
Defines functions combine.spacegraphs mdisc2 mdisc mdiff random.matchit spacegraph.plot print.selected.cem spacegraph.plot2 plot.spacegraph mdistfun2 mdistfun collapse.data reduce.data `reduce.var` my.imbalance mdm myMH4 myMH do.random.groups2 do.random.groups isfactorvar random.group2 random.group group.data group.var randomCaliper psm heuristicForm genForm excludeIndicatorInteractions enumerateInteractions matchitspace mdmspace psmspace dataPrep

Documented in combine.spacegraphs

`spacegraph` <-
function (treatment = NULL, data = NULL, R = list(cem = 50, psm = 0, 
    mdm = 0, matchit = 0), grouping = NULL, drop = NULL, L1.breaks = NULL, 
    L1.grouping = NULL, fixed = NULL, minimal = 1, maximal = 15, 
    M = 100, raw.profile = NULL, keep.weights = FALSE, progress = TRUE, 
    rgrouping = FALSE, groups = NULL, psmpoly = 1, mdmpoly = 1, 
    other.matches = NULL, heuristic = FALSE, linear.pscore = FALSE,verbose=1) 
    if (nrow(na.omit(data)) != nrow(data)) 
        print("Missing values may lead to errors!")
    if (!treatment %in% names(data)) 
        stop("Treatment is not in the specified data.  Check spelling.")
    if (sum(drop %in% names(data)) != length(drop)) 
        stop("Variables to drop do not appear in the data. Check spelling.")
    if (length(names(data)[!names(data) %in% c(drop, treatment)]) <= 
        3) {
        if ("psm" %in% names(R) & (R$psm > 0)) {
            stop("Must match with 4 or more variables for PSM, MDM, or MatchIt.")
        if ("mdm" %in% names(R) & (R$mdm > 0)) {
            stop("Must match with 4 or more variables for PSM, MDM, or MatchIt.")
        if ("matchit" %in% names(R) & (R$matchit > 0)) {
            stop("Must match with 4 or more variables for PSM, MDM, or MatchIt.")
#        if (!is.null(raw.profile) & class(raw.profile) != "L1profile")
    if (!is.null(raw.profile) & !inherits(raw.profile, "L1profile"))
        stop("raw.profile must be of class `L1profile'")
    if (!is.list(R)) 
        stop("R must be supplied as a list.  Ex: R = list(cem=100)")
    if (sum(names(R) %in% c("cem", "psm", "mdm", "matchit") == 
        F) > 0) 
        stop("names for R must be cem, mdm, psm, or matchit. Ex: R = list(cem=5, mdm=5, psm=5)")
    balance.metric <- "all"
    gn <- NULL
    if (!is.null(grouping) & !is.null(names(grouping))) {
        gn <- names(grouping)
        n.gn <- length(gn)
        for (g in 1:n.gn) {
            if (!is.null(data)) 
                data[[gn[g]]] <- group.var(data[[gn[g]]], grouping[[g]])
    if (!is.null(other.matches)) {
        if (!is.list(other.matches)) {
            stop("other.matches must be a list of data frames")
        for (i in 1:length(other.matches)) {
            mm <- other.matches[[i]]
            if (!is.data.frame(mm)) {
                stop("other.matches must be a list of data frames")
            if (sum(names(mm) == c("id", "weight", "method")) != 
                3) {
                stop("other.matches must be a list of dataframes, with names: id, weigth, method.  See the help file for an example.")
    if (sum(names(table(data[[treatment]])) == as.character(c(0, 
        1))) != 2) {
        stop("Treatment must be 0, 1 for now: issue is rcaliper draw in psmspace and mdmspace")
    rnames <- c("cem", "psm", "mdm", "matchit")
    for (i in rnames) {
        if (is.null(R[[i]])) {
            R[[i]] <- 0
    original.data <- data
    imb0 <- NULL
    medianL1 <- NULL
    medianCP <- NULL
    drop <- unique(drop)
    dropped <- match(drop, colnames(data))
    dropped <- dropped[!is.na(dropped)]
    if (length(dropped) > 0) 
        data <- data[-dropped]
    vnames <- colnames(data)
    if (!is.null(treatment)) {
        groups <- as.factor(data[[treatment]])
        idx <- match(treatment, colnames(data))
        if (length(idx) > 0) 
            vnames <- vnames[-idx]
    if (is.null(raw.profile)) {
        if (is.null(L1.breaks)) {
              cat("\nCalculating L1 profile for the raw data...\n")
            imb0 <- L1.profile(groups, data, drop = treatment, 
                M = M, plot = FALSE, progress = progress)
            medianL1 <- median(imb0$L1)
            medianCP <- imb0$CP[[which(imb0$L1 >= medianL1)[1]]]
            medianGR <- imb0$GR[[which(imb0$L1 >= medianL1)[1]]]
        else {
            medianL1 <- L1.meas(groups, data, drop = treatment, 
                breaks = L1.breaks, grouping = L1.grouping)$L1
            medianCP <- L1.breaks
            medianGR <- L1.grouping
    else {
        imb0 <- raw.profile
        medianL1 <- raw.profile$medianL1
        medianCP <- raw.profile$medianCP
        medianGR <- raw.profile$medianGR
    alldist <- NULL
    if (balance.metric == "mdisc" | balance.metric == "all" & R$mdm>0) {
        ff <- as.formula(paste(treatment, "~", paste(vnames, 
            collapse = "+")))
        try(alldist <- mdistfun(ff, data), silent = T)
        if (exists("alldist") == F) {
            alldist <- mdistfun2(ff, data)
    mnames <- vnames
    if (!is.null(gn)) {
        idx <- match(gn, vnames)
        if (length(idx) > 0) 
            mnames <- mnames[-idx]
    if (!is.null(fixed)) {
        idx <- match(fixed, vnames)
        if (length(idx) > 0) 
            mnames <- mnames[-idx]
    nv <- length(mnames)
    v.num <- 1:nv
    b.seq <- vector(nv, mode = "list")
    names(b.seq) <- mnames
    tmp.min <- 2
    tmp.max <- 7
    if (!is.list(minimal)) {
        tmp.min <- minimal + 1
        minimal <- vector(nv, mode = "list")
        for (i in v.num) minimal[[i]] <- tmp.min
    if (!is.list(maximal)) {
        tmp.max <- maximal + 1
        maximal <- vector(nv, mode = "list")
        for (i in v.num) maximal[[i]] <- tmp.max
    for (i in v.num) {
        vna <- mnames[i]
        min.br <- tmp.min
        max.br <- tmp.max
        nuval <- length(unique(data[[vna]]))
        if ((nuval == 2) | !(is.numeric(data[[vna]]) | is.integer(data[[vna]]) | 
            max.br <- nuval + 1
        if (!is.null(minimal[[vna]])) 
            min.br <- minimal[[vna]] + 1
        min.br <- max(tmp.min, min.br)
        if (!is.null(maximal[[vna]])) 
            max.br <- maximal[[vna]] + 1
        max.br <- min(tmp.max, max.br)
        b.seq[[i]] <- min.br:max.br
    relax <- NULL
    g.names <- levels(groups)
    n.groups <- length(g.names)
    tab <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, R$cem + 1, 2 * n.groups + 
    colnames(tab) <- c(paste("G", g.names, sep = ""), paste("PercG", 
        g.names, sep = ""), "ML1", "Mdiff", "Mdisc", "Relaxed", 
        "Method", "Call")
    n.coars <- dim(tab)[1]
    coars <- vector(n.coars, mode = "list")
    weights <- NULL
    if (keep.weights) 
        weights <- vector(n.coars, mode = "list")
    tab[1, 1:n.groups] <- as.numeric(table(groups))
    tab[1, (n.groups + 1):(2 * n.groups)] <- 100
    tab$Relaxed[1] <- "<raw>"
    coars[[1]] <- NULL
    tab[1, "ML1"] <- medianL1
    tab[1, "Mdiff"] <- mdiff(caliperdat = data, alldat = data, 
        mvars = names(data)[-which(names(data) %in% treatment)], 
        tvar = treatment, wt = NULL)
    tab[1, "Mdisc"] <- mdisc(caliperdat = data, adist = alldist, 
        wt = NULL)
     tab[1, "Mdisc"] <- 0    
    tab[1, "Method"] <- "raw"
    tab[1, "Call"] <- "none"
    newcut <- vector(nv, mode = "list")
    names(newcut) <- mnames
    if (R$cem > 0) {
          cat(sprintf("Executing %d different random CEM solutions\n", 
        if (progress == TRUE & R$cem > 1 & interactive()) {
            pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = R$cem, initial = 1, 
                style = 3)
        for (r in 1:R$cem) {
            if (progress == T & R$cem > 1) {
                  setTxtProgressBar(pb, r)
            for (i in 1:nv) newcut[[i]] <- sample(b.seq[[i]], 
            if (!rgrouping) 
                obj <- cem(treatment, data, cutpoints = newcut, eval.imbalance = FALSE)
            if (rgrouping) {
                grps <- do.random.groups2(data, groups, tvar = treatment)$grouping
                obj <- cem(treatment, data, cutpoints = newcut, eval.imbalance = FALSE,
                  grouping = grps)
            cpholder <- rep(NA, length(obj$breaks))
            for (ii in 1:length(obj$breaks)) {
                cpholder[ii] <- paste(names(obj$breaks)[ii], 
                  "=c(", paste(round(obj$breaks[[ii]], 2), collapse = ", "), 
                  ")", sep = "")
            breakslist <- paste("list(", paste(cpholder, collapse = ", "), 
            if (!rgrouping) {
                grouplist <- ""
            if (rgrouping) {
                gpholder <- rep(NA, length(grps))
                for (ii in 1:length(grps)) {
                  ttt <- paste(names(grps)[ii], "=list(\"", paste(grps[[ii]], 
                    collapse = "\", \""), "\")", sep = "")
                  ttt <- gsub("\"list(", "c(", ttt, fixed = T)
                  ttt <- gsub("\"c(", "c(", ttt, fixed = T)
                  ttt <- gsub("\")\",", "\"),", ttt, fixed = T)
                  ttt <- gsub("\")\")", "\"))", ttt, fixed = T)
                  gpholder[ii] <- ttt
                grouplist <- paste(", grouping = list(", paste(gpholder, 
                  collapse = ", "), ")")
            tab[r + 1, "Call"] <- sprintf("cem(obj$match$treatment, data=obj$data[,c(obj$match$vars,obj$match$treatment) ], cutpoints=%s, eval.imbalance = FALSE, L1.breaks=obj$raw.profile$medianCP %s)",
                breakslist, grouplist)
            coars[[r + 1]] <- obj$breaks
            if (keep.weights) 
                weights[[r + 1]] <- obj$w
            tab[r + 1, 1:(2 * n.groups)] <- as.numeric(c(obj$tab[2, 
                ], obj$tab[2, ]/obj$tab[1, ] * 100))
            tab$Relaxed[r + 1] <- "random"
            if (balance.metric == "L1" | balance.metric == "all") {
                if (max(obj$tab[2, ] == 0) != 1) {
                  tab[r + 1, "ML1"] <- L1.meas(groups, data, 
                    drop = treatment, breaks = medianCP, weights = obj$w, 
                    grouping = medianGR)$L1
            if (balance.metric == "mdiff" | balance.metric == 
                "all") {
                if (max(obj$tab[2, ] == 0) != 1) {
                  tab[r + 1, "Mdiff"] <- mdiff(caliperdat = data, 
                    alldat = data, mvars = obj$vars, tvar = treatment, 
                    wt = obj$w)
            if (balance.metric == "mdisc" | balance.metric == 
                "all") {
                if (max(obj$tab[2, ] == 0) != 1) {
                  tab[r + 1, "Mdisc"] <- mdisc(caliperdat = data, 
                    adist = alldist, wt = obj$w)
            tab[r + 1, "Method"] <- "cem"
        if (progress == TRUE & R$cem > 1 & interactive()) {
    if (R$cem == 0) {
        obj <- cem(treatment, data, cutpoints = newcut, eval.imbalance = FALSE)
    if (R$psm > 0) {
        if (length(g.names) > 2) {
            stop("PSM requires a dichotomous treatment")
        cat(sprintf("Executing %d different random PSM solutions\n", 
        myps <- psmspace(treatment = treatment, data = data, 
            R = R$psm, poly = psmpoly, randomgroups = rgrouping, 
            groups = groups, rawCP = medianCP, progr = progress, 
            heur = heuristic, balance.metric = balance.metric, 
            linear.pscore = linear.pscore, alldist = alldist)
        tab <- rbind(tab, myps$tab)
    if (R$mdm > 0) {
        if (length(g.names) > 2) {
            stop("MDM requires a dichotomous treatment")
          cat(sprintf("Executing %d different random MDM solutions\n", 
        mymdm <- mdmspace(treatment = treatment, data = data, 
            R = R$mdm, poly = mdmpoly, randomgroups = rgrouping, 
            groups = groups, rawCP = medianCP, progr = progress, 
            heur = heuristic, balance.metric = balance.metric, 
            alldist = alldist)
        tab <- rbind(tab, mymdm$tab)
    if (R$matchit > 0) {
          cat(sprintf("Executing %d different random MatchIt solutions\n", 
        mymatchit <- matchitspace(treatment = treatment, data = data, 
            R = R$matchit, poly = psmpoly, randomgroups = rgrouping, 
            groups = groups, rawCP = medianCP, progr = progress, 
            heur = heuristic)
        tab <- rbind(tab, mymatchit$tab)
    if (!is.null(other.matches)) {
          cat(sprintf("Calculating L1 for %d solutions provided by the user\n", 
        rtab <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, length(other.matches), 
            2 * n.groups + 6))
        colnames(rtab) <- c(paste("G", g.names, sep = ""), paste("PercG", 
            g.names, sep = ""), "ML1", "Mdiff", "Mdisc", "Relaxed", 
            "Method", "Call")
        if (progress == TRUE & interactive()) {
            pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(other.matches), 
                initial = 0, style = 3)
        for (i in 1:length(other.matches)) {
            if (progress == TRUE & interactive()) {
                setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
            mm <- other.matches[[i]]
            rdata <- data[as.character(mm$id), ]
            if (nrow(na.omit(rdata)) != nrow(rdata)) {
                stop("other.matches specifies observations that aren't in the dataset.")
            if (balance.metric == "L1" | balance.metric == "all") {
                rtab[i, "ML1"] <- (my.imbalance(rdata[[treatment]], 
                  rdata, drop = c(treatment), weights = mm$weight, 
                  breaks = medianCP))$L1$L1
            if (balance.metric == "mdiff" | balance.metric == 
                "all") {
                rtab[i, "Mdiff"] <- mdiff(caliperdat = rdata, 
                  alldat = data, mvars = names(rdata)[-which(names(rdata) %in% 
                    treatment)], tvar = treatment, wt = mm$weight)
            if (balance.metric == "mdisc" | balance.metric == 
                "all") {
                rtab[i, "Mdisc"] <- mdisc(caliperdat = rdata, 
                  adist = alldist, wt = mm$weight)
            for (j in 1:length(g.names)) {
                rtab[i, paste("G", g.names[j], sep = "")] <- sum(rdata[[treatment]] == 
                  g.names[j] & mm$weight > 0)
                rtab[i, paste("PercG", g.names[j], sep = "")] <- sum(rdata[[treatment]] == 
                  g.names[j] & mm$weight > 0)/sum(rdata[[treatment]] == 
                if (length(unique(as.character(mm$method))) > 
                  1) {
                  warning("More than one method specified.  Using the first.")
            rtab[i, "Relaxed"] <- "user"
            rtab[i, "Method"] <- as.character(mm$method)[1]
            rtab[i, "Call"] <- as.character(mm$method)[1]
        if (progress == TRUE & interactive()) {
        tab <- rbind(tab, rtab)
    if (balance.metric == "L1" | balance.metric == "all") {
        idx <- order(tab[, "ML1"])
        tab <- tab[idx, ]
    if (balance.metric == "mdiff") {
        idx <- order(tab[, "Mdiff"])
        tab <- tab[idx, ]
    if (balance.metric == "mdisc") {
        idx <- order(tab[, "Mdisc"])
        tab <- tab[idx, ]
    rownames(tab) <- 1:(dim(tab)[1])
    out <- list(space = tab)
    out$L1breaks <- medianCP
    out$raw.profile <- imb0
    out$tab <- obj$tab
    out$medianCP <- medianCP
    out$medianL1 <- medianL1
    out$coars <- coars[idx]
    if (keep.weights) 
        out$weights <- weights[idx]
    out$n.coars <- n.coars
    tmp.list <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(vnames)) {
        tmp.list[[i]] <- c(0, 0)
    names(tmp.list) <- vnames
    for (i in 1:length(out$coars)) {
        if (is.null(out$coars[[i]])) {
            out$coars[[i]] <- tmp.list
    out$match <- obj
    out$data <- data
    out$alldist <- alldist
    class(out) <- "spacegraph"
    if (exists("myps")) {
        if (nrow(na.omit(myps$tab)) < nrow(myps$tab)) {
            print(paste("WARNING: ", nrow(myps$tab) - nrow(na.omit(myps$tab)), 
                " of ", nrow(myps$tab), " propensity score models did not converge", 
                sep = ""))

