,tol,alpha)[2:3]},
			"bc-skew-score" ={ ci.p <- pooledbinom.bcscore.ci(x,m,n,tol,alpha)[2:3]},
			"score" = {ci.p <- pooledbinom.score.ci(x,m,n,tol,alpha)[2:3]},
			"lrt" = {ci.p <- pooledbinom.lrt.ci(x,m,n,tol,alpha)[2:3]},
			"wald" = {ci.p <- pooledbinom.wald.ci(x,m,n,tol,alpha)[2:3]},
			"mir" = {ci.p <- pooledbinom.mir.ci(x,m,n,tol,alpha)[2:3]}

"pooledBinDiff" <- 
		pt.method = c("firth","gart","bc-mle","mle","mir"),
		ci.method = c("skew-score","bc-skew-score","score","lrt","wald","mir"),
		scale=1, alpha=0.05, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5)
	call <- match.call()
	pt.method <- match.arg(pt.method)
	ci.method <- match.arg(ci.method)
	if(ci.method=="mir" | pt.method=="mir"){
		ci.method <- "mir"
		pt.methid <- "mir"
	if(pt.method == "gart") pt.method <- "bc-mle" # backward compatability
	    "firth" = {d <- pooledbinom.firth(x1,m1,n1,tol) - pooledbinom.firth(x2,m2,n2,tol)},
			"mle" = { d <- pooledbinom.mle(x1,m1,n1,tol) - pooledbinom.mle(x2,m2,n2,tol)},
			"bc-mle" ={ d <- pooledbinom.cmle(x1,m1,n1,tol) - pooledbinom.cmle(x2,m2,n2,tol)},
			"mir" = {d <- pooledbinom.mir(x1,m1,n1) - pooledbinom.mir(x2,m2,n2)}
	if( (pooledbinom.cmle(x1,m1,n1,tol) < 0 | pooledbinom.cmle(x2,m2,n2,tol) < 0 ) & pt.method=="bc-mle"){
		pt.method <- "mle"
		warning("Bias-correction results in a negative point estimate; using MLE\n")
		d <- pooledbinom.mle(x1,m1,n1,tol) - pooledbinom.mle(x2,m2,n2,tol)

			"skew-score" = { ci.d <- pooledbinom.diff.cscore.ci(x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,alpha)[4:5]},
			"bc-skew-score" ={ ci.d <- pooledbinom.diff.bcscore.ci(x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,alpha)[4:5]},
			"score" = {ci.d <- pooledbinom.diff.score.ci(x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,alpha)[4:5]},
			"lrt" = {ci.d <- pooledbinom.diff.lrt.ci(x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,alpha)[4:5]},
			"wald" = {ci.d <- pooledbinom.diff.wald.ci(x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,alpha)[4:5]},
			"mir" = {ci.d <- pooledbinom.diff.mir.ci(x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,alpha)[4:5]}

"print.poolbin" <- 
function(x, scale=x$scale, ...){
	args <- list(...)
	if(is.null(args$digits)) digits <- 4
		else digits <- args$digits
	p <- round(scale*x$p,digits)
	lcl <- round(scale*x$lcl, digits)
	ucl <- round(scale*x$ucl, digits)
	mat <- matrix(c(p,lcl,ucl,scale),nrow=1) # really to match Hmisc's binconf()
	dimnames(mat) <- list(c(""),c("PointEst","Lower","Upper","Scale"))
	if(scale == 1) mat <- mat[,-4]

"summary.poolbin" <- 
function(object, scale=object$scale, ...){
	args <- list(...)
	if(is.null(args$digits)) digits <- 4
		else digits <- args$digits
	cat("Estimation of Binomial Proportion for Pooled Data\n\n")
	x <- object
	print(x, scale=scale, ...)
		"firth" = PtEstName <- "Firth's Correction",
		"gart" = PtEstName <- "Gart's Correction",
		"bc-mle" = PtEstName <- "Gart's Correction",
		"mle" = PtEstName <- "Maximum Likelihood",
		"mir" = PtEstName <- "Minimum Infection Rate"
		"skew-score" = CIEstName <- "Skew-Corrected Score (Gart)",
		"bc-skew-score" = CIEstName <- "Bias- & Skew-Corrected Score (Gart)",
		"score" = CIEstName <- "Score",
		"lrt" = CIEstName <- "Likelihood Ratio Test Inversion",
		"wald" = CIEstName <- "Wald",
		"mir" = CIEstName <- "Minimum Infection Rate"
	cat(paste("Point estimator:",PtEstName,"\n"))
	cat(paste("CI method:",CIEstName,"\n\n"))
	cat(paste("Number of individuals:",sum(x$n * x$m),"\n"))	
	cat(paste("Number of pools:",sum(x$n),"\n"))	
	cat(paste("Number of positive pools:",sum(x$x),"\n"))	
  #cat("\nCall: ", deparse(x$call), "\n\n")

"print.poolbindiff" <- 
function(x, scale=x$scale, ...){
	args <- list(...)
	if(is.null(args$digits)) digits <- 4
		else digits <- args$digits
	d <- round(scale*x$d,digits)
	lcl <- round(scale*x$lcl, digits)
	ucl <- round(scale*x$ucl, digits)
	mat <- matrix(c(d,lcl,ucl,scale),nrow=1) # really to match Hmisc's binconf()
	dimnames(mat) <- list(c(""),c("PointEst","Lower","Upper","Scale"))
	if(scale == 1) mat <- mat[,-4]

"summary.poolbindiff" <- 
function(object, scale=object$scale, ...){
	args <- list(...)
	if(is.null(args$digits)) digits <- 4
		else digits <- args$digits
	cat("Estimation of Difference of Binomial Proportions for Pooled Data\n\n")
	x <- object
	print(x, scale=scale, ...)
		"firth" = PtEstName <- "Firth's Correction",
		"gart" = PtEstName <- "Gart's Correction",
		"bc-mle" = PtEstName <- "Gart's Correction",
		"mle" = PtEstName <- "Maximum Likelihood",
		"mir" = PtEstName <- "Minimum Infection Rate"
		"skew-score" = CIEstName <- "Skew-Corrected Score (Gart)",
		"bc-skew-score" = CIEstName <- "Bias- & Skew-Corrected Score (Gart)",
		"score" = CIEstName <- "Score",
		"lrt" = CIEstName <- "Likelihood Ratio Test Inversion",
		"wald" = CIEstName <- "Wald",
		"mir" = CIEstName <- "Minimum Infection Rate"
	cat(paste("Point estimator:",PtEstName,"\n"))
	cat(paste("CI method:",CIEstName,"\n\n"))
	p1 <- pooledBin(x$x1,x$m1,x$n1,scale=x$scale)
	p2 <- pooledBin(x$x2,x$m2,x$n2,scale=x$scale)
	summat <- matrix(c(scale*p1$p, scale*p1$lcl, scale*p1$ucl, scale, sum(x$n1 * x$m1), sum(x$n1), sum(x$x1),
				             scale*p2$p, scale*p2$lcl, scale*p2$ucl, scale, sum(x$n2 * x$m2), sum(x$n2), sum(x$x2)), nrow=2,ncol=7, byrow=TRUE)
	summat <- round(summat, digits=digits)				          
	dimnames(summat) <- list(c("Population 1","Population 2"), c("PointEst","Lower","Upper","Scale","Individuals","Pools","Positive Pools")) 				        
	if(scale == 1) summat <- summat[,-4]
  #cat("\nCall: ", deparse(x$call), "\n\n")

