Man pages for clinPK
Clinical Pharmacokinetics Toolkit

absolute2relative_bsaConvert quantity expressed in absolute units relative to...
accumulation_ratioCalculate accumulation ratio This is the ratio of drug...
add_ruvAdd residual variability to data
as.numfactors or characters to numeric
auc2doseConvert AUCtau or AUCt to dose (for 1-compartment linear PK...
calc_abwCalculate adjusted body weight (ABW)
calc_aki_stageCalculate AKI stage
calc_amts_for_concCalculate the amounts in all compartments in a compartmental...
calc_baseline_scrCalculate baseline sCr
calc_bmiCalculate BMI
calc_bsaCalculate body surface area
calc_carboplatin_calvertCalvert equation for carboplatin
calc_creatEstimate serum creatinine
calc_creat_neoEstimate serum creatinine in neonates
calc_dosing_weightCalculate commonly used "dosing weight"
calc_egfrCalculate eGFR
calc_egfr_cystatinCalculate eGFR based on Cystatin C measurements
calc_ffmCalculate fat-free mass
calc_ibwCalculate ideal body weight in kg for children and adults
calc_kel_double_tdmCalculate elimination rate when given two TDM samples
calc_kel_single_tdmCalculate elimination rate when given a single TDM sample
calc_kgfrCalculate kinetic GFR
calc_lbwCalculate lean body weight
calc_neutropenia_gradeCalculate neutropenia grade from ANC
calc_t12Calculate half-life based on two points
check_covs_availableChecks whether required covariates for eGFR calculations are...
cm2inchConvert cm to inch
conc2molConvert concentration to molar
convert_albumin_unitConvert albumin from / to units
convert_bilirubin_unitConvert bilirubin from / to units
convert_conc_unitConvert concentration units
convert_creat_assayConvert serum creatinine from various assays to Jaffe
convert_creat_unitConvert creatinine to different unit
convert_flow_unitConvert flow (e.g. clearance) from / to units
dose2aucConvert dose to expected AUCinf or AUCt for 1 compartment...
egfr_cov_reqsReturns parameters needed to calculate eGFR according to the...
find_factorHelper function to grab the conversion factor from an input...
find_nearest_doseGeneric function to calculate the dose nearest to a specific...
find_nearest_intervalGeneric function to calculate the interval nearest to a...
fraction_of_ssCalculate fraction of steady state at particular time after...
grapes-greater-than-equals-grapesGreater-than-or-equal-to with a little room for floating...
grapes-less-than-equals-grapesLess-than-or-equal-to with a little room for floating point...
inch2cmConvert inch to cm
is.nilCheck if values in vector are empty
kdigo_stageCalculate AKI stage according to KDIGO criteria
kg2lbsConvert kg to lbs
kg2ozConvert kg to oz
lbs2kgConvert lbs to kg
mean_stepCalculate mean between two values in a vector Used in NCA for...
mol2concConvert molar to concentration
ncaPerform an NCA based on a NONMEM-style dataset
nca_linearNCA core function to perform linear trapezoid calculations...
nca_trapezoidNCA core function to perform log-linear trapezoid...
oz2kgConvert oz to kg
pct_bmi_for_agePercentile BMI for age for children
pct_for_age_genericPercentile height or weight for age for children
pct_height_for_agePercentile height for age for children
pct_weight_for_agePercentile weight for age for children
pk_1cmt_bolusConcentration predictions for 1-compartmental PK model after...
pk_1cmt_bolus_cmax_ssCmax for linear 1-compartment PK model at steady state, bolus...
pk_1cmt_bolus_cmin_ssCmin (trough) for linear 1-compartment PK model at steady...
pk_1cmt_bolus_dose_from_cmaxCalculate dose to achieve steady state Cmax for...
pk_1cmt_bolus_dose_from_cminCalculate dose to achieve steady state trough for...
pk_1cmt_bolus_ssConcentration predictions for 1-compartmental PK model with...
pk_1cmt_infConcentration predictions for 1-compartmental PK model after...
pk_1cmt_inf_cmax_ssCmax for linear 1-compartment PK model at steady state
pk_1cmt_inf_cmin_ssCmin (trough) for linear 1-compartment PK model at steady...
pk_1cmt_inf_dose_for_rangeCalculate dose based on a given AUC24, Cmax, and Cmin,...
pk_1cmt_inf_dose_from_cmaxCalculate dose to achieve steady state Cmax for...
pk_1cmt_inf_dose_from_cminCalculate dose to achieve steady state trough for...
pk_1cmt_inf_ssConcentration predictions for 2-compartmental PK model with...
pk_1cmt_oralConcentration predictions for 1-compartmental oral PK model...
pk_1cmt_t12Calculate terminal half-life for 1-compartment model
pk_2cmt_bolusConcentration predictions for 2-compartmental PK model,...
pk_2cmt_bolus_cmax_ssCmax for 2-compartmental PK model, bolus dosing at steady...
pk_2cmt_bolus_cmin_ssCmin (trough) for 2-compartmental PK model, bolus dosing at...
pk_2cmt_bolus_dose_from_cmaxCalculate dose to achieve steady state Cmax for...
pk_2cmt_bolus_dose_from_cminCalculate dose to achieve steady state trough for...
pk_2cmt_bolus_ssConcentration predictions for 2-compartmental PK model, bolus...
pk_2cmt_infConcentration predictions for 2-compartmental PK model,...
pk_2cmt_inf_cmax_ssCmax (trough) for 2-compartmental PK model, bolus dosing at...
pk_2cmt_inf_cmin_ssCmin (trough) for 2-compartmental PK model, bolus dosing at...
pk_2cmt_inf_dose_from_cmaxCalculate dose to achieve steady state Cmax for...
pk_2cmt_inf_dose_from_cminCalculate dose to achieve steady state trough for...
pk_2cmt_inf_ssConcentration predictions for 2-compartmental PK model with...
pk_2cmt_t12Calculate half-life(s) for 2-compartment model
pk_2cmt_t12_intervalCalculate average half-life for 2-compartment model during a...
print.nca_outputPrint function for output from nca()
read_who_tableRead WHO growth tables
relative2absolute_bsaConvert quantity expressed relative to BSA to absolute units
remove_lt_gtRemove less-than/greater-than symbols and convert to numeric
time_to_ssTime to steady state In either time units or number of doses
valid_unitsValid units
weight2kgConvert any weight unit to kg
clinPK documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:50 a.m.