## End spacegraph function


## Data prep function
## This expects the following arguments: "treatment", "data", "drop"

dataPrep <- function(treatment, data, drop=NULL, dropNA = T){
    dropme <- match(drop,colnames(data))
    dat <- data[,-dropme]
    dat <- na.omit(dat)

## psmspace
## This function expects the arguments: "treatment", "data"

psmspace <- function(treatment, data, R = 100, poly=2, randomgroups=FALSE,
                     groups=NULL,rawCP, progr, 
                     heur, balance.metric="L1",linear.pscore=FALSE,
  start.time <- Sys.time()
  ## make some holders
  outN <- matrix(NA,R,2)
  outL1 <- rep(NA,R)
  outMdiff <- rep(NA,R)
  outMdisc <- rep(NA,R)
  outobs <- c()
  mycalls <- rep(NA,R)
  ## start the loop
  if(progr & R>1){pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = R, initial = 1, style = 3)}
  for(qq in 1:R){
    mvars <- names(data)[names(data)!=treatment]
    ## generate random groupings for the factors
    ## PROBLEM -- If you do this, it gives you false L1s because
    ## it changes the data!!!
    #if(randomgroups & is.null(groups)){
    #  newdat <- do.random.groups(data,groups)
    #  data <- newdat$dat
    #  grouping <- newdat$grouping
    ## generate all of the interactions
    allIntObj <- enumerateInteractions(mvars, poly)
    ## generate a formula
      if(!allIntObj$isinf$total1 & !heur){
        myform <- genForm(allIntObj,treatment=treatment, data=data, poly=poly)
      } else {
        myform <- heuristicForm(allIntObj,treatment=treatment, data=data, poly=poly)
      if(!allIntObj$isinf$total2 & !allIntObj$isinf$total1 & !heur){
        myform <- genForm(allIntObj,treatment=treatment, data=data, poly=poly)
      } else {
        myform <- heuristicForm(allIntObj,treatment=treatment, data=data, poly=poly)
    ## draw the caliper
    rcaliper <- sample(seq(0,(sum(data[[treatment]])-2),1), size=1)
    ## do the pscore matching, now throwing out non-converged ps models
    match.obj <- psm(formula = myform, data = data, ratio=1,
                     caliper=rcaliper, linear.pscore=linear.pscore,rawCP=rawCP)
    ,silent = T)
      #print("PS model didn't converge")
      if(progr & R>1){setTxtProgressBar(pb, qq)}
    mycalls[qq] <- paste("psm(formula = ",myform," , data = obj$data, caliper = ",rcaliper," , linear.pscore = ",linear.pscore,",rawCP=rawCP)",sep="")
    ## calculate L1
    if(balance.metric=="L1" | balance.metric=="all"){
      myL1 <- (my.imbalance(match.obj$match.dat[[treatment]],match.obj$match.dat,drop=c(treatment,"distance","weights"),breaks=rawCP))$L1$L1
    } else {
      myL1 <- NA
    if(balance.metric=="mdiff" | balance.metric=="all"){
      myMdiff <- mdiff(caliperdat=match.obj$match.dat,alldat=data,
                       mvars=names(match.obj$match.dat)[-which(names(match.obj$match.dat) %in% c(treatment,"distance","weights"))],
                       tvar=treatment, wt=match.obj$match.dat$weights)
    } else {
      myMdiff <- NA
    if(balance.metric=="mdisc" | balance.metric=="all"){
      myMdisc <- mdisc(caliperdat=match.obj$match.dat,adist=alldist,
    } else {
      myMdisc <- NA
    ## put things in their holders
    outN[qq,] <- match.obj$N
    outL1[qq] <- myL1
    outMdiff[qq] <- myMdiff
    outMdisc[qq] <- myMdisc
    outobs[[qq]] <- rownames(match.obj$match.dat)
    if(progr & R>1){setTxtProgressBar(pb, qq)}
    #print(paste("PSM",qq,"of",R,": time =",round(Sys.time()-start.time,2)))
  if(progr & R>1){close(pb)}
  ## return everything
  tab <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, R, 2 * 2 + 6))
  g.names <- c("0","1")
  colnames(tab) <- c(paste("G", g.names, sep = ""), 
    					   paste("PercG", g.names, sep
                                                 = ""), "ML1","Mdiff",
                                           "Relaxed", "Method","Call")
  tab[,1:2] <- outN
  tab[,3] <- tab[,1]/table(data[[treatment]])[1]
  tab[,4] <- tab[,2]/table(data[[treatment]])[2]
  tab[,5] <- outL1
  tab[,6] <- outMdiff
  tab[,7] <- outMdisc
  tab[,8] <- rep("random",R)
  tab[,9] <- rep("psm",R)
  tab[,10] <- mycalls

  out <- list(tab=tab,matched=outobs)


## mdmspace
## This function expects the arguments: "treatment", "data"

mdmspace <- function(treatment, data, R = 100, poly=2, randomgroups=F,
                     groups=NULL,rawCP, progr,
                     heur, balance.metric="L1",
  start.time <- Sys.time()
  ## make some holders
  outN <- matrix(NA,R,2)
  outL1 <- rep(NA,R)
  outMdiff <- rep(NA,R)
  outMdisc <- rep(NA,R)
  outobs <- c()
  mycalls <- rep(NA,R)
  ## start the loop
  if(progr & R>1){pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = R, initial = 1, style = 3)}
  for(qq in 1:R){
    mvars <- names(data)[names(data)!=treatment]
    ## generate random groupings for the factors
    ## PROBLEM -- If you do this, it gives you false L1s because
    ## it changes the data!!!
    #  newdat <- do.random.groups(data,groups)
    #  data <- newdat$dat
    #  grouping <- newdat$grouping
    ## generate all of the interactions
    allIntObj <- enumerateInteractions(mvars, poly)
    ## generate a formula
      if(!allIntObj$isinf$total1 & !heur){
        myform <- genForm(allIntObj,treatment=treatment, data=data, poly=poly)
      } else {
        myform <- heuristicForm(allIntObj,treatment=treatment, data=data, poly=poly)
      if(!allIntObj$isinf$total2 & !allIntObj$isinf$total1 & !heur){
        myform <- genForm(allIntObj,treatment=treatment, data=data, poly=poly)
      } else {
        myform <- heuristicForm(allIntObj,treatment=treatment, data=data, poly=poly)
    myform.tmp <- myform
    myform <- as.formula(myform)
    ## draw the caliper
    rcaliper <- sample(seq(0,(sum(data[[treatment]])-2),1), size=1)
    ## do the mdm matching
      try(rm(match.obj), silent=T)
    try(match.obj <- mdm(formula = myform, data = data, ratio=1, caliper=rcaliper,rawCP=rawCP), silent=T)
      print(paste("MDM failed on run",qq,": probably too many colinear interactions"))
    mycalls[qq] <- paste("mdm(formula = ",myform.tmp,", data = obj$data, caliper=",rcaliper,",rawCP=rawCP)",sep="")
    ## calculate L1
    if(balance.metric=="L1" | balance.metric=="all"){
      myL1 <- (my.imbalance(match.obj$match.dat[[treatment]],match.obj$match.dat,drop=c(treatment,"distance","weights"),breaks=rawCP))$L1$L1
    } else {
      myL1 <- NA
    if(balance.metric=="mdiff" | balance.metric=="all"){
      myMdiff <- mdiff(caliperdat=match.obj$match.dat,alldat=data,
                       mvars=names(match.obj$match.dat)[-which(names(match.obj$match.dat) %in% c(treatment,"distance","weights"))],
                       tvar=treatment, wt=match.obj$match.dat$weights)
    } else {
      myMdiff <- NA
    if(balance.metric=="mdisc" | balance.metric=="all"){
      myMdisc <- mdisc(caliperdat=match.obj$match.dat, adist=alldist,
    } else {
      myMdisc <- NA
    ## put things in their holders
    outN[qq,] <- match.obj$N
    outL1[qq] <- myL1
    outMdiff[qq] <- myMdiff
    outMdisc[qq] <- myMdisc
    outobs[[qq]] <- rownames(match.obj$match.dat)
    if(progr & R>1){setTxtProgressBar(pb, qq)}
    #print(paste("MDM",qq,"of",R,": time =",round(Sys.time()-start.time,2)))
  if(progr & R>1){close(pb)}
  ## return everything
    ## return everything
  tab <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, R, 2 * 2 + 6))
  g.names <- c("0","1")
  colnames(tab) <- c(paste("G", g.names, sep = ""), 
    					   paste("PercG", g.names, sep
                                                 = ""), "ML1","Mdiff",
                                           "Relaxed", "Method","Call")
  tab[,1:2] <- outN
  tab[,3] <- tab[,1]/table(data[[treatment]])[1]
  tab[,4] <- tab[,2]/table(data[[treatment]])[2]
  tab[,5] <- outL1
  tab[,6] <- outMdiff
  tab[,7] <- outMdisc
  tab[,8] <- rep("random",R)
  tab[,9] <- rep("mdm",R)
  tab[,10] <- mycalls

  out <- list(tab=tab,matched=outobs)


