
Defines functions lambdaTCopula dtCopula ptCopula pmvtAlgo rtCopula getdf as.df.fixed tCopula

Documented in tCopula

## Copyright (C) 2012 Marius Hofert, Ivan Kojadinovic, Martin Maechler, and Jun Yan
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

## DONE: allow "param = NA" --
##  2) npar.ellip(dim, dispstr) |-->  "dimension" (length) of rho-part of param
##  --> TODO: use it ---> define a generic  nparam(.) {with methods for all copula}
### TODO:  {also for "normalCopula"}
##  3) validity should check  pos.definiteness for "un"structured (maybe "toeplitz"

##' @title Constructor of tCopula
##' @param param numeric vector of dispersion parameters (df excluded)
##' @param dim integer dimension
##' @param dispstr dispersion structure ("ex", "ar1", "toep", or "un")
##' @param df numeric, degrees of freedom
##' @param df.fixed logical, TRUE = df fixed
##' @return an object of tCopula
tCopula <- function(param = NA_real_, dim = 2L, dispstr = "ex",
		    df = 4, df.fixed = FALSE, df.min = 0.01)
    dim <- as.integer(dim)
    if(!is.numeric(param)) storage.mode(param) <- "double" # for NA, keeping attributes!
    stopifnot((pdim <- length(param)) >= 1) ## 'param' == rho here; 'df' is extra!
    if(pdim == 1 && is.na(param)) ## extend it (rho only!)
	pdim <- length(param <- rep(param, length.out = npar.ellip(dim, dispstr)))
    parameters <- c(param, df) ## df is another parameter __at end__
    param.names <- c(paste("rho", seq_len(pdim), sep="."), "df")
    param.lowbnd <- c(lowbnd.rho.ellip(dim, dispstr, pdim), df.min)
    param.upbnd	 <- c(rep.int( 1, pdim),                     Inf)
    attr(parameters, "fixed") <- c(!isFreeP(param), df.fixed)

    new("tCopula", # validRho() in ./Classes.R checks 'dispstr' and more:
	dispstr = dispstr,
	dimension = dim,
	parameters = parameters,
	## df = df, # (no longer)
	df.fixed = df.fixed, # redundant; useful for quick access
	param.names = param.names,
	param.lowbnd = param.lowbnd,
	param.upbnd = param.upbnd,
	fullname = "<deprecated slot>",#paste("t copula family", if(df.fixed) paste("df fixed at", df)),
	getRho = function(obj) {
	    par <- obj@parameters

### Used for tCopula *and* tevCopula
##' @title Coerce to a Copula with fixed df
##' @param copula a copula object with a "df.fixed" slot
##' @param classDef class definition from getClass
##' @return a copula with df.fixed = TRUE
##' @author MH/MM?
as.df.fixed <- function(copula, classDef = getClass(class(copula))) {
    if (copula@df.fixed) return(copula)
    stopifnot(extends(classDef, "tCopula") || extends(classDef, "tevCopula"))
    if (!is.null(fixed <- attr(copula@parameters, "fixed"))) {
        ## for tCopula with "fixed" attr in @parameters
        fixed[length(fixed)] <- TRUE
    } else {
        fixed <- c(rep(FALSE, length(copula@parameters) - 1L), TRUE)
    attr(copula@parameters, "fixed") <- fixed
    copula@df.fixed <- TRUE

##' @title Get the df parameter of a t/tev copula
##' @param object a copula object
##' @return the df of copula
##' @author Jun Yan
getdf <- function(object) object@parameters[[length(object@parameters)]]

## ##' @title Set the df parameter of a t/tev copula
## ##' @param object a copula object
## ##' @param df the df value to be set
## ##' @return a copula object with df set
## ##' @author Jun Yan
## `setdf<-` <- function(object, value) {
##     stopifnot(is.numeric(value), length(value) == 1, value > 0, value < Inf)
##     object@df <- value
##     if (!is.null(fixed <- attr(object@parameters, "fixed"))) {
##         object@parameters[length(object@parameters)] <- value
##     } else { ## old version
##         fixed <- c(rep(FALSE, length(object@parameters)), object@df.fixed)
##         if (object@df.fixed) {
##             object@parameters <- c(object@parameters, value)
##             object@param.names  <- c(object@param.names, "df")
##             object@param.lowbnd <- c(object@param.lowbnd, 1e-6)
##             object@param.upbnd  <- c(object@param.upbnd, Inf)
##         } else object@parameters[length(object@parameters)] <- value
##         attr(object@parameters, "fixed") <- fixed
##     }
##     object
## }

rtCopula <- function(n, copula) {
  df <- getdf(copula)
  pt(rmvt(n, sigma = getSigma(copula), df = df), df = df)

pmvtAlgo <- function(dim, x, ...) {
    if(dim <= 3 && !anyNA(x) && (!any(xI <- x == Inf) || all(xI)))

ptCopula <- function(u, copula, algorithm = NULL, keepAttr=FALSE, ...)
  dim <- copula@dimension
  i.lower <- rep.int(-Inf, dim)
  sigma <- getSigma(copula)
  df <- getdf(copula)
  if(!(df==Inf || df == as.integer(df)))
      stop("'df' is not integer (or Inf); therefore, pCopula() cannot be computed yet")
  ## more checks now  pCopula() *generic*
  apply(qt(u, df = df), 1, function(x)
      if(anyNA(x)) NA_real_
      else { # algorithm depending on 'x' ..
              algorithm <- pmvtAlgo(dim, x=x, ...)
          pmvt(lower = i.lower, upper = x, sigma=sigma, df=df,
               algorithm=algorithm, keepAttr=keepAttr, ...)

dtCopula <- function(u, copula, log = FALSE, ...) {
  dim <- copula@dimension
  sigma <- getSigma(copula)
  df <- getdf(copula)
  ## more checks now  dCopula() *generic*
  r <- rep(NA_real_, nrow(u))
  ok <- u.in.01(u)
  if(any(ok)) { # <- needed for R <= 3.4.0, and e.g., u = c(1,0,..,0,0)
      x <- qt(u[ok, , drop=FALSE], df)
      ## work in log-scale [less over-/under-flow, then (maybe) transform]:
      r[ok] <- dmvt(x, delta = rep.int(0, dim), sigma = sigma, df = df, log = TRUE) -
	  rowSums(dt(x, df = df, log=TRUE))
  if(log) r else exp(r)

## as long we think we need print.copula(), we also need this:
print.tCopula <- printEllipCopula
setMethod("show", signature("tCopula"), function(object) printEllipCopula(object))

lambdaTCopula <- function(copula)
  ## McNeil, Frey, Embrechts (p. 211, 2005)
    df <- getdf(copula)
    rho <- copula@getRho(copula)
    if(is.infinite(df)) {
    } else {
        res <- 2 * pt(- sqrt((df + 1) * (1 - rho) / (1 + rho)), df=df + 1)
        c(lower = res, upper = res)

setMethod("rCopula", signature("numeric", "tCopula"), rtCopula)

setMethod("pCopula", signature("matrix", "tCopula"), ptCopula)
setMethod("dCopula", signature("matrix", "tCopula"), dtCopula)
## pCopula() and dCopula() *generic* already deal with non-matrix case!
## setMethod("pCopula", signature("numeric", "tCopula"),ptCopula)
## setMethod("dCopula", signature("numeric", "tCopula"),dtCopula)

setMethod("tau", "tCopula",
          function(copula, ...) 2 * asin(copula@getRho(copula)) / pi)

setMethod("lambda", signature("tCopula"), lambdaTCopula)

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copula documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:48 p.m.