
Defines functions cellMap

Documented in cellMap

cellMap <- function(R, indcells = NULL, indrows = NULL, 
                    outrows = NULL, showcellvalues = NULL,
                    D = NULL, rowlabels = NULL, columnlabels = NULL, 
                    mTitle = "cell map", rowtitle = "cases", 
                    columntitle = "variables", 
                    showrows = NULL, showcolumns = NULL, 
                    nrowsinblock = NULL, 
                    ncolumnsinblock = NULL, 
                    manualrowblocksizes = NULL,
                    manualcolumnblocksizes = NULL,
                    rowblocklabels = NULL,
                    columnblocklabels = NULL,
                    sizemain = 1.5, sizetitles = 1.2, sizerowlabels = 1,
                    sizecolumnlabels = 1, sizecellvalues = 1, 
                    adjustrowlabels = 1, adjustcolumnlabels = 1,
                    columnangle = 90, 
                    colContrast = 1, outlyingGrad = TRUE, 
                    darkestColor = sqrt(qchisq(0.999, 1)), 
                    drawCircles = FALSE,
                    showVals = NULL, # only for backward compatibility
                    autolabel = TRUE # but will be ignored
) {
  colorBlocks <- function(Xin, rowblocksizes, columnblocksizes, 
                          colContrast) {
    # Auxiliary function, which mixes the colors of the cells
    # in each block.
    n <- length(rowblocksizes)
    d <- length(columnblocksizes)
    Xblock <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = d)
    Xblockgrad <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = d)
    rind <- cumsum(c(0,rowblocksizes))
    cind <- cumsum(c(0,columnblocksizes))
    for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      for (j in seq_len(d)) {
        # select the cells of Xin in the block (i,j):
        Xsel <- Xin[(rind[i]+1):rind[i+1],
        seltable <- tabulate(Xsel, nbins = 4)
        if (sum(seltable) > 0) {
          indmax <- which(seltable == max(seltable))[1]
          cntmax <- seltable[indmax]
          ncells <- rowblocksizes[i] * columnblocksizes[j] 
          gradmax <- (cntmax/ncells)^(1/colContrast)
        else {
          indmax <- 0
          gradmax <- 1
        Xblock[i, j] <- indmax
        Xblockgrad[i, j] <- gradmax
    return(list(X = Xblock, Xgrad = Xblockgrad))
  isVectorInteger <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5){
    y <- abs(x - round(x)) < tol 
    sum(1-y) == 0
  # Here the main function starts
  variable <- rownr <- rescaleoffset <- x <- y <- NULL
  n <- nrow(R)
  d <- ncol(R)
  if (is.null(showcellvalues)) { showcellvalues <- showVals}
  if (!is.null(showcellvalues)) {
    if (!showcellvalues %in% c("D", "R")) {
      stop(paste("Invalid \"showcellvalues\" argument. Should be one of: NULL, \"D\", \"R\""))
  if (is.null(showcellvalues)) {
    D <- R
  } else if (showcellvalues == "D" & is.null(D)) {
    stop("When showcellvalues=\"D\" you must input the argument D")
  if (is.null(D)) {
    D <- R
  } else { # D exists
    if (!all(dim(D) == dim(R))) 
      stop("The dimensions of D and R must match")
  if (is.null(indcells)) {
    indcells <- which(abs(R) > sqrt(qchisq(0.99, 1)))
  if(is.null(indrows) & is.null(outrows)){ drawCircles <- FALSE }
  if(!is.null(rowlabels)){ # rowlabels are given
    if (length(rowlabels) != n) {
      stop(paste0("Number of rowlabels does not match n = ",n))
  } else { # no rowlabels are given
    if (is.null(rownames(R))) {
      rowlabels <- seq_len(n)
    } else { rowlabels <- rownames(R) }  
  if(!is.null(columnlabels)){ # columnlabels are given
    if (length(columnlabels) != d) {
      stop(paste0("Number of columnlabels does not match d = ",d))
  } else { # no columnlabels are given
    if (is.null(colnames(R))) {
      columnlabels <- seq_len(d)