## matchitspace
## This function expects the arguments: "treatment", "data"

#matchitspace <- function(treatment, data, R = 100, poly=2, randomgroups=F,
#                     groups=NULL,rawCP=rawCP, progr=progress,
#                     heur=heuristic){
matchitspace <- function(treatment, data, R = 100, poly=2, randomgroups=FALSE,
                     groups=NULL,rawCP, progr,

  start.time <- Sys.time()
  ## make some holders
  outN <- matrix(NA,R,2)
  outL1 <- rep(NA,R)
  outobs <- c()
  mycalls <- rep(NA,R)
  ## start the loop
  if(progr & R>1){pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = R, initial = 1, style = 3)}
  for(qq in 1:R){
    mvars <- names(data)[names(data)!=treatment]
    ## generate random groupings for the factors
    ## PROBLEM -- If you do this, it gives you false L1s because
    ## it changes the data!!!
    #if(randomgroups & is.null(groups)){
    #  newdat <- do.random.groups(data,groups)
    #  data <- newdat$dat
    #  grouping <- newdat$grouping
    ## generate all of the interactions
    allIntObj <- enumerateInteractions(mvars, poly)
    ## generate a formula
      if(!allIntObj$isinf$total1 & !heur){
        myform <- genForm(allIntObj,treatment=treatment, data=data, poly=poly)
      } else {
        myform <- heuristicForm(allIntObj,treatment=treatment, data=data, poly=poly)
      if(!allIntObj$isinf$total2 & !allIntObj$isinf$total1 & !heur){
        myform <- genForm(allIntObj,treatment=treatment, data=data, poly=poly)
      } else {
        myform <- heuristicForm(allIntObj,treatment=treatment, data=data, poly=poly)
    ## draw the caliper
    rcaliper <- round(runif(0,.5,n=1),5)
    ## do the pscore matching
    dist <- "logit"
    meth <- "nearest"
    mcall <- sprintf("matchit(formula = %s, data=data, caliper = %s, method = \"%s\", distance = \"%s\")",myform,rcaliper,meth,dist)
    m.out <- eval(parse(text = mcall))
    mcall2 <- sprintf("matchit(formula = %s, data=obj$data, caliper = %s, method = \"%s\", distance = \"%s\")",myform,rcaliper,meth,dist)
    ## collect the call
    mycalls[qq] <- mcall2
    ## calculate L1
    myL1 <- (my.imbalance(data[[treatment]],data,drop=c(treatment),breaks=rawCP, weights=m.out$weights))$L1$L1
    ## put things in their holders
    outN[qq,] <- m.out$n["Matched", "Treated"]
    outL1[qq] <- myL1
    outobs[[qq]] <- rownames(na.omit(m.out$match.matrix))
    if(progr & R>1){setTxtProgressBar(pb, qq)}
    #print(paste("PSM",qq,"of",R,": time =",round(Sys.time()-start.time,2)))
  if(progr & R>1){close(pb)}
  ## return everything
  tab <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, R, 2 * 2 + 4))
  g.names <- c("0","1")
  colnames(tab) <- c(paste("G", g.names, sep = ""), 
    					   paste("PercG", g.names, sep
                                                 = ""), "ML1",
                                           "Relaxed", "Method","Call")
  tab[,1:2] <- outN
  tab[,3] <- tab[,1]/table(data[[treatment]])[1]
  tab[,4] <- tab[,2]/table(data[[treatment]])[2]
  tab[,5] <- outL1
  tab[,6] <- rep("random",R)
  tab[,7] <- rep("matchit",R)
  tab[,8] <- mycalls

  out <- list(tab=tab,matched=outobs)


  ## enumerate the possible interactions
## This function takes a list of variable names and enumerates all
## the interactions.
## Note that it only works if there are 3 or more vars.

enumerateInteractions <- function(mvars, poly=1){
  ## interactions
  int <- combn(length(mvars),2)
  ## squared terms
  sq <- t(matrix(1:length(mvars),length(mvars),2))

  if(poly >=2){
    ## enumerate interactions
    interact.holder <- rep(NA,ncol(int))
    for(i in 1:ncol(int)){
      newvar <- paste(mvars[int[1,i]],":",mvars[int[2,i]], sep="")
      interact.holder[i] <- newvar
    ## enumerate squared terms
    sq.holder <- rep(NA,ncol(sq))
    for(i in 1:ncol(sq)){
      newvar <- paste("I(",mvars[sq[1,i]],"*",mvars[sq[2,i]],")", sep="")
      sq.holder[i] <- newvar

  if(poly >=3){
    ## for three way interactions and cubed terms
    int3 <- combn(length(mvars),3)
    ## cubed terms
    cube <- t(matrix(1:length(mvars),length(mvars),3))

    ## Three way interactions
    int3.holder <- rep(NA,ncol(int3))
    for(i in 1:ncol(int3)){
      newvar <- paste(mvars[int3[1,i]],":",mvars[int3[2,i]],":",mvars[int3[3,i]], sep="")
      int3.holder[i] <- newvar
    ## cubed terms
    cube.holder <- rep(NA, ncol(cube))
    for(i in 1:ncol(cube)){
      newvar <- paste("I(",mvars[cube[1,i]],"*",mvars[cube[2,i]],"*",mvars[cube[3,i]],")", sep="")
      cube.holder[i] <- newvar

  ## the list of variables to feed into the sampler
  ## first order interactions
  if(poly >=2){
    allvars <- c(mvars, interact.holder, sq.holder)
    ## just the interactions
    interax <- c(interact.holder, sq.holder)
  } else {
    allvars <- NA
    interax <- NA
  ## second order interactions
  if(poly >=3){
    allvarscube <- c(mvars,interact.holder,int3.holder,sq.holder,cube.holder)
  } else {
    allvarscube <- NA

  ## counting the number of main effects regressions to run
  total1 <- rep(0,length(mvars))
  for (i in 1:length(mvars)) {
    total1[i] <- nCm(length(mvars), i)

  if(poly >=2){
    ## counting the number of first order int regressions to run
    total2 <- rep(0,length(allvars))
    for (i in 1:length(allvars)) {
      total2[i] <- nCm(length(allvars), i)
  } else {
    total2 <- Inf

  if(poly >=3){
    ## counting the number of first order int regressions to run
    total3 <- rep(0,length(allvarscube))
    for (i in 1:length(allvarscube)) {
      total3[i] <- nCm(length(allvarscube), i)
  } else {
    total3 <- Inf

  ## Note if things include Inf
  isinf <- c()
  isinf$total1 <- sum(total1==Inf)>0
  isinf$total2 <- sum(total2==Inf)>0
  isinf$total3 <- sum(total3==Inf)>0

  return(list(total1=total1, total2=total2, total3=total3,
              isinf=isinf, interax=interax))

  ## A function to exclude interactions of indicators from a formula
excludeIndicatorInteractions <- function(mvrs,tofactr,form){
  interacts.to.exclude <- paste("I(",mvrs[tofactr==1],"*",mvrs[tofactr==1],")",sep="")
  mfx <- interacts.to.exclude  ## store this for later
  for(iii in 1:length(mvrs[tofactr==1])){
    interacts.to.exclude <- c(interacts.to.exclude,
    ## add three way interactions
  interacts.to.exclude <- c(interacts.to.exclude,paste("I(",mvrs[tofactr==1],"*",mvrs[tofactr==1],"*",mvrs[tofactr==1],")",sep=""))
  for(iii in 1:length(mfx)){
    tempstring <- paste(mvrs[tofactr==1][iii],":",mvrs[tofactr==1],sep="")
    for(jjj in 1:length(tempstring)){
      interacts.to.exclude <- c(interacts.to.exclude,paste(tempstring[jjj],":",mvrs[tofactr==1],sep=""))
      ## gsub out the bad interactions
  for(iii in 1:length(interacts.to.exclude)){
    form <- gsub(paste(" + ",interacts.to.exclude[iii],sep=""),"",form, fixed = T)

## This takes the list of all possible interactions and creates a
## randomly selected formla for the matching

## the argument "allIntObj" is an object created by
## "enumerateInteractions".  The argument "poly" can be 1, 2, or 3
## and says whether to use main effects only (1), squared terms (2),
## or cubed terms (and lower order terms) (3).  THE OPTION POLY=3
## The option poly = 4
## gives you a small number of first order interactions.

genForm <- function(allIntObj, poly=2, treatment,data=data){
  if(poly!=1 & poly!=2){stop
                        print("poly must be 1 or 2")}
  ## start the
  ftmp <- paste(treatment, "~ 1")
    nvars <- which(rmultinom(1,1,(allIntObj$total1/(sum(allIntObj$total1)))) > 0)
    bk <- sample(allIntObj$mvars,nvars,replace=F)
    form <- paste(ftmp, "+",paste(bk,collapse=" + "))
    nvars <- which(rmultinom(1,1,(allIntObj$total2/(sum(allIntObj$total2)))) > 0)
    bk <- sample(allIntObj$allvars,nvars,replace=F)
    form <- paste(ftmp, "+",paste(bk,collapse=" + "))

    tofactor <- rep(0,length(allIntObj$mvars))
    for(i in 1:length(allIntObj$mvars)){
        tofactor[i] <- 1
    form <- excludeIndicatorInteractions(form=form, tofactr=tofactor,

## This takes the list of all possible interactions and creates a 
## formula for matching heuristically

## the argument "allIntObj" is an object created by

heuristicForm <- function(allIntObj, poly=2, treatment, data=data){
  if(poly!=1 & poly!=2){stop
                        print("poly must be 1 or 2")}

  ## start the
  ftmp <- paste(treatment, "~ 1")

    weights.mfx <- (dpois(1:length(allIntObj$mvars), length(allIntObj$mvars)))/sum(dpois(1:length(allIntObj$mvars),length(allIntObj$mvars)))
    nvars.mfx <- which(rmultinom(1,1,weights.mfx) > 0)
    bk.mfx <- sample(allIntObj$mvars,nvars.mfx,replace=F) 
    form <- paste(ftmp, "+",paste(bk.mfx,collapse=" + "))
    weights.mfx <- (dpois(1:length(allIntObj$mvars), length(allIntObj$mvars)))/sum(dpois(1:length(allIntObj$mvars),length(allIntObj$mvars)))
    nvars.mfx <- which(rmultinom(1,1,weights.mfx) > 0)
    bk.mfx <- sample(allIntObj$mvars,nvars.mfx,replace=F)

