
Defines functions circGLM arcDistance estimateDensityBySpline fixResultNames is.dichotomous

Documented in arcDistance circGLM estimateDensityBySpline fixResultNames is.dichotomous

#' Check if a predictor is dichotomous
#' @param x A character or numerical vector to be tested.
#' @return A logical, \code{TRUE} if the \code{x} has dummy coding (0, 1),
#'   \code{FALSE} otherwise.
is.dichotomous <- function(x) {
  n_unique_x <- length(unique(x))
  if (n_unique_x == 2) {
    if (all(x == 0 | x == 1)) {
    } else {
      warning("A predictor might be dichotomous but not 0|1.")
  } else if (n_unique_x > 2 & n_unique_x < 8) {
    warning(paste("A predictor has between 3 and 7 unique values.",
                  "It might be categorical with multiple categories", 
                  "but without dummy coding."))
  } else if (n_unique_x == 1) {
    stop("A predictor had only a single unique value.")

#' Fix names for circGLM vector output
#' A function to change the names produced in the \code{\link{Rcpp}} code to
#' more human readable forms.
#' This is only done if the \code{\link{circGLM}} function is used with
#' \code{output = "vector"}.
#' @param nms The original names.
#' @return A character vector of the same length as \code{nms}.
fixResultNames <- function(nms){
  nms[grep("b0_CCI", nms)]     <- c("b0_CCI_LB", "b0_CCI_UB")
  nms[grep("kp_HDI", nms)]     <- c("kp_HDI_LB", "kp_HDI_UB")
  # Beta/Zeta
  nbts <- length(grep("bt_mean", nms))
  if (nbts > 0) {
    nms[grep("bt_mean", nms)]    <- paste0("bt_", 1:nbts, "_mean")
    nms[grep("zt_mean", nms)]    <- paste0("zt_", 1:nbts, "_mean")
    nms[grep("zt_mdir", nms)]    <- paste0("zt_", 1:nbts, "_mdir")
    nms[grep("bt_propacc", nms)] <- paste0("bt_", 1:nbts, "_propacc")
    nms[grep("bt_CCI", nms)] <- paste0("bt_",
                                       rep(1:nbts, each=2),
                                       c("_LB", "_UB"))
    nms[grep("zt_CCI", nms)] <- paste0("zt_",
                                       rep(1:nbts, each=2),
                                       c("_LB", "_UB"))
  # Delta
  ndts <- length(grep("dt_meandir", nms))
  if (ndts > 0) {
    nms[grep("dt_meandir", nms)] <- paste0("dt_", 1:ndts, "_mdir")
    nms[grep("dt_propacc", nms)] <- paste0("dt_", 1:ndts, "_propacc")
    nms[grep("dt_CCI", nms)] <- paste0("dt_",
                                       rep(1:ndts, each = 2),
                                       c("_LB", "_UB"))

#' Estimate the density value from a sample by a spline interpolation of the
#' kernel density
#' This function estimates the density at \code{x0} by first taking a kernel
#' density estimate of a sample from the probability density \code{x}, and then
#' interpolating it by a spline.
#' @param x A (large) sample of from the probability density function of
#'   interest, such as a posterior.
#' @param x0 The value at which to evaluate the density.
#' @param npow The precision used with the \code{density} function.
#' @param rangeExtend The number of standard deviations past the range of
#'   \code{x} to start the density estimate.
#' @return Numeric; a scalar of the estimated probability density at \code{x0}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Compare the estimate from this function with the analytic result.
#' estimateDensityBySpline(rnorm(1000), 0.1)
#' dnorm(.1)
estimateDensityBySpline <- function(x, x0 = 0, npow = 15, rangeExtend = 1/4) {
  xmin <- min(x)
  xmax <- max(x)
  if (xmin > x0) {
    xmin <- x0 - sd(x) * rangeExtend
  } else if (xmax < x0) {
    xmax <- x0 + sd(x) * rangeExtend
  dens <- stats::density(x = x, from = xmin, to = xmax, n = 2^npow, bw = "SJ")
  max(0, stats::spline(dens$x, dens$y, xout = x0)$y)

#' Compute the arc distance between two angular vectors 
#' @param th1 The first angular vector in radians.
#' @param th2 The second angular vector in radians.