    } else { columnlabels <- colnames(R) }
  # From here on we have n rowlabels and d columnnames. 
  # They are actually case names and variable names.
  if (!is.null(showcolumns) | !is.null(showrows)) {
    if (is.null(showrows)) {
      showrows <- seq_len(n)
    else {
      if (!(all(showrows %in% seq_len(n))))
        stop(" showrows goes out of bounds")
    if (is.null(showcolumns)) {
      showcolumns <- seq_len(d)
    else {
      if (!(all(showcolumns %in% seq_len(d))))
        stop(" showcolumns goes out of bounds")
    tempMat <- matrix(0, n, d)
    tempMat[indcells] <- 1
    tempMat <- tempMat[showrows, showcolumns]
    indcells <- which(tempMat == 1)
    tempVec <- rep(0, n)
    tempVec[indrows] <- 1
    tempVec <- tempVec[showrows]
    indrows <- which(tempVec == 1)
    rm(tempMat, tempVec)
    R <- R[showrows, showcolumns]
    D <- D[showrows, showcolumns]
    rowlabels <- rowlabels[showrows]
    columnlabels <- columnlabels[showcolumns]
    n <- nrow(R)
    d <- ncol(R)
    if (!is.null(outrows)) 
      outrows <- outrows[showrows]
  blockRows <- blockColumns <- FALSE
  if(!is.null(manualrowblocksizes)) {
      cat(paste0("Input argument manualrowblocksizes ",
                 "has overruled argument nrowsinblock.\n"))
      blockRows <- TRUE # the rows will be blocked
    msg <- paste0(
      "manualrowblocksizes should be a vector with strictly \n",
      "  positive integers, adding up to at most n = ",n)
    if(!is.vector(manualrowblocksizes)) stop(msg)
    if(!is.numeric(manualrowblocksizes)) stop(msg)
    if(!isVectorInteger(manualrowblocksizes)) stop(msg)
    if(sum(manualrowblocksizes < 1) > 0) stop(msg)
    if(sum(manualrowblocksizes) > n) stop(msg)
    if(sum(manualrowblocksizes != 1) == 0 ) {
      stop("All manualrowblocksizes are 1") }
    blockRows <- TRUE # the rows will be blocked
  } else { # manualrowblocksizes was not specified
      if(nrowsinblock > 1){
        if (nrowsinblock > n) stop(paste0(
          "Input argument nrowsinblock cannot be ",
          "more than n = ",n))
        blockRows <- TRUE # the rows will be blocked
  if(!is.null(manualcolumnblocksizes)) {
      cat(paste0("Input argument manualcolumnblocksizes ",
                 "has overruled argument ncolumnsinblock.\n"))
    msg <- paste0(
      "manualcolumnblocksizes should be a vector with strictly \n",
      "  positive integers, adding up to at most d = ",d)
    if(!is.vector(manualcolumnblocksizes)) stop(msg)
    if(!is.numeric(manualcolumnblocksizes)) stop(msg)
    if(!isVectorInteger(manualcolumnblocksizes)) stop(msg)
    if(sum(manualcolumnblocksizes < 1) > 0) stop(msg)
    if(sum(manualcolumnblocksizes) > d) stop(msg)
    if(sum(manualcolumnblocksizes != 1) == 0 ) {
      stop("All manualcolumnblocksizes are 1") }
    blockColumns <- TRUE # the columns will be blocked
  } else {
    if (!is.null(ncolumnsinblock)){
      if(ncolumnsinblock > 1){
        if(ncolumnsinblock > d) stop(paste0(
          "Input argument ncolumnsinblock cannot be ",
          "more than d = ",d)) 
        blockColumns <- TRUE # the columns will be blocked
  if((blockRows | blockColumns) & !is.null(showcellvalues)) {
      "The option showcellvalues=\"D\" or showcellvalues=\"R\" cannot be\n", 
      "combined with blocking rows and/or columns,\n", 
      "so showcellvalues is set to NULL here."))
