#' @export
print.bizicount= function(x, ...){
for(i in 1:2){
cat(paste("\nCount:", x$outcomes[i]), "\n")
print(x$coef[grepl(paste0("ct",i), names(x$coef))])
if(grepl("zi", x$margins[i])){
cat(paste("\nZero Infl:", x$outcomes[i]), "\n")
print(x$coef[grepl(paste0("zi",i), names(x$coef))])
disps = sum(grepl("disp", names(x$coef)))
print(tail(x$coef, 1 + disps))
cat("\n[Use `summary(your.model.object)` function for more details.]\n")
#' @export
logLik.bizicount = function(object, ...) object$loglik
# AIC precomputed using k=2 in regression fn, so adjust it here according to AIC's k arg
#' @export
AIC.bizicount = function(object, ..., k=2) k/2*object$aic
#' @export
BIC.bizicount = function(object, ...) object$bic
#' @export
nobs.bizicount = function(object, ...) object$nobs
#' @export
vcov.bizicount = function(object, ...) object$covmat
#' @export
coef.bizicount = function(object, id = TRUE, ...){
#' @export
fitted.bizicount = function(object, ...){
with(object, {
stop("bizicount() model must be fit with `keep=TRUE` to get fitted values.", call.=F)
n.zi = sum(grepl("zi", margins))
X = model[["X"]]
Z = model[["Z"]]
offset.ct = model[["offset.ct"]]
offset.zi = model[["offset.zi"]]
fit = list()
for(i in 1:2){
ct = coef[grepl(paste0("ct", i), names(coef))]
if(grepl("zi", margins[i])){
zi = coef[grepl(paste0("zi", i), names(coef))]
pz = invlink.zi[[i]](Z[[i]] %*% zi + offset.zi[[i]])
pc = (1-pz)*invlink.ct[[i]](X[[i]]%*%ct + offset.ct[[i]])
fit[[i]] = pc
} else {
fit[[i]] = invlink.ct[[i]](X[[i]] %*% ct + offset.ct[[i]])
out =, fit)
colnames(out) = paste0("fit_", object$outcomes)
#' @export
summary.bizicount = function(object, ...){
stop("Object must be of class `bizicount`.")
class(object) = c("summary.bizicount", "bizicount")
#' @export
print.summary.bizicount = function(x, stars = TRUE, ...){
old = getOption("show.signif.stars")
options(show.signif.stars = stars)
on.exit(options(show.signif.stars = old),
with(x, {
width = .618*getOption("width")
zi = grep("zi", margins)
nb = grep("nb", margins)
n.zi = length(zi)
n.nb = length(nb)
pad = vector()
# pad for printing of the coefmat for dispersion parameters
if (n.nb > 0) {
for (i in 1:2) {
if (any(nb == i)){
nds = rownames(coefmats[[paste0("disp_", outcomes[i])]])
nct = rownames(coefmats[[i]])
pad[i] = max(nchar(nct)) - max(nchar(nds)) + 1
pad[pad < 0] = 0
rownames(coefmats[[paste0("disp_", outcomes[i])]]) = paste0(nds, paste0(rep(" ", pad[i]), collapse=""))
#print call
cat(deparse(x$call), sep="\n")
divider("=", width, prepend=T)
for(i in 1:2){
#count models
modlabel(paste("Count Model:", outcomes[i]), append=T)
printCoefmat(rbind(coefmats[[paste0("ct_", outcomes[i])]],
if(!is.null(coefmats[[paste0("disp_", outcomes[i])]]))
coefmats[[paste0("disp_", outcomes[i])]]
signif.legend = if(i==2 && !any(zi==2) && stars) T else F)
#zero inflated
if ( any(zi == i) ){
divider("+", .5*width, prepend=T)
modlabel(paste("Zero Inflation:", outcomes[i]), append=T)
printCoefmat(coefmats[[paste0("zi_", outcomes[i])]],
signif.legend = if(i == 2 && stars) T else F)
# dependence
if ( i == 1 ){
divider("-", width, prepend=T)
signif.stars = if(stars) T else F,
signif.legend = F)
divider("-", width, append=T)
divider("=", width, prepend=T)
# Function for getting texreg output from bizicount objects.
#' @name extract.bizicount
#' @title Texreg for bizicount objects
#' @description This is a method for the \code{\link[texreg]{extract}} generic
#' to be used with objects that are output from the \code{\link{bizicount}}
#' function. The results can be used with any of the
#' \code{\link[texreg]{texreg-package}} generics.
#' @method extract bizicount
#' @param model A \code{\link{bizicount-class}} model object (S3).
#' @param CI The two-tailed confidence level, if confidence intervals are
#' desired in the texreg object, otherwise `NULL`.
#' @param id Logical indicating whether to prepend equation identifiers to
#' coefficient names (`ct_` for count parameters, `zi_` for zero-inflated parameters)
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return A \code{\link[texreg]{texreg-class}} object, as produced by
#' \code{\link[texreg]{createTexreg}}, which can interface with all of that
#' package's generics.
