ifElse <- function(statement,true,false){
if (statement){
} else {
noDiag <- function(x){
diag(x) <- 0
### function to bootstrap networks ###
# Input:
## data that can be bootstrapped
## a function to preprocess data into input for the network function
## A function that computes the network
## A function that extracts network, means and intercepts
## The function will automatically detect if your data is continuous or binary and run
## qgraph's EBICglasso or IsingFit appropriatly.
bootnet <- function(
data, # Dataset
nBoots = 1000, # Number of bootstrap samples.
default = c("none", "EBICglasso", "ggmModSelect", "pcor","IsingFit","IsingSampler", "huge","adalasso","mgm","relimp","cor","TMFG", "ggmModSelect", "LoGo","SVAR_lavaan","GGMncv"), # Default method to use. EBICglasso, IsingFit, concentration, some more....
type = c("nonparametric","parametric","node","person","jackknife","case"), # Bootstrap method to use
nCores = 1,
statistics = c("edge","strength","outStrength","inStrength"),
model = c("detect","GGM","Ising","graphicalVAR"), # Models to use for bootstrap method = parametric. Detect will use the default set and estimation function.
# prepFun, # Fun to produce the correlation or covariance matrix
# prepArgs, # list with arguments for the correlation function
# estFun, # function that results in a network
# estArgs, # arguments sent to the graph estimation function (if missing automatically sample size is included)
# graphFun, # set to identity if missing
# graphArgs, # Set to null if missing
# intFun, # Set to null if missing
# intArgs, # Set to null if missing
verbose = TRUE, # messages on what is being done?
# construct = c("default","function","arguments"),
labels, # if missing taken from colnames
alpha = 1, # centrality alpha
caseMin = 0.05, # minimum proportion to DROP
caseMax = 0.75, # Maximum proportion to DROP
caseN = 10,
subNodes, # if type = "node", defaults to 2:(p-1)
computeCentrality = TRUE,
propBoot = 1, # M out of N
# subsampleSize,
replacement = TRUE,
graph, # for parametric bootstrap
sampleSize, # for parametric bootstrap
intercepts, # for parametric bootstrap
includeDiagonal = FALSE,
library = .libPaths(),
memorysaver = TRUE,
# datatype = c("normal","graphicalVAR"), # Extracted from object or given
... # Other arguments
# edgeResample = FALSE # If true, only resample edges from original estimate
# scaleAdjust = FALSE
construct <- "function"
if (default[[1]]=="glasso") default <- "EBICglasso"
default <- match.arg(default)
# Check default:
if (default == "graphicalVAR" && !is(data,"bootnetResult")){
stop("default = 'graphicalVAR' only supported for output of estimateNetwork()")
# Check if statistics is all:
if (any(statistics=="all")){
if (missing(communities)){
statistics <- c("intercept","edge","length","distance","closeness","betweenness","strength","expectedInfluence",
"outStrength","outExpectedInfluence","inStrength","inExpectedInfluence","rspbc","hybrid", "eigenvector")
} else {
statistics <- c("intercept","edge","length","distance","closeness","betweenness","strength","expectedInfluence",
"outStrength","outExpectedInfluence","inStrength","inExpectedInfluence","rspbc","hybrid", "eigenvector",
"bridgeStrength", "bridgeCloseness", "bridgeBetweenness","bridgeInDegree","bridgeOutDegree",
} else {
message(paste("Note: bootnet will store only the following statistics: ",paste0(statistics, collapse=", ")))
# Check bridgeArgs:
if (!missing(communities)){
bridgeArgs$communities <- communities
} else {
bridgeArgs$communities <- communities <- NULL
if (!missing(useCommunities)){
bridgeArgs$useCommunities <- useCommunities
} else {
bridgeArgs$useCommunities <- useCommunities <- "all"
# Set a NULL sampleResult:
sampleResult <- NULL
type <- match.arg(type)
# datatype <- match.arg(datatype)
if (type == "case") type <- "person"
model <- match.arg(model)
# If data is bootnetResult, extract:
# If data is missing, checks for parametric bootstrap:
if (missing(data)){
if (type != "parametric"){
warning("'data' can only be missing if type = 'parametric'. Setting type = 'parametric' and performing parametric bootstrap instead.")
type <- 'parametric'
if (missing(graph)){
stop("'graph' may not be missing in parametric bootstrap when 'data' is missing.")
if (missing(sampleSize)){
stop("'sampleSize' may not be missing in parametric bootstrap when 'data' is missing.")