    showcellvalues <- NULL
  X <- matrix(0, n, d)
  Xrow <- matrix(0, n, 1) # one entry per row, for circles
  Xrow[indrows, 1] <- 3   # on the right hand side
  if (blockRows | blockColumns) { 
    pcells <- indcells[indcells %in% which(R >= 0)]
    ncells <- indcells[indcells %in% which(R < 0)]
  } else {
    pcells <- which(R >= 0)
    ncells <- which(R < 0)
  X[ncells] <- 1
  X[pcells] <- 2
  X[is.na(R)] <- 4
  if (blockRows | blockColumns) { # starts blocked situation
    rowblocksizes <- rep(1,n)
        rowblocksizes <- manualrowblocksizes
        n <- length(rowblocksizes)
      } else {
          if(nrowsinblock > 1){
            n <- floor(n/nrowsinblock)
            rowblocksizes <- rep(nrowsinblock,n)
    columnblocksizes <- rep(1,d)
    if (blockColumns) {
        columnblocksizes <- manualcolumnblocksizes
        d <- length(columnblocksizes)
      } else {
          if(ncolumnsinblock > 1){
            d <- floor(d/ncolumnsinblock)
            columnblocksizes <- rep(ncolumnsinblock,d)
    # For coloring the blocks inside the matrix:
    result <- colorBlocks(X, rowblocksizes, columnblocksizes,
    X <- result$X
    Xgrad <- result$Xgrad
      # For coloring (in grey) the circles on the right:
      result <- colorBlocks(Xrow, rowblocksizes, c(1), colContrast)
      Xrowgrad <- result$Xgrad
      Xrowgrad[result$X == 0] <- 0
    # Now label the blocks as if they were cells:
    if (blockRows){
        cat(paste0("No rowblocklabels were given, so they ", 
                   "are constructed automatically.\n"))
        laby <- rowlabels
        rowlabels <- rep(0, n) # this is the new (smaller) n
        rind <- cumsum(c(0,rowblocksizes))
        for (i in seq_len(n)) {
          if(rowblocksizes[i] == 1){
            rowlabels[i] <- laby[rind[i]+1]
          } else {
            rowlabels[i] <- paste0(
      } else { # the user has given rowblocklabels
        if (length(rowblocklabels) != n) {
          stop(paste0("The number of rowblocklabels is ", 
                      " but there are ",n," row blocks."))
        rowlabels <- rowblocklabels
    if (blockColumns) {
        cat(paste0("No columnblocklabels were given, so they ",
                   "are constructed automatically.\n"))
        labx <- columnlabels
        columnlabels <- rep(0, d)
        cind <- cumsum(c(0,columnblocksizes))
        for (j in seq_len(d)) {
          if(columnblocksizes[j] == 1){
            columnlabels[j] <- labx[cind[j]+1]
          } else {
            columnlabels[j] <- paste0(
      } else { # the user has given columnblocklabels
        if (length(columnblocklabels) != d) {
          stop(paste0("The number of columnblocklabels is ", 
                      " but there are ",d," column blocks."))
