
Defines functions observeWithAdditiveError sumMissingProjector.rmult sumMissingProjector.rplus sumMissingProjector.rcomp sumMissingProjector.aplus sumMissingProjector.acomp sumMissingProjector missingProjector.rmult missingProjector.rplus missingProjector.aplus missingProjector.rcomp missingProjector.acomp missingProjector gsi.cleanR gsi.recodeM2Clean gsi.recodeC2M gsi.recodeM2C gsi.varwithlosts zeroreplace simulateMissings plot.missingSummary as.missingSummary missingSummary missingType getDetectionlimit has.missings.rmult has.missings is.WMNAR is.WZERO is.MNAR is.MAR is.SZ is.BDL

Documented in as.missingSummary getDetectionlimit gsi.cleanR gsi.recodeC2M gsi.recodeM2C gsi.recodeM2Clean gsi.varwithlosts has.missings has.missings.rmult is.BDL is.MAR is.MNAR is.SZ is.WMNAR is.WMNAR is.WZERO missingProjector missingProjector.acomp missingProjector.aplus missingProjector.rcomp missingProjector.rmult missingProjector.rplus missingSummary missingType observeWithAdditiveError plot.missingSummary simulateMissings sumMissingProjector sumMissingProjector.acomp sumMissingProjector.aplus sumMissingProjector.rcomp sumMissingProjector.rmult sumMissingProjector.rplus zeroreplace

## I propose to move all zero-treatment stuff here (missingProjectors, zeroreplace, etc). Ok done.

MARvalue <- NaN
MNARvalue<- NA
SZvalue  <- -Inf
BDLvalue <- 0.0   # Use with care, negative values specifiy the detection limit

is.BDL <- function(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) {
  if(is.rmult(x)) warning("is.BDL called with an rmult object, unexpected results possible")
  y = oneOrDataset(x)
  res = if( is.null(mc) ) is.finite(y)&y<=0.0  else do.call(mc,list(y))=="BDL"  
  if(length(dim(x))==0) res = drop(res)
is.SZ  <- function(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) {
  if(is.rmult(x)) warning("is.SZ called with an rmult object, unexpected results possible")
  y = oneOrDataset(x)
  res = if( is.null(mc) ) is.infinite(y)&y<0  else do.call(mc,list(y))=="SZ" 
  if(length(dim(x))==0) res = drop(res)
is.MAR <- function(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) {
  if(is.rmult(x)) warning("is.MAR called with an rmult object, unexpected results possible")
  y = oneOrDataset(x)
  res = if( is.null(mc) ) is.nan(y)  else do.call(mc,list(y))=="MAR" 
  if(length(dim(x))==0) res = drop(res)
is.MNAR<- function(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) {
  if(is.rmult(x)) warning("is.MNAR called with an rmult object, unexpected results possible")
  y = oneOrDataset(x)
  res = if( is.null(mc) )  is.na(y)&!is.nan(y)  else do.call(mc,list(y))=="MNAR" 
  if(length(dim(x))==0) res = drop(res)
is.NMV <- function (x, mc = attr(x, "missingClassifier")){
  y = oneOrDataset(x)
  if (is.null(mc)){
    res = is.finite(y) 
    if(!is.rmult(x)) res = res & y > 0
  } else{
    res = do.call(mc, list(y)) == "NMV"
  if(length(dim(x))==0) res = drop(res)
is.WZERO <- function(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) {is.BDL(x)|is.SZ(x) }
is.WMNAR <- function(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) {is.BDL(x)|is.MNAR(x) }

has.missings <- function(x,...) UseMethod("has.missings")

has.missings.default <- function (x, mc = attr(x, "missingClassifier"), ...){
  if( is.null(x) )
    return( FALSE )
  x = as.matrix(x)
  (!is.null(x)) && !all(is.NMV(x, mc))

has.missings.rmult     <- function(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier"),...) {
  if( is.null(x) )
    return( FALSE )
  if( !is.null(attr(x,"missingProjector")) )
    return( TRUE )
  if( !is.null(.orig <- attr(x,"orig")) )
    return( has.missings(.orig) )
getDetectionlimit <- function(x,dl=attr(x,"detectionlimit")) {
  if( is.null(dl) ) dl <- NA

