
# Plot a copy-number model as produced by model.auto()
# Author : Sylvain Mareschal <mareschal@ovsa.fr>

model.test = function(
		segLengths = rep(1L, length(segLogRatios)),
		model = NA,
		center = model['center'],
		width = model['width'],
		ploidy = model['ploidy'],
		bw = model['bw'],
		minDensity = 0.001,
		peakFrom = model['peakFrom'],
		peakTo = model['peakTo'],
		graph = TRUE,
		parameters = TRUE,
		returnPar = FALSE,
		xlim = c(0, 5),
		ylim = c(0, max(segLengths)),
		xlab = "Segment copy number",
		ylab = "Segment length",
		cex.seg = 0.4,
		cex.leg = 0.7,
		cex.l2r = 0.7,
		exclude = c("X", "Y", "Xp", "Xq", "Yp", "Yq"),
		title = NULL,
		panel = FALSE,
		klim = NULL,
	# Length checks
	if(length(segLogRatios) == 0 || !is.numeric(segLogRatios))                stop("'segLogRatios' must be a non empty numeric vector")
	if(length(segLengths) != length(segLogRatios) || !is.integer(segLengths)) stop("'segLengths' must be a non empty integer vector")
	# Default ploidy
	if(is.na(ploidy)) ploidy <- 0
	# Log-ratio related Copy Numbers (LCN)
	segLCN <- LCN(segLogRatios, exact=TRUE)
	segWeights <- segLengths[ ! segChroms %in% exclude ]
	segWeights <- segWeights / sum(segWeights)
	if(!is.na(bw)) {
		# Segment density
		segDensity <- stats::density(
			x = segLCN[ ! segChroms %in% exclude ],
			bw = bw,
			kernel = "gaussian",
			weights = segWeights
		# Local maxima
		y <- segDensity$y / max(segDensity$y)
		i <- 2:(length(y)-1)
		iMax <- 1 + which(y[i-1] <= y[i] & y[i+1] <= y[i] & y[i+1] != y[i-1] & y[i] > minDensity)
		xMax <- segDensity$x[ iMax ]
		# Peak filtering
		if(!is.na(peakFrom)) {
			fromLCN <- LCN(peakFrom, exact=TRUE)
			iMax <- iMax[xMax >= fromLCN]
			xMax <- xMax[xMax >= fromLCN]
		if(!is.na(peakTo)) {
			toLCN <- LCN(peakTo, exact=TRUE)
			iMax <- iMax[xMax <= toLCN]
			xMax <- xMax[xMax <= toLCN]
		# Peak amount
		peaks <- length(iMax)
	} else {
		peaks <- NA
	# Model statistics
	if(!is.na(bw) && !is.na(center) && !is.na(width)) {
		# Standard Deviation of Diffs
		sdd <- stats::sd(diff(xMax))
		# Peaks to Model
		ptm <- copies(xMax, from="LCN", center=center, width=width, ploidy=ploidy, exact=TRUE)
		ptm <- mean(abs(ptm - round(ptm)))
		# Segments to Model
		stm <- copies(segLCN[ ! segChroms %in% exclude ], from="LCN", center=center, width=width, ploidy=ploidy, exact=TRUE)
		stm <- stats::weighted.mean(abs(stm - round(stm)), segLengths[ ! segChroms %in% exclude ])
	} else {
		sdd <- NA
		ptm <- NA
		stm <- NA
	if(isTRUE(graph)) {
		# xlim in modelized copies
		if(is.numeric(klim) && length(klim) == 2 && all(!is.na(klim))) {
			xlim <- (klim - ploidy) * width + center
		# Background for ploting (relative copies)
		if(isTRUE(panel)) { graphics::plot(x=NA, y=NA, xlim=rev(ylim), ylim=xlim, xlab="", xaxt="n", ylab="", yaxt="n", ...)
