Man pages for cna
Causal Modeling with Coincidence Analysis

allCombsGenerate all logically possible value configurations of a...
cnaPerform Coincidence Analysis
cna-deprecatedDeprecated functions in the cna package
cna-internalsInternal functions in the cna package
cna-packagecna: A Package for Causal Modeling with Coincidence Analysis
coherenceCalculate the coherence of complex solution formulas
conditionUncover relevant properties of msc, asf, and csf in a data...
condList-methodsMethods for class "condList"
condTblExtract conditions and solutions from an object of class...
configTableAssemble cases with identical configurations in a...
ct2dfTransform a configuration table into a data frame
cyclicDetect cyclic substructures in complex solution formulas...
d.autonomyEmergence and endurance of autonomy of biodiversity...
d.educateArtificial data on education levels and left-party strength
d.highdimArtificial data with 50 factors and 1191 cases
d.irrigateData on the impact of development interventions on water...
d.jobsecurityJob security regulations in western democracies
d.minaretData on the voting outcome of the 2009 Swiss Minaret...
d.pactsData on the emergence of labor agreements in new democracies...
d.pbanParty ban provisions in sub-Saharan Africa
d.performanceData on combinations of industry, corporate, and...
d.volatileData on the volatility of grassroots associations in Norway...
d.womenData on high percentage of women's representation in...
full.ctGenerate the logically possible value configurations of a...
is.inusCheck whether expressions in the syntax of CNA solutions have...
is.submodelIdentify correctness-preserving submodel relations
makeFuzzyFuzzifying crisp-set data
minimalizeEliminate logical redundancies from Boolean expressions
minimalizeCsfEliminate structural redundancies from csf
randomCondsGenerate random solution formulas
redundantIdentify structurally redundant asf in a csf
rreduceEliminate redundancies from a disjunctive normal form (DNF)
selectCasesSelect the cases/configurations compatible with a data...
shortcutsShortcut functions with fixed 'type' argument.
someRandomly select configurations from a data frame or...
cna documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 9:08 a.m.