#' @note Users can typically just call \code{\link[texreg]{texreg}} directly on
#' a \code{\link{bizicount-class}} object, instead of first extracting and
#' then calling texreg.
#' @example inst/examples/extract_bizicount_ex.R
#' @references Leifeld, Philip (2013). texreg: Conversion of Statistical Model
#' Output in R to LaTeX and HTML Tables. Journal of Statistical Software,
#' 55(8), 1-24. URL
#' @author John Niehaus
#' @seealso \code{\link[texreg]{extract}}, \code{\link[texreg]{createTexreg}},
#' \code{\link[bizicount]{bizicount}}
#' @export
extract.bizicount = function(model, CI = NULL, id = TRUE, ...){
if(!is.null(CI) && (CI > 1 || CI < 0) ) stop("`CI` must be between 0 and 1. ")
if(!is.logical(id)) stop("`id` must be logical (T/F) value.")
# Extract names of coefficients for each margin, create vector of new names that
# that will match with output from zicreg so that new rows are not created in texreg output
name = names(model$coef)
pat = c("ct1_|zi1_",
nb = grepl("nb", model$margins)
name.list = lapply(pat, function(x) grep(x, name, value=T))
newname.list = lapply(name.list, function(x) gsub("^(.{2})[1-2](.*)", "\\1\\2", x))
newname.list = lapply(name.list, function(x) substr(x, 5, nchar(x)))
for(i in 1:2){
name.list[[i]] = c(name.list[[i]],
rep(paste0("disp.", i), nb[i]),
newname.list[[i]] = c(newname.list[[i]],
rep("disp", nb[i]),
n = nobs(model)
bic = BIC(model)
aic = AIC(model)
ll = logLik(model)
gof = c(n, bic, aic, ll)
gof.names = c("N", "BIC", "AIC", "LogLik")
# create texreg output
out = list()
for(i in 1:2){
out[[i]] = createTexreg(
coef.names = newname.list[[i]],
coef = model$coef[name.list[[i]]],
se = model$se[name.list[[i]]],
pvalues = model$p[name.list[[i]]],
ci.low = if (!is.null(CI))
model$coef[name.list[[i]]] - qnorm((1 + CI) / 2) * model$se[name.list[[i]]]
ci.up = if(!is.null(CI))
model$coef[name.list[[i]]] + qnorm((1+CI)/2) * model$se[name.list[[i]]]
gof.names = gof.names,
gof = gof,
gof.decimal = c(F,T,T,T), = paste0("Biv: ", model$outcomes[i])
#' @title The bizicount S4 Class
#' @description Note that `bizicount` objects are generally S3, and should use
#' S3 syntax. This S4 class is defined only for compatability with
#' \code{\link[texreg]{texreg}}. However, the contents of `bizicount` objects
#' is the same in both S3 and S4, so the descriptions below apply in both cases.
#' @slot coef Coefficients of the model
#' @slot coef.nid Coefficients without margin IDs
#' @slot coef.orig Coefficients prior to transformations, for Gaussian
#' dependence and negative binomial dispersion.
#' @slot coef.orig.nid Coefficients prior to transforms, no margin IDs.
#' @slot se Asymptotic standard errors based on observed Fisher Information
#' @slot se.nid Standard errors without margin IDs
#' @slot z z-scores for parameter estimates
#' @slot z.nid z-scores without margin IDs
#' @slot p p-values for parameter estimates
#' @slot p.nid p-values without margin IDs
#' @slot coefmats A list containing coefficient matrices for each margin
#' @slot loglik Scalar log-likelihood at convergence
#' @slot grad Gradient vector at convergence
#' @slot n.iter Number of quasi-newton fitting iterations.
#' @slot covmat Covariance matrix of parameter estimates based on observed Fisher Information
#' @slot aic Model's Akaike information
#' @slot bic Model's Bayesian information criterion
#' @slot nobs Number of observations
#' @slot margins Marginal distributions used in fitting
#' @slot link.zi,link.ct Names of link functions used in fitting
#' @slot invlink.ct,invlink.zi Inverse link functions used in fitting (the
#' actual function, not their names)
#' @slot outcomes Name of the response vector
#' @slot conv Integer telling convergence status.
#' @slot cop The copula used in fitting
#' @slot starts list of starting values used
#' @slot call The model's call
#' @slot model List containing model matrices, or `NULL` if `keep = F`.
#' @export
representation(coef = "numeric",
coef.nid = "numeric",
coef.orig = "numeric",
coef.orig.nid = "numeric",
se = "numeric",
se.nid = "numeric",
z = "numeric",
z.nid = "numeric",
p = "numeric",
p.nid = "numeric",
coefmats = "numeric",
loglik = "numeric",
grad = "numeric",
n.iter = "integer",
covmat = "numeric",
aic = "integer",
bic = "numeric",
nobs = "integer",
margins = "character",
link.zi = "character",
link.ct = "character",
invlink.ct = "function",
invlink.zi = "function",
outcomes = "character",
conv = "integer",
cop = "character",
starts = "list",
call = "language",
model = "ANY"
signature = "bizicount",
definition= extract.bizicount)
#' @name simulate.bizicount
#' @title Simulating response values using parameters from fitted bizicount models
#' @description Simulates random response values using the fitted conditional
#' mean function for each margin of a \code{\link{bizicount-class}} object.
