
Defines functions import_external_rules ROC_func plot.mbsnsing plot.bsnsing predict.mbsnsing predict.bsnsing binarize.y print.summary.bsnsing summary.bsnsing print.summary.mbsnsing summary.mbsnsing print.mbsnsing print.bsnsing print.bscontrol bscontrol bsnsing.formula bsnsing.default bsnsing bslearn binarize.factor binarize.numeric binarize

Documented in binarize binarize.factor binarize.numeric binarize.y bscontrol bslearn bsnsing bsnsing.default bsnsing.formula import_external_rules plot.bsnsing plot.mbsnsing predict.bsnsing predict.mbsnsing print.bscontrol print.bsnsing print.mbsnsing print.summary.bsnsing print.summary.mbsnsing ROC_func summary.bsnsing summary.mbsnsing

#' bsnsing: Build Decision Trees with Optimal Multivariate Splits
#' The bsnsing package provides functions for building a decision tree classifier and making predictions. It solves a mixed-integer programming (MIP) model to maximize the Gini reduction at each node split, and each node split rule can utilize multiple input variables. Benchmarking experiments on 75 open data sets suggest that bsnsing trees are the most capable of discriminating new cases compared to trees trained by other decision tree codes including the rpart, C50, party and tree packages in R. Compared to other optimal decision tree packages, including DL8.5, OSDT, GOSDT and indirectly more, bsnsing stands out in its training speed, ease of use and broader applicability without losing in prediction accuracy. For more information, please check out the paper \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.15263}, to be published in INFORMS Journal on Computing.
#' @section The ENUM algorithm:
#' In this package, the MIP model is solved using the implicit enumeration (ENUM) algorithm. The experimental version at \url{https://github.com/profyliu/bsnsing/} is able to use external solvers such as GUROBI, CPLEX and lpSolve (via specifying the opt.solver option in the \code{\link{bsnsing}} function). All benchmarking experiments were run using the C implementation of the ENUM algorithm, i.e., opt.solver = 'enum_c', which is the default setting.  
#' @section More data sets:
#' Several data frames (i.e., \code{\link{auto}}, \code{\link{iris}}, \code{\link{GlaucomaMVF}} and \code{\link{BreastCancer}}) used in the example code are included in this package. More two-class and multi-class classification data sets can be found at \url{https://github.com/profyliu/bsnsing/}. 
#' @section Learn functions:
#' The learn (train) functions include \code{\link{bsnsing}}, \code{\link{bsnsing.formula}} and \code{\link{bsnsing.default}}.
#' @section Predict functions:
#' The predict functions include: \code{\link{predict.bsnsing}} and \code{\link{predict.mbsnsing}}.
#' @section Plot functions:
#' A \code{\link{bsnsing}} object (tree) can be plotted into a PDF file, or in the form of latex code, by the function \code{\link{plot.bsnsing}}. The ROC curve can be plotted using the function \code{\link{ROC_func}}.
#' @section Auxilliary functions:
#' Here is a list of internal functions of the package that are open for end users.
#' \code{\link{summary.bsnsing}}
#' \code{\link{summary.mbsnsing}},
#' \code{\link{binarize}},
#' \code{\link{binarize.numeric}},
#' \code{\link{binarize.factor}},
#' \code{\link{binarize.y}},
#' \code{\link{bslearn}},
#' \code{\link{bscontrol}}
#' @author Yanchao Liu
#' @docType package
#' @name bsnsing-package

#' Create Binary Variables by the Classification Target
#' Create a set of variables (columns) with binary values for each column in the input data. For a variable with values of 0 and 1, the column is retained and no new column is created. For a numeric variable, the function \code{binarize.numeric} is called. For a factor column, the function \code{binarize.factor} is called.
#' @param x a data frame or matrix to be binarized.
#' @param y a vector with two unique values (0 and 1). It is the response variable that guides the optimal discretization of variables in \code{x}.
#' @param target the level of y (0 or 1) which indicates the boolean rule target
#' @param control a list or a \code{bscontrol()} object. The list should contain the following three attributes: \emph{nseg.numeric}, a positive integer indicating the maximum number of segments used in discretizing a numeric variable, \emph{nseg.factor}, a positive integer indicating the maximum number of levels allowed for a factor variable, and \emph{bin.size}, a positive integer indicating the minimum number of observations to fall in a segment.
#' @return a data frame containing binary variables, or a character string describing the rule that perfectly split the target.
#' @examples
#' # Load and prepare data
#' x <- auto[, c('mpg', 'cylinders', 'displacement')]
#' x$cylinders <- as.factor(x$cylinders)
#' y <- ifelse(auto$origin == 'USA', 1L, 0L)
#' # binarize x by y = 1
#' bx1 <- binarize(x, y, target = 1)
#' head(bx1)
#' # binarize x by y = 0
#' bx0 <- binarize(x, y, target = 0)
#' head(bx0)
#' # when selecting only one column from a data frame, use drop = FALSE to maintain structure
#' binarize(auto[,'mpg', drop = FALSE], y, target = 1)
#' @export
binarize <- function(x, y, target = stop("'target' (0 or 1) must be provided"), control = bscontrol()) {
  # parse the control parameters
  nseg.numeric <- control$nseg.numeric
  nseg.factor <- control$nseg.factor
  num2factor <- control$num2factor
  bin.size <- control$bin.size
  node.size <- control$node.size

  if (length(unique(y)) == 1) stop("There is only one unqiue value in y")
  if (length(unique(y)) > 2) stop("There are more than two unique values in y")

  # classify columns by type
  x <- as.data.frame(x)

  # remove the (Intercept) column if exists
  x[,'(Intercept)'] <- NULL
  x.col.names <- colnames(x)
  numeric.col.index <- seq(ncol(x))[sapply(x, class) %in% c('numeric','integer')]
  factor.col.index <- seq(ncol(x))[sapply(x, class) == 'factor' |
                                     (sapply(x, class) %in% c('numeric','integer') & sapply(x, function(x) length(unique(x)) <= num2factor))]
  binary.col.index <- seq(ncol(x))[apply(x, 2, function(x) all(x %in% 0:1))]
  numeric.col.index <- setdiff(numeric.col.index, binary.col.index)
  factor.col.index <- setdiff(factor.col.index, binary.col.index)
  retain.col.index <- setdiff(seq(ncol(x)), sort(union(numeric.col.index, factor.col.index)))

  bx <- data.frame(placeholder = y)
  if (length(numeric.col.index) > 0){
    # discretize numeric columns
    for (j in numeric.col.index) {
      nb <- binarize.numeric(x[,j], x.col.names[j], y, target = target, segments = nseg.numeric, bin.size = bin.size, node.size = node.size)
      if (!is.null(nb) && is.data.frame(nb) && ncol(nb) > 0){
        bx <- cbind(bx, nb)
      } else {
        #return(nb)  This was a bug; should do nothing here.
  if (length(factor.col.index) > 0){
    # create binary dummies for factor columns
    for (j in factor.col.index) {
      nb <- binarize.factor(x[,j], x.col.names[j], y, segments = nseg.factor, bin.size = bin.size)
      bx <- cbind(bx, nb)
  if (length(binary.col.index) > 0){
    # create dummies for binary columns
    for (j in binary.col.index) {
      # if (grepl('[<=>]', x.col.names[j])) {
      #   # if the binary column name is already a logical expression, i.e., containing character =, > or <, then use it directly
      #   nb <- data.frame(placeholder = y)
      #   nb[paste0(x.col.names[j])] <- x[,j]
      #   nb['placeholder'] <- NULL
      #   bx <- cbind(bx, nb)
      # } else {
      nb <- data.frame(placeholder = y)
      for (level in 0:1) {
        nb[paste0(x.col.names[j], '==', level)] <- ifelse(x[,j] == level, 1, 0)
      nb['placeholder'] <- NULL
      bx <- cbind(bx, nb)
      # }
  bx['placeholder'] <- NULL

#' Create Binary Features based on a Numeric Vector
#' Discretize a continuous variable \code{x} by splitting its range at a sequence of cutpoints. The cutpoints are determined so as to effectively split the binary target \code{y}. This function is used internally by \code{\link{binarize}}.
#' @param x a numeric vector.
#' @param name a character string, the variable name of \code{x}.
#' @param y a numeric or integer vector of the same length as \code{x}, consisting of two unique values: 0 and 1.
#' @param target a scalar, valued 0 or 1, indicating the target level of \code{y}.
#' @param segments a positive integer, any value below 3 is set to 3. It is the maximum number of segments the range of \code{x} is divided into.
#' @param bin.size a positive integer. It is the minimum number of observations required to fall into each bin.
#' @param node.size a positive integer. If either child node is smaller than the node.size, do not return the perfect rule.
#' @return a data frame with binary (0 and 1) entries, or a character string describing the rule that perfectly splits \code{y}. If a data frame is returned, the column names are indicative of the conditions used to form the corresponding columns.
binarize.numeric <- function(x, name, y, target = stop("Must provide a target, 0 or 1"), segments = 10, bin.size = 5, node.size = 10) {
  if (length(x) != length(y)) stop("length(x) and length(y) do not match")
  n <- length(x)

  if (segments < 3) {
    segments <- 3
    print("The parameter segments is coerced to 3.")
  segments = round(segments)

  min.1 <- min(x[y == 1])
  min.0 <- min(x[y == 0])
  max.1 <- max(x[y == 1])
  max.0 <- max(x[y == 0])
  if ((min.0 < min.1 & max.0 < min.1) | (min.1 < min.0 & max.1 < min.0)) {
    # enforce the node.size constraint
    # check if either child node.size is smaller than the threshold
    if(min(sum(y==1), sum(y==0)) < node.size){
      return(data.frame(matrix(0L, nrow = n, ncol = 0)))
    } else {
      # return the perfect partition rule
      if (min.0 < min.1 & max.0 < min.1) {
        perfect.rule <- paste(name, ">=", (max.0 + min.1)/2)
      } else {
        perfect.rule <- paste(name, "<=", (max.1 + min.0)/2)
      #stop(paste("Response can be perfectly classified by", name, "."))

  if(target != 0 & target != 1) stop("Invalid 'target' argument. Must be 0 or 1")

  ox <- x[order(x)]
  oy <- y[order(x)]
  # remove all unuseful points in the two ends
  maxmin <- max(min.1, min.0)
  minmax <- min(max.1, max.0)
  ss <- ox[ox < maxmin]
  lo <- ifelse(length(ss) > 0, max(ss), maxmin)
  ss <- ox[ox > minmax]
  up <- ifelse(length(ss) > 0, min(ss), minmax)
  yy <- oy[ox >= lo & ox <= up]
  xx <- ox[ox >= lo & ox <= up]
  nn <- length(xx)
  if (nn < 2) stop("This should not happen.")
  cutpoints.gt <- c()
  for (i in 2:nn) {
    if (yy[i-1] != target & yy[i] == target & xx[i-1] != xx[i]) {
      cp <- (xx[i-1] + xx[i])/2
      cutpoints.gt <- c(cutpoints.gt, cp)
  cutpoints.lt <- c()
  for (i in (nn-1):1) {
    if (yy[i+1] != target & yy[i] == target & xx[i+1] != xx[i]) {
      cp <- (xx[i+1] + xx[i])/2
      cutpoints.lt <- c(cp, cutpoints.lt)

  # if there are more cutpoints than allowed, remove ones that yield fewest data points
  ngt <- length(cutpoints.gt)
  if(ngt > segments) {
    # for gt cutpoints, always keep the last (greatest) cutpoints
    # cnt.pts <- rep(0, ngt)
    # cnt.pts[ngt] <- n  # assign a big count value for the last cutpoint
    # cnt.pts[1] <- length(ox[ox < cutpoints.gt[1]])
    # for (i in 2:(ngt-1)) {
    #   cnt.pts[i] <- length(xx[xx > cutpoints.gt[i-1] & xx < cutpoints.gt[i]])
    # }
    # removecp <- (cutpoints.gt[order(cnt.pts)])[c(1:(ngt-segments))]
    # cutpoints.gt <- cutpoints.gt[!cutpoints.gt %in% removecp]
    bsize <- round(length(ox[ox < cutpoints.gt[ngt]])/segments)
    keep.cp <- c()
    for (i in 1:(ngt-1)) {
      if (length(keep.cp) == 0) {
        cumcnt <- length(ox[ox < cutpoints.gt[i]])
      } else {
        cumcnt <- length(ox[ox > keep.cp[length(keep.cp)] & ox < cutpoints.gt[i]])
      if (cumcnt >= bsize) keep.cp <- c(keep.cp, cutpoints.gt[i])
      # Let the subsampling continue. comment out the next line.
      # if (length(keep.cp) >= (segments - 1)) break
    keep.cp <- c(keep.cp, cutpoints.gt[ngt])  # always keep the last cutpoints for gt
    cutpoints.gt <- cutpoints.gt[cutpoints.gt %in% keep.cp]

  nlt <- length(cutpoints.lt)
  if(nlt > segments) {
    # for lt cutpoints, always keep the first (smallest) cutpoints
    # cnt.pts <- rep(0, nlt)
    # cnt.pts[1] <- n  # assign a big count value for the first cutpoint
    # cnt.pts[nlt] <- length(ox[ox > cutpoints.lt[nlt]])
    # for (i in 2:(nlt-1)) {
    #   cnt.pts[i] <- length(xx[xx > cutpoints.lt[i] & xx < cutpoints.lt[i+1]])
    # }
    # removecp <- (cutpoints.lt[order(cnt.pts)])[c(1:(nlt-segments))]
    # cutpoints.lt <- cutpoints.lt[!cutpoints.lt %in% removecp]
    bsize <- round(length(ox[ox > cutpoints.lt[1]])/segments)
    keep.cp <- c()
    for (i in nlt:2) {
      if (length(keep.cp) == 0) {
        cumcnt <- length(ox[ox > cutpoints.lt[i]])
      } else {
        cumcnt <- length(ox[ox < keep.cp[1] & ox > cutpoints.lt[i]])
      if (cumcnt >= bsize) keep.cp <- c(cutpoints.lt[i], keep.cp)
      # Let it continue. No break.
      # if (length(keep.cp) >= (segments - 1)) break
    keep.cp <- c(cutpoints.lt[1], keep.cp)  # always keep the first cutpoints for lt
    cutpoints.lt <- cutpoints.lt[cutpoints.lt %in% keep.cp]
  # cat("gt: ")
  # print(cutpoints.gt)
  # cat("\n lt: ")
  # print(cutpoints.lt)

  ngt <- length(cutpoints.gt)
  nlt <- length(cutpoints.lt)
  bmat <- data.frame(matrix(0L, nrow = n, ncol =  (ngt + nlt)))
  sgns <- c(rep(">", ngt), rep("<", nlt))
  cps <- c(cutpoints.gt, cutpoints.lt)
  if ((ngt + nlt) > 0) {
    colnames(bmat) <- paste(name, sgns, cps)
    if (ngt > 0) {
      for (j in 1:ngt) {
        bmat[,j] <- ifelse(x > cps[j], 1L, 0L)
    if (nlt > 0) {
      for (j in (ngt + 1):(ngt + nlt)) {
        bmat[,j] <- ifelse(x < cps[j], 1L, 0L)