missingType <- function(x,...,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier"),values=c("NMV","BDL","MAR","MNAR","SZ","Err")) {
  #      finite, infinit, nan, na, x>0&!na  q=(x>0&!na)|nan
  # NA     -       -       -   +    -           -     
  # NaN    -       -       +   +    -           +
  # -Inf   -       +       -   -    -           -         
  # Inf    -       +       -   -    +           +
  # 0/-1   +       -       -   -    -           -
  # +1     +       -       -   -    +           +
  # 6 Faelle -> 3 Bit noetig
  #     infinit, na , !q
  # +1    0      0    0
  # 0/-1  0      0    1
  # NaN   0      1    0
  # NA    0      1    1
  # Inf   1      0    0
  # -Inf  1      0    1
  if( is.null(mc) || identical(mc,missingType)) {
    na <- is.na(x)
    values <- values[c(1,2,3,4,6,5)]

missingSummary <- function(x,...,vlabs=colnames(x),mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier"),values=eval(formals(missingType)$values)) {
  if( is.data.frame(x) )
     x <- data.matrix(x)
  missingType <- gsi.mystructure(c(missingType(x,...,values=1:6)),levels=as.character(values),
  # meaning, only faster:
  # missingType <- factor(missingType(x,values=values),levels=values)
  if( length(dim(x)==2 )) {
      vlabs <- paste("V",1:ncol(x),sep="")
    variable <- gsi.mystructure(rep(1:ncol(x),each=nrow(x)),

  } else {

as.missingSummary <- function(x,...) {
  class(x) <- c("missingSummary",class(x))

plot.missingSummary <-function(x,...,main="Missings",legend.text=TRUE,
                    col=c("gray","lightgray","yellow","red","white","magenta")) {

simulateMissings <- function(x, dl=NULL, knownlimit=FALSE, 
                             MARprob=0.0, MNARprob=0.0, mnarity=0.5, SZprob=0.0) {
  if( is.data.frame(x) )
    x <- data.matrix(x)
  at <- attributes(x)
  x <- unclass(x)
  n <- length(x)
  SZ   <- runif(n)<SZprob
  MAR  <- runif(n)<MARprob
  normal <- function(x) {
    x<- rank(ifelse(is.finite(x),x,1));
  w1 <- sqrt(1-mnarity)
  w2 <- sqrt(mnarity)
  MNAR <- pnorm(rnorm(n)*w1+normal(x)*w2) < MNARprob
  x <- clo(x,detectionlimit=dl,total=NA)
  if( !knownlimit )
  n <- length(x)
  x[MAR]<- MARvalue
  attributes(x) <- at

zeroreplace <- function(x,d=NULL,a=2/3){
  # ensure objects are either equivalent matrices, data frames or vectors
  W = oneOrDataset(x)
    # if the detection limit is explicitly given, give it the same shape
    Losts = oneOrDataset(is.WZERO(as.matrix(W)),W) # find wide zeroes
    d = oneOrDataset(d,W)
    # if not, extract from the data set
    Losts = oneOrDataset(is.BDL(as.matrix(W)),W) # find values below detection limit (encoded as negative)
    d = getDetectionlimit(W)
  # scale down the detection limit...
  d = a*d
  # ... and replace
  res = gsi.mystructure(W,Losts=Losts,class=class(x))
  if(is.rmult(res)) res = rmult(res, orig=gsi.orig(x), V=gsi.getV(x))

#zeroreplace <- function(x,d,a=2/3){
#  # ensure all objects are either equivalent matrices, data frames or vectors
#  W = oneOrDataset(x)
#  Losts = oneOrDataset(is.WZERO(as.matrix(W)),W) # find zeroes
#  d = oneOrDataset(d,W)
#  # scale down the detection limit
#  d = a*d
#  # replace
#  W[Losts]=d[Losts]
#  attr(W,"Losts")=Losts
#  return(W)

# to compute variance of a compositional data set with zero-lost values
# TO DO: generate the equivalent gsi.covwithlosts (for Y != X)
gsi.varwithlosts <- function(x,giveCenter=FALSE){
 # x contains the cpt-transformed data set
 # dat contains the original data set
 dat = gsi.orig(x)
 # this index is used to remove the cases x_i=x_j from the computation
 prodId = c(outer(1:nrow(dat),1:nrow(dat),"=="))

