#' @importFrom shinyjs show hide
#' @importFrom rhandsontable renderRHandsontable rHandsontableOutput hot_col
#' hot_to_r
#' @noRd
myserver <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
# create reactive variables
reactive <- reactiveValues()
# example data sets ----------------------------------------------------------
query <- parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
if (!is.null(query[["example"]])) {
file <- paste(query[["example"]], sep = "")
data(list = file, package = "cofad", envir = environment())
eval(parse(text = paste("data <- ", query[["example"]], sep = "")))
reactive$data <- data
reactive$varnames <- names(data)
# upload file area -----------------------------------------------------------
output$file_area <- renderUI({
if (!is.null(input$isSafari)) {
if (as.character(input$isSafari) == "TRUE") {
accepted_filetype <- "*"
} else {
accepted_filetype <- c("text/csv", "text/comma-separated-values",
"application/spss", ".sav", ".csv")
fileInput("datafile", label = NULL, accept = accepted_filetype)
# read in data file-----------------------------------------------------------
observeEvent(input$datafile, {
withProgress(message = "Loading data", value = 0, {
data <- load_data(input$datafile)
# if same data, do not do anything
validate(need(!identical(data, reactive$data), "same data"))
reactive$data <- data
reactive$varnames <- names(data)
# show/hide some panels
# USER INTERFACE -------------------------------------------------------------
# this is here because data changes, so variables for the first panel are not
# fixed; the other two panels do not have to be here, but this makes it
# easier to construct the fluid layout
output$variables <- renderUI({
fluidRow(column(width = 3,
radioButtons("dv_name", label = "DV",
reactive$varnames[sapply(reactive$data, is.numeric)]))),
column(width = 3,
radioButtons("between_name", label = "IV between",
choiceNames = c("NONE", reactive$varnames),
choiceValues = c("", reactive$varnames))),
column(width = 9,
"hot_lambda_between", width = 250
# lambda within table ----
width = 3,
radioButtons("within_name", label = "IV within",
choiceNames = c("NONE", reactive$varnames),
choiceValues = c("", reactive$varnames)),
radioButtons("id_name", label = "ID for within",
choiceNames = c("NONE", reactive$varnames),
choiceValues = c("", reactive$varnames))
column(width = 9,
#sapply(1:3, function(x) numericInput(x, x, x-mean(1:3)))
rhandsontable::rHandsontableOutput("hot_lambda_within", width = 250)
within_var <- reactive({
within_var <- as.factor(reactive$data[, input$within_name])
id_var <- reactive({
id_var <- as.factor(reactive$data[, input$id_name])
observeEvent(input$reset, {
updateSelectInput(session, "dv_name", selected = "")
# lambda within --------------------------------------------------------------
# set default lambdas when a new iv is set, otherwise the last inputs
# will be kept; if there is no iv set lambdas to NULL, this looks a bit hacky
# but rhandsontable needs an observeEvent, otherwise it will not work, so it
# appears the easiest to use a reactive value
observeEvent(input$within_name, {
if (length(input$within_name) > 0) {
within_levels <- stringr::str_sort(unique(within_var()), numeric = TRUE)
lambda_within <- create_default_lambdas(within_levels)
reactive$lambda_within <- lambda_within
} else {
reactive$lambda_within <- NULL
# render the rhandsontable
output$hot_lambda_within <- rhandsontable::renderRHandsontable({
validate(need(input$within_name, "To specify lambdas within, first select the within variable."))
lambda_within <- reactive$lambda_within
df <- prepare_table(lambda_within, reactive$data[, input$within_name])
if (!is.null(df))
the_tab <- rhandsontable::rhandsontable(df, stretchH = "all",
rowHeaders = NULL)
rhandsontable::hot_col(the_tab, c("level", "n"), readOnly = T)
# set lambda values when the rhandsontable changes
observeEvent(input$hot_lambda_within, {
df <- rhandsontable::hot_to_r(input$hot_lambda_within)
lambda <- as.numeric(df[, 2])
names(lambda) <- df[, 1]
reactive$lambda_within <- lambda
# lambda between -------------------------------------------------------------
# same as for within
observeEvent(input$between_name, {
between_levels <- stringr::str_sort(unique(reactive$data[, input$between_name],
numeric = TRUE))
lambda_between <- create_default_lambdas(between_levels)
reactive$lambda_between <- lambda_between
# render the rhandsontable
output$hot_lambda_between <- rhandsontable::renderRHandsontable({
validate(need(input$between_name, "To specify lambdas between, first select the between variable."))
lambda_between <- reactive$lambda_between
df <- prepare_table(lambda_between, reactive$data[, input$between_name])
if (!is.null(df))
the_tab <- rhandsontable::rhandsontable(df, stretchH = "all",
rowHeaders = NULL)
rhandsontable::hot_col(the_tab, c("level", "n"), readOnly = T)
# set lambda values when the rhandsontable changes
observeEvent(input$hot_lambda_between, {
df <- rhandsontable::hot_to_r(input$hot_lambda_between)
lambda <- as.numeric(df[, 2])
names(lambda) <- df[, 1]
reactive$lambda_between <- lambda
# create output---------------------------------------------------------------
output$table_region <- renderPrint({
# first check that a minimum of parameters is set
need(input$dv_name, "Dependent variable is missing."),
need(length(input$between_name) > 0 | length(input$within_name) > 0,
"Specify at least one IV Variable (between or within or both)."
need(length(reactive$lambda_between) > 0 |
length(reactive$lambda_within) > 0,
"Specify Lambdas."
if (length(reactive$lambda_within) > 0) {
"For within designs, an ID variable is required"
if (input$between_name %in% c("", "NONE", NULL)) {
btw <- NULL
} else {
btw <- reactive$data[, input$between_name]
if (input$within_name %in% c("", "NONE", NULL)) {
within <- NULL
} else {
within <- reactive$data[, input$within_name]
if (input$id_name %in% c("", "NONE", NULL)) {
id <- NULL
} else {
id <- reactive$data[, input$id_name]
contr <- calc_contrast(
dv = reactive$data[, input$dv_name],
between = btw,
lambda_between = reactive$lambda_between,
id = id,
within = within,
lambda_within = reactive$lambda_within,
data = NULL
if (sum(reactive$lambda_between) != 0) {
"Your between lambdas do not sum up to 0. They are automatically centered.",
type = "warning", id = "lambda_btw", duration = NULL,
closeButton = TRUE)
} else {
removeNotification(id = "lambda_btw")
if (sum(reactive$lambda_within) != 0) {
showNotification("Your within lambdas do not sum up to 0. They are automatically centered.", type = "warning", id = "lambda_wi", duration = NULL,
closeButton = TRUE)
} else {
removeNotification(id = "lambda_wi")
# print output
output <- utils::capture.output(print(contr))
output <- gsub("F\\(", "<i>F</i>\\(", output)
output <- gsub("t\\(", "<i>t</i>\\(", output)
output <- gsub("p =", "<i>p </i>=", output)
output <- gsub("r_effectsize", "<i>r</i><sub>effect size</sub>", output)
output <- gsub("g_effectsize", "<i>g</i><sub>effect size</sub>", output)
HTML(c(output, "<br><br>", cite()))
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Add the following code to your website.
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