#' @return The distance in radians. 
arcDistance <- function(th1, th2) {
  pmin(abs(th1 - th2), 2 * pi - abs(th1 - th2))

#' Fitting Bayesian circular General Linear Models
#' The main function for running Bayesian circular GLMs. The model predicts some
#' circular outcome \eqn{\theta} and has the form \deqn{\theta_i = \beta_0 +
#' \delta^t d_i  + g(\beta^t x_i) + \epsilon_i,} where \eqn{\beta_0} is an
#' circular intercept, \eqn{\delta} are group difference parameters, \eqn{d_i}
#' is a vector of dummy variables indicating group membership, \eqn{g(.)} is a
#' link function given by \eqn{g(x) = r atan(x)} where \code{r} can be chosen,
#' \eqn{\beta} is a vector of regression coefficients, \eqn{x_i} is a vector of
#' covariates, and \eqn{\epsilon_i} is a von Mises distributed error with
#' residual concentration \eqn{\kappa}. This function returns a \code{circGLM}
#' object which can be further investigated with standard functions \code{plot},
#' \code{print}, \code{coef}, \code{residuals}, and special functions
#' \code{mcmc_summary.circGLM} for results for all MCMC chains,
#' \code{IC_compare.circGLM} for a comparison of information criteria of one or
#' more circGLM models, \code{BF.circGLM} to obtain Bayes Factors, and
#' \code{predict_function.circGLM} to create a prediction function.
#' The model can be passed either as a combination of a \code{formula} and a
#' data frame or matrix \code{data}, as in \code{lm()}, or as an outcome vector
#' \code{th} and a matrix of predictors \code{X}. If categorical variables are
#' to be included that are not yet given as dummies, formula syntax is
#' recommended as this will automatically take care of dummy creation.
#' \code{circGLM} performs an MCMC sampler that generates a sample from the
#' posterior of the intercept \eqn{\beta_0}, regression coefficients
#' \eqn{\beta}, group mean direction differences \eqn{\delta} and residual
#' \eqn{\kappa}.
#' An attempt is made to split the predictor matrix \code{X} into continuous and
#' categorical predictors. This is done so that the categorical predictors can
#' be treated differently, which removes the arbitrary dependence on the
#' labeling of categorical predictors and ensures that each group has a
#' regression line of the same shape.
#' If categorical predictors are passed as factors, formula syntax is
#' recommended, as it will automatically generate dummy variables. If the
#' predictors are passed as a matrix \code{X}, categorical variables must be
#' entered as dummy (dichotomous) variables.
#' The main results obtained are estimates and credible intervals for the
#' parameters, posterior samples, and Bayes factors for various standard
#' hypothesis comparisons.
#' As with all MCMC samplers, convergence must be checked, and tuning parameters
#' \code{bwb} and \code{reparametrize} can be tweaked if the sampler converges
#' poorly. The circGLM object that is returned contains proportions accepted
#' which can be used to monitor performance.
#' @param formula an optional object of class "formula" (or one that can be
#'   coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted.
#' @param data an optional data frame or object coercible by
#'   \code{\link{as.data.frame}} to a data frame, containing the variables in
#'   the model.
#' @param th An optional vector of angles in radians or degrees, representing
#'   the circular outcome we want to predict. If any value is larger than
#'   \code{2 * pi}, the input is transformed to radians. Otherwise, \code{th} is
#'   treated as radians.
#' @param X An optional matrix of predictors, both continuous (linear) and
#'   categorical (as dummies). If categorical predictors are included, the
#'   dummies must already be made and they must be in (0, 1), because this is
#'   checked to be able to separate them from the continuous predictors, so that
#'   they are treated differently. If not, or if \cite{skipDichSplit = TRUE},
#'   they will be treated as linear predictors.
#' @param conj_prior A numeric vector of length 3, containing, in that order,
#'   prior mean direction, prior resultant length, and prior sample size. Used
#'   for the von Mises part of the model, beta_0 and kappa.
#' @param bt_prior_musd A numeric vector of length 2, or \code{NA}. If
#'   \code{bt_prior_musd = NA}, a constant prior is used. If it is a numeric
#'   vector of length 2, a Normal prior is used so that the first value is the
#'   mean, and the second value is the standard deviation.
#' @param starting_values A numeric vector with starting values for the MCMC
#'   sampler. The length of the numeric vector should be 2 plus the number of
#'   columns in X.