"plot.poolbin" <- 
	if(all(x$n==1)) {
		xmn <- as.list(by(x$x,x$m,function(x) c(sum(x),length(x))))
		m <- as.numeric(names(xmn))
		xi <- sapply(xmn,function(x) x[1])
		n <- sapply(xmn,function(x) x[2])
	} else {
		xi <- x$x
		m <- x$m
		n <- x$n
	y <- log((xi+0.5)/(n+0.5))
	cc <- lm(y ~ m)
	if(refline) abline(cc)
	if(printR2) cat(paste("R-squared for diagnostic line fit =",round(summary(cc)$r.squared,4),"\n"))

# One-sample functions
"pooledbinom.loglike" <- 
	if(p > 0)
		sum(x*log((1-(1-p)^m))) + log(1-p)*sum(m*(n-x))
	else 0

"pooledbinom.loglike.vec" <- 
	np <- length(p)
	lik <- vector(length=np)
	for(i in 1:np) lik[i] <- pooledbinom.loglike(p[i],x,m,n)

"score.p" <-
function(p, x, m, n = rep(1,length(m)))
	if(sum(x) == 0 & p >= 0 & p < 1) return(-sum(m*n)/(1-p))
	if(p < 0 | p >= 1) return(0)
	sum(m*x/(1-(1-p)^m) - m*n)/(1-p)

"pooledbinom.mir" <- 
"pooledbinom.mle" <-
function(x, m, n = rep(1., length(x)), tol = 1e-008)
# This is the implementation using Newton-Raphson, as given
# in the Walter, Hildreth, Beaty paper, Am. J. Epi., 1980
	if(length(m) == 1.) m <- rep(m, length(x)) else if(length(m) != length(x))
		stop("\n ... x and m must have same length if length(m) > 1")
	if(any(x > n))
		stop("x elements must be <= n elements")
	if(all(x == 0.))
	if(sum(x) == sum(n)) return(1)
	#p.new <- 1 - (1 - sum(x)/sum(n))^(1/mean(m)) # starting value
        # Changed by FS 01.03.2018 acc. to email of BB: 
        p.new <- sum(x)/sum(m*n)
	done <- 0
	N <- sum(n * m)
	while(!done) {
		p.old <- p.new
		p.new <- p.old - (N - sum((m * x)/(1 - (1 - p.old)^m)))/
					sum((m^2 * x * (1 - p.old)^(m - 1))/(1 - (1 - 
		if(abs(p.new - p.old) < tol)
			done <- 1

"pooledbinom.bias" <- 
	if(p > 0)
		sum((m-1)*m^2*n*(1-p)^(m-3)/(1-(1-p)^m)) * 
				pooledbinom.mle.var(p,m,n)^2 / 2
	else 0

# c is bias-Corrected
"pooledbinom.cmle" <-
function(x, m, n = rep(1, length(m)), tol= 1e-8)
	phat <- pooledbinom.mle(x,m,n)
	bias <- pooledbinom.bias(phat,m,n)
	phat - bias

"pooledbinom.mle.var" <-
function(p, m, n = rep(1, length(m)))
	if(p > 0 & p < 1)
	1/sum((m^2 * n * (1 - p)^(m - 2))/(1 - (1 - p)^m))
	else 0 #1/sum(m*n)

"pooledbinom.I" <-
	if(p > 0)
	sum((m^2 * n * (1 - p)^(m - 2))/(1 - (1 - p)^m))
	else 0 # Not sure whether to set this to 0 or not

"pooledbinom.mu3" <-
function(p, m, n = rep(1,length(m)))
	if(p > 0)
		sum((m^3 * n * (1-p)^(m-3) * (2 * (1-p)^m - 1))/(1-(1-p)^m)^2)
	else 0
# "pooledbinom.firth" <-
#   function(x, m, n = rep(1., length(x)), tol = 1e-008, rel.tol = FALSE)
#   {
#     #
#     # This is the implementation using Newton-Raphson
#     #
#     if(length(m) == 1.) m <- rep(m, length(x)) else if(length(m) != length(x))
#       stop("\n ... x and m must have same length if length(m) > 1")
#     if(any(x > n))
#       stop("x elements must be <= n elements")
#     if(all(x == 0.)) return(0.)
#     #if(sum(x) == sum(n)) return(1.)
#     # assign a convergence criterion function to avoid repeated
#     # checks of rel.tol during iteration
#     if(rel.tol) "converge.f" <- function(old,new) abs((old-new)/old)
#     else "converge.f" <- function(old,new) abs(old-new)
#     N <- sum(n * m)
#     # use proportion of positive pools, sum(x)/sum(n)
#     # and inverse of average pool size, sum(n)/N
#     # ...but this doesn't work when all pools are positive, while the
#     # ...MIR does, so use MIR in that case
#     if(sum(x) == sum(n)){
#       p.new <- sum(x)/N
#     } else {
#       p.new <- 1 - (1 - sum(x)/sum(n))^(sum(n)/N)
#     }
#     done <- FALSE
#     while(!done) {
#       p.old <- p.new
#       vi.p <- m^2 * n * (1-p.old)^(m-2) / (1 - (1-p.old)^m)
#       wi.p <- vi.p / sum(vi.p)
#       vi.p.prime <- m^2 * n * (1-p.old)^(m-3) * (2 * (1-(1-p.old)^m) - m) / (1-(1-p.old)^m)^2
#       wi.p.prime <- (vi.p.prime * sum(vi.p) - vi.p * sum(vi.p.prime)) / sum(vi.p)^2
#       p.new <- p.old +  (sum(m*x/(1-(1-p.old)^m) - m*wi.p/2) - (N-1/2)) /
#         sum(m^2*x*(1-p.old)^(m-1) / (1-(1-p.old)^m)^2 + m * wi.p.prime / 2)
#       # put in a catch for some wacky cases
#       if(p.new < 0)
#         p.new <- (1 - (1 - sum(x)/sum(n))^(sum(n)/N)) / 2 #sum(x)/N  # 0.5 * MIR
#       if(converge.f(p.old, p.new) < tol) done <- TRUE
#     }
#     p.new
#   }

"pooledbinom.firth" <-
function(x, m, n = rep(1., length(x)), tol = 1e-008, rel.tol = FALSE)
   # This is the implementation using Newton-Raphson
   if(length(m) == 1.) m <- rep(m, length(x)) else if(length(m) != length(x))
      stop("\n ... x and m must have same length if length(m) > 1")
   if(any(x > n))
      stop("x elements must be <= n elements")
   if(all(x == 0.)) return(0.)
   #if(sum(x) == sum(n)) return(1.)