N <- ncol(graph)
Np <- sampleSize
datatype <- "normal"
if (missing(intercepts)){
intercepts <- rep(0, N)
if (!missing(data)){
warning("'data' is ignored when using manual parametric bootstrap.")
data <- NULL
manual <- TRUE
dots <- list(...)
} else {
manual <- FALSE
if (is(data,"bootnetResult")){
# Check if thresholded:
if (isTRUE(data$thresholded)){
stop("Network has already been thresholded using bootstraps.")
# Check if bootInclude:
if (isTRUE(data$bootInclude)){
stop("Network is based on bootstrap include probabilities.")
sampleResult <- data
default <- data$default
inputCheck <- data$.input
datatype <- data$datatype
if (missing(labels)){
labels <- data$labels
# prepFun <- data$input$prepFun
# prepArgs <- data$input$prepArgs
# estFun <- data$input$estFun
# estArgs <- data$input$estArgs
# graphFun <- data$input$graphFun
# graphArgs <- data$input$graphArgs
# intFun <- data$input$intFun
# intArgs <- data$input$intArgs
fun <- data$estimator
dots <- data$arguments
if (missing(weighted)){
weighted <- data$weighted
if (missing(signed)){
signed <- data$signed
if (missing(directed)){
directed <- data$directed
N <- data$nNode
Np <- data$nPerson
data <- data$data
} else {
# directed:
if (missing(directed)){
if (default == "graphicalVAR"){
directed <- list(contemporaneous = FALSE, temporal = TRUE)
} else if (default == "SVAR_lavaan"){
directed <- list(contemporaneous = TRUE, temporal = TRUE)
} else if (!default %in% c("relimp","DAG")){
directed <- FALSE
} else {
directed <- TRUE
datatype <- "normal"
dots <- list(...)
N <- ncol(data)
Np <- nrow(data)
if (missing(fun)){
fun <- NULL
# Check and remove any variable that is not ordered, integer or numeric:
if (!manual){
goodColumns <- sapply(data, function(x) is.numeric(x) | is.ordered(x) | is.integer(x))
if (!all(goodColumns)){
if (verbose){
warning(paste0("Removing non-numeric columns: ",paste(which(!goodColumns),collapse="; ")))
data <- data[,goodColumns,drop=FALSE]
# inputCheck <- checkInput(
# default = default,
# fun = fun,
# prepFun = prepFun, # Fun to produce the correlation or covariance matrix
# prepArgs = prepArgs, # list with arguments for the correlation function
# estFun=estFun, # function that results in a network
# estArgs=estArgs, # arguments sent to the graph estimation function (if missing automatically sample size is included)
# graphFun=graphFun, # set to identity if missing
# graphArgs=graphArgs, # Set to null if missing
# intFun=intFun, # Set to null if missing
# intArgs=intArgs, # Set to null if missing
# sampleSize = Np,
# construct = construct,
# .dots = dots
# )
# subNodes and subCases:
if (missing(subNodes)){
if (datatype == "normal"){
subNodes <- 2:(N-1)
} else if (datatype == "graphicalVAR"){
subNodes <- 2:(length(vars)-1)
if (missing(subCases)){
if (datatype == "normal"){
subCases <- round((1-seq(caseMin,caseMax,length=caseN)) * Np)
} else if (datatype == "graphicalVAR"){
subCases <- round((1-seq(caseMin,caseMax,length=caseN)) * nrow(data$data_c))
inputCheck <- checkInput(
default = default,
fun = fun,
# prepFun = prepFun, # Fun to produce the correlation or covariance matrix
# prepArgs = prepArgs, # list with arguments for the correlation function
# estFun=estFun, # function that results in a network
# estArgs=estArgs, # arguments sent to the graph estimation function (if missing automatically sample size is included)
# graphFun=graphFun, # set to identity if missing
# graphArgs=graphArgs, # Set to null if missing
# intFun=intFun, # Set to null if missing
# intArgs=intArgs, # Set to null if missing
# sampleSize = Np,
# construct = construct,
.dots = dots
# Weighted and signed defaults
if (missing(weighted)){
weighted <- TRUE
if (missing(signed)){
signed <- TRUE
if (missing(directed)){
if (!default %in% c("graphicalVAR","relimp","DAG")) directed <- FALSE
if (type == "jackknife"){
message("Jacknife overwrites nBoot to sample size")
nBoots <- Np
if (type == "node" & N < 3){
stop("Node-wise bootstrapping requires at least three nodes.")