#' @param bwb A numeric vector, where the length is at least the number of
#'   continuous predictors. This is a tuning parameters used in sampling of
#'   beta. New values are sampled uniformly around the current value of beta
#'   with bounds at \code{bt_cur - bwb} and \code{bt_cur + bwb}. If
#'   \code{reparametrize = TRUE}, bwb corresponds to the bounds around the
#'   reparametrized values.
#' @param Q Integer; The number of iterations to perform.
#' @param burnin Integer; The number of burn-in (warmup) iterations.
#' @param thin Integer; The number of parameters sets to sample for each
#'   parameter set that is saved. Can be used to save memory if \code{Q} is
#'   large.
#' @param kappaModeEstBandwith Numeric between 0 and 1. The mode of \code{kappa}
#'   is estimated by taking the midpoint of a highest density interval.
#'   Specifically, it is the midpoint of the interval that contains
#'   \code{kappaModeEstBandwith} of the density of the posterior. Reasonable
#'   values are roughly between .005 and .2, although lower values may be
#'   reasonable if Q is large.
#' @param CIsize The size of the credible intervals. This is used for all
#'   parameters, whether they use highest density intervals, circular quantiles
#'   or regular quantiles.
#' @param r A numeric. \code{r} is the parameter used in the link function
#'   \eqn{g(x, r) = r atan(x)}. If \code{r = 2}, the link function maps the real
#'   line to the full circle. If \code{r < 2} the link functions maps to a
#'   proportion \code{r / 2} of the circle. If \code{r > 2}, the link functions
#'   can reach the same are of the circle multiple times, which is unlikely to
#'   be useful, and should be used with caution.
#' @param returnLLEachPar Logical indicating whether to return the likelihood
#'   for each observation and each sampled parameter set.
#' @param returnPostSample Logical indicating whether the MCMC sample itself
#'   should be returned. Should only be set to \code{FALSE} if there are memory
#'   constraints, as many subsequent analyses rely on the posterior sample
#'   directly.
#' @param output A character string, either \code{"list"} or \code{"vector"}. In
#'   most situations, \code{"list"} should be used, which returns a circGLM
#'   object. The \code{"vector"} options is only useful for simulation studies
#'   etc.
#' @param SDDBFDensEstMethod A character string, either \code{"density"} or
#'   \code{"histogram"}. Gives the method to If \code{SDDBFDensEstMethod =
#'   "density"}, the default, the Bayes Factors are computed based on the
#'   density estimate given by a spline interpolation of the \code{density()}
#'   function, so they are calculated in R rather than C++. This method should
#'   be much more stable than the histogram method, especially if there is low
#'   probability at 0 in the posterior. If \code{SDDBFDensEstMethod =
#'   "histogram"}, Bayes factors are computed by estimating the density from the
#'   posterior sample as the midpoint of a histogram bar at 0 containing 10\% of
#'   the data.
#' @param reparametrize Logical; If \code{TRUE}, proposals for beta are drawn
#'   uniformly around a reparametrization \code{zt = pi * atan(bt) / 2}, so from
#'   \code{zt_can = runif(1, zt - bwb, zt + bwb)}, which is then transformed
#'   back. Then, the proposals amount to the truncated cauchy pdf. If
#'   \code{FALSE}, proposals for beta are drawn on uniformly around beta, so
#'   from \code{bt_can = runif(1, bt_cur - bwb, bt_cur + bwb)}.
#' @param groupMeanComparisons Logical indicating whether mean comparisons in
#'   the form of Bayes Factors and posterior model probabilities should be
#'   computed.
#' @param skipDichSplit Logical indicating whether to treat categorical
#'   predictor specially. Usually, \code{skipDichSplit = TRUE} should be used.
#'   This removes the arbitrary dependence on the labeling of categorical
#'   predictors and ensures that each group has a regression line of the same
#'   shape. If  \code{skipDichSplit = FALSE}, the model will be the same as
#'   \code{lm.circular} from the package \code{circular} in that no separate
#'   treatment for categorical variables is performed.
#' @param centerOnly Logical; If \code{TRUE}, the continuous predictors are
#'   centered only, not standardized. If \code{FALSE}, the continuous predictors
#'   are standardized.