   # assign a convergence criterion function to avoid repeated
   # checks of rel.tol during iteration
   if(rel.tol) "converge.f" <- function(old,new) abs((old-new)/old)
   else "converge.f" <- function(old,new) abs(old-new)

   N <- sum(n * m)
   # use proportion of positive pools, sum(x)/sum(n)
   # and inverse of average pool size, sum(n)/N
   # ...but this doesn't work when all pools are positive, while the
   # ...MIR does, so use MIR in that case
   if(sum(x) == sum(n)){
      p.new <- sum(x)/N
   } else {
      p.new <- 1 - (1 - sum(x)/sum(n))^(sum(n)/N)

   done <- FALSE
   while(!done) {
      p.old <- p.new
      vi.p <- m^2 * n * (1-p.old)^(m-2) / (1 - (1-p.old)^m)
      wi.p <- vi.p / sum(vi.p)
      vi.p.prime <- m^2 * n * (1-p.old)^(m-3) * (2 * (1-(1-p.old)^m) - m) / (1-(1-p.old)^m)^2
      wi.p.prime <- (vi.p.prime * sum(vi.p) - vi.p * sum(vi.p.prime)) / sum(vi.p)^2
      p.new <- p.old +  (sum(m*x/(1-(1-p.old)^m) - m*wi.p/2) - (N-1/2)) /
         sum(m^2*x*(1-p.old)^(m-1) / (1-(1-p.old)^m)^2 + m * wi.p.prime / 2)

      if(converge.f(p.old, p.new) < tol) done <- TRUE

"pooledbinom.score.ci" <-
function(x, m, n = rep(1., length(x)), tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75, alpha = 
	f <- function(p0, x, mm, n, alpha)
		# NOTE: I use the square of the score statistic and chisq
		score.p(p0, x, mm, n)^2 * pooledbinom.mle.var(p0, mm, n) - 
			qchisq(1 - alpha, 1)
	# The MLE is just used for a sensible cut-value for the search ...
	# it's not needed in the computation
	p.hat <- pooledbinom.mle(x, m, n, tol)
	if(sum(x) == 0) {
		lower.limit <- 0
	else {
		root.brak <- bracket.bounded.root(f, lower = p.hat/10, lbnd = 
			0., upper = p.hat/2, ubnd = p.hat, x = x, mm = m, n = n,
			alpha = alpha)
		lower.limit <- uniroot(f, lower = root.brak[1], upper = 
			root.brak[2], tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75, x = x,
			mm = m, n = n, alpha = alpha)$root
	if(sum(x) == sum(n)) {
		upper.limit <- 1
	else {
		root.brak <- bracket.bounded.root(f, lower = (p.hat + 1)/10,
			lbnd = p.hat, upper = (p.hat + 1)/2, ubnd = 1., x = x,
			mm = m, n = n, alpha = alpha)
		upper.limit <- uniroot(f, lower = root.brak[1], upper = 
			root.brak[2], tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75, x = x,
			mm = m, n = n, alpha = alpha)$root
	c(p = p.hat, lower = lower.limit, upper = upper.limit, alpha = alpha

function(x, m, n = rep(1., length(x)), tol = 1e-008, alpha = 0.05)
	# use gamm not gam b/c of the function gam()
	f <- function(p, x, mm, n, alpha)
		gamm <- function(p0, mm, n = rep(1, length(mm)))
			pooledbinom.mu3(p0, mm, n) * pooledbinom.mle.var(p0,
				mm, n)^(3/2)
		# NOTE: I use the square of the score statistic and chisq
		(score.p(p, x, mm, n) * sqrt(pooledbinom.mle.var(p, mm, n)) -
			(gamm(p, mm, n) * (qchisq(1 - alpha, 1) - 1))/6)^2 -
			qchisq(1. - alpha, 1)
	# The MLE is just used for a sensible cut-value for the search ...
	# it's not needed in the computation
	p.hat <- pooledbinom.mle(x, m, n, tol) # used to be cmle
	if(sum(x) == 0)
		return(pooledbinom.score.ci(x, m, n, tol, alpha))
	# Effectively "else"
	root.brak <- bracket.bounded.root(f, lower = p.hat/10, lbnd = 0., upper
		 = p.hat/2, ubnd = p.hat, x = x, mm = m, n = n, alpha = alpha)
	lower.limit <- uniroot(f, lower = root.brak[1], upper = root.brak[
		2], tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75, x = x, mm = m, n = n, alpha
		 = alpha)$root
	# use mm because m is confused with maxiter
	root.brak <- bracket.bounded.root(f, lower = (p.hat + 1)/10, lbnd = 
		p.hat, upper = (p.hat + 1)/2, ubnd = 1., x = x, mm = m, n = n,
		alpha = alpha)
	upper.limit <- uniroot(f, lower = root.brak[1], upper = root.brak[
		2], tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75, x = x, mm = m, n = n, alpha
		 = alpha)$root
	c(p = p.hat, lower = lower.limit, upper = upper.limit, alpha = alpha

function(x, m, n = rep(1., length(x)), tol = 1e-008, alpha = 0.05)
	f <- function(p, x, mm, n, alpha)
		gamm <- function(p0, mm, n = rep(1, length(mm)))
			pooledbinom.mu3(p0, mm, n) * pooledbinom.mle.var(p0,
				mm, n)^(3/2)
		# NOTE: I use the square of the score statistic and chisq
		(score.p(p, x, mm, n) * sqrt(pooledbinom.mle.var(p, mm, n)) -
			pooledbinom.bias(p, mm, n) - (gamm(p, mm, n) * (qchisq(
			1 - alpha, 1) - 1))/6)^2 - qchisq(1. - alpha, 1)
	# The MLE is just used for a sensible cut-value for the search ...
	# it's not needed in the computation
	p.hat <- pooledbinom.cmle(x, m, n, tol)
	p.hat <- pooledbinom.cmle(x, m, n, tol)
	if(sum(x) == 0)
		return(pooledbinom.score.ci(x, m, n, tol, alpha))
	# Effectively "else"
	root.brak <- bracket.bounded.root(f, lower = p.hat/10, lbnd = 0., upper
		 = p.hat/2, ubnd = p.hat, x = x, mm = m, n = n, alpha = alpha)
	lower.limit <- uniroot(f, lower = root.brak[1], upper = root.brak[
		2], tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75, x = x, mm = m, n = n, alpha
		 = alpha)$root
	# use mm because m is confused with maxiter
	root.brak <- bracket.bounded.root(f, lower = (p.hat + 1)/10, lbnd = 
		p.hat, upper = (p.hat + 1)/2, ubnd = 1., x = x, mm = m, n = n,
		alpha = alpha)
	upper.limit <- uniroot(f, lower = root.brak[1], upper = root.brak[
		2], tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75, x = x, mm = m, n = n, alpha
		 = alpha)$root
	c(p = p.hat, lower = lower.limit, upper = upper.limit, alpha = alpha

function(x, m, n = rep(1., length(x)), tol = 1e-008, alpha = 0.05)
	p.hat <- pooledbinom.mle(x, m, n, tol)
	f <- function(p, x, mm, n, f.tol, alpha, p.hat)
		if(p.hat == 0.)
			return( - Inf)
		else -2. * (pooledbinom.loglike(p, x, mm, n) - 
				pooledbinom.loglike(p.hat, x, mm, n)) - qchisq(
				1. - alpha, 1.)
	if(sum(x) == 0)
		return(pooledbinom.score.ci(x, m, n, tol, alpha))
	# Effectively "else"
	root.brak <- bracket.bounded.root(f, lower = p.hat/10, lbnd = 0., upper
		 = p.hat/2, ubnd = p.hat, x = x, mm = m, n = n, f.tol = tol,
		alpha = alpha, p.hat = p.hat)
	lower.limit <- uniroot(f, lower = root.brak[1], upper = root.brak[
		2], tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75, x = x, mm = m, n = n, f.tol
		 = tol, alpha = alpha, p.hat = p.hat)$root
	# use mm because m is confused with maxiter
	root.brak <- bracket.bounded.root(f, lower = (p.hat + 1)/10, lbnd = 
		p.hat, upper = (p.hat + 1)/2, ubnd = 1., x = x, mm = m, n = n,
		f.tol = tol, alpha = alpha, p.hat = p.hat)
	upper.limit <- uniroot(f, lower = root.brak[1], upper = root.brak[
		2], tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75, x = x, mm = m, n = n, f.tol
		 = tol, alpha = alpha, p.hat = p.hat)$root
	c(p = p.hat, lower = lower.limit, upper = upper.limit, alpha = alpha)

function(x, m, n = rep(1, length(x)), tol = 1e-008, alpha = 0.05)
	if(length(m) == 1)
		m <- rep(m, length(x))
	p.hat <- pooledbinom.mle(x, m, n, tol)
	p.stderr <- sqrt(pooledbinom.mle.var(p.hat, m, n))
	z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
	c(p = p.hat, lower = max(0, p.hat - z * p.stderr), upper = min(1, p.hat +
		z * p.stderr), alpha = alpha)

