#' Build a website
#' Build the site through Hugo, and optionally (re)build R Markdown files.
#' You can use \code{\link{serve_site}()} to preview your website locally, and
#' \code{build_site()} to build the site for publishing. However, if you use a
#' web publishing service like Netlify, you do not need to build the site
#' locally, but can build it on the cloud. See Section 1.7 of the \pkg{blogdown}
#' book for more information:
#' \url{}.
#' For R Markdown posts, there are a few possible rendering methods: \code{html}
#' (the default), \code{markdown}, and \code{custom}. The method can be set in
#' the global option \code{blogdown.method} (usually in the
#' \file{\link{.Rprofile}} file), e.g., \code{options(blogdown.method =
#' "custom")}.
#' For the \code{html} method, \file{.Rmd} posts are rendered to \file{.html}
#' via \code{rmarkdown::\link[rmarkdown]{render}()}, which means Markdown is
#' processed through Pandoc. For the \code{markdown} method, \file{.Rmd} is
#' rendered to \file{.md}, which will typically be rendered to HTML later by the
#' site generator such as Hugo.
#' For all rendering methods, a custom R script \file{R/build.R} will be
#' executed if you have provided it under the root directory of the website
#' (e.g. you can compile Rmd to Markdown through
#' \code{knitr::\link[knitr]{knit}()} and build the site via
#' \code{\link{hugo_cmd}()}). The \code{custom} method means it is entirely up
#' to this R script how a website is rendered. The script is executed via
#' command line \command{Rscript "R/build.R"}, which means it is executed in a
#' separate R session. The value of the argument \code{local} is passed to the
#' command line (you can retrieve the command-line arguments via
#' \code{\link{commandArgs}(TRUE)}). For other rendering methods, the R script
#' \file{R/build2.R} (if exists) will be executed after Hugo has built the site.
#' This can be useful if you want to post-process the site.
#' When \code{build_rmd = TRUE}, all Rmd files will be (re)built. You can set
#' the global option \code{blogdown.files_filter} to a function to determine
#' which Rmd files to build when \code{build_rmd = TRUE}. This function takes a
#' vector of Rmd file paths, and should return a subset of these paths to be
#' built. By default, \code{options(blogdown.files_filter = \link{identity}}.
#' You can use \code{blogdown::\link{filter_newfile}}, which means to build new
#' Rmd files that have not been built before, or
#' \code{blogdown::\link{filter_timestamp}} to build Rmd files if their time
#' stamps (modification time) are newer than their output files, or
#' \code{blogdown::\link{filter_md5sum}}, which is more robust in determining if
#' an Rmd file has been modified (hence needs to be rebuilt).
#' @param local Whether to build the website locally. This argument is passed to
#' \code{\link{hugo_build}()}, and \code{local = TRUE} is mainly for serving
#' the site locally via \code{\link{serve_site}()}.
#' @param run_hugo Whether to run \code{hugo_build()} after R Markdown files are
#' compiled.
#' @param build_rmd Whether to (re)build R Markdown files. By default, they are
#' not built. See \sQuote{Details} for how \code{build_rmd = TRUE} works.
#' Alternatively, it can take a vector of file paths, which means these files
#' are to be (re)built. Or you can provide a function that takes a vector of
#' paths of all R Markdown files under the \file{content/} directory, and
#' returns a vector of paths of files to be built, e.g., \code{build_rmd =
#' blogdown::filter_timestamp}. A few aliases are currently provided for such
#' functions: \code{build_rmd = 'newfile'} is equivalent to \code{build_rmd =
#' blogdown::filter_newfile}, \code{build_rmd = 'timestamp'} is equivalent to
#' \code{build_rmd = blogdown::filter_timestamp}, and \code{build_rmd =
#' 'md5sum'} is equivalent to \code{build_rmd = blogdown::filter_md5sum}.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to \code{\link{hugo_build}()}.