# First test if data is a data frame:
if (datatype == "normal" && !manual && !( || is.matrix(data))){
stop("'data' argument must be a data frame")
# If matrix coerce to data frame:
if (!manual && is.matrix(data)){
data <-
if (missing(labels)){
if (manual){
labels <- colnames(graph)
if (is.null(labels)){
labels <- seq_len(ncol(graph))
} else {
labels <- colnames(data)
if (is.null(labels)){
labels <- seq_len(ncol(data))
## For parametric bootstrap, detect model
if (type == "parametric" & model == "detect"){
if (manual){
stop("'model' must be set in parametric bootstrap without 'data'.")
if (default == "graphicalVAR") {
model <- "graphicalVAR"
} else if (default != "none"){
model <- ifelse(grepl("ising",default,,"Ising","GGM")
} else {
stop("'none' default set not supported for graphicalVAR data.")
# model <- ifelse(any(grepl("ising",deparse(estFun),,"Ising","GGM")
message(paste0("model set to '",model,"'"))
# Estimate sample result:
# Check the input:
if (!manual)
if (is.null(sampleResult)){
if (verbose){
message("Estimating sample network...")
sampleResult <- estimateNetwork(data,
default = default,
fun = inputCheck$estimator,
.dots = inputCheck$arguments,
labels = labels,
verbose = verbose,
weighted = weighted,
signed = signed,
.input = inputCheck,
datatype = datatype,
directed = directed)
} else {
sampleResult <- list(
graph = graph,
intercepts = intercepts,
labels = labels,
nNodes = N,
nPerson = Np,
estimator = inputCheck$estimator,
arguments = inputCheck$arguments,
default = default,
weighted = weighted,
signed = signed
class(sampleResult) <- c("bootnetResult", "list")
# Extract arguments:
# default <- sampleResult$input$default
# prepFun <- sampleResult$input$prepFun
# prepArgs <- sampleResult$input$prepArgs
# estFun <- sampleResult$input$estFun
# estArgs <- sampleResult$input$estArgs
# graphFun <- sampleResult$input$graphFun
# graphArgs <- sampleResult$input$graphArgs
# intFun <- sampleResult$input$intFun
# intArgs <- sampleResult$input$intArgs
# if (!isSymmetric(as.matrix(sampleResult[['graph']]))){
# stop("bootnet does not support directed graphs")
# }
# ### Observation-wise bootstrapping!
# if (type == "observation"){
# Bootstrap results:
if (nCores == 1){
bootResults <- vector("list", nBoots)
if (verbose){
pb <- txtProgressBar(0,nBoots,style = 3)
for (b in seq_len(nBoots)){
tryLimit <- 10
tryCount <- 0
if (! type %in% c("node","person")){
nNode <- N
inSample <- seq_len(N)
if (type == "jackknife"){
if (datatype == "normal"){
bootData <- data[-b,,drop=FALSE]
} else {
bootData <- data
bootData$data_c <- bootData$data_c[-b,,drop=FALSE]
bootData$data_l <- bootData$data_l[-b,,drop=FALSE]
nPerson <- Np - 1
} else if (type == "parametric"){
nPerson <- Np
if (model == "Ising"){
bootData <- IsingSampler(round(propBoot*Np), noDiag(sampleResult$graph), sampleResult$intercepts)
} else if (model == "GGM") {
g <- -sampleResult$graph
diag(g) <- 1
bootData <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(round(propBoot*Np), sigma = corpcor::pseudoinverse(g))
} else if (model == "graphicalVAR"){
stop("model = 'graphicalVAR' not yet supported")
} else stop(paste0("Model '",model,"' not supported."))