#' @return A \code{circGLM} object, which can be further analyzed with its
#'   associated \code{\link{plot.circGLM}}, \code{\link{coef.circGLM}} and
#'   \code{\link{print.circGLM}} functions.
#'   An object of class \code{circGLM} contains the following elements (although
#'   some elements are not returned if not applicable):
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{\code{b0_meandir}}{The posterior mean direction of \eqn{\beta_0}, the
#'   circular intercept.} \item{\code{b0_CCI}}{The circular credible interval of
#'   of \eqn{\beta_0}, the circular intercept.} \item{\code{kp_mean}}{The
#'   posterior mean of \eqn{\kappa}, the concentration parameter.}
#'   \item{\code{kp_mode}}{The posterior mode of \eqn{\kappa}, the concentration
#'   parameter.} \item{\code{kp_HDI}}{The \code{CIsize} highest posterior
#'   density interval of \eqn{\kappa}.} \item{\code{kp_propacc}}{The acceptance
#'   proportion of the rejection sampler for \eqn{\kappa}.}
#'   \item{\code{bt_mean}}{The posterior means of the regression coefficients
#'   \eqn{\beta}.} \item{\code{bt_CCI}}{The credible intervals of the regression
#'   coefficients \eqn{\beta}.} \item{\code{bt_propacc}}{The acceptance
#'   proportions of the Metropolis-Hastings sampler for \eqn{\beta}.}
#'   \item{\code{dt_meandir}}{The posterior mean directions of the group
#'   difference parameters, \eqn{\delta}.} \item{\code{dt_CCI}}{The circular
#'   credible intervals of the group difference parameters, \eqn{\delta}.}
#'   \item{\code{dt_propacc}}{The acceptance proportions of the
#'   Metropolis-Hastings sampler for \eqn{\delta}.} \item{\code{zt_mean}}{The
#'   posterior means of the reparametrized coefficients  \eqn{\zeta}.}
#'   \item{\code{zt_mdir}}{The posterior mean directions of the reparametrized
#'   coefficients  \eqn{\zeta}.} \item{\code{zt_CCI}}{The credible intervals of
#'   the reparametrized coefficients  \eqn{\zeta}.}
#'   \item{\code{lppd}}{Ingredient for information criteria; Log posterior
#'   predictive density.} \item{\code{n_par}}{Ingredient for information
#'   criteria; Number of parameters.} \item{\code{ll_th_estpars}}{Ingredient for
#'   information criteria; Log-likelihood of the dataset at estimated parameter
#'   set.} \item{\code{ll_each_th_curpars}}{Ingredient for information criteria;
#'   Log-likelihood of each data point at each sampled parameter set.}
#'   \item{\code{ll_th_curpars}}{Ingredient for information criteria;
#'   Log-likelihood of the dataset at each sampled parameter set.}
#'   \item{\code{th_hat}}{An n-vector of predicted angles.}
#'   \item{\code{b0_chain}}{A Q-vector of sampled circular intercepts.}
#'   \item{\code{kp_chain}}{A Q-vector of sampled concentration parameters.}
#'   \item{\code{bt_chain}}{A matrix of sampled circular regression
#'   coefficients.} \item{\code{dt_chain}}{A matrix of sampled group difference
#'   parameters.} \item{\code{zt_chain}}{A matrix of sampled reparametrized
#'   circular regression coefficients.} \item{\code{mu_chain}}{A matrix of
#'   sampled group means.} \item{\code{AIC_Bayes}}{A version of the AIC where
#'   posterior estimates are used to compute the log-likelihood.}
#'   \item{\code{p_DIC}}{Ingredient for DIC.} \item{\code{p_DIC_alt}}{Ingredient
#'   for DIC.} \item{\code{DIC}}{The DIC.} \item{\code{DIC_alt}}{The alternative
#'   formulation of the DIC as given in Bayesian Data Analysis, Gelman et al.
#'   (2003).} \item{\code{p_WAIC1}}{Ingredient for WAIC1.}
#'   \item{\code{p_WAIC2}}{Ingredient for WAIC2.} \item{\code{WAIC1}}{The first
#'   formulation of the WAIC as given in Bayesian Data Analysis, Gelman et al.
