
Defines functions extract_focus_profile import_toxswa import_swash

Documented in import_swash import_toxswa

#' SWASH project exposure profile import
#' Read all TOXSWA files within a SWASH project directory.
#' @param swash_dir path to the SWASH project directory
#' @return a list of exposure profiles each with two columns (time and concentration)
#' @export
import_swash <- function(swash_dir){
  toxwa_file_regex <- "^\\d*\\.out$"
  f <- list.files(swash_dir,
                  pattern = toxwa_file_regex,
                  full.names = TRUE)

#' Read TOXSWA exposure profiles from out-files
#' Read several TOXSWA exposure profiles from out-files at their corresponding
#' paths given by'pathtofiles'.
#' @param pathtofiles paths to toxswa files that should be read
#' @param profileNames a vector of names to be used for the loaded toxswa files. if "NA" the filename without extension will be used
#' @export
#' @return list of exposure profiles each with two columns (time and concentration)
import_toxswa <- function(pathtofiles, profileNames = NA){
  if ( any(sapply(profileNames, is.na)) ) {
    profileNames <- basename(pathtofiles) %>%
  } else {
    profileNames <- profileNames
  profiles <- lapply(pathtofiles, extract_focus_profile)
  names(profiles) <- profileNames

  flag_null <- do.call(c, lapply(profiles, is.null))
  profiles <- profiles[!flag_null]

  profiles <- lapply(setNames(names(profiles), names(profiles)),
                       split_toxswa_exposure_profile(profiles[[x]], x)
  profiles <- flatten_list(profiles)

  profiles <- lapply(profiles, melt_focus_profiles)

  #trialnames <- rep_len(profileNames,2)
  profiles <- lapply(setNames(names(profiles),names(profiles)), function(i){
    profiles[[i]]["trial"] <- i


#' Extract a focus profile from a single .out file
#' Extract the relevant information (i.e. concentration time series) from a TOXSWA out-file.
#' @param file_name the name of the out-file from which the data is extracted
#' @param layer_string the TOXSWA layer whose data is extracted
#' @param substance_string the name of the substance
#' @return exposure profiles
#' @global V1 V2 V3 DateTime
#' @noRd
extract_focus_profile <- function(
    layer_string = "ConLiqWatLay",
    substance_string = ""
) {

  lin <- readLines(file_name, encoding = "UTF-8")

  isToxswa <- check_if_toxswa(lin)
  if ( !isToxswa ){
    message("file is not a toxswa file")

  is_supported_version <- check_if_toxswa_version(lin, supported_version = c("4","5.5.3"))
  if ( !is_supported_version ){
    message(paste0("Toxswa version is not supported. So far only version 4 and 5.5.3 are supported."))

  unit <- lin %>%
      paste0("\\* Unit for ", head(stringr::str_split(layer_string, "_")[[1]],1), " is")
    ) %>%
    stringr::str_split("[\\(\\)]") %>%
    unlist() %>%
    magrittr::extract(2) %>%
    stringr::str_trim() %>%
    stringr::str_replace_all("\\.", " ")

  lin %>%
    stringr::str_subset(stringr::str_c(layer_string, "_", substance_string)) %>%
    stringr::str_split(" +") %>%
    sapply(function(x) c(x[3:4], tail(x,1))) %>%
    t() %>%
    dplyr::as_tibble(.name_repair = ~paste0("V", seq_along(.))) %>%
      Layer_Specifier = as.character(V2),
      DateTime = as.character(V1) %>% lubridate::dmy_hm(),
      `Time` = units::set_units(
        (DateTime - DateTime[1]) / lubridate::ddays(1),
        mode = "standard"),
      Exposure = units::set_units(as.numeric(V3), unit, mode = "standard")
    ) %>%
      RunID =
        stringr::str_split(file_name, "[/\\\\]")[[1]] %>%
        tail(1) %>%
      .before = "DateTime"
    ) %>%
    dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c("RunID", "Layer_Specifier", "DateTime", "Time", "Exposure"))) %>%
    dplyr::rename_at("Exposure", ~ paste0("Concentration"))

#' Split a profile into a list if more then one substances was detected
#' @param profile the toxswa profile as a tibble
#' @return a tibble or a list of tibbles if more than one substance was identified
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' dat <- data.frame(RunID = 123,
#'   Layer_Specifier = rep(c("ConLiqWatLay_ai1","ConLiqWatLay_ai2"),10),
#'   Concentration = rlnorm(20,0,1)
#'   )
#'   split_toxswa_exposure_profile(dat)
split_toxswa_exposure_profile <- function(profile, runid=NA){