    #m <- length(allIntObj$interax)
    #weights.interx <- (dpois(1:(m+1), m/15))/sum(dpois(1:(m+1), m/15))
    weights.interx <- (dpois(1:length(allIntObj$mvars), length(allIntObj$mvars)/8))/sum(dpois(1:length(allIntObj$mvars),length(allIntObj$mvars)/8))
      ## Changing the digit in the line above (twice) will change the number of interactions
      ## that are typically drawn.  Smaller numbers mean more interactions.
    nvars.interx <- which(rmultinom(1,1,weights.interx) > 0)
    bk.interx <- sample(allIntObj$interax,nvars.interx,replace=F)

    form <- paste(ftmp, "+",paste(bk.mfx,collapse=" + "), "+",paste(bk.interx,collapse=" + "))
    tofactor <- rep(0,length(allIntObj$mvars))
    for(i in 1:length(allIntObj$mvars)){
        tofactor[i] <- 1
    form <- excludeIndicatorInteractions(form=form, tofactr=tofactor,


psm <- function(formula, data, ratio=1, caliper=0, linear.pscore=FALSE,rawCP){
    ## estimate the propensity score
    print("Missing values in propensity score model.  Observations with missing data ignored.")
    data <- na.omit(data)
  mymod <- (glm(formula, data, family=(binomial(link="logit"))))
  ps <- mymod$fitted.values
    ps <- log(ps/(1-ps))
    ## set the number of matches, 1-to-k
  k <- ratio

  tvar <-  as.character(as.formula(formula))[2]
  Tnms <- row.names(data)[data[[tvar]]==1]
  Cnms <- row.names(data)[data[[tvar]]==0]

    ## make some holders
  match.matrix <- matrix(NA, length(Tnms), k)
  rownames(match.matrix) <- Tnms
  dist.matrix <- match.matrix

  t0 <- Sys.time()
  ixnay <- c()
    ## loop over the match ratio
  for(j in 1:k){
      ## loop over the treated units
    for(i in 1:length(Tnms)){
      #  print(paste("Match",j,"of",k,", T",i,"of",length(Tnms),":",round(Sys.time()-t0,2)))
        ## define a vector of the Cnms that are still available
      elig <- Cnms[(Cnms%in%ixnay)==F]
      #if(i%%500==0){print(paste("treated unit",i,"of",length(Tnms)))}
        ## make the distance vector for treated t and all the eligable
        ## controls
      x <-abs(ps[Tnms[i]] - ps[elig])
        ## capture the colnames of the ones that have
        ## minimum distances and take the first
      min.x <- min(x)
      m <- (elig[(x==min.x)==T])[1]
        ## add the things to the output matrices
      match.matrix[i,j] <- m
      dist.matrix[i,j] <- min.x
        ## add the new match to ixnay
      ixnay <- c(ixnay, m)
        ## stop the iterations if there are no more control units
    ## stop the iterations if there are no more control units

  ## make the matched data
    ## first, select all the treated obs
  mh.data <- data[rownames(match.matrix)[is.na(match.matrix[,1])==F],]
    ## then add the control obs
  for(i in 1:ncol(match.matrix)){
    mh.data <- rbind(mh.data,data[na.omit(match.matrix[,i]),])

  ## add distances -- mean of all distances for a matched group
  dd <- apply(dist.matrix, MARGIN=1, mean, na.rm=T)
  distance <- matrix(NA,nrow(mh.data),1)
  rownames(distance) <- rownames(mh.data)
  distance[names(na.omit(dist.matrix[,1])),] <- dd[names(na.omit(dist.matrix[,1]))]
  for(i in 1:ncol(dist.matrix)){
    names(dd) <- match.matrix[,i]
    distance[na.omit(match.matrix[,i]),] <- dd[na.omit(match.matrix[,i])]
  mh.data$distance <- distance

    ## add weights to the data
  weights <- matrix(NA,nrow(mh.data),1)
  rownames(weights) <- rownames(mh.data)
    ## calculate the weights
  countf <- function(x){sum(is.na(x))}
  wts <- 1/(k-apply(match.matrix, MARGIN=1, countf))
    ## fill in the weights
    ## this has me all mixed up, but I think it works
  for(i in 1:ncol(dist.matrix)){
    names(wts) <- match.matrix[,i]
    weights[na.omit(match.matrix[,i]),] <-wts[na.omit(match.matrix[,i])]
  mh.data$weights <- weights

  ## Begin calipering
  match.obj <- list("match.matrix"=match.matrix, "dist.matrix"=dist.matrix,
  rc <- randomCaliper(match.obj, tvar, rawCP=rawCP, caliper=caliper)

  ## Need to make calipered match matrix, data, etc.
  keepobs <- rownames(rc$caliperdat)
  match.matrix <- as.matrix(match.matrix[which(rownames(match.matrix) %in% keepobs),])
  dist.matrix <- as.matrix(dist.matrix[which(rownames(dist.matrix) %in% keepobs),])
    ## RETURN
  out <- list("match.matrix"=match.matrix, "dist.matrix"=dist.matrix,
  class(out) <- "psm.match"


## This function takes a "match.obj" for either myMH or myPS and
## applies calipers.

  ## 1-to-1 matching ONLY at the moment.
randomCaliper <- function(match.obj, treatment,rawCP, caliper=0){
  mdat <- match.obj$match.dat
     ## pull out the solution
  solution <- match.obj
     ## make the dataset
  t.units <- rownames(solution$match.matrix)
  c.units1 <- solution$match.matrix[,1]
    ## this makes sure the names in the match.matrix get matched to
    ## the data rownames correctly
  matchfind <- function(x,vec){
  t.rows <- apply(as.matrix(t.units),MARGIN=1,FUN=matchfind,vec=rownames(mdat))
    t.rows <- unlist(t.rows)
  c.rows <- apply(as.matrix(c.units1),MARGIN=1,FUN=matchfind,vec=rownames(mdat))
    ## Then, make sure to only include treated units that have at
    ## least one match
  matched <- which(is.na(solution$match.matrix[,1])==F)
    ## then combine them to make the treated data matrix
  tdat <- mdat[t.rows[matched],]
    ## the cdat1 will be the same, because it has to be 1-to-1
  cdat1 <- mdat[c.rows[matched],]
  psdiff <- tdat$distance  ## diff from pscore

    ## order the datasets so that they are in order of best
    ## to worst matches
  tdat <- tdat[order(psdiff),]
  cdat1 <- cdat1[order(psdiff),]

    ## calculate the ATT, L1s, etc

    if(caliper > (nrow(tdat) - 1)){
      caliper <- (nrow(tdat) - 1)
      print("Caliper exceeds number of matches.  Automatically reset to the maximum possible")
    caliperdat <-  na.omit(rbind(tdat[1:(nrow(tdat)-caliper),],
      ## calculate the ATT, L1, etc
      ## this now calls "my.imbalance" which takes out the chi-sq
      ## calculation that was leading to bugs.
    #L1 <- (imbalance(caliperdat[[treatment]],caliperdat,drop=c(treatment,"distance","weights"),breaks=rawCP))$L1$L1
    #L1 <- (my.imbalance(caliperdat[[treatment]],caliperdat,drop=c(treatment,"distance","weights"),breaks=rawCP))$L1$L1
    N <- table(caliperdat[[treatment]])
    matched.rows <- rownames(caliperdat)

  return(list(N=N,matched.rows=matched.rows, caliperdat=caliperdat))




## These next functions do the random grouping

## From "cem.R" in cegg, this function groups variables
group.var <- function(x, groups){
    n <- length(x)
#    print(str(x))
    tmp <- numeric(n)
    ngr <- length(groups)
    all.idx <- NULL
     for(i in 1:ngr){
      idx <- which(x %in% groups[[i]])
        tmp[idx] <- sprintf("g%.2d",i)
        all.idx <- c(all.idx, idx)
      if(length(all.idx)>0 && length(all.idx)<n)
       tmp[-all.idx] <- x[-all.idx]
    tmp <- factor(tmp)

## This is a modified chunk from the begining of the cem.R code
group.data <- function(data,grouping){
        gn <- names(grouping)
        n.gn <- length(gn)
        nd <- 0
        for (g in 1:n.gn) {
                data[[gn[g]]] <- group.var(data[[gn[g]]], grouping[[g]])


## Random grouping code
## This generates random groupings by splitting the groups
## at a uniformly generated split point, then repeating for
## the remaining until none are left.
## This mixes up the order, so it assumes they are unordered.
## This function forces there to be at least 2 groups -- the
## random formula generation process will make sure we just don't
## condition on some of the covariates
random.group <- function(x){
  lev <- unique(as.character(x))
  grp <- list()
  counter <- 0
    counter <- counter + 1
    n <- length(lev)
    lev.mixed <- sample(lev,length(lev),replace=F)
      s <- sample(1:(n-1),1)
    } else {
      s <- sample(1:n,1)
    samp <- lev.mixed[1:s]
    grp[[counter]] <- samp
    levnew <- lev[-which(lev%in%samp)]
    lev <- levnew

## a function that does random groups with specified
## groups.

random.group2 <- function(x, xgroups=NULL){
  lev <- c(unique(as.character(x)),xgroups)
  grp <- list()
  counter <- 0
    counter <- counter + 1
    ## sample one of the groups
    samp <- unlist(sample(lev,1))
    grp[[counter]] <- samp
    ## then eliminate any other group that has the same categorie(s)
    overlapping <- rep(F,length(lev))
    for(ll in 1:length(lev)){
      tmp <- rep(F,length(samp))
      for(ss in 1:length(samp)){
        tmp[ss] <- samp[ss]%in%unlist(lev[ll])
      overlapping[ll] <- max(tmp)
    levnew <- lev[-which(overlapping==1)]
    lev <- levnew


## A function to identify all the factor variables
isfactorvar <- function(dat){
  isfactor <- rep(NA,ncol(dat))
  for(i in 1:ncol(dat)){
    isfactor[i] <- is.factor(dat[,i])

## do random factoring for the factor variables
## and put it in a grouping

## THIS FUNCTION IS NOW REPLACED BY "do.random.groups2()"
do.random.groups <- function(dat,...){
  mvars <- dotargs$mvars
  grouping <- list()
  counter <- 0
  namevec <- c()
  for(ii in 1:ncol(dat)){
    if(isfactorvar(dat)[ii] & (names(dat)%in%mvars)[ii]){
      counter <- counter+1
      rg <- random.group(dat[[ii]])
      grouping[[counter]] <- rg
      namevec <- c(namevec,names(dat)[ii])
    names(grouping) <- namevec

  ## Then apply the random grouping to the variables
  newdat <- group.data(dat,grouping)
  dat <- newdat

## do random factoring where some or all have only
## certain groups that are ok

do.random.groups2 <- function(dat,groups=NULL,tvar = treatment){
  mvars <- dotargs$mvars
  treatment <- dotargs$treatment
  grouping <- list()
  counter <- 0
  namevec <- c()
  idx <- match(tvar,colnames(dat))
  mvars <- names(dat)[-idx]

  specialvars <- names(groups)
  for(ii in 1:ncol(dat)){
    if(isfactorvar(dat)[ii] & (names(dat)%in%mvars)[ii] & (names(dat)[ii]%in%names(groups))==F){
      counter <- counter+1
      rg <- random.group(dat[[ii]])
      grouping[[counter]] <- rg
      namevec <- c(namevec,names(dat)[ii])
    if(isfactorvar(dat)[ii] & (names(dat)%in%mvars)[ii] & (names(dat)[ii]%in%names(groups))){
      counter <- counter+1
      rg <- random.group2(dat[[ii]],groups[[names(dat)[ii]]])
      grouping[[counter]] <- rg
      namevec <- c(namevec,names(dat)[ii])
    names(grouping) <- namevec

  ## Then apply the random grouping to the variables
  newdat <- group.data(dat,grouping)
  dat <- newdat


  ## a mahalanobis function
  ## myMH function from http://www.stat.lsa.umich.edu/~bbh/optmatch/doc/mahalanobisMatching.pdf