#' Create Binary Features based on a Factor Vector
#' Create binary dummy variables based on a factor variable. This function is used internally by \code{\link{binarize}}.
#' @inheritParams binarize.numeric
#' @param segments a positive integer indicating the maximum number of levels allowed in the factor variable.
#' @return a data frame with binary (0 and 1) entries. The column names are indicative of the conditions used to form the corresponding columns.
binarize.factor <- function(x, name, y, segments = 10, bin.size = 5) {
  nl = length(unique(x))
  bx <- data.frame(placeholder = y)
  if (nl <= segments) {
    # check for bin size
    tab <- table(x, y)
    nobs <- rowSums(table(x,y))
    small.levels <- names(nobs)[nobs < bin.size]
    if (length(small.levels) == 0) {
      # all levels will be used
      for (level in unique(x)) {
        bx[paste0(name, "=='", level, "'")] <- ifelse(x == level, 1, 0)
    } else {
      # combine all small level into one group. if there is only one small level, accept it as is
      #for (level in setdiff(unique(x), small.levels)) {
      # Keep the small level bucket anyway
      for (level in unique(x)){
        bx[paste0(name, "=='", level, "'")] <- ifelse(x == level, 1, 0)
      bx[paste0(name, "%in%c(", paste0(paste0("'", small.levels, "'"), collapse = ','), ")")] <- ifelse(x %in% small.levels, 1, 0)
  } else {
    stop(paste("Factor", name, "has more levels than allowed segments. Level collapsing is yet to be implemented."))
  bx['placeholder'] <- NULL

#' Find the Optimal Boolean Rule for Binary Classification
#' The function solves a mixed integer program (MIP) to maximize the Gini reduction (opt.model = 'gini') or minimize the number of misclassified cases (opt.model = 'error'). 
#' @param bx a data frame with binary (0 and 1) entries.
#' @param y an integer vector with binary entries.
#' @param control an object of class \code{bscontrol()}, specifying the algorithmic parameters. The list should contain the following attributes: \emph{opt.model}, a character string in {\code{'gini','error'}} indicating the optimization model to solve, \emph{opt.solver}, a character string in {\code{'enum_c', 'enum'}} indicating the algorithm to be used. 
#' @return a list containing the splitting solution.
#' @examples
#' x <- auto[, c('mpg', 'cylinders', 'displacement')]
#' y <- ifelse(auto$origin == 'USA', 1L, 0L)
#' # binarize x by y = 1
#' bx <- binarize(x, y, target = 1)
#' # learn the optimal Boolean rule
#' bssol <- bslearn(bx, y, bscontrol(opt.solver = 'enum'))
#' cat(paste("Optimal rule:" , bssol$rules, "\n"))
#' @export

bslearn <- function(bx, y, control = bscontrol()) {
  if (dim(bx)[1] != length(y)) stop("Dimensions of bx and y do not match.")
  if (!is.integer(y)) stop("y for bslearn must be integer typed.")
  verbose <- control$verbose
  n <- dim(bx)[1]
  p <- dim(bx)[2]
  n1 <- sum(y==1L)
  n0 <- n - n1
  index1 <- (1:n)[y == 1]
  index0 <- (1:n)[y == 0]
  bxcolnames <- colnames(bx)

  # parse groups
  bxcolnames_std <- sapply(bxcolnames, function(x) gsub('<=', '<', x))
  bxcolnames_std <- sapply(bxcolnames_std, function(x) gsub('>=', '>', x))
  grp <- integer(p)  # vector indicating the group number of each variable
  var_names <- c()
  gt_list <- strsplit(bxcolnames_std, '>')
  for(i in 1:length(gt_list)){
    if(length(gt_list[[i]]) == 2){
      pos_indx <- match(paste0(gt_list[[i]][1], '>'), var_names)
        var_names <- c(var_names, paste0(gt_list[[i]][1], '>'))
        grp[i] <- length(var_names)
      } else{
        grp[i] <- pos_indx
  lt_list <- strsplit(bxcolnames_std, '<')
  for(i in 1:length(lt_list)){
    if(length(lt_list[[i]]) == 2){
      pos_indx <- match(paste0(lt_list[[i]][1], '<'), var_names)
        var_names <- c(var_names, paste0(lt_list[[i]][1], '<'))
        grp[i] <- length(var_names)
      } else{
        grp[i] <- pos_indx
  # now fill in the group number for the remaining columns, one unique number for each
  for(i in 1:p){
    if(grp[i] == 0){
      grp[i] = max(grp) + 1
  n_grp <- max(grp)  # number of groups, labeled 1,...,n_grp
  neval <- 0  # track the number of objective value evaluations
  # variables of the same group will not appear in the same rule

  # if opt.solver is 'hybrid', make a solver selection
  if(control$opt.solver == 'hybrid'){
    if (control$opt.model != 'gini'){
      stop("opt.model must be gini when opt.solver is set to hybrid")
    if(n0*n1 > control$n0n1.cap | n*p > control$n0n1.cap){
      control$opt.solver = "enum"
      print(paste0("n0*n1 = ", toString(n0*n1), " n*p = ", toString(n*p), " opt.solver set to enum"))
    } else {
      control$opt.solver = "gurobi"
      print(paste0("n0*n1 = ", toString(n0*n1), " n*p = ", toString(n*p), " opt.solver set to gurobi"))

  # Build the Optimization model if opt.solver is not "greedy"; otherwise, use the greedy method
  if(!(control$opt.solver %in% c("greedy","enum","enum_c"))){
    # all variable column names [z1 ... zn | w1 ... wp | zP1zN1 zP1zN2 ... zP1zNn0 zP2zN1 ... zP2zNn0 ... ... zPn1zNn0]
    if(control$opt.model == 'gini'){
      allcolnames <- c(paste0('o',seq(n)), bxcolnames, paste0('t', seq(n0*n1)))
    } else {
      allcolnames <- c(paste0('o',seq(n)), bxcolnames)

    # Build sparse A matrix
    ri <- c()  # row index vector
    ci <- c()  # col index vector
    va <- c()  # value vector
    # B_ik w_k - z_i <= 0 for all i = 1..n, k = 1..p
    ri <- c(ri, seq(n*p))
    ci <- c(ci, rep(1:n, each = p))
    va <- c(va, rep(-1L,n*p))
    for(i in 1:n){
      indk <- which(bx[i,] == 1L)
        ri <- c(ri, (i-1)*p+indk)
        ci <- c(ci, n+indk)
        va <- c(va, rep(1L, length(indk)))
    # sum(B_ik w_k) - z_i >= 0 for all i = 1..n
    ri <- c(ri, n*p+(1:n))
    ci <- c(ci, 1:n)
    va <- c(va, rep(-1L,n))
    for(i in 1:n){
      indk <- which(bx[i,] == 1L)
        ri <- c(ri, n*p+rep(i,length(indk)))
        ci <- c(ci, n+indk)
        va <- c(va, rep(1L, length(indk)))
    if(control$opt.model == 'gini'){
      # theta_ij + z_i <= 1 for i in P and j in N
      ri <- c(ri, (n*p + n) + seq(n0*n1))
      ci <- c(ci, rep(index1, each=n0))
      va <- c(va, rep(1L,n0*n1))
      ri <- c(ri, (n*p + n)+seq(n0*n1))
      ci <- c(ci, (n + p)+seq(n0*n1))
      va <- c(va, rep(1L, n0*n1))
      # theta_ij - z_j <= 0 for i in P and j in N
      ri <- c(ri, (n*p + n + n0*n1) + seq(n0*n1))
      ci <- c(ci, rep(index0, n1))
      va <- c(va, rep(-1L,n0*n1))
      ri <- c(ri, (n*p + n + n0*n1) + seq(n0*n1))
      ci <- c(ci, (n + p)+seq(n0*n1))
      va <- c(va, rep(1L, n0*n1))
      # w1 + ... + wp <= max.rules
      ri <- c(ri, (n*p + n + n0*n1 + n0*n1) + rep(1, p))
      ci <- c(ci, n + seq(p))
      va <- c(va, rep(1L, p))
      # z1 + ... + zn >= node.size
      ri <- c(ri, (n*p + n + 2*n0*n1 + 1) + rep(1, n))
      ci <- c(ci, seq(n))
      va <- c(va, rep(1L, n))
      # z1 + ... + zn <= n - node.size
      ri <- c(ri, (n*p + n + 2*n0*n1 + 2) + rep(1, n))
      ci <- c(ci, seq(n))
      va <- c(va, rep(1L, n))
    } else{
      # w1 + ... + wp <= max.rules
      ri <- c(ri, (n*p + n) + rep(1, p))
      ci <- c(ci, n + seq(p))
      va <- c(va, rep(1L, p))
      # z1 + ... + zn >= node.size
      ri <- c(ri, (n*p + n + 1) + rep(1, n))
      ci <- c(ci, seq(n))
      va <- c(va, rep(1L, n))
      # z1 + ... + zn <= n - node.size
      ri <- c(ri, (n*p + n + 2) + rep(1, n))
      ci <- c(ci, seq(n))
      va <- c(va, rep(1L, n))

    # Objective coefficient (not including the constant n0*n1)
    temp <- rep(-n0, n)
    temp[index0] <- n1
    if(control$opt.model == 'gini'){
      objcoef <- c(temp, rep(0,p), rep(-2L, n0*n1))  # Can optionally use 1e-5 is to slightly penalize w
    } else {
      objcoef <- c(temp, rep(0,p))

    if(control$opt.model == 'gini'){
      # Right-hand side vector
      rhs <- c(rep(0L, n*p),
               rep(0L, n),
               rep(1L, n0*n1),
               rep(0L, n0*n1),
               n - control$node.size)

      # Constraint sense
      csense <- c(rep('<', n*p),
                  rep('>', n),
                  rep('<', n0*n1),
                  rep('<', n0*n1),

      # Variable types
      vtype <- c(rep('C', n), rep('B', p), rep('C', n0*n1))

      # variable bounds
      lb <- rep(0L, n + p + n0*n1)
      ub <- rep(1L, n + p + n0*n1)
    } else {
      # Right-hand side vector
      rhs <- c(rep(0L, n*p),
               rep(0L, n),
               n - control$node.size)
      # Constraint sense
      csense <- c(rep('<', n*p),
                  rep('>', n),
      # Variable types
      vtype <- c(rep('C', n), rep('B', p))
      # variable bounds
      lb <- rep(0L, n + p)
      ub <- rep(1L, n + p)