		} else            { graphics::plot(x=NA, y=NA, xlim=xlim,      ylim=ylim, xlab="", xaxt="n", ylab="Segment length", ...)
		savePar <- graphics::par()
		# Peak range
		if(!is.na(peakFrom) & !isTRUE(panel)) {
				xleft = graphics::par("usr")[1],
				xright = LCN(peakFrom, exact=TRUE),
				ybottom = graphics::par("usr")[3],
				ytop = graphics::par("usr")[4],
				col = "#DDDDDD",
				border = "#DDDDDD"
		if(!is.na(peakTo) & !isTRUE(panel)) {
				xleft = LCN(peakTo, exact=TRUE),
				xright = graphics::par("usr")[2],
				ybottom = graphics::par("usr")[3],
				ytop = graphics::par("usr")[4],
				col = "#DDDDDD",
				border = "#DDDDDD"
		# LogRatios axis
		if(!isTRUE(panel)) {
			at = pretty(xlim, n=35)
			labels = round(log(at/2, 2), 2)
				side = 3,
				text = "LogRatios",
				line = 3
				tck = 1,
				col = "#CCCCCC",
				side = 3,
				at = at,
				cex.axis = cex.l2r,
				labels = labels,
				las = 3
		if(!is.na(center) && !is.na(width)) {
			# Copies axis
			labels <- ploidy + (-3:3)
			at <- (labels - ploidy) * width + center
			if(ploidy == 0) labels <- c("-3", "-2", "-1", "n", "+1", "+2", "+3")
				side = ifelse(isTRUE(panel), 2, 1),
				at = at,
				labels = labels
			graphics::title(xlab="Segment copy number")
		# Real peaks
		if(!is.na(bw)) {
			if(isTRUE(panel)) { graphics::abline(h=xMax, col="#CC0000", lty="solid")
			} else            { graphics::abline(v=xMax, col="#CC0000", lty="solid")
		# Plot density
		if(!is.na(bw)) {
			if(isTRUE(panel)) {
				graphics::plot(x=NA, y=NA, xlim=range(-segDensity$y), ylim=xlim, xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", ...)
				graphics::polygon(x=-segDensity$y, y=segDensity$x, col="#CCCCCC", border="#CCCCCC")
			} else {
				graphics::plot(x=segDensity$x, y=segDensity$y, type="l", xlim=xlim, col="#AAAAAA", xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", ...)
		# Plot segments
		if(isTRUE(panel)) {
			pch <- 20L
			graphics::plot(x=segLengths, y=segLCN, xlim=rev(ylim), ylim=xlim, pch=pch, cex=cex.seg, xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", ...)
		} else {
			pch <- rep(3L, length(segLCN))
			pch[ segChroms %in% exclude ] <- 1L
			graphics::plot(x=segLCN, y=segLengths, xlim=xlim,      ylim=ylim, pch=pch, cex=cex.seg, xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", ...)
		if(parameters) {
			# Parameters legend
			if(isTRUE(panel)) {
				graphics::text(x=ylim[2], y=xlim[2], labels=title, adj=c(0,1), cex=cex.leg)
				graphics::text(x=ylim[2], y=xlim[1], labels=sprintf("%.2f~%.2f [%.3f]", center, width, stm), adj=c(0,0), cex=cex.leg)
			} else {
					x = "topleft",
					legend = c(
						sprintf("bw = %.3f   ", bw),
						sprintf("peaks = %i   ", peaks),
						sprintf("peakFrom = %.3f   ", peakFrom),
						sprintf("peakTo = %.3f   ", peakTo),
						sprintf("center = %.3f   ", center),
						sprintf("width = %.3f   ", width),
						sprintf("ploidy = %s   ", ifelse(ploidy == 0, "relative", as.character(ploidy))),
						sprintf("sdd = %.5f   ", sdd),
						sprintf("ptm = %.5f   ", ptm),
						sprintf("stm = %.5f   ", stm)
					bg = "#EEEEEE",
					inset = 0.01,
					cex = cex.leg,
					title = title
	} else {
		savePar <- NULL
	# Return
	if(isTRUE(returnPar)) {
	} else {
				bw = as.double(bw),
				peaks = as.double(peaks),
				peakFrom = as.double(peakFrom),
				peakTo = as.double(peakTo),
				center = as.double(center),
				width = as.double(width),
				ploidy = as.double(ploidy),
				sdd = as.double(sdd),
				ptm = as.double(ptm),
				stm = as.double(stm)

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