#' @export
build_site = function(local = FALSE, run_hugo = TRUE, build_rmd = FALSE, ...) {
knitting = is_knitting() || preview_mode()
if (!knitting) on.exit(run_script('R/build.R', as.character(local)), add = TRUE)
if (build_method() == 'custom') return()
if (!isFALSE(build_rmd)) {
if (is.character(build_rmd) && length(build_rmd) == 1) {
build_rmd = switch(
build_rmd, timestamp = filter_timestamp, md5sum = filter_md5sum,
newfile = filter_newfile, build_rmd
files = if (is.character(build_rmd)) build_rmd else {
files = list_rmds(check = TRUE)
if (is.function(build_rmd)) build_rmd(files) else {
if (length(files)) get_option('blogdown.files_filter', identity)(files)
build_rmds(files, knitting)
if (run_hugo) on.exit(hugo_build(local, ...), add = TRUE)
if (!knitting) on.exit(run_script('R/build2.R', as.character(local)), add = TRUE)
build_method = function() {
methods = c('html', 'markdown', 'custom')
match.arg(get_option('blogdown.method', methods), methods)
# list and/or filter Rmd file to build
list_rmds = function(
dir = content_file(), check = FALSE, pattern = rmd_pattern, files = NULL
) {
if (is.null(files)) files = list_files(dir, pattern)
# exclude Rmd that starts with _ (preserve these names for, e.g., child docs)
# but include _index.Rmd/.md
files = files[!grepl('^_', basename(files)) | grepl('^_index[.]', basename(files))]
# exclude Rmd within packrat / renv library
files = files[!grepl('(^|/)(?:packrat|renv)/', files)]
# do not allow special characters in filenames so dependency names are more
# predictable, e.g. foo_files/
if (check) bookdown:::check_special_chars(files)
# list .md files
list_mds = function() list_files(content_file(), '[.]md$')
# whether a document is knitted via the Knit button
is_knitting = function() isTRUE(opts$get('render_one'))
# build R Markdown posts
build_rmds = function(files, knitting = is_knitting()) {
# emit a message indicating that a file is being knitted when the knitting is
# not triggered by the Knit button
msg_knit = function(f, start = TRUE) {
if (knitting) return()
if (start) {
message('Rendering ', f, '... ', appendLF = FALSE)
} else message('Done.')
# try to make absolute paths to relative
i = xfun::is_abs_path(files)
files[i] = rel_path(files[i])
i = xfun::is_sub_path(files, rel_path(content_file()))
# use rmarkdown::render() when a file is outside the content/ dir
for (f in files[!i]) {
render_new(f, !knitting)
msg_knit(f, FALSE)
if (length(files <- files[i]) == 0) return()
# ignore files that are locked (being rendered by another process)
i = !file.exists(locks <- paste0(files, '.lock~'))
if (!any(i)) return() # all files are currently being rendered
files = files[i]
# remove locks on exit
file.create(locks <- locks[i]); on.exit(file.remove(locks), add = TRUE)
# copy by-products {/content/.../foo_(files|cache) dirs and foo.html} from
# /blogdown/ or /static/ to /content/
lib1 = by_products(files, c('_files', '_cache'))
lib2 = gsub('^content', 'blogdown', lib1) # /blogdown/.../foo_(files|cache)
i = grep('_files$', lib2)
lib2[i] = gsub('^blogdown', 'static', lib2[i]) # _files are copied to /static
# move by-products of a previous run to content/
dirs_rename(lib2, lib1)
# move (new) by-products from content/ to blogdown/ or static/ to make the
# source directory clean
move_files = function(lib1, lib2) {
# don't move by-products of leaf bundles
i = !bundle_index(gsub('_(files|cache)$', '', lib1), ext = FALSE)
dirs_rename(lib1[i], lib2[i])
on.exit(move_files(lib1, lib2), add = TRUE)
base = site_base_dir()
shared_yml = c('_output.yml', '_bookdown.yml')
copied_yml = character(); on.exit(unlink(copied_yml), add = TRUE)
copy_output_yml = function(to) {
to = file.path(to, shared_yml)
i = file.copy(shared_yml, to)
# delete successfully copied .yml files later
copied_yml <<- c(copied_yml, to[i])
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
f = files[i]; d = dirname(f); out = output_file(f)
to_md = file_ext(out) != 'html'
out2 = paste0(out, '~') # first generate a file with ~ in ext so Hugo won't watch
x = xfun::Rscript_call(
build_one, list(f, I(basename(out2)), to_md, !knitting),
fail = c('Failed to render ', f)
x = encode_paths(x, lib1[2 * i - 1], d, base, to_md, out)
move_files(lib1[2 * i - 0:1], lib2[2 * i - 0:1])
# when serving the site, pause for a moment so Hugo server's auto navigation
# can navigate to the output page
if (length(opts$get('served_dirs')) || knitting) {
if (get_option('blogdown.widgetsID', TRUE)) x = clean_widget_html(x)
write_utf8(x, out)
msg_knit(f, FALSE)
build_one = function(input, output, to_md = file_ext(output) != 'html', quiet = TRUE) {
options(htmltools.dir.version = FALSE, rmarkdown.knit.ext = 'md~')
input = basename(input)
# for bookdown's theorem environments generated from bookdown:::eng_theorem
if (to_md) options(bookdown.output.markdown = TRUE)
res = rmarkdown::render(
input, 'blogdown::html_page', output_file = output, envir = globalenv(),
quiet = quiet, run_pandoc = !to_md, clean = !to_md
x = read_utf8(res)
if (to_md) x = process_markdown(res, x)
process_markdown = function(res, x = read_utf8(res)) {
unlink(xfun::attr(res, 'intermediates'))
# write HTML dependencies to the body of Markdown
if (length(meta <- xfun::attr(res, 'knit_meta'))) {
m = rmarkdown:::html_dependencies_as_string(meta, attr(res, 'files_dir'), '.')
if (length(i <- grep('^---\\s*$', x)) >= 2) {
x = append(x, m, i[2])
} else warning(
'Cannot find the YAML metadata in the .markdown output file. ',
'HTML dependencies will not be rendered.'