"pooledbinom.mir.ci" <-
function(x, m, n = rep(1, length(x)), tol = 1e-008, alpha = 0.05)
	N <- sum(m*n)
	mir <- sum(x)/N
	mir.stderr <- sqrt(mir*(1-mir)/N)
	z <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
	c(p=mir,lower=max(0, mir - z * mir.stderr), upper = min(1, mir + z * mir.stderr),alpha=alpha)

# two-sample functions
"pooledbinom.diff.loglike" <-
	pooledbinom.loglike((s+d)/2,x1,m1,n1) + pooledbinom.loglike((s-d)/2,x2,m2,n2)

"score.p" <-
function(p, x, m, n = rep(1,length(m)))
	if(sum(x) == 0 & p > 0) return(-sum(m*n)/(1-p))
	if(p < 0 | p >= 1) return(0)
	sum(m*x/(1-(1-p)^m) - m*n)/(1-p)
"score2" <-
	0.05*(score.p((s+d)/2,x1,m1,n1) + score.p((s-d)/2,x2,m2,n2))

"score2.vec" <- 
	ns <- length(s)
	s2 <- vector(length=ns)
	for(i in 1:ns)
		s2[i] <- score2(s[i],d,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)

# VITAL here to have tol = something very small!!!!
"Shatd" <- 
function(d, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2)
	#if(sum(x1)==0 & sum(x2)==0){
	#	N1 <- sum(m1*n1)
	#	N2 <- sum(m2*n2)
	#	return(2 - abs(N1-N2)*abs(d)/(N1+N2))
	if(sum(x1) == 0){
		if(d < 0){
			# g is value of dScore(s,d)/ds on the edge s = -d
			# must be vectorized for uniroot()
			g <- function(d,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1=rep(1,length(x1)),n2=rep(1,length(x2)))
						nd <- length(d)
						gv <- vector(length=nd)
						for(i in 1:nd) gv[i] <-  score2(-d[i],d[i],x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
			brkt <- bracket.bounded.root(g,lower=-0.5,lbnd=-1,upper=-0.001,ubnd=0,
			dstar <- uniroot(g,lower = brkt[1],upper = brkt[2], tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,
#			dstar <- uniroot(g,lower = -1 + .Machine$double.eps^0.5,upper = 0 -.Machine$double.eps^0.5,
#							tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,
#						x1=x1,m1=m1,x2=x2,m2=m2,n1=n1,n2=n2)$root
			if(d <= dstar){ 
			} else {
			brkt <- bracket.bounded.root(score2,lower= -0.5,lbnd=-d,upper=0,ubnd=2+d,
				ans <- uniroot(score2,lower = brkt[1],upper = brkt[2],
						tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,d=d,x1=x1,m1=m1,x2=x2,m2=m2,n1=n1,n2=n2)$root
#				ans <- uniroot(score2,lower = -d + .Machine$double.eps^0.5,upper = 2 + d - .Machine$double.eps^0.5,
#						tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,d=d,x1=x1,m1=m1,x2=x2,m2=m2,n1=n1,n2=n2)$root
		else {
			brkt <- bracket.bounded.root(score2,lower= d+0.001,lbnd=d,upper=2-d-0.001,ubnd=2-d,
			ans <- uniroot(score2,lower= brkt[1],upper = brkt[2],
						tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,d=d,x1=x1,m1=m1,x2=x2,m2=m2,n1=n1,n2=n2)$root
#			ans <- uniroot(score2,lower= d + .Machine$double.eps^0.5,upper = 2 - d -.Machine$double.eps^0.5,
#						tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,d=d,x1=x1,m1=m1,x2=x2,m2=m2,n1=n1,n2=n2)$root
	if(sum(x2) == 0){
		if(d > 0){
			# g is value of dScore(s,d)/ds on the edge s = d
			# must be vectorized for uniroot()
			g <- function(d,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1=rep(1,length(x1)),n2=rep(1,length(x2)))
						nd <- length(d)
						gv <- vector(length=nd)
						for(i in 1:nd) gv[i] <- score2(d[i],d[i],x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
			brkt <- bracket.bounded.root(g,lower=0.001,lbnd=0,upper=0.5,ubnd=1,
				dstar <- uniroot(g,lower = brkt[1],upper = brkt[2],
						tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,x1=x1,m1=m1,x2=x2,m2=m2,n1=n1,n2=n2)$root
#				dstar <- uniroot(g,lower = 0 + .Machine$double.eps^0.5,upper = 1 -.Machine$double.eps^0.5,
#						tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,x1=x1,m1=m1,x2=x2,m2=m2,n1=n1,n2=n2)$root
			if(d >= dstar) 
			else {
			brkt <- bracket.bounded.root(score2,lower=d+0.001,lbnd=d,upper=2-d-0.001,ubnd=2-d,
			ans <- uniroot(score2,lower=brkt[1],upper = brkt[2],
						tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,d=d,x1=x1,m1=m1,x2=x2,m2=m2,n1=n1,n2=n2)$root
#				ans <- uniroot(score2,lower= d + .Machine$double.eps,upper = 2 - d - .Machine$double.eps,
#						tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,d=d,x1=x1,m1=m1,x2=x2,m2=m2,n1=n1,n2=n2)$root
		else {
			brkt <- bracket.bounded.root(score2,lower=-d+0.001,lbnd=-d,upper=2+d-0.001,ubnd=2+d,
			ans <- uniroot(score2,lower= brkt[1],upper=brkt[2],
						tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,d=d,x1=x1,m1=m1,x2=x2,m2=m2,n1=n1,n2=n2)$root
#			ans <- uniroot(score2,lower= -d+.Machine$double.eps^0.5,upper=2+d-.Machine$double.eps^0.5,
#						tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,d=d,x1=x1,m1=m1,x2=x2,m2=m2,n1=n1,n2=n2)$root
	if(d < 0){
			brkt <- bracket.bounded.root(score2,lower=-d+0.001,lbnd=-d,upper=2+d-0.001,ubnd=2+d,
		ans <- uniroot(score2, lower =  brkt[1],
					upper = brkt[2], 
					tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75, d = d, x1 = x1,
					m1 = m1, x2 = x2, m2 = m2, n1 = n1,
					n2 = n2)$root	
#		ans <- uniroot(score2, lower =  - d + .Machine$double.eps^0.5,
#					upper = 2 + d - .Machine$double.eps^0.5, 
#					tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75, d = d, x1 = x1,
#					m1 = m1, x2 = x2, m2 = m2, n1 = n1,
#					n2 = n2)$root
	else {
			brkt <- bracket.bounded.root(score2,lower=d+0.025,lbnd=d,upper=2-d-0.05,ubnd=2-d,
		ans <- uniroot(score2, lower = brkt[1], upper = brkt[2],
					tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,d = d, x1 = x1,	m1 = m1, x2 = x2, m2 = m2, n1 = n1,	n2 = n2)$root
#		ans <- uniroot(score2, lower = d + .Machine$double.eps^0.5, upper = 2 - d - .Machine$double.eps^0.5,
#					tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,d = d, x1 = x1,	m1 = m1, x2 = x2, m2 = m2, n1 = n1,	n2 = n2)$root