 # index to compare two samples:
    idx = expand.grid(is=1:nrow(dat), js=1:nrow(dat))
 # for each pair of data, get the set of variables observed twice:
  prodProj = is.NMV(dat[idx$is,])*is.NMV(dat[idx$js,])  # cup
   # and its associated missing projector $P_{M_i\cup M_j}$
   ls = missingProjector(dat,has=prodProj)
   # but fix it to zero if x_i=x_j:
   #   or if they come from a fully non-observed pair:
     ls[is.na(ls)|is.nan(ls)] = 0
   # do the kronecker product of each missing projector with itself
   ls = sapply(1:nrow(idx), function(i){
     mat = ls[,,i]
     res = kronecker(mat,mat)

 # compute the sumMissingProjector
 A = mul.tensor(as.tensor(ls), 3, as.tensor(rep(1,nrow(dat)^2)), 1)

 # compute the log-ratios between every pairs of data $x_{ik}-x_{jk}$, 
 #       for each variable k:
   aux = unclass(x)
    attr(aux,"orig") <- NULL
   prodVal = aux[idx$is,]-aux[idx$js,]
  # eliminate 1/inf, inf, inf/inf and x_i=x_j
     prodVal[is.infinite(prodVal)|is.nan(prodVal)] = 0
     prodVal[prodId,] = 0
     dimnames(prodVal) = list(s=NULL,i=NULL)
  # compute the X*X^t for each row (containing log-ratios):
 prodVal = t( sapply(1:nrow(prodVal), 
            function(i){ c(outer(prodVal[i,],prodVal[i,],"*"))  } ) )

  # compute the variance with our formula
 vr = gsi.svdsolve(A, mul.tensor(as.tensor(ls), c(3,2), as.tensor(prodVal), c(1:2)) )
 dim(vr) = c(ncol(dat),ncol(dat))
 if( giveCenter )
# NA   = MAR  =  (Missing at random) = not reported measured
# -Inf = MNAR =  (Missing not at random) = danger
# NaN  = SZ   =  (Structural Zero) = It makes no sense to speak about
# 0.0    = BDL  =  (Below detection limit) = Observed Zero

gsi.recodeM2C <- function(x,y=x,BDL,SZ,MAR,MNAR,NMV) {
  if( !is.numeric(x) )x<-gsi.plain(x)
  if( !is.numeric(y) ) y<- gsi.plain(y)
  if( !missing(BDL) ) y[is.BDL(x)]<-BDL
  if( !missing(SZ)  ) y[is.SZ(x)] <-SZ
  if( !missing(MAR) ) y[is.MAR(x)]<-MAR
  if( !missing(MNAR)) y[is.MNAR(x)]<-MNAR
  if( !missing(NMV) ) y[is.NMV(x)]<-NMV

#gsi.recodeM2Clean <- function(x,y=x,BDL=NaN,SZ=NaN,MAR=NaN,MNAR=NA) {
#  y[is.BDL(x)]<-BDL
#  y[is.SZ(x)] <-SZ
#  y[is.MAR(x)]<-MAR
#  y[is.MNAR(x)]<-MNAR
#  y[is.NMV(x)]<-NMV
#  y

gsi.recodeC2M <- function(x,y=x,na,nan,ninf,inf,neg,zero,pos) {
  if( !is.numeric(x) ) x<-gsi.plain(x)
  if( !is.numeric(y) ) y<- gsi.plain(y)
  if( !missing(na) && !is.null(na) ) y[is.na(x)&!is.nan(x)]<-na
  if( !missing(nan)&& !is.null(nan) ) y[is.nan(x)]          <-nan
  if( !missing(ninf)&& !is.null(ninf)) y[is.infinite(x)&x<0] <-ninf
  if( !missing(inf)&& !is.null(inf) ) y[is.infinite(x)&x>0] <-inf
  if( !missing(neg)&& !is.null(neg) ) y[is.finite(x)&x<0]   <-neg
  if( !missing(zero)&& !is.null(zero)) y[is.finite(x)&x==0]  <-zero
  if( !missing(pos)&& !is.null(pos))  y[is.finite(x)&x>0]   <-pos