# resolve bookdown references (figures, tables, sections, ...)
x = local({
f = wd_tempfile('.md~', pattern = 'post'); on.exit(unlink(f), add = TRUE)
write_utf8(x, f)
bookdown:::process_markdown(f, 'markdown', NULL, TRUE, TRUE, x, NULL)
# protect math expressions in backticks
if (get_option('blogdown.protect.math', TRUE)) x = xfun::protect_math(x)
# remove the special comments from HTML dependencies
x = gsub('<!--/?html_preserve-->', '', x)
# render elements that are not commonly supported by Markdown renderers other
# than Pandoc, e.g., citations and raw blocks
if (run_pandoc(x)) {
# temporary .md files to generate citations
mds = replicate(2, wd_tempfile('.md~', pattern = 'citation'))
on.exit(unlink(mds), add = TRUE)
write_utf8(x, mds[1])
mds[1], from = 'markdown', to = paste(markdown_format(), collapse = ''), output = mds[2],
options = c('--wrap=preserve', '--preserve-tabs'),
citeproc = TRUE
x2 = read_utf8(mds[2])
# pandoc will escape < and > in shortcodes, and below is a hack to restore them
if (get_option('blogdown.restore.shortcode', TRUE)) {
x2 = gsub('^\\{\\{\\\\< ([^ ])', '{{< \\1', x2)
x2 = gsub('([^ ]) \\\\>\\}\\}$', '\\1 >}}', x2)
x = c(bookdown:::fetch_yaml(x), '', x2)
markdown_format = function() get_option(
c('gfm', if (rmarkdown::pandoc_available('2.10.1')) c('+tex_math_dollars', '+footnotes'))
run_pandoc = function(x) {
!is.null(get_option('blogdown.markdown.format')) ||
length(grep('^(references|bibliography):($| )', x)) ||
length(grep('[`]{1,}\\{=[[:alnum:]]+}', x))
# given the content of a .html file: replace content/*_files/figure-html with
# /*_files/figure-html since this dir will be moved to /static/, and move the
# rest of dirs under content/*_files/ to /static/rmarkdown-libs/ (HTML
# dependencies), so all posts share the same libs (otherwise each post has its
# own dependencies, and there will be a lot of duplicated libs when HTML widgets
# are used extensively in a website)
# example values of arguments: x = <html> code; deps = '2017-02-14-foo_files';
# parent = 'content/post'; output = 'content/post/'
encode_paths = function(x, deps, parent, base = '/', to_md = FALSE, output) {
if (!dir_exists(deps)) return(x) # no external dependencies such as images
if (!grepl('/$', parent)) parent = paste0(parent, '/')
deps = basename(deps)
need_encode = !to_md
if (need_encode) {
deps2 = encode_uri(deps) # encode the path and see if it can be found in x
# on Unix, paths containing multibyte chars are always encoded by Pandoc
if (need_encode <- !is_windows() || any(grepl(deps2, x, fixed = TRUE))) deps = deps2
# find the dependencies referenced in HTML
r = paste0('(<img src|<script src|<link href)(=")(', deps, '/)')
# for bundle index pages, add {{< blogdown/postref >}} to URLs, to make sure
# the post content can be displayed anywhere (not limited to the post page,
# e.g., image paths of a post should also work on the home page if the full
# post is included on the home page); see the bug report at
if (bundle_index(output)) {
create_shortcode('postref.html', ref <- 'blogdown/postref')
return(gsub(r, sprintf('\\1\\2{{< %s >}}\\3', ref), x))
# move figures to /static/path/to/post/foo_files/figure-html
if (FALSE) {
# this is a little more rigorous: the approach below ("\'?)(%s/figure-html/)
# means process any paths that "seems to have been generated from Rmd"; the
# optional single quote after double quote is only for the sake of
# trelliscopejs, where the string may be "'*_files/figure-html'"
r1 = paste0(r, '(figure-html/)')
x = gsub(r1, paste0('\\1\\2', gsub('^content/', base, parent), '/\\3\\4'), x)
r1 = sprintf('("\'?)(%s/figure-html/)', deps)
x = gsub(r1, paste0('\\1', gsub('^content/', base, parent), '\\2'), x, perl = TRUE)
# move other HTML dependencies to /static/rmarkdown-libs/
r2 = paste0(r, '([^/]+)/')
x2 = grep(r2, x, value = TRUE)
if (length(x2) == 0) return(x)
libs = unique(gsub(r2, '\\3\\4', unlist(regmatches(x2, gregexpr(r2, x2)))))
libs = file.path(parent, if (need_encode) decode_uri(libs) else libs)
x = gsub(r2, sprintf('\\1\\2%srmarkdown-libs/\\4/', base), x)
to = file.path('static', 'rmarkdown-libs', basename(libs))
dirs_rename(libs, to, clean = TRUE)
create_shortcode = function(from, to) in_root({
to = sprintf('layouts/shortcodes/%s.html', to)
from = pkg_file('resources', from)
file.copy(from, to, overwrite = TRUE)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.