  ## the second stopifnot condition was in ben hansen's code
  ## but the code seems to work fine for even one variable
  ## and I have samples with just one covariate.
myMH <- function(Tnms, Cnms, inv.cov, data) {
 stopifnot(!is.null(dimnames(inv.cov)[[1]]),# dim(inv.cov)[1] > 1,
 all.equal(dimnames(inv.cov)[[1]], dimnames(inv.cov)[[2]]),
 all(dimnames(inv.cov)[[1]] %in% names(data)))
 covars <- dimnames(inv.cov)[[1]]
 xdiffs <- as.matrix(data[Tnms, covars])
 xdiffs <- xdiffs - as.matrix(data[Cnms, covars])
 rowSums((xdiffs %*% inv.cov) * xdiffs)

  ## This is the FAST m-dist function for large data
myMH4 <- function(Tnms, Cnms, inv.cov, data,k){
    ## the basic idea now is that we do the distance calculation
    ## and matching all in one step, so that we don't have to
    ## make a huge distance matrix and then cycle through it.
    ## This also means that as we get fewer and fewer available
    ## control units, the distance calculation should get faster.
    print("Missing values ignored by Mahalanobis matching.")
    data <- na.omit(data)

  icv <- inv.cov
  mdist <- matrix(NA,length(Tnms),length(Cnms))
  ixnay <- c()
  t0 <- Sys.time()
    ## make some holders
  match.matrix <- matrix(NA, length(Tnms), k)
  rownames(match.matrix) <- Tnms
  dist.matrix <- match.matrix
    ## loop over the match ratio
  for(j in 1:k){
      ## loop over the treated units
    for(i in 1:length(Tnms)){
       # print(paste("Match",j,"of",k,", T",i,"of",length(Tnms),":",round(Sys.time()-t0,2)))
        ## define a vector of the Cnms that are still available
      elig <- Cnms[(Cnms%in%ixnay)==F]
      #if(i%%500==0){print(paste("treated unit",i,"of",length(Tnms)))}
        ## make the distance vector for treated t and all the eligable
        ## controls
      x <- outer(Tnms[i], elig, FUN = myMH, inv.cov = icv, data = data)
        ## capture the colnames of the ones that have
        ## minimum distances and take the first
      min.x <- min(x)
      m <- (elig[(x==min.x)==T])[1]
        ## add the things to the output matrices
      match.matrix[i,j] <- m
      dist.matrix[i,j] <- min.x
        ## add the new match to ixnay
      ixnay <- c(ixnay, m)
        ## stop the iterations if there are no more control units
    ## stop the iterations if there are no more control units

mdm <- function(formula, data, ratio=1, caliper=0, rawCP){

  ## I think this function has a dependence on "tvar"

    ## pull out the covariates
  X1 <- data
  X2 <- data.frame(model.frame(formula, data))
  tvar <- as.character(formula)[2]
    ## just the covariates
  X3 <- subset(data.frame(model.matrix(formula,data)),select=-1)
  mvrs <- colnames(X3)
    ## covariates and treatment variable
  X <- cbind(X2[,1],X3)
  names(X) <- c(tvar,mvrs)

    ## set the number of matches, 1-to-k
  k <- ratio

  ## from http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/05/05/3996.html
  matrix.rank <- function(A, eps=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){
    sv. <- abs(svd(A)$d)
    #print("MDM failed: The matrix is not of full rank.")
  stopifnot(dim(X)[2]==matrix.rank(X), silent=T)

    ## if it can't invert, this is where it will fail
  try(icv <- solve(cov(subset(X,select=mvrs))))
  #  stop
  #  print("VCOV matrix can't invert with these covariates")
  trtnms <- row.names(X)[X[[tvar]]==1]
  ctlnms <- row.names(X)[X[[tvar]]==0]
    ## use the data X3 that has just the covariates

    ## run the main internal function
  try(mydist <- myMH4(trtnms, ctlnms, inv.cov=icv, data=X3,k=k))
  match.matrix <- mydist$match.matrix
  dist.matrix <- mydist$dist.matrix

  ## make the matched data
    ## first, select all the treated obs
  mh.data <- data[rownames(match.matrix)[is.na(match.matrix[,1])==F],]
    ## then add the control obs
  for(i in 1:ncol(match.matrix)){
    mh.data <- rbind(mh.data,data[na.omit(match.matrix[,i]),])


  ## add distances -- mean of all distances for a matched group
  dd <- apply(dist.matrix, MARGIN=1, mean, na.rm=T)
  distance <- matrix(NA,nrow(mh.data),1)
  rownames(distance) <- rownames(mh.data)
  distance[names(na.omit(dist.matrix[,1])),] <- dd[names(na.omit(dist.matrix[,1]))]
  for(i in 1:ncol(dist.matrix)){
    names(dd) <- match.matrix[,i]
    distance[na.omit(match.matrix[,i]),] <- dd[na.omit(match.matrix[,i])]
  mh.data$distance <- distance

    ## add weights to the data
  weights <- matrix(NA,nrow(mh.data),1)
  rownames(weights) <- rownames(mh.data)
    ## calculate the weights
  countf <- function(x){sum(is.na(x))}
  wts <- 1/(k-apply(match.matrix, MARGIN=1, countf))
    ## fill in the weights
    ## this has me all mixed up, but I think it works
  for(i in 1:ncol(dist.matrix)){
    names(wts) <- match.matrix[,i]
    weights[na.omit(match.matrix[,i]),] <-wts[na.omit(match.matrix[,i])]
  mh.data$weights <- weights

  ## Begin calipering
  match.obj <- list("match.matrix"=match.matrix, "dist.matrix"=dist.matrix,
  rc <- randomCaliper(match.obj, tvar, rawCP=rawCP, caliper=caliper)

  ## Need to make calipered match matrix, data, etc.
  keepobs <- rownames(rc$caliperdat)
  match.matrix <- as.matrix(match.matrix[which(rownames(match.matrix) %in% keepobs),])
  dist.matrix <- as.matrix(dist.matrix[which(rownames(dist.matrix) %in% keepobs),])
    ## RETURN
  out <- list("match.matrix"=match.matrix, "dist.matrix"=dist.matrix,
  class(out) <- "mdm.match"

## End of mahalanobis function

## Define my own imbalance function
## This is a modification of the imbalance function in cem
## It cuts out the chi-square table that both produces errors and
## causes a bug every so often

my.imbalance <- function(group, data, drop=NULL, breaks=NULL, weights, grouping = NULL){
 if (!is.data.frame(data))
        stop("Data must be a dataframe", call. = FALSE)

   drop <- unique(drop)
   dropped <- match(drop, colnames(data))
   dropped <- dropped[!is.na(dropped)]

        data <- data[-dropped]
  vars <- colnames(data)
  nv <- length(vars)
  breaks <- vector(nv, mode="list")
  for(i in 1:nv){
   if(is.numeric(data[[i]]) | is.integer (data[[i]]))
    breaks[[i]] <- pretty(range(data[[i]],na.rm=TRUE), n=nclass.scott(na.omit(data[[i]])), 1)
   names(breaks) <- vars

 if(!is.null(grouping) & !is.null(names(grouping))){
    gn <- names(grouping)
    n.gn <- length(gn)
    for(g in 1:n.gn){
            data[[gn[g]]] <- group.var(data[[gn[g]]], grouping[[g]])
            breaks[gn[g]] <- NULL                 
 n <- dim(data)[1]
  weights <- rep(1, n)
 rem <- which(weights<=0)
  data <- data[-rem,]
  weights <- weights[-rem]
  group <- group[-rem]

 tmp <- reduce.data(data, breaks=breaks)$data
 lv <- unique(na.omit(group))
 globalL1 <- L1.meas(group=group, data=data, breaks=breaks, weights=weights)

 out <- list(L1=globalL1)

 ## I cut out a bunch of stuff here, becuase I don't want to make the table

 class(out) <- "imbalance"
 return( out )

## end of my imbalance function

## Reduce data function
## I think this can be deleted once it's in the cem package because
## then the function is available to me.

`reduce.var` <-
function(x, breaks){
	if(is.numeric(x) | is.integer(x)){
	  breaks <- "sturges"
       breaks <- match.arg(tolower(breaks), c("sturges", 
                "fd", "scott", "ss"))
            breaks <- switch(breaks, sturges = nclass.Sturges(x), 
                 fd = nclass.FD(x), 
				 scott = nclass.scott(x), 
				 ss = nclass.ss(x),
                stop("unknown 'breaks' algorithm"))
	 if(length(breaks) > 0){
			rg <- range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
			breaks <- seq(rg[1],rg[2], length = breaks)
		breaks <- unique(breaks)
	     x <- cut(x, breaks=breaks, include.lowest = TRUE, labels = FALSE)
		 x <- as.numeric(x) 
	} else {
	  x <- as.numeric(x) 
	return(list(x=x, breaks=breaks)) 

reduce.data <- function(data, breaks=NULL, collapse=FALSE){
  if (!is.data.frame(data))
        stop("Data must be a dataframe", call. = FALSE)
 vnames <- colnames(data)
 nv <- length(vnames)
 new.breaks <- vector(dim(data)[2], mode="list")
 names(new.breaks) <- vnames
 for (i in 1:nv){
   tmp <- reduce.var(data[[i]], breaks[[vnames[i]]] )
   new.breaks[[vnames[i]]] <- tmp$breaks
   data[[i]] <- tmp$x
  return(list(data=collapse.data(data), breaks=new.breaks))
 return(list(data=data, breaks=new.breaks))

collapse.data <- function(data){
  apply(data,1, function(x) paste(x, collapse="\r"))	


## A function that calculates Mahalanobis distances without matching

mdistfun <- function(formula, data){
  ## I think this function has a dependence on "tvar"

  ## a mahalanobis function
  ## myMH function from http://www.stat.lsa.umich.edu/~bbh/optmatch/doc/mahalanobisMatching.pdf

  ## the second stopifnot condition was in ben hansen's code
  ## but the code seems to work fine for even one variable
  ## and I have samples with just one covariate.
  myMH <- function(Tnms, Cnms, inv.cov, data) {
   stopifnot(!is.null(dimnames(inv.cov)[[1]]),# dim(inv.cov)[1] > 1,
   all.equal(dimnames(inv.cov)[[1]], dimnames(inv.cov)[[2]]),
   all(dimnames(inv.cov)[[1]] %in% names(data)))
   covars <- dimnames(inv.cov)[[1]]
   xdiffs <- as.matrix(data[Tnms, covars])
   xdiffs <- xdiffs - as.matrix(data[Cnms, covars])
   rowSums((xdiffs %*% inv.cov) * xdiffs)
    ## pull out the covariates
  X1 <- data
  X2 <- data.frame(model.frame(formula, data))
  tvar <- as.character(formula)[2]
    ## just the covariates
  X3 <- subset(data.frame(model.matrix(formula,data)),select=-1)
  mvrs <- colnames(X3)
    ## covariates and treatment variable
  X <- cbind(X2[,1],X3)
  names(X) <- c(tvar,mvrs)

  ## from http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/05/05/3996.html
  matrix.rank <- function(A, eps=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){
    sv. <- abs(svd(A)$d)
  #  #print("MDM failed: The matrix is not of full rank.")
  #stopifnot(dim(X)[2]==matrix.rank(X), silent=T)

    ## if it can't invert, this is where it will fail
  try(icv <- solve(cov(subset(X,select=mvrs))))
  trtnms <- row.names(X)[X[[tvar]]==1]
  ctlnms <- row.names(X)[X[[tvar]]==0]
    ## use the data X3 that has just the covariates

    ## run the main internal function
  mydist <- outer(trtnms, ctlnms, FUN = myMH, inv.cov = icv, data = X3)
  dimnames(mydist) <- list(trtnms, ctlnms)

## a version that works for bigger datasets

mdistfun2 <- function(formula, data){
  ## I think this function has a dependence on "tvar"

  ## a mahalanobis function
    myMH <- function(Tnms, Cnms, inv.cov, data) {
   stopifnot(!is.null(dimnames(inv.cov)[[1]]),# dim(inv.cov)[1] > 1,
   all.equal(dimnames(inv.cov)[[1]], dimnames(inv.cov)[[2]]),
   all(dimnames(inv.cov)[[1]] %in% names(data)))
   covars <- dimnames(inv.cov)[[1]]
   xdiffs <- as.matrix(data[Tnms, covars])
   xdiffs <- xdiffs - as.matrix(data[Cnms, covars])
   rowSums((xdiffs %*% inv.cov) * xdiffs)
    ## This is the FAST m-dist function for large data
myMHbig <- function(Tnms, Cnms, inv.cov, data){
  ## This is the FAST m-dist function for large data
  icv <- inv.cov
  mdist <- matrix(NA,length(Tnms),length(Cnms))
  ## loop over the treated units
  for(i in 1:length(Tnms)){
    ## define a vector of the Cnms that are still available
    elig <- Cnms
    ## make the distance vector for treated t and all the eligable
    ## controls
    x <- outer(Tnms[i], elig, FUN = myMH, inv.cov = icv, data = data)
    ## capture the colnames of the ones that have
    ## minimum distances and take the first
    mdist[i,] <- x