#'   (2003).} \item{\code{WAIC2}}{The second formulation of the WAIC as given in
#'   Bayesian Data Analysis, Gelman et al. (2003).}
#'   \item{\code{DeltaIneqBayesFactors}}{A matrix of inequality Bayes factors
#'   for group difference parameters.} \item{\code{BetaIneqBayesFactors}}{A
#'   matrix of inequality Bayes factors for regression parameters.}
#'   \item{\code{BetaSDDBayesFactors}}{A matrix of equality Bayes factors
#'   (Savage-Dickey Density ratio) for group difference parameters.}
#'   \item{\code{MuIneqBayesFactors}}{A matrix of inequality Bayes factors for
#'   group mean parameters.} \item{\code{MuSDDBayesFactors}}{A matrix of
#'   equality Bayes factors (Savage-Dickey Density ratio) for group mean
#'   parameters.} \item{\code{SavedIts}}{Number of iterations returned, without
#'   thinned iterations and burn-in.} \item{\code{TotalIts}}{Number of
#'   iterations performed, including thinning and burn-in.}
#'   \item{\code{TimeTaken}}{Seconds taken for analysis.}
#'   \item{\code{BetaBayesFactors}}{Matrix of Bayes factors for regression
#'   parameters.} \item{\code{MuBayesFactors}}{Matrix of Bayes factors for mean
#'   parameters.} \item{\code{all_chains}}{A matrix with all sampled values of
#'   all parameters.} \item{\code{Call}}{The matched call.}
#'   \item{\code{thin}}{Thinning factor used.} \item{\code{burnin}}{Burn-in
#'   used.} \item{\code{data_th}}{The original dataset.}
#'   \item{\code{data_X}}{Matrix of used continuous predictors.}
#'   \item{\code{data_d}}{Matrix of used categorical predictors.}
#'   \item{\code{data_stX}}{Matrix of used standardized categorical predictors.}
#'   \item{\code{r}}{Used parameter of the link function.} }
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.circGLM}}, \code{\link{plot.circGLM}},
#'   \code{\link{coef.circGLM}}, \code{\link{BF.circGLM}},
#'   \code{\link{residuals.circGLM}}, \code{\link{predict.circGLM}},
#'   \code{\link{predict_function.circGLM}}, \code{\link{mcmc_summary.circGLM}},
#'   \code{\link{IC_compare.circGLM}}.
#' @examples
#' dat <- generateCircGLMData()
#' m   <- circGLM(th ~ ., dat)
#' print(m)
#' print(m, type = "all")
#' plot(m, type = "tracestack")
circGLM <- function(formula,
                    X = if (missing(th)) {
                      model.matrix(formula, data)[, -1, drop = FALSE] 
                    } else {
                      matrix(nrow = length(th), ncol = 0)
                    conj_prior = rep(0, 3),
                    bt_prior_musd = c("mu" = 0, "sd" = 1),
                    starting_values = c(0, 1, rep(0, ncol(X))),
                    bwb = rep(.05, ncol(X)),
                    Q = 1000,
                    burnin = 0,
                    thin = 1,
                    kappaModeEstBandwith = .1,
                    CIsize = .95,
                    r = 2,
                    returnPostSample = TRUE,
                    returnLLEachPar = FALSE,
                    output = "list",
                    SDDBFDensEstMethod = "density",
                    reparametrize = TRUE,
                    groupMeanComparisons = TRUE,
                    skipDichSplit = FALSE,
                    centerOnly = FALSE) {
  if (burnin < 0) stop("Burn-in must be non-negative.")
  if (thin < 1) stop("Thinning factor must be positive.")
  if (CIsize <= 0) stop("Confidence interval size 'CIsize' must be positive.")
  if (CIsize > 1) stop(paste0("Confidence interval size 'CIsize' ",
                              "can not be larger than 1."))
  # Check the form of the input.
  if ( (missing(formula) | missing(data) ) && missing(th)) {
    stop(paste0("Either the outcome angles must be specified as 'th',", 
                "or formula and data should be given."))
    # Formula syntax is used.
  } else if (missing(th)) {
    # Force input data to be a data frame.
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) data <- as.data.frame(data)
    # Get predictors and outcome.
    X  <- model.matrix(formula, data)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
    th <- as.matrix(data[, all.vars(formula)[1], drop = FALSE])
    # If the inputs are directly given, check if they are matrices.
  } else if (missing(formula) && missing(data)) {
    # Check if the inputs are matrices.
    if (!is.matrix(th)) th <- as.matrix(th)
    if (!is.matrix(X))  X  <- as.matrix(X)
  } else {
    stop(paste0("Either the outcome angles must be specified as 'th',",
                "or formula and data should be given, but not both."))