    # Build and solve the MIP model using the selected solver
  #   if(control$opt.solver == 'gurobi'){
  #     grbmod <- list(A = slam::simple_triplet_matrix(ri,ci,va),
  #                    rhs = rhs, sense = csense, grbmodsense = 'min', obj = objcoef, vtype = vtype,
  #                    lb = lb, ub = ub)
  #     grbparams <- list(OutputFlag = 0, TimeLimit=control$solver.timelimit, MIPGap=0.0)
  #     if (verbose) cat(paste("Running Gurobi ... nrow:", length(rhs), "ncol:", length(lb), "nz:", length(ri), "integer:", p, "..."))
  #     grbtime <- system.time(
  #       grbsol <- gurobi::gurobi(grbmod, grbparams)
  #     )
  #     if (verbose) cat(paste(" Elapsed: ", sprintf("%1.5f", grbtime['elapsed']), "s ... Status: ", grbsol$status))
  #     if(grbsol$status != 'INFEASIBLE'){  # Status = 3 is infeasible, because of the node.size constraints.
  #       solution_zw <- stats::setNames((grbsol$x)[1:(n+p)], allcolnames[1:(n+p)])
  #       objval <- n0*n1 + grbsol$objval
  #     } else{
  #       solution_zw <- rep(0, n+p)
  #       objval <- Inf
  #     }
  #   } else if(control$opt.solver == 'lpSolve'){
  #     # No need to set bounds because all variables in lpSolve are assumed non-negative
  #     # theta_ij + z_i <= 1 for i in P and j in N and theta_ij >= 0 imply z_i <= 1 for i in P
  #     # But if opt.model == 'error', then need to add z_i <= 1 for i in P
  #     if(control$opt.model == 'error'){
  #       ri <- c(ri, n*p + n + 1 + 1:n1)
  #       ci <- c(ci, index1)
  #       va <- c(va, rep(1L, n1))
  #       rhs <- c(rhs, rep(1L,n1))
  #       csense <- c(csense, rep('<',n1))
  #     }
  #     if (verbose) cat(paste("Running lpSolve ... nrow:", length(rhs), "ncol:", length(lb), "nz:", length(ri), "integer:", p, "..."))
  #     lptime <- system.time(
  #       sol <- lpSolve::lp(direction = "min", objective.in = objcoef, dense.const = matrix(c(ri,ci,va), ncol = 3),
  #                          const.dir = csense, const.rhs = rhs, binary.vec = (n+1):(n+p))
  #     )
  #     if (verbose) cat(paste(" Elapsed: ", sprintf("%1.5f", lptime['elapsed']), "s ... Status: ", sol$status))
  #     if(sol$status != 2){
  #       solution_zw <- stats::setNames((sol$solution)[1:(n+p)], allcolnames[1:(n+p)])
  #       objval <- n0*n1 + sol$objval
  #     } else{
  #       solution_zw <- rep(0, n+p)
  #       objval <- Inf
  #     }
  #   } else if(control$opt.solver == 'cplex'){
  #     # Use cplex
  #     cplex.env <- cplexAPI::openEnvCPLEX()
  #     cplex.prob <- cplexAPI::initProbCPLEX(cplex.env)
  #     cplexAPI::chgProbNameCPLEX(cplex.env, cplex.prob, "bsnsing")
  #     cplex.nc <- ifelse(control$opt.model == 'gini', n + p + n0*n1, n + p)
  #     cplex.nr <- ifelse(control$opt.model == 'gini', n*p + n + 2*n0*n1 + 3, n*p + n)
  #     cplex.nz <- length(ri)
  #     cplex.obj <- objcoef
  #     cplex.rhs <- rhs
  #     cplex.sense <- ifelse(csense == '<', 'L', ifelse(csense == '>', 'G', 'E'))
  #     cplex.lb <- rep(0, cplex.nc)
  #     cplex.ub <- rep(1, cplex.nc)
  #     # Set beg cnt ind val
  #     spmatA <- matrix(c(ci,ri,va), ncol = 3)
  #     spmatA <- spmatA[order(spmatA[,1], spmatA[,2]),]
  #     rowcnt <- table(spmatA[,1])
  #     cumrowcnt <- cumsum(rowcnt)
  #     cplex.beg <- c(0, cumrowcnt[1:(cplex.nc - 1)])
  #     cplex.cnt <- as.vector(rowcnt)
  #     cplex.ind <- c()
  #     for(i in 1:cplex.nc){
  #       if(i == 1)
  #         cplex.ind <- c(cplex.ind, spmatA[1:cumrowcnt[i], 2] - 1)
  #       else
  #         cplex.ind <- c(cplex.ind, spmatA[(cumrowcnt[i-1]+1):cumrowcnt[i], 2] - 1)
  #     }
  #     cplex.val <- spmatA[,3]
  #     cplex.ctype <- vtype
  #     cplexAPI::copyLpCPLEX(env = cplex.env, lp = cplex.prob, nCols = cplex.nc, nRows = cplex.nr,
  #                           lpdir = cplexAPI::CPX_MIN,
  #                           objf = cplex.obj, rhs = cplex.rhs, sense = cplex.sense,
  #                           matbeg = cplex.beg, matcnt = cplex.cnt, matind = cplex.ind, matval = cplex.val,
  #                           lb = cplex.lb, ub = cplex.ub)
  #     cplexAPI::copyColTypeCPLEX(cplex.env, cplex.prob, cplex.ctype)
  #     if (verbose) cat(paste("Running cplex ... nrow:", cplex.nr, "ncol:", cplex.nc, "nz:", cplex.nz, "integer:", p, "..."))
  #     cplex.feasible <- T
  #     lptime <- system.time(
  #       {
  #         cplexAPI::mipoptCPLEX(cplex.env, cplex.prob)
  #         try(cplex.sol <- cplexAPI::solutionCPLEX(cplex.env, cplex.prob), silent = TRUE)
  #         cplexAPI::delProbCPLEX(cplex.env, cplex.prob)
  #         cplexAPI::closeEnvCPLEX(cplex.env)
  #       }
  #     )
  #     #if(class(cplex.sol) != 'list'){
  #     if(methods::is(cplex.sol, list)){
  #       cplex.sol <- list(lpstat = 103)
  #     }
  #     if (verbose) cat(paste(" Elapsed: ", sprintf("%1.5f", lptime['elapsed']), "s ... Status: ", cplex.sol$lpstat))
  #     if(cplex.sol$lpstat != 103){
  #       solution_zw <- stats::setNames((cplex.sol$x)[1:(n+p)], allcolnames[1:(n+p)])
  #       objval <- n0*n1 + cplex.sol$objval
  #     } else{
  #       solution_zw <- rep(0, n+p)
  #       objval <- Inf
  #     }
  #   }
  #   n.rules <- sum(solution_zw[(n+1):(n+p)] > 0.99)
  #   rules <- paste(names(solution_zw[(n+1):(n+p)])[solution_zw[(n+1):(n+p)] > 0.99], collapse = ' | ')
  # } else if(control$opt.solver == 'greedy') {
  #   if(verbose) cat(paste("Running greedy heuristics ..."))
  #   if(control$opt.model == 'gini'){
  #     selected_cols <- c()
  #     subset.rows <- 1:n
  #     subset.cols <- 1:p
  #     true_pos_indx <- which(y==1)
  #     true_neg_indx <- setdiff(1:n, true_pos_indx)
  #     FP <- rep(0, p)
  #     FN <- rep(0, p)
  #     best_obj <- n0*n1  # baseline value when gini reduction is 0
  #     while (TRUE){
  #       FP[1:p] <- 0
  #       FN[1:p] <- 0
  #       for(j in subset.cols){
  #         pred_neg_indx <- which(rowSums(cbind(rep(0, n), bx[,c(selected_cols, j)])) == 0)
  #         pred_pos_indx <- setdiff(1:n, pred_neg_indx)
  #         FP[j] <- length(intersect(true_neg_indx, pred_pos_indx))
  #         FN[j] <- length(intersect(true_pos_indx, pred_neg_indx))
  #         neval <- neval + 1
  #       }
  #       best_j <- 0
  #       this_round_best <- best_obj
  #       for(j in subset.cols){
  #         this_obj <- n1*FP[j] + n0*FN[j] - 2*FP[j]*FN[j]
  #         if (this_obj < this_round_best){
  #           best_j <- j
  #           this_round_best <- this_obj
  #         }
  #       }
  #       if (best_j == 0){
  #         break
  #       } else {
  #         if(this_round_best >= (control$greedy.level)*best_obj) break
  #         pred_neg_indx <- which(rowSums(cbind(rep(0, n), bx[,c(selected_cols, best_j)])) == 0)
  #         pred_pos_indx <- setdiff(1:n, pred_neg_indx)
  #         if(min(length(pred_neg_indx), length(pred_pos_indx)) < control$node.size) break
  #         selected_cols <- c(selected_cols, best_j)
  #         subset.cols <- setdiff(subset.cols, best_j)
  #         best_obj <- this_round_best
  #       }
  #     }
  #     n.rules <- length(selected_cols)
  #     rules <- paste(names(bx)[selected_cols], collapse = ' | ')
  #     objval <- best_obj
  #   } else {
  #     selected_cols <- c()
  #     subset.rows <- 1:n
  #     subset.cols <- 1:p
  #     true_pos_indx <- which(y==1)
  #     true_neg_indx <- setdiff(1:n, true_pos_indx)
  #     TP <- rep(0, p)
  #     TN <- rep(0, p)
  #     best_accuracy <- 0
  #     while (TRUE){
  #       TP[1:p] <- 0
  #       TN[1:p] <- 0
  #       for(j in subset.cols){
  #         pred_neg_indx <- which(rowSums(cbind(rep(0, n), bx[,c(selected_cols, j)])) == 0)
  #         pred_pos_indx <- setdiff(1:n, pred_neg_indx)
  #         TP[j] <- length(intersect(true_pos_indx, pred_pos_indx))
  #         TN[j] <- length(intersect(true_neg_indx, pred_neg_indx))
  #         neval <- neval + 1
  #       }
  #       best_j <- 0
  #       this_round_best <- best_accuracy
  #       for(j in subset.cols){
  #         this_accuracy <- TP[j] + TN[j]
  #         if (this_accuracy > this_round_best){
  #           best_j <- j
  #           this_round_best <- this_accuracy
  #         }
  #       }
  #       if (best_j == 0){
  #         break
  #       } else {
  #         if(this_round_best*(control$greedy.level) <= best_accuracy) break
  #         pred_neg_indx <- which(rowSums(cbind(rep(0, n), bx[,c(selected_cols, best_j)])) == 0)
  #         pred_pos_indx <- setdiff(1:n, pred_neg_indx)
  #         if(min(length(pred_neg_indx), length(pred_pos_indx)) < control$node.size) break
  #         selected_cols <- c(selected_cols, best_j)
  #         subset.cols <- setdiff(subset.cols, best_j)
  #         best_accuracy <- this_round_best
  #       }
  #     }
  #     n.rules <- length(selected_cols)
  #     rules <- paste(names(bx)[selected_cols], collapse = ' | ')
  #     objval <- best_accuracy
  #   }
  # } else if(control$opt.solver == 'enum') {
  }  # this bracket ends the optimization build. 
  if(control$opt.solver == 'enum'){
    if(verbose) cat(paste("Running ENUM R implementation ..."))
    # implicit enumeration algorithm to find the optimal solution
    # algorithm
    beg_time <- proc.time()[3]
    init_vbest <- n0*n1/2
    vbest <- init_vbest  # initialize the best objective value
    cols_best <- c()  # saves the selected cols of the vbest
    true_pos_indx <- which(y==1)
    true_neg_indx <- setdiff(1:n, true_pos_indx)

    search_tree <- list()
    last_node_indx <- 0

    # Create the root nodes (single-variable rules) and enter them into the list
    for(j in 1:p){
      # evaluate v and tau
      pred_neg_indx <- which(rowSums(cbind(rep(0, n), bx[,j])) == 0)
      pred_pos_indx <- setdiff(1:n, pred_neg_indx)
      if(length(pred_neg_indx) < control$node.size | length(pred_pos_indx) < control$node.size){
        if(verbose) print("Minimum node.size reached. Skip.")
      FP <- length(intersect(true_neg_indx, pred_pos_indx))
      FN <- length(intersect(true_pos_indx, pred_neg_indx))
      this_v <- n1*FP + n0*FN - 2*FP*FN
      neval <- neval + 1
      if(this_v < vbest){
          # check if the children have different majority classes
          TP <- n1 - FN
          TN <- n0 - FP
          left1prob <- TP/(TP+FP)
          right1prob <- FN/(FN+TN)
          if((left1prob > 0.5 & right1prob < 0.5) | (left1prob < 0.5 & right1prob > 0.5)){
            vbest = this_v
            cols_best <- c(j)
        } else{
          vbest = this_v
          cols_best <- c(j)
      # What is the best possible going forward from the current candidate? It depends on the signs of (n0 - 2*FP) and (n1 - 2*FN).
      FP_too_big <- FP >= n0/2
      FN_too_small <- FN <= n1/2
          this_tau <- this_v  # no hope of improvement
        } else{
          this_tau <- n0*(n1-FN)
      } else{
          this_tau <- n1*FP
        } else{
          this_tau <- 0  # not enough information to derive a useful bound
      if(this_tau < vbest){
        # save this for further exploration
        last_node_indx <- last_node_indx + 1
        search_tree[[last_node_indx]] <- list(c(j), FP, FN, this_tau)
        if(verbose) print(j)

      if(length(search_tree[[1]][[1]]) >= control$max.rules){
        last_node_indx <- 0
        if(verbose) print("max.rules limit is reached. Terminate with the best solution found so far.")
      next_level_tree <- list()
      n_elem_next_level_tree <- 0
      # iterate through the search_tree
      for(i in 1:last_node_indx){
        cur_node <- search_tree[[i]]
        cur_node_selected_cols <- cur_node[[1]]
        cur_node_FP <- cur_node[[2]]
        cur_node_FN <- cur_node[[3]]
        cur_node_tau <- cur_node[[4]]
        # Evaluate the node only if it is still promising
        if(cur_node_tau >= vbest){
        # Evaluate each 1-augment candidate of the cur_node
        # candidate column must not be from the same group as any of the existing columns, and index must go up (to avoid redundant evaluations)
        cur_node_groups <- grp[cur_node_selected_cols]
        candidate_cols <- which(!grp %in% cur_node_groups)
        candidate_cols <- candidate_cols[candidate_cols > cur_node_selected_cols[length(cur_node_selected_cols)]]
        for(j in candidate_cols){
          this_cols <- c(cur_node_selected_cols, j)
          pred_neg_indx <- which(rowSums(cbind(rep(0, n), bx[,this_cols])) == 0)
          pred_pos_indx <- setdiff(1:n, pred_neg_indx)
          if(length(pred_neg_indx) < control$node.size | length(pred_pos_indx) < control$node.size){
            if(verbose) print("Minimum node.size reached. Skip.")
          FP <- length(intersect(true_neg_indx, pred_pos_indx))
          FN <- length(intersect(true_pos_indx, pred_neg_indx))
          neval <- neval + 1
          if(FP == cur_node_FP & FN == cur_node_FN){
          this_v <- n1*FP + n0*FN - 2*FP*FN
          if(this_v < vbest){
              # check if the children have different majority classes
              TP <- n1 - FN
              TN <- n0 - FP
              left1prob <- TP/(TP+FP)
              right1prob <- FN/(FN+TN)
              if((left1prob > 0.5 & right1prob < 0.5) | (left1prob < 0.5 & right1prob > 0.5)){
                vbest = this_v
                cols_best <- this_cols
            } else{
              vbest = this_v
              cols_best <- this_cols
          FP_too_big <- FP >= n0/2
          FN_too_small <- FN <= n1/2
              this_tau <- this_v  # no hope of improvement
            } else{
              this_tau <- n0*(n1-FN)
          } else{
              this_tau <- n1*FP
            } else{
              this_tau <- 0  # not enough information to derive a useful bound
          if(this_tau < vbest){
            # save this for further exploration
            n_elem_next_level_tree <- n_elem_next_level_tree + 1
            next_level_tree[[n_elem_next_level_tree]] <- list(this_cols, FP, FN, this_tau)
            if(verbose) print(this_cols)
      search_tree <- next_level_tree
      last_node_indx <- n_elem_next_level_tree
      # If time limit is reached, terminate
      if(proc.time()[3] - beg_time > control$solver.timelimit) {
        last_node_indx <- 0
        if(verbose) print("Time limit reached. Terminate with the best solution found so far.")
    n.rules <- length(cols_best)
    rules <- paste(names(bx)[cols_best], collapse = ' | ')
    objval <- vbest
  # else if(control$opt.solver == 'enum_c') {
  #   if(verbose) cat(paste("Running implicit enumeration C program ..."))
  #   # Load dynamic library from file
  #   this_os_type <- get_os()
  #   if(this_os_type == 'windows'){
  #     dyloadname <- "bslearn.dll"
  #   } else if (this_os_type == 'osx'){
  #     dyloadname <- "bslearn.dylib"
  #   } else if (this_os_type == 'linux'){
  #     dyloadname <- "bslearn.so"
  #   }
  #   if(is.factor(y)){
  #     y <- as.integer(levels(y))[y]
  #   }
  #   dyn.load(dyloadname)
  #   enum_c_res <- .C(getNativeSymbolInfo("bslearn"),
  #                    nrows=as.integer(n),
  #                    ncols=as.integer(p),
  #                    y=y,
  #                    x=as.integer(unlist(bx)),
  #                    grp=as.integer(unlist(grp)),
  #                    max_rules=as.integer(control$max.rules),
  #                    max_time=as.integer(control$solver.timelimit),
  #                    node_size=as.integer(control$node.size),
  #                    no_same_gender_children=as.integer(control$no.same.gender.children),
  #                    verbose=as.integer(verbose),
  #                    sol_cols=as.integer(rep(0L,10)), # here 10 is the absolute MAXRULES hardcoded in C
  #                    sol_n_cols=as.integer(0),
  #                    sol_vbest=as.numeric(0),
  #                    neval=as.integer(0)
  #   )
  #   n.rules <- enum_c_res$sol_n_cols
  #   cols_best <- (enum_c_res$sol_cols)[1:n.rules] + 1  # +1 because C array index starts from 0
  #   rules <- paste(names(bx)[cols_best], collapse = ' | ')
  #   objval <- enum_c_res$sol_vbest
  #   neval <- enum_c_res$neval
  #   dyn.unload(dyloadname)
  else if(control$opt.solver == 'enum_c') {
    if(verbose) cat(paste("Running implicit enumeration C program ..."))
    enum_c_res <- rcpp_bslearn(nrows=as.integer(n),
    n.rules <- enum_c_res$sol_n_cols
    cols_best <- (enum_c_res$sol_cols)[1:n.rules] + 1  # +1 because C array index starts from 0
    rules <- paste(names(bx)[cols_best], collapse = ' | ')
    objval <- enum_c_res$sol_vbest
    neval <- enum_c_res$neval
  bsol <- list(n.rules = n.rules, rules = rules, objval = objval, neval = neval)