    ## pull out the covariates
  X1 <- data
  X2 <- data.frame(model.frame(formula, data))
  tvar <- as.character(formula)[2]
    ## just the covariates
  X3 <- subset(data.frame(model.matrix(formula,data)),select=-1)
  mvrs <- colnames(X3)
    ## covariates and treatment variable
  X <- cbind(X2[,1],X3)
  names(X) <- c(tvar,mvrs)

  ## from http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/05/05/3996.html
  matrix.rank <- function(A, eps=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){
    sv. <- abs(svd(A)$d)
  #  #print("MDM failed: The matrix is not of full rank.")
  #stopifnot(dim(X)[2]==matrix.rank(X), silent=T)

    ## if it can't invert, this is where it will fail
  try(icv <- solve(cov(subset(X,select=mvrs))))
  trtnms <- row.names(X)[X[[tvar]]==1]
  ctlnms <- row.names(X)[X[[tvar]]==0]
    ## use the data X3 that has just the covariates

    ## run the main internal function
  #mydist <- outer(trtnms, ctlnms, FUN = myMH, inv.cov = icv, data =
  mydist <- myMHbig(trtnms,ctlnms,icv,X3)
  dimnames(mydist) <- list(trtnms, ctlnms)

## Plotting function

#plot.spacegraph <- function(...) spacegraph.plot(...)

plot.spacegraph <- function(...){
   ## This is a bit more complicated but it allows me to pass
   ## the name of the object.  Otherwise, the object ends up being
   ## named "..1"
   obj.name <- as.character(match.call())[2]
   ## Grab the other things
   plotcall <- match.call()
   spacegraph.plot(objname=obj.name, plot.call=plotcall,...)

spacegraph.plot2 <- function(obj, objname=NULL, group="1", 
    #if(class(obj) != "spacegraph")
	  stop("obj must be of class `spacegraph'")
  spE <- new.env()
  spE$obj <- obj
  obj <- NULL
          spE$obj.name <- match.call()["obj"]
          spE$obj.name <- gsub("()","",spE$obj.name, fixed=T)
        } else {
          spE$obj.name <- objname
  data <- spE$obj$data
  spE$obj$space <- na.omit(spE$obj$space)  ## this solves a problem
                                         ## when some solutions have NA in the table
	g <- sprintf("G%s",group)
	spE$n <-  spE$obj$space[[g]]
	spE$ML1 <- spE$obj$space$ML1
	spE$Relaxed <- spE$obj$space$Relaxed
	spE$Method <- spE$obj$space$Method
	spE$Call <- spE$obj$space$Call
        ## rename the stuff in the call
  for(i in 1:length(spE$Call)){
          spE$Call[i] <- gsub("obj$",paste(spE$obj.name,"$",sep=""),spE$Call[i],fixed=T)
	spE$class <- rep("relax", length(spE$n))
	id.raw <- which(spE$Relaxed=="<raw>")
	id.start <- which(spE$Relaxed=="<start>") 
	spE$class[ id.raw ] <- "raw"
	  spE$class[ id.start ] <- "start"
	ids <- (1:length(spE$n))[-c(id.raw, id.start)]
	name.vars <- names(spE$obj$coars[[1]])
	n.vars <- length(name.vars)
	tab <- data.frame(n=spE$n, ML1=spE$ML1, class=spE$class)
	main.txt <- sprintf("Total units=%d, ML1=%.3f", spE$n[id.raw], spE$ML1[id.raw])
		main.txt <- sprintf("Initial matched units=%d, ML1=%.3f", spE$n[id.start], spE$ML1[id.start])
        ## make different colors of dots for the different methods
  dotcol <- rep("cyan",length(ids))
        ## get colors for other methods...
  approved.methods <- c("raw","cem","psm","mdm","matchit")
  needcol <- unique(spE$Method)[unique(spE$Method) %in% approved.methods==F]

        ## I decided that it's easier to specify my own colors
  colz <- c("#CC00FF75","darkolivegreen","gray50",
  rcol <- colz[1:length(needcol)]
  ll <- length(approved.methods)-1
      for(i in (1:length(needcol) + ll)){
            pnames <- names(method.col)
            method.col[[i]] <- rcol[i-ll]
            names(method.col) <- c(pnames,needcol[i-ll])

  for(i in 1:length(method.col)){
          dotcol[spE$Method==names(method.col)[i]] <-  method.col[[names(method.col)[i]]]
	#dotcol <- rgb(0.2,0.2,0.8)
	#selcol <- rgb(0.8,0.8,0.2)
  selcol <- "black"
      ## set the plotting args
  myylab <- "median of L1 profile"
  myylim <- c(0,range(spE$ML1)[2])

        spE$n <- 1/spE$n^2
  myxlab <- ifelse(scale.var,"number matched, scaled as 1/sqrt(matched)","number matched")
  myxlim <- range(1/sqrt(spE$n))
    myxlim <- rev(myxlim)
	plot(1/sqrt(spE$n[ids]), spE$ML1[ids],
         xlab=myxlab,	 ylab=myylab, 
         pch=20, col=dotcol[ids], ylim=myylim, xlim=myxlim,
         main=main.txt, axes=FALSE)        
	x1 <- pretty( myxlim, 5)
  	  axis(1, x1, round(1/x1^2))
	} else {
	    axis(1, x1, x1)
	points(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.raw]), spE$ML1[id.raw],   col="black", pch=21,bg="white")
	text(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.raw]), spE$ML1[id.raw], "raw",  col="black",adj=-0.5, cex=0.7)
		  points(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.start]), spE$ML1[id.start],   col="green", pch=20)
		  text(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.start]), spE$ML1[id.start], "start",  col="green",adj=-0.5, cex=0.7)

print.selected.cem <- function(x, ...){

spacegraph.plot <- function(obj, objname=NULL, group="1", explore=TRUE,
	if(!interactive() | !explore){
            if(match.call()["xlim"] != "NULL()" | match.call()["ylim"] != "NULL()")
              warning("cannot specify xlim or ylim with explore=F\n")
            if(match.call()["main"] != "NULL()" | match.call()["xlab"] != "NULL()" | match.call()["ylab"] != "NULL()")
              warning("cannot specify main, xlab, or ylab with explore=F\n")
	  	spacegraph.plot2(obj, group, method.col=method.col, scale.var=scale.var)
	spE <- new.env()
#    if(class(obj) != "spacegraph")
	  stop("obj must be of class `spacegraph'")
	spE$obj <- obj
	obj <- NULL
	haveTCL <- interactive()
		haveTCL <- FALSE	
		warning("\ntcltk support is absent")
		have_ttk <- as.character(tcl("info", "tclversion")) >= "8.5"
		if(have_ttk) {
			tkbutton <- ttkbutton
			tkframe <- ttkframe
			tklabel <- ttklabel
			tkradiobutton <- ttkradiobutton

          spE$obj.name <- match.call()["obj"]
          spE$obj.name <- gsub("()","",spE$obj.name, fixed=T)
        } else {
          spE$obj.name <- objname
        data <- spE$obj$data
        spE$obj$space <- na.omit(spE$obj$space)
       # keepme <- rownames(na.omit(obj$space[-which(names(obj$space) %in% c("ML1","Mdiff"))]))
       # obj$space <- obj$space[keepme,]  ## this solves a problem
                                         ## when some solutions have NA in the table
                                         ## but it allows ML1 and Mdiff to have
                                         ##  NAs in the table.

	g <- sprintf("G%s",group)
	spE$n <-  spE$obj$space[[g]]
        ## Allow the x-axis to be different
        ## Note, this is over-riding "group"
          group <- "1"
	  g <- sprintf("G%s",group)
	  spE$n <-  spE$obj$space[[g]]
          group <- "0"
	  g <- sprintf("G%s",group)
	  spE$n <-  spE$obj$space[[g]]
          group1 <- "1"
	  g1 <- sprintf("G%s",group1)
          group0 <- "0"
	  g0 <- sprintf("G%s",group0)
	  spE$n <-  spE$obj$space[[g1]] + spE$obj$space[[g0]]
	  spE$ML1 <- spE$obj$space$ML1
    Mdiff <- spE$obj$space$Mdiff
    Mdisc <- spE$obj$space$Mdisc
    alldist <- spE$obj$alldist
      ## some warnings if you try to specify the wrong balance metric
      if(balance.metric=="L1" & length(na.omit(spE$ML1))!=length(spE$ML1)){
        stop("Missing values for L1")
      if(balance.metric=="mdiff" & length(na.omit(Mdiff))!=length(Mdiff)){
        stop("Missing values for Mdiff")
      if(balance.metric=="mdisc" & length(na.omit(Mdisc))!=length(Mdisc)){
        stop("Missing values for Mdiff")
      ## NOTE: If Mdiff is specified, we name it "ML1" here so that the 
      ##       function will still run through.
        spE$ML1 <- spE$obj$space$Mdiff
        spE$ML1 <- spE$obj$space$Mdisc
	spE$Relaxed <- spE$obj$space$Relaxed
	spE$Method <- spE$obj$space$Method
	spE$Call <- spE$obj$space$Call
        ## rename the stuff in the call
        for(i in 1:length(spE$Call)){
          spE$Call[i] <- gsub("obj$",paste(spE$obj.name,"$",sep=""),spE$Call[i],fixed=T)
	class <- rep("relax", length(spE$n))
	id.raw <- which(spE$Relaxed=="<raw>")
	id.start <- which(spE$Relaxed=="<start>") 
	class[ id.raw ] <- "raw"
		class[ id.start ] <- "start"
	ids <- (1:length(spE$n))[-c(id.raw, id.start)]
	name.vars <- names(spE$obj$coars[[1]])
	n.vars <- length(name.vars)
	tab <- data.frame(n=spE$n, ML1=spE$ML1, class=class)
	#main.txt <- sprintf("Total units=%d, ML1=%.3f", n[id.raw], ML1[id.raw])
      main.txt <- sprintf("Total units=%d", spE$n[id.raw])

		main.txt <- sprintf("Initial matched units=%d, ML1=%.3f", spE$n[id.start], spE$ML1[id.start])

        ## make different colors of dots for the different methods
        dotcol <- rep("cyan",length(ids))
        ## get colors for other methods...
        approved.methods <- c("raw","cem","psm","mdm","matchit")
        needcol <- unique(spE$Method)[unique(spE$Method) %in% approved.methods==F]

        ## I decided that it's easier to specify my own colors
        ## UPDATE: 28 june 2011, decided that it's better to just
        ##   make them all the same color.  If the user wants, they
        ##   can make their own plot from the space that distinguishes.
        colz <- c("#CC00FF75","darkolivegreen","gray50",
        rcol <- colz[1:length(needcol)]
        ll <- length(approved.methods)-1
          for(i in (1:length(needcol) + ll)){
            pnames <- names(method.col)
            #method.col[[i]] <- rcol[i-ll]
            method.col[[i]] <- "#CC00FF75"
            names(method.col) <- c(pnames,needcol[i-ll])

        for(i in 1:length(method.col)){
          dotcol[spE$Method==names(method.col)[i]] <-  method.col[[names(method.col)[i]]]
	#dotcol <- rgb(0.2,0.2,0.8)
	#selcol <- rgb(0.8,0.8,0.2)
        selcol <- "black"
      ## set the plotting args
        spE$n <- 1/spE$n^2
      myxlab <- ifelse(scale.var,"number matched, scaled as 1/sqrt(matched)","number matched")
      myxlim <- range(1/sqrt(spE$n))
        myxlim <- rev(myxlim)
        myylab <- "L1"
        myylim <- c(0,range(spE$ML1)[2])
        myylab <- "Average Difference in Means"
        myylim <- c(0,range(spE$ML1)[2])
        myylab <- "Average Mahalanobis Discrepancy"
        myylim <- c(0,range(spE$ML1)[2])