  # Check if theta is in radians
  if (length(unique(th)) == 1) stop("All outcome angles are equal.")
  if (any(th > 2*pi)) {
    th <- th * pi / 180
  # Indices of dichotomous predictors.
  if (ncol(X) > 0) {
    dichInd <- apply(X, 2, is.dichotomous)
  } else {
    dichInd <- logical(0)
  if (!skipDichSplit) {
    # Standardize continuous predictors.
    stX <- scale(X[, !dichInd, drop = FALSE], scale = !centerOnly)
    d <- X[, dichInd, drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    # Standardize continuous predictors.
    stX <- cbind(scale(X[, !dichInd, drop = FALSE], scale = !centerOnly),
                 X[, dichInd, drop = FALSE])
    d <- matrix(nrow = nrow(X), ncol = 0)
  # Names of the continuous and categorical predictors.
  nbt <- ncol(stX)
  ndt <- ncol(d)
  if (is.null(colnames(stX))) {
    bt_names <- paste0("bt_", 1:nbt)
    zt_names <- paste0("zt_", 1:nbt)
  } else {
    bt_names <- colnames(stX)
    zt_names <- paste0(colnames(stX), "_zt")
  if (is.null(colnames(d))) {
    dt_names <- paste0("dt_", 1:ndt)
    mu_names <- c("Reference", paste0("mu_", 1:ndt))
  } else {
    dt_names <- colnames(d)
    mu_names <- c("Reference", dt_names)
  # Set the a prior for beta if needed.
  if (ncol(stX) > 0) {
    bt_prior <- matrix(bt_prior_musd, nrow = ncol(stX), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  } else {
    bt_prior <- matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  # Run the C++ mcmc sampler.
  res <- circGLMC(th = th, X = stX, D = d,
                  conj_prior = conj_prior,
                  bt_prior = bt_prior,
                  starting_values = starting_values,
                  burnin = burnin, thin = thin, bwb = bwb,
                  kappaModeEstBandwith = kappaModeEstBandwith,
                  CIsize = CIsize,
                  Q = Q, r = r,
                  returnPostSample = returnPostSample,
                  bt_prior_type = as.numeric(!is.na(bt_prior_musd)[1]),
                  reparametrize = reparametrize,
                  groupMeanComparisons = groupMeanComparisons)
  # By default, the method circGLMC method returns histogram-based Bayes
  # Factors. If SDDBFDensEstMethod == "density", they are replaced by new BFs
  # based on the density estimate given by a spline interpolation of the
  # density() function, so they are calculated in R rather than C++.
  if (SDDBFDensEstMethod == "density") {
    ### BETA
    if (length(res$bt_mean) > 0) {
      post_prob_0_beta  <- apply(res$bt_chain, 2, estimateDensityBySpline) 
      prior_prob_0_beta <- stats::dnorm(0, bt_prior[,1], bt_prior[,2])
      new_beta_SDD_BF   <- matrix(post_prob_0_beta / prior_prob_0_beta, 
                                  dimnames = dimnames(res$BetaSDDBayesFactors))
      res$BetaSDDBayesFactors <- new_beta_SDD_BF
    ### MU
    if (length(res$dt_meandir) > 0 & groupMeanComparisons) {
      # Create a list of comparisons.
      ngroup  <- sum(dichInd) + 1
      basemat <- matrix(1:ngroup, ncol = ngroup, nrow = ngroup)
      first   <- t(basemat)[lower.tri(basemat)]
      last    <- basemat[lower.tri(basemat, diag = FALSE)]
      diff_0_density <- apply(cbind(first, last), 1, function(x) {
        estimateDensityBySpline(arcDistance(res$mu_chain[, x[1]], 
                                            res$mu_chain[, x[2]]))
      # The posterior density is taken times two pi to divide by the prior
      # probability.
      new_mu_SDD_BF <- matrix(diff_0_density * 2 * pi, 
                              dimnames = dimnames(res$MuSDDBayesFactors))
      res$MuSDDBayesFactors <- new_mu_SDD_BF
  } else  if (SDDBFDensEstMethod != "histogram") {
    stop(paste("Bayes Factor method", SDDBFDensEstMethod, 
               "is not a valid method. Try 'density' or 'histogram'."))