gsi.recodeM2Clean <- function(x,y=x,BDL=NaN,SZ=NaN,MAR=NaN,MNAR=NA,NMV) {
  if( !missing(BDL) ) y[is.BDL(x)]<-BDL
  if( !missing(SZ)  ) y[is.SZ(x)] <-SZ
  if( !missing(MAR) ) y[is.MAR(x)]<-MAR
  if( !missing(MNAR)) y[is.MNAR(x)]<-MNAR
  if( !missing(NMV) ) y[is.NMV(x)]<-NMV

gsi.cleanR <- function(x) {

missingProjector <- function(x,...,by="s") UseMethod("missingProjector")

missingProjector.acomp <- function(x,has=is.NMV(x),...,by="s") {
  if( is.tensor(has) ) {
  } else if( is.matrix(has) ) {
    has <- as.tensor(has)
    names(has) <- c(by,"i")
  } else
    has <- to.tensor(c(has),c(i=length(has)))
  iii <- function(x) {a<-ifelse(unclass(x)==0,0,1/unclass(x));attributes(a)<-attributes(x);a}
#   reorder.tensor( diag.tensor(has,by=by,mark="'") - 
#                  einstein.tensor(has,mark(has,mark="'",by=by),
#                                  diag=iii(margin.tensor(has,by=by)),
#                                  by=by))
  reorder.tensor( diag.tensor(has,by=by) - 
  #  gsi.diagGenerate(as.numeric(has))-(has %o% has)/sum(has) 

missingProjector.rcomp <- function(x,has=!(is.MAR(x)|is.MNAR(x)),...,by="s") {
 warning("missingProjector.rcomp: There is no established theory available for missings in nonrelative compositional geometry. Results are experimental. ")
  if( is.tensor(has) ) {
  } else  if( is.matrix(has) ) {
    has <- as.tensor(has)
    names(has) <- c(by,"i")
  } else
    has <- to.tensor(c(has),c(i=length(has)))
  iii <- function(x) {a<-ifelse(unclass(x)==0,0,1/unclass(x));attributes(a)<-attributes(x);a}
  reorder.tensor( diag.tensor(has,by=by,mark="'") -
  #  gsi.diagGenerate(as.numeric(has))-(has %o% has)/sum(has) 

missingProjector.aplus <- function(x,has=is.NMV(x),...,by="s") {
  if( is.tensor(has) ) {
  } else if( is.matrix(has) ) {
    has <- as.tensor(has)
    names(has) <- c(by,"i")
  } else
    has <- to.tensor(c(has),c(i=length(has)))
  reorder.tensor( diag.tensor(has,by=by,mark="'"), by=by) 
  #  gsi.diagGenerate(as.numeric(has)) 

missingProjector.rplus <- function(x,has=!(is.MAR(x)|is.MNAR(x)),...,by="s") {
 warning("missingProjector.rplus: There is no established theory available for missings in nonrelative positive geometry. Results are experimental. ")
  if( is.tensor(has) ) {
  } else if( is.matrix(has) ) {
    has <- as.tensor(has)
    names(has) <- c(by,"i")
  } else
    has <- to.tensor(c(has),c(i=length(has)))
  reorder.tensor( diag.tensor(has,by=by,mark="'"), by=by) 
  #  gsi.diagGenerate(as.numeric(has)) 
missingProjector.rmult <- function(x,has=is.finite(x),...,by="s") {
  if( !is.null(attr(x,"missingProjector") ) )
  if( !is.null(.orig<- gsi.orig(x) ) ){
      erg = missingProjector(.orig)
      return(gsi.cdtvar2idt(erg, as=x))
  if( is.tensor(has) ) {
  } else if( is.matrix(has) ) {
    has <- as.tensor(has)
    names(has) <- c(by,"i")
  } else
    has <- to.tensor(c(has),c(i=length(has)))
  reorder.tensor( diag.tensor(has,by=by,mark="'"), by=by) 
  #  gsi.diagGenerate(as.numeric(has)) 

sumMissingProjector <- function(x,...) UseMethod("sumMissingProjector")