        columnlabels <- columnblocklabels
    # From here on the blocks are treated as cells,
    # with lower n and d, and with their own labels.
    Xdf <- data.frame(cbind(seq(1, n, 1), X))
    colnames(Xdf) <- c("rownr", seq(1, d, 1))
    rownames(Xdf) <- NULL
    Xdf$rownr <- with(Xdf, reorder(rownr, seq(n, 1, -1)))
    mX <- reshape2::melt(Xdf, id.var = "rownr", value.name = "CatNr")
    Xgraddf <- data.frame(cbind(seq(1, n, 1), Xgrad))
    colnames(Xgraddf) <- c("rownr", seq(1, d, 1))
    rownames(Xgraddf) <- NULL
    Xgraddf$rownr <- with(Xgraddf, reorder(rownr, seq(n, 1, -1)))
    mXgrad <- reshape2::melt(Xgraddf, id.var = "rownr", value.name = "grad")
    mX$grad <- mXgrad$grad
    mX$rescaleoffset <- mXgrad$grad + 10 * mX$CatNr
      mXrow <- data.frame(rownr = seq_len(n), 
                          rescaleoffset = Xrowgrad + 10 * 3)
    scalerange <- c(0, 1)
    gradientends <- scalerange + rep(c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40), each = 2)
    colorends <- c("yellow", "yellow", "yellow", 
                   "blue", "yellow", "red", "white", 
                   "black", "yellow", "white")
    # ends blocked situation
  } else { # no blocking
    Ddf <- data.frame(cbind(seq(1, n, 1), D))
    colnames(Ddf) <- c("rownr", seq(1, d, 1))
    rownames(Ddf) <- NULL
    Ddf$rownr <- with(Ddf, reorder(rownr, seq(n, 1, -1)))
    mD <- reshape2::melt(Ddf, id.var = "rownr")
    Rdf <- data.frame(cbind(seq(1, n, 1), R))
    colnames(Rdf) <- c("rownr", seq(1, d, 1))
    rownames(Rdf) <- NULL
    Rdf$rownr <- with(Rdf, reorder(rownr, seq(n, 1, -1)))
    mR <- reshape2::melt(Rdf, id.var = "rownr")
    Xdf <- data.frame(cbind(seq(1, n, 1), X))
    colnames(Xdf) <- c("rownr", seq(1, d, 1))
    rownames(Xdf) <- NULL
    Xdf$rownr <- with(Xdf, reorder(rownr, seq(n, 1, -1)))
    mX <- reshape2::melt(Xdf, id.var = "rownr", value.name = "CatNr")
    if (!is.null(showcellvalues)) {
      if (showcellvalues == "D") 
        mX$data <- mD$value
      if (showcellvalues == "R") 
        mX$data <- mR$value
    if (!outlyingGrad) {
      mX$rescaleoffset <- 10 * mX$CatNr
      scalerange <- c(0, 1)
      gradientends <- scalerange + rep(c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40), each = 2)
      colorends <- c("yellow", "yellow", "blue", 
                     "blue", "red", "red", "white", 
                     "black", "white", "white")
    } else { # if outlyingGrad
      Xgrad <- matrix(NA, n, d)
      Xgrad[indcells] <- abs(R[indcells])
      limL <- sqrt(qchisq(0.9, 1))
      limH <- darkestColor
      Xgrad[Xgrad > limH] <- limH
      Xgrad <- ((Xgrad - limL)/(limH - limL))^colContrast
      Xgrad[is.na(Xgrad)] <- 0
      Xgraddf <- data.frame(cbind(seq(1, n, 1), Xgrad))
      colnames(Xgraddf) <- c("rownr", seq(1, d, 1))
      rownames(Xgraddf) <- NULL
      Xgraddf$rownr <- with(Xgraddf, reorder(rownr, seq(n, 1, -1)))
      mXgrad <- reshape2::melt(Xgraddf, id.var = "rownr", value.name = "grad")
      mX$grad <- mXgrad$grad
      mX$rescaleoffset <- mXgrad$grad + 10 * mX$CatNr
      scalerange <- c(0, 1)
      gradientends <- scalerange + rep(c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40), each = 2)
      colorends <- c("yellow", "yellow", 
                     "yellow", "blue", "yellow", 
                     "red", "white", "black", 
                     "white", "white")
    } # ends outlyingGrad
      tempVec <- rep(0, n)
      tempVec[indrows] <- 1
      mXrow <- data.frame(rownr = seq_len(n), rescaleoffset = 40 - 
                            (10 * tempVec))
      if (is.null(outrows)) {
        mXrow$rescaleoffset[indrows] <- mXrow$rescaleoffset[indrows] + 1
      } else { # if there is an outrows
        limL <- 1
        limH <- 3
        outrows[outrows > limH] <- limH
        outrows <- ((outrows - limL)/(limH - limL))^colContrast
        mXrow$rescaleoffset[indrows] <- mXrow$rescaleoffset[indrows] + 
      } # ends outrows
    } # ends drawCircles
  } # ends unblocked situation
  if (drawCircles) { # Xrow is only used here
