
Defines functions rowsums_draws powerscale_log_ratio get_draws_ps log_prior_draws.brmsfit log_lik_draws.brmsfit create_priorsense_data.brmsfit

Documented in create_priorsense_data.brmsfit

#' Prior sensitivity: Create priorsense data
#' The \code{create_priorsense_data.brmsfit} method can be used to
#' create the data structure needed by the \pkg{priorsense} package
#' for performing power-scaling sensitivity analysis. This method is
#' called automatically when performing powerscaling via
#' \code{\link[priorsense:powerscale]{powerscale}} or other related
#' functions, so you will rarely need to call it manually yourself.
#' @param x A \code{brmsfit} object.
#' @param ... Currently unused.
#' @return A \code{priorsense_data} object to be used in conjunction
#' with the \pkg{priorsense} package.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # fit a model with non-uniform priors
#' fit <- brm(rating ~ treat + period + carry,
#'            data = inhaler, family = sratio(),
#'            prior = set_prior("normal(0, 0.5)"))
#' summary(fit)
#' # The following code requires the 'priorsense' package to be installed:
#' library(priorsense)
#' # perform power-scaling of the prior
#' powerscale(fit, alpha = 1.5, component = "prior")
#' # perform power-scaling sensitivity checks
#' powerscale_sensitivity(fit)
#' # create power-scaling sensitivity plots (for one variable)
#' powerscale_plot_dens(fit, variable = "b_treat")
#' }
#' @exportS3Method priorsense::create_priorsense_data brmsfit
create_priorsense_data.brmsfit <- function(x, ...) {
    x = get_draws_ps(x),
    fit = x,
    log_prior = log_prior_draws.brmsfit(x),
    log_lik = log_lik_draws.brmsfit(x),
    log_prior_fn = log_prior_draws.brmsfit,
    log_lik_fn = log_lik_draws.brmsfit,
    log_ratio_fn = powerscale_log_ratio,

#' @exportS3Method priorsense::log_lik_draws
log_lik_draws.brmsfit <- function(x) {
  log_lik <- log_lik(x)
  log_lik <- posterior::as_draws_array(log_lik)
  nvars <- nvariables(log_lik)
  posterior::variables(log_lik) <- paste0("log_lik[", seq_len(nvars), "]")

#' @exportS3Method priorsense::log_prior_draws
log_prior_draws.brmsfit <- function(x, log_prior_name = "lprior") {
  stopifnot(length(log_prior_name) == 1)
  if (!log_prior_name %in% variables(x)) {
    warning2("Variable '", log_prior_name, "' was not found. ",
             "Perhaps you used normalize = FALSE?")
    variable = log_prior_name

get_draws_ps <- function(x, variable = NULL, regex = FALSE,
                         log_prior_name = "lprior") {
  excluded_variables <- c(log_prior_name, "lp__")
  draws <- posterior::as_draws_df(x, regex = regex)
  if (is.null(variable)) {
    # remove unnecessary variables
    variable <- posterior::variables(x)
    variable <- variable[!(variable %in% excluded_variables)]
    draws <- posterior::subset_draws(draws, variable = variable)

powerscale_log_ratio <- function(draws, fit, alpha, component_fn) {
  component_draws <- component_fn(fit)
  component_draws <- rowsums_draws(component_draws)
  component_draws * (alpha - 1)

rowsums_draws <- function(x) {
    sum = rowSums(
      dims = 2
    .nchains = posterior::nchains(x)

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brms documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 5:08 p.m.