  res$SDDBFDensEstMethod <- SDDBFDensEstMethod
  # Set some names for clarity in the output.
  colnames(res$b0_CCI)     <- "Beta_0"
  rownames(res$b0_CCI)     <- c("LB", "UB")
  colnames(res$kp_HDI)     <- "Kappa"
  rownames(res$kp_HDI)     <- c("LB", "UB")
  # Set names for beta only if there are beta's.
  if (length(res$bt_mean) > 0) {
    colnames(res$bt_propacc) <- colnames(res$bt_CCI) <-
      colnames(res$bt_mean) <- bt_names
    rownames(res$bt_CCI) <- rownames(res$zt_CCI) <- c("LB", "UB")
    if (returnPostSample && any(!grepl("bt_chain", colnames(res$bt_chain)))) {
      colnames(res$bt_chain) <- paste0("bt_chain.", bt_names)
    colnames(res$zt_CCI) <- colnames(res$zt_mdir) <- 
      colnames(res$zt_mean) <- zt_names
    # Fix names for Beta Bayes Factors
    rownames(res$BetaIneqBayesFactors) <- 
      rownames(res$BetaSDDBayesFactors) <- bt_names
    res$BetaBayesFactors <- cbind(res$BetaIneqBayesFactors, 
    colnames(res$BetaBayesFactors) <- c("BF(bt>0:bt<0)",
  # Set names for delta only if there are delta's.
  if (length(res$dt_meandir) > 0) {
    # Fix names for delta estimates
    colnames(res$dt_meandir) <- rownames(res$DeltaIneqBayesFactors) <-
      colnames(res$dt_propacc) <- colnames(res$dt_CCI) <- dt_names
    if (returnPostSample && any(!grepl("dt_chain", colnames(res$dt_chain)))) {
      colnames(res$dt_chain) <- paste0("dt_chain.", dt_names)
    rownames(res$dt_meandir) <- "MeanDir"
    rownames(res$dt_CCI)  <- c("LB", "UB")
    rownames(res$dt_propacc) <- "ProportionAccepted"
    if (returnPostSample) colnames(res$mu_chain) <- mu_names
    # Fix names for Delta Ineq Bayes Factors
    colnames(res$DeltaIneqBayesFactors) <- "BF(dt>0:dt<0)"
    if (groupMeanComparisons) {
       rownames(res$MuIneqBayesFactors) <- rownames(res$MuSDDBayesFactors) <-
        paste0("[", mu_names[first], ", ", mu_names[last],"]")
      res$MuBayesFactors <- cbind(res$MuIneqBayesFactors,
      colnames(res$MuBayesFactors) <- c("BF(mu_a>mu_b:mu_a<mu_b)", 
                                        "BF(mu_a==mu_b:(mu_a, mu_b))")
      names(dimnames(res$MuBayesFactors)) <- c("[mu_a, mu_b]", "Comparison")
  rownames(res$TimeTaken) <- c("Initialization", "Loop", 
                               "Post-processing", "Total")
  colnames(res$TimeTaken) <- "Time (sec)"
  # Define a coda mcmc object containing all chains.
  chainPos <- grep("chain", names(res))
  res$all_chains <- coda::mcmc(as.data.frame(res[chainPos]),
                               start = burnin, thin = thin)
  # Remove a memory-heavy element if required. 
  if (!returnLLEachPar) {
    res$ll_each_th_curpars <- NULL
  # Choose how to return the output.
  if (output == "list") {
    # Add a class 'circGLM', so that we can use print and plot methods for this
    # class.
    class(res) <- c("circGLM", class(res))
    # Save some of the inputs in the output for easy access.
    res$Call      <- match.call()
    res$thin      <- thin
    res$burnin    <- burnin
    res$data_th   <- th
    res$data_X    <- X
    res$data_d    <- d
    res$data_stX  <- stX
    res$r         <- r
  } else if (output == "vector") {
    if (returnPostSample == TRUE) {message("Vector output with full chains.")}
    out <- unlist(res)
    names(out) <- fixResultNames(names(out))
  } else {
    stop(paste("Output type", output, "not found"))

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circglmbayes documentation built on Jan. 22, 2021, 5:09 p.m.