} else {
nPerson <- Np
if (datatype == "normal"){
bootData <- data[sample(seq_len(Np), round(propBoot*Np), replace=replacement), ]
} else {
bootData <- data
bootSample <- sample(seq_len(Np), round(propBoot*Np), replace=replacement)
bootData$data_c <- bootData$data_c[bootSample,]
bootData$data_l <- bootData$data_l[bootSample,]
} else if (type == "node") {
# Nodewise
nPerson <- Np
nNode <- sample(subNodes,1)
inSample <- sort(sample(seq_len(N),nNode))
if (datatype == "normal"){
bootData <- data[,inSample, drop=FALSE]
} else if (datatype == "graphicalVAR") {
bootData <- data
bootData$data_c <- bootData$data_c[,data$vars[inSample], drop = FALSE]
bootData$data_l <- bootData$data_l[,c("1",grep(data$vars[inSample],names(data$data_l),value=TRUE)), drop = FALSE]
} else {
# Personwise:
if (length(subCases) == 1){
nPerson <- subCases
} else {
nPerson <- sample(subCases,1)
inSample <- 1:N
persSample <- sort(sample(seq_len(Np),nPerson))
if (datatype == "normal"){
bootData <- data[persSample,, drop=FALSE]
} else if (datatype == "graphicalVAR") {
bootData <- data
bootData$data_c <- bootData$data_c[persSample,, drop = FALSE]
bootData$data_l <- bootData$data_l[persSample,, drop = FALSE]
# Some checks to remove progress bars:
# if (!missing(prepFun)){
# # EBICglasso:
# if (!missing(prepArgs) & is.list(prepArgs) & identical(prepFun,qgraph::cor_auto)){
# prepArgs$verbose <- FALSE
# }
# }
res <- suppressWarnings(try({
# estimateNetwork(bootData,
# default = default,
# fun = fun,
# prepFun = prepFun, # Fun to produce the correlation or covariance matrix
# prepArgs = prepArgs, # list with arguments for the correlation function
# estFun = estFun, # function that results in a network
# estArgs = estArgs, # arguments sent to the graph estimation function (if missing automatically sample size is included)
# graphFun = graphFun, # set to identity if missing
# graphArgs = graphArgs, # Set to null if missing
# intFun = intFun, # Set to null if missing
# intArgs = intArgs, # Set to null if missing
# labels = labels[inSample],
# verbose = FALSE,
# construct = construct)
default = default,
fun = inputCheck$estimator,
.dots = inputCheck$arguments,
labels = labels[inSample],
verbose = FALSE,
weighted = weighted,
signed = signed,
.input = inputCheck,
memorysaver = memorysaver,
directed = directed)
if (is(res, "try-error")){
if (tryCount == tryLimit) {
stop("Maximum number of errors in bootstraps reached")
# warning("Error in bootstrap; retrying")
tryCount <- tryCount + 1
} else {
bootResults[[b]] <- res
if (verbose){
setTxtProgressBar(pb, b)
if (verbose){
} else {
if (verbose){
if (Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO") == "1" && !nzchar(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_TERM")) &&["sysname"] == "Darwin" && gsub("\\..*","",getRversion()) == "4") {
snow::setDefaultClusterOptions(setup_strategy = "sequential")
nClust <- nCores - 1
cl <- snow::makeSOCKcluster(nClust)
# IF graph or data is missing, dummy graph:
if (missing(graph)){
graph <- matrix(0,N,N)
if (missing(data)){
data <- matrix(0,Np,N)
if (missing(intercepts)){
intercepts <- rep(0,N)
if (missing(sampleSize)){
sampleSize <- Np
# Needed arguments to be excluded:
excl <- c("prepFun", "prepArgs", "estFun", "estArgs", "graphFun",
"graphArgs", "intFun", "intArgs", "fun")
clusterExport(cl, ls()[!ls()%in%c(excl,"cl")], envir = environment())
# clusterExport(cl, export, envir = environment())
# Run loop:
bootResults <- pblapply(seq_len(nBoots), function(b){
# Set library:
tryLimit <- 10
tryCount <- 0
if (! type %in% c("node","person")){
nNode <- N
inSample <- seq_len(N)
if (type == "jackknife"){
if (datatype == "normal"){
bootData <- data[-b,,drop=FALSE]
} else {
bootData <- data
bootData$data_c <- bootData$data_c[-b,,drop=FALSE]
bootData$data_l <- bootData$data_l[-b,,drop=FALSE]
nPerson <- Np - 1
} else if (type == "parametric"){
nPerson <- Np
if (model == "Ising"){
bootData <- IsingSampler(round(propBoot*Np), noDiag(sampleResult$graph), sampleResult$intercepts)
} else if (model == "GGM") {
g <- -sampleResult$graph
diag(g) <- 1
bootData <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(round(propBoot*Np), sigma = corpcor::pseudoinverse(g))
} else if (model == "graphicalVAR"){
stop("model = 'graphicalVAR' not yet supported")
} else stop(paste0("Model '",model,"' not supported."))