"Shatd.vec" <- 
	nd <- length(d)
	shat <- vector(length=nd)
	dhat <- pooledbinom.diff.mle(x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
	for(i in 1:nd){
		 shat[i] <- Shatd(d[i],x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)

# This is the profile likelihood ratio interval
"pooledbinom.diff.lrt.ci" <-
function(x1, m1, x2, m2, n1 = rep(1, length(x1)), n2 = rep(1, length(x2)),alpha=0.05)
	p1 <- pooledbinom.mle(x1, m1, n1)
	p2 <- pooledbinom.mle(x2, m2, n2)
	dhat <- p1 - p2
	shat <- p1 + p2

	if(sum(x1)==0 & sum(x2) == 0){
		# This is from Newcombe, p. 889
		# NOTE: exp(-3.84/2) = 0.1465
		N1 <- sum(m1*n1)
		N2 <- sum(m2*n2)
		g <- exp(-qchisq(1-alpha,1)/2) 
		lcl <- -1 + g^(1/N1)
		ucl <- 1 - g^(1/N2)
	loglike.p <- function(p,x,m,n){
		if(p > 0) sum(x*log((1-(1-p)^m))) + log(1-p)*sum(m*(n-x))
		else 0

	loglike.ds <- function(d,s,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
		loglike.p((s+d)/2,x1,m1,n1) + loglike.p((s-d)/2,x2,m2,n2)

	lrt.stat <- function(d0,dhat,shat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
					shat0 <- Shatd(d0,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
					2*(loglike.ds(dhat,shat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2) -

	f <- function(d0,dhat,shat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,alpha)
					lrt.stat(d0,dhat,shat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2) - qchisq(1-alpha,1)

  	f.dhat <- f(dhat,dhat,shat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,alpha)	 
	stepsize <- 10
 	for(i in 1:stepsize){
	  	if(dhat - i/stepsize <= -1){
		  	 lower.lim <- -1 + .Machine$double.eps
  		if(f(dhat - i/stepsize,dhat,shat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,alpha)*f.dhat < 0){
	  		 lower.lim <- dhat - i/stepsize
	# should have upper = dhat.mpl 
	lower <- uniroot(f, lower = lower.lim, upper = dhat , dhat=dhat,shat=shat,x1 = x1, m1 = 
				m1, x2 = x2, m2 = m2, n1 = n1, n2 = n2,alpha=alpha)$root
  	for(i in 1:stepsize){
	  	if(dhat + i/stepsize >= 1){
		  	 upper.lim <- 1 - .Machine$double.eps
  		if(f(dhat + i/stepsize,dhat,shat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,alpha)*f.dhat < 0){
	  		 upper.lim <- dhat + i/stepsize
	# should have lower = dhat.mpl 
 	upper <- uniroot(f, lower = dhat, upper = upper.lim, dhat=dhat,shat=shat,x1 = x1, m1 = 
 				m1, x2 = x2, m2 = m2, n1 = n1, n2 = n2,alpha=alpha)$root				


"pooledbinom.diff.lrtstat" <-
function(d,x1, m1, x2, m2, n1 = rep(1, length(x1)), n2 = rep(1, length(x2)),alpha=0.05)
	p1 <- pooledbinom.mle(x1, m1, n1)
	p2 <- pooledbinom.mle(x2, m2, n2)
	dhat <- p1 - p2
	shat <- p1 + p2

	loglike.p <- function(p,x,m,n){
		if(p > 0) sum(x*log((1-(1-p)^m))) + log(1-p)*sum(m*(n-x))
		else 0

	loglike.ds <- function(d,s,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
		loglike.p((s+d)/2,x1,m1,n1) + loglike.p((s-d)/2,x2,m2,n2)

	lrt.stat <- function(d0,dhat,shat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
					shat0 <- Shatd(d0,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
					2*(loglike.ds(dhat,shat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2) -

"pooledbinom.diff.lrtstat.vec" <-
	n <- length(d)
	lmp <- vector(length=n)
	for(i in 1:n){
		lmp[i] <- pooledbinom.diff.lrtstat(d[i],x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)

# maximum likelihood estimate
"pooledbinom.diff.mle" <-
	pooledbinom.mle(x1,m1,n1) - pooledbinom.mle(x2,m2,n2)
"pooledbinom.diff.newcombe.ci" <-
function(x1, m1, x2, m2, n1 = rep(1, length(x1)), n2 = rep(1, length(x2)),alpha = 0.05)
	s1 <- as.vector(pooledbinom.score.ci(x1, m1, n1, alpha = alpha))
	# as.vector to drop names
	p1 <- s1[1]
	L1 <- s1[2]
	U1 <- s1[3]
	s2 <- as.vector(pooledbinom.score.ci(x2, m2, n2, alpha = alpha))
	p2 <- s2[1]
	L2 <- s2[2]
	U2 <- s2[3]
	thetahat <- p1 - p2
	delta <- sqrt((p1 - L1)^2 + (U2 - p2)^2)
	epsilon <- sqrt((U1 - p1)^2 + (p2 - L2)^2)
	c(p1 = p1, p2 = p2, diff = thetahat, lower = thetahat - delta, 
		upper = thetahat + epsilon, alpha = alpha)

"pooledbinom.diff.newcombecscore.ci" <-
function(x1, m1, x2, m2, n1 = rep(1, length(x1)), n2 = rep(1, length(x2)),alpha = 0.05)
	s1 <- as.vector(pooledbinom.cscore.ci(x1, m1, n1, alpha = alpha))
	# as.vector to drop names
	p1 <- s1[1]
	L1 <- s1[2]
	U1 <- s1[3]
	s2 <- as.vector(pooledbinom.cscore.ci(x2, m2, n2, alpha = alpha))
	p2 <- s2[1]
	L2 <- s2[2]
	U2 <- s2[3]
	thetahat <- p1 - p2
	delta <- sqrt((p1 - L1)^2 + (U2 - p2)^2)
	epsilon <- sqrt((U1 - p1)^2 + (p2 - L2)^2)
	c(p1 = p1, p2 = p2, diff = thetahat, lower = thetahat - delta, 
		upper = thetahat + epsilon, alpha = alpha)

"pooledbinom.diff.wald.ci" <-
function(x1, m1, x2, m2, n1 = rep(1, length(x1)), n2 = rep(1, length(x2)),alpha = 0.05)
	p1 <- pooledbinom.mle(x1, m1, n1)
	p1.var <- pooledbinom.mle.var(p1, m1, n1)
	p2 <- pooledbinom.mle(x2, m2, n2)
	p2.var <- pooledbinom.mle.var(p2, m2, n2)
	diff <- p1 - p2
	diff.var <- p1.var + p2.var
	z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
	c(p1 = p1, p2 = p2, diff = diff, lower = diff - z * sqrt(diff.var),
		upper = diff + z * sqrt(diff.var), alpha = alpha)

# Score methods
Z <- function(d, s, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1=rep(1,length(x1)), n2=rep(1,length(x2)))
		0.5*(score.p((d + s)/2, x1, m1, n1) - score.p((s -
		d)/2, x2, m2, n2)) * sqrt((pooledbinom.mle.var(
		(d + s)/2, m1, n1) + pooledbinom.mle.var((
		s - d)/2, m2, n2)))
"score.p" <-
function(p, x, m, n = rep(1,length(m)))
	if(sum(x) == 0 & p >= 0) return(-sum(m*n)/(1-p))
	if(p <= 0 | p >= 1) return(0)
	sum(m*x/(1-(1-p)^m) - m*n)/(1-p)