#' Learn a Classification Tree using Boolean Sensing
#' Depending on the arguments provided, either \code{\link[bsnsing]{bsnsing.default}} or \code{\link[bsnsing]{bsnsing.formula}} will be called.
#' @param x a data frame or a \code{\link[stats]{formula}} object.
#' @param ... arguments passed on to \code{\link{bsnsing.default}} or \code{\link{bsnsing.formula}}.
#' @return an object of class \code{bsnsing} for a two-class problem or an object of class \code{mbsnsing} for a multi-class problem.
#' @examples
#' # Use the formula format
#' bs <- bsnsing(Class~., data = BreastCancer)
#' summary(bs)
#' # For multi-class classification
#' bs <- bsnsing(Species ~ ., data = iris)
#' summary(bs)
#' summary(bs[[1]])  # display the tree for the first class
#' summary(bs[[2]])  # display the tree for the second class
#' summary(bs[[3]])  # display the tree for the third class
#' predict(bs, type = 'class')  # the fitted class membership
#' predict(bs, type = 'prob')  # the fitted probabilities
#' # Use the (x, y) format, y must have two levels
#' y <- ifelse(iris$Species == 'setosa', 1L, 0L)
#' x <- iris[, c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width', 'Petal.Length', 'Petal.Width')]
#' bs <- bsnsing(x, y, verbose = TRUE)
#' summary(bs)
#' @export
bsnsing <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("bsnsing")

#' A class that contains multi-class classification model built by bsnsing. Can be used in summary and predict functions.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
mbsnsing <- methods::setClass('mbsnsing')

#' Learn a Classification Tree with Boolean Sensing
#' This is the default method for \code{bsnsing} and handles binary classification only. \code{\link{bsnsing.formula}}, which calls \code{bsnsing.default} as the basic tree builder, can handle multiclass classification problems. Missing values in numeric variables are imputed as the median of the non-missing ones, and missing values in factor variables are treated as a separate level named 'NA'.
#' @param x a data frame containing independent variables. Columns can be of numeric, integer, factor and logical types. The column names must be proper identifiers (e.g., must start with a letter, cannot contain special characters and spaces, etc.).
#' @param y a vector of the response variable. The response variable can be of an integer, numeric, logical or factor type, but must have only two unique values. Typical coding of a binary response variable is 0 (for negative case) and 1 (for positive cases).
#' @param controls an object of class \code{\link{bscontrol}}.
#' @param ... further argument to be passed to bsnsing.default.
#' @return an object of class \code{bsnsing}.
#' @examples
#' y <- ifelse(iris$Species == 'setosa', 1L, 0L)
#' x <- iris[, c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width', 'Petal.Length', 'Petal.Width')]
#' bs <- bsnsing(x, y, verbose = TRUE)
#' summary(bs)
#' @export
bsnsing.default <- function(x, y, controls = bscontrol(), ...) {
  # Make sure no invalid argument exists and all valid arguments are captured
  extraArgs <- list(...)
  if (length(extraArgs)) {
    controlargs <- names(formals(bscontrol)) # legal arg names
    indx <- match(names(extraArgs), controlargs, nomatch = 0L)
    if (any(indx == 0L))
      stop(gettextf("Argument '%s' not matched",
                    names(extraArgs)[indx == 0L]),
           domain = NA)
  # create the list of controls
  control <- bscontrol(...)
  if (!missing(controls)) control[names(control)] <- controls

  # if node.size is not set, set it automatically
  if(control$node.size == 0){
    control$node.size <- floor(sqrt(nrow(x)))

  verbose <- control$verbose

  x <- as.data.frame(x)

  # remove the (Intercept) column if exists
  x[,'(Intercept)'] <- NULL

  # Make sure x has appropriate column names
  x.col.names <- colnames(x)
  for (i in 1:length(x.col.names)) {
    if(grepl('[+<=>:/[:space:]*^-]', x.col.names[i])) {
      stop(paste("The column", i, "of x, i.e.,", trimws(x.col.names[i]), ", has an invalid name."))

  # Impute NA in x
  numeric.na.col.index <- seq(ncol(x))[sapply(x, class) == 'numeric' & sapply(x, anyNA) == TRUE]
  factor.na.col.index <- seq(ncol(x))[sapply(x, class) == 'factor' & sapply(x, anyNA) == TRUE]
  if (length(numeric.na.col.index) > 0) {
    # replace NA with column median
    for (j in numeric.na.col.index) {
      naVal <- stats::median(x[,j], na.rm = TRUE)
      x[is.na(x[, j]), j] <- naVal
  if (length(factor.na.col.index) > 0) {
    # treat NA as a level
    for (j in factor.na.col.index) {
      naVal <- 'NA'
      x[is.na(x[, j]), j] <-naVal

  # if (tolower(control$opt.solver) == 'lpsolve') {
  #   if(nzchar(system.file(package='lpSolve'))) control$opt.solver <- 'lpSolve'
  #   else {
  #     control$opt.solver <- 'greedy'
  #     warning("The lpSolve is not installed. The opt.solver is set to 'greedy' instead.")
  #   }
  # }
  # if (tolower(control$opt.solver) == 'cplex') {
  #   if(nzchar(system.file(package='cplexAPI'))) control$opt.solver <- 'cplex'
  #   else {
  #     control$opt.solver <- 'greedy'
  #     warning("The cplexAPI is not installed. The opt.solver is set to 'greedy' instead.")
  #   }
  # }
  # if (tolower(control$opt.solver) == 'gurobi') {
  #   if(nzchar(system.file(package='gurobi'))) control$opt.solver <- 'gurobi'
  #   else {
  #     control$opt.solver <- 'greedy'
  #     warning("The cplexAPI is not installed. The opt.solver is set to 'greedy' instead.")
  #   }
  # }

  # if (tolower(control$opt.solver) == 'enum_c') {
  #   if("bslearn.dylib" %in% list.files(path=getwd()) | "bslearn.dll" %in% list.files(path=getwd()))
  #     control$opt.solver <- 'enum_c'
  #   else {
  #     control$opt.solver <- 'enum'
  #     warning("The file bslearn.dylib or bslearn.dll is not found in the working directory. The opt.solver is set to 'enum' instead. ")
  #   }
  # }

  if(verbose) {
    # print out all control values

  # convert y to binary if possible
  ylist <- binarize.y(y, verbose)
  y <- ylist$y
  y.coding.scheme <- ylist$coding.scheme
  ycode <- ylist$ycode

  # import candidate split rules from other packages
  # external_rules <- c()  # initialize
  # if(control$import.external){
  #   external_rules <- import_external_rules(x,y,verbose)
  # }

  # initialize bookkeeping variables
  nobs <- nrow(x)
  seq.no <- 0  # global unique node number
  fval <- c()  # fitted values
  fprob <- c()  # fitted probability
  n.frac.splits <- 0  # number of splits by fractional LP solution

  node.number <- seq.no  # root node
  node.parent <- (-1)
  node.lchild <- (-1)
  node.rchild <- (-1)
  node.obs <- 1:nrow(x)  # for the root node
  node.nobs <- length(node.obs)
  node.y <- y[node.obs]
  node.n1 <- length(node.y[node.y == 1])
  node.n0 <- length(node.y[node.y == 0])
  node.class <- ifelse(node.n1 >= node.n0, 1L, 0L)
  node.split.rule <- ""
  node.split.target <- node.class  # split target is the majority class in the node
  node.prop <- node.nobs/nobs
  node.prob <- node.n1/node.nobs
  # node.gini <- (node.n1/node.nobs)^2 + (node.n0/node.nobs)^2
  # node.entropy <- ifelse(node.n1*node.n0 == 0, 0, -((node.n1/node.nobs)*log2(node.n1/node.nobs) + (node.n0/node.nobs)*log2(node.n0/node.nobs)))

  node.info <- list(node.number = node.number, node.parent = node.parent, node.lchild = node.lchild, node.rchild = node.rchild,
                    node.class = node.class,
                    node.prop = node.prop, node.nobs = node.nobs, node.n1 = node.n1, node.n0 = node.n0, node.prob = node.prob,
                    node.obs = node.obs, node.split.rule = node.split.rule,
                    node.split.target = node.split.target)
  tree.nodes <- list()

  todo.nodes <- list(node.info)

  iter.count = 0
    iter.count <- iter.count + 1
    this <- todo.nodes[[1]]
    todo.nodes[[1]] <- NULL
    if(verbose) cat(paste("Iter:", iter.count, "exploring node", this$node.number, "\n"))

    this.x <- x[this$node.obs, , drop = FALSE]
    this.y <- y[this$node.obs]
      bx <- binarize(this.x, this.y, target = this$node.split.target, control = control)
    } else {
      bx <- data.frame()

    this.rule <- ""
    nfrac <- 0  # number of fractional solutions from LP
    # 'case' is the flag for different cases:
    # 1. perfect split from binarize;
    # 2. no split from LP;
    # 3. null split from LP;
    # 4. valid split from LP
    # 5. binarize returns an empty data.frame
    case <- 0
    if(!is.data.frame(bx)) {
      this.rule <- bx
      case <- 1
    } else {
      if (ncol(bx) == 0) {
        # unable to binarize x (or suppress.internal is True), binarize returned an empty data.frame
          external_rules <- import_external_rules(this.x, this.y, verbose)
            bx <- data.frame(placeholder = rep(0, nrow(this.x)))
            for(this_external_rule in external_rules){
              this_external_x <- ifelse(with(this.x, eval(parse(text=this_external_rule))), 1, 0)
              bx <- stats::setNames(cbind(bx, this_external_x), c(colnames(bx), this_external_rule))
            bx[,1] <- NULL  # remove the placeholder column
          } else {
            this.rule <- ""
            case <- 5
            if (verbose) cat("Case 5: no meaningful binarization. \n")
        } else {
          this.rule <- ""
          case <- 5
          if (verbose) cat("Case 5: no meaningful binarization. \n")
      else {
        # augment bx using external split rules if available
          external_rules <- import_external_rules(this.x, this.y, verbose)
          for(this_external_rule in external_rules){
            this_external_x <- ifelse(with(this.x, eval(parse(text=this_external_rule))), 1, 0)
            bx <- stats::setNames(cbind(bx, this_external_x), c(colnames(bx), this_external_rule))
      if(case == 0){
        if (this$node.split.targe == 1L) {
          bsol <- bslearn(bx, this.y, control = control)
        } else {
          # bug fixed: 1 - this.y will change the class of y from integer to numeric; must use 1L - this.y
          bsol <- bslearn(bx, 1L - this.y, control = control)
        if (bsol$n.rules == 0) {
          this.rule <- ""
          case <- 2
        } else {
          left.obs <- with(this.x, this$node.obs[which(eval(parse(text = bsol$rules)))])
          right.obs <- setdiff(this$node.obs, left.obs)
          left.nobs <- length(left.obs)
          right.nobs <- length(right.obs)
          if (left.nobs == 0 | right.nobs == 0) {
            if (verbose) cat("Case 3 null split produced. \n")
            this.rule <- ""
            case <- 3
            if (verbose) cat("Terminate as leaf node.\n")

