
"pca.array" <- function(x, use.svd=TRUE, rm.gaps=TRUE, ...) {
    stop("provide an array of matrices")
  ## Log the call
  cl <- match.call()
  ## Construct the input matrix for PCA
  x <- t(apply(x, 3, function(y) y[upper.tri(y)]))

  if (any(!is.finite(x))) {
    ## Check for GAP positions in input
    if(rm.gaps) {
       gapC <- colSums(is.na(x)) == 0
      if (sum(gapC) > 1) {
        x <- x[,gapC]
        cat(paste("NOTE: Removing", sum(!gapC), "upper triangular gap cells with missing data\n",
            "     retaining", sum(gapC), "upper triangular non-gap cells for analysis.\n"))
      } else {
        stop("No non-gap containing cell available for analysis.")
    } else {
       stop( paste("  Infinite or missing values in 'x' input.",
      "\t Likely solution is to remove gap cells with rm.gaps=TRUE",
      "\t or remove gap containing matrices from input.", sep="\n") )

  dx <- dim(x)
  n <- dx[1]; p <- dx[2]
  mean <- colMeans(x)
  if(!use.svd) {
    ## coverance matrix
    S    <- var(x)          
    ## eigenvectors ("U") & eigenvalues ("L"): [ U'SU=L ]
    prj  <- eigen(S, symmetric = TRUE)
    L <- prj$values
    U <- prj$vectors
  else {
    ## S = Q'Q, Q = UDV'
    Q <- t(t(x) - mean) / sqrt(n-1)
    prj <- svd(Q)
    L <- prj$d^2
    U <- prj$v
  ## fix negative eigenvalues
  ## (these are very small numbers and should be zero)
  sdev <- sqrt(L)
  ## scores of "xyz" on the pc's [ z=U'[x-x.mean] ]
  z <- sweep(x,2,mean) %*% (U)
  out <- list(L=L, U=U, z=z,
              sdev=sdev, mean=mean, call=cl)

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bio3d documentation built on Oct. 27, 2022, 1:06 a.m.