"score2" <-
	0.5*(score.p((s+d)/2,x1,m1,n1) + score.p((s-d)/2,x2,m2,n2))

"score2.vec" <-
	ns <- length(s)
	s2 <- vector(length=ns)
	for(i in 1:ns) s2[i] <- score2(s[i],d,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
"pooledbinom.diff.scorestat" <-
function(d, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1 = rep(1, length(x1)), n2 = rep(1, length(x2)))
	dhat <- pooledbinom.diff.mle(x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
	Z <- function(d, shat, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2)
			if(sum(x1) == 0){
				g <- function(d,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1=rep(1,length(x1)),n2=rep(1,length(x2)))
							nd <- length(d)
							gv <- vector(length=nd)
							for(i in 1:nd) gv[i] <-  score2(-d[i],d[i],x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
				dstar <- uniroot(g,lower = -1 + .Machine$double.eps^0.5,upper = 0 -.Machine$double.eps^0.5,
								tol = .Machine$double.eps,
				N1 <- sum(m1*n1)
				if(d <= dstar){
					0.5*(-sum(m1*n1)/(1-(shat+d)/2) * as.numeric(shat + d > 0)  - score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)) * 
					sqrt(((1-(shat+d)/2)^2 / N1)  * as.numeric(shat+d > 0) + 
						pooledbinom.mle.var((shat - d)/2, m2, n2))

				} else {
				0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1) - score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)) * 
				sqrt(pooledbinom.mle.var((shat+d)/2,m1,n1) + pooledbinom.mle.var((shat - d)/2, m2, n2))
			} else {
				# This is the REGULAR (easy) case -- x <> 0
			p1 <- (shat+d)/2
			p2 <- (shat-d)/2
			I1 <- pooledbinom.I(p1,m1,n1)
			I2 <- pooledbinom.I(p2,m2,n2)
			R <- I1 / (I1 + I2)
			V1 <- 1/I1
			V2 <- 1/I2
			S1 <- score.p(p1,x1,m1,n1)
			S2 <- score.p(p2,x2,m2,n2)
			ans <- (R*S1 - (1-R)*S2) * sqrt(V1 + V2)
			#	0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1) - score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)) * 
			#	sqrt((pooledbinom.mle.var((shat + d)/2, m1, n1) + pooledbinom.mle.var((
	 		#	shat - d)/2, m2, n2)))

	shat <- Shatd(d, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2)
	Z(d, shat, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2)  # - qnorm(1-0.05/2)

"pooledbinom.diff.scorestat.vec" <-
	n <- length(d)
	sc <- vector(length=n)
	for(i in 1:n) {
		sc[i] <- pooledbinom.diff.scorestat(d[i],x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)

"pooledbinom.diff.score.ci" <-
function(x1, m1, x2, m2, n1 = rep(1, length(x1)), n2 = rep(1, length(x2)),alpha=0.05)
	p1 <- pooledbinom.mle(x1, m1, n1)
	p2 <- pooledbinom.mle(x2, m2, n2)
	dhat <- p1 - p2
	shat <- p1 + p2
	#if(p1 == 0 & p2 == 0){
	if(sum(x1) == 0 & sum(x2)==0){
		# Not quite sure of this...MISSING 1/2!?!
		N1 <- sum(m1*n1)
		N2 <- sum(m2*n2)
		z2 <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)^2
		#lower <- -z2/(N2 + z2)
		lower <- -as.vector(pooledbinom.score.ci(x2,m2,n2,alpha=alpha)[3]) # -upper limit from pop'n 2
		#upper <- z2/(N1 + z2)
		upper <- as.vector(pooledbinom.score.ci(x1,m1,n1,alpha=alpha)[3]) # upper limit from pop'n 1
	if(sum(x1) == sum(n1) | sum(x2) == sum(n2))
	Z <- function(d, shat, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2)
			if(sum(x1) == 0){
				g <- function(d,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1=rep(1,length(x1)),n2=rep(1,length(x2)))
							nd <- length(d)
							gv <- vector(length=nd)
							for(i in 1:nd) gv[i] <-  score2(-d[i],d[i],x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
				dstar <- uniroot(g,lower = -1 + .Machine$double.eps^0.5,upper = 0 -.Machine$double.eps^0.5,
								tol = .Machine$double.eps,
				N1 <- sum(m1*n1)
				if(d <= dstar){
					return(0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1) * as.numeric(shat + d > 0)  - score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)) * 
					sqrt(((1-(shat+d)/2)^2 / N1)  * as.numeric(shat+d > 0) + 
						pooledbinom.mle.var((shat - d)/2, m2, n2)))

				} else {
				return(0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1) - score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)) * 
					sqrt(pooledbinom.mle.var((shat+d)/2,m1,n1) + pooledbinom.mle.var((shat - d)/2, m2, n2)))
			if(sum(x2) == 0){
				g <- function(d,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1=rep(1,length(x1)),n2=rep(1,length(x2)))
							nd <- length(d)
							gv <- vector(length=nd)
							for(i in 1:nd) gv[i] <-  score2(d[i],d[i],x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
				dstar <- uniroot(g,lower = 0 + .Machine$double.eps^0.5,upper = 1 -.Machine$double.eps^0.5,
								tol = .Machine$double.eps,
				N2 <- sum(m2*n2)
				if(d >= dstar){
					return(0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1)  - 
						score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)*as.numeric(shat - d > 0)) * 
					sqrt(pooledbinom.mle.var((shat+d)/2,m1,n1) + (1-(shat-d)/2)^2/N2 * as.numeric(shat-d>0)))

				} else {
					return(0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1) - score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)) * 
						sqrt(pooledbinom.mle.var((shat+d)/2,m1,n1) + pooledbinom.mle.var((shat - d)/2, m2, n2)))
			# This is the REGULAR (easy) case -- x <> 0
			0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1) - score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)) * 
			sqrt((pooledbinom.mle.var((shat + d)/2, m1, n1) + pooledbinom.mle.var((
 			shat - d)/2, m2, n2)))

 	f.lower <- function(d, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2,dhat)
			shat <- Shatd(d, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2)
			z <- Z(d,shat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2) - qnorm(1-alpha/2)
 	f.upper <- function(d, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2,dhat)
			shat <- Shatd(d, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2)
			z <- Z(d,shat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2) + qnorm(1-alpha/2)
  	# Bound the root, in a rather slow but safe way
  	f.dhat <- f.lower(dhat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,dhat)	 

	stepsize <- 10
 	for(i in 1:stepsize){
	  	if(dhat - i/stepsize <= -1){
		  	 lower.lim <- -1 + .Machine$double.eps
  		if(f.lower(dhat - i/stepsize,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,dhat)*f.dhat < 0){
	  		 lower.lim <- dhat - i/stepsize
	lower <- uniroot(f.lower, lower = lower.lim, upper = dhat , x1 = x1, m1 = 
				m1, x2 = x2, m2 = m2, n1 = n1, n2 = n2,dhat=dhat)$root
  	f.dhat <- f.upper(dhat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,dhat)	 
  	for(i in 1:stepsize){
	  	if(dhat + i/stepsize >= 1){
		  	 upper.lim <- 1 - .Machine$double.eps
  		if(f.upper(dhat + i/stepsize,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,dhat)*f.dhat < 0){
	  		 upper.lim <- dhat + i/stepsize
	#if(!exists("upper.lim")) upper.lim <- 1-.Machine$double.eps^0.5
 	upper <- uniroot(f.upper, lower = dhat, upper = upper.lim,x1 = x1, m1 = 
 				m1, x2 = x2, m2 = m2, n1 = n1, n2 = n2,dhat=dhat)$root
	c(p1 = p1, p2 = p2, diff = dhat, lower = lower, upper = upper, alpha=alpha)