          } else {
            this.rule <- bsol$rules
            #nfrac <- bsol$LPsol['fractional']
            #if(nfrac > 0) n.frac.splits <- n.frac.splits + 1
            case <- 4

    if (case == 1) {
      left.obs <- with(this.x, this$node.obs[which(eval(parse(text = this.rule)))])
      right.obs <- setdiff(this$node.obs, left.obs)
      left.nobs <- length(left.obs)
      right.nobs <- length(right.obs)

      this$node.split.rule <- this.rule
      if(verbose) cat(paste("Rule by binarize.numeric:", this.rule, "\n"))
      seq.no <- seq.no + 1
      left.number <- seq.no
      seq.no <- seq.no + 1
      right.number <- seq.no
      left.parent <- this$node.number
      right.parent <- this$node.number
      this$node.lchild <- left.number
      this$node.rchild <- right.number

      left.y <- y[left.obs]
      left.n1 <- length(left.y[left.y == 1])
      left.n0 <- length(left.y[left.y == 0])
      left.class <- ifelse(left.n1 >= left.n0, 1L, 0L)
      left.split.rule <- ""
      left.split.target <- left.class
      left.prop <- left.nobs/nobs
      left.prob <- left.n1/left.nobs
      # left.gini <- (left.n1/left.nobs)^2 + (left.n0/left.nobs)^2
      # left.entropy <- ifelse(left.n1*left.n0 == 0, 0, -((left.n1/left.nobs)*log2(left.n1/left.nobs) + (left.n0/left.nobs)*log2(left.n0/left.nobs)))

      right.y <- y[right.obs]
      right.n1 <- length(right.y[right.y == 1])
      right.n0 <- length(right.y[right.y == 0])
      right.class <- ifelse(right.n1 >= right.n0, 1L, 0L)
      right.split.rule <- ""
      right.split.target <- right.class
      right.prop <- right.nobs/nobs
      right.prob <- right.n1/right.nobs
      # right.gini <- (right.n1/right.nobs)^2 + (right.n0/right.nobs)^2
      # right.entropy <- ifelse(right.n1*right.n0 == 0, 0, -((right.n1/right.nobs)*log2(right.n1/right.nobs) + (right.n0/right.nobs)*log2(right.n0/right.nobs)))

      left <- list(node.number = left.number, node.parent = left.parent, node.lchild = -1, node.rchild = -1, node.class = left.class,
                   node.prop = left.prop, node.nobs = left.nobs, node.n1 = left.n1, node.n0 = left.n0, node.prob = left.prob,
                   node.obs = left.obs, node.split.rule = left.split.rule,
                   node.split.target = left.split.target)
      right <- list(node.number = right.number, node.parent = right.parent, node.lchild = -1, node.rchild = -1,
                    node.class = right.class,
                    node.prop = right.prop, node.nobs = right.nobs, node.n1 = right.n1, node.n0 = right.n0, node.prob = right.prob,
                    node.obs = right.obs, node.split.rule = right.split.rule,
                    node.split.target = right.split.target)
      tree.nodes[[length(tree.nodes) + 1]] <- this
      tree.nodes[[length(tree.nodes) + 1]] <- left
      tree.nodes[[length(tree.nodes) + 1]] <- right

      fval <- c(fval, stats::setNames(rep(left.class, left.nobs), left.obs))
      fval <- c(fval, stats::setNames(rep(right.class, right.nobs), right.obs))
      fprob <- c(fprob, stats::setNames(rep(left.prob, left.nobs), left.obs))
      fprob <- c(fprob, stats::setNames(rep(right.prob, right.nobs), right.obs))

      if(verbose) {
        cat(paste("-- Node", this$node.number, "is perfectly split by rule:", this$node.split.rule, "\n"))
        cat(paste("----> Left (rule = true) leaf: Node", left.number, ", parent =", left.parent, "nobs =", left.nobs, "prop =", sprintf("%1.4f", left.prop), "class =", left.class, "n1 =", left.n1, "n0 =", left.n0, "prob =", sprintf("%1.4f", left.prob), "\n"))
        cat(paste("----> Right (rule = false) leaf: Node", right.number, ", parent =", right.parent, "nobs =", right.nobs, "prop =", sprintf("%1.4f", right.prop), "class =", right.class, "n1 =", right.n1, "n0 =", right.n0, "prob =", sprintf("%1.4f", right.prob), "\n"))
    } else if (case == 2) {
      this$node.split.rule <- this.rule
      tree.nodes[[length(tree.nodes) + 1]] <- this
      fval <- c(fval, stats::setNames(rep(this$node.class, this$node.nobs), this$node.obs))
      fprob <- c(fprob, stats::setNames(rep(this$node.prob, this$node.nobs), this$node.obs))
      if(verbose) cat(paste("-- Node", this$node.number, "becomes a leaf node. No split on it. \n"))
    } else if (case == 3) {
      this$node.split.rule <- this.rule
      tree.nodes[[length(tree.nodes) + 1]] <- this
      fval <- c(fval, stats::setNames(rep(this$node.class, this$node.nobs), this$node.obs))
      fprob <- c(fprob, stats::setNames(rep(this$node.prob, this$node.nobs), this$node.obs))
      if(verbose) cat(paste("-- Node", this$node.number, "becomes a leaf node. A null split is disgarded. \n"))
    } else if (case == 4) {
      left.obs <- with(this.x, this$node.obs[which(eval(parse(text = this.rule)))])
      right.obs <- setdiff(this$node.obs, left.obs)
      left.nobs <- length(left.obs)
      right.nobs <- length(right.obs)
      this$node.split.rule <- this.rule
      if(verbose) cat(paste("Rule by LP:", this.rule, "\n"))
      seq.no <- seq.no + 1
      left.number <- seq.no
      seq.no <- seq.no + 1
      right.number <- seq.no
      left.parent <- this$node.number
      right.parent <- this$node.number
      this$node.lchild <- left.number
      this$node.rchild <- right.number

      left.y <- y[left.obs]
      left.n1 <- length(left.y[left.y == 1])
      left.n0 <- length(left.y[left.y == 0])
      left.class <- ifelse(left.n1 >= left.n0, 1L, 0L)
      left.split.rule <- ""
      left.split.target <- ifelse(left.n1 >= left.n0, 1L, 0L)
      left.probability <- ifelse(left.n1 >= left.n0, left.n1/(left.n1 + left.n0), left.n0/(left.n1 + left.n0))
      left.prop <- left.nobs/nobs
      left.prob <- left.n1/left.nobs
      # left.gini <- (left.n1/left.nobs)^2 + (left.n0/left.nobs)^2
      # left.entropy <- ifelse(left.n1*left.n0 == 0, 0, -((left.n1/left.nobs)*log2(left.n1/left.nobs) + (left.n0/left.nobs)*log2(left.n0/left.nobs)))

      right.y <- y[right.obs]
      right.n1 <- length(right.y[right.y == 1])
      right.n0 <- length(right.y[right.y == 0])
      right.class <- ifelse(right.n1 >= right.n0, 1L, 0L)
      right.split.rule <- ""
      right.split.target <- ifelse(right.n1 >= right.n0, 1L, 0L)
      right.probability <- ifelse(right.n1 >= right.n0, right.n1/(right.n1 + right.n0), right.n0/(right.n1 + right.n0))
      right.prop <- right.nobs/nobs
      right.prob <- right.n1/right.nobs
      # right.gini <- (right.n1/right.nobs)^2 + (right.n0/right.nobs)^2
      # right.entropy <- ifelse(right.n1*right.n0 == 0, 0, -((right.n1/right.nobs)*log2(right.n1/right.nobs) + (right.n0/right.nobs)*log2(right.n0/right.nobs)))

      left <- list(node.number = left.number, node.parent = left.parent, node.lchild = -1, node.rchild = -1, node.class = left.class,
                   node.prop = left.prop, node.nobs = left.nobs, node.n1 = left.n1, node.n0 = left.n0, node.prob = left.prob,
                   node.obs = left.obs, node.split.rule = left.split.rule,
                   node.split.target = left.split.target)
      right <- list(node.number = right.number, node.parent = right.parent, node.lchild = -1, node.rchild = -1,
                    node.class = right.class,
                    node.prop = right.prop, node.nobs = right.nobs, node.n1 = right.n1, node.n0 = right.n0, node.prob = right.prob,
                    node.obs = right.obs, node.split.rule = right.split.rule,
                    node.split.target = right.split.target)

      tree.nodes[[length(tree.nodes) + 1]] <- this
      if(verbose) cat(paste("-- Node",this$node.number,"is split by rule:", this$node.split.rule, ", nfrac =", nfrac, "\n"))

      if (left.nobs > control$node.size & left.n1 != 0 & left.n0 != 0 & left.probability < control$stop.prob) {
        todo.nodes[[length(todo.nodes) + 1]] <- left
        if(verbose) cat(paste("----> Left (rule = true) child: Node", left.number, ", parent =", left.parent, "nobs =", left.nobs,
                              "prop =", sprintf("%1.4f", left.prop), "class =", left.class, "n1 =", left.n1, "n0 =", left.n0, "prob =", sprintf("%1.4f", left.prob), "\n"))
      } else {
        tree.nodes[[length(tree.nodes) + 1]] <- left
        fval <- c(fval, stats::setNames(rep(left.class, left.nobs), left.obs))
        fprob <- c(fprob, stats::setNames(rep(left.prob, left.nobs), left.obs))
        if(verbose) {
          cat(paste("----> Left (rule = true) leaf: Node", left.number, ", parent =",
                    left.parent, "nobs =", left.nobs, "prop =", sprintf("%1.4f", left.prop), "class =", left.class, "n1 =",
                    left.n1, "n0 =", left.n0, "prob =", sprintf("%1.4f", left.prob), "\n"))
          if(left.nobs <= control$node.size) {
            cat("* Reason for leaf: minimum node size reached. (node.size)\n")
          if(left.probability >= control$stop.prob) {
            cat("* Reason for leaf: desired node probability reached. (stop.prob)\n")

      if (right.nobs > control$node.size & right.n1 != 0 & right.n0 != 0 & right.probability < control$stop.prob) {
        todo.nodes[[length(todo.nodes) + 1]] <- right
        if(verbose) cat(paste("----> Right (rule = false) child: Node", right.number, ", parent =", right.parent, "nobs =", right.nobs,
                              "prop =", sprintf("%1.4f", right.prop), "class =", right.class, "n1 =", right.n1, "n0 =", right.n0, "prob =", sprintf("%1.4f", right.prob), "\n"))
      } else {
        tree.nodes[[length(tree.nodes) + 1]] <- right
        fval <- c(fval, stats::setNames(rep(right.class, right.nobs), right.obs))
        fprob <- c(fprob, stats::setNames(rep(right.prob, right.nobs), right.obs))
        if(verbose) {
          cat(paste("----> Right (rule = false) leaf: Node", right.number, ", parent =",
                    right.parent, "nobs =", right.nobs, "prop =", sprintf("%1.4f", right.prop), "class =", right.class, "n1 =",
                    right.n1, "n0 =", right.n0, "prob =", sprintf("%1.4f", right.prob), "\n"))
          if(right.nobs <= control$node.size) {
            cat("* Reason for leaf: minimum node size reached. (node.size)\n")
          if(right.probability >= control$stop.prob) {
            cat("* Reason for leaf: desired node probability reached. (stop.prob)\n")
    } else if (case == 5) {
      this$node.split.rule <- this.rule
      tree.nodes[[length(tree.nodes) + 1]] <- this
      fval <- c(fval, stats::setNames(rep(this$node.class, this$node.nobs), this$node.obs))
      fprob <- c(fval, stats::setNames(rep(this$node.prob, this$node.nobs), this$node.obs))
      if(verbose) cat(paste("-- Node", this$node.number, "becomes a leaf node. No split on it. \n"))
    } else {
      stop("Something went wrong.")

  if (verbose) cat("An optimal tree is built.\n")

  fitted.values <- fval[order(as.numeric(names(fval)))]
  fitted.prob <- fprob[order(as.numeric(names(fprob)))]
  confusion.matrix <- table(fitted.values, y, dnn = c("fitted", "actual"))
  # if(verbose) {
  #   cat("Confusion matrix: \n")
  #   print(confusion.matrix)
  # }
  class(tree.nodes) <- 'treelist'
  res = list(tree.nodes = tree.nodes,
             fitted.values = fitted.values,
             fitted.prob = fitted.prob,
             confusion.matrix = confusion.matrix,
             n.frac.splits = n.frac.splits,
             y.coding.scheme = y.coding.scheme,
             ycode = ycode,
             call = match.call())

  class(res) <- "bsnsing"

#' Learn a Classification Tree using Boolean Sensing
#' The program builds a binary classification tree for each unique value in the response variable. Each tree classifies a target value against all the other values (internally coded as 'all.other') in the response variable. If the response variable is a numeric type, the number of unique values must not exceed 30. There is no programmatic restriction on the number of unique levels for a factor response.
#' @param formula an object of class "\code{\link[stats]{formula}}": a symbolic description of the model to be fitted.
#' @param data an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by \code{\link{as.data.frame}} to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found in \code{data}, the variables are taken from \code{environment(formula)}, typically the environment from which \code{bsnsing.formula} is called.
#' @param subset an optional vector specifying a subset (in terms of index numbers, not actual data) of observations to be used in the fitting process.
#' @param na.action a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. If \code{na.pass} is used, \code{bsnsing} will still apply an internal NA treatment logic, as follows: missing values in numeric variables will be replaced by the median of the non-missing values of the variable; missing values in factor variables will be treated as a spearate level named 'NA'.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the low level fitting functions, e.g., elements in the \code{\link{bscontrol}} object.
#' @return an object of \code{\link{bsnsing}} for a two-class problem or an object of \code{\link{mbsnsing}} for a multi-class problem.
#' @examples
#' # Multi-class classification
#' bs <- bsnsing(Species ~ ., data = iris)
#' summary(bs)
#' summary(bs[[1]])  # display the tree for the first class
#' summary(bs[[2]])  # display the tree for the second class
#' summary(bs[[3]])  # display the tree for the third class
#' # Two-class classification
#' bs <- bsnsing(origin ~ mpg + displacement + horsepower + weight, data = auto, verbose = TRUE)
#' summary(bs)
#' @export
bsnsing.formula <- function(formula, data, subset, na.action = stats::na.pass, ...) {
  Call <- match.call()
  indx <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset"), names(Call), nomatch = 0L)
  if (indx[1] == 0L) stop("a 'formula' argument is required")
  temp <- Call[c(1L, indx)]      # only keep the arguments we wanted
  temp$na.action <- na.action    # This one has a default
  temp[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame) # change the function called
  mf <- eval.parent(temp)
  Terms <- attr(mf, "terms")
  term_labels <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
  mfv <- mf[, term_labels, drop = FALSE]  # drop = FALSE means return a data frame (not a vector) when there is one column
  # remove factor variables with only 1 unique value
  factorcol <- sapply(mfv, function(x) is.factor(x))
  factormfv <- mfv[, factorcol, drop = FALSE]
  collevels <- sapply(factormfv, function(x) length(unique(x)))
  removecol <- names(collevels[collevels == 1])
  if(length(removecol) > 0) stop(paste("Factor variable", removecol, "has only one unique level. Remove this variable and try again."))
  x <- stats::model.matrix(Terms, data = mf)
  y <- stats::model.response(mf)

