### This file will contain functions for making GCRs, GCDs and GCEs
### 1. oneSubCoreIteration(D,Q,rm,tpl,til,subset.size,num.evaluated)
### 2. makeSubCoreList(D,Q,rm,tpl,til,num.subsets,num.evaluated) - Exported
### 3. makeConfLevel(conf)
### 4. getGCRs(list.subsets.cores) - Exported
### 5. getDuosOneRule(rule)
### 6. getDuos(rules) # Get unique duos from multiple rules
### 7. getGCDs(list.subsets.cores) - Exported
### 8. getRuleEvents(rule)
### 9. getGCEs(list.subsets.cores) - Exported
# subset.size <- 0.8
# idc <-,floor(ncol(D)*subset.size),replace = FALSE)
# D.sub <- D[,idc]
# Q.sub <- Q[,idc]
# <- makeRSCoverageMat(D.sub,rm)
# <- getSubBestRsIdcList(D.sub,Q.sub,rm.imp,tpl,til,num.evaluated)
### 1.
#' @importFrom stats runif
oneSubCoreIteration <- function(D,Q,rm,til,subset.size,num.evaluated){
# if(missing(subset.size)) subset.size <- 0.8
# if(missing(num.evaluated)) num.evaluated <- 100
idc <-,floor(ncol(D)*subset.size),replace = FALSE)
D.sub <- D[,idc]
Q.sub <- Q[,idc] <- makeRSCoverageMat(D.sub,rm) <- vector("list",length=length(til))
names( <- names(til)
K <- 1[[K]] <- which.max(getSingleRuleWs(D.sub,rm,Q.sub))
mini.beg <- Sys.time()
for(K in 2:length(til)){
im <- til[[K]]
if(nrow(t(im))!=1) im <- im[1:min(nrow(im),num.evaluated),]
if(nrow(t(im))==1) im <- as.matrix(t(im))
perfs <- evaluateIM(D.sub,rm,,im,Q.sub)[[K]] <- im[which.max(perfs),]
core.cov.thresh <- runif(1,min=85,max=98)
core.perf.thresh <- runif(1,min=80,max=95)
### Get best perfs and best covs
best.sub.perfs <- rep(NA,length=length(
best.sub.covs <- best.sub.perfs
for(K in 1:length({
rs.idc <-[[K]]
best.sub.perfs[K] <- getWofRS(D.sub,rm,,rs.idc,Q.sub)
if(K==1) best.sub.covs[K] <- mean([rs.idc,])
if(K>1) best.sub.covs[K] <- mean(colSums([rs.idc,])>0)
best.perf.percents <- 100*best.sub.perfs/max(best.sub.perfs)
best.covs.percents <- 100*best.sub.covs/max(best.sub.covs)
### Determine core K
core.idc <- which(best.covs.percents>=core.cov.thresh)
core.idc <- intersect(core.idc,which(best.perf.percents>=core.perf.thresh))
core.K <- min(core.idc)
if(length(core.idc)==0) {
#print("no K satisfies core")
core.K <- length(best.sub.perfs)
sub.core.rules <- getRulesAsStrings(rm[[[core.K]],])