"pooledbinom.diff.cscore.ci" <-
function(x1, m1, x2, m2, n1 = rep(1, length(x1)), n2 = rep(1, length(x2)),alpha=0.05)
	p1 <- pooledbinom.mle(x1, m1, n1)
	p2 <- pooledbinom.mle(x2, m2, n2)
	dhat <- p1 - p2
	shat <- p1 + p2
	chi2 <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)^2
	if(sum(x1) == 0 & sum(x2)==0){
		# Not quite sure of this...MISSING 1/2!?!
		N1 <- sum(m1*n1)
		N2 <- sum(m2*n2)
		z2 <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)^2
		lower <- -z2/(N2 + z2)
		upper <- z2/(N1 + z2)
	if(sum(x1) == sum(n1) | sum(x2) == sum(n2))

	Z <- function(d, shat, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2)
			if(sum(x1) == 0){
				g <- function(d,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1=rep(1,length(x1)),n2=rep(1,length(x2)))
							nd <- length(d)
							gv <- vector(length=nd)
							for(i in 1:nd) gv[i] <-  score2(-d[i],d[i],x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
				dstar <- uniroot(g,lower = -1 + .Machine$double.eps^0.5,upper = 0 -.Machine$double.eps^0.5,
								tol = .Machine$double.eps,
				N1 <- sum(m1*n1)
				if(d <= dstar){
					return(0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1) * as.numeric(shat + d > 0)  - score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)) * 
					sqrt(((1-(shat+d)/2)^2 / N1)  * as.numeric(shat+d > 0) + 
						pooledbinom.mle.var((shat - d)/2, m2, n2)))

				} else {
				return(0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1) - score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)) * 
					sqrt(pooledbinom.mle.var((shat+d)/2,m1,n1) + pooledbinom.mle.var((shat - d)/2, m2, n2)))
			if(sum(x2) == 0){
				g <- function(d,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1=rep(1,length(x1)),n2=rep(1,length(x2)))
							nd <- length(d)
							gv <- vector(length=nd)
							for(i in 1:nd) gv[i] <-  score2(d[i],d[i],x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
				dstar <- uniroot(g,lower = 0 + .Machine$double.eps^0.5,upper = 1 -.Machine$double.eps^0.5,
								tol = .Machine$double.eps,
				N2 <- sum(m2*n2)
				if(d >= dstar){
					return(0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1)  - 
						score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)*as.numeric(shat - d > 0)) * 
					sqrt(pooledbinom.mle.var((shat+d)/2,m1,n1) + (1-(shat-d)/2)^2/N2 * as.numeric(shat-d>0)))

				} else {
					return(0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1) - score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)) * 
						sqrt(pooledbinom.mle.var((shat+d)/2,m1,n1) + pooledbinom.mle.var((shat - d)/2, m2, n2)))
			# This is the REGULAR (easy) case -- x <> 0
			0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1) - score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)) * 
			sqrt((pooledbinom.mle.var((shat + d)/2, m1, n1) + pooledbinom.mle.var((
 			shat - d)/2, m2, n2)))

	mu3 <- function(d,shat,m1,m2,n1,n2)
			   I1 <- pooledbinom.I((shat+d)/2,m1,n1)
			   I2 <- pooledbinom.I((shat-d)/2,m2,n2)
			   R <- I1/(I1+I2)
			   (1-R)^3*pooledbinom.mu3((shat+d)/2,m1,n1) - R^3*pooledbinom.mu3((shat-d)/2,m2,n2)
    gamma1 <- function(d,shat,m1,m2,n1,n2)
	               (pooledbinom.mle.var((shat+d)/2,m1,n1) + pooledbinom.mle.var((shat-d)/2,m2,n2))^(3/2)

 	f.lower <- function(d, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2,dhat)
			shat <- Shatd(d, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2)
			z <- Z(d,shat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2) - gamma1(d,shat,m1,m2,n1,n2)*(chi2 - 1)/6 - qnorm(1-alpha/2)
 	f.upper <- function(d, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2,dhat)
			shat <- Shatd(d, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2)
			z <- Z(d,shat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2) - gamma1(d,shat,m1,m2,n1,n2)*(chi2 - 1)/6 + qnorm(1-alpha/2)
  	# Bound the root, in a rather slow but safe way
  	f.dhat <- f.lower(dhat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,dhat)	 

	stepsize <- 10
 	for(i in 1:stepsize){
	  	if(dhat - i/stepsize <= -1){
		  	 lower.lim <- -1 + .Machine$double.eps
  		if(f.lower(dhat - i/stepsize,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,dhat)*f.dhat < 0){
	  		 lower.lim <- dhat - i/stepsize
	lower <- uniroot(f.lower, lower = lower.lim, upper = dhat , x1 = x1, m1 = 
				m1, x2 = x2, m2 = m2, n1 = n1, n2 = n2,dhat=dhat)$root
  	f.dhat <- f.upper(dhat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,dhat)	 
  	for(i in 1:stepsize){
	  	if(dhat + i/stepsize >= 1){
		  	 upper.lim <- 1 - .Machine$double.eps
  		if(f.upper(dhat + i/stepsize,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,dhat)*f.dhat < 0){
	  		 upper.lim <- dhat + i/stepsize
 	upper <- uniroot(f.upper, lower = dhat, upper = upper.lim,x1 = x1, m1 = 
 				m1, x2 = x2, m2 = m2, n1 = n1, n2 = n2,dhat=dhat)$root  		 
	c(p1=p1,p2=p2,diff = dhat, lower = lower, upper = upper,alpha=alpha)

"pooledbinom.diff.bcscore.ci" <-
function(x1, m1, x2, m2, n1 = rep(1, length(x1)), n2 = rep(1, length(x2)),alpha=0.05)
	p1 <- pooledbinom.mle(x1, m1, n1)
	p2 <- pooledbinom.mle(x2, m2, n2)
	dhat <- p1 - p2
	shat <- p1 + p2
	chi2 <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)^2
		if(sum(x1) == 0 & sum(x2)==0){
		# Not quite sure of this...MISSING 1/2!?!
		N1 <- sum(m1*n1)
		N2 <- sum(m2*n2)
		z2 <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)^2
		lower <- -z2/(N2 + z2)
		upper <- z2/(N1 + z2)
	if(sum(x1) == sum(n1) | sum(x2) == sum(n2))

	Z <- function(d, shat, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2)
			if(sum(x1) == 0){
				g <- function(d,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1=rep(1,length(x1)),n2=rep(1,length(x2)))
							nd <- length(d)
							gv <- vector(length=nd)
							for(i in 1:nd) gv[i] <-  score2(-d[i],d[i],x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
				dstar <- uniroot(g,lower = -1 + .Machine$double.eps^0.5,upper = 0 -.Machine$double.eps^0.5,
								tol = .Machine$double.eps,
				N1 <- sum(m1*n1)
				if(d <= dstar){
					return(0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1) * as.numeric(shat + d > 0)  - score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)) * 
					sqrt(((1-(shat+d)/2)^2 / N1)  * as.numeric(shat+d > 0) + 
						pooledbinom.mle.var((shat - d)/2, m2, n2)))