      ## get user-specified xlim and ylim values
        plot.call <- match.call()
      if(plot.call["xlim"] != "NULL()"){
        xli <- gsub("()","",plot.call["xlim"],fixed=T)
        xli2 <- strsplit(xli,",")[[1]]
        lim1 <- as.numeric(gsub(" *","",gsub("c(","",xli2[1], fixed=T)))
        lim2 <- as.numeric(gsub(" *","",gsub(")","",xli2[2], fixed=T)))
        myxlim <- c(1/sqrt(lim1),1/sqrt(lim2))
      if(plot.call["ylim"] != "NULL()"){
        xli <- gsub("()","",plot.call["ylim"],fixed=T)
        xli2 <- strsplit(xli,",")[[1]]
        lim1 <- as.numeric(gsub(" *","",gsub("c(","",xli2[1], fixed=T)))
        lim2 <- as.numeric(gsub(" *","",gsub(")","",xli2[2], fixed=T)))
        myylim <- c(lim1,lim2)

      ## collect any user-specified plotting args that conflict:
      if(plot.call["main"] != "NULL()"){main.txt <- gsub("()","",plot.call["main"],fixed=T)}
      if(plot.call["xlab"] != "NULL()"){myxlab <- gsub("()","",plot.call["xlab"],fixed=T)}
      if(plot.call["ylab"] != "NULL()"){myylab <- gsub("()","",plot.call["ylab"],fixed=T)}
	plot(1/sqrt(spE$n[ids]), spE$ML1[ids],
         pch=20, col=dotcol[ids], ylim=myylim, xlim=myxlim,
         main=main.txt, axes=FALSE)        
	#x1 <- pretty( 1/sqrt(n), 5)
      x1 <- pretty( myxlim, 5)
	  axis(1, x1, round(1/x1^2))
          axis(1, x1, x1)
	points(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.raw]), spE$ML1[id.raw],   col="black", pch=21,bg="white")
	text(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.raw]), spE$ML1[id.raw], "raw",  col="black",adj=-0.5, cex=0.7)
		points(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.start]), spE$ML1[id.start],   col="green", pch=20)
		text(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.start]), spE$ML1[id.start], "start",  col="green",adj=-0.5, cex=0.7)
	idx.sav <- id.raw
		idx.sav <- id.start

	spE$old.idx <- NULL
	spE$xy <- xy.coords(1/sqrt(spE$n), spE$ML1)
 	spE$tmp.br <- spE$obj$coars[[2]]
		spE$tmp.br <- spE$obj$coars[[id.start]]
	spE$new.br <- spE$tmp.br

	goOn <- TRUE
		tt <- tktoplevel()
		tkwm.title(tt,"Modify CEM solution")
		entries <- list()
		tcvars <- list()

		  infoText <- tclVar( sprintf("Raw Data: Total units=%d, ML1=%.3f", spE$n[id.raw], spE$ML1[id.raw]) )
		  infoText <- tclVar( sprintf("Raw Data: Total units=%d, ML1=%.3f", round(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.raw]),0), spE$ML1[id.raw]) )
                callInfo <- tclVar(spE$Call[id.raw])
                          infoText <- tclVar( sprintf("Method=%s: Matched units=%d, ML1=%.3f", spE$Method[id.start],spE$n[id.start], spE$ML1[id.start]) )
                          infoText <- tclVar( sprintf("Method=%s: Matched units=%d, ML1=%.3f", spE$Method[id.start],round(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.start]),0), spE$ML1[id.start]) )
                        callInfo <- tclVar(spE$Call[id.start])
                        callText <- spE$Call[id.start]
		tkpack(tklabel(tt, textvariable=infoText))

                ## print the call

            entry.call <- tkentry(tt, width="100", textvariable=callInfo)	 
	      tkpack( tklabel(tt, text=sprintf("Call: ") ))
		tkpack(  entry.call )

                ## Make a button so that you can edit and rerun the
                ## call
                OnCall <- function(){
			other.args <- NULL
			  cat("\n... running the call ...\n")
			tmpc <- tclvalue( callInfo )
			valid <- try(eval(parse(text=tmpc)), silent = TRUE)
            #if( class(valid) == "try-error" ){
            if( inherits(valid,"try-error")){
  				cat(sprintf("\nError in call specification. Exiting.\n", tmpc) )
                  tmp.mat <- eval(parse(text= tclvalue(callInfo)))
          #  if(class(tmp.mat)=="cem.match"){
			      tmp.ML1 <- L1.meas(spE$obj$match$groups, data=data[,spE$obj$match$vars], breaks=spE$obj$medianCP, weights=tmp.mat$w)$L1
                        tmp.ML1 <- mdiff(caliperdat=data[,c(spE$obj$match$treatment, spE$obj$match$vars)],alldat=data[,c(spE$obj$match$treatment, spE$obj$match$vars)],mvars=tmp.mat$vars,tvar=spE$obj$match$treatment, wt=tmp.mat$w)
                        tmp.ML1 <- mdisc2(caliperdat=data[,c(spE$obj$match$treatment, spE$obj$match$vars)],alldat=data[,c(spE$obj$match$treatment, spE$obj$match$vars)],mvars=tmp.mat$vars,tvar=spE$obj$match$treatment, wt=tmp.mat$w)
                      tmp.n <- tmp.mat$tab["Matched", g] 
			    len.c <- length(spE$n)
			    spE$n[len.c+1] <- tmp.n 	 
			    spE$ML1[len.c+1] <- tmp.ML1 	 
			    spE$Relaxed[len.c+1] <- "<new>"
			    spE$Method[len.c+1] <- "cem"
          spE$Call[len.c+1] <- tclvalue(callInfo)
          spE$obj$coars[[len.c+1]] <- spE$new.br	
          spE$xy <- xy.coords(1/sqrt(spE$n), spE$ML1)
                      tvar <- as.character(as.formula(gsub("()","",tmp.mat$call["formula"],fixed=T)))[2]
                        tmp.ML1 <- L1.meas(tmp.mat$match.dat[[tvar]], data=tmp.mat$match.dat[,spE$obj$match$vars], breaks=spE$obj$medianCP, weights=tmp.mat$match.dat[,"weights"])$L1
                        tmp.ML1 <- mdiff(caliperdat=tmp.mat$match.dat[,c(tvar,spE$obj$match$vars)],alldat=spE$obj$data[,c(tvar,spE$obj$match$vars)],mvars=spE$obj$match$vars,tvar=tvar, wt=tmp.mat$match.dat[,"weights"])
                        tmp.ML1 <- mdisc2(caliperdat=tmp.mat$match.dat[,c(tvar,spE$obj$match$vars)],alldat=spE$obj$data[,c(tvar,spE$obj$match$vars)],mvars=spE$obj$match$vars,tvar=tvar, wt=tmp.mat$match.dat[,"weights"])
                      tmp.n <- tmp.mat$N[group]
                      len.c <- length(spE$n)
                      spE$n[len.c+1] <- tmp.n 	 
                      spE$ML1[len.c+1] <- tmp.ML1 	 
                      spE$Relaxed[len.c+1] <- "<new>"
                      spE$Method[len.c+1] <- "psm"
                      spE$Call[len.c+1] <- tclvalue(callInfo)
                       ## make a filler for now
                       spE$new.br <- c()
                       for(i in 1:length(name.vars)){
                         spE$new.br[[i]] <- c(0,0)
                       names(spE$new.br) <- name.vars	 
                       spE$obj$coars[[len.c+1]] <- spE$new.br	
                       spE$xy <- xy.coords(1/sqrt(spE$n), spE$ML1)
                      tvar <- as.character(as.formula(gsub("()","",tmp.mat$call["formula"],fixed=T)))[2]
                        tmp.ML1 <- L1.meas(tmp.mat$match.dat[[tvar]], data=tmp.mat$match.dat[,spE$obj$match$vars], 
                                         breaks=spE$obj$medianCP, weights=tmp.mat$match.dat[,"weights"])$L1
                        tmp.ML1 <- mdiff(caliperdat=tmp.mat$match.dat[,c(tvar,spE$obj$match$vars)],alldat=spE$obj$data[,c(tvar,spE$obj$match$vars)],mvars=spE$obj$match$vars,tvar=tvar, wt=tmp.mat$match.dat[,"weights"])
                        tmp.ML1 <- mdisc2(caliperdat=tmp.mat$match.dat[,c(tvar,spE$obj$match$vars)],alldat=spE$obj$data[,c(tvar,spE$obj$match$vars)],mvars=spE$obj$match$vars,tvar=tvar, wt=tmp.mat$match.dat[,"weights"])
                      tmp.n <- tmp.mat$N[group]
                      len.c <- length(spE$n)
                      spE$n[len.c+1] <- tmp.n 	 
                      spE$ML1[len.c+1] <- tmp.ML1 	 
                      spE$Relaxed[len.c+1] <- "<new>"
                      spE$Method[len.c+1] <- "mdm"
                      spE$Call[len.c+1] <- tclvalue(callInfo)
                       ## make a filler for now
                       spE$new.br <- c()
                       for(i in 1:length(name.vars)){
                         spE$new.br[[i]] <- c(0,0)
                       names(spE$new.br) <- name.vars	 
			    spE$obj$coars[[len.c+1]] <- spE$new.br	
			    spE$xy <- xy.coords(1/sqrt(spE$n), spE$ML1)
                      ## Note, this is not changed to allow mean differences
			    tmp.ML1 <- L1.meas(spE$obj$match$groups, data=data[,spE$obj$match$vars], 
                                         breaks=spE$obj$medianCP, weights=tmp.mat$weights)$L1
			    tmp.n <- tmp.mat$nn["Matched", "Treated"]
                      len.c <- length(spE$n)
                      spE$n[len.c+1] <- tmp.n 	 
                      spE$ML1[len.c+1] <- tmp.ML1 	 
                      spE$Relaxed[len.c+1] <- "<new>"
                      spE$Method[len.c+1] <- "matchit"
                      spE$Call[len.c+1] <- tclvalue(callInfo)
                       ## make a filler for now
                       spE$new.br <- c()
                       for(i in 1:length(name.vars)){
                         spE$new.br[[i]] <- c(0,0)
                       names(spE$new.br) <- name.vars	 
			    spE$obj$coars[[len.c+1]] <- spE$new.br	
			    spE$xy <- xy.coords(1/sqrt(spE$n), spE$ML1)

            Call.but <-tkbutton(tt,text="   Run this Call   ",command=OnCall)


		spE$n.tmp.br <- length(spE$tmp.br)
		for(i in 1:spE$n.tmp.br){
			tcvars[[i]] <- tclVar( deparse( round(spE$tmp.br[[i]], 2), width.cutoff=500) )  
			entries[[i]] <- tkentry(tt, width="100", textvariable=tcvars[[i]])	    
			tkpack( tklabel(tt, text=sprintf("Variable: %s", names(spE$tmp.br)[i]) ))
			tkpack(  entries[[i]] )

		tcvars[[spE$n.tmp.br+1]] <- tclVar(  )  
		entries[[spE$n.tmp.br+1]] <- tkentry(tt, width="100", textvariable=tcvars[[spE$n.tmp.br+1]])	    
		tkpack( tklabel(tt, text="Additional CEM args:"))
		tkpack(  entries[[spE$n.tmp.br+1]] )
                #tkpack( entries[[n.tmp.br]])
		OnOK <- function(){
			other.args <- NULL
			if(verbose >= 1)
		  	cat("\n... running new cem...\n")
			spE$n.tmp.br <- length(spE$tmp.br)
			for(i in 1:spE$n.tmp.br){
				vv <- names(spE$tmp.br)[i]
				tmpc <- tclvalue( tcvars[[i]] )
				spE$new.br[[i]] <- try(eval(parse(text=tmpc)), silent = TRUE)
                #if( class(spE$new.br[[i]]) == "try-error"){
                if( inherits(spE$new.br[[i]],"try-error")){
					warning(sprintf("\nError in settings cutpoints of variable << %s >>:\n\n >> %s <<\n\n Using original ones.\n", vv, tmpc) )
				  spE$new.br[[i]] <- spE$tmp.br[[i]] 
			tmpc <- tclvalue( tcvars[[spE$n.tmp.br+1]] )
			other.args <- try(eval(parse(text=tmpc)), silent = TRUE)
            #if( class(other.args) == "try-error"){
            if( inherits(other.args, "try-error")){
				warning(sprintf("\nError in additional CEM arguments specification. Ignoring them.\n", tmpc) )
				other.args <- NULL 
			} else 
			 other.args <- tmpc
                  ## reconstruct the call
                  cpholder <- rep(NA,length(spE$new.br))
                  for(ii in 1:length(spE$new.br)){
                    cpholder[ii] <-paste(names(spE$new.br)[ii],"=c(",paste(spE$new.br[[ii]],collapse=", "),")",sep="")
                  breakslist <-  paste("list(",paste(cpholder,collapse=", "),")")