### 2.
#' @title Get list of core rules from random subsets of samples
#' @param D input matrix D
#' @param Q input matrix Q
#' @param rm binary rule matrix
#' @param til list of top rule set index matrices
#' @param num.subsets number of subset iterations, default is 100
#' @param num.evaluated number of top rs considered per k per iteration, default is 1000
#' @param shouldPrint Print progress updates? Default is TRUE
#' @examples
#' library(crso)
#' data(skcm)
#' list2env(skcm.list,envir=globalenv())
#' Q <- log10(P)
#' rm.full <- buildRuleLibrary(D,rule.thresh = 0.05) # Rule library matrix, dimension: 60 x 71
#' til.p2 <- makePhaseTwoImList(D,Q,rm.full,k.max = 3,
#' pool.sizes=c(60,20,20),max.stored=100,shouldPrint = FALSE)
#' subcore.list <- makeSubCoreList(D,Q,rm.full,til.p2,num.subsets=3,num.evaluated=50)
#' @export
makeSubCoreList <- function(D,Q,rm,til,num.subsets,num.evaluated,shouldPrint){
if(missing(num.subsets)) num.subsets <- 100
if(missing(num.evaluated)) num.evaluated <- 1000
if(missing(shouldPrint)) shouldPrint <- TRUE
subset.size <- 0.8
k.max <- length(til)
list.subsets.cores <- vector("list",length=num.subsets)
beg <- Sys.time()
for(j in 1:num.subsets){
list.subsets.cores[[j]] <- oneSubCoreIteration(D,Q,rm,til,subset.size,num.evaluated)
if(shouldPrint) print(paste0("Subset Core Iteration = ",j))
if(shouldPrint) print(Sys.time()-beg)
### 3. Decide confidence level thresholds in here
makeConfLevel <- function(conf){
med.thresh <- 40
high.thresh <- 80
conf.level <- rep("Low",length(conf))
conf.level[which(conf>=med.thresh)] <- "Medium"#paste0("Intermediate: [",med.thresh,", ",high.thresh,")")
conf.level[which(conf>=high.thresh)] <- "High"#paste0("High: >= ",high.thresh)
### 4
#' @title Get Generalized Core Rules
#' @param list.subset.cores list of subset cores
#' @examples
#' list.subset.cores <- list(c("A.B.C","D.E","A.D"),c("A.C","B.C.D","D.E"),
#' c("A.B.C","D.E"),c("A.B.C","D.E","B.C.D"))
#' getGCRs(list.subset.cores) # Confidence column should be 100, 75, 50, 25, 25
#' @export
getGCRs <- function(list.subset.cores){
conf <- 100*sort(table(unlist(list.subset.cores)))/length(list.subset.cores) ### gen core confidence level
conf.level <- makeConfLevel(conf)
rules <- names(conf) ### gen core rules
### Make df.r (r for rules)
df.r <- data.frame(GCR=rules,Confidence=as.numeric(conf),Confidence.Level=conf.level)
df.r$GCR <- factor(df.r$GCR, levels = df.r$GCR[order(df.r$Confidence)])
df.r <- df.r[nrow(df.r):1,]
### 5. Get duos
getDuosOneRule <- function(rule){
all.duos <- c()
events <- strsplit(rule,"\\.")[[1]]
if(length(events)==2) all.duos <- c(all.duos, paste0(events[1],".",events[2]))
duos.mat <- t(combn(events,2))
for(j in 1:nrow(duos.mat)) all.duos <- c(all.duos,paste0(duos.mat[j,],collapse = "."))
all.duos <- sort(all.duos)
### 6. Get unique duos from multiple rules
getDuos <- function(rules){
all.duos <- c()
for(j in 1:length(rules)){
rule <- rules[j]
all.duos <- c(all.duos,getDuosOneRule(rule))
all.duos <- sort(unique(all.duos))
### 7.
#' @title Get Generalized Core Duos
#' @param list.subset.cores list of subset cores
#' @examples
#' list.subset.cores <- list(c("A.B.C","D.E","A.D"),c("A.C","B.C.D","D.E"),
#' c("A.B.C","D.E"),c("A.B.C","D.E","B.C.D"))
#' getGCDs(list.subset.cores) # Confidence column should be 100, 100, 100, 75, 50, 25, 25
#' @export
getGCDs <- function(list.subset.cores){
list.subset.duos <- list.subset.cores
for(j in 1:length(list.subset.duos)) list.subset.duos[[j]] <- getDuos(list.subset.cores[[j]])
temp <- getGCRs(list.subset.duos)
colnames(temp)[1] <- "GCD"
### 8.
getRuleEvents <- function(rule) strsplit(rule,"\\.")[[1]]
### 9.
#' @title Get Generalized Core Events
#' @param list.subset.cores list of subset cores
#' @examples
#' list.subset.cores <- list(c("A.B.C","D.E","A.D"),
#' c("A.C","B.C.D","D.E"),c("A.B.C","D.E"),c("A.B.C","D.E","B.C.D"))
#' getGCEs(list.subset.cores) # Confidence column should be 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
#' @export
getGCEs <- function(list.subset.cores){ <- list.subset.cores
for(j in 1:length(list.subset.cores))[[j]] <- unique(as.character(unlist(sapply(list.subset.cores[[j]],getRuleEvents))))
temp <- getGCRs(
colnames(temp)[1] <- "GCE"
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