
Defines functions impute_missing_values

Documented in impute_missing_values

#' Impute missing values in a dataframe and add missingness indicators.
#' @description Impute missing values, using knn by default or alternatively
#'   median-impute numerics, mode-impute factors. Add missingness indicators.
#' @param data Dataframe or matrix.
#' @param type "knn" or "standard" (median/mode). NOTE: knn will result in the
#'   data being centered and scaled!
#' @param add_indicators Add a series of missingness indicators.
#' @param prefix String to add at the beginning of the name of each missingness
#'   indicator.
#' @param skip_vars List of variable names to exclude from the imputation.
#' @param all_vars Calculate imputation value for all variables, in cases where
#'   the imputation info may be used for future datasets.
#' @param remove_constant Remove constant missingness indicators, if applicable.
#' @param remove_collinear Remove collinear missingness indicators, if
#'   applicable.
#' @param values Named list with imputation value to use from another dataset.
#' @param h2o_glrm Optional h2o glrm model for imputing on new data (e.g. test set)
#' @param glrm_k Number of principal components to estimate (up to the # of columns in the data).
#' @param verbose If True display extra information during execution.
#' @return List with the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item $data - imputed dataset.
#' \item $impute_info - if knn, caret preprocess element for imputing test data.
#' \item $impute_values - if standard, list of imputation values for each
#'   variable.
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Load a test dataset.
#' data(PimaIndiansDiabetes2, package = "mlbench")
#' # Check for missing values.
#' colSums(is.na(PimaIndiansDiabetes2))
#' # Impute missing data and add missingness indicators.
#' # Don't impute the outcome though.
#' result = impute_missing_values(PimaIndiansDiabetes2, skip_vars = "diabetes")
#' # Confirm we have no missing data.
#' colSums(is.na(result$data))
#' #############
#' # K-nearest neighbors imputation
#' result2 = impute_missing_values(PimaIndiansDiabetes2, type = "knn",
#'                                 skip_vars = "diabetes")
#' # Confirm we have no missing data.
#' colSums(is.na(result2$data))
#' @seealso \code{\link{missingness_indicators}} \code{\link[caret]{preProcess}}
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
impute_missing_values =
           type = "standard",
           add_indicators = TRUE,
           prefix = "miss_",
           skip_vars = NULL,
           all_vars = FALSE,
           remove_constant = TRUE,
           remove_collinear = TRUE,
           values = NULL,
           h2o_glrm = NULL,
           glrm_k = 10L,
           verbose = FALSE) {

  # Loop over each feature.
  missing_indicators = NULL

  # Make a copy to store the imputed dataframe.
  new_data = data

  # Only check variables that we don't want to skip.
  non_skipped_vars = !colnames(data) %in% skip_vars

  # List of results to populate.
  # Save our configuration first.
  results = list(type = type,
                 add_indicators = add_indicators,
                 skip_vars = skip_vars,
                 prefix = prefix)

  # Identify columns with any NAs.
  # We apply skip_vars within the function so that which() indices are correct.
  any_nas = which(sapply(colnames(data),
                         function(col) !col %in% skip_vars && anyNA(data[[col]])))

  if (verbose) {
    cat("Found", length(any_nas), "variables with NAs.\n")

  if (type == "standard") {
    if (verbose) {
      cat("Running standard imputation.\n")

    # List to save the imputation values used.
    # We need a list because it can contain numerics and factors.
    impute_values = vector("list", sum(non_skipped_vars))

    # Copy variable names into the imputed values vector.
    names(impute_values) = colnames(data[non_skipped_vars])

    if (all_vars) {
      # We need to save imputation info for every variable, even if it has no
      # missing data.

      # Loop over all variables except exclusions.
      loop_over = which(non_skipped_vars)
      names(loop_over) = colnames(data)[non_skipped_vars]

    } else {
      # Only save imputation info for variables with missing data.

      # Loop over only variables with missing data.
      loop_over = any_nas

    # Calculate number of NAs in advance.
    # benchmark comparison in tests/performance/perf-impute_missing_values.R
    sum_nas = sapply(loop_over, function(col_i) sum(is.na(data[[col_i]])))

    # Use double brackets rather than [, i] to support tibbles.
    col_classes = sapply(loop_over, function(col_i) class(data[[col_i]]))

    # TODO: vectorize, and support parallelization.
    #lapply(any_nas, function(i) {
    for (i in loop_over) {
      # Slightly aroundabout because any_nas contains column indices.
      colname = names(loop_over)[loop_over == i]

      nas = sum_nas[colname]
      col_class = col_classes[colname]

      if (verbose) {
        cat("Imputing", colname, paste0("(", i, " ", col_class, ")"),
            "with", prettyNum(nas, big.mark = ","), "NAs.")