                   cem.call <-  sprintf("cem(spE$obj$match$treatment, data=data[,c(spE$obj$match$vars,spE$obj$match$treatment) ], cutpoints=%s, %s)", breakslist, other.args)

                   			tmp.mat <- eval(parse(text=cem.call))

			  tmp.ML1 <- L1.meas(spE$obj$match$groups, data=data[,spE$obj$match$vars], breaks=spE$obj$medianCP, weights=tmp.mat$w)$L1
                    tmp.ML1 <- mdiff(caliperdat=data[,c(spE$obj$match$treatment, spE$obj$match$vars)],alldat=data[,c(spE$obj$match$treatment, spE$obj$match$vars)],mvars=tmp.mat$vars,tvar=spE$obj$match$treatment, wt=tmp.mat$w)
                    tmp.ML1 <- mdisc2(caliperdat=data[,c(spE$obj$match$treatment, spE$obj$match$vars)],alldat=data[,c(spE$obj$match$treatment, spE$obj$match$vars)],mvars=tmp.mat$vars,tvar=spE$obj$match$treatment, wt=tmp.mat$w)
                  tmp.n <- tmp.mat$tab["Matched", g] 
			len.c <- length(spE$n)
			spE$n[len.c+1] <- tmp.n 	 
			spE$ML1[len.c+1] <- tmp.ML1 	 
			spE$Relaxed[len.c+1] <- "<new>"	
			spE$Method[len.c+1] <- "cem"
			spE$Call[len.c+1] <- cem.call 
			spE$obj$coars[[len.c+1]] <- spE$new.br	
			spE$xy <- xy.coords(1/sqrt(spE$n), spE$ML1)
		OK.but <-tkbutton(tt,text="   Run CEM with these coarsening   ",command=OnOK)

	firstime <- TRUE
	update.imbplot <- function(mT){
		  idx <- which(spE$n>=spE$n[mT])
        idx <- which(spE$n<=spE$n[mT])
		idx2 <- which(spE$ML1[idx]<= spE$ML1[mT])
		idx <- idx[idx2]

                ## my addition -- will it screw things up?
                idxx <- idx[-which(idx %in% mT)]

		id.new <- which(spE$Relaxed =="<new>")

                ## white-out
                text(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.raw]), spE$ML1[id.raw], "\u2585", col="white", cex=5, adj=0)
                points(1/sqrt(spE$n[ids]), spE$ML1[ids],   col="white", pch=19,cex=2)
                  points(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.new]), spE$ML1[id.new],   col="white", pch=19,cex=2)
                points(1/sqrt(spE$n[ids]), spE$ML1[ids],   col=dotcol[ids], pch=20)
                #points(1/sqrt(n[idx.sav]), ML1[idx.sav],   col="white", pch=19,cex=2.2)
		#points(1/sqrt(n[idx.sav]), ML1[idx.sav],   col=dotcol[ids], pch=20)
		points(1/sqrt(spE$n[idxx]), spE$ML1[idxx],   col=selcol, pch=1,cex=1)
               	#points(1/sqrt(n[mT]), ML1[mT],   col="white", pch=3)
                points(1/sqrt(spE$n[mT]), spE$ML1[mT],   col=dotcol[mT], pch=20)
		points(1/sqrt(spE$n[mT]), spE$ML1[mT],   col="black", pch=1,
		points(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.raw]), spE$ML1[id.raw],   col="black",
                       pch=21, bg="white")
                text(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.raw]), spE$ML1[id.raw], "raw",
                     col="black",adj=-0.5, cex=0.7)
		points(1/sqrt(spE$n[mT]), spE$ML1[mT],   col=dotcol[mT], pch=20)
			points(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.start]), spE$ML1[id.start],   col="green", pch=20)
			text(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.start]), spE$ML1[id.start], "start",  col="green",adj=-0.5, cex=0.7)
               newdotcol <- rep("#00000050",length(id.new))
               newdotcol <- unlist(method.col[spE$Method[id.new]])
		   points(1/sqrt(spE$n[id.new]), spE$ML1[id.new],   col=newdotcol, pch=20)
             points(1/sqrt(spE$n[mT]), spE$ML1[mT],   col="black", pch=1, cex=1.5)
		id.bad <- which(idx == id.raw)
		 idx <- idx[-id.bad]
 		  y <- lapply(spE$obj$coars[idx], function(a) unlist(lapply(a, length)))
		  x <- matrix(unlist(y), length(y), length(y[[1]]), byrow=TRUE) 
		  colnames(x) <- names(y[[1]])
		  tmp <- as.data.frame(x)
		  tmp2 <- data.frame(tmp, ML1=spE$ML1[idx])	
		  rownames(tmp2) <- idx
		 if(haveTCL & !is.null(spE$obj$coars[[mT]])){
			ttt <- spE$obj$coars[[mT]]

 			for(i in 1:length(spE$tmp.br)){
				tclvalue( tcvars[[i]] )  <-  deparse( round(ttt[[i]], 2), width.cutoff=500)
                        mycall <- spE$Call[mT]

                        tclvalue(callInfo) <- mycall
                           tclvalue(infoText) <- sprintf("Method=%s, Matched units=%d, ML1=%.3f",toupper(spE$Method[mT]), spE$n[mT], spE$ML1[mT]) 
                           tclvalue(infoText) <- sprintf("Method=%s, Matched units=%d, ML1=%.3f",toupper(spE$Method[mT]), round(1/sqrt(spE$n[mT]),0), spE$ML1[mT])

		spE$old.idx <- list(breaks = obj$coars[[mT]], n=spE$n[mT], ML1=spE$ML1[mT], medianCP=spE$obj$medianCP)
		spE$idx.sav <- idx
	spE$old.idx <- NULL
	update.imbplot( 2 )
	  spE$xy <- xy.coords(1/sqrt(spE$n), spE$ML1)
		goOn <- update.imbplot(identify(spE$xy, n=1,plot=FALSE)) 
	class(spE$old.idx) <- "selected.cem"

## random.matchit

random.matchit <- function( treatment=NULL, 
                           data = NULL, drop=NULL, calipermax=.25, 
                           R=10, method = "unknown", progress=T,...){
  holder <- c()
  callholder <- c()
  if(progress==T & R>1){pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = R, initial = 1, style = 3)}
  for(r in 1:R){
    if(progress==T & R>1){setTxtProgressBar(pb, r)}
    mvars <- names(data)[names(data)!=treatment]
    ## generate all of the interactions
    allIntObj <- enumerateInteractions(mvars)
    ## generate a formula
    myform <- genForm(allIntObj,treatment=treatment,data=data, poly=1)
    ## draw the caliper
    rcaliper <- round(runif(0,calipermax,n=1),5)
    ## do the pscore matching
    ## check if distance and method were specified in the call
    dist <- NULL
    meth <- NULL
    if(match.call()["distance"] != "NULL()"){dist <- gsub("()","",match.call()["distance"],fixed=T)}
    if(match.call()["method"] != "NULL()"){meth <- gsub("()","",match.call()["method"],fixed=T)}

      dist.text <- paste(", distance = \"",dist,"\"", sep="")
    } else { 
      dist.text <- ""
      meth.text <- paste(", method = \"",meth,"\"", sep="")
    } else { 
      meth.text <- ""
    dist.meth <- paste(dist.text, meth.text,sep="")
    mcall <- sprintf("matchit(formula = %s, data=data, caliper = %s %s)",myform,rcaliper,dist.meth)
    m.out <- eval(parse(text = mcall))

    out <- c()
    out$id <- names(m.out$w)
    out$weight <- m.out$w
    out$method <- rep(method,length(m.out$w))
    out <- as.data.frame(out, stringsAsFactors=F)
    holder[[r]] <- out
    callholder[[r]] <- mcall
  if(progress==T & R>1){close(pb)}

## A difference in means function

mdiff <- function(caliperdat,alldat,mvars,tvar, wt=NULL){
    wt <- rep(1,nrow(caliperdat))
  covs <- subset(caliperdat, select=mvars)
  covs <- apply(covs,MARGIN=2,as.numeric)
  covs2 <- subset(alldat, select=mvars)
  covs2 <- apply(covs2,MARGIN=2,as.numeric)
  ## I ran into an issue with datasets that only have 2 observations
  ## Can there be a weighted avg with only one obs? I code it as NO.
  if(sum(caliperdat[[tvar]]==1) == 1){
    t.mean <- covs[caliperdat[[tvar]]==1,]
  } else {    
    t.mean <- apply(covs[caliperdat[[tvar]]==1,], MARGIN=2, weighted.mean,w=wt[caliperdat [[tvar]]==1], na.rm=T)
  if(sum(caliperdat[[tvar]]==0) == 1){
    c.mean <- covs[caliperdat[[tvar]]==0,]
  } else {
    c.mean <- apply(covs[caliperdat[[tvar]]==0,], MARGIN=2, weighted.mean,w=wt[caliperdat [[tvar]]==0], na.rm=T)
  t.sd <- apply(covs2[alldat[[tvar]]==1,], MARGIN=2, sd, na.rm=T)
  return(mean(abs((t.mean-c.mean)/t.sd), na.rm=T))


## A mahalanobis discrepancy function
## adist is a matrix of mah distances produced by mdistfun()

#mdisc <- function(caliperdat, adist=alldist, wt = NULL){
mdisc <- function(caliperdat, adist, wt = NULL){
  if(is.null(wt)){wt <- rep(1,nrow(caliperdat))}
  matched.names <- rownames(caliperdat)[wt>0]
  mdis <- adist[rownames(adist)[rownames(adist) %in% matched.names],
          colnames(adist)[colnames(adist) %in% matched.names]]
    try(minT <- apply(mdis,MARGIN=1,min), silent=T)
    ## If the vector is too big for apply
      minT <- rep(NA,nrow(mdis))
      for(jj in 1:nrow(mdis)){minT[jj] <- min(mdis[jj,])}
    try(minC <- apply(mdis,MARGIN=2,min), silent=T)
      minC <- rep(NA,ncol(mdis))
      for(jj in 1:ncol(mdis)){minC[jj] <- min(mdis[,jj])}
  } else { 
    minT <- min(mdis)
    minC <- min(mdis)

## a second version that doesn't need the distances calculated outside
mdisc2 <- function(caliperdat, alldat,mvars,tvar, wt = NULL){
  ff <- as.formula(paste(tvar,"~",paste(mvars,collapse="+")))
  try(adist <- mdistfun(ff,alldat), silent=T)
    adist <- mdistfun2(ff,alldat)
  if(is.null(wt)){wt <- rep(1,nrow(caliperdat))}
  matched.names <- rownames(caliperdat)[wt>0]
  mdis <- adist[rownames(adist)[rownames(adist) %in% matched.names],
          colnames(adist)[colnames(adist) %in% matched.names]]
    minT <- apply(mdis,MARGIN=1,min)
    minC <- apply(mdis,MARGIN=2,min)
  } else { 
    minT <- min(mdis)
    minC <- min(mdis)


## A function for combining spacegraph objects for plotting

combine.spacegraphs <- function(x,y){
    #if (class(x) != "spacegraph")
    if (!inherits(x,"spacegraph"))
        stop("x must be of class `spacegraph'")
#        if (class(y) != "spacegraph")
      if (!inherits(y,"spacegraph"))
        stop("y must be of class `spacegraph'")
      out <- x
      new <- y$space[-which(y$space[,"Relaxed"] == "<raw>"),]
      out$space <- rbind(x$space,new)
      out$coars <- c(x$coars,y$coars)


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cem documentation built on Sept. 8, 2022, 5:09 p.m.