sumMissingProjector.acomp <- function(x,has=is.NMV(x),...) {
  n <- nrow(has)
  m <- ncol(has)
  canz <- rep(1,n) %*% has 
  ranz <- c(has %*% rep(1,m))
  erg <- diag(c(canz)) -  t(has/ifelse(ranz>0,ranz,1)) %*% has 

sumMissingProjector.aplus <- function(x,has=is.NMV(x),...) {
  n <- nrow(has)
  canz <- rep(1,n) %*% has 
  erg <- diag(c(canz))

sumMissingProjector.rcomp <- function(x,has=!(is.MAR(x)|is.MNAR(x)),...) {
 warning("sumMissingProjector.rcomp: There is no established theory available for missings in nonrelative compositional geometry. Results are experimental. ")
  n <- nrow(has)
  m <- ncol(has)
  canz <- rep(1,n) %*% has 
  ranz <- c(has %*% rep(1,m))
  erg <- diag(c(canz)) -  t( has / ifelse(ranz>0,ranz,1) ) %*% has 

sumMissingProjector.rplus <- function(x,has=!(is.MAR(x)|is.MNAR(x)),...) {
 warning("sumMissingProjector.rplus: There is no established theory available for missings in nonrelative positive geometry. Results are experimental. ")
  n <- nrow(has)
  canz <- rep(1,n) %*% has 
  erg <- diag(c(canz))

sumMissingProjector.rmult <- function(x,has=is.finite(x),...) {
  if( !is.null(mp<- attr(x,"missingProjector"))  )
    return( mp %e% one.tensor(c(s=dim(mp)["s"])))
  if( !is.null(.orig<-gsi.orig(x))){
    erg = sumMissingProjector(.orig)
    return(gsi.cdtvar2idt(erg, as=x))
  n <- nrow(has)
  canz <- rep(1,n) %*% has 
  erg <- diag(canz)

observeWithAdditiveError <- function(x, sigma=dl/dlf, dl=sigma*dlf, dlf=3,
                                      keepObs=FALSE, digits=NA, obsScale=1,
                                      class="acomp") {
  if( missing(sigma) && missing(dl) )
    stop("You must specify at least the error standard deviation sigma or the detection limit dl")
  Yo <- x 
  Y <- gsi.recodeM2C(oneOrDataset(x),BDL=0.0,SZ=0.0,MAR=0,MNAR=0)
  if( !isTRUE(all.equal(dim(sigma),dim(Y))) ) {
    sigma <- rep(1,nrow(Y)) %o% rep(sigma,length.out=ncol(Y)) 
  if( !isTRUE(all.equal(dim(dl),dim(Y))) ) {
    dl <- rep(1,nrow(Y)) %o% rep(dl,length.out=ncol(Y)) 
  if( !all(is.na(digits)) ) {
    if( !isTRUE(all.equal(dim(digits),dim(Y)))) {
      digits <- rep(1,nrow(Y)) %o% rep(digits,length.out=ncol(Y)) 
    if( !isTRUE(all.equal(dim(obsScale),dim(Y)))) {
      obsScale <- rep(1,nrow(Y)) %o% rep(obsScale,length.out=ncol(Y)) 
  Z <- unclass(Y)+gsi.mystructure(rnorm(length(sigma),0,sigma),dim=dim(sigma))
  if( ! all(is.na(digits)) ) {
    Z <- round(Z/obsScale,digits)*obsScale
  Zc <- ifelse(Z<dl,0,Z)
  to <- totals(rplus(Zc))
  Zc <- gsi.recodeM2C(Zc,
         "acomp"=gsi.mystructure(Zc/to,class="acomp",detectionlimit=dl/to,sigma=sigma/to,obs=if(keepObs) Z/to),
         "aplus"=gsi.mystructure(Zc,class="acomp",detectionlimit=dl,sigma=sigma,obs=if(keepObs) Z),
         "rcomp"=gsi.mystructure(Zc/to,class="rcomp",detectionlimit=dl/to,sigma=sigma/to,obs=if(keepObs) Z/to),
         "rplus"=gsi.mystructure(Zc,class="rplus",detectionlimit=dl,sigma=sigma,obs=if(keepObs) Z)

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