
Defines functions anti.alias ridges.UD ridges2.UD

# second attempt
ridges2.UD <- function(object,level.UD=0.95,precision=1/8,...)
  tol <- .Machine$double.eps^precision
  VOTE.MIN <- 2

  PDF <- object$PDF
  PDF <- log(PDF) # log transform for more accurate derivative estimation

  dx <- object$dr['x']
  dy <- object$dr['y']
  dx2 <- dx^2
  dy2 <- dy^2
  dr2 <- dx^2+dy^2
  dxdydr2 <- dx*dy/dr2

  DIM <- dim(PDF)
  VOTE <- array(0,DIM)

  X <- object$r$x
  Y <- object$r$y
  dR <- c(dx,dy)

  if(all(c('grad','hess') %in% names(object)))
    GRAD <- object$grad
    HESS <- object$hess
    # gradient information (under log)
    GRAD <- array(0,c(DIM,2)) # akima won't tolerate -Inf nor NA
    HESS <- array(0,c(DIM,2,2))

    ROWS <- 2:(nrow(PDF)-1)
    for(i in ROWS)
      COLS <- 2:(ncol(PDF)-1)
      for(j in COLS)
        SUB <- PDF[i+(-1):1,j+(-1):1]
        TEST <- all(SUB>-Inf)
        if(TEST) # non-zero density (under logarithm)
          DIFF <- DiffGrid(SUB,dx,dy,dx2,dy2,dr2,dxdydr2)
          # these are better estimates than from splines
          GRAD[i,j,] <- DIFF$GRAD # 1/p D.p # from log
          HESS[i,j,,] <- DIFF$HESS # 1/p D.D.p - 1/p^2 D.p D.p # from log
          HESS[i,j,,] <- HESS[i,j,,] + (GRAD[i,j,] %o% GRAD[i,j,]) # logarithm correction # now 1/p D.D.p
          # last part is unnecessary for modes, but for ridges this looks important
        } # end if non-zero density
      } # end col loop
    } # end row loop

  dim(HESS) <- c(DIM,4)
  HESS <- HESS[,,c(1,2,4)] # xx, xy, yy

  IND <- sort(object$CDF,decreasing=FALSE,index.return=TRUE)
  CDF <- IND$x
  i <- 0
  while(CDF[i+1]<=level.UD) { i <- i + 1 }
  IND <- IND$ix[1:i]
  IND <- arrayInd(IND,DIM) # [sort,(row,col)]

  # ridge coordinates
  RIDGE <- matrix(0,nrow(IND),2)
  # is a mode
  MODE <- array(FALSE,nrow(IND))
  # CURV <- array(0,nrow(IND))

  pixels <- function(dr,DIR)
    SIDE <- rbind(right=dr,left=dr,top=dr,bottom=dr)
    colnames(SIDE) <- c('x','y')

    # right solution
    dir <- DIR/sign(DIR[1])
    dir <- nant(dir,0)
    t <- ( +dx/2 - dr[1] ) / dir[1]
    SIDE['right',] <- dr + t*dir

    # left solution
    dir <- -dir
    t <- ( -dx/2 - dr[1] ) / dir[1]
    SIDE['left',] <- dr + t*dir

    # top solution
    dir <- DIR/sign(DIR[2])
    dir <- nant(dir,0)
    t <- ( +dy/2 - dr[2] ) / dir[2]
    SIDE['top',] <- dr + t*dir

    # bottom solution
    dir <- -dir
    t <- ( -dy/2 - dr[2] ) / dir[2]
    SIDE['bottom',] <- dr + t*dir

    SIDE <- t(t(SIDE)/dR*2)

    # first intersections
    PIX <- matrix(FALSE,3,3)

    { PIX[2,2] <- TRUE }
    { return(PIX) }

    if(abs(SIDE['left','y'])<1) { PIX[1,2] <- TRUE }
    else if(SIDE['left','y']==+1) { PIX[1,3] <- TRUE }
    else if(SIDE['left','y']==-1) { PIX[1,1] <- TRUE }

    if(abs(SIDE['right','y'])<1) { PIX[3,2] <- TRUE }
    else if(SIDE['right','y']==+1) { PIX[3,1] <- TRUE }
    else if(SIDE['right','y']==-1) { PIX[3,3] <- TRUE }

    if(abs(SIDE['bottom','x'])<1) { PIX[2,1] <- TRUE }
    if(abs(SIDE['top','x'])<1) { PIX[2,3] <- TRUE }

    # does cross the middle pixel
    if(!PIX[2,2] && sum(apply(PIX,1,any))>1 && sum(apply(PIX,2,any))) { PIX[2,2] <- TRUE }


  pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(style=3)
  for(i in 1:nrow(IND))
    if(any(IND[i,]==1) || any(IND[i,]==DIM)) { next }