#' Primarily for use with the \code{\link[DHARMa]{DHARMa}} package.
#' @param object A fitted \code{\link{bizicount-class}} object, as returned by
#' \code{\link{bizicount}}.
#' @param nsim Number of simulated response values from the fitted model. E.g.,
#' `nsim = 250` will simulate each observation 250 times, for \eqn{n \times
#' 250} total observations.
#' @param seed Seed used for simulating from fitted model. If `NULL`, no seed is
#' set.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return A length 2 list, with each entry containing a numeric \eqn{n X
#' nsim} matrix for each margin of the bizicount model. Rows index
#' the observation, and columns index the simulated dataset number.
#' @example inst/examples/simulate_bizicount_ex.R
#' @references Florian Hartig (2022). DHARMa: Residual Diagnostics for
#' Hierarchical (Multi-Level / Mixed) Regression Models. R package version
#' 0.4.5.
#' @author John Niehaus
#' @seealso \code{\link[DHARMa]{createDHARMa}}, \code{\link[DHARMa]{simulateResiduals}}
#' @export
simulate.bizicount = function(object, nsim=250, seed=123, ...){
stop("Must set `keep=T` in bizicount() to do diagnostics on model object.")
with(object, {
#observed = model$model[["y"]]
n.zi = sum(grepl("zi", margins))
nob = object$nobs
X = model[["X"]]
Z = model[["Z"]]
offset.ct = model[["offset.ct"]]
offset.zi = model[["offset.zi"]]
disp1 = if(!is.null(coef["disp.1"])) coef["disp.1"] else NULL
disp2 = if(!is.null(coef["disp.2"])) coef["disp.2"] else NULL
psi = list()
lam = list()
disp = list()
for(i in 1:2){
ct = coef[grepl(paste0("^ct", i), names(coef))]
lam[[i]] = as.vector(invlink.ct[[i]](X[[i]]%*%ct + offset.ct[[i]]))
if(grepl("zi", margins[i])){
zi = coef[grepl(paste0("^zi", i), names(coef))]
psi[[i]] = as.vector(invlink.zi[[i]](Z[[i]] %*% zi + offset.zi[[i]]))
} else
if(grepl("nb", margins[i]))
disp[[i]] = coef[grepl(paste0("disp.", i), names(coef))]
margin.args = list()
for (i in c(1, 2)) {
margin.args[[i]] = switch(
"pois" = list(
n = nob,
lambda = lam[[i]]
"nbinom" = list(
n = nob,
mu = lam[[i]],
size = disp[[i]]
"zip" = list(
n = nob,
lambda = lam[[i]],
psi = psi[[i]]
"zinb" = list(
n = nob,
mu = lam[[i]],
size = disp[[i]],
psi = psi[[i]]
sims = list()
for(j in 1:2){
sims[[j]] = replicate(nsim,"r", margins[j]), margin.args[[j]]))
names(sims) = model$outcomes
}) # close out `with` command
#' @name make_DHARMa
#' @title DHARMa-class objects from bizicount models
#' @description A wrapper around the \code{\link[DHARMa]{DHARMa}} package's
#' \code{\link[DHARMa]{createDHARMa}} function. Creates a list of DHARMa
#' objects, one for each margin of a \code{\link{bizicount-class}} object, using
#' simulated responses from \code{\link{simulate.bizicount}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link[DHARMa]{DHARMa}}, \code{\link[DHARMa]{createDHARMa}},
#' \code{\link{simulate.bizicount}}
#' @author John Niehaus
#' @note This is merely a wrapper around the \code{\link[DHARMa]{createDHARMa}}
#' function to conveniently get DHARMa objects for each margin of a bizicount
#' model.
#' @return A list of \code{\link[DHARMa]{DHARMa}} objects.
#' @param object A \code{\link{bizicount-class}} object, as returned by \link{bizicount}.
#' @param nsim Number of simulated responses from the fitted model to use for diagnostics.
#' @param seed Random seed for simulating from fitted model.
#' @param method See \code{\link[DHARMa]{createDHARMa}}.
#' @example inst/examples/make_dharma_ex.R
#' @references Florian Hartig (2022). DHARMa: Residual Diagnostics for
#' Hierarchical (Multi-Level / Mixed) Regression Models. R package version
#' 0.4.5.
#' @export
make_DHARMa = function(object, nsim=250, seed=123, method="PIT"){
if( !any(class(object) == "bizicount") )
stop("Function must be applied to bizicount class object.")
sims = simulate(object, nsim=nsim, seed=seed)
fit = fitted(object)
dharmas = list()
for(i in 1:2){
dharmas[[i]] = createDHARMa(
simulatedResponse = sims[[i]],
observedResponse = object$model[["y"]][,i],
fittedPredictedResponse = fit[,i],
integerResponse = T,
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