				} else {
				return(0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1) - score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)) * 
					sqrt(pooledbinom.mle.var((shat+d)/2,m1,n1) + pooledbinom.mle.var((shat - d)/2, m2, n2)))
			if(sum(x2) == 0){
				g <- function(d,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1=rep(1,length(x1)),n2=rep(1,length(x2)))
							nd <- length(d)
							gv <- vector(length=nd)
							for(i in 1:nd) gv[i] <-  score2(d[i],d[i],x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2)
				dstar <- uniroot(g,lower = 0 + .Machine$double.eps^0.5,upper = 1 -.Machine$double.eps^0.5,
								tol = .Machine$double.eps,
				N2 <- sum(m2*n2)
				if(d >= dstar){
					return(0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1)  - 
						score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)*as.numeric(shat - d > 0)) * 
					sqrt(pooledbinom.mle.var((shat+d)/2,m1,n1) + (1-(shat-d)/2)^2/N2 * as.numeric(shat-d>0)))

				} else {
					return(0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1) - score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)) * 
						sqrt(pooledbinom.mle.var((shat+d)/2,m1,n1) + pooledbinom.mle.var((shat - d)/2, m2, n2)))
			# This is the REGULAR (easy) case -- x <> 0
			0.5*(score.p((shat+d)/2, x1, m1, n1) - score.p((shat - d)/2, x2, m2, n2)) * 
			sqrt((pooledbinom.mle.var((shat + d)/2, m1, n1) + pooledbinom.mle.var((
 			shat - d)/2, m2, n2)))
	mu3 <- function(d,shat,m1,m2,n1,n2)
			   I1 <- pooledbinom.I((shat+d)/2,m1,n1)
			   I2 <- pooledbinom.I((shat-d)/2,m2,n2)
			   R <- I1/(I1+I2)
			   (1-R)^3*pooledbinom.mu3((shat+d)/2,m1,n1) - R^3 * pooledbinom.mu3((shat-d)/2,m2,n2)
    gamma1 <- function(d,shat,m1,m2,n1,n2)
	               (pooledbinom.mle.var((shat+d)/2,m1,n1) + pooledbinom.mle.var((shat-d)/2,m2,n2))^(3/2)
	bias <- function(d,shat,m1,m2,n1,n2)
			   I1 <- pooledbinom.I((shat+d)/2,m1,n1)
			   I2 <- pooledbinom.I((shat-d)/2,m2,n2)
			   R <- I1/(I1+I2)
		       R^(3/2) * sqrt(I2) * pooledbinom.bias((shat+d)/2,m1,n1) -
		         (1-R)^(3/2) * sqrt(I1) * pooledbinom.bias((shat-d)/2,m2,n2)

  	f.lower <- function(d, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2,dhat)
			shat <- Shatd(d, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2)
			z <- Z(d,shat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2) - bias(d,shat,m1,m2,n1,n2) - gamma1(d,shat,m1,m2,n1,n2)*(chi2 - 1)/6 - qnorm(1-alpha/2)
 	f.upper <- function(d, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2,dhat)
			shat <- Shatd(d, x1, m1, x2, m2, n1, n2)
			z <- Z(d,shat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2) - bias(d,shat,m1,m2,n1,n2) - gamma1(d,shat,m1,m2,n1,n2)*(chi2 - 1)/6 + qnorm(1-alpha/2)
  	# Bound the root, in a rather slow but safe way
  	f.dhat <- f.lower(dhat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,dhat)	 

	stepsize <- 10
 	for(i in 1:stepsize){
	  	if(dhat - i/stepsize <= -1){
		  	 lower.lim <- -1 + .Machine$double.eps
  		if(f.lower(dhat - i/stepsize,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,dhat)*f.dhat < 0){
	  		 lower.lim <- dhat - i/stepsize
	lower <- uniroot(f.lower, lower = lower.lim, upper = dhat , x1 = x1, m1 = 
				m1, x2 = x2, m2 = m2, n1 = n1, n2 = n2,dhat=dhat)$root
  	f.dhat <- f.upper(dhat,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,dhat)	 
  	for(i in 1:stepsize){
	  	if(dhat + i/stepsize >= 1){
		  	 upper.lim <- 1 - .Machine$double.eps
  		if(f.upper(dhat + i/stepsize,x1,m1,x2,m2,n1,n2,dhat)*f.dhat < 0){
	  		 upper.lim <- dhat + i/stepsize
 	upper <- uniroot(f.upper, lower = dhat, upper = upper.lim,x1 = x1, m1 = 
 				m1, x2 = x2, m2 = m2, n1 = n1, n2 = n2,dhat=dhat)$root  		 
	c(p1=p1,p2=p2,diff = dhat, lower = lower, upper = upper,alpha=alpha)


"pooledbinom.diff.mir.ci" <-
	N1 <- sum(m1*n1)
	N2 <- sum(m2*n2)
	mir1 <- sum(x1)/N1
	mir2 <- sum(x2)/N2
	mir1.var <- mir1*(1-mir1)/N1
	mir2.var <- mir2*(1-mir2)/N2
	mir.diff <- mir1 - mir2
	mir.diff.stderr <- sqrt(mir1.var + mir2.var)
	z <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
	c(p1=mir1,p2=mir2,diff=mir.diff,lower=mir.diff - z * mir.diff.stderr,upper=mir.diff + z*mir.diff.stderr,alpha=alpha)

# Some utility functions
"bracket.root" <-
function(f, lower=0, upper=1, ..., scaling = 1.6, direction = c("both", "up", 
	"down"), max.iter = 50)
	direction <- match.arg(direction)
	if(lower == upper)
		stop("lower cannot equal upper")
	f1 <- f(lower, ...)
	f2 <- f(upper, ...)
	done <- F
	num.iter <- 0
	while(!done) {
		num.iter <- num.iter + 1
		if(num.iter >= max.iter)
			stop(paste("root not bracketed in", max.iter, 
		if(f1 * f2 < 0) {
			done <- T
			ans <- c(lower, upper)
			both = if(abs(f1) < abs(f2)) f1 <- f(lower <- lower +
					scaling * (lower - upper), ...) else f2 <-
					f(upper <- upper + scaling * (upper -
					lower), ...),
			down = f1 <- f(lower <- lower + scaling * (lower - 
				upper), ...),
			up = f2 <- f(upper <- upper + scaling * (upper - lower),

# Use this function to bracket a root by lower and upper
# that is bounded below by lbnd and above by ubnd
# idea is to start with (lower,upper) as brackets, then
# step toward the appropriate bound, lbnd or ubnd, 
# by moving the the midpoint between lower and lbnd
# (upper and ubnd) updating lower (upper) each time
"bracket.bounded.root" <- 
	if(lower == upper) stop("lower cannot equal upper")
	f1 <- f(lower,...)
	f2 <- f(upper,...)
	done <- F
	num.iter <- 0
		num.iter <- num.iter + 1
		if(num.iter >= max.iter) stop(paste("root not bracketed in",max.iter,"iterations\n"))
		if(f1*f2 < 0) {
			done <- T
			ans <- c(lower,upper)
		# march toward the bound in slicing steps
		if(abs(f1) < abs(f2))
			f1 <- f(lower <- (lower+lbnd)/slicing,...) 
			f2 <- f(upper <- (upper+ubnd)/slicing,...)

"printc" <-
	namex <- deparse(substitute(x))

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