    SUB.x <- IND[i,1]+(-1):1
    SUB.y <- IND[i,2]+(-1):1
    SUB <- PDF[SUB.x,SUB.y]

    M.TEST <- all(SUB[5] > SUB[-5]) # SUB[5] == P[i,j] # mode
    R.TEST <- min(SUB[-5]) < SUB[5] && SUB[5] <= max(SUB[-5]) # possible ridge

    if(!M.TEST && !R.TEST) { next }

    G <- GRAD[IND[i,1],IND[i,2],]
    H <- matrix(HESS[IND[i,1],IND[i,2],c(1,2,2,3)],2,2)
    EIGEN <- eigen(H)
    DIR <- EIGEN$vectors[,1]

    r <- c(X[IND[i,1]],Y[IND[i,2]])

    # first step without interpolation
      MODE[i] <- TRUE
      dr <- c(PDsolve(-H) %*% G)
      if(EIGEN$values[2]>=0) { next }

      # closest ridge point
      dr <- -c(G %*% EIGEN$vectors[,2])/EIGEN$values[2]
      dr <- dr * EIGEN$vectors[,2]
    if(any(abs(dr)>1.5*dR)) { next } # no ridge in vicinity

    PIX <- pixels(dr,DIR)
    VOTE[SUB.x,SUB.y] <- VOTE[SUB.x,SUB.y] + PIX
    # VOTE[IND[i,,drop=FALSE]] <- 1

    # store results
    r <- r + dr
    RIDGE[i,] <- r

    G <- G + H %*% dr
    # CURV[i] <- -EIGEN$values[2]/max(-EIGEN$values[1],0)

  } # end loop over IND

  colnames(RIDGE) <- c('x','y')

  ## connect ridge points from top to bottom ##
  # TODO !!! enforce minimum connection length - or make new branch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  LINE <- list()
  for(i in 1:nrow(RIDGE))
    if(MODE[i]>0) # start new ridge-line from mode
    { LINE[[length(LINE)+1]] <- RIDGE[i,,drop=FALSE] }
    else # point should connect to existing ridge-line
      r <- RIDGE[i,c('x','y')]
      DIST <- sapply(LINE,function(L){sum((r-tail(L,1))^2)})
      j <- which.min(DIST) # ridge-line to connect to

      # greedy search up tail end
      n <- nrow(LINE[[j]])
      DIST <- DIST[j]
      for(k in n:1)
        if(k==n) { next }
        D.NEXT <- sum((r-LINE[[j]][k,])^2)
          k <- k+1 # last point was best point
        DIST <- D.NEXT

      DIST <- abs(r-LINE[[j]][k,])
      if(any(DIST>2*dR)) # far from other points
      { LINE[[length(LINE)+1]] <- RIDGE[i,,drop=FALSE] }
      if(k==n) # connect to tail end
      { LINE[[j]] <- rbind(LINE[[j]],RIDGE[i,]) }
      else # branch off and make new ridge
      { LINE[[length(LINE)+1]] <- rbind(LINE[[j]][k,],RIDGE[i,]) }
    } # end connect point to existing ridge
  } # end connect ridge points

  ## connect end points into loops
  n <- length(LINE)
  LOOP <- list()

  if(n>1) # connect loops
    DIST2 <- array(Inf,c(n,n,2))
    for(i in 1%:%(n-1))
      for(j in (i+1)%:%n)
      { DIST2[i,j,] <- DIST2[j,i,] <- abs( tail(LINE[[i]],1) - tail(LINE[[j]],1) ) }
    DIST <- DIST2[,,1]^2+DIST2[,,2]^2

      IND <- which.min(DIST)
      IND <- arrayInd(IND,dim(DIST))

        m <- nrow(LINE[[IND[1]]])
        LOOP[[1+length(LOOP)]] <- rbind( LINE[[IND[2]]] , LINE[[IND[1]]][m:1,] )
        LINE <- LINE[-c(IND)]
        DIST2 <- DIST2[-c(IND),-c(IND),,drop=FALSE]
        DIST <- DIST[-c(IND),-c(IND),drop=FALSE]
      { break }
  } # end multiple ridges


  # LENGTH <- sapply(LINE,nrow)

  LINE <- lapply(LINE,function(L){new.telemetry(data.frame(cbind(L,t=1:nrow(L))))})


# first attempt (heavily revised)
ridges.UD <- function(object,...)
  # if(all(c('grad','hess') %nin% names(object))) { stop("Please run akde() with grad=TRUE") }