      if (colname %in% names(values)) {
        impute_value = values[[colname]]
        if (verbose) {
          cat(" Pre-filled.")
      } else if (col_class %in% c("factor")) {
        # Impute factors to the mode.
        # Choose the first mode in case of ties.
        impute_value = Mode(data[[i]], exclude_na = TRUE)[1]
      } else if (col_class %in% c("integer", "numeric", "logical", "labelled", "integer64")) {
        # Impute numeric values to the median.
        impute_value = median(data[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
      } else {
                      "should be numeric or factor type. But its class is",

      if (verbose) {
        cat(" Impute value:", impute_value, "\n")

      # TODO: separate function to generate imputation values.
      impute_values[[colname]] = impute_value

      # Nothing to impute, continue to next column.
      if (nas == nrow(data)) {
        if (verbose) {
          cat("Note: cannot impute", colname, "because all values are NA.\n")
        # TODO: return columns that are all NA.
      } else if (nas == 0) {
        # Skip, there are no missing values for this var.
      } else {
        # Make the imputation.
        new_data[is.na(data[[i]]), i] = impute_value


    if (!all_vars) {
      # If we're only saving imputation values for some variables, explicitly
      # remove any imputation values that were not calculated.
      impute_values = impute_values[names(any_nas)]

    results$impute_values = impute_values

  } else if (type == "knn") {
    if (verbose) {
      cat("Running knn imputation. NOTE: this will standardize your data!\n")

    if (!"RANN"  %in% installed.packages()) {
      stop('knn imputation requires the RANN package. Please run install.packages("RANN")')

    # This relies on the RANN package
    impute_info = caret::preProcess(new_data, method = c("knnImpute"))
    new_data = predict(impute_info, new_data)
    results$impute_info = impute_info

  } else if (type == "glrm") {
    if (verbose) {
      cat("Running glrm imputation via h2o.\n")

    # Based on http://docs.h2o.ai/h2o-tutorials/latest-stable/tutorials/glrm/glrm-tutorial.html
    capture.output({ h2o::h2o.init(nthreads = -1) }, split = verbose)#, max_mem_size = "2G")

    # Load dataset into h2o, excluding any skip vars.
      df_h2o = h2o::as.h2o(new_data[, !names(new_data) %in% skip_vars])
      }, split = verbose)

    if (is.null(h2o_glrm)) {

    # This is causing an error in h2o for some reason.
#    analyze_vars = which(!colnames(df_h2o) %in% skip_vars)

      # TODO: allow these hyperparameters to be modified.
        model_glrm =
        h2o::h2o.glrm(training_frame = df_h2o,
                      # TODO: need to skip the skip_vars.
                 #cols = 1:ncol(df_h2o),
                 # Only analyze the non-skipped vars.
                 #cols = analyze_vars,
                 k = min(ncol(df_h2o), glrm_k), loss = "Quadratic",
                 init = "SVD", svd_method = "GramSVD",
                 regularization_x = "None", regularization_y = "None",
                 min_step_size = 1e-6,
                 max_iterations = 1000)
      }, split = verbose)
    } else {
      # Use the existing h2o object.
      model_glrm = h2o_glrm

    # Now impute missing values.
    capture.output({ imp_h2o = predict(model_glrm, df_h2o) }, split = verbose)

    # Return the GLRM object for future prediction (namely on the test set).
    results$h2o_glrm = model_glrm

    # Convert h2o back to an R dataframe.
    capture.output({ glrm_data = as.data.frame(imp_h2o) }, split = verbose)
    # Fix the column names in the h2o result.
    names(glrm_data) = setdiff(names(data), skip_vars)

    # Only use the values of columns that were missing.
    # Loop over columns with missing data and replace with the glrm data.
    # Use the column names because h2o only analyzed a subset of the data
    # if skip_vars is non-null.
    for (colname_i in names(data)[any_nas]) {
      # Identify rows missing the current column.
      missing_val = is.na(new_data[, colname_i])
      new_data[missing_val, colname_i] = glrm_data[missing_val, colname_i]

    # Fix column names.
    #names(new_data) = names(data)


  if (add_indicators) {

    # First check if we have any indicators to add.
    if (length(any_nas) > 0L) {

      # Append indicators.
      if (verbose) {
        cat("Generating missingness indicators.\n")

      # Create missingness indicators from original dataframe.
      # This already incorporates the skip_vars argument via "any_nas".
      missing_indicators =
        missingness_indicators(data[, any_nas, drop = FALSE], prefix = prefix,
                               remove_constant = remove_constant,
                               remove_collinear = remove_collinear,
                               verbose = verbose)

      if (verbose) {
        cat(paste0("Indicators added (", ncol(missing_indicators), "):"),
                   paste(colnames(missing_indicators), collapse = ", "),

      results$indicators_added = colnames(missing_indicators)

      new_data = cbind(new_data, missing_indicators)

  results$data = new_data



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ck37r documentation built on Feb. 6, 2020, 5:09 p.m.