  # ai holds the name of the active ingredient for each point in the time series
  ai <- sub("^ConLiqWatLay_(.+)$","\\1",profile[["Layer_Specifier"]])

  if (length(unique(ai)) == 1 ){ # if only one ai return the profile

  } else if (length(unique(ai)) > 1){ # if more than one split the time series in a list
    if (is.na(runid)){
      runid_ <- profile[1,"RunID"]
    } else {
      runid_ <- runid
    out <- split(profile, profile[,"Layer_Specifier"])
    names(out) <- paste0(runid_,"_",unique(ai))

  } else {


#' Checks if the input contains the default TOXSWA keywords in the header
#' @param ln
#' @return TRUE if header matches the default TOXSWA header
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#'  ln <- c("TOXSWA REPORT: Header",
#'  "* Results from the TOXSWA model  (c) Alterra",
#'  "* FOCUS  TOXSWA version   : 4",
#'  "* TOXSWA model version    : 3.3.4",
#'  "* TOXSWA created on       : 02-Apr-2015")
#'  check_if_toxswa(ln)
check_if_toxswa <- function(ln){
  ln <- ln[1:20]
  strings_to_match <- c(
    "^\\* Results from the TOXSWA model\\s*\\(c\\)",
    "^\\* FOCUS\\s*TOXSWA version\\s*:",
    "^\\* TOXSWA model version\\s*:",
    "^\\* TOXSWA created on\\s*:"

  contains_strings <- do.call(c,lapply(strings_to_match, function(x) any(grepl(pattern=x, ln))))



#' Reduce the focus exposure profile
#' Reduce to a two column data.frame with first column indicating the time
#' and the second column the concentration
#' @param profile the profile data
#' @param time_col the name of the column with the time data
#' @param conc_col the name of the column with the concentration data
#' @return the reduced FOCUS profile
#' @noRd
melt_focus_profiles <- function(profile, time_col = "Time", conc_col =  "Concentration"){
  out <- profile %>%
    dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c(time_col,conc_col))) %>%
    units::drop_units() %>%

  names(out) <- c("time", "conc")

  myunits <- setNames(
    c(profile %>% dplyr::pull(time_col) %>% units::deparse_unit(),
      profile %>% dplyr::pull(conc_col) %>% units::deparse_unit()),
  attr(out, "units") <- myunits


#' Checks if the toxswa version is as specified
#' @param ln a vector of strings
#' @param supported_version a string of the version that is looked for
#' @return TRUE if version numbers match
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' ln <- c("* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------",
#' "* Results from the TOXSWA model  (c) Wageningen University & Research",
#' "* FOCUS  TOXSWA version   : 5.5.3",
#' "* TOXSWA model version    : 3.3.6",
#' "* TOXSWA created on       : 17-Dec-2017")
#' check_if_toxswa_version(ln, supported_version = "5.5.3")
#'  ln2 <- c("TOXSWA REPORT: Header",
#'  "* Results from the TOXSWA model  (c) Alterra",
#'  "* FOCUS  TOXSWA version   : 4",
#'  "* TOXSWA model version    : 3.3.4",
#'  "* TOXSWA created on       : 02-Apr-2015")
#' check_if_toxswa_version(ln2)
check_if_toxswa_version <- function(ln, supported_version = c("4", "5.5.3") ){
  regex_version <- "^\\*\\s+FOCUS\\s+TOXSWA\\s+version"
  Toxswa_version_line <- grep(regex_version, ln, value = TRUE)
  Toxswa_version <- sub(paste0(regex_version,"\\s+:\\s*(.*)$"),"\\1", Toxswa_version_line)
  Toxswa_version %in% supported_version

#' Flatten a list to first layer
#' @param lst the input list
#' @return a list
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' iris_list <- split(iris, iris$Species)
#' nested_list <- list(iris_list[1], list(iris_list[2], iris_list[3]))
#' nested_list
#' flatten_list(nested_list)
flatten_list <- function(lst) {
  flattened_list <- list()

  for (i in seq_along(lst)) {
    if ( !("list" %in% class(lst[[i]])) ) {
      flattened_list <- c(flattened_list, lst[i])
    } else {
      nested_list <- Recall(lst[[i]])
      flattened_list <- c(flattened_list, nested_list)

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