  # Decide if y is binary or multiclass
  nclass <- length(unique(y))
  if(nclass <= 2) {
    contrasts <- contrasts(as.factor(y))
    res <- bsnsing.default(x, y, ...)
    res$terms <- Terms
    res$contrasts <- contrasts
    res$call <- match.call()
  } else if (nclass <= 30 | is.factor(y)) {
    multires <- list()
    ylevels <- sort(unique(y))
    for (i in 1:nclass) {
      yi <- as.factor(ifelse(y == ylevels[i], as.character(ylevels[i]), 'all.other'))  # assuming there is no level called "all.other"
      contrasts <- contrasts(yi)
      res <- bsnsing.default(x, yi, ...)
      res$terms <- Terms
      res$contrasts <- contrasts
      res$call <- match.call()
      multires[[i]] <- res
    multires$call <- match.call()
    multires$nclass <- nclass
    multires$ylevels <- ylevels
    multires$yprior <- prop.table(table(y))[ylevels]
    class(multires) <- 'mbsnsing'
  } else {
    cat("There are more than 30 unique values in the response variable. Bsnsing is for classification. If you insist running bsnsing on the data, change the response variable type to factor and try again. \n")

#' Define Parameters for the \code{\link{bsnsing}} Fit
#' @param bin.size the minimum number of observations required in a binarization bucket.
#' @param nseg.numeric the maximum number of segments the range of a numeric variable is divided into for each inequality direction.
#' @param nseg.factor the maximum number of unique levels allowed in a factor variable.
#' @param num2factor an equality binarization rule will be created for each unique value of a numeric variable (in addition to the inequality binarization attempt), if the number of unique values of the numeric variable is less than \code{num2factor}.
#' @param node.size if the number of training cases falling into a tree node is fewer than \code{node.size}, the node will become a leaf and no further split will be attempted on it; in addition, do not split a node if either child node that would result from the split contains fewer than \code{node.size} observation. Default is 0, which indicates that the node.size will be set automatically according to this formula: floor(sqrt(Number of training cases)).
#' @param stop.prob if the proportion of the majority class in a tree node is greater than \code{stop.prob}, the node will become a leaf and no further split will be attempted on it.
#' @param opt.solver a character string in the set {'enum', 'enum_c', 'gurobi', 'cplex', 'lpSolve', 'greedy'} indicating the optimization solver to be used in the program. The choice of 'cplex' requires the package \code{cplexAPI}, 'gurobi' requires the package \code{gurobi}, and 'lpSolve' requires the package \code{lpSolve}. These solver options are only available in the full version at \url{https://github.com/profyliu/bsnsing/}. The default (and the best) is 'enum_c'.  
#' @param solver.timelimit the solver time limit in seconds. Note that this limits the time it takes to optimize each node split. 
#' @param max.rules the maximum number of features allowed to enter an OR-clause split rule. A small max.rules reduces the search space and regulates model complexity. Default is 2.
#' @param opt.model a character string in the set {'gini','error'} indicating the optimization model to solve in the program. The default is 'gini'. The 'error' option is not available in the current version. 
#' @param greedy.level a proportion value between 0 and 1, applicable only when opt.solver is 'greedy'. In the greedy forward selection process of split rules, a candidate rule is added to the OR-clause only if the split performance (gini reduction or accuracy) after the addition multiplied by greedy.level would still be greater than the split performance before the addition. A higher value of greedy.level tend to more aggressively produce multi-variable splits. Only available in the full version. 
#' @param import.external logical value indicating whether or not to try importing candidate split rules from other decision tree packages. Default is True.
#' @param suppress.internal logical value indicating whether or not to suppress the feature binarization process that creates the pool of binary features. If it is set to True, then only the features imported from external methods (if import.external is True) will be used in the optimal rule selection model. Default is FALSE.
#' @param no.same.gender.children logical value indicating whether or not to suppress splits that would result in both children having the same majority class. Default is FASLE.
#' @param n0n1.cap a positive integer. It is applicable only when the opt.solver is 'hybrid' and the opt.model is 'gini'. When the bslearn function is called, if the product of the number of negative cases (n0) and the number of positive cases (n1) is greater than this number, 'enum' solver will be used; otherwise, gurobi solver will be used. Only available in the full version. 
#' @param verbose a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether the solution details are to be printed on the screen.
#' @return An object of class \code{\link{bscontrol}}.
#' @examples
#' bscontrol()  # display the default parameters
#' bsc <- bscontrol(stop.prob = 0.8, nseg.numeric = 10, verbose = TRUE)
#' bsc
#' @export

bscontrol <- function(bin.size = 5,
                      nseg.numeric = 20, nseg.factor = 20, num2factor = 10,
                      node.size = 0, stop.prob = 0.9999,
                      #opt.solver = c('enum_c', 'enum', 'greedy', 'hybrid', 'gurobi', 'lpSolve', 'cplex'),
                      opt.solver = c('enum_c', 'enum'),
                      solver.timelimit = 180,
                      max.rules = 2,
                      opt.model = c('gini', 'error'),
                      greedy.level = 0.9,
                      import.external = TRUE,
                      suppress.internal = FALSE,
                      no.same.gender.children = FALSE,
                      n0n1.cap = 40000,
                      verbose = FALSE) {
  if (bin.size < 1L) {
    warning("The value of 'bin.size' supplied is < 1; the value 1 was used instead")
    bin.size <- 1L
  if (nseg.numeric < 3L) {
    warning("The value of 'nseg.numeric' supplied is < 3; the value 3 was used instead")
    nseg.numeric <- 3L
  if (nseg.factor < 3L) {
    warning("The value of 'nseg.factor' supplied is < 3; the value 3 was used instead")
    nseg.factor <- 3L
  if (num2factor > 2*nseg.numeric) {
    warning("The value of 'num2factor' is too big; it is set to 2*nseg.numeric")
    num2factor <- 2*nseg.numeric
  if (stop.prob < 0 | stop.prob > 1) {
    warning("The value of 'stop.prob' supplied is not in [0, 1]; the value 0.97 was used instead")
    stop.prob <- 0.9
  if (node.size < 0L) {
    warning("The value of 'node.size' supplied is < 0; the value 0 was used instead")
    node.size <- 0L
  if (greedy.level < 0 | greedy.level > 1) {
    warning("The value of 'greedy.level' supplied is not in [0, 1]; the value 0.9 was used instead")
    greedy.level <- 0.9
  if (n0n1.cap < 1) {
    warning("The value of 'n0n1.cap' must be a positive integer; the value was set to 1 instead")

  control <- list(bin.size = bin.size, nseg.numeric = nseg.numeric,
                  nseg.factor = nseg.factor, num2factor = num2factor, node.size = node.size, stop.prob = stop.prob,
                  opt.solver = match.arg(opt.solver),
                  solver.timelimit = solver.timelimit,
                  max.rules = max.rules,
                  opt.model = match.arg(opt.model), greedy.level = greedy.level,
                  import.external = import.external, suppress.internal = suppress.internal,
                  no.same.gender.children = no.same.gender.children, n0n1.cap = n0n1.cap, verbose = verbose)
  class(control) <- "bscontrol"

#' Print the Object of Class \code{\link{bscontrol}}
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{bscontrol}}.
#' @param ... further arguments to the print function. 
#' @return No return value.
#' @export
print.bscontrol <- function(x = bscontrol(), ...) {
  # Make sure no invalid argument exisits and all valid arguments are captured
  controlargs <- names(formals(bscontrol)) # legal arg names
  controls <- x
  default.controls <- bscontrol()

  cat("Control Parameters: [name = value (default)] \n")
  for(arg in controlargs) {
    cat(paste("\t", arg, "=", controls[[arg]], "(", default.controls[[arg]], ")\n"))

#' Print the Object of Class \code{\link{bsnsing}}
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{bsnsing}}.
#' @param print.call print out the function called, default TRUE.
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @return No return value.
#' @export
print.bsnsing <- function(x, print.call = TRUE, ...){
  if (print.call) {
    cat("Call: ")
  # print.bscontrol(x$control)
  cat("\nConfusion matrix:\n")
  xname <- deparse(substitute(x))
  cat(paste0("Use the summary() function to access details of the tree.", "\n"))

#' Print the Object of Class \code{\link{mbsnsing}}
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{mbsnsing}}.
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @return No return value.
#' @export
print.mbsnsing <- function(x, ...){
  cat("Call: ")
  cat(paste0(x$nclass, " trees, one for each class.", "\n"))
  for (i in 1:x$nclass) {
    cat(paste0("Tree ", i, ":", "\n"))
    print(x[[i]], print.call = FALSE)

#' Summarize mbsnsing Model Fits
#' @param object an object of class \code{\link{mbsnsing}}.
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @return a list of detailed information in the given \code{object}.
#' @export
summary.mbsnsing <- function(object = stop("no 'object' arg"), ...) {
  smries <- list()
  # for (i in 1:object$nclass) {
  #   smries[[i]] <- summary.bsnsing(object[[i]])
  # }
  smries$nclass <- object$nclass
  smries$ylevels <- object$ylevels
  smries$yprior <- object$yprior
  smries$call <- match.call()
  smries$argname <- deparse(substitute(object))
  class(smries) <- "summary.mbsnsing"

#' Print the summary of \code{\link{mbsnsing}} model fits
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{summary.mbsnsing}}.
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @return No return value.
#' @export
print.summary.mbsnsing <- function(x, ...) {
  xname <- x$argname
  cat(paste0("There are ", x$nclass, " trees in ", xname, ", one for each class in [", paste(as.character(x$ylevels), collapse = ', '), "].", "\n"))
  cat(paste0("Use the command summary(", xname, "[[1]]) to access details of the 1st tree, for instance.", "\n"))

#' Summarize the bsnsing Model Fits
#' @param object an object of class \code{\link{bsnsing}}.
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @return a list of detailed information in the given \code{object}.
#' @export
summary.bsnsing <- function(object = stop("no 'object' arg"), ...) {
  # Calculate the confusion matrix and accuracy for the fit
  # The number of leaf nodes

  tree.nodes <- (object$tree.nodes)[order(sapply((object$tree.nodes),'[[',1))]
  if ((tree.nodes[[length(tree.nodes)]])$node.number != length(tree.nodes) - 1) stop("Something messed up in the summary function.")

  current.i <- 1  ## current list element
  current.node.number <- current.i - 1  ## current node number
  depth <- 0L  ## distance to the root node
  nsplits <- 0  # number of splits in the tree
  done <- rep(0, length(tree.nodes))  ## 0: not visited, 1: self done, 2: left child done, 3: all done
  nodes <- data.frame(node.number = integer(),
                      depth = integer(),
                      predicted.class = integer(),
                      prob.1 = numeric(),
                      proportion = numeric(),
                      n1 = integer(),
                      n0 = integer(),
                      parent.node = integer(),
                      # gini = numeric(),
                      # entropy = numeric(),
                      rule = character(),
                      if.rule.then = integer(),
                      is.leaf = logical(),
  while (TRUE) {
    if (current.i <= 0) break
    this.node <- tree.nodes[[current.i]]
    if (done[current.i] == 3) {
      if (this.node$node.parent == -1) break
      else {
        current.i <- this.node$node.parent + 1
        depth <- depth - 1
    } else if (done[current.i] == 2) {
      done[current.i] <- done[current.i] + 1
      current.i <- this.node$node.rchild + 1
      depth <- depth + 1
    } else if (done[current.i] == 1) {
      done[current.i] <- done[current.i] + 1
      current.i <- this.node$node.lchild + 1
      depth <- depth + 1
      nsplits <- nsplits + 1
    } else {
      this.record <- data.frame(node.number = this.node$node.number,
                                depth = depth,
                                predicted.class = this.node$node.class,
                                prob.1 = ifelse(this.node$node.n1 == 0, 0, ifelse(this.node$node.n0 == 0, 1, this.node$node.n1/(this.node$node.n1 + this.node$node.n0))),
                                proportion = this.node$node.prop,
                                n1 = this.node$node.n1,
                                n0 = this.node$node.n0,
                                parent.node = this.node$node.parent,
                                # gini = this.node$node.gini,
                                # entropy = this.node$node.entropy,
                                rule = this.node$node.split.rule,
                                if.rule.then = this.node$node.split.target,
                                is.leaf = ifelse(this.node$node.lchild == -1 & this.node$node.rchild == -1, T, F))
      nodes <- rbind(nodes, this.record)
      done[current.i] <- 1
    if (this.node$node.lchild == -1 & this.node$node.rchild == -1) {
      done[current.i] <- 3
      current.i <- this.node$node.parent + 1
      depth <- depth - 1

  nleaves <- sum(nodes$is.leaf)  # number of leaves in the tree
  accuracy <- (object$confusion.matrix[1,1] + ifelse(sum(dim(object$confusion.matrix)) == 4, object$confusion.matrix[2,2], 0))/sum(object$confusion.matrix)
  tree.summary <- list(nleaves = nleaves,
                       nsplits = nsplits,
                       n.frac.splits = object$n.frac.splits,
                       confusion.matrix = object$confusion.matrix,
                       accuracy = accuracy,
                       y.coding.scheme = object$y.coding.scheme,
                       ycode = object$ycode,
                       nodes = nodes, call = match.call())
  class(tree.summary) <- "summary.bsnsing"