} else {
nPerson <- Np
if (datatype == "normal"){
bootData <- data[sample(seq_len(Np), round(propBoot*Np), replace=replacement), ]
} else {
bootData <- data
bootSample <- sample(seq_len(Np), round(propBoot*Np), replace=replacement)
bootData$data_c <- bootData$data_c[bootSample,]
bootData$data_l <- bootData$data_l[bootSample,]
} else if (type == "node") {
# Nodewise
nPerson <- Np
nNode <- sample(subNodes,1)
inSample <- sort(sample(seq_len(N),nNode))
if (datatype == "normal"){
bootData <- data[,inSample, drop=FALSE]
} else if (datatype == "graphicalVAR") {
bootData <- data
bootData$data_c <- bootData$data_c[,data$vars[inSample], drop = FALSE]
bootData$data_l <- bootData$data_l[,c("1",grep(data$vars[inSample],names(data$data_l),value=TRUE)), drop = FALSE]
} else {
# Personwise:
if (length(subCases) == 1){
nPerson <- subCases
} else {
nPerson <- sample(subCases,1)
inSample <- 1:N
persSample <- sort(sample(seq_len(Np),nPerson))
if (datatype == "normal"){
bootData <- data[persSample,, drop=FALSE]
} else if (datatype == "graphicalVAR") {
bootData <- data
bootData$data_c <- bootData$data_c[persSample,, drop = FALSE]
bootData$data_l <- bootData$data_l[persSample,, drop = FALSE]
# Some checks to remove progress bars:
# if (!missing(prepFun)){
# # EBICglasso:
# if (!missing(prepArgs) & is.list(prepArgs) & identical(prepFun,qgraph::cor_auto)){
# prepArgs$verbose <- FALSE
# }
# }
res <- suppressWarnings(try({
# estimateNetwork(bootData,
# default = default,
# fun = fun,
# prepFun = prepFun, # Fun to produce the correlation or covariance matrix
# prepArgs = prepArgs, # list with arguments for the correlation function
# estFun = estFun, # function that results in a network
# estArgs = estArgs, # arguments sent to the graph estimation function (if missing automatically sample size is included)
# graphFun = graphFun, # set to identity if missing
# graphArgs = graphArgs, # Set to null if missing
# intFun = intFun, # Set to null if missing
# intArgs = intArgs, # Set to null if missing
# labels = labels[inSample],
# verbose = FALSE,
# construct = construct)
default = default,
fun = inputCheck$estimator,
.dots = inputCheck$arguments,
labels = labels[inSample],
verbose = FALSE,
weighted = weighted,
signed = signed,
.input = inputCheck,
memorysaver = memorysaver,
directed = directed)
if (is(res, "try-error")){
if (tryCount == tryLimit) {
stop("Maximum number of errors in bootstraps reached")
# warning("Error in bootstrap; retrying")
tryCount <- tryCount + 1
} else {
}, cl = cl)
# if (edgeResample){
# bootGraphs <-,c(lapply(bootResults,'[[','graph'),along=3))
# sampleDistribution <- sort(sampleGraph[upper.tri(sampleGraph,diag=FALSE)])
# for (b in seq_along(bootResults)){
# bootEdges <- bootResults[[b]]$graph[upper.tri(bootResults[[b]]$graph,diag=FALSE)]
# bootRank <- order(order(bootEdges))
# bootResults[[b]]$graph[upper.tri(bootResults[[b]]$graph,diag=FALSE)] <- sampleDistribution[bootRank]
# bootResults[[b]]$graph[lower.tri(bootResults[[b]]$graph,diag=FALSE)] <- t(bootResults[[b]]$graph)[lower.tri(bootResults[[b]]$graph,diag=FALSE)]
# }
# }
### Compute the full parameter table!!
if (verbose){
message("Computing statistics...")
