### This file contains the functions needed for building the rule library from D.
### 1. number2binary(number, noBits) - not exported
### 2. getSamplesCovered(D,rule) - not exported
### 3. makeExhaustiveRM(D,n) - not exported
### 4. getNextRM(rm,n) - not exported
### 5. makeRSCoverageMat(D,rs.mat) - not exported
### 6. orderAndTrim(D, freq.thresh) - not exported
### Exported functions:
### 7. buildRuleLibrary(D,rule.thresh,min.epr)
### 8. getRulesAsStrings(rm)
# 1) represent number as binary vector of fixed length
number2binary = function(number, num.bits) {
if(num.bits > 32){
stop('num.bits cannot be greater than 32')
if(number == 0) return(rep(0,num.bits))
binary_vector = rev(as.numeric(intToBits(number))) ### binary vector of length 32
min.bits.required <- max(which(binary_vector[32:1]==1))
if(num.bits < min.bits.required){
stop('insufficient number of bits')
return(binary_vector[-(1:(length(binary_vector) - num.bits))])
# 2) Returns a binary vector indicating if each sample is covered by the rule.
getSamplesCovered <- function(D,rule){
### If it is null rule then all samples are covered
if(sum(rule)==0) return(rep(1,ncol(D)))
### If not null rule, only one gene in rule:
if(length(which(rule==1))==1) return(D[which(rule==1),])
covered <- apply(D[which(rule==1),],2,prod)
# 3) Make rule mat for D that consists of all rules
# containing first n events of D (2^n - 1)
# output is rm, which is a binary rule matrix
makeExhaustiveRM <- function(D,n){
N <- nrow(D)
rm <- matrix(NA,nrow=2^n,ncol=n)
for(j in 1:nrow(rm)) rm[j,] <- number2binary(j-1,n)
rm <- cbind(rm,matrix(0,nrow=nrow(rm),ncol=N-n))
colnames(rm) <- rownames(D)
rm <- rm[2:nrow(rm),] ### the zero rule is excluded
rownames(rm) <- paste0("r",1:nrow(rm))
# 4) add n+1 event to rm
getNextRM <- function(rm,n){ <- c(rep(0,nrow(rm)),rep(1,nrow(rm)))
next.rm <- rbind(rm,rm)
next.rm[,n+1] <-
### add rule that is only new event
rule <- rep(0,ncol(rm)); rule[n+1] <- 1
rm <- rbind(next.rm,rule)
# 5) This function returns a k x N coverage matrix indicating which rules each sample
# is covered by. A rule set is represented as a k x N matrix, so that the full rm is not necessary.
makeRSCoverageMat <- function(D,rs.mat){
### The following if statement checks if the rule set is of size 1
if(ncol(as.matrix(rs.mat))==1) return(getSamplesCovered(D,rs.mat))
cov.mat <- t(apply(rs.mat,1,function(x)getSamplesCovered(D,x)))
# 6) order D by frequency and exclude events below frequency threshold
orderAndTrim <- function(D,freq.thresh){
freqs <- apply(D,1,sum)/ncol(D)
idc <- which(freqs>=freq.thresh)
if(length(idc)<=1) stop('Error 1 or 0 events above thresh')
D <- D[which(freqs>=freq.thresh),]
freqs <- apply(D,1,sum)/ncol(D)
D <- D[order(freqs,decreasing=TRUE),]
# 7)
#' @title Make full rule library of all rules that satisfy minimum coverage threshold.
#' @param D Binary matrix of N events and M samples
#' @param rule.thresh Minimum fraction of rules covered. Default is .03
#' @param min.epr minimum events per rule. Default is 2.
#' @examples
#' library(crso)
#' data(skcm)
#' list2env(skcm.list,envir=globalenv())
#' rm.full <- buildRuleLibrary(D,rule.thresh = 0.05) # build rule library
#' dim(rm.full) # Should be matrix with dimension 60 x 71
#' @export
buildRuleLibrary <- function(D,rule.thresh,min.epr){
### rule.thresh is fraction of samples covered, e.g., .05
if(missing(min.epr)) min.epr <- 2
if(missing(rule.thresh)) rule.thresh <- .03
### First thing we need to make sure every event satisfies rule.thresh
### If an event does not satisfy rule thresh it cannot be in any rule that does
original.D <- D
D <- orderAndTrim(original.D,rule.thresh)
if(identical(D,-1)) stop('no eligible rules')
if(nrow(D)<=2) stop('no eligible rules')
D <- D[nrow(D):1,] ### For computational efficiency we consider events according to decreasing frequency
max.n <- nrow(D)
### Make rm of first 2 events
rm <- makeExhaustiveRM(D,2)
all.cov.mat <- makeRSCoverageMat(D,rm)
valid.idc <- which(rowMeans(all.cov.mat)>=rule.thresh) ### we know at least 2 rules satisfy this (the ones that contain 1 event each)
n.rules <- length(valid.idc)
rm <- rm[valid.idc,]
prev.cov.mat <- all.cov.mat[valid.idc,]
### n.rules and prev.cov.mat are used to make this faster
for(n in 3:(max.n)){
rm <- getNextRM(rm,n-1)
new.rm <- rm[c((n.rules+1):nrow(rm)),]
new.cov.mat <- makeRSCoverageMat(D,new.rm)
all.cov.mat <- rbind(prev.cov.mat,new.cov.mat)
#all.cov.mat <- makeRSCoverageMat(D,rm)
valid.idc <- which(rowMeans(all.cov.mat)>=rule.thresh)
n.rules <- length(valid.idc)
rm <- rm[valid.idc,]
prev.cov.mat <- all.cov.mat[valid.idc,]
} <- nrow(original.D)
rm.add.on <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(rm),
add.on.names <- setdiff(rownames(original.D),rownames(D))
rm.full <- cbind(rm,rm.add.on)
colnames(rm.full) <- c(colnames(rm),add.on.names)
### Need the ordering of rm.full columns to match the order of original.D rows
rm.full <- rm.full[,rownames(original.D)]
if (!identical(rownames(original.D),colnames(rm.full))) stop('Names mismatch')
### Need rules with between min.epr and max.epr events
events.per.rule <- rowSums(rm.full)
idc <- which(events.per.rule >= min.epr)
if(length(idc)<=1)stop('no eligible rules')
rm.full <- rm.full[idc,]
### Order rm according to coverage
rm.full <- rm.full[order(rowSums(makeRSCoverageMat(original.D,rm.full)),decreasing = T),]
rownames(rm.full) <- paste0("r",1:nrow(rm.full))
# 8)
#' @title Represent binary rule matrix as strings
#' @param rm binary rule matrix
#' @return vector or rules represented as strings
#' @examples
#' library(crso)
#' data(skcm)
#' list2env(skcm.list,envir=globalenv())
#' rm.full <- buildRuleLibrary(D,rule.thresh = 0.1) # Small rule library matrix, dimension: 5 x 71
#' getRulesAsStrings(rm.full)
#' # output should be: "BRAF-M.CDKN2A-MD" "CDKN2A-MD.NRAS-M"
#' @export
getRulesAsStrings <- function(rm){
return(paste0(sort(names(which(rm==1))),collapse = "."))
rm.strings <- rep(NA,nrow(rm))
names(rm.strings) <- rownames(rm)
for(j in 1:length(rm.strings)){
rm.strings[j] <- paste0(sort(names(which(rm[j,]==1))),collapse = ".")
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