#' Print the Summary of \code{\link{bsnsing}} Model
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{summary.bsnsing}}.
#' @param print.call a logical value, print out the function called if TRUE.
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @return No return value.
#' @export
print.summary.bsnsing <- function(x, print.call = TRUE, ...) {
  nodes <- x$nodes
  if (print.call) {
    cat("Call: ")
  cat("\nDecision Tree:\n")
  for(i in 1:nrow(nodes)) {
    line.info <- paste0(paste(rep(" ", 6*nodes[i, 'depth']), collapse = ""), ifelse(nodes[i, 'is.leaf'], "*", ""), "Node ", nodes[i, 'node.number'], ":", " class = ", nodes[i, 'predicted.class'], " w/ prob ", sprintf("%1.4f", ifelse(nodes[i, 'predicted.class'] == 1, nodes[i, 'prob.1'], 1 - nodes[i, 'prob.1'])), ", prop ", sprintf("%1.4f", nodes[i, 'proportion']),
                        # ", gini ", sprintf("%1.4f", nodes[i, 'gini']), ", entropy ", sprintf("%1.4f", nodes[i, 'entropy']),
                        ", n1 ", nodes[i, 'n1'], ", n0 ", nodes[i, 'n0'], "\n")
    if (nodes[i, 'rule'] != "") {
      split.info <- paste0(paste(rep(" ", 6*nodes[i, 'depth']), collapse = ""), "Split by (", nodes[i, 'rule'], ")\n")
  cat(paste0("The tree has ", x$nsplits, " splits (", x$n.frac.splits, " fractional), ", x$nleaves, " leaf nodes. \n"))
  cat("Confusion matrix:\n")
  cat(paste0("Accuracy: ", sprintf("%1.4f", x$accuracy), "\n"))

#' Recode a Variable with Two Unique Values into an 0/1 Vector
#' @param y a vector, must contain two unique values.
#' @param verbose a logical value, TRUE or FALSE, indicating whehter details are to be printed on the screen.
#' @return a list with three elements: \code{y}, a vector of the same length as \code{y}, whose entries are coded to 0 and 1, \code{coding.scheme}, a character string describing the map from the original coding to 0/1 coding, and \code{ycode}, a character vector containing the original level names of \code{y}.
#' @examples
#' y <- factor(c('good', 'bad', 'good', 'good', 'bad'))
#' (yb <- binarize.y(y))
#' (yb <- binarize.y(y))
#' y <- c(1, 2, 2, 1, 2)
#' (yb <- binarize.y(y))
#' @export
binarize.y <- function(y, verbose = FALSE) {
  if (!is.numeric(y) & !is.factor(y) & !is.integer(y) & !is.logical(y) & !is.character(y)) stop("Response variable y must be a numeric, integer, logical, factor or character typed.")
  coding.scheme <- character()
  ycode <- c()
  if (is.character(y)) y <- as.factor(y)
  if (is.numeric(y)) {
    if (length(unique(y)) == 2) {
      ymax <- max(y)
      ymin <- min(y)
      y[y == ymax] <- 1L
      y[y == ymin] <- 0L
      coding.scheme <- paste("Response coding:", ymax, "==> 1  ", ymin, "==> 0")
      ycode <- c(ymin, ymax)
    } else {
      stop("Response must have two unique values.")
  } else if (is.factor(y)) {
    ylevels <- as.character(sort(unique(y), decreasing = TRUE))
    if (length(ylevels) == 2 & !"all.other" %in% ylevels) {
      y <- ifelse(y == ylevels[1], 1L, 0L)
      coding.scheme <- paste("Response coding:",  ylevels[1], "==> 1  ",  ylevels[2], "==> 0")
      ycode <- c(ylevels[2], ylevels[1])
    } else if (length(ylevels) == 2 & "all.other" %in% ylevels) {
      y <- ifelse(y == "all.other", 0L, 1L)
      coding.scheme <- paste("Response coding:",  setdiff(ylevels, "all.other") , "==> 1  ", "all.other ==> 0")
      ycode <- c("all.other", setdiff(ylevels, "all.other"))
    } else {
      stop("Response must have two unique levels.")
  } else if (is.integer(y)) {
    if (length(unique(y)) == 2) {
      ymax <- max(y)
      ymin <- min(y)
      y[y == ymax] <- 1L
      y[y == ymin] <- 0L
      coding.scheme <- paste("Response coding:", ymax, "==> 1  ", ymin, "==> 0")
      ycode <- c(ymin, ymax)
    } else {
      stop("Response must have two unique values.")
  } else if (is.logical(y)) {
    if (length(unique(y)) == 2) {
      y[y == TRUE] <- 1L
      y[y == FALSE] <- 0L
      coding.scheme <- paste("Response coding: True ==> 1   False ==> 0")
      ycode <- c(FALSE, TRUE)
    } else {
      stop("Response must have two unique levels.")
  } else stop("Response variable must be a numeric, integer, logical or factor.")
  if (verbose) cat(paste(coding.scheme, "\n"))
  ylist <- list(y = y, coding.scheme = coding.scheme, ycode = ycode)

#' Make Predictions with a Fitted \code{\link{bsnsing}} Model
#' Implements the generic \code{predict} function to make predictions on new data using a trained \code{\link{bsnsing}} model.
#' @param object a \code{\link{bsnsing}} model object.
#' @param newdata a optional data frame in which to look for variables for prediction. If omitted, the fitted class or probability will be returned.
#' @param type a character string indicating the type of prediction. \emph{'prob'} predicts the probability of being a positive case (i.e., y = 1), and \emph{'class'} predicts the class membership.
#' @param ... further arguments to predict.bsnsing.
#' @return a vector containing the predicted values.
#' @examples
#' # Load data
#' n <- nrow(GlaucomaMVF)
#' train_index = sample(1:n, round(0.5*n))
#' test_index = setdiff(1:n, train_index)
#' # Fit a model using training set
#' bs <- bsnsing(Class ~ ., data = GlaucomaMVF, subset = train_index)
#' # Make predictions on the test set
#' pred <- predict(bs, GlaucomaMVF[test_index, ], type = 'class')
#' # Display the confusion matrix
#' table(pred, actual = GlaucomaMVF[test_index, 'Class'])
#' @export
predict.bsnsing <- function(object, newdata = NULL, type = c("prob", "class"), ...) {
  if (!inherits(object, "bsnsing")) stop("Not a legitimate \"bsnsing\" object")
  type <- match.arg(type)
  ycode <- object$ycode

  if (is.null(newdata)) {
    if (type == 'prob') {
    } else if (type == 'class') {
      pred <- ifelse(object$fitted.values == 0, ycode[1], ycode[2])
    } else stop("unrecognized 'type' arg")
  } else {
    if (is.null(object$terms)) {
      # Model is built by bsnsing.default
        newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)
      # ycode <- object$ycode
    } else {
      # Model is built by bsnsing.formula
      if (is.null(attr(newdata, "terms"))) {
        Terms <- stats::delete.response(object$terms)
        mf <- stats::model.frame(Terms, newdata, xlev = attr(object, "xlevels"), na.action = stats::na.pass)
        newdata <- as.data.frame(stats::model.matrix(Terms, mf))
      # ycode <- rownames(object$contrasts)  # this line may be unnecessary
    tree.nodes <- (object$tree.nodes)[order(sapply((object$tree.nodes),'[[',1))]
    if ((tree.nodes[[length(tree.nodes)]])$node.number != length(tree.nodes) - 1) stop("Something messed up in the predict function.")
    current.i <- 1  ## current list element
    current.node.number <- current.i - 1  ## current node number
    tree.nodes[[current.i]]$node.obs <- 1:nrow(newdata)  ## assign node.obs for the root node
    this.node <- tree.nodes[[current.i]]
    if (type == 'prob') {
      pred = stats::setNames(rep(this.node$node.prob, nrow(newdata)), 1:nrow(newdata))
      #pred = stats::setNames(rep(ifelse(this.node$node.n1 == 0, 0, ifelse(this.node$node.n0 == 0, 1, this.node$node.n1/(this.node$node.n1 + this.node$node.n0))), nrow(newdata)), 1:nrow(newdata))
    } else if (type == 'class') {
      pred = stats::setNames(rep(ycode[this.node$node.class + 1], nrow(newdata)), 1:nrow(newdata))
    } else stop("The 'type' argument is not recognized")

    done <- rep(0, length(tree.nodes))  ## 0: not visited, 1: self done, 2: left child done, 3: all done
    while(TRUE) {
      if (current.i <= 0) break
      this.node <- tree.nodes[[current.i]]
      if (done[current.i] == 3) {
        if (this.node$node.parent == -1) break
        else {
          current.i <- this.node$node.parent + 1
      } else if (done[current.i] == 2) {
        done[current.i] <- done[current.i] + 1
        current.i <- this.node$node.rchild + 1
      } else if (done[current.i] == 1) {
        done[current.i] <- done[current.i] + 1
        current.i <- this.node$node.lchild + 1
      } else {
        if (type == 'prob') {
          pred[this.node$node.obs] = this.node$node.prob #ifelse(this.node$node.n1 == 0, 0, ifelse(this.node$node.n0 == 0, 1, this.node$node.n1/(this.node$node.n1 + this.node$node.n0)))
        } else if (type == 'class') {
          pred[this.node$node.obs] = ycode[this.node$node.class + 1]
        } else stop("The 'type' argument is not recognized")

        if (this.node$node.lchild == -1 & this.node$node.rchild == -1) {
          done[current.i] <- 3
          current.i <- this.node$node.parent + 1
        } else {
          this.x <- newdata[this.node$node.obs,]
          left.obs <- with(this.x, this.node$node.obs[which(eval(parse(text = this.node$node.split.rule)))])
          right.obs <- setdiff(this.node$node.obs, left.obs)
          tree.nodes[[this.node$node.lchild + 1]]$node.obs <- left.obs
          tree.nodes[[this.node$node.rchild + 1]]$node.obs <- right.obs
          done[current.i] <- 1

#' Make Predictions with a \code{\link{bsnsing}} Model
#' @param object an object of class \code{\link{mbsnsing}}.
#' @param newdata an optional data frame in which to look for variables for prediction. If omitted, the fitted class or probability will be returned.
#' @param type a character string indicating the type of prediction. \emph{'prob'} predicts the probability of being in each class, and \emph{'class'} predicts the class membership.
#' @param ... further arguments to predict.mbsnsing.
#' @return a data frame containing the predicted values.
#' @examples
#' n <- nrow(iris)
#' train_index <- sample(1:n, round(0.5*n))
#' test_index <- setdiff(1:n, train_index)
#' # Fit a model on the training set
#' bs <- bsnsing(Species ~ ., data = iris, subset = train_index)
#' # Make predictions on the test set
#' pred <- predict(bs, iris[test_index, ], type = 'class')
#' # Display the confusion matrix
#' table(pred, actual = iris[test_index, 'Species'])
#' # Predict the probabilities
#' predprob <- predict(bs, iris[test_index, ], type = 'prob')
#' head(predprob)
#' @export
predict.mbsnsing <- function(object, newdata = NULL, type = c("prob", "class"), ...) {
  if (!inherits(object, "mbsnsing")) stop("Not a legitimate \"mbsnsing\" object")
  type <- match.arg(type)
  nclass <- object$nclass
  ylevels <- object$ylevels
  yprior <- object$yprior
  if (is.null(newdata)) {
    mpred <- matrix(rep(NA, length(object[[1]]$fitted.values)), ncol = 1, dimnames = list(names(object[[1]]$fitted.values), c("class")))
  } else {
    mpred <- matrix(rep(NA, nrow(newdata)), ncol = 1, dimnames = list(rownames(newdata), c("class")))
  for (i in 1:nclass) {
    pred <- predict.bsnsing(object[[i]], newdata, type = "prob")
    pred <- as.matrix(pred, ncol = 1)
    colnames(pred) <- as.character(ylevels[i])
    mpred <- cbind(mpred, pred)

  # weight by class prior probability
  for (level in ylevels) {
    mpred[,as.character(level)] <- mpred[,as.character(level)] * ifelse(is.na(yprior[as.character(level)]), 0, yprior[as.character(level)])
  # normalize the class probabilities
  rsum <- base::rowSums(mpred, na.rm = TRUE)
  for (level in ylevels) {
    mpred[,as.character(level)] <- ifelse(rsum != 0, mpred[,as.character(level)]/rsum, 0)
  if (type == 'prob') {
    return(mpred[, as.character(ylevels)])
  } else if (type == 'class') {
    mpred[,'class'] <- as.character(ylevels[apply(mpred[, as.character(ylevels)], 1, which.max)])
    return(mpred[, 'class'])
  } else stop("unrecognized 'type' arg")

#' Generate latex code for plotting a bsnsing tree
#' If the file argument is supplied, this function will invoke the external programs latex, dvips and ps2pdf. If these programs are not available, only the latex code will be generated. If the file argument is left empty, the latex code will be written to the console screen. The latex code utilizes the following  packages: pstricks, pst-node, pst-tree.
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{bsnsing}}.
#' @param file a writable connection or a character string naming the file to write to. If not supplied, the output will be written to the console. 
#' @param class_labels a character vector of two elements for leaf node label (for 0 and 1). If empty, the labels will be read from the bsnsing object.
#' @param class_colors a character vector of two elements for leaf node color (for 0 and 1)
#' @param rule_font a string specifying the font size of the split rule at each non-leaf node
#' @param rule_color a string specifying the color of the split rule and node, e.g., blue, gray, black, etc. For a list of all usable colors, see https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Colors
#' @param footnote a boolean value indicating whether to add annotation text to the PDF page. The default is FALSE.
#' @param landscape a boolean value indicating if the PDF page should be in landscape layout. The default is FALSE.
#' @param papersize a string specifying the PDF paper size. The default is 'a0paper'.
#' @param verbose a logical value, default is FALSE.
#' @param ... further parameters to the plot function.
#' @return No return value.
#' @examples
#' bs <- bsnsing(Class ~ ., data = GlaucomaMVF)
#' plot(bs)
#' \dontrun{
#' plot(bs, file = 'GlaucomaMVF_tree.pdf')
#' plot(bs, file = 'GlaucomaMVF_tree_letterpaper.pdf', paper='letterpaper')
#' }
#' @export
plot.bsnsing <- function(x, file = "", class_labels = c(),
                         class_colors = c('red','green'),
                         rule_font = c("footnotesize","scriptsize","tiny","normalsize","small"),
                         rule_color = "blue", footnote = FALSE,
                         landscape = FALSE,
                         papersize = c('a0paper','a1paper','a2paper','a3paper','a4paper','a5paper','a6paper','b0paper','b1paper','b2paper','b3paper','b4paper','b5paper','b6paper','c0paper','c1paper','c2paper','c3paper','c4paper','c5paper','c6paper','b0j','b1j','b2j','b3j','b4j','b5j','b6j','ansiapaper','ansibpaper','ansicpaper','ansidpaper','ansiepaper','letterpaper','executivepaper','legalpaper'),
                         verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "bsnsing")) stop("Not a legitimate \"bsnsing\" object")
  rule_font <- match.arg(rule_font)
  papersize <- match.arg(papersize)
  sobj <- summary(x)
  nodes <- sobj$nodes
  if(length(class_labels) == 0) class_labels <- sobj$ycode

  if(file != ""){
    pathname <- dirname(file)
    basename <- basename(file)
    nameparts <- strsplit(basename, "\\.")[[1]]
    stemname <- nameparts[1]
    fullname <- paste0(pathname, "/", stemname, ".tex")
    cat("\n", file = fullname, append = FALSE)
  } else {
    fullname <- ""