    circleFun <- function(centerx, centery, r, npoints) {
      tt <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length.out = npoints)
      xx <- centerx + r * cos(tt)
      yy <- centery + r * sin(tt)
      return(c(xx, yy))
    columnlabels <- c(columnlabels, "", "") 
    # else it ends in the plot with NA NA when d+2
    # or still NA now it was changed to d+1
    centerx <- d + 1
    centery <- n:1
    radius <- 0.4
    npoints <- 100
    circlePoints <- mapply(circleFun, centerx, centery, radius, 
    positions <- data.frame(rownr = rep(seq_len(n), each = npoints), 
                            x = c(circlePoints[seq_len(npoints), ]), y = c(circlePoints[(npoints + 
                                                                                           1):(2 * npoints), ]))
    datapoly <- merge(mXrow, positions, by = c("rownr"))
  } # ends if(drawCircles)
  rowlabels <- rev(rowlabels)
  base_size <- 10
  ##### Here ggplot starts
  ggp <- ggplot(data = mX, aes(variable, rownr)) + {
    geom_tile(aes(fill = scales::rescale(rescaleoffset, from = range(gradientends))), 
              color = "white")  } +
    { if (drawCircles){ 
      geom_polygon(data = datapoly, aes(x = x, y = y, fill = scales::rescale(rescaleoffset, from = range(gradientends)), group = rownr), colour = "black")} } + 
    scale_fill_gradientn(colours = colorends, values = scales::rescale(gradientends), 
                         rescaler = function(x, ...) x, oob = scales::squish) + coord_fixed() + theme_classic(base_size = base_size * 
                                                                                                                1) + labs(x = columntitle, y = rowtitle) + 
    { if(drawCircles){ scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0,0), limits = as.factor(seq(1, d+1 , 1)), labels = columnlabels) } else { scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0,0), limits = as.factor(seq(1, d , 1)), labels = columnlabels) } } + 
    scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 0), labels = rowlabels) + 
    ggtitle(mTitle) + 
    theme(legend.position = "none", axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
          plot.title = element_text(size = base_size * sizemain,
                                    hjust = 0.5, vjust = 1, face = "bold"),
          axis.text.x = element_text(size = base_size * sizecolumnlabels, 
                                     angle = columnangle, hjust = adjustcolumnlabels, 
                                     vjust = 0.5, colour = "black"), axis.text.y = element_text(size = base_size * sizerowlabels, angle = 0, hjust = adjustrowlabels, colour = "black"), 
          axis.title.x = element_text(colour = "black", 
                                      size = base_size * sizetitles, vjust = 1), axis.title.y = element_text(colour = "black", 
                                                                                                             size = base_size * sizetitles, vjust = 0), axis.line.x = element_blank(), 
          panel.border = element_blank()) + annotate(geom = "segment", 
                                                     x = 0.5, xend = d + 0.5, y = 0.5, yend = 0.5) + annotate(geom = "segment", 
                                                                                                              x = 0.5, xend = d + 0.5, y = n + 0.5, yend = n + 0.5) + 
    annotate(geom = "segment", x = d + 0.5, xend = d + 
               0.5, y = 0.5, yend = n + 0.5) 
  if (!is.null(showcellvalues)) {
    txtcol <- mX$CatNr
    txtcol[txtcol == 0] <- "black"
    txtcol[txtcol == 1] <- "white"
    txtcol[txtcol == 2] <- "white"
    txtcol[txtcol == 4] <- "black"
    ggp = ggp + geom_text(aes(label = ifelse(is.na(data), sprintf("%1.0f", data), round(data, 1))), 
                          size = base_size * sizecellvalues * 0.5, colour = txtcol, na.rm = TRUE)

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cellWise documentation built on Oct. 25, 2023, 5:07 p.m.