statTableOrig <- statTable(sampleResult, name = "sample", alpha = alpha, computeCentrality = computeCentrality,statistics=statistics, directed=directed, includeDiagonal=includeDiagonal, bridgeArgs=bridgeArgs)
if (nCores == 1){
if (verbose){
pb <- txtProgressBar(0,nBoots,style = 3)
statTableBoots <- vector("list", nBoots)
for (b in seq_len(nBoots)){
statTableBoots[[b]] <- statTable(bootResults[[b]], name = paste("boot",b), alpha = alpha, computeCentrality = computeCentrality, statistics=statistics, directed=directed, bridgeArgs=bridgeArgs, includeDiagonal=includeDiagonal)
if (verbose){
setTxtProgressBar(pb, b)
if (verbose){
} else {
statTableBoots <- pblapply(seq_len(nBoots),function(b){
# Set library:
statTable(bootResults[[b]], name = paste("boot",b), alpha = alpha, computeCentrality = computeCentrality, statistics=statistics, directed=directed, bridgeArgs=bridgeArgs, includeDiagonal=includeDiagonal)
}, cl = cl)
# Stop the cluster:
# Ordereing by node name to make nice paths:
Result <- list(
sampleTable = ungroup(statTableOrig),
bootTable = ungroup(dplyr::bind_rows(statTableBoots)),
sample = sampleResult,
boots = bootResults,
type = type,
sampleSize = Np)
class(Result) <- "bootnet"
# } else {
# ### Nodewise bootstrapping!
# # Bootstrap results:
# bootResults <- vector("list", nBoots)
# # Original centrality:
# origCentrality <- centrality(sampleResult$graph)
# # Setup the bootstrap table
# N <- ncol(data)
# simResults <- data.frame(id = seq_len(nBoots), nNodes = sample(nNodes,nBoots,TRUE))
# simResults[c("corStrength","corBetweenness","corCloseness","corSPL")] <- NA
# Strength <- Closeness <- Betweenness <- matrix(NA, nrow(simResults), N)
# colnames(Strength) <- colnames(Closeness) <- colnames(Betweenness) <- labels
# if (verbose){
# message("Bootstrapping...")
# pb <- txtProgressBar(0,nBoots,style = 3)
# }
# for (b in seq_len(nBoots)){
# nNodes <- simResults$nNodes[b]
# inSample <- sort(sample(seq_len(N),nNodes))
# bootData <- data[,inSample, drop=FALSE]
# res <- estimateNetwork(bootData, prepFun, prepArgs, estFun, estArgs)
# bootResults[[b]] <- list(
# graph =,c(list(res), graphArgs)),
# intercepts =,c(list(res), intArgs)),
# results = res,
# labels = labels
# )
# class(bootResults[[b]]) <- c("bootnetResult", "list")
# if (verbose){
# setTxtProgressBar(pb, b)
# }
# }
# if (verbose){
# close(pb)
# }
# browser()
# simCentrality <- centrality(bootResults[[b]]$graph)
# simResults$corStrength[b] <- cor(origCentrality$OutDegree[inSample], simCentrality$OutDegree)
# simResults$corBetweenness[b] <- cor(origCentrality$Betweenness[inSample], simCentrality$Betweenness)
# simResults$corCloseness[b] <- cor(origCentrality$Closeness[inSample], simCentrality$Closeness)
# simResults$corSPL[b] <- cor(origCentrality$ShortestPathLengths[inSample,inSample][upper.tri(origCentrality$ShortestPathLengths[inSample,inSample], diag=FALSE)], simCentrality$ShortestPathLengths[upper.tri(simCentrality$ShortestPathLengths, diag=FALSE)])
# Strength[b,inSample] <- simCentrality$OutDegree
# Closeness[b,inSample] <- simCentrality$Closeness
# Betweenness[b, inSample] <- simCentrality$Betweenness
# browser()
# }
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