 \\usepackage{pstricks,pst-node,pst-tree,xcolor}\n", file = fullname, append = TRUE)
  cat(paste0("\\usepackage[", ifelse(landscape, "landscape","portrait"),",", papersize, "]{geometry}\n"), file = fullname, append = TRUE)
 \\psset{linecolor=black,tnsep=1pt,tndepth=0cm,tnheight=0cm,treesep=1.2cm,levelsep=56pt,radius=10pt}\n", file = fullname, append = TRUE)

  for(i in 1:nrow(nodes)) {
    depth_chg <- ifelse(i==1, 0, nodes[i,'depth'] - nodes[i-1,'depth'])
    if(depth_chg >= 1){
      cat("{\n", file = fullname, append = TRUE)
    } else if(depth_chg <= -1){
      cat(paste0(paste0(rep("}", -depth_chg), collapse = ""), "\n"), file = fullname, append = TRUE)
    if(!nodes[i, 'is.leaf']){
      rule_text <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(nodes[i,'rule']), "|", fixed = TRUE))
      rule_disp <- ""
      for(k in 1:length(rule_text)){
        rt <- trimws(rule_text[k])
        rt <- gsub("<","$<$",rt)
        rt <- gsub(">","$>$",rt)
        rt <- gsub("%in%", ' in ', rt)
        rt <- gsub("==", "$=$", rt)
        rt <- gsub("_", ".", rt)
        if(k > 1){
          rule_disp <- paste0(rule_disp, "\\\\ \\texttt{or} ", rt)
        } else {
          rule_disp <- rt
      cat(paste0("\\pstree[treemode=D]{\\Tcircle{ \\color{", rule_color, "} ", nodes[i,'node.number'], " }~[tnpos=l]{", "\\color{", rule_color, "}",  " \\",rule_font," \\shortstack[r]{", rule_disp, "}}~[tnpos=r]{\\shortstack[r]{", sprintf("%1.3f", nodes[i,'prob.1']),"}}}\n"), file = fullname, append = TRUE)
    } else {
      cat(paste0("\\Tcircle[fillcolor=", class_colors[nodes[i,'predicted.class'] + 1], ",fillstyle=solid]{ ", nodes[i,'node.number'], " }~{\\shortstack{\\makebox[0pt][c]{\\texttt{", class_labels[nodes[i,'predicted.class'] + 1], "}}\\\\", nodes[i,'n1'] + nodes[i,'n0'], "}}
    ~[tnpos=r]{\\shortstack[r]{", sprintf("%1.3f", nodes[i,'prob.1']), "}}\n"), file = fullname, append = TRUE)
  for(j in 1:nodes[i,'depth']){
    cat("}\n", file = fullname, append = TRUE)
  cat("\\end{center}\n", file = fullname, append = TRUE)
    cat("\\vfill\n", file = fullname, append = TRUE)
    cat("\\footnotesize Generated by the R package \\textbf{bsnsing}. At each internal (split) node, the left child answers ``yes''  and the right child answers ``no'' to the split question.\n", file = fullname, append = TRUE)
  cat("\\end{document}\n", file = fullname, append = TRUE)

  # Run latex, dvips and ps2pdf to create the pdf file
  if(file != ""){
    cat(paste0("\nOutputs written to ", pathname, "/", stemname, ".*\n"))
    if(Sys.which("latex") == "" | Sys.which("dvips") == "" | Sys.which("ps2pdf") == ""){
      cat(paste0("\nSome of the required programs are not available: latex, dvips, ps2pdf\n"))
    latex_cmd <- paste0("latex -interaction=nonstopmode -output-directory=", pathname, " ", fullname)
    dvips_cmd <- paste0("dvips -o ", pathname, "/", stemname, ".ps ", pathname, "/", stemname, ".dvi")
    ps2pdf_cmd <- paste0("ps2pdf ", pathname, "/", stemname, ".ps ", pathname, "/", stemname, ".pdf")
    all_cmd <- paste(c(latex_cmd, dvips_cmd, ps2pdf_cmd), collapse = " && ")
             error=function(cond) {
               message(paste0("The following command was not successful: ",all_cmd))

#' Generate latex code for plotting an mbsnsing tree
#' Users are advised to plot each bsnsing tree separately. 
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{mbsnsing}}.
#' @param ... further arguments to the plot function.
#' @return No return value.
#' @export
plot.mbsnsing <- function(x, ...){
  if (!inherits(x, "mbsnsing")) stop("Not a legitimate \"mbsnsing\" object")
  cat("Input is a multi-class bsnsing object that contains multiple trees. Try plotting each tree separately. E.g., plot(bs[[1]]) to plot the first tree.")

#' Plot the ROC curve and calculate the AUC
#' This is a general utility function, not part of the bsnsing functionality.
#' @param df a data frame which must contain at least these two columns: the prediction scores (numeric values, not necessarily be between 0 and 1) and the true class labels.
#' @param label_colnum the column index of the scores column in df.
#' @param score_colnum the column index of the true class labels column in df.
#' @param pos.label a character string matching the positive class label used in the class labels column.
#' @param plot.ROC a logical value indicating whether the ROC curve should be plotted.
#' @param add_on a logical value indicating whether the ROC curve should be added to an existing plot.
#' @param color a character string specifying the color of the ROC curve in the plot.
#' @param lty line type used in the plot, 1 solid, 2 dashed, etc.
#' @return a numeric value representing the area under the ROC curve (AUC). 
#' @examples
#' n <- nrow(BreastCancer)
#' trainset <- sample(1:n, 0.7*n)  # randomly sample 70% for training
#' testset <- setdiff(1:n, trainset)  # the remaining is for testing
#' # Build a tree to predict Class, using all default options
#' bs <- bsnsing(Class~., data = BreastCancer[trainset,])
#' summary(bs)  # display the tree structure
#' pred <- predict(bs, BreastCancer[testset,], type='class')
#' actual <- BreastCancer[testset, 'Class']
#' table(pred, actual)  # display the confusion matrix
#' # Plot the ROC curve and display the AUC
#' ROC_func(data.frame(predict(bs, BreastCancer[testset,]), 
#'                     BreastCancer[testset,'Class']), 
#'          2, 1, pos.label = 'malignant', plot.ROC=TRUE)
#' @export
ROC_func <- function(df, label_colnum, score_colnum, pos.label = '1', plot.ROC = FALSE, add_on = FALSE, color = "black", lty = 1){
  # Sort by score (high to low)
  df <- df[order(-df[,score_colnum]),]
  rownames(df) <- NULL  # Reset the row number to 1,2,3,...
  n <- nrow(df)
  # Total # of positive and negative cases in the data set
  P <- sum(df[,label_colnum] == pos.label)
  N <- sum(df[,label_colnum] != pos.label)

  # Vectors to hold the coordinates of points on the ROC curve
  TPR <- c(0,vector(mode="numeric", length=n))
  FPR <- c(0,vector(mode="numeric", length=n))

  # Calculate the coordinates from one point to the next
  AUC = 0
  for(k in 1:n){
    if(df[k,label_colnum] == pos.label){
      TPR[k+1] = TPR[k] + 1/P
      FPR[k+1] = FPR[k]
    } else{
      TPR[k+1] = TPR[k]
      FPR[k+1] = FPR[k] + 1/N
      AUC = AUC + TPR[k+1]*(1/N)
    # Plot the ROC curve
      graphics::points(FPR, TPR, main=paste0("ROC curve"," (n = ", n, ")"), type = 'l', lty = lty, col=color, cex.lab = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.2, cex.main = 1.2)
    } else{
      graphics::plot(FPR, TPR, main=paste0("ROC curve"," (n = ", n, ")"), type = 'l', lty = lty, col=color, cex.lab = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.2, cex.main = 1.2)

#' Import split rules from other packages
#' Run other decision tree functions available in the system and collect the node split rules for optimal selection in bsnsing. 
#' @param x a data frame.
#' @param y a binary vector.
#' @param verbose a logical value.
#' @return a vector of character strings.
#' @export
import_external_rules <- function(x, y, verbose){
  # import candidate split rules from other packages
  external_rules <- c()  # initialize
  external_df <- cbind(y, x)
  colnames(external_df)[1] <- '._.external_y_._'  # reset the colname for y
  # Try party::ctree
    ct <- tryCatch(
      error = function(cnd) NA,
      party::ctree(._.external_y_._ ~., data = external_df, controls = party::ctree_control(maxdepth=2))
    #if(class(ct) == "BinaryTree"){
    if(methods::is(ct, "BinaryTree")){
      # ctree from the party package
      ctree_rules <- c()
      ctree_nodes <- list()
      ctree_nodes[[1]] <- ct@tree
      last_ctree_node <- 1
        cur_node <- ctree_nodes[[1]]
        if(cur_node$terminal == FALSE){
          cur_rule <- cur_node$psplit
          split_var <- cur_rule$variableName
          split_point <- cur_rule$splitpoint
          split_dir <- cur_rule$ordered  # True for <=, False for >
          ctree_rules <- c(ctree_rules, paste(split_var, ifelse(split_dir, '<=','>'), split_point))
          # Add the reverse direction rule
          ctree_rules <- c(ctree_rules, paste(split_var, ifelse(split_dir, '>','<='), split_point))
          # Add child nodes to search tree if they are not terminal
          cur_node_left <- cur_node$left
          if(cur_node_left$terminal == FALSE){
            last_ctree_node <- last_ctree_node + 1
            ctree_nodes[[last_ctree_node]] <- cur_node_left
          cur_node_right <- cur_node$right
          if(cur_node_right$terminal == FALSE){
            last_ctree_node <- last_ctree_node + 1
            ctree_nodes[[last_ctree_node]] <- cur_node_right
        # remove the current node
        ctree_nodes[[1]] <- NULL
        last_ctree_node <- last_ctree_node - 1
      external_rules <- c(external_rules, ctree_rules)
        print(paste0('Candidate rules from party::ctree: ', paste(ctree_rules, collapse = ',')))

  # Try C50::C5.0
    external_df$._.external_y_._ <- as.factor(external_df$._.external_y_._)
    C50 <- tryCatch(
      error = function(cnd) NA,
      C50::C5.0(._.external_y_._ ~., data = external_df)
    #if(class(C50) == "C5.0"){
    if(methods::is(C50, "C5.0")){
      C50tree <- C50$tree  # this is a long string, need to parse it
      C50parse_vec <- unlist(strsplit(C50tree, split=' '))
      C50split_vars <- C50parse_vec[which(substr(C50parse_vec, 1,3) == 'att')]
      C50split_cuts <- C50parse_vec[which(substr(C50parse_vec, 1,3) == 'cut')]
      C50split_vars_vec <- sapply(C50split_vars, function(x) substr(x, 6, nchar(x) - 1))
      C50split_cuts_vec <- sapply(C50split_cuts, function(x) substr(x, 6, 6-2+gregexpr(pattern='\"', substr(x, 6, nchar(x)))[[1]][1]))
      if(length(C50split_vars_vec) == length(C50split_cuts_vec)){
        C50_rules <- paste(C50split_vars_vec, rep("<=", length(C50split_vars_vec)), C50split_cuts_vec)
        # Add the reverse direction rules
        C50_rules_reverse <- paste(C50split_vars_vec, rep("<=", length(C50split_vars_vec)), C50split_cuts_vec)
        C50_rules <- c(C50_rules, C50_rules_reverse)
          print(paste0('Candidate rules from C50::C5.0: ', paste(C50_rules, collapse = ',')))
        external_rules <- c(external_rules, C50_rules)
  # Try tree::tree
    treetree <- tryCatch(
      error = function(cnd) NA,
      tree::tree(._.external_y_._ ~., data = external_df)
    if("tree" %in% class(treetree)){
      treetreeframe <- treetree$frame
      ttframesplits <- treetreeframe$splits
      ttframesplit_good_indx <- ttframesplits[,1] !=""
      # add cuts in both directions
      tt_cut_vec_left <- ttframesplits[ttframesplit_good_indx, 1]
      tt_cut_vec_right <- ttframesplits[ttframesplit_good_indx, 1]
      tt_cut_var <- as.character(treetreeframe[ttframesplit_good_indx, 'var'])
      tt_rules_left <- paste(tt_cut_var, tt_cut_vec_left)
      tt_rules_right <- paste(tt_cut_var, tt_cut_vec_right)
      tt_rules <- c(tt_rules_left, tt_rules_right)
        print(paste0('Candidate rules from tree::tree: ', paste(tt_rules, collapse = ',')))
      external_rules <- c(external_rules, tt_rules)
  # Try rpart::rpart
    rp <- tryCatch(
      error = function(cnd) NA,
      rpart::rpart(._.external_y_._ ~., data = external_df, control = rpart::rpart.control(maxdepth=2))
    #if(class(rp) == "rpart"){
    if(methods::is(rp, "rpart")){
      rpsplits <- rp$splits
        rpsplits <- rpsplits[which(rpsplits[,1]>0), ,drop = FALSE]
        if(nrow(rpsplits) > 0){
          rp_rules <- paste(rownames(rpsplits), rep('<', nrow(rpsplits)), rpsplits[,4])
          # Add the reverse dirction rules
          rp_rules_reverse <- paste(rownames(rpsplits), rep('>=', nrow(rpsplits)), rpsplits[,4])
          rp_rules <- c(rp_rules, rp_rules_reverse)
            print(paste0('Candidate rules from rpart::rpart: ', paste(rp_rules, collapse = ',')))
          external_rules <- c(external_rules, rp_rules)

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bsnsing documentation built on July 4, 2022, 1:06 a.m.