  PDF <- object$PDF
  PDF <- log(PDF) # log transform
  # COST <- array(Inf,dim(PDF))
  POINT <- array(0,dim(PDF))
  dx <- object$dr['x']
  dy <- object$dr['y']
  dx2 <- dx^2
  dy2 <- dy^2
  dr2 <- dx^2+dy^2
  dxdydr2 <- dx*dy/dr2

  ROWS <- 2:(nrow(PDF)-1)
  # ROWS <- 1:nrow(PDF)
  for(i in ROWS)
    COLS <- 2:(ncol(PDF)-1)
    # COLS <- 1:ncol(PDF)
    for(j in COLS)
      SUB <- PDF[i+(-1):1,j+(-1):1]
      TEST <- all(SUB>-Inf)
      # TEST <- PDF[i,j]>0
      if(TEST) # non-zero density (under logarithm)
        # GRAD <- object$grad[i,j,]
        # HESS <- object$hess[i,j,,]

        DIFF <- DiffGrid(SUB,dx,dy,dx2,dy2,dr2,dxdydr2)
        GRAD <- DIFF$GRAD # 1/p D.p # from log
        HESS <- DIFF$HESS # 1/p D.D.p - 1/p^2 D.p D.p # from log
        HESS <- HESS + (GRAD %o% GRAD) # logarithm correction # now 1/p D.D.p

        EIGEN <- eigen(HESS)
        if(EIGEN$values[2]<0) # most negative eigenvalue is negative # a ridge exists somewhere
          # COST[i,j] <- (GRAD %*% EIGEN$vectors[,2])^2 / EIGEN$values[2]
          # if(EIGEN$values[2]>0) { COST[i,j] <- COST[i,j] + EIGEN$values[1]/EIGEN$values[2] }

          # ridge constraint
          # (GRAD + HESS %*% DL ) %*% EIGEN$vectors[,1] == 0

          # 1. Lagrangian (minimal distance)
          # L == 1/2 * DL %*% DL - lambda * (GRAD + HESS %*% DL ) %*% EIGEN$vectors[,2]
          # 0 == DL - lambda * HESS %*% EIGEN$vectors[,2]
          # 0 == DL - lambda * EIGEN$values[2] * EIGEN$vectors[,2]
          # DL == lambda * EIGEN$values[2] * EIGEN$vectors[,2]

          # 2. climbing directly up to the ridge
          # DL == dl * EIGEN$vectors[,2]
          # GRAD %*% EIGEN$vectors[,2] + dl*(EIGEN$vectors[,2] %*% HESS %*% EIGEN$vectors[,2]) == 0
          # GRAD %*% EIGEN$vectors[,2] + EIGEN$values[2]*dl == 0

          dr <- -c(GRAD %*% EIGEN$vectors[,2])/EIGEN$values[2]
          dr <- dr * EIGEN$vectors[,2]

          # pixel displacement
          dij <- dr/c(dx,dy)
          ip <- i+dij[1]
          jp <- j+dij[2]

          # is point in an adjacent pixel or this pixel
            # point is in this pixel
              POINT <- anti.alias(ip,jp,POINT,1)

              # what pixels are next?
              u <- EIGEN$vectors[,1] # bi-direction of ridge
              u <- u/c(dx,dy) # now in units of pixels
              u <- u/sqrt(sum(u^2)) # one pixel length

              POINT <- anti.alias(ip+u[1],jp+u[2],POINT,1/2)
              POINT <- anti.alias(ip-u[1],jp-u[2],POINT,1/2)
            } # point is in this pixel
            else # point is in adjacent pixel
            { POINT <- anti.alias(ip,jp,POINT,1/8) }
          } # point is in nearby pixel
        } # end ridge exists
      } # end if non-zero density
    } # end col loop
  } # end row loop

  # CTMM <- object@CTMM
  # DOF <- DOF.mean(CTMM)
  # COST <- object$PDF * COST # cancel 1/p term
  # COST <- DOF* COST # now like grad^2/std.err^2 ~ F

  POINT <- POINT/(1+2/2+6/8)
  POINT[POINT>1] <- 1

anti.alias <- function(i,j,M,dM=1)
  I <- unique( c(floor(i),ceiling(i)) )
  J <- unique( c(floor(j),ceiling(j)) )

  I <- I[0<I & I<nrow(M)]
  J <- J[0<J & J<ncol(M)]

  dM <- array(dM,c(length(I),length(J)))

  if(!length(dM)) { return(M) }

    w <- abs(i-I[1])
    dM[1,] <- w*dM[1,]
    dM[2,] <- (1-w)*dM[2,]

    w <- abs(j-J[1])
    dM[,1] <- w*dM[,1]
    dM[,2] <- (1-w)*dM[,2]

  M[